Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 06, 1894, Image 1

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    iiTIli 6xZBTTK.
4 ft'if,' iUOVA'.
Now tl.Bt Hie campaign in oomiog on
every subscriber of tins Gpzette sbonltl
provide himself or herself with a news
paper of more tbau local importance.
TheGnz-dteehop iu the plane to subscribe
Theniau who advertises, gets the cash.
Notice It.
for nil periodicals. Don't forget that the
fbzette needs all arrearages, even
lb. Utfb Christmas ccmcs but ouce a
M 1 h liKI.Y GAZkl I I.
I uesdeys and Fridays
OTIS I'ATTfcltHON Editor
A1 rS.Ifi pur yu:ir, ;1.2"i fur bix months, 75 r.ts.
f r J :s ' cc iiH'in nrt.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The EAGHLiE, " of Long Creek, Grant
Ounty, Oregon, im pubUriheri by the snine eom
pitny every Kriiiiiv morning, nil lined tiou
nr :', J'..' per vcfir. FWml vc rriping rittrr?, mMrens
fe.-K.Z3lT Xi. FJk.XxasaSSOST. Editor and
Maimer, Ijoiig Creek, Oregon, or "Uazurte,"
lii'i-n.K-r, Oregon.
rpl!!S PAPKU is kept on tile at K. 0. Puke's
t Aiiviti t iHKitf Atfeuey, l mm (w iHeriihiutti
hirnhuii;, San Fnuiuibuo, llulifornitt, where co
r.n'th lor rtdvdi'iiMiny can he intulo for it.
,i n;-.:;!!!,
Li Hi;; OfOU-li,
.Junius I'ruiri'e
Nve. ;r
H;i!-'ll"i'.n. Or.,
llHi'.iiltuii, Giant Co., Or,,
I'l-airi;' Cfry, Or.,
fitim.ii Citv, Of
I'iSi kiiek
Dii-.-vlUe. Or..
Jin! ii i,iv. Or . .
...11. A. Hnnsaker
I'lult lletiter
The liugle
l'OHt!HHSt r
, . . . OM'nr De Vnul
.. ... 11. C, rUrht
1'ob in ster
T. J. Carl
K. H. .Mr Mil ley
S. L 1'nrrinli
G. I'. Skelton
J. K. Snow
. F. I. McCulhmi
Aiiiei"!, or John hmngton
i'l-nilU'Mrii, or.,. .... Postmaster
.lo::nr Vernon, Grunt Co., Or., .... i'oKtinttter
.ihtvltv. or., Miss .Stella Kleti
Vos., vii'-iii: Co., Or ). V. Allen
i-; i i ; t Milt-, i ! r., Mrs, Andrew Aiihlmiitfh
;:,'.. i-r khvii Crueli, B. F. I levin ml
Li.ii'hUuN, Or I'tmLnnuler
Lime Kit!., Or U. M. Johnson
m.i l.fi'i'V J. II. ii teb
CiitK'i'u. oreyo-a Herbert HalIead
L-i'Mii. - Jun. Leueli
Ubiov Paofio Railway-Local card.
in. micil lnHved MeppiLt!! 9:41 p. in. dui'y
exiisufc Su'iiiiy
iit, " ar. at Willows Jc. p.m.
ti, " leaves '" a m.
i, " ar. at lleppner 5:Uj a, -p, datlj
fljcenf IVlondfiy.
Enst I'unii'.i, main 'line ar. at Arlington l:1!) , m.
Wort ' ' leavew " l:ia. m.
Wiut b'vi(U'-al fr-iu'w laV9 Arlington 8 S5
a. m., a tlvh'i t Th'S l- 1 les 1:1 p. m. 1j cni
passein,' r l-favrt-i Tn JJ.tiijiu: t:0) p. m. arr.v
at Por i laini at 7:t)j p in.
Iniieil btateH OIllcialM,
hac i.rrj- wl kiinlv
bm:i'Uir,y ol 1'i'uasury
BecjiH'iry of Ameriur. .
fcjei'naary of War
bu.-iMtary of Navy
Km iiihiLHr-lxoubial
Borymi'i ot Afa-rieuliurtt..
,..G rover (Tvnlnuil
Ad ai 8 evi'UHim
. t Wiitr Q Urolinin
Joiin (i. Carnal"
Hone, ftmuii
, .. D ininl S. ij.iinoiit
iLilaiy A. IU?rit3ii
.... Wiii-ou a. I(irt.-U
. . , . Itteh.n'ii 8. Ouiey
...J. ciusrii.ig .Ukimjii
State ol Oregon.
Heei'Htury ot Stain
Bupu Public lusLructiou.
HnnrfUie J itdgos
S. Peiinoyet
(i. W. Melinite
1'ltii. MtUMi;nan
Ii. 11. Muiilmy
i J. II. Miiehyll
'" (J. N.U.ilpU
Ringer Hmtiaiiu
' t W. a. Kliis
Frank 0. Raker
i F. A. .Uuore
VV, P. oord
( U. S. Bean
Seventh Judicial IJntnut.
tiwM't -tivhw . W. L. RiwMihw
p.-iwie.iitiiir Auornuy W.U. Wild n
Morrow Cmutj OlHeiaN.
I y J Ui two
Ulill)iHHll)ll(rS. .
J . .U. linksr.
,-ji:li-ol ftup't
..Henry lilaeknian
J. is. Ifrown
.. , Julius Kt'ttlny
.Geo. W. Vincent
J. VV. Mornm
Gnu. Ntjlilu.
VV. I. L .bi
It. 1.. haw
lrta IJrowu
V. L. utin
T. W. Ajar J i
Jllls J. U. Sira'MiB
ru.in.'ihiiHii ). E. KariiHWcirtli. M
IJciiltrntlial, Oti l'iltt..ir3on, J.dius lt.uthlj.
W. A. louuatou, J. L. Yeagar. .....
Knci.i Jei ; A; "l'n-
rr..iii , .'''
MarBlml J' W' aomu-
JuBlico of the Foaco F;,f
United States baml OiHeeiw.
.T W lwi....... "
L OBNDE, oa.
13 1? Wl'n-m
J. II UobbinB.
Dm ii Loilite No. ill K. of I'. inwtK ev
ery TiiHwiiuy eveiiin at 7.:tlt u'eloelt "
their t'HBlle Hull, National Hank liuilil
lim. bnj'.lli uillK hf.itle'r- liiillv I".
vit,.ii 1 1 1 hh.mhI. J N. Baowx. r. 1
V. V. CilAWFOilD, iy. il U. ii 3. tf
KAW1.1NS 1'OS'l', N I. SI.
(i. A. 11.
Jel at Lexington, Or., the last Satunlay ol
am-) tnout-h. All veterans are invilral to join
r. C. Hooa.
tii.:n. W . Smith.
tf tkimmauilei'
A A. KOBERTS, Real Estate, Insm
anee anil Collections. Office ih
Couucil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf.
Cattle branded and -ar marked as shown abov.
BuraeB V on rieht shonlder.
Mv cnttle ranu-e in Morrow and Umatilla conn
ti. 1 will pay JluB.Wf..r the arreat and con.
fiction of any person stealmK my BtocK.
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Taper
i.iy a s)pci:il arraneetneot with tbe
IMibiiMhers we are prepared to furnish
l' llKli to Bach of our readers a yoar's
.nliKvipti'iu to the popular mouthly
ariitnliiiral jimrual, the American
F.Ui.utijs, published ut Springfield and
Ulovtiluixl, Oly.
'1 liia oD'.m- ia made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
hi Kohni-ription aud one year in advanoe,
nod to any uew subscribers who will pay
one yea i iu niivauee. The American
(''akmkk enjoys a large national ciroula
H.iti, nut! ranus among the leading
iifc'i'ioiiltnriil papers. By this arrange
ment il COSTS YOU NOTHING tore
ceive the Amkuioan Farmer for one
year, II will lie to mr advantage to
oti il promptly. Sample copies can be
s en at our oilie.e.
'me Original
JL pnliliHhers, .ve are able to obtain a number
ol' ti above bonk, aud propose to-Inrniah a
Cojy to each ofonr subscribers.
'1 lie dictionary Is a necessity iu every home,
ecliool and business house. It lills a vacancy,
:iinl furnishes knowledge which no one hun
dred othyr volumes of the choicest books could
sui-ply Voungand old, educated and ignorant,
rieh and poor, should have it within reach, and
refer to it contents every day in the year.
As some have asked tf this is really the Orig
i,iul Websler's I lmbridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we liave learned direct from the
n Initihers the fact, that this 1b the very work
euniideie on whichabout forty of the best years
ot the author's life wore so well employed in
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
ttiMjt WO.IHIO words, htoltwltni fha.oaB.mot opoU
Ingr derivation and deliultion of same, and is
the regular standard size, containing about
.Urtt.tiuu uijuare inches of printed surface, and ia
bound in cloth half morocco and eheeu.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dicronary
First lo any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bacl
stamps marbled edges $i-oo.
Halt Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marDled edges, $1.50.
Full Sheep Dound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner
f'Jti&Xs the publishers limit the time and
number of books they will furnish at the low
trices, we advise all who desire to avail them
selves of i.his great opportunity to attend to it
it once.
Subscription price reduced as follows:
One Year (by mail) : : $6 00
Six Month " ; : 3 00
Three Months " : : , 1 50
One Month " : : 50
One Year (in Advance) : $1 00
The News 1b the only consistent c iairpion of
silver in the West, aud should be in every home
iu the West, and lu the hands of every miner
ind badness man In Colorado.
Send in your subscriptions at once.
Donvcr. Colo.
' V dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at
x hHt ih known as the
I'EK 1,(1110 FEET, KOI.'tiH,
10 00
17 50
I5.uu per l.liOi) feet, additional.
I . a. Hamilton! Man'er
Run Two Fast Trains Daily
Between St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Chicago,
Milwaukee and all points in Wisconsin malting
connection iu Chicago with all lines running
Eist and South.
Tickets sold and forage cheeked through to
all points in the United States and Canadian
For full information apply to your nearest
ticket agent or J A3. C. POND,
Gen. Pass. andTkt Agt, Milwaukee, Wis.
Webster s MM
llody-. Mountain News
"As old ar.
never excell
ed. " Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.
S immo ns
Liver Kegu--r
t t lator is the
ripfiPV0 Liver
AJOl'tGf and Kidney
medicine t o
which you
can pin your
CJ7 faith for a
r)7fj cure. A
JL I J Afl ,raiid laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act-j-x
77 ing directly
A"' C on the Liver
J. tll0 and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
" I have used yourSimmons Liver Regu
lator and. can conscienciouslv Hay it is the
king of all liver medicines, I consider It a
medicine chest in Itself. Geo. W. Jack
son, Tacoma, Washington.
tihis the Z Stamp ia red on wrapper.
San Francisco
And all points in California, via the lit. Whasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great htaliway through California to all
points Eaat and Sout h, tri-and Hcenic lloute
of the Pacific Ooaftt. Pullman Bnffot
Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers
Attached.to expreee trains, attorduig superior
accommodations for eecmd-clans pas3engure.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar repervationa,
Jto,. call upon or addreee
K. KOEHLEK, Manager, E. V. KOHKUS, Asst.
flen. F. & P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon.
, President. , CaKhier,
Made on Favorable Terms.
Free Medicine !
A Guillen Opportunity for Suffering
Physicians Give their Remedies to the People
00 YOU SUFFER ? S???S.
will send you FREE- OF CilAHJE a full course
of specially prepared remedies best united to
your case. We want your recommendation.
We can cure the most aggravated diseases of
both sexes. Our treatment Tor all diseases and
deformitiesare modern and scientific, acquired
by many year's experience, which enables us to
Guarantee a Cure. Do not despair.
N. B. We have the only positive cure for Ep
ilepsy (fits) aud Catarrh. References given.
Permanently located. Old established.
tutic, 719 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
The genius who invented the "Fifteen" puz
zle, "Pigs in Clover," and many others, has in
vented a brand new one, which Is going to be
the greatest on record. There is fun, instruc
tion and entertainment in it. The old and
learned will find as much mystery In It as the
young and unsophisticated. This great puzzle
s the property of the New York Press Club, for
whom it was invented by Samuel Loyd, the
great puzzleist, to be sold for the benefit of the
movement to erect a great home for newspaper
workers in New York. . Generous friends have
given $25,00(1 in prizes for the successful puzzle
solvers. TEN CKNTb sent to the "Press Club
Building and Chrrity Fund," Temple Court,
New York City, will get you the mystery by
return mall.
f Covered witha Tasteless and Soluble Coating.
are a marvellous
Antidote for Weak f
Stomach v
ed IHirei-
tlpatton Disorder J
ea -uiver,
etc. f f oand
S also to bo especially efficacious and remedial
rt ail rfniffirtHtH Price 2& eentfl a box.
Wow xorn uepot, or! ranai nr,. jc
. ... fU 10 1-BENT STAMPS
- . ' ' 'I'.'.ui.iti' price -V..i .lonr ao-
. ...i.i'jj luesi, If :eilvetl wiihln m
. - ; . f-'y-.'X davs will he for 1 year boldly
- . "-W- printed on Riiiiioed
A 5 Uitiew. only liiiei'L.ny
i2fv guaranteeliig IUS.O00
T customers ; fpun puh
6 llshem anil inuoof.ic
r.."-. V turent you'll receive
I I djvl r Probahly, thouhaodT ot
u , lv.liiHhle ho.)kl, puiifrH.
I Mwrn Banipien.uiiiKHZiiier'.etc.
All iree ana eiicu parce.
with oneofvourprlnled adflrefw lnholf
pasted thereon. IATBAI We wil,
also print and prepay ponure on ol
vour label addresses to you: Hbi:t
stick on vour envelopes, booke, en;., u
prevent iheir being lost. J. A. v . o r.
of Beiusville. N. c, writes : "ion
mvii cent adMreRln vour i iKlirn -ti.
la-eeti :rv I -e received my. yowlc
1- OpIq and over a.lOO I'ai i-r .l
Mv itdirr..er, vf..i s-
p. ,..,i. a pnlilisiicri. and mini.:! :
..... ' i iv'OL- 'I i'-.. i v i;: ' " 'I:
2fjr W'OltLD'S A IK DlKtfTfliiV CO.,
No. 147 r"ranliford and Oirard Aves. I'h!ldi l
phtft, Pa.
l Emperor V.'U Iam n i I.i't
i Ariist and Dete:
itn'nr; Chanrte
People who im:r;ixic tV.ut lii::. im
perial majesty Iupt ror V,'il'k:m ji:i:,:;t3
all his time in ehri;;tcnin:p !t:.",v-ooi'n
sons, meditutittfr ou the wick.'uneR ; of
Prince IJisnKtrck titnl quarrel i?vr with
Count Von "VaUler:-;ee are, iiceorvlin'rto
the Ponton (;lobe, very much mis
taken, lie likes his fun atul tukes it.
Tftcre in u certain music hall in P.er
lin where the emperor enjoys adven
tures worthy of Caliph llnroun Al
Raschid. Whether he is recognized or
not it is hard to say, as his majesty is
an adapt in the art of "making tip."
However, policemen, detectives and
others arc far too wise to t -press sus
picions in case they ki'.v.' : ot::e idea
they arc in the presence ' the lord of
Germany. They treat him as they
would treat any of the other fre
quenters of the hall.
It is confidently :;nid that the other
day, in the guise of a llehrcv peddler,
his majesty wandered through the
haunts of the dev.irh coicrtunity in
his capital and discussed v.--',h a unin
ber of worVhifT Ir.raoli1e; lit- .-tindition
of their race- ri his own di liriiou ar.d
the effect of the harsh r.-.e:,; uves re
cently promuiyated u."';i r:.i tlora in
On another occasion the e: ; r is
aid to have p-i.sse l i;;any h -iv.:-; ol' the
t)i;ht waiulerinfc ainnp'.'; t'ie rtrhiUinjf
booths e.ed by sniloi's a:ul c-jnnirm
soldiers, ar,':!!!!:" aiid invUiiy;- eritieiim
on the, life of n private in hir, crirsy or
an alde-bodie 1 i.ea.man in his navy.
All these things doubtless assist the
youn;r r:ov -rei;rn in his endenvor to net
as the father of his people; but oc
casionally the fact that lie is a yowif?
man bursts upon him, and he is apt to
join in viflforons dancing, and play lii;;;h
jinks generally, as enthusiastically as
the latest jack ashore.
Then, in the middle of a can-can or a
schoppen, comes the memory: "I ara
the kaiser," and his temporary boon
companions tire surprised to see l-ieir
new comrade suddenly dn;.y himself
up, turn on his heel and leave theplaee.
A iJor;Kar'n Jouri'.a'.
One of the strangest newspapers
published hero, writes a Paris corre
spondent in the Mew York Tribune, is
a daily journal, the circulation of
which is confined exe,lu:,ively to the
guild ofme.ndicints. The be;Tfrar.i of
Paris hare their labor union and labor
dues in the same way cs.cvery other
trade. Only a limited nur.ibcr of
hektograph copies of the journal, are
issued and are distributed arnon the
various .district headquarters of ;the
metropolis. It contains tips for all
sorts' of mendicants. ' There are com
plete lists of the baptisms, weddings
and funerals to..talm-i33n"A nnxJ?dn3rQ.
that the be.frgar who reads the paper
knows where to go if he wants to ply
his trade successfully. For the ad
vantage of beggar letter-writers a
special column of the journal is set
apart for noting the arrivals mid de
partures of persons of known chari
table tendencies. If the philant hropic
millionaire should be surprised on re
turning to Paris that pleas for as
sistance at once begin to pour in upon
him, he will be able to ascribe this
phenomenon to the kind ofiices of
the Peggers' Journal.
Why IJo "Cuned" tho Cat.
A short while ago a lady going up
the slope on Charles street to the Wash
ington monument was very much inter
ested in the performance of a black eat
which was hunting for a tender snar
row on which to make a brea'cl'a -t.
The cat proved to be a successful spe.'t.
lie bagged the game and ran across the
path between the lady and a pvntii
man approaching from the oppD.ate di
reetion. The gentleman was on his
way down town to business. Av'hon he
saw the cat he stopped short as il' he
had been shot, turned around three
times on his heel, said: "Dam that
cat," and hurried away from the spot.
The lady, who very well understood ail
the actions of the cat, was so surprised
by those of the gentleman that she be
came fixed to the spot. She could not
make it out until a black woman' in
formed her that it "was mighty bad
luck for a black cat to cross one's path,
especially on the way to business in
the morning." She also learned that
the way to break tho spell of ill luck
was to turn around three times aud
"cuss" the cat. Palfitaore Sun.
Willlnrt to Try.
Presence of mind and willingness are
good qualities in a servant. M. .Mar
tins' new valet pi sussed these quali
ties, though he certainly had his faults.
A day or two after Jiap;i:;te came M.
Martins inquired where be was.
"lie went out and has not returned,"
some one said.
Three d;:ys later llaptiste came back.
"Where have you been?" his em
ployer demanded.
".Monsieur. 1 had seen your house but
once," replied ISeptiste, "and it took
me all this time to Cud it again."
"That is a very poor excuse," said M.
Martins, sternly.
"Is it?"
"Certainly it is.'
llaptiste was disturbed, but he re
membered bii duty.
"Very well, monsieur," hesaid, bland
ly, "if you will step into the next rorjin
and wait a moment I will try to iiud
you another." Youth's Companion.
Only Three.
An honest mistake was that of a col
ored man in the south, whose former
master had allowed him the use of a
piece of land on condition that he. tbe
owner, should receive one-fourth of tho
When the corn was ripe, the laborer
haulei three loads to his own house,
and none to that of the white man.
Then he went innocently up to the
great house to return his landlord's
wagon which he had used ia the haul
ing. "Well, Frank, "-sa'd- the gentleman,
"whore's my share of the corn?"
"You ain't got none, sah," was the
sympathetic reply.
"Haven't got any! Why, wasn't I to
have a fourth of all you raised?"
"Yes, sah, but (ley wa'n't no fourth.
Dere wa'n't but jes' my three loads!"
Youth's Companion.
A. II. .NOTll'K.
We lake Ibis i ppm i unity of informing
nnr Hiibscribera liiat the new oommie
f piuer ol p. nsioi.a has beeu niiooiutp
tie is au old fl"liher, and wo teller.
' but soldiers and llitir heirs will re
eeive jtiblice al Ida hands. We da tiul
anticipate, that tbere will be any r.idiwv
cliaaneH iu the aduiiuintri.tiou of ponsiei
i:fi'airs under the new r.jime.
We would advise, however, that TJ. 8
soldiers, sailors and their hti.-s, takl
dept to make applioattou at otoe, il
ile-y have not already done ao, in orde
I lo secure the benettt o( the early filnm
'f I lie i r cIii'.iuh in cuse there aliottlil b
an' future pi libimi 1. islntioii. Snoli
icKiHlMiou is seldom retroactive. Ihera
foie it is of t reat i,npoi lanoe that ap
plioaiioun be filed in lite department a'
die earliest poaihle title.
If 'lie U. S NoMior,", sailors, or thei
ai lows, eliddreu or parents desiro in
I'oimatiou iu regard to pension matters,
they should write to the Press Claims
Company, lit Washington, D. J., aud
'bey will piepnre aud send the necesaan
application, if llie.v find them entitle!
uiidei the uwari'iffls bins euactoil to
'heir benefit. .VI. low
.ImM Wnouimauits, M-uiiiinf Altnt.
!). Wjwl.i-.u.a. 1) (.V, P. O. Box 3S.';
'I H r. WKSTF.HN I'lll)A(Jtllil'H.
Wa are in iceeipl of tie May tumihei
of our stale school paper. It, exceed
any of the former numb rs ir. vain .
Toe psp-r ti:i. tin nth contains man
new and vaiiinble foiduies. The ilhis
I ruled series on tiie schools of the slut,
i" itiir.niiicetl by a paper en tl.e frietul
t'olj leehnii' lssii'iue at 8 lieni, Oicaon
I hfs" pop'-rs eaimnt fail to be i f urea
value b fill to liie sciioolo mil to 111
'! Ixire urn i.lj-o anei-ul line artich i
by oiifc-.bifi'.r rs and ihe ib-pnitiui'iit.
"Cur ient Ev.c!iis,',,'y,i!iirday Xlnniifli.tJ.
"Kdi,ueatHUial XsertH" 'Tl.e Oruci.
Ansj.e.s, Corn. spotni. '.lis," ele , euol
oiiii Jin iiiueii valuable rending fm
leayliiTH or paietils. Tbe lnimizine
los aluiir 50 p:,i;.'S of matter, well
piij.td and nrraiiied. Vt'e prononiie.
ilii! ft'oKleni Pi daniKiie I he best tilnc.
tunii.! montiily mi lb,- c o si.
Everyone ot our ri a,;atB ahonli! inv
Jit 1 P f t I U
It 1 I t W II I
nt il. Wo will n-AMvc Piii'Kii'iui Oil
I 1 (It)
It I)
1 C I
t:aed Ilefoie the Jl.in ; of
Was UstnWh-lle.!.
t 1 11 1 f
Cl t il 1 t e
t 1 1 n t l tl 1 I 11
i t tl I
'1 1 u I tl
1 t I 1 ly 1
1 1 1 1 I t
t 11 t 1 111
111 i ill I
1 nil i t 1
i 1 t, 0 I 1 till,
was an acknowledgment, and oa tv.'n
other si.lei with the same sum is
Roman c'.iaraat-tr.t. Wh.in the trans
action wa i ostplsl '1. t!)0 tally record
ing it was split IcvrUiwise. so that
each section cmtaiaod a half of each
noteh and one of the written sides.
Una-half, called the tally or check, wa;.
given to the p:'i';.(m for whose service
it was inter.Jed; the other half, ealles!
tho counter tally, was ri'taine 1 in tin
exchequer until its e-'irre' .pending tall,1
should be brought in by the jKtrsoj
who had last given value, for it. I,
tints became a current token r;pre
sen ting ci.h. After th e ctttabl iidimenl
of the J Sank of I.'rghmd government
payment i were made through its
agency. Tho use of billies in tbe ex
chequer was abolished by statute -.
CcorgoIII. The old tallies were, by
act s -1 aud 5, William J V.. ordered to
be destroyed, and it was the burning
of them that caused the conflagration
by which the old houses of pari ii: men t
were d'-r"-". ''.-"I.
Coon harp players are least numerous
of all musical performers.
Tub ol lost flute in the world is made
of the thigh bone of a .beep and was
found in a tomb on the Nile.
Loud Il!:i:sciii;i.t., the great equity
lawyer, is passionately fond of music,
lie fs an e.'ipert performer on the vio
lineello and assists in concerted cham
ber music at his own residence in Lon
don. Tm:n!: was recently given in Den
mark a concert that may be regarded
as ab .ulutely unique as regards the in
struments used. The instruments in
cluded two horn:-, from the bronze age
which are believed to be at least twen
ty-five hundred years old.
Anour one-third of the houses in this
country arc lighted by gas.
8tat;mtk;.3 show that 23,010,000 in
habitant:) of tho United States are
maintained by agriculture, 15, (WO, 000
by commerce and 11,020,000 by manu
factures. Tii!;i:!; arc in this country 4,781,025
depo: itor.:. in savings banks, who have
ou deposit the enormous sum of 31,71:3.
Til'J.O::. mi average of SM8.20 to each
Tin; total number of white males in
the C tiited States from 5 to 20 years,
inclusive, is 0,;,)o.:i72; colored, 1,SS7,
828. Total number of white females of
same afe'e, 0,505:193; colored, 1,009,400.
Highest of all in Leavcnino; Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ma vs a "wawip' m kj s
ii Bar
ABSGyiL'jaf ww
The Latsst S'cyloa in Co.nn.3 and
Bobos for tho Dead.
An Estimate of t'uj Kvpens Attendant
Upon n Faih!o:vihlo I',:-ierul
Modern i:n:ir. :-: -iiats
in t'ndcri i.'. ::.;:
"I do not know of tr
In which such marveh:
taken place in cor vnr
as in that of tm l 'vl.'1
the leading men i th 5
porter for the .Mine
"Ten or a dozen -v : :-.
other bnr.lne.S3
- chaeges have
'veiy few years
ss'el one of
s: .;-:e:.s 1 1 a rc-;-.
di.; Tribune
;j u:i levtakers
made all their otva e:sli:'.s. They were
usually practical ee.bhi.et-mak":", aud
in addition to baryiar ni-.traf ieturcd
wood-work of all the finer li'mib, as
well as cofdns. Now tho business of
manufacturing coinns has g it Lito the
hands of a few big coaeer'is, which
have a practical monopoly. They have
their factories in tho lumber districts,
and if necessary could easily undersell
any man who would ue.clert:il;e t.i man
ufacture on a small scale. Undertakers
buy from them at wholesale rates, and
the arrangement is a proo'LeJile one for
both sides. Jinny of these fi-'ras carry
a stock of cofdns worth fifty thousand
dollars. They arc represented by drum
mers who, instead of carrying samples,
have books, elaborately ilbtsti ated with
cuts of tho different styles."
"Has this new arrangement reduced
the cost of burial?" the reporter asked.
"No. , On the other hand a funeral
costs more now than at any time within
a half century, at least," was tho reply.
"As long as people insist on using
wooden coffins a funeral will increase
rather than deereasa in cost. This is
duo to tho fact that Cno timber be
comes scarcer every year. Now, if peo
ple could bo induced to use the 'earth
to earth' casket iis would be' different.
This casket is made of raugh-rattan,'
through the open m ishes of Which tho
air has '. f rod access t j Xic rf"?lns,
.v.w.. .i -vy '.iH.,'i-.A ;.:.y l "
very fact that tho body quickly as
similates with tho earth is sulaeient to
make this style of coIIin unpopular.
"A man wiiila living nitty prefer cre
mation after death, but there is some
thing offensive in the thought of re
ducing the remains of a dead person to
ashes, which causes liveg friends to
shrink from this method of disposing of
tho dead. I suppose it is a somewhat
similar feeling which prevents them
from using the 'earth to esrl.h' casket.
This style of eolilii casts from fifty dol
lars up, according to the trimming
used. While it disappears quickly,
after being put under the ground, it is
strong and answers every practical pur
pose. "Embalming is also rapidly taking
the place of tho old-fashi mod iee-b:.
The modern process it a g.vaf improve
ment over the old-f:i:.hio::ed way of
keeping the dead, end easts but very
little more. Shortly after death a
quantity of colorless liquid is injected
into the arteries, and i:r.t ;:d of making
a corpse look more ghastly, ;i; lee did.
it improves the appearance by preserv
ing the natural espressiou and eslor
and by filling out the features in cases
of emaciation."
"Do you have ranch troubl" in col
lecting bills?" vus the reporter's next
"Well, we have some trouble. You
sec, it is just this way: people are op
posed to any thing like ('o.iomy, or,
more properly sp-spdag, "stall fiae is,' in
providing burial i'u- a if 'ad r dative or
friend. Some member
goes to an ua la-t d: sea:
rations for l- fan:-:'.:
pay the bill eilei'v.-ee
taker is told to i ia ev eey !
style, and th", b're;:
surprised at the tis ' i
believe that IV: na 1 -t :
swindle them, thiaaiu
dispute the char"'; a.t
quently refuse t piy.
tiling, people who p ty
an uud'Tst.m 1: a ! as I t
every thing bn'or.: c::t
rangements. In s .sue e
taker is able la e die d, fi
talc, but iu maay th . b
if the family
I "tak-'s pecni"
pr.iml.dag to
The uad.'U'
dag iu th-best
I family is
ha bill. They
as- is is", i.aa'to
I hey will not
t'sii they frc
A; ti g m a' ll
anit.ly hive
'.-aid east of
! t'.i l ;' t ie ar
, : ; tiie u;i 1 :r
:u a man's es
1 is a 1 jss to
"The cheap-" :t fun "
fant, will co ;t ni.t : d
can expend alci ist any
one funeral, f it i a .1 t'l
eral Grant, o .tin;; ove;
1. that of an in-lia'-;,
while you
,-aai y t w i it,
t i i', of (i : a-
r f oa.-:. -:a t'lou
tha i.i i .1 e:: r.Ti-
sand dollars. On of
sive features of a fun
poor quartette c i slitr
drod dollars. V fr
is added ta by g:7i:t ; i
:ra! is tile ma ,i :, a
r :'.'.; least on" hun-
' i ut.ly th" cost
I ic ..ti ii ,tcr a f ee.
If a man possess : I o, a 1 p-e ty dic3
without frienl i or r :! t'.ive ; i t this city
the public a V.n'ni ,!.r it or give; him a
funeral in a ccordan : ! with !ii 1 in :aa 1.
"Tho handle of aeon), h is much to
Awai'ijed Highest
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. ;o Ammonia, Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yean; the .Standard
0 0
ci nor
k ct w ra'itTi:
do with it t a;r '."::--". t'i-;32 th?re
are at least lice las ; : .1 di-ilei-cnt va
rieties, the latest :';,-'.: !:ng covered
with plush c- elat'a :,i::-.'.' :r t.) that used
on tho casket. Fane:'.:'. ,f'Si lsing lines
of carriages ar: n st: s y ::i r:h i:i vogue
now, the in siey bein e : : did oa the
coffin and the hcvoj. v.-tree it will
show to mire advantage. Day f unerala
are becoming more rare cM tho time,
tho evening being preferred, because
business men can atten d. ,
"Cloth-covered casket ; arc now more
generally used than, the raacwood ot
black-walnut eod-n v" vh vero so pap
ular for a time. The elat'i-cavored cas
kets are made of pine or ob cay, those for
young people beia-j ca.-ece 1 with light
colored cloth, or with various deiica-
shade ;. .." ' '-'y per
sons ;:' '!': v ;-' satin.
T!v " ' :. ..'.: ,.:-. : slee. Metal-
lie e ...i.: ... .. .d.si n eve ..t ica; than for-
m :rly, iae-,v!y used wiien the death
has occurred to contagious diseasoi
or i.i wavi;: climates, "
Povhapn It Is No Wonder That Peasanta
Sutl'cr from i.ai:u:io and 1'laffne.
The Russian peasant is like a c'nCd.
ignorant of the practical bearings ot
events, and utterly unable- s eope with
them. Yet ho never loses his faiia 2ii
Ood... During the famine, when the
peasantry were living, or rather.dying,
on bread made of pigweed, chaff and
other equally nutritious and more noi
some articles, they endured in submis
sion. "God's will is at, tho bottom of it,"
said they. "He gave and He takes away."
A writer in Temple Bar gives the fol
lowing illustration of their fatalism,
and tho excuses they invariably find for
, Cno day, a Taissian village official
was riding with mo in search of some
strayed horses.? the black soil wa like
dust, aud h,o sighed heavily as his mare
,sana!in tho light stuff. " - t - v
How can she find footi for Iter cihri&?'T .
t "Has it been so all summer?" I asked.
I "Not so, indeed. There was frost in
the spring, and men said 'frost and fair
weather.' Itut then came the dryness,
and though mass was said in the fields,
it went to nothing. And then we dug
up the drunkards"
"The what?"
"The drunkards, your honor. Often
it is that when tho drunkards are
pulled out of their graves, and Hung
into pools of water, that rain will come;
we know not why. Hut not only rain
came, but hail and fierce storms and
lire, and withered the little that was
grown. Then after that, dryness again,
and now," he shrugged his shoulders,
"the famine."
".Must there be famine?" I asked.
"Surely," he said, with a smile, "the
grain we have is soon eaten, and then
"Will no provision bo mado for the
"Who should make provision? Now
we can buy much and oat much; after
wards, well, tho little father will not
see us die!"
So depending on tho czar and public
charity, they rest content in making no
provision for the future.
MoMialt? l):s:rlVt 1,7 One Who
liii ov llim iu.im f.ely.
The bill of a raji;u'.t is a complex
Institution. It has a blunt fork at the
hea l and napp ircatly gi-ooced. Work
ing thr.o'.t r'a the groove in 1 pe ijoctitig
fro.11 the a t fb of the f r!t i s a laace of
perfect form, sharpened with a fine
bevel. IjcuJc it t'.i; tn ;t pjrfj jt lance
looks like a h.ia.l-stuv. 0 1 other side of
the lanea t vo s t-.v ; arc arcair:!, with
the point-, fine and sharp :n I the teeth
well reliacd an J let en. Tit; hxs'sa of
these s iw 1 play a r tin ;t th ) la-tee.
When the in ;'iito alir'iti with its
peculiar hum. its tint it; it, he in lance
and then e.il i- , th s a ) : "t tee with the
twosiw.5, whij'i play b : ;i 1 : the lance
until the fir'.t sl bill with it ; capillary
arrangement for pumping the blood
can be inserted. The s iwi.ig process is
what grates upon the n u-ves of the vic
tim and e ius'S him ,to strike wildly at
the sawyer.
ei- rim.
Si lienaiing, Pa.,
i.e.y tiiing ever
list has 110 trace
i as 1,0 boofM, but
id' the g nerully
(irrise ii) pcr.dix,
e 1. law s aud toes
William II
has foi:
li.al h.
seen iu that lo. aili v
of bind Pecs, auothi r
cla.vs i-iko Hie ) laci
Ulcus, 1. 1 iii'L'csiaii y
and 11, e I wo olio rs 1:
and pretty ui aily evciy ili.ng i Ise that
pigs can very handily gi l along with
Papers Tor mile, at ,ne (jnzutto rilliee nt
two bna u liuu lied.
IKiiiiors, World's Fair.