! .- V J Nur.tK to Auvmumus. J MiisEdonirliiK the liuerlluu 61 display mil i ..i um:iK-ui rumu, luuaigei tuwr uopy u! n, ii.osi umu .Mcmdaj evonliiK lut i .iiiiuii,or il.uis.uy evening .or tflWtti, eui. i.u. ink i-ArifcKwn-iiuS JJ! NOl'H'K. 1 lilt oiu of rive ceiili iwr line will b.. '. ...npsl fur "lUHilH in ' Mimnm, "iculniiui.i, ... I "KIM Ol IVl-.l.lltl,; l.lUftCULh mill am. ...lliltuy Ji.iMi:l-, luui;l Hutu Uliir-.e Uic Ciill ..I omul lUiimi'ii yivts it, n iiiuuol ill iicwo,; ami UfltUl'huHipvUIIU UlLVUllKSllir lVlmlCVl.Tpllli.M.. " .'"'uctit ui eliiucli una society mid ulluuier eliU'rUilliuwlik, lluiil v. uu u Itoenue in lo In. Uu iiv.'tl, him.l uu uiiuiKca lor at lue rnrj oi live luiiimi line. IIil-m; nileb win bunmeuy utlliur uu in in every iiiMiiiK i:. AilVCIUtHUb ItllCB lUUKOUllblu Ultd Ullldt'liUOWU upon iiiipiiiuauu. We hold each and every currcupowleat re aioiulul lur inn or her ciiaiuinmculHiu. No toiTcKpoinlullVt, will be puulLiied aniens tne rilei real name is ngned an uu evidence ui guud luilli. I , 1'. tioUKK, JSJSWSl-AJJitt AUViaUtS--A H'S HBuiH, 21 Jueivliuuu liitimiiue, bu.. i .uncioco, . unr auuiuiueu a14e.11. luu Impel la aeL ui. tile 111 lue, un.cu. 1 1 ME J ABLE. Mitse fur Ilindmitii, Moiimnrut, Iuug Creek, J11I111 iwy uuu liu. jun ony, leateaui luuuwo I lively uu uLli a. in., except .sumiuy. '"'""') Hay 111 11 p. 111., except .iionduj. I lie elieupeal, quickest ulid beat Hue lu or I rem ll.u imcllul euunuy. J. a. Illil.KVA.N, l'r.,11. 1 ulin, Aycnt. I'll (Aut Ione tmNtmmlu Itfnnter paym; and u;njoie uiuixt iv Ouuu up ltK.,lr you. I J ere and There. Deeds, ni'irtffKe8, etc, executed nt ine ui.Z'tlu ollioe. Mrs. I. L. Van Winkle bus Ik en quite ill out in better iikhiu. Hon. li. lSlnckiniin returned from be low ytwterduy monii. jr. Arthur fSinitb will clean watches at Hie 1 educed price ot SU. Aim. Ci 11a Uileon, of the Six Dollar neiiiiHH i) mil, ih eerioiidly i I. Henry and O. t'. Thompson were over from llutter creek Inst Monday. 'I he rieppiic r-Ciinynn stne line is the l.t, el.ui.i'i't end qiiickei.l. tu Hie in ternir. Hraiuiiua Mutlock Fuistnined a full last Kat unlay n CaiviUj;. sotuu serious h; nies. Ci! !( 1 S 1 (t t k in i' 11 rectimi. (im.uV 1 I Hi 'lell' Iv. slinlit i;li.ric.'il error, Hen. hnnd w:it ri't iirned for cor- ills .lo not foil, iiei; proiniilly, e, paiti or easily and l('(i!l Uiint ti yood iii. er Heuiii; in. riiine, (cine lo tht: G;,z ltd cilice and w e'li I'r 1 1 out. 'rtiie-e tiial lie.'.p coiinty scrip for sale H'rinlii mil ou (irtiiie Confer at Toe fiifi Wti.,l H-uik. 2 tf. Tin' (li z .lle ill h sent, to any nd dress 111 (he United Miutee tiii'iif'er ciiii.i'iiii:n for 5U eentn. -- Uco. K. Buruuby, of Daytou, Wash . an evauxelMt, is MKaiatiuK in the meet lnw at Che opera bouse. Leyiil blanks, plenty of them, at bo Cinzette office, and Ht world's prices. Discounts nu luik'e orders. E. O: Kev. V. E. Pot me left f,n Heppnen.n Alon lay 1 veuiiix'a Imiu tu coinliiot eervict e 111 Hint eily. l!."k M.ilI.eiiH will be found in the Ci'y 1 i ha. in r t Imp as ol'iil.l. Siinves, Bbaai(M!o.-, uinl leoi-cuis in Htock. G 1 ii ;.!;'.', cheap and ailiticial. Send i. 1 e sinl nijie fur recipe. Address lH.x lid, P.iiiileiOii, Ori-guu. i 12 W. P. Soy iter, ho lias been sick in towu lor hi 1110 time, was leuiovid lo bis honie near Unoaeberry Inst week. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should HubsonliH for Tbe Horsemnn. Huzetle tdiop, aiients, The U.iZette will tiikeooiiuty scrip at face nu auhncriptiou, mid pay balance of Bnmem caub at highest niaiket p'ice. 7-(iU The GiiZelte nllice now runs au in surance and notarial shop. Come 111 wheii you waut to do your insuring and swearuiK. 11. L. Snbin, representing the Merchants Protective Union, of Portland, wan in tnwu over Wednesday iu llie Interest ol (J. S. VauDuju'screditors. Tbo-e who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lien ol cash, sbou'd call nronnil at this ollice utid get credit for Biune it not already (jiveu. Lost Sunday F. J. Hallnck stepped on a. nail K'.ini! almost thr. ub bis lo.t He is Hiinind ou crutches, and it is hoped will soon be himself again. Photographs, 81.60 per dozen, at Shep parti's, ground floor gallery, uixt door smith of Meliride'e. wagou factory, ftortii Main Blreet, Heppner. 5-13 Mr. Craw fold, of Waitsburtr, Wash., father ol Vawter Crawlord, arrived Snu dny last a d will remain a few days, BBsio ing in tbe Christian services in progress here. Echo stage leaves Heppner fur Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays Hiid Saturdays Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, $2.50 PhillCohn, agent, A. Andiews, Prop. To our customers No difference how large or Bniall your account is, flame in Biid settle, either by cash nr note We must have one or the other to enab e us to B'em tbe flood. Hayes Biuis. 90 f Cook's Dead Shot pquirrel poison, war ranted tqual to if not superior lo any on the maiiiet. Manufactured by T. V. Ayers, .Ir , Heppner. For sale by drug gists, grocers ami geneial dealers. 4lf. Tribune: Tbe scorning mill is going Up as rapidly as masons and carpeuteis Can do their wink The foundation bus been laid and tbe frame begun. The machinery, which will be shipped from Billings, Mont., will be here the middle of March. Spring is surely here and the frisky squirrel is reported to be as lively as ever. The cold snap seems t. have agreed wi'li bis constitution. (Like the spring poem, we were somewhat previous for tins morning suow again mantles tbe Heppner hills. J To au East Oregoniau man Cb. Cun ningham states that some sheepmen are expecting the lainbingseas'in to be gin hhi.ut March 10. Mr. Ciuningham bus I'J.OllO sheep on bis big ranch, and they, as indeed all others, be says, have wintered in excellent form. AKinsas friend of Henry Blalin, by the name of Mchrader, writes the lonner that bis wile had recently given biith to two hoys and two girls, all doing well. Mr, Blabn is a brother in-law of M Licbti utual. Hn w is this for the laud of cyclones Hud cbiuebbugs? Mrs. CIiks. Cochran was returned to ber home ou Willow creek a few months Bjii) from the Oregon insane asylum', but on application of her hnshan.l, was re tun, eil again thei fficers leaving with ber last night. The family have tbe sympa thy ot many old friends and acquaint ances. Harry Warren ard S. S Horner have purchased ti e C. S Van Duyii store, and will conduct general merchandising business thereto m.( ..nhnti m asm" oi Warren & Homor. liolli are well known exemolarv vnung men of good business qualilic.iti.ms aud tbe Guzette wishes the I Gld Hlltt hliS Dow e9tubli9hed a tQn b0 pnrlor, lit tilt) Matlock building "f xi dour to HunuuB' blacksmith shop , Where Iim invito th . t ..: . , . 1 .. , , ,, . "",UU"K0 ul ""1 I BU'un U who desire strictly ttrst -' worn, BUiiviiisr, eLbmpooiUK 'nil uuir- ; siitnug at Jiving prices. Dou' overlook J. W. K ismus, who for years wns marshal ui Heppner, bus been appointed I) .inn IT J vi ..... ., I'M- vj u. iuitrlini i.ir murrow uollu t)i 0 itiiiroliiil Urady Injustice to Mr. lUswuswe will say 1 tint be was the best ui ircUiil the towu of Heppner ever hud, and ha will ruhke a (jouii ollioer. Dr. MeHwords was called tu Lexiutiton a tevr days ao to utteud tbo old Jady wuo fell from her door-step not lorjjj ago, sufl'eriug a broken leg. Hhe is now quite ill lrom Brigbt's disease. Green Matbews bns opened up bis luiibLrsbiip, next door to Hayes Bros, hlinvi-e, elc, on tap as usual, Kev. Buruaby, of theChrialiancbarob, ilenverrd u veiy luleresliuu eeimon last evening at tbe opera bouse, J. I'. Jones, representing tbe South ern Puciliu, visiltd Heppner last week. Maiviu Smith is up from tbe valley and may ri mum m tbis Bioiion. U.ive JloAtee ia now with Bob Kriok. lUuiiiiirs. .Seiivioe. Elder Geo. E. I liarnaby began his evaugelistio servioes at the opera hnn.sn, this city, Wedneaduy evening last, under the auspices of the Cl.iiatiau church. His initial discourse was upon "The Keys of tbe Kingdom "f Heaven," founded upon Matt. 16:18, l'J. On Thursday eveuingbis discourse was upon tbe "Reasonableness of tbe Religion of tbe Lord Jesus Christ," Acts 24:25 The speaker showed that Telegion is not a thing of emotion but something that ap;e ds to the intoleot, the reason, as manifested bv Felix when Paul reason ed with bira of"rigbteoiisness,teniperance and judgment to come." Tbe subject as mi nu n need for this eveuiug is "Rightly Dividing tbe Word ol Truth," based up ou Timothy 2:1R. The Old Testament Sci iptureHcousist of the Law, the Pro pl ets and Psalms. Tbe New Testament "f biographical, historical, doctrinal, prophetical books. These services are greatly assisted by tbe singing conduct ed by his colleague, .1. V. Crawford, of Wailsburg, Wash. The audiences nre large, and so far increasing On last night the seating oapneity of tbe bouse ivafi exhausted and more seats will be put in to accomodate tbe people who s em eager to hear. Nahu w Escape. -Jiff Hayes had a inn mw escape out on Rock oreek last Tuesday, w hile returning from his sheep camp. The trail wound arouud the edge of a very high and steep oliff. Jeff's pack horse slipped iu some milliner, going over. He hung on to the rope, however, dragging bis saddle horse and himself down the deolivity. In this Jeff narrowly escaped getting severely hurt, if not killed and by dint of hard work got his saddle horse back to solid foot ing again, bur 'he pack hursB rolled to t!ie bottom. Jed left the animal at a eei-iib n it g ra noli, and he hardly thinks (hai it wili suivive. The nirnintaius nre 111 very had oondilion now, aud sojourn era should hn very carelul in pursuing their wayalong the to tortuous trails. DlsUttBTlON tub Bktter Part. Sun day school teachers should exercise some discretion in Ibe use of phrases in.d langu igc, as may be seen by tbe t'l-liowiug incident; which occurred in an Eastern city : The tenohei of a olass of bright, but mischievous bays, having beeu particularly exasperated by tbe bad conduct of one member, administered a severe rebuke to him and concluded iu thus: "Now Johnny, 1 hope you will try to do better after tbis. You don't know what a tired feeling I have when you misbehave." ''Teaoher," said tbe youthful miscreant, "Hood'sSarsaparilla is good for thut tired feeling." The effect on the teaober oan better be im agined than described. An Unseen Enemy. It. is more to be dreaded than an open and visible one. 1 hat subtle and lurk ing Ine, which under tbe generic name of malaria manifests itself, when it clinches us iu its t nacious grasp, in the various forms of chills Bud fever, bilious remittent, dumb ague or ague 0 ike, can ouly be effectually guarded against by fortifying tbe system against its insidious attack with Hoetetter's Htomacb Bitters, a thorough antidate to the poison of miasma in the system, and a safeguard agaiust it thoroughly to be relied upon. Iu the event of a malar ious attack, avoid poisoning your system with quiniue, and use instead this wholesome remedy, unobjectionable in taste and far more efficacious tban any drug Use tbe Bitters for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, kidney 00m plaiuts and rheumatism. 1,200 FARM AND STOCK RANCH. It will take only 8812 to buy it; 480 acres, 2b'0 acres plow land; one-half mile muiiing water. Improvements: 10 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock . creek. Trims: SI 10 down; remaioder on long time. Location: Ou county road, two and nne-balf miles west of Rood bill, Eight Mile, Or. 320 aores for $510, or! SUH for oweersbip in 100 acres school I land or will exchange for two good ; h .rses. Original co-t of sohnol Ian Q $320. Apply at Heppner Gszette office Heppner Oregon. H)9tf-sw. Economy and Strength. Valuable vege'able remedies are need in the preparation of Hood's Sarsapa lilla in such a peculiar manner as to re tain the full medicinal value of every ingredient. Thus Hand's Sarsaparilla conmiti'S economy and strength and is lieonlv remedy of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true. Be sure to get Hood's. Kip's Wood Yakd. The Hoppuer Woo. I yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un snwed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 ets. per cord; three times, $1.00. Yaid near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan iV. Ho a aril's. 4-tf. SnoEMAKKK. Ed. Birbeck. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi- , enee, nns , ms ,oca .u u, , -ik- ..nK, .... . .. i.red todo eveiythig n his line. I ' ; M Hi (beck is strictly a first-class work- , . .1 - k.m a mo, u 'call mill warrants an worn, uao Uwtf 1 ;,.-.-xM If. 1 v I mmm SLrtt A I'fte Thome h:d-i', (..- civ ;)!. Weak, Tired, Lcrvoes Pains in the Stotvuc'i - NEno Vear.3 of Suw'or.ri K v It All Enc;-c:. "C. T. V-r. Ci .., Low oil, y ji'hm I h:ive li iil a :; i ; ? tr.y '-.tcrr.i.ch hcsi.lrs lu'rvoiisiicss, wo.ik ; ;iv-; :d ruinnt tired reeling. For V.w- first fivo yv::v. 1 did not doctor unieh but tfry.du;illy,'p;,;i:; worse, came to this sMttf f .r the benefit ; ;.:y 4:?ailh. I was trpiitt'tl I. y seven-! goc.d pliy iei n 1-nt contin ued to p,voY vnr-:i. J' ;r tl:i Vvt ;v;ir I have ler:i emilhied to my bed neany nil lljetlme. I h'fcai:') so wvak X conld stiiiid bnti l'w min titi' j ; ;v time. I eould e;it but a littlo and I fell i i weight from ( 30 Pounds to 30. Aliout four months apf I eomnunicert taking Hood's H.usaparilia, and from that time I have steadily improved in health ami gained iu Sarsaparilla strenjrth. I also had a bunch on my neck as big as a lien's egg which bothered me to breathe. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla that has dis appeared. During the past year my husband's body became bloated and ho was unable to work. He took two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Is feeling as well as ever." Mub. Angie Thomas, SodavlIIc, Oregon. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. TO WAT Kit CONSUMERS. Kntice is hereby given Hint water will not be furnished by the Heppner Light and Water Co. for Ibe irrigation of gar dens during the coming season, lawns excepted. Same to be in effect till fur ther notice from the company. It Iikppnek Light & Watkk Co. Piles! Piles I Itrhhuj Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stingiug; most at nigbt; worse bv scratching.' If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Bwaxne's Ointment stops tbe itobing and bleeding heals ulceration, and iu m ist cases re moveB the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oeutB. Dr. Swayne & Poii, Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. Where? At Abrahamsick's. Iu addition to bis tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kiuds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also bus ou hand some elegant patterns for suits. A, Abrabamsiok. May street, Heppner, Or, WANTED. Be iter on 650 i.cres of land in Klick itat Co., Wash. Goad bouse, barn, and plenty of water. Six miles to market. F. 0. Bccknlm, 9lf. Heppner, Or. Land For Salb. 480 aores over :n Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh an. will be sold cheap. Call at Gnze-te offi ce for particulars and terms . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The StndebBker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes at F. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove on res liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in the city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to tbe Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up your watch or clock, tie keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Tbe general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & Mc Far land, has lately changed hands, now be ing nnder the oontrol and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, wbiob continues business at the old stand with a larper stock than ever. a A MERCIFUL JUDGE. How a Good Little Widow Defended the Man Who Had Abused Her. There was once a little woman, says the Boston Courier, who, as other little women had. had before hor, was so unfortunate as to have a husband who drank like a fish, and tbe more he drank the more hcurtilyhe beat and abused her. She endured it like an angel, and indeed it is to bo feared that part of the sin of his misdoing was to be laid upon her head, so temptingly patient was she, and so fur was she from treating aim as he deserved to be treated. Bjt In course of time a kind fate inter fered to save the little woman from tbe fur ther abusings of tne brute. He took one 3rink too many, and broKe his neck la an dl-judged attempt to carry himself and too nauy potions of brandy on horseback at the lame time. And when the man was dead the little rite remembered no more bis brutality, nor the size of the stick with which be had oeen wont to beat her, grievous to be borne although it had been. Sl mourned and wept and lamented and told ber friends what a paragon ho had been, until one of them could bear it no longer, but flamed out with cruelkindness,anddenounced tbe dead man as the drunken brute tie had really been. The widow looked np through her tears with a world of reproach ia her eyes. "He was a good man and a good hus band," she said, indignantly. Then her na tive instinct for truth asserted itself. Hhe Jropped her voice and lowered her head. "Thoughl can'tsay," she added, "that he was altogether adapted to liquor." And that was the most severe thing the tood little widow was ever heard U say encerning tbe departed brute. jf' Jk iinuiiiL i-fll'i?- '-m t Eii 1 J'1 Miv -jF3nil:!Ii!i'p l&xrltfte&r- A- t'wt notfcaat-dwioim for (lie traveling SOWiS, Courtis Raiment .ssmed the conn- ill'''1" ( " 'i' - JIBS. M. VON CAEOW. Proprietress. toe e-XiE xstt f Gilliam Xllis, Dawson Iyons, ATTOUNl-lYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICK IN NATIONAL HEPPNEU, ME CIIUUCH OF r igure3 from the Propa,ind.a Ro garding Its Condition. ffearly Twice n 31 any CutEtolirs in the United States us In Great llniiLn and Ireland 3Iislmmry Work In Au.-i-ruilii uud Africa. The annual report just isstinil by the sacred congregation of the propignin)a. Rome, gives the statistics of the Cath olic church throughout the world. The report is a book of did pages. An ac count of the work being done in each nation is given, says the New York Sun. Each account is followed by a statist iral table, which furnishes the latest returns prior to the time the report was sent to press, June '21. Here are the figures of tho Catholic church in the United States: Cat holies, 3,108,0$: priests. T,(m7: churches. 7.07:2: chapels, l,i't,")S; paroclii;;! schools. li.i'iOO; scholars. .Vi:;.!)V; charitable ins! it, a tions, M-l. Ireland has :;.S',)s.;.ir Catho lics, .5."iS churches anil chapels, 1.0'J7 parish churches, priests. .'.:wt j schools, and 18 seminaries. The voiunis for England are as follows: Catholics, l,3r2,27: priests, J,4 17, and churches, 1,324, In Scotland there are :;:Hi.(i-HJ Catholics, of whom nearly two-thirds 320.000 are in the arch-diocese of (ilas- jow: churches. :Us priests. olO schools and three seminaries. The account of the work in Australia, tells that iu 17U two Irish priests went there as missionaries, but they soon re turned to their native land because they were prohibited loext'ivi'se their relig ion there, leather i'lynu, another Irish priest, had a similar r-p -rience j;i Aus tralia at the beginning of this c 'isltii'y. but shortly after tic ( iovni men i, or dered that Catholic missionaries should be tolerated. The figures given by the propaganda's report show that out, of over '.2.400.000 inhabitants in Australia and Tasmania 770,200 are CaUiolics. There are 1.HS7 churches and chapels. 594 priests, 707 schools. 74,7:i4 scholars, and three seminaries, Of Oceanica's population of 4.0'SV;n. 104.12 ) are mem bers of the church of li tine. They have 638 churches and chapels. 2-J'i priests. 314 educational institutions and is char itable institutions. British America shows up well in the statistics with 2,070,.):; 1 Catholics, 2.1.V) churches aud shapels. 2.:Ji'l priests. I. UK) euueat iomil institutions, 1 12 ehariubb'inst i : ul.tons. and li) seminaries. The Ca;h;dies of Core a and , Japan number 40.,.i;i;), the churches are 114. and the stations thai is, churches without resident pastors, 490. The Chinese Kmpiro lias l'.t,2 hi Catholics, 2.s;iS churches and chapels, G38 European missionaries. :; i native priests, 2,512 schools. -Pl.s-il s-holars and 4i; seminaries, which have :;c,u stu dents. Catechumens, or thoi-.e in prep aration for admission to the Catholic church, are. not included iu iln-se fig ures. The number of Catholic.-; iu the East Indies is l,();io.:;r2; primary sta tlons, 1)44; churches and chapels, 201 ; educational institutions, 1,22, attended by 74,200 pupils: la seminaries, with 5H5 students: 0;;t European missionaries, 335 native priests, and 1 1.) orphan asy lums. An interesting story is that of the missionary work in the recently-discovered parts of Africa. Trie mis- i m id Cimbcbasia was established I v decree' of July II, IKT'.f. Kev. Eat her Kchal lor and Rev. Thomas Fogarty. priests of the Cotngregat ion of the Holy (ihost and Sacred Heart of .Mar v. are the prefcci and vice-prefect respectiuly. Tour years ago the Ereiu-h (omro m issi'oi was -established. It bad only WV-) Catholics, tut the report says iher" are no h"re tics. The J'athtr tf the Immaculate Heart of Mary dirn'ts the K-l-rian Congo mission, w h ich decree of .May 2. was foundeil bv ' ;, There are but i. Tile Virnmt.e CjllgO. : i c -1 J is riaa mifir-ioiiaries, yan ago; bui that bites fr-un .1 ini" 27, that is dependent as .'. J.) i ( 'at Indies, 00 native Catlmli Apostolic of 1 'pp. served -y t b" ..!'.!' was established t'-n of the Lower Congo 1040. All of Airi-a on the propaganjla ha 274 stations. 70'J chur in 1 chapels, 74:i pi'lOhtS '.I.U; 1 (lurJLLil'IKil illrsi it II l.lull, and 1 'JS e h ;i ri 1 ;i iii in .ti : in ions. A special dojiuNiiM tit of liio rep irt tells how tin worM i-; siippl if-1 witli missionaries. There :n-e niiiii'W'itis enl leges especially f-.r litii piifunse. SS. Peter anl I'aul' .. e islilisli.l in llouio in Is.,?, iins ;i St us'.f-ill- i:i till' s.'ieintiry and IS in the inisKmns: the Iti.r-li .ii c,i! leje. tie; Scol'i eoli''c. ::i: tho lri-h Colieire, :;ii: liil; A ,ii( Li'-ii n coile're. f,:,;, the Cana.ii.iii colli 1". Of tlie col leges outride of Koine the I.ynn; sem inary for African lei ;;,ioin has stu dents; the .M ilctTi seininnry for for-.in missions, IT; the Verona seminary. 1;;; tboAlhaneso collf'jre, ".ii"; the American college, J.ouvain. stinienls in the seminary and ''H in tlie mi , sinus, of whom HI aro bishops; and lie- !;-i ii col lee, I'aris, l')0. There are tunny i,.;,cr coliej.o.s, of little interest to Ane i n ais wbieh vend missionaries to all lands. Sb Uisboe, JSANK BUILDING. OREGON A EE T RET) BUSINESS WOMAN. A Paga From Her History. TYo iaipurtanfi experiences of others aro Interest imr. 'I'lm fuhowin is no exception: '"1 had lieen troniiled with lioart disease 25 years, mil -h of that time very seriously. For live yea is I was t rented hy one pliysicia.ii con 1inuou!y. 1 was in business, but obliged to reiii-o o:i aci'oeut, of my health. A phy sic hi n told my friends 1 hat 1 could not live a mouth. Myieetnnd limbs were badly swol len, and 1 was indued iu a serious condition when a svent loan n directed my attention to Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and said that his sister, who had been nlllicted with heart dis ease, had been cured hy tho remedy, and was u.uuin asfroii'i, healthy woman. 1 purchnsed a bnlUeof the IleiirtC'nre, and in less than an liour after In I; hist the first doso I could feel a. decided iniprovoment in thocirculatkm o( inv blotKi. Whf n 1 hud tulien thruo doses 1 could move my ankles, something 1 had not done for mont lisai nd my limbs had been swol len so Iouj; t hat they seemed almost putrilied. Before had taken one bottlo of tho New Heart Cure the sweflin-j had alt frono down, and I was so much bet ter that I did my own work. On my i-ecoinniendat ion six ot hers aro tnkiu x 1 his valuable remedy." Mrs. Morgan, 5ii:i W. Ibm-Hon St.. Chicaao, 111. Dr. Miles' N.-u MeaitCure, a discovery of an eminent spechilisL in heart disease, is sold by all oruuists on a positive pun rnntee.or sent hy th Dr. Miles Medical Co.,Klkhart, lnd.,on receipt of tn-ice, 1 pur hot lie, six bottles for express pirpntd. Jt is positively free from Tut i-ale by T, V. Ayers, jr. in vi; voir rt, ckachk ? " F ft. SJ Diabetes. bngiit 3 uiscaae, Inflammatiun of tlie Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain In (he Back, and all Dis eases ol the Kidneys. l'ui.i'.wtt.n li v Tiffonnfnntiniittn' f'n PORTLAND. li JllttlllllttUllUllli UU,, OREGON. I or R ile bvSloeiini .(.ilinston Dru Co. mill T. W. Aj.ro, Jr. Sl.'rdrs! a'l'C'l Chi )icc Seeds I' nut Trees TJ I AT WlLl, GJiOW. Wl rih rule anil lo tail. Catalogue Kiee. Ad'!ie-i nKO. STAHKJiTT, j in Hfwiin sw Walla Walla, Wash. I ninniraiits innl reliirning voyageis firiil in Ayer's S.iiH:inirillji a cure for ernplioiiH. b oN, pium'es, eez -m'l, etc, , whether icNiiliini: Irnin sea diet and life ou ship-board, or f.nm anv other cause, lis v., 1 i:t :is a tonic iiinl nlterative medi cine oitmiot iie ovrenllliiHted. I'or irnler lrnli tied pour stomach take Simmon- 1, v. r le'tiu'tiloi. I . i ' t J .so tone in d miike youiseli i iom with pills and oils. Take him- mens Liver l;egulstor. i op. , N-J - N K A'Ss w(r has no XsS wicoiidi'lauu'O. Tf nJ yo" wnllltl u' lirst mic- VM 1 oct d, ou fsiireund start with If FERRY'S li I ' SEEDS, I t llU Perry's Soil Annual lor lWIt III VWv e,,M lains Ilio sum it l id Mlhsl:iln:o u ul '"0 ImIii rtirillillK lnnvl- If Vv cdye. l-Acry phmli'i-should Xss linvn if. f-i.!ii t I'reo. D.M.Ferrj&Co., Detroit, o yf CURES OUR Not ouly ouce, but anain and aKiu. Tliey know tliat fri m tin tlf y bIbpjb Ket full weifjlit aud good measure for tlie least niouey. hy we fell tie list is ex plained. Tlie "best" brills ptuple Lack, Lolds cutlitn, nibkiB us Ititnis, and eo establishes our trade. We wHnt jou to liave sime (if our friendly barijaius in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boota, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and ever) thing kept iu a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. Why Buy of Peddlers? mX3..mw . .. When )ou can get the ehuioeRt MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc., nt tlie Liberty Market. Aud nt a lower price tlinn solil mi tho slreeta. By so doing ymi will nssiHt in buikl iiiK up your city. Look to vonr iuterests and iissist tbose who flaunt yon. 1 nw SHAW & M'CARTY, Props. lie Keeley kliiut3k- -OF- K I 1! K & Ou Mny Btrpet, opposite I'nlnnn Hotel. Tliey will keepon liiuid n full line of ST A PL 10 A XI) FANCY f Sreceries d Mm. A full line nf clioiee Pies, Cnkis and Biend ; in fnct ever5tliin(? tliat is iiBiially kept in first-clans bakery store. Tliey will sell olieap (oi canh. CaM and try them. Bw RIPANS TABULES! Disenee oommonly comes nn will sliulit nvnititoms. n liiob when neulpnted in- ereaee in extent mid finidiially grtjw dnn(jeroiia. If Vfltl S;,KSS:,V llY.SI If vim arc nll.IOI'S, CONSTirA TUI1 or liuvf A DIMIUPliKKl) LlVKlt, 1 r yon r COMl'I.KXroN IS HALLOW or you Hl'KFKH IllsriiKss after cutiiig, Ko'r OKFKNHIVR BKKATII ami ALL DISOltUKltS Ol'' T11K bTUMACU, - TAKE Kipnns Tubules not (fently, but promptly, npnn tbe liver, stomach Mini intes tiops; cleansB the systHin tll'ecliinllv ; onre il)spppsin, hiihitmil constipation, offens ive breath and headache (Joe TabulI! taken at the first ndication of indiestion, htlioiisness, distress after entiiiK or dcpreHSion of spirits will surely aud quickly remove the whole dillioulty. Ripaiis Tahules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Uipnns Tubules are an infallible cure; they contaiu nothing injurious and are au economical remedy. One gives relief. A qnartor-trroFs box " ill bo sent, postage paid, ou receipt of 75 cents by the wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO. l'OH'rrAM), OKIvOON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabnlt'S if requested to do so. Tliey arc Easy to Take, Quirk lu M ami Save many a Doctor's Bill. Gamploo Fia on aprls.ca.ticn to tlio Clisralcal Co., 1-To-wr ""crlc Ci.;r. )'l"iiti yiiiuiir lunv lo clnmsii tlio best om; Co nitirry jtlSTWO ni.'ii tied how to bo hnppy in iiinrriiiiio; ( DAYS )Tlio fond parent-how to Lavo trm bubios; ( ONE )'!'Ip! niollior how t ' huvo tliom without, pniii; (AGENT )Tlio ehildless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( ISOLD )Tho curious how they "p'owod" nd came to bo;( 42 )Tho liniilthy how to enjoy lit'o nnd keep well; (AND HIS )Tho invalid how to pet well agititi speedily; ( KAVD )Tlio imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1 .100 )Ali who want knowledge Hint is of most worth i'TN ONE )l''ind it in Dr. Footo's " Plain Homo Talk, YE A It. )1,000)i;o'es, 201) cuts, 24 eol. plates; 200 t iOO COO )!;ediiecd from $ri.2.") to $1.50; circulars ftvj. i COPIES )Mttir;iv Hill Hook Co., 12!) R 2Sih St., Nf - SOLD. r(;i.;u,si voir WANT TO UXOW WHAT K VICKY i!OI)Y OL"(iIIT TO KNOW. 1,'KAO 1MI. T. The Lancashire Insurance Co. MA.NCIIKHTKM, i:f,l.A I A. W. PATIIllSON', AGENT t0 ti iot m thewojw WAY! Heppner, Oregon. r'oi the Cure ox , Opium anil Tobacco Habits It is located at ForoHt Grove, Or., The Muni Beautiful Town on the Coast , Cull nt tlie Gazktte ollice for rnrtleulnrB. Strictly coulklential. Treauueut irivateaiid auie I'lll't!. 1 i I 1 1 1 .. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES; RIPANS TABULES. Groccn "Store H 1 : I