Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 02, 1894, Image 2

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    utE mjip TO SELL YOU FPU !
! l
:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
ND 160 ACKKS riu.be. Culture clai of vU ,,:d there 140 .ere. g, d M M d tbe U..ce A 1 pa.tnr, '1 lie deeded lund Las a good spring
l fence. Situated two miles west ef Harduian
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture olaira, 300.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 ncres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, chrnp and on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boas wheat land. Will sell on easy tonus A f;li",s"e'
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the ha.t and has no use ioi it
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore, assist to build up Ilepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name is Binned as an evidence of
good faith.
Did yon ever
Kead about the
Man w!m
Hitl bid
Llht under
A buebel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing Imsitiesft
Without advertising.
All the
Snide gchemoa
In tbe country
Will not accomplish
Tliilf ns much
Ash good neb
fo n t-'onil, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One t.lifit
la rem!
Bv tbe poople,
And that owns
Its iiwn
Soul; that
Uses its (i pace
Like merchandise1,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
It ia n nell-kuowu fact t bat tho ait
of legislation bus to be acquired by
uotual experience., and this district
may lis well buvo no r presentation iu
n.n.i.n. i.niioo ,,f ennuress as to make
elected two yearn ago, aud bo far has
giveu r-atiiifuctiou to tbe constituents.
He bus done well t'ontdderiiig Ibe op
portunities, and to replace bill) next
June by a new man would be a ureal
injury to Eastern Oregnu mid njit i'HOhal
fltl'ront to the (.eiilloninu himself, The
elllciont work of the member from the
tirst district is hi cause he bus been in
Wnahiugtou City during so many
eepsioiiB that he thoroughly understands
the modus opeinndi nf Hicuting any
favorn fn in eilher of Ihe departments.
Mr. Ellis bus neglected nothing that
has been entruatid to him thus far, and
bb he becomes familiar with legislative
tact, wid become more tllicient. It
may be cousideied premature to apeak
regai diiiK the choice of the republican
Btate couvenlion which meets at l'ort
hmd on April 111!) tit x I ; but we feel
onntident t hat Waaco and other repnb
lieuu comities ill Eastern Oregon will
send delegations mstruoted to vole for
Ellis, as the cni'groseioual nomiiiee.
The gentleman is entitled to the nomi
nation, and we are satisfied the republi
cans o T the second congressional district
will return him to Washington City by
t! e largest majority that nay candidate
has received for many years. Mr. Ellis
is an bonoruh'e oapahle gentleman, and
iu saying this we do not intend to im
ply any disparagement of the iiuiiii
liuutions oi .Mr- Leusure or any other
perHon whose tinnm may come before
the republican stale convention. "I'lines-Jlountnineer.
Tiik senate's committee on foreign
relations has brought iu a report sup
porting Stevens and recommending
annexation. Senator Morgan, of Ala
bama, is the author. Iu nearly all
respects it differs from the one ema
nating from the house. It is an Ameri
can document, thouuhnot in conform
ity with the views of the administration.
It is a pity that euch a democrat as
Morgan is not in the executive chair,
if democrat we must have these four
A Socthekn paper says: The free
traders are uti tbe lookout for revivals
in manufacturing industries in the face
of the Wilson bill, and cite the liir
mitigham rolling mill as an instance of
the revival of business. But they don't
go on to say that if the rolling mill starts
it will be due to the fact that the em
ploy's consent to work for less wattes and
the railroads to haul the output for
smaller freight charges. There are
costly victories ns well as defeats.
Joint I lab Organized for the
Heplinrr. Ilentry and Meant
i Ml! 1 T ") TT fi Yi T TT'C P A vrrv
I'li-Clnct ol'
a his! at 7
j ef repi.bli
o( U--pp-ier,
at the
"liuss" SIcKank, of (Jravesend, N. Y.,
must go to Sing Sing. That is the
place for politioal reprobates who do
crooked work in connection with eleot
ioLs, regardless of party couuectious.
A full vote aud a fair count is what the
American people want.
Unh "war" has euded. The in.
surgenls in Honduras have capitulated.
During its progress perhaps a half-dozen
mixed breeds were accidentally killed
aud a few more scared to death. These
rebellious are pretty safe to participants .
Since Ellis has passed tbe bill in
favor of tbe Unntilla Irrigation Co,,
extending tbe time for tbe construction
of the ditoh, there is much activity in
irrigation circles over in our neighbor
iug county.
receive consideration at the hands of all
political parties. It is through thiB
that we can look for independent aud
decisive action iu the future.
Fuxok, of Colorado, "skinned back''
his insulting remarks before they had
gotten oold. All the same, people be
hove that Fence was playing double
just as be was accused.
AoJUTA.N1' UliNEIUn H. H. Artz, of
Kau as, has been hauled up for crooked
ness, and has resigued. Gov. Levell
ing is having tho matter fully investi
An Ohio niau tbe other day sent. Judge
Deady $2 that be bad owed him for 45
ytars. The money was handed to Mrs.
(Jj Weduisdiy own it
o'clock, quite a delegated
cans from the preciuets
Gentry and Mount Vernon met
council chambers in Heppner for the
purpose of organizing a j"intclub. Tbe
meeting vas called to order by Mr. E
A. Briindiige. A W. Patterson was
eho?en temporary chairman ai d T. W.
Avers, Jr., temporary secretary.
Mr, Brundage mode ipnte an addiess
during which the purpose for which the
meeting ves called wiis oxpiaii-eo.
A constitution was ndoptid unani
mously, and a commitreo consisting of
A. W. Patterson, Ed. It. Umbop and
S. 8. Horror appoiutid to i ffer such
amendments aud other changes as are
nteeasary at the next regular meeting,
Monday night next, .Varcb 5th, at 7
The following petu'.nimnt ellicers were
elect td: Hon. J. N. lirown, Pres. ; Otis
latterFftn, Vice Pri-s ; T. W. Ayers,
Sec'y; E l. 11. llis'nop. Ticom ; M. Licb
tenthal, U. i Vaugh.-.n, O. W. Hnr
rinyfon. the l'res. oi d Vie-' l'res., exec
utive oomniilUe
A committee on innam was ap
pointed consist iiig of Otis l'ultersmi,
Geo. limriiigtuii and W. USaling.
Tbe nn etieg was fav r d w ith quite
an addn S3 by K h. Salmi, u prominent
republican of lJottla-,d, and i.fter re
marks from others, adj -uirued lo meet
as stated above. li:inember that niem
bership in the county clnh does not
preclude cieml i. rsbip in this club if
you ate a resnh ol of either Mount
Vernon, (J'Utry, or Urppner precincts.
t'LCi: I'liOOIlAM.
At the mri.'liiig ,r the itepublieau
Club or Mori ow cooiily, tur.t Saturday
idwmg progihra ' rfin'" ue pf"es-.ii';ed 'tor
tbe entertainment o! vitito.-.s and meni
beis: Opening soul', by Oampogn
Quartet; Select Reading, by Prof. W.
L. Haling; Aihlrrss, by ,f. V. Dnwsou,
Esq ; Song, by C.mi nign Quartet;
Addiess, byj. N.Hk,i,; Song, b) Cam
paign Quintet Free fur all talk and
discussion; Closing Song, ''Amenca. "
Edited by the People's Party of
Morrow County-
The Tomahawk says Morrow conuty
has a reptib.icau club. Yes, it has a
halt dozen, and more yet to follow.
I'icwh, of Colorado, said In the pres
ence of lion. W. li. Ellis, of Oregon, and
Congressman Pickler, of Sotdh Dakota,
a few days ago, ttiat he did not propose
tube present at a ceitain loll call in
order "to put Hie democrats in the hole."
and when confrotiled by bis statement,
tried to gel out of it by saying that the
gentleman ilnl net loll laets. lvlis is
too well knoviti in Oiegou for 1111)0111- to
doubt that in tlie matter ho told the
trulli. No one eer dand lo assert that
Ellis knowingly told a falsehood. He
is not that Mnd of a man. His Constitu
ents will re nominate and re-elect li'.tu,
l'cnoe, dollais or doughnuts to the
cou triiiy, notwithstanding.
The vote on tbe Lilnud bid in tlie
house in causing some hot blood, and
Mr. Elbe, the representative from Ibis dis
trict, ns com teens 11 gentleman as 1 In re
is in congress, w ns under the subj-'ct
Monday of some unparliamentary
remarks by Pence, of Colorado. Tho.--e
who know Mr. Ellis have implicit ic
lisin'e in bis voracity, and will severely
condemn tbe words of bis opponent
When the lie is freely given iu this de
liberative body it degrades itself very
much in the e)es of American citizens.
Times Mountaineer.
Cohpi'H ii.i.kii Ei'KLKS has decided to
go entirely outside of Oregon and lake
some Eastern tiinn for receiver of the
Oregon National liank. After going over
all the papers of candidates presented
aud securing information concerning
them from other sources, he decided on
this plau in order to get a man who
would not hd intlueuoedby local considerations.
other day for
dealer was tiued the
selling cigarettes to a
John T. JIasun is slated in
Virginia to succeed Prof. Wils in.
Eiii'Eitoit William, of Germany, is au
active binietallist.
"Perhaps you would not think so, but
a very large propoitiou of diseases In
New York, comes from carlessuess about
catching cold," says Dr. Syrus Edsou.
"It is such a simple ihing aud so com
mon that very lew people, unless it is a
case ol pneumonia, pay any attention to
a Cold. New York is one of the health
iest places ou the Atlantic coast and yet
there are a great many cases of catarrh
and consumption which have their
origin In this neglect of the simplest
precaution of every day life. The most
sensible advice is, when you have one
got rid of it as soon as possible. By all
means do not negbet it." Dr. Kdson
does not tell von how to cure a cold but
Be will. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Keuiedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid
expectoration, opeu the secretion and
soon 1 tlYct a peruiiincnt cure. 25 and
oO cent bottles lor sale by Slocum Johu-
son Urilg Co. '
Eoitoh Gazkttk:
I thought I would drop you a few
lines from this place.
We are having very cold weather at
preseut, but expect everybody has found
that Out, especially those who have
been attending meeting.
We have bad protracted meeting at
Slulo school house for over a week, con
ducted by Elder J. L. Siuft, of the
church of Christ. Twelve additions
have been nisde to the church; nine were
baptised yesterday iu Kliea oreek at
Henry Padberg's. He had quite a
serious time breaking the ice aud laud
ing a suitable place to baptize, but the
candidates proved themselves to be
bold soldiers in carrying out this com
mand of of our Lord and Master.
'1 here was a crowded house from the
beginning till tbe close of tbe meetitig
last night. Good preaching and close
attention prevailed throughout.
J. w. c.
lone, Oregon, Feb. 2S, 1894.
how's 'I Ills!
Wcotl'troioi bundled dollars reward
for any case of Ciitanli that cuiinot be
oured bv U nil's Catarrh Cure.
E. J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the umleisit.Hi d, have knowu F.
J. Cheney for the last J5 )eais, and be
lieve bun perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able lo carry out any obligations made
by their linn. Wtsr & 1'uuax. Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, u. Walding,
Klnnan & JlAiiviN, Whulsule Druggists,
Toledo O.
Hall's Catanh Cure is taken internally
actiug directly upon ibe blood uud
mucuocs surfaces of Ibe system. Testi
monials sent free. Piice75j per bottle.
Sold by all Drngg'sts.
DOnil.AS lTKJIh.
EniToii Gazette:
As there does not seem to be
correspondent from these parts I
try aud give jolt a f-nv items.
Mr. J. 15. Ely has been sick with
rheumatism for about two weeks, hut is
improving and txpecls to he i,hle to
make n full hand in the enniing cam
paign. Born To the wife of Mr. Geo, Miller
on Friday Feb. Kith, n hoy, several
pounds above the legnlalion weight.
liev. Powell prenebed several good
sermons at Dong'i.s lust week which
were fully uppieciateil by the people of
this vicinity.
On last Wtdve.'dav n;-!it there was a
republican club org:n;zel a! Douglas.
The intention of the club is to convert
every yoto of the pneinet to republican
J. B. Elly killed a b-g last week that
weight 015 lbs. gloss a' d 517 11-H. It'jiiti)
one ill the eouutry e.iu beat it we would
like lo bear from I'm in.
Mr. E. L. Probst will b-hve iu a few iu
A few days to j du bis famii) iu Lhehalis,
Thos. Lengue wi-nt up lo Lexington
last Saturday t i attend tlie meeting of
the G. A. K.
Ed llulloway has moved to bis ranch
ou the w est side of I he crei k where he
intends to break up oli.i acres of sod this
spring, lie has lented bis ranch on the
east suieic Gus. luu Ed. Giock.
Mrs. J. It. Ely is still visiting her
daughter Mrs. Geo. lineruii-Mid, of
Koeediile, Oregon.
Geo, Ely shipped three car-loads of
wheat today. Ho is making room in his
giannries far the vast harvest he is ex
pecting the coming season.
1 think that Do Facto gave a very
poor account of the riot that took plsce
at our Lyceum a short time ago. The
participants were mostly from Gilliam
county. The -Morrow county people are
of a more amicable disposition, hut I
Uope that peace and harmauy will prevail
from this ou. A Dios.
Douglas. Or., Feb. 26 '94.
This column belongs exclusively to
the People's Parti, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them as they see
lit. The maiianement or the Gazette
will in no way be responsible for any
thiny that may appear therein.
A People's party county convention is
hereby called to convene iu the court
house, at Heppner, Morrow county. Or.,
on Saturday, March 10th, at 10 o'clock
a. in., for the purpose ol nominating
comlidates for couuly oilimuls to be vot
ed for at tbe general election in Jnue,
18'J4, and the eleotiou of four delegates
to tbe state convention, aud to transact
such ot'uer busiuess as mav come before
the convention.
No person holding an office or posiiiou
of profit, trust or emolumeut, under the
federal or any 6tate or municipal gov
ernment, including senators, oongress
meu aud members of the legislature,
si ate aud local, shall be eligible to sit or
vote iu any convention of the par y.
The couveution will be composed
thirty three (33 J deleglnes, apportioned as
Eight Mile,
Wells Springs,
Ml. Vernon
Dry Fork,
1'iue City,
It ia reccommeuded that primaries for
the election of delegates to said cotnen
tion be held iu the various precincts on
the 3 I day of March, 1894, at 2 o'clock
Chair, Peoples' arlyiCfen. Com.
Lexington, Or., Feb. 19th, 1894. tf.
In the United Stales senate Ihere are
OS lawyers, 1 farmer and one planter.
comment is unnecessary.
Taluiage must be a regular calamity
uu-wer ii-om me toiiow'iug wlueu I clip
from Ins "Pathway of Life":
"Some of the finest houses of onroities
were built out of money paid for votes
in the legishituro. Five hundred small
wheels 111 political machinery will
cogs reaching into one great center
wheel, and that w heel has a tire of rail
road iion aud a crank to it nn which
oatan puts his band aud turns the
ceuter wheel, aud that turns the five
hundred olher wheels of political ma
chinery. While iu this country it is be
coming hnrder and harder fur the great
mass of tbe people to get a liviDg, there are
too many in tins country who have
their two millions, their ten millions,
and their twenty millions and carry the
legislators in one pocket and the con
gress of the United States in the other.
Aud there is trouble ahead. Revolution.
I pray God it may be peaceful revolution
aud at the ballot-box. The time must
come iu this country when men shall be
sent ndo public position who cannot be
purchased. I do not want the union of
church and state, but I do declare that
if the ohurcb of God does net show it
(elf in favor of the great mass of the
people as well as iu favor of the Lord,
the lime will come when the church as
an institution will be extinct, and
Christ will go down again to the beach
and choose twelve plaiu, honest fisher
men to e me up into tbe apostleship of
a new dispensation of righteousuess,
luanwurd Bnd Godward. Bribery is
cm-sing ibis laud. The evil started'with
its greatest power during the last war,
wheu men said, 'Now you give me this
contract above every other applioant,
and you shall have ten per cent of all I
make by it. You pass these broken
douu CHVahy horses as gocd, and you
shall have 85,010 bs a bonus.' 'Bonus'
is the word.
"And so they scut down to your
fathers, and brothers, aud sous, rice tbat
was worm eaten,' and bread that was
mouldy, and meat that was rank. n,l
blankets that were shoddy, and cavalry
horses that stumbled iu the charge, and
tents that sifted rain inlo .,,1,,.,,.,. 1
1 , .aunll?,u
I fa, es But it was all right. They got
I the boniif. I never so muob believed in
! " republican fmm of government as I ,b,
j today, for the single reason that any
.other st)le of government would have
j be. r consumed long ago. There bave
ueeu swindles enacted in this nation
within the hist thirty years enough to
swamp three monarchies. The demo
cratic party Blled its cup of iniquity
before it weut out of power before the
ar. Then tbe republican part) ccme
along, and its opportunities through
the coutrnot was greater, and so it filled
its cup of iniquity a little sooaer, and
there they he today, the oemocratio
paity nnd the republican party, side by
sole, great loathsome carcasses of
iniquity, each one worse than the other."
Not many writers or speakers in the
Wheat, bn
Flonr.bbl -'SO hi oe'O
IWvea. eov. a A two- ear-olds. nwt. 1 50
nR, ip-ooTE'S Hls-lMSt ' InKAIbTII HINTS AN'IJ REtI IlKipi'.H
U i the title of a vcit -A -hie hook t liat gives a great amount of Information of tho l tmosf
ruing I iieiruauy nanus or railing, uriumug, Dressing, etc.,
Importance, to Everybody.
Sheep, muttous, head.
" stock
Hogs, ou foot, cwf
Hogs, dressed
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
1 75 (ft 00
1 50 (rt t 25
1 50 id 1 75
.... 4 CO
0 50 (if 7 00
6 (n) 10
..40 (
'ii' (10
Wheal, cwt . ?1 18 1 OH
Flour, bhl 3 0.) U 4 0(1
Beeves, stall fed . . .
Muttons, cw t
Hogs, cwt
Wool -Easn to On
Butter, 111
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz . .
Turkeys, lb
Wheat, cw I
Flour, bhl ...
Beeves, c ,vt
" liresM'.i.
Muttons, live sio
" dress !
Hogs, on fo'd . .
" diess-d .
Wool -Easter
Eggs, doz
Chickens, d n:
Turkejs Hi. .
4 fil) (a fl 00
ti (II) (it 8 00
4 50 it. 5 25
1(1 (ci 12
25 fit 3ll
20 '-!5
5 On tii fiUO
15 01 H
Cnre nf Teeth,
Tr(lr.TirP of Plants, Parasites of the Sldn,
,i r,,i-Invalids. Hal hill!:-Hi'st Wav. Arir-llii. k'.
Alcohol as a food and a lamirsand lalnglllscasea, KITeet.s of Tobacco
iiiedh ine. How lo Avoid Them Cure for Iatemnera'ni..
Pup.'rlluous Hair, Clothm?, W hat to Wear, Headache, cause & cur.
lo.mnvhnr Same. Now Much to Wear. To liet Hid of M,. '
Hi stortuiriho Hrowncd, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections'
; .m ur-.-surnieu- now n, wuiu luuui, croup to froveut.
What to Eat,
How to Hat it,
Thiiars to Ho,
Thintrs to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe,
Oariffi-rs of Kissintr.
OverheatinL' Houses, I'levenlma
Ventilation. "ess.
IT THI.I.S HOW TO r US-: Hiack Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblatns, Cold Foot, Corns
Coughs, Cholera, Dlai-rlmea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia,, Kuraelie, Felons, Fetid '
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Iliceoui:h, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inllamed Breasts, Ivy Polsonine
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Kheumatism, lilugworm, Knoriuir, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Soro Moutfc'
Sore Nipples, fore Throat, Sunstroke, Stiiurs and Insect llltcs. Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcer
Warts, Whooping Cough, onus in Children. IT WILL SA Vli UOOTOUS HILLS.
I-All new sniiscribers nnd prompt renew a!s duringthe month of Feb. will lie
preseustd with a free copy of this as a premium.
K5 hi 95
90 ((, 3 15
;5 (a 2 75
50 (a. ti 00
50 (( 3 00
i i 6 Oil
oil 5 50
7 00
ti (it 14
'.!0(rt 3d
271.,' fit 30
2 00 in, 4 5d
15 w 17
I jjjtMggmaammwKmfimrtni 1 1 'inJ iliiiiiii n ir n -""""-iml.
TN TIIK CI ltd' IT col' a 1' FOP, TIIK CillXTY
I of Morrow. State oi lliviron.
Frank Hrothers Iinpleiociil coiii,any. phdntiir,
vs. K. S. Cox. S. II. l on and S. W. Adams, de
fendants. ri'o S. W. Adams. deU'tiihiut. In (tie name of
the State of (lieuon: N un are lierchy required
to si'pesr and answer tin- eonij, taint tiled
against you in ihe above-entitled action on or
helore the first day of the next regular term oi'
the ahove emitted court to w it : The Jli day of
March, lsal. And if you 'ail so to answer, for
want thereof the plalntilt w ill take bulirment
against you tor the sum of twenty-four and
sixty (Hie-hnndredths dollars, Willi interest
thereon from the luday ol .January Is'.it at the
rate oi ten per cent, per annum until paid. For
the sum oi twentvtlve dollars attorney's fee
This Bummons is served l,v publication by
order of W. I.. Iiradshaw circuit judge of the
Seventh Judicial Disir.ci nf tlieSlale of Oregon
W order was made on the ::l day of January,
.1. N. Hliowx,
L"--l ' Attorney uir l'hiintill'.
Adams, de-
X coalite of Mnrifiw saHff it,...,
ouiery, plHllillll,
Jo s W. Adams, defendant, In the name of
the state of Oregon: You are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint tiled
agonist you in the above entitled action on or
before the first day of the next regular term
ol the above-entllled court, to-wit: The 20 dav
ot March, ls:u. And if you fail so to answer,
for nam thereof the plaintitr will take judg
inent against you for the sum of two hundred
ami thirty-five and seventeen one-hundredths
dollarB, with interest thereon from the la dav of
January l.w.14 at the rate of ten per cent per
annum until paid. For the sum sixtv-llve
dollars attorney fee aud for his costs and dis
bursements. ornllr8n8rlVv'n;01" '5 ?erve,J b'' Publication, bv
order of w. l. Bradshaw, circuit judge of the
seventh Judicial District of tne State of Oregon
ja order was mode on them day of January,
Attorney for Phdntill'.
Administrator's Notice.
AioKer8 'n A'hainistration on the estate' nf
Abraham B. Hiatt, deceased, were granted to
the undersigned on the gist day of Feb. lsat hv
the county court of Mnrrnu- ..l,- ' a fl
E.forh."v""L,cJ"1"1" said estate are
required to exhibit them to me for allowance
at my home on the head of Butter Crek Mor
trM. Cl"n'!r Wl,hii' "x mo"tns ft" the date of
tine Iiot'ro fir thiv ohuli v.a t, i
Thi2istdy ofFeb:is;;V " """"' uurr'
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that o? INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depeiidsgreatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert ill patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United State3 and all foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity ot Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention ou hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course K. pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rip'i ts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
b n uni jftusi wfcnnp CRM SfN, Managing Attorney.
3"Cut this out and send it with your liwuim. jw
Pl-OllUad Lu
Preutisa hot
1 1 1 1 si c;uo eun:-lip;n
pills euro consHpie
i 3 Alu"0t fill pills fi,;,l :
'i I j liver, biliousness, r'i
latho I.rij!ior::!io (, ;
seo to 1 f . i,, .
uii i'l-ctJii.HM iiocLiryii,' pillrtcurecuitatipiilloLi
cu Rrts '12
1, i!U
.';B; I,.
I' H
ictr clear tho j;;iu nnd re
- solf. 25 Coma a box.
,3 S Or sent by mail upon i-
.1! bio
i'.-itlon, hero la a i !:i uu-.t euros torpid
:-!; lic'ifhicho and kidney nnd liver
i.i;o or CONSTIPATION, which
;;oUIug habitual aud ehrouie wllh you,
"O ls tho only r..-if,i nnd harmless
1 that will surer- LJIZAJIFY Iho
bp--1 1,7 rff:
Stockholders Meeting.
TheMrVrr .1 r ue?"" ,'nr We stockholders of
. .. iio"m Co- Land i Trust Co., will be held
I, hrt;; 2' the "feT" on 'he2nd Safurd'a?
in March at , p. m. for the purpose of electing
nrhcers and altendinu to such ilher bus? less 5
may come before the meeting "usiness as
to. R. Bishop,
Sec'yand Treasurer.
ilea jw too faco. Try a b0x and sue for your
I4!40O ctll Md -cturis Co.,
a - ,
l'reu;is Rt-Tttfi'i.,., ,, i rrr.77
I'UtiriS I'M
'UlisH IN-
'tiiyu; ptlls curocousripallon
yiJn 1 1 i 1 1 h f 1 1 ro cou ;j t j ; if. i lo ii
is Pa
For sale by Slocuru-Johuston Druir
Co. and T. W.Ayers, Jr. K
m:.im ri. m on
tf I V - f' V I F.1. '.'pi H XSS l'-;J
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
t'j.r .flfcA,-. rjn: gjvio. .;t ... - ti
A r"srr-...
rpTTr, t- ' u u" POSTAL CARD TO
P. 0. B J,0"" W- Weeing Attorney,
Honorably discharged sol.'
re enntled. ft now uaniniTvc
was caused hv co L " c
Washington, D. C.
ys.or over, in the late war.
ny manual labor, whether disability
rppnliO-,1 ;r... : -' -"'"'"uitcs, .
if M dcpcndcnt'nn , V, n il, "Vf," -hethersoldicr'?dentll
Honorably discharr .,.,: ..
entitled, if nn ;.:,,: . . "P" sailors who served nin.l,, .... .
was causes s,. or Wliollyd snble.I for nr.ll,,...: . . .''"'.-. '.'" "ver, in ine law
- - , ntmrenrtui o., ,, .. .... .....i
V.-. ..V' " service or nnt.ans .
uuu s,,f ci , , v." '"ess u, ineir ..,.., n,. - -
CHTlTmvPO"lluilo"alabornreeu Widows
ei,t,tk-d (if under Jv,'it.''i'.h,e flier's death to due to service.
widow, or she has sinee -i, .l'' ''",lcr-siiitel:n years)
reform movement can discount this. If
we, the common pecple-the plebeians of
America, would vote only for men who
loved God and their fellow crevures
who hate mm, who hate bribery i i'
its hideous forms, then we would have
a government "of the people, by the
people, and for the people' iuste;j o(
one as it is today, a government of the
people, by. the politicians, and for the
rich that they might be made richer.
allForn,hri,hJaD(1.hJppiDe98- boon of
Z2iDi' Uke Si Liver
FARFNtV r r?marrieii. wbu cases wnere mere was no
navy. """-rence whether soldier served or rile, i. , ,p n ueir own labor for sup-
Soldiers of tho lit war or in regular army or
U$$VP ' UadCr IaW' W f r.te. under other
?Uohforro'he"rs "hr on' KcoLnKf SST, .?d7 " "' 1- - tltlrf to
Soidfe'rVl nd 7mZ?S or ot- d's".l.Uea for which now pensioned, but
terlawornot. K"-ri obtaii
Send for Uws and i0fo?aVation.
ined, whether pension has been granted nnder
secured, i
Bed for sol
o charge for advi,
Rejected claims reopened and ..ti. .
orisiaTepaE"a'--,e oUuincd fQr fe2t.
THE PRFc; r-i ,TrlCe' NofeeunIess successful. Address.
P- O. Box 463,
Managing Attorney,