tfREAT SPEAR AND SAVE THE TAGS. 3 ;e Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,163 STEM WINDING ELGIX OOT.T) WATCHES 3I,50 5.775 Fr.NB IMPORTED FKENT-II OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO BODY. ' BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GL AKANTEEi ACHROMATIC... :k. M 23.1 00 IMPORTED OICHMAN BUCKIIOUN ' POCKET KNIVES I IS. 500 HOI-LED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY ' PICKS 1 1 5,500 LARGE PICTURES (H.v.28 lucbci uo advertising ou them 2G1.030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO Tho above nrtlcles will be distributed, HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the Wo will distribute 238 of these prizes o THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from this county we will give ic tiie FIVE PARTIES snndiruz tw the next sroatnst number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS. To the TWENTY PART! EH sending us the next greatest number of si'KAR HEAD 'iWGS, we will Rive to eucb I POCKET knh'i; lo tbe ONE !HNI)'!Ei) PARTIES sending us the next greatest umW -if SI-EAH HEAD TAGS, we will (rive to each 1 LOLLED COLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 'Ic Or ONE lll'XMiD PARTIES snndlnfr us the next greatest r of S'.'EMt HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 L..UUK : lVtl'l-.E IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTl'RES, 'i'otal X umber of Prizes for tills Comity, 228. CAl'TrON".--No Tnsi will be received before January 1st, 18III, nor afti r February 1st, -:'l. E.ic'i o;ickai;e 'niituiiiitu: tn-js be marked plainly wilii Name of Sender, Town, Count-.', Slab-1, aiU N-unber of Tays in each package. All charges ou packages must be prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value (linn any other plus tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. MKAH ElEAlk is absolutely, positively and fliHtiiictlvcly dltlerent In tiavor from nny oilier plug tobacco. A trial will convince tin; most skeptical of this fact. It is the largest sellerof any similar shape and stvle on earth, which proves that it lias caught the popular taste anil pleases the people. Try'it, and participate In the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TA Is on every ill cent pieco of SPEAR HEAD vou buy. Send iu the tags, no matter bow small the quantity. Very sincerely, THE P. J. SOKG COMPANY, Middletown, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will bo published in tblt paper immediately after February 1st, l&ll. " DQTT SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1834. A SUBMARINE DUEL. A IJesperate Conflict llotween Two Divert in the. Ocean. One of the best divers I ever met was old Captain Compton, who was murdered at the bottom of the sea, says a Hew York: Herald writer. We were working at the time on the wreck of an East Itnliaman, in the At lanticsido of Cape Cod, the peninsula side of Massachusetts. A ti.ortg our crew was a huRe Haj'tian negro known us 4 -Nigger Jack," whe had for some reason taken a violent dislike to Compton. Ho never lost an opportunity of picking a quarrel. Time and again tbev had tried to settle the matter with flats, the negro invariably getting the worst of the conflict. Cm the occasion I mention Compton, Jack and another diver were sent down together. After working a short time the i.egro suddenly drew his knife, and, springing at Compton, made a vicious lunge at his right side, hoping to cut through tlio canvass coat and dispose of him. The old captain was too quick lor him, however. Ho c iuglit the assassin's arm and threw him off, at tho same time drawing his own weapon. Then began a battle ifor lifo beneath tho waves. The captain glanced into the blazing eyes glar ing at him from behind tho negro's hel met, and knew that tho life of one or the other would soon pay tho penalty of the feud. Again and aynin the negro sprang at Compton, only to 11 ml his blows parried. Around they circled, jumping hero and there, and wo above grew alarmed at the strain on tiie air-pipes and life-lines, until suddonly a rush of water into Comp ton's puinp told us that his pipe had parted. (Juickly 1 sprang to tho hoisting ropes in tending to raise him before the air in the helmet should give out, but to my horror they were slack, showing that they, too, had parted. At this instant came the 'quick hoist" signal on the lino of the other wliilo diver and wild with fear we grasped tho ropes and sooa bad him in the boat. Quickly wo removed bis helmet and plied him with questions. For a moment he could not epeak; then he gasped: "Couipton's tlea-i; the nigger killed bun ; hecutthepipo and lines," and fanned. Tho shock of the submarine murder had been too great for even this strong man. We tested the negro's lines; thev wore still taut, and tinning ourselves with clubs we hoisted tho murderer to the boat; he offered no opposition as wo removed the suit. and securely bound him. I instantly dressed and descended alter Cotnpton's body; tlio water around him was tinged with blood, and as I bent over him 1 notice.! with horror that tho front of his jacket had actually been cut to pieces, no less than n iozeti wounds being afterward found upon lis body. The negro was tried and con .icted, but coiniuitted suicido by choking timself with the sleeve of his shirt. FROM STANLEY'S MAIL. Carious lti-quests, On'y n Very Few ol Wlw-lt Were Honored. Edward Mai-ston in his articlo in Scribnor's gives the followinrr selections from Mr. Stanley's mail: An enthusiast hailing from America nuks for Mr. Stan ley's old cap: Right gl:ul am I that you an) otica inoo In a civilized country. 1 have caivt.illy ivatcut d your procveuiu t from tiie tlcie yen dis.-overed Livings. one. Yea e.r - a bri.-U 1 N uv, ii' you ni-e Inclined t.i sell the i-itpyou wore tliroii'tli Afi-iea I am prepared to cive yea a fancy price tor It toad.lto my cellce.ioa of curiosities; it : hull tie presurved in iv case wit ii your natae ou same. A firm of tobacconists makes tho fol lowing cool request: Will yeu Itln Ky accord ns your g;-aelms per mission to iiihhmuI y Mir noble unci itu I y ui pholugrapli rui.;.il we tl-;; foi-yoiu- ti.ll t-'r;i,i!i i to a class quality of ci;,ar a .d ci .-;u. :u, mate by ourselves from the best uud linost to bacco, clef A photographer writes: Sin: Pray exeu .0 the liberty taken by a stranger iu appi-t.aehin you at a time wiiou your hands an. I iiinid inu .t tui . futl, hut since, to satisfy the demands of u:i a Im'.ntig p'.ddlc, some one inu-t claim proud portion of per forming the tasli I covet, that ot executing a portrait, etc. A puotioal soldier in Cairo says: 1 humbly b.-g you will kindly aeeepl the In closed few simple lines from a so dier. 1 am uo poet, but have- expressed myself as well us possible, etc Mr. S. replied kindly to this, and has mado tlio Cairo soldier very proud. Tho following letter is from an old acquaintance of tho l'ocovlv days: Dl:ah Sin: Please excuse me tor the liberty I have taken In writing to you, but la knowing you. an" taking a very great eatcrcst In your treavels, 1 control-Hue you oa your sato return, hoping you may lour live to Iiijiy yourcatth and napnoss tor your labours. 1 have always taken great entrcit ia your trave's ever since we meet at Z.uudlur. I ham the mao that don your boat wlien tiie Poeeo.; Brothers I was with you and I should like a few Hues from ' you, as 1 suould like them put in our papers i Nan, etc. I HEAD CONTEST. HANDLE, 10111 BLADED TELESCOPE TOOTH .7T,7.V Ofl i IN ELEVEN' COLORS, for framing, 2K75 00 3173,250 00 by counties, among pnrtlcs who i-hcw SPEAH US 1MB taken therefrom. in this comity as follows: 1 GOLD WATCH. ...D OPERA GLASSES. Jo POCKET KNIVES, 100 TOOTH PICKS. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tliete. was never a time in the history of our coiiutry when the demand for inventions and improvemeuls in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The conveniences of mankind in the factory nud wotkBUop, (he household and on the farm, ns well us in offleinl lile, require continual secessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time nud expense. The political change in the admimstra on government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, nud ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly ounoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare oanuot be exer cised iu ouoosiug a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in teresls.havo been lost and destroyed iu innumerable instances by the employ mont uf incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and streurfth of the patent is never con sidered iu view of a quiok endeavor to get an allowauoe and obtain the fee. THE PKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, (118 F streot, N. W.,Va8hington, D. 0., represeming a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and geu eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to protect its patrons from the utisafe methods heretofore employed in this line of busiuess. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseotite applications generally, iuoludiug me ohauioal inventions, design patents, trade-murks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives espeeial atteuion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to entttr into competition with auy firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkdderhukn. 18 F Street, P. O. PJox 3K5. Washington, D. C. nn TDI A I A Parses ol oar tm.t- rnrr ,imt' dec.y,n.r,i,i1.a7 I IImIb and lost Tltallty nu frM for U cm-u 6R. WARD INSTUTUTE. l20N.9tli8t5I.UCI5, IX O -nil PO S'T(I tn OTt PAINt.ES trMtfnril awrll r Wlth ut ki,lf'L- N' ' ((vi I IsWIhW from butinrii. fUtult, l ie , Pto., lio curM. ; vui' r. CO1 Queitlon Blaok and Book free. Call or writ. m jJit. ii. u. in its, I 833 Pine Streot, ST. Lot is, Mo. Halary andeipensen paid weakly from start. Permanent poaltlon. ExcluiiTe territory. Kipork'Dce unnHcvaaary. PecullarE j adrautairtistoMglnnerm. LlDerai . oommlsslon to local part- tlma ajrents. Larfust grower, of clean, Com- 1 linrdy, rutlable pli-to tnaortment 1 nur.ery for th. orrtmrd, I stock. lawn and aanlea. We waat you now, whtliM too fruit lndUKtrv 1. id important Oooil chane. lor it adTanet-ntent. uutni anil iui par- i tloiilare fr.. 1IROWN BKlis. Ol. nur- rTin.ii, IVrttand, Ore. (ThU houM 1 reliable. Nino. till, paper. Eu- iXi,";r,t'Auent8.$73 wtk Kiolmtra l.rrtwrj. Th HiDMNUiTuktr. Wuballiat tot a raaiit? lion miaut. Wtihft, nam and drtrt bm Uht wuia ta bands. Toa path iht button, iht mtv ua rii, ftrlaai, pnliatMd dltaa nd caatTfnl tlin. N aeaJdt Suivri.Balldtaai.dlrliataf Nu acDtta ttl.feM,aa.ttM. Chaf daraata.varraBMa- Clmlarifrai W. P. BARIUON 4 CO., OaH Ma. U, CaUaaka, A Gentleman Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes; "For 20 years past, my wife and I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and we attribute to It the dark hair winch she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint-, ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When j. "I usncu nun UUI limru&s ' ttflt VjfiS! retained its color and L---J fullness, we reply, By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor nothing else.' " "In 1868, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept fall ing out every day. I Induced her to use Aver'a Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR IF VOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT AtlilrpsR ,i lettf-r or 1'i.snl cant to THE FKEISH CLAIM SI COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, - Managing Attorns,, P. O. Hex -tua. WASHINGTON, D. c. FNS.O.NS PKOCCRED FOft SOLDIERS. WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. a:' i, f'n St!,n.TS ami Sailors (ilsHblPd In tin- line o( inxy tn lit' remilur Arinv or N-tvr Kiiir th'1 wr. -l.pvivorv of xUi- Imlliin writ's of 11! t m-Vj, find t'n'jp wl.'frt't, nuw t'rititli'il. (Htl ; reicTcd '"ii" i B'n'fi i)i 1 :i rms:i rulfl cnr!!"il TO hlirlu-r tnu:s. St;'t f v, ., ,o ctnrfaM ive advice, !S.)fef imM: t.:.i'.'fiiiJ. Made la all styles and sizes. Lightest, I strongest, easiest working, safest simpleot I most accurate, most compact, and most modern. For sale by all dealers In arms. Catalogues mailed free by The Karlin Firs Arms Co., New Haven, Conn,, V. S. A. Ore oa a Pnencl'to 'VVxe cause (meroan Are you willing to work fortliocaus of Protection In placing reliable info:-, niation in the hands of your aciiuain tances? If you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN Protective Tariff lep: r 13S W. 23D ST., New Yo: r Cut this notice out and send It to tV 1 toting your position, and give a lielpim-.:.. Caveats, Trado-inarks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent business cooducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice Riven to inventors wltboot Bbarge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN. Mauagius Attorney, O. Box 463. Washington, D.C, rfThtH Company Is manaered by a combination ol tht' larirt'St n:ul mont intliiPtitinl nt-wspaers Id th I nlu'd StiileB, for tiie rxprrts purpose of protect. Id Itit'tr MiiMarl!tnr aaltit u'iJtcnalou and lnioii'pott'!tt Patent Agents, and earn paper prlntlnfT this u Ivertistim'nt voucnefl for the nrspooaU bllltv and higli tftandldiE of tne Press Calms Compaoj, GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give hi, personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of hi, home paper which te :'.:. th Atserican policy of Protec I ti -.. It is h!s dutr to aid in this resoect i-, -.-:y wij possible. After the home V'-V.; U taA-eri care of, why not sub. , f.-.f the 'AstziKAX Economist, i r ' -hd by the American Protective TanrT Leaie ? One ot its correspon dents says: "No true American can i'et along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake, man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d St., New Yorlt. lienernt Slicrnein's e" incut, (ienernl Mienran is .,, ... ,;..,. j,0 said to a friend Tie ot , ui.v who was tallaiiir to hi::i atn.ut !: ili-iay In put tin;r no ihe Urant moutintcnt: "That won't happen to :; I've liot.jjht my own monttnient ami paid r. thousand dollurs for it. Tlio minute I'm buried it will 1-e clapped ot; over mo and that will end i::o matter. 1 won't havo any jatitn nonsenso with my monument," concluded tho nipped hero, and w fancy thi-ro won't bo any, either. Wher BtilT riti)? from throat or lung troubles, tnko only Rtieh medinine as h n heeo proved worthy of 001 ti.leneie Snt'h n remedy is AyerV dhurry fwtornl; siectfiofor suddeu colds, sul inva n lil in all forms of pulmonary com plaints. Sold by drugeiistg. Price 1. m A CASE 0" CONSCIENCE. II. w s Lawmaker AvnUwl T.UlDf Dl r ct LI . "Some of our lawmaker," said a reteran lobbyist, w ho hud had expt r ience in many capita'., "have very carious conscie ic s. 1 retneail er on one occasion that it became neces sary to have a certain man in a certain state legislature on our side in a littln legislation of importance, and it was my duty to look after him. I did so, with various attentions, including wines, dinners, and so on, and at last, as I couldn't fix him, I plumped a thousand dollar bill at him. My, my, but he was hot ' 'No man can bribe me, sir! No man can bribe me,' he fairly yelled, and he tore up and down in such a violent manner that I discreetly pocketed my thousand and left him. The next day I don't know, of course, how it could have happened one or two newspapers that didn't like my man published nn intimation that tho lobbyists were taking care of him. Then he was hot ter than ever, and the next tti(fht I M-nt a lady lobbyist in my employ to sec him. She came back to nte in an hum without the thousand dollars and suiii he was all right. Then I saw him, and the next day he had a card in all the papers to the effect that he had repelled with scorn the advances of a lobbyist, and that he had accepted a bribe from no man. When the bill canoe up he voted with us and no comment was made because he had been on the fence anyway and nobody, except the few, knew how he would vote. All the same, he took a roundabout way to avoid tell ing a straight He, didn't he'.'" and the lobbyist laughed. Detroit Free Press. Geographical Juke. The Japanese are a very polite peo ple, but they sometimes like to play a joke, in a roundabout, oriental way, upon the men of the west In the days of the second empire Baron Gros w as sent to Japan to demand the opening of certain ports to French commerce. Among the rest he named to the Japanese ministers a cerlain city. The Japanese functionaries smiled so broadly when he preferred tho request that the French ambassador asked them to tell him what gave them so much amusement; but instead o,' answering, the Japanese ministers said: "We will open the port in question, my lord, if France, in her turn, will open a certain port to us." "What port is that?" asked the Frenchman. "The port of Liverpool." "Hut, your excellencies," laughing, "Liverpool is not a French port, but an English one." "Yes?" answered the Japanese. "And the port you named to us is not in Japan, but in I'orea!" The French ambassador was com pelled to admit that tne joke was upon him. Youth's Companion. "Life anil l)eth." Even doctors must have recreation, and perhaps a certain physician at a summer resort, whose servant recently made a somewhat queer response to a caller, was humanly right in the ordei s he had given her. Some one called at the doctor's cottage in the evening and began a speech to the servant: "I want the doctor to come over right off" "lie can't do it!" answered the serv ant. "He left orders that he was so busy that unless it was absolutely a matter of life and death, he couldn't gb out at all this evening." "But," said the caller, "it isn't sick ness at all." "What?" "We want him to come over and take a hand in a game of whist" "Oh, that's different You're Mr. Brown, ain't you?" The servant disappeared and reap peared a moment later., "The doctor says he'll be right over," she said. Youth's Companion. Cleverly Countered. An American and an Englishman were one day sitting on the balcony of the Anglo-American c lub in Brussels, passing the rather slow hours in a little friendly guying of eachother. The Englishman sat facing the American flag, and the American sat facing the English flag. After a brief lull in the sharpshooting the Englishman came out with: "1 say old man, ye caw n't imagine what your flag reminds me of." The American was serious. "Well, what is it?" ' Why it reminds me of a deuced big gridiron, don't you know." The American smiled a sad smile and then said: "All right, Johnny. Hut what do you think your flag reminds me of?" "Don't know." ' 'Well, it reminds me of a darned big beefsteak that we can fry on our grid iron." Boston Budget An Incident In a Dark Tunnel. Two young married men in the Salem excursion to Newport recently played a rather sweet joke on their wives. Before entering the long tunnel at Elk Uty each was sitting with the other's wife. They agreed to exchange seats in the long tunnel and each kiss his own wife. Well, they did as agreed. One of the young women screamed terribly and attracted the attention of the w hole car, and all had a hearty laugh at her expense, when the light broku in upon her, resisting fiercely an. I in her husband's arms. The one kept perfectly still, and she and her hnsbur.i had a good laugh on each other when the light broke on them. She said she did not know but what it was her hus band, and did not want to give it away if it was not Salem (N. Y.) Journal. rnjutt Discrimination. "I notice," said the woman with the steel-bowed glasses, "that if a married woman happens to get killed the pa pers announce that 'Mary Smith, wife of John Smith, was run over by the cars,' for instance. If John himself gets it there is not a wordsaidof Mary, except to mention that he leaves a widow. And that's why I'm kicking." Indianapolis Journal. telephone Statistics. In Germany the telephone subscribers are estimated to number S1,S"5- in France, lUST; in Croat Britain, 2uW in Iuissia, 7.5S5; in Italy, O.ISS; in Aus-tro-llungary, 4,200; in Spain, 2,218- in Portugal. 890; in Switzerland, 0,5T0; In Belgium, 474; in tho Netherlands, '? n''nmark- l--i in Sweden, ...St.4: in Norway, 8,a0. The Berlin Itoerson Courier estimates the number of subscribers in America at 1,000 000 'iU iu all tho world at l,2Uu,000. Produce t2 50 and get tbe Gaaette for one year. Nioe family paper, and bul ly to paper otbini. fS Pi clear! n (iFi MENTALH id I STRONG I ENERGYgJ P-NERVESH XyER'S I SARSAPARILLAf M. Hammcrly, a well-known tituhiess man of Hillsboro, Va.. sends tills testimony to ihe merits of Ayer-s Sarsaparl la : ".Several years aiso, 1 hurt my leg, the injury leavm a sore which led to erysipelas. M y suftcniu; were extreme, my leg, front to tho inkle licuti: a solid sere, winch lu-can to ex t" , d o other parts of the hotly. After trying various remedies, I l-eittn. takini! Ayer's sfi ap.irilla,and. before I 1 h;" first bottle, 1 exoerienced great telief the second bottle effected a complete cure. Ayer's Sarsapariila Prepared oy Dr. J.C. Aver Co., Lowell, Mosi. Cures others, wi!S cure you convince the skeptic and point the way which if followed leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Has been put np In a DroDrlatarr form since 1BT8. and bos betm uned for yearn nrlor to that time In private practice. It ts no untried nostrum, or doubtful reputation, but ft genuine BpociOo for a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of all aces, have at some time In life brought on nervous debility and exhaustion, with oruanio weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too i re fluent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious bablts.and it Is to theae tbat we offer remedy tbat will, by its direct action upon the seat of the disease, stop tbe drain and restore the patient to vigorous health and strength. Our method of Introducing Prof. Harrls'Pastlue treatment Is one which commends Itself to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply It upon their judgment of Its value. Weak of our patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a postal card and a two cent postage stamp. Tbe postal card to be used In sending us their full ad dress and the postage stamp for the letter return ing the statement of tbeir case for which we supply them with a question blank, to be flllod out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for ne In returning it when Sited, ajaaaam aw "w hi When we receive the state IM l-O in en t on hink we prepare M IV ljkaa eight days treatment aud for I j.r ward lb by mail and prepay M( , TRIAL postage thereon and along w Tra wrw wltfa tbeetght days' treatment A XLnAlifi we send full directions fur using. The treatment in no way Interferes with a person's attention to business, and causes no pain or inconvenience In any way. We are bo positive that it will give perfect satis faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirety with those using the free trial treatment. Having satisfied those sending for trial packages of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they are more largely Interested than ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and tbe same to all. They are as follows: 13 for one month 15 for two months; 17 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. If desired by exprena we leave ihe patient to pay the charges. For over ten years we have nnorntfifl nnr bain i mi a MiSAtTKfTtllri Dustiness upon tnia plan witn satisractory results. We ask all persons needing treatment for any of the secret ills which oome to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PROF. HARRIS' SOI VULE MEDICATED PASTILLES have merit and are what they need. All communication confidential and should be addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists 90 Beekmao 8t, NEW TORS 0ITT, H.Y, fT inOfi worth of lovplu MikI.. 1a Cn,h, T" aQ I U C.nt,, consisting of icn paes , Z: , 'ull size Sheet Music of the j- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular fc; selections, both vocal and Instrumental, gonen up In the most elegant manner, tn- CludinP fnnr Inra d.a Dnr.ll, - OARUiNCITA, the Spanish Dancer, : PADCREWSKI, the Great Pianist. r- A0ELINA PATTI ana" Minnie seugman currliw. . an to THE NFW VflBK Mlistoii cnun nn Broadway Theatre Bldg-.NewYorltClly." THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tte Jam as used by thoujands of woman all over tbe United Statea, in the LD DOCTORS private mall practice, for 88 years, and not a atnglj bad result. Money returned It not aa represented Send 4 eenta (ntamps) (or sealed particulara. DJ. IlISTITUTB, 120 17. Hlstfe 6t Bt. Lcuis. Uo. BUFTURES CURED! SS Tear, Experience In treating all Vftrl. lies us to guarantee g positive cure. Question Blank and Boo) tree. Call or write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPUANCE CO., 01 Pine Street, . . BT. LOUIS. MO u-i " pinna, per niiath. Ko ' Mrrlnc. no ineonven.ence, I o bad re.uit., dme.. 1 rcatment perfect V harmlpa. nA SeatiaL Oueition Bl fk and Hook Iree. 0.11 DB. U. B. fiUTTS. m r.n, atml, M. Loui., ito. )0 A YEAR FOR LIFE " sfr.ntinl Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct . . ..merer! a prison wher. wal eonened " 1 - nimiml. On making a request to b. 1 1 "' 'Ii- pri-sence nf the doomed man, thl -.i !- ii.lonriNt thai none but were permit 1 i - e ih .rioner. Th. Ttaitor said ; " Brothen ,i,.r li,e I in -ne, but that ana', (Unpraonei-,: t'-i-1 my fathers son. It.- a t once taken to th prisoner. Kow, what r -'-i ll ihe prisoner to the Tisitor! 1 - i- Ar-rii-iilturist Puhlishin: Companr THU rfr. 50 I 'J''. . i-JS . ' .!''e """"I linlb. Unit eorrectan. '. .) to the second: 3ni, 4250; k aion. 5?!; f. ..nd ter 10,000 other rewards con.1. S,', pianot wis, ladle. ar,,t t. fola ,a Tar watw iUTM n it-es, diamond ruins, etc .utbi .wn'i"i,'"rfn!!.'"1'"' "f ot"TMt w lll bl ."ii a hithionen piano, to the oeit to the last beaut? I ' -' " ?"." Ic' "-0 WiU .aluaUenali tlin iMin, ah - . . . . V -ii.wct. most oe sent be mart anil 1 ..tmarl not later loan Dm. Jl, 189i Th r. . XT J,'". ''lvTi,tS dollar lor sis ii.,iis.,,T;n.v.,r.r i" jy?"". hom, the coices, illonrated fJSodTah ot Si dM TI Ml prts, ,e U be estied to assist usln ei'teil n, our citcnlutinn 141 The Brst wrrec".? rece'Si .".;,e,?r' 'r prml,a ' '.r PfiS vri.'Zf'Tr.1','''"''",1"' '"-"" lenllemwi ban re faVrl. ..?r.J if 'lillee tbal.h.pniH re lairly aaanled : t omtniMlore Caknu (Dronown. . out, , Lne.J S,e.m.rn lVlerborouiT .DoTalrW .l.ttson Pr..i.leni Times Pnntm, Como.ot P.Jl; tKioeieh Kesi,lr all n,.. u.,." w"?"'- f?f? nun its ft, Co. IL uu Wuitjoroo, tM TRIALS Vfill a ta.V -a4 . a.w 1 1 BBS 3 lTfttrlTliriB" I AND SUM 111 II W U Le Li ftal ' ath all had cooaaquancw, "". --" " ...Suaw l..l.l.l. a-pondtnc,. ." n.Hffi iry. watita, away Mb .njaai. """' " "d " by .fe.iid.a-r method;. paiar'leea. Uueil.ou Bunk and Book free. t.llorwriM. aMfjil, tiM-n.ou 3iu Dfl. WARD INSTITUTE 100 N. Ninth St.. sr. LOW LOUIS. M0. OUC IN HORSES. .'ve-7 owner o' a hiirs..- S'lim'it kerTI II oi'i'liand- 11 ma. sa. -; 1H ...i...i,i..a,iliiial. 0..e iiaekaiie wi.l tium t'lllhl 10 leU Ki sum. Sent ly nmi1 u . SlHitCk.'. Irlici-iitilnsblntso; U, 1,i,.,JiJll.i n. w The Old Reliable ETT E.tabll,ho(lti8yoars. Trentsmnloorfninil, .. .(niA. in niMOB of extioauro, k. ovrBBes or Improprieties. BKILt GUAHANTEK.D. Board aii'l ai'Unieni, furnlsnea wrioa ni-siiou. and Uoolt free. Call or write. Sy q 11 III The worst forms poiL X rFi I 11 Wll"ly cared 88 irf miccaiifiil praptirc. Tri itlmcnt eoiifltlcntlal. Curp bvmall or at offift. Ttrmilow. Qnofllioii , lllank am Book free. Call or write. DR WAR') INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St..SI.Louls.Mo HANGER IDlMSielCtillKU wi'houl Hie Ule ol Ttnite Uueitlon Blunk ami Book free. Call or writ. UK. U. U. Bll ITS, SS2PIMSL Bv. I-ouls, Mo. WANTED. C 1 IsiCCIr- ANV LADY, employed or unemployed , tfljAWLXfti can rakell.iafrrafew hours work each day. HstaryoreominUflon. ,10 .ample, free Addr;-HS H. BENJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine bt., St. Louis, Mo. Itg-AWYLADY can net a valunblo secret that, leuol mo SS.uo, and a rubber siileia lor au exit. Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. 8-.'9 VIST. STRFF T, BT. i.mnn, trm Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances An elePtro-ffnlvmie nntiery am bu .leu into medicated. Itolta. Riisnensorle.. Rill. mil Appliniir-n, Abiloin. lnill Supporters, Vosts, Ittrnwera, Olilc-o Caps, liisnlos. etc. Cnres Itlienmntlsoi, Liver and Kliine Complaint., IlyapoiNia, errors or 1 iiutn, LoatMniilion.ll MervouaneKR, Nexunl Wenk ness, and altTroiibltis In Mute fir i einale. Qiieatlou Ulaiik and liook free. Call or tvrite. Volta-Medica Appliance Co., 123 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Foot-Prints on the Path to Health. Everyone needinv a dot-tor's advice should read otte of Dr. Foob-'H dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Cnni'," ,'Uupttiie," "riiimosis," "Vui it-ocple," Diseitpe of men, Disi-fise of Women, nud leatn the beat means of sf-l -elite,. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eam 2K:h Hi., Ne York. STOCK URANUS. While von keep your subscription paid up yoi. can keep your brand in fi-euof elinrw. fiiiyn. x. o.. ion,-, jr. inirsos hit on left shoulder; cuttle atone on h?ft hip, under bit on ;..i,, ....a ktf .... i. i..r.. si.. iiiq. m.i uu mo inn, tnuKo. mor- row county. Armetronp;, J. 0 Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it ou left shoulder of lioruee; ciillie eiiiiie on left hip. siiiHou, vy. i., H.IKIH nine. or. i atrie Drann, O O on left hip and horsee same brund on riulit .l,,,l,W Itu.,,.,. Vlol.f M.ln Adkine, J. J., Hoppner, Or. llorsoe, JA con nected on lelt rlank: cattle, HHme on left hip. llartholftmew, A. Q., Alpiue, Or. Homes bntmled 7 E on either Hhoulder. Itanife in Mo. row countv Bleakman, Geo., Hardm&n, Or. Horees, a Hhk oi.ihii. eiiuuiuer; ouiue w.ue OT ri(itll BtioiUrlor. nannister, J. W., Hardninn, Or. ('attle brand ed H nn left Mn anrl tlOt.. ui.llr i., na,.l, Broniier, Peter . liooHeherry Orocon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle stttiie on right sine. Unrke, M St 0, l.oiiir Ureok, Or On cuttle ItlV ..miiwntal nn Ir.f, I.I.. n..... n,T lr. ... ' i u "-;"'"--"'' " ion enr, un der hal f crop oft right. Horses, same brand on letii snoutaer. lltinge in lirunt and Morrow ronnty. Ilrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle H ou tlio left side Left ear half orop nd right ear omior slope Barton, VVm., Hi pptier, Or. -Iloreee, J B on r.glit thigh, cattle, saine on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. HorBes IB on the right fltitle; cattle eamo on riitht hip; range Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in ne; tor on left hip; cattle, same Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Hones W liar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G.. Hoppner, Or.-HorseH, box brand or rtgh, hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. v Tlnn, U C O tr .. . . i,.e., . . v.., .oijpuni, or.-xiursi-e, r ll on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hio. sji "wuiee, tv . o ., r oi,ur-t attle, J H con nectetl on left side; crop on left ear and twit splits and middle piece out out on right oar; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Hango in Fox valley, Grant county, " rarsner .Warren. Wagner, Or.-Horsns brand ed O on right Hide; cattle (three bare) on right ribs, crop aud eplit in ouch ear. Kanae iu Orant and Morrow counties, Cain.E., Oalob.Or.-V 1) on horaes on left stifle U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left Btitle on all oolts u-der 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horees over 5 years. All range in Grant oonnty. Clark, Wm. H Lena, Or.-Horses WHO con nocted.on left shoulder: cattle same on right U1!i-. H?"ge M,?rro,w "nd Umatilla counties. H r fn ei 1B; i" y"8"" ',r Lona- r- H t on right shoulder; oattle same on right hio. Uange Morrow and Umatilla ftountios. Cecil, Wm.,I)oagl(Ui, Or.; horses JO on let shoulder; cattle sams on left hip, waddles on each Jaw and two bits in the right ear. i - H" ..V''n L?r'- Of-Double oross on each hip on catt e. swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Gran Sn'iKlH0'1 8teop- 1E,Tertel A and spear poii! on shoulder. Lar marko J ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in nKGUnnt!vP. h"" iaMt - A" FJ"!- J"L8n.0'':-Horses, 90on rightshoul der. t attlo sameon right hip: ear mark square crop oft left and split in right. "-JiiBre leftSe'."' Currin""I'e- 0r- -Horses, oo on Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Or. Cattle. C with r ill oeuter: horses. CE on left -lip. Coohran, K. E., Monument. Orant Co , Or. Horses biantled circle with hai beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears mid dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or.-Horses hramiaii r. on right h!p Cattle braudetl the "sitme? Dickens, Ebb Horses braided with three 0,w V?: ' on left side . Oouglass, W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. K I Sw't'fe! " in eai!h ear; ,'oree9-K " Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horsea TH n the right stifle; oilttle same on rht hi, TD n ed ii V mifV."; iJ"u,K". OrHorses brand. htp.t hiighl''r'1"' CH"le "Hm6 un le" righl'shoulder!''-' h'manT- 0r' DiamJ "n Emeiy. c. 8.. IlHrHmuti nu , , itsvetsid Cwith tail n left ..",.0"e.a Kff W S'coun Dleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or.-lioree. W ?,VJl!!eCSu"J1Kl't 1ilier: oattle. sums on off left. aud onf ri.l t t,L" A-Iu!pf.ner 0r--OBttle, LF on shoulder: Um"'r " rl8l,t ,-Fil"rim(!?l ,8- p- BsPItner, Or -Horses, K on TI mi - "V, ' rlK1" Hr thigh. WF w t UeorK,- "ePPner Or.-Cattle branded ear. horse6, same brand on K-ft hip Gay, Benty, Heppner, Or.-OAY on i shoulder. I Oilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., left left . Fob. ; v" -I"1"", miiiiiir o on ten snuuliler; ; vent, .umiionun, i nine, same on Dotn tups 1 .no,y,uuu iifiui ear anu nuuerDit in left 1 Kange in Gilliam, Giunt, Dniok aud Morrow counties i Oentrv. klm.r P.lin fl n..- , 1 . 8 :.V .' v." ""IT. un-ntiea II. . with . quarter circle ovor it, on left stifle itangem Morrow and Uniktillaennniias. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand Jh connected with quarK-r circio ovur it, on left shoulder. t ., .iim.ii, ur. tame, louud-top A 1 with qiiarter circle nuder it, on the rtv-ht 1 it? ; Kange in Morrow and I'aiatilla counties. P' Hinton 4 Jonks, Hamilton. Or-Cattle. two bo e i oneither hip; cn.p in right ear and split in left Horses, J on right tiigh. Itai.gein Grant county Bughes, Hlrnael. Woguer, Or V IT B l connectedjon right shoulder on huZi,- ..n cattle" on right hip wid on left side, swall, w fo?k in ' S"t "?,'l?Dd 11,1 in left- KsVge in Haystack aistriot, Morrow county. uiiacs Halo, Milton, Wuwr, l)r.-illrsa . -O (circle with pnraTlel tad.) nTST.?"1',1 C; on fcft nip .loli ciro""- 11". - u..n ir.t 1.. T..V... t . ,s ..a., a saw...,..,. a,, ,-.,r. -VHU f. Q U hip; horsee aatn n ngttt sliuuhUr V frnl (ininteoauty. r rneii. Hi. wind, . I L, i alloway. Or. Hinges T. ; Vi,."V 1 V .-."'i".rr"1". t dr. 1.7 "'ii.:t. ""i; same til In rountiiw. " ""rrow "' L1 tn.. " HunK I I Wr. OX'rZT 1 V linulilnr: oa. tl. 11 onloft hit.. ' w M.nli.1. llhai. Kl... JI,nectef. on lofthouiaor; SueSHr'' H id, crop off loft ear, U6 on " loft flnmiihrovB. J M. HnrHm.n i- t. lefiHanls 1 . noraaa, H 00 11 T M 11 , I. 11 oc loft uliouliler oattle, same on rinht b?r? HustoD. I,nthr. liiKht Mil., Or"-HorSl tho loft aliunltlerand hoart ou the left iX Uo wune on lafthiu. Kanira in m;,.. " lvv (, Alfrwl, Lon Creek, Or-Cttl. : hip, crop o0 left oar and bit in rjaM H,,-0" 1 bmud on left shoulder ltan,?a n a right same eonntv Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Uotaea h. i .. n J on the left shoulder! oattle Uau'led jdHl right hli, alw undeibit ia left eaT uzJ.0 fllorrow ei nnty, w jnnkio, a m,, neppner. Or Hor.M a hoe J on left .boulder I laiM hor nhoe Ml nte on Kluht Mile. ohiiioti. relii, Lens, Or.-Horaes. oircl.T... stills; cattle, earne on right hip, affl J left omp nv iu 1 milt in hi auiii in iri ear Jmikliis. D W..Mr Vnniit. n. 1 . eft shonlder; on cattle. J n 'iJ, T.;.D?ref(wi .: ....- :..:r."";u-"I-r' n horse. smooth crops' on both ears." lts!iB inP k?d twi! Bear valleys "ul"e sad honni, mike, Heppner, Or. Hornea k j , 1NY on left hip oattle sVme and mb0T?:S ar: under bIoih. on the right v 00 letl Kirk.J.T., Heppner, Or. Horses ltd , . honliler; cattle, lift on left hip M "8 011 '"'t Kirk JO lo,.n.e ll.ll..' k: cattle 17 on right s'itle. " 0n 8lth ;rL- ti .... , Kii mildpr: nut tin anma nr. ,ilst -..i. 1 . ,T mt nghle-tr. 'lil u Kniuberllind.W.H,. Mount Vernon Or n cattle on ngnt and left sides, swallow fork in 1,,'! ear and under oiop in light ear lt,7 hrnnd on left shoulder, liatige in Grn i,. """ Lofton, Bteptien Fox.Orfls on cattle, crop and split on right ear if' saiuo brand oa loft shoulder." Liennllen, John W., Leyi .. o. brnudwl half-oiicle JL connected on lift & tier. Cattle, sanu- on lefthio. Uung'e, ntirft l.i'ttliey, J. W- Heppner Or.-Horao b- a L et,,, A l-lt shoulder; settle same , 'ft lop, wattle, three siliu'i lril, (Jnorgo, Heppner, Or.-norses hrenn a double 11 coi.nect, SomotlmeT S?r",i swing H. on left shoulder. M C"'lu1 Markhain. A. M.. Heiipner Or ri i M tm left side both ear,! crop"; h.h(nHo,,,.s M on left hip' A'a'uge.Tfe Minor, Osoar, rieppner nr. rattle u n right hip; hurse. M on left shoulder. ( Morgnn, H. N., Heppner, Or.-Horsea , on Ml should-, cutt le same on left hm ' M McCumbor. Jns A, Echo, Or. Horsea M .l hHr over on right shonliler. uorses, M with Morgan. Trios., Heppner, Or Homo. .1 , riX' ,l.;irhBhoul,k,r aml Mi W sat "ft McClaron, D ., Hrownaville. Or,-Hor.. Ftritre 5 on each ehoiildor; oattle. M2 on h" Met arty, David H. Echo Or. Horse, brand ',inT,uUidV,n "' left'n""i"1': "Mtlesan. McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley Or ML.k with toe-cork on cnltle on ribs a.d nn"";: each car: liorBes same brand ou left stifle. McllaU, ... .-1au11iS1m.Or.-un hL. with half jirole under on left shonldenon vSm our bars connected top on Oie righ si ita' llstigein Grant ( ounte. ' Lone Kock.Or.-Horses A N e,. "T'"S Kl !!TJdwi mM othC "lh, E. Hilverton. Or.-Horses. ci role ' left thigh: caitle. name on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or.-A 8 on eattl, .in left lop; 011 horses, eaine 011 left thigh. Baon in (iratit county JnlM .ho,',',dr,.,.10r''1' '"K1"11- r.-P O en 6f( Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or.-On oattle 11 LP coniiK'-teii on li ft hip; horses on lefi siiKe am warMe on nooe Kange in Grant county, Pearson, O uvo, Eight Mile. Or.-Horses,, nnr er c r,,leehi..l1 on eft shoulder nnd IM on left hip. atlle, fork in left ,r, rlrtht cropped. on loft Inn. Itiiiige on Eight Mile. """ I. ftfo,ulder.'BUSU- Jinl"'a",Or,-Hre96lpM I'iper Erne t, Lexinjrton (Jr.- Bor es brand, e .b, (L ll conneoted) 01. left shoulder ; cattle s me on right hip. liange, Morrow county. , l-iuer, J. H LeXinirU.a, Or. -Horses, JK coit.' nected 01 left Bhouliier; cattle, same on loft to, under bit in each ear. ' l'ettss, A. C., lone. Or,; homes diamond Pen -stuiuldBTj cattle, J H J conneoted, on tin Mj hip, upper fllopa in left ear and slip in th, Powell. Jonn T Day villa, Or-Horses. JPooti. ittii; oil on left shoulder. Cattle OK oouueoted nil left hip, two utidor half crops, one on each enr, wa tlouniloi-throat. Bat ge in ti rant county. Bowl. Andrew. Hnrdinan, Or. Horses, sonsre obis, with quiirter-ciicle over it on left stifle. Ben mgor, Cliria, Hoppner, Or.-Horees, C H on left iiheuhlei. Bice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, BAN on right shoulder. Kange near Hardman. Iliiyse, Attron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain Von left shoulder; cattle, same braml reversed 01 right hip and crop off right our. liange in Mor row county. Rush Bros,, Hoppner, Or.-ITorees branded J un the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip, crop off loft our and dewlap on neck. Bangs It Morrow and adjoining counties. Bust, William, Bulge, Or.-Horses 11 01 left shimltlor; cattlo, K on left lop, orop oil light oar, uiulerliit on left, ear. Sheep. It oil weathers, round crop ff righ ear. Bangs Cms tillaand Morrow c mnties. Itcanpy, Andrew, Lexington, Or. norm, branded A B on right, shoulder, vent quarts! circle over brand; cattle same on right hli, Hango Morrow county. lioyso, Win. H, Uniryville, Or HK connect with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip uiiii crop off right enr and split in loft. Horses wune brund on loft shoulder. Kange in Morrow GrHiitand Gi Ilium counties. Hector. J. W., Hoppner, Or-Horeee. JO w loft. shoulder. Cattle, j on right hip. Spicknall, J. W., jooseberry, Or.- Horel branded ai on loft shoulder ; lange in Morrow county. Sailing, C 0 Hoppner, Or Horses branded U A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. bwaugart, B. b, Lexington, Or.-Honws with daslt under it on left stifle, cattle H with ussh uniler it on right hip, orop oft right ear and wtuidied on right hind log. Bauge in Morrow, Uilliatnand limatilln counties. Bwaggurt, A. L.,Athena. Or. Horses brandpi1 1 on letl shoulder; colt-lo same on lett hip. I'm 011 oar, wattle on left hind log. Straight W. E Heppner, Ur. Horses shaded J B ou let, stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. bupp, Thos.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 APon left hip; cattle sameon left hip. blinor.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on uorses on ngnt rup; catue, same on right hip, crup oil right ear and under bit iu left ear. Banna in llmiit oiniiiiv Suuth BroB., Busanville, Or. Horees, branded B. Z. onshoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoalder, SquireB, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded J bun left shoulder; cattle the sams, also dobs waddle. Bauge in Morrow and Gilliam oo.ioties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horBOS 8b on right Btitle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Oattle, B on right hn ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. G, W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on lett shottldei ; oattle, 44 ou left hip. Sperry, E. G Heppner, Or.-Cattle W C on left hip, orop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Ihuuipson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 on loft Simula, r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. tltii.ara.Sl T I, n 1 -In,, 1 1- 11. 1- nnlart shoulder. ' turner B. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T lelt shouldei, horses; oattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Ihornton, U. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded H I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand, Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Orr-Horees HV con. nected on right shoalder;cattle, same 00 right hip WalhrirlaA Wn. tl 1 Hamid Tt L. on the left shoulder; oattle same on right hip. , iiii i. war situ ngnt ear luxipea. Wilson, John ,, rjulem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Baun Morrow county. " arreu, TT 11. t ;aieb, or Cattle w wunquar circle over it, on (eft side, split ia right iw. Horses same braud ou left shoulder. Kangoi" Grant couuty. Wright, 8ilas A . Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip. square orop ott right eat and split iu left. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses brands! ce iu spailes ou left shoulder and lett ni Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. . W elle. A. 8.. Heuoner. Or. Uorses. on left Bbotilder- catt e bskja .nn,-i, UUUL, UUHS ly KjllJ . JT JU ll"" ttiree parallel bais on left shoulder; ! on snesp. on in Dotn ears. Bangs in Grant, and MbIM counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Homes. connected on lef t shoulder. , , Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horses bnmdoi ut connecteu on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or.-Cattle, W on ri.iitll.iirl, k..,. :-. i ur .... eieht ShOUloer. Rl.,,1. .umaH I... -1 1. 1... ...luiioi, auiii, same on ion. snouiuer. Whittier tiros., nuimngiou, Baker Co.. Or. norses branded W B connectetl on left shoulder nniiamB, .asco, namuton, Or. Quarter en cle over three bars on lef t hip, br,t!. -attle anil horees. Bauge Grant ooantr. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or-Horsee tor circle over three bare on left hip; rattle and sl,t ,n each ear. Kan.e i , c?,0nti Wten, A. A Heppner, Or. Hones muni,,, on shoulder: Cattle, same on "Shhip. Wnlker Elizabeth 4 80111, Hardmnn f attle branded ,E W connected E W n .. side horses same on right shoulder. J Wtiker. entile, sameon lelt hip, horse, .'.n on left shoulder. All range iu Kow cour Koung, J. 8., Oooeeoerry.Or.-Horae. hr.A TSnnths right shonlde- nrult 1 "-lt?.-. T,"