Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 27, 1894, Image 3

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    I. , The "Vlllnr null I ' i' ' '
NUflUKil'O AUVKIU'lBiiHsi.
j "nooU dt!lrlng lu iuwmijuu of display d ' Seuil Wei-
1111...1, .-.ii.
"" ..iwiw ruui.ii.liiii.l,u.
1 llie ilum ol. liva coin per line will be
Cfju iut '-ciiraa 01 luii, ' "iculuUvu. ul
lo..,. ..t, iioioui nudUlug iuwiiu uu U....U1..
v.. uui u...u ttii ul auu
iw.iuuui .fun, -.ucii.igo ,ui nuvivyvi liu.inw,
v"" " mtw iu.ua will ue
UU .V 1UVIU1 luliiiubu.
Am viuoiug lulu
il'iuuj auuui
& luttauUHUluallll aMUlegnuYli
iVe hula eueh iiua every vorrupauaeut
, r .. , , uc wmuiuuiCuiiuu. Ju
I P. i'lSUKK, MfiWBJ'Ai'Utt AKVJtKHa-
PUJ.)I 4. fcvyv uu UtO IU HI, uLg, " "
ewje-tu-r Uttrduittu, Mouuuioiil, Long (Jrsca.
rf.jiiu u uu( u,.al,, lo :
li. VUl Urt ut I. u. 11.., OAUCpl oui.ua .
' IlllVbUIIJl) UUJUIU p. IU., UUlUl..lUUldllt
11IU BlMJUpU.1, miiukiBi U..U lil.U i'u m
111111 111U ll.LUllui uuu.n.y.'
I lull Culm, AKeiit. ,
UJJ in.j.
JUd Uiv.t
,. Here and There
Tte Hirhtiil'nf bug nukeiio thuir,
The blg:bug huH i.o i'uiiie; ! ,.
' ilhe soiu-toiig.liiii iio'ai'gdment ' ,
" W he Ki thtre just tht aie. ', .''
He boujjht u i)i;iv uJriii clock''
, Wlmii iie uiuUe his New Year voW;
"l'is very patmtil Wrteord, ' ' '
, lit bom urebtokeu now. i.,
..(!.. -A.Mfolieil "us iu towuSiiturjHyinst.
' uaoi 'Mmr aud C'mus. Baruekt men "iu
itrnn ni.tiirijii).
". ' r:'lif is for kla'ftt'the Qazotle office at
. yfa-mi h Jaiu ired.
1 VenlH, tmirtKnn, ; etc , . tecut,e hi
urtiiiir Mi::iHi nil clean wntaheR lit
tile H iliid-ii noe of SJl.- ,
'l' MpftrnfMiit'iiio opiM'a bouse are Still in
, luiiKittBh,, Wiiu Ktv.. Gray in cliaro.
' ' 2v l'ViiLk.Adkiua oa.ont to Hard
ytouu loiluy iu bald protracted tneblinii'.
,Min. C. S Van Duvrj has beon eriona-
; "'ly ill f'r Ktwhil das, and ih yet-'(Jlile
, i iyv . . . .
. XhtHeiviHHr.Ciiriynu 8tae liue ia th
oi h:, ciici vi't nuu qim keBt to tho.iu
' tiiriiir.' "
' "' E."H.' Clarka left Friday nibt "last,'
rihI wa nrd iufmiuvd went directly to
'. Hood's Pills are' the bast family
cuiiiiir 10 and Uvcr mtdiciue Harmless
ri liiiiiie, nine.
If you want- a feood ' ciiu ' Of aewiuj.
mndimti, ontne to .the QiiZctte oflioe 'aiid
we'll fit y.'ii out.. - :,
- Kris .ToriPB snlj h ffw days rjo. two
' C!ir-l,iiiii! if mutton 'nhei-p hi (Joo. ftli -:
Kuy at 92 '2U pir liad. : ,
.,. TliORo that Uav.n countv scrip for It'
nhdiiid dill -im UnnrKe' 'C.iuser at Tba
1'lrst '.Niiiiunal B.iuk . ', . 2 lf.- -'
W, l'VMinard wn over Saturday lant
ircin ...'ijo,. ig.wu. .ol Alb-4. . "Ted ...jviii.
biii nr biiei-piuiHeeasou. .,,
Tlie Ui-ii.'tte will' bo sent to auy nd
dnsa iii ilm. United Slates till 'after
campaign fur 50 oents. a ,t
Wal-blankM, plenty of tbem, at 'be
Giizette illice, aud. at world's prices.,
Bisqoiuita. ou Jai'Keorders ' .
: , O'x' wl)Mey,. 5beHp, Bi)d artificial.
Send 81 postal uole for recipe,' 'Addreas
Lvtl 101, Priidlet'Oti, Oregon. ' ' i 12
, Every man who takes any interest iu
fast stock Btiuuld subscribe for The
HtMWpmun. Gazette shop, aKepta. ,
Sheeiibiiy'ers us'i-d to be .rolling into
Heppner about tins time.. How we
wisU sneh times would come naiu.
The Gi zette will take cilunty scrip at
face oU aubHCriptinu, and pa.i liulanoe of
sumein caah at bighesti maiket p'loe.
v , '".. '.' , 7 160 '
feeporla have it that IJallas Danipttiui
bi.e In d apoiber Iraiice of i-hoiter du '
tat.oii than Ibe oi e of a fewdays ago
ihe Uhzeue imoe now rtiDR an in-
siuuuce und' uotartai thop. Come in
wbeu you want, to do your insuriuji and
Bwuuriug.' ' '
1 ue buby son of Mr. and Mrs. Vawler
Crawford is quite ill, being threatened
wjtb pueurnonia, However, he is muoh
better at puseut,
Those who have, brought in vanoup
kinds of supplies in lieu of Cfcsh, sbnn d
oall aroliiiil at tins oHice and get oredit
for gunie if not already given.
, . Plmtogr plis, $1:50 por dozen, at Shep-
. paws, ground Hour gallery,; u xt ibor
. South .of McBride'a wagiiu fiietory..
Nortu Main street, Heppner. 513
. Quarterly meeting will b held at
the M. E church, South nu March 10 Ii
Bnd lit I i . K.v. M, V. Hnwa d, pre
siding Elder, will bs present at that
' tim.'' "' y .' '' ' ' . ' ii
Echo stage lenvea Heppner for Ei ho
Tuesdiiyti, TliUr.du)s lint SHturdHjs
Arnvea Jlotidajs, Wednesdays and Krin
.,dae. Fare, "one wa, K2.60 PtiillOuluy
agent, A' Andiews, lJriip. , '
,.! To our cuatnaieit No difference' how
large or sqiall your ncConrit is, bome in
and se,tle, tfit.ber' by cash or note We
rnuat have one or the other to enb e
ns to s'em the flood. Hayes Bros. 90 t
Cook's Dead Sbotfquirrel poison, war
ranted i q-iiil t" if pot.iiuperior to any on
; llie ' mill ki t. ' Maiiufiioiiired by T W.
Aem,Jr, Heppner. ' For sale bv drug
gists, groceis and geneial ilealers. 4 f. .
i Green and Hiek Mathews will be
found at the City hotel b .iber shop
where an) thing in the line of the ton
Borial art will be furnished on appli
cation. These gentleunn are artists and
deserve Vour patronage. Call on ibem.
''' A peddler dropped in at '.d. Salings',
out ou Hand Hollow a few das iigo, and
asked if they w. uld loan hira a patch
or two with wliiob to mend his pants
These times are hard none as hud since
Buchanan's 'administration before tbe
"Br. ' ... ..-. . - . '
- Condon Globe; Mr. Bnd Mrs. W. P.
Sorivner, of Heppner, arrived in the oitv
Wednenday ; ami after viitine tbeir
relatives, 8. P. Shutt Bnit fmily, pro.
, oeeded nut to Ihe linme.of Mrs. Hcrivner's
mother, Mrs. Meek, where they will
visit a oonple of days. ' , .
, Gid Halt has now established a trin'
sorjHl parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Himons' blacksmith Rhnp.
where he invites the patronage of his old
oustomers Bnd nit who desire strictly first
blnss work, shaving, shampooing and hair
Cutting at living prices. IJou t overlook
The regular suhacriuiion nrlna rf
eeaiy uazeite la XAbl) Hnd h,
liriceof the Weekly Ureionian
AllV One Snhnnriliin..
Gi.zjite aud paying fur one year iu ad-
u , , uu Kel Polli ln Gazette Bnd
..ccnijr uiegoniaa for S3. All old.
P""' paymg tneir Bubsonptiods
"uojosrm auvanoewill be eu titled
mo Bnine oner.
XT I .
iieis Junes, aooompauied - by bis
nopUBW, iTank Junes, lelt rJutu,day for
FriBoowitu 2j0 bead of sheep, to be
tu.pijcu irom tri rtiaua by. bout. This
stiipment wnl be lollowed by two ship
uieuie, fine days apart of, respectively.
4U0 aud 250 bead. .
Alex Meyer, a Portland oaptalist, is
dead. He was well known iu connexion
wub Portland affairs. -
A freight train ran into a tree down
near Troutdale, Friday, delaying traffic
a law hoars. -. . , - . -
Hardtnan orgaouei a republican olob
Belt Saturday, ' , .. .
Tag Wooi growm Uajt,-p(ir.
euaut to call B nUttbef .tf tbe wooli
growers of this county Wet at the court
huuoe Saturday afternoon for the pur
pose of discussiug the advisability of
urgauinsiug a woolgrowei-'a- assooiation
of Morrow county. The meeting was
oalUd to order by O. E. Farusdrih, who
w .s chosen .'temporary ohairman with
A. ',V. Pattersou as temporary seoretary.
Mr Farosworth stated the object of tbe
meeting Vb'cb brought forth. a free-for-
all diacu8sion in which the herders - and
shearers took a prominent 'part. Geo
tSuiith defended the interests of the
former, while-; Ted, Minard and others
stood out boldly, for the,lalt.ter. element.
The by-laws of a similBr organizatida
over in Umatilla county were,,read and
alter a few appropriate ohanges were1
Humiiraously adopted and signed by 24
of thote present at a short recess wbioh i
was dci'lared -fox... Iliafc .purpose. O., E,
r .iirnsworin .. .ana w:. . r"; JUufton wore
elected president and seoretary re1
ipeifully fbc . the '.tiomiug ,year. ' The
association adjourned to meet at" the
city o Hindi chambers "March lOtii, at
1:30 p. m. ' .
;! Our Baby Boy
Suffered Intensely From
;;-;'yv.-' '"Pure Blood
vTHI Perfectly Cured by Hood's
' : .
Hsrveyvllln, Kniif's.
Reserved for IMcFarkind Meucantile Co.
rnpewet .Ct.OB.--At 7:30 tomorrow
eTOimig, the republieaiis are' mj'ited lo
meet at the euuiue house to organize
precinct club fiir Heppner, Mt ' Vernon
"nd. Gentry. .Tli organizer for the
respective preciucis tire .eipeetexl to be
present, s well as tbe county organizer,
and nlliiij-epiiblioatw. who Wan get out
ibis, club will, meet oof. evenings, an
promises tj present interesting programs
iu their flit lira operations; i.-.,iq
...I '' " . "' , r-
Osa EETTEfl Speiking of.tranties
out on band. Ho low, is a man who beats
them alt. .This man .of 'earth In bis
dreiims goes through the loVer regions
and eeis iu torment those'" now livino
wbioh 'be claims is a sign that they are
fore ver; lost, jis tueHssuts. are- Tin pardon
able. ' Morrow colinty is making a few
genuine Christians, but in the long run
a L'fent riiiiiiy more infidels.'; .'
.Kii.'k Wood , Yaiid, The -Heppner
ooii yarn, under the-management
Iii ( Van Winkle, "is prepared tq deliver
wiinu hi ,our reBiaenoe, saweil, or un
"Mw,e(i. ,)iood, eawed nd delivered
47.UU wr oord. Wood sawed .twice
r,wi, (5 ct. per oord; three times, 8100
lata near 'the depot. JjeBve btders
Sloan ft Ho ar.g's. ' ' " 4-tf,
SmEJiAKKB.--Ed. Birbeok.a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' exneri
ence, has just located in the Abraham.
sic'' onilding, on May street, where he
ib prewired to do eveiyib,ing in Ins ,lipe,
U'. Birbeok is strictly a first-class work-
man aod warrants all work, Give him 8
call I4wtf
Liand. f or . oale. 4bU Bores : over - in
Wilson bhiirie; A good stock rauoh ud
id be sold cheap. Call Bt -Gazette
oflioa for particulars and terms 1
, It will take only 8812 to buy ft; 480
acres, 2ri0 acres plow, land; one-ha
mile ruuning water. Improvements
10 acres fenced, 15, acres cultivated,
houses and stable, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to farming.
sheep aud hograising.' An .. extensive
sheep range joining to Rock oreek.
IVniis: $110 down; remainder on long
time. Looaii m: Ou' county road, twi
and one-half miles west of Bond bill,
Eiybl. Mile. Or. 320 acres for $510, oi
SlOtf for owi eralnp in 100 ncres school
land or will exchange for two good
h 'rues. Original co-it of sobnol Ian d
$320., Apply at Heppner Gazette offio
Heppner Oregon. " J99 tf-sw.
' Where? : '
At Abrnhamniok's. In addition to' bis
tailoring business, be has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
Hbirta, hosierv, etc. Also has on hand
lurrie elegant patterns for suits. A.
Vbrabamsiak. Mbv street. Heppner, Or.
Re ter on 650 t eres of land in Klick
itat Co.. Wash. God bouse, barn, and
plenty of water.' ,' Bz miles to market
' - ' F. O.- BncKNCM,
9.f. ' . , i , . '.. Heppuer, Or.
additional, iaiuals.
E. O : E H. CUrke retii'nd this I
morning tri m Hei.pner.' He slates that I
today iu Heiipner. Mnrrnw county, woO',
growers will meet to form n ass eiut n I rnoMMiie.
Similar to tbeCmstitla Wool tir
The Studebaker wagon heBds them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's.
" Hardware" did yoo sayT ' Wby, yea
at P. C. Thompson & Co. 'a stand, and the
place for bargaius. ' a
The Keeley Inatitute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine oocoine
Hiid tobacco habit. See Bd. , s.,
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Uroceiy.' Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the je.veler, is tbe-man to fix up
your walch or clocks Lie keeps a fall
stuck of ever thing pertaining to bis
business- , ,
M. Licbtentbal & Co.'g new stook of
splendid, summer button and tie special
ties iu the suae line are attracting mark
ed Htteuti.m. ... , a .,
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now bel
ing nuder the control and management
of The McFarland Mercantile Companv,
which continues business at the old stand .
with a larger stock than ever. ' a ,
TinnitgraiiN ami reiUrumg v0yBgrsi
I find iii Ayer's SatSKparilla a enre tot
b 'iN, piuioies, eczema, etc,
rs J whether tesnlting from sea diet and life
.. :...... ... i f .rinn slim boarn. or rrom anv oiui-r unuo
, AIUIIIIU'IUII, , lf ,WMl,f . A-.-r-r-,..T.- . - . - . ..
h.enmen t wnrk totieiher fur . the ll v ,ln as a tomo aud alterativs medl-
- Oommbu interest. ' ,
" C. I. Howl k ( o., Lnwelf, Ji a-i.'
"Our little tuiliy buy Ih now idinusl two years
old.. .."Wlieu. he was about six yu'eij.i old there
appeared a breaking m:ioa liH'hend'un.l breast
We tried various salves and so:i;is, but it , , i
Continued to Crow Worso '
iAlffci 1utn tSidbcW'ieUd It was'
serofula, but his treatment failed, and we Palled'
upon three other physicians, who termed It sale
rheum or eczema. ' Kvaa then he grew worse.
A crust would gather on his head as thick as a
quarter ahd pull up with oorruptlon. Then it
would come od, taking the iialr with it. About
three months ago we resolved to try Hood'a
Sarsaparma and Hood's Olive Ointment To
day we are happy to say that Burtron Is now
Entirely WellA
The sores have all dkappcarcd an i his hair is
Etowlng nicely. He has only taken one bottle
or Hood's Sarsaparllla and used one box ot
Ointment We Can now recommend nood's Sar
aaparilla to others, and truthlully say it has
worked wonders In our little boy's case. I hare
also been taking Hood's Sarsaparllla forlndiges
Won and liver trouble and am Improving right
along." David A. too, Harveyville, Kansas.
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
asy in action. Sold by all druggists., 2c. '
How Warriors or OMn Timos Dreu
Tlieir Head Adurnuient.
St. Paul held that it was a shame to
man to wear his hair long, and. so he teili
the Corinthians in his drst epistle to them
On the other hand, Hoyctuus, patriarch ol
Jerusalem A. D, 600, declared the outwaM;
Visiblefligns of manly perfection ojonsisl
in an ample beard and in hair flowing down
the shoulders.. In remote ages the Per
sians, who now have their heads shaven,
wore long hair. Darius had a most luxuri
ant poll,, and Alexander, .who conquered
him, probably paid few visits to the hair
cutterls in the course of bis lite. Al
olbiadee and his clique of roues introduced
the effeminate fashion of hair Into Greece.'
Before their time the Athenians were'
roundheads; and it is fair to presume that
Aristidcs the Just, wbo did not pride him
Belt above measure on his devotion to the
graces, sported a good crop of bristles and
Ignored a comb , . ....
Herodotus.relates that in token of mourn,
lhg tho Persians were wont to cut off not
only their own bair but the manes of their
horses. The same historian tells' that the
Aynans, being defeated by the Lacedaemo
nians,' made a sacrifice of their locks, and
vowed that they would remain shorn as long
as they had not reconquered Thyrae. "'" '
, At Bparta. Ljcujgujs had deoreed the
wearing of longhair; but this law, to which
Plntarch alludes, was never -much obeyed.
The Spartans, when they attained their six
teenth year, did as the young Athenians,
and burned their hair upon, the altar ot
either Diana or Mars. The fact is, all the '
baroarians who used to come from across
the seas in those times wore flowing locks.
and the Greeks bad no wish to resemble
them, says the Boston Traveller. Our prim
itive ancestors, the Britons,,and like them,
the Gauls, allowed their hair iq grow undis
turbed. It often reached below the waist.
and men like Caractacus must have looked
curions. Conquered by ' the Romans, the
Gauls and Britons were 1 ignominiously
clipped. In his enumeration of the Gallic"
tribes led into captivity by Caesar, Lucinn
speaks of tbeLiguses, t'now shorn, but ere-'
while possessed of an -abundant mass' of
hair." Those of the Gauls who obtained '
their liberation hastened ,tp let their hair
grow.againv la. order the more to mark-the '
Importance they attached to flowing locks
they took to shaving their slaves.
in r ranee w ben a nobleman was convicted
of any felonious offense .the raior was in
variably applied to- his' pate." Clotaire 1.,'
Kingof FriiHce, cieised his own son, Gonde-
oana, to oe snora- lor conspiring against'1
him; and, by way of adding to the disgrace
of, his sentence, be immediately afterward
e want it for a moment to inform you
the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being:
posed of at Assignee's Sale, 'at 'ay-down pri
ees. ' - -The, stock : is clean and freh, having
been, largely increased with new goods the. ear
ly' part of the 'year. For spot cash, vve will
give you bargains. , . ,
,, :.!., li::.! ,i-.-;.-j I y '' S
- -: - ssignee.
. . . 1 .-!("'
'TF-; poiiQpgoi go,
LJaving put their business
porary cash basis, Call
upon a tern
Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur-
Chasing Power than ever before known
e must get our stock mto money, and profits are no objeot when the money
,u .Bu,. ouaae your oasn at ns and see ns tumble.
,., v . ... t. , , . , i. . .', ..; . 1 1 a w
- 0UR WAY!
Not only oboe but again and again. The know that frcm us tbey slwnjs get
fall weight aud good measure for the least niouey. Why we sell the last is ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, lokls custim, rrskis ns ltitnds,
and so establishes our trade. ' We want jou to liBve some of our
. friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiojf , Boots, 8hooe,
Hat. Caps, aud everything : kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody.
S. S. Hornor,
1 . :! Salesman.'
Closing out the eiiliiSe stock of ' . . , , , ., ,
Boots and S h oes
oir the old . firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co., at.
it ....X. 'I'HI ., Co!t for Cash. '" - , ;
Gn 1 1 a ue I S ecure "a Grb del Bargaiii.
t,1,'.'1':l1' "v,1"11',',.1.1 Assignee. - '
Illis, Dawson & Ijroiis,
' . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 '." "" ' '
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
j, -i: ..'.manner.: Notaries Public Bnd Collectors.
vF )T1iq youno; liow to t'lioose tiie best one to mitrry-(TN TWO
rOUliSE)Ttie niairied how to be happy in marringe; ( DAYS
YOV" " )The fond parent how to have prize babies: ( ONE
WANT" )The mother how f have them without pain; (AGENT
A.;',., ., 1 1113 enmuess-ruow to De iruitiui ana multiply ; (
KXOTl ; )Tho cm-iois how they "growed" and came to be ;(
Ay UA V . i he health how to enjoy life and keep well: ' (AND HE
Hf1'- . uu mvmiu--iiow to get well again speedily;
B )DY (The imprudent how to recrain wasted enotw.
UL blil1 ) All who want knowledge that is of most wovth
T v 1 )l''iiifl it in Dr. Foote's " Plain II
Home Talk,
P. II, T. )Mmfav Hill Book Co.. 129 E. 28fh St.. tit
K.'N O W ; ' 1,000 ija ws. 200 cuts, 24 e.ol. ulates 200 t
HEAD ' Uledufled from 3.25 to 1 .50 s cm.ulavs fn
( $1.i00
-. iOO.OGQ
jyj iNOR : c& oo.i
.; ) y.ii.i'i..'-. ; ' "IVj:' ...":, i. : ' . . : ' : :'
jj ,iwIIoi3i3iior, Oregon.
. BORG; 1 :
Out for
' '" ' : ' IN ' "
Cash Talks.
8EH- BORG, MAY' biivliKT,
Etc, Etc. ...
' Trust BLists
For the Cure o
Kjiior, Opium M Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Cull at the Cizette office for particulars,
strictly coiitldentliil. Treatment private and sura
kirk & ra n i..
The Enterprise B
Un May btreet.oppoeite Pnlace Hotel. Tbey will keepon band a full line of
rocsriss d Provisions.
.: iA"fuIl line of olioice Pies. CfiltfS and Bread; in fact evervlhing that is
usually kept in a UraUclass bakerv stnrn. 'I'hsv n-ill n10., t, .,.,i. n. n
try them. . i, vi auu
'the famous po-ivdercd wig.. Tno great re
'publio Bwnrtr, awny the wigs :and many o
tlio heads, mat. Av.jn- in tliein,. Itwasther
,.thattlie,pig tiul-,fiitiioii came, .in for bott
high and low, und lasird long enoiigh to b
remembureii by ixfva men of the presen
day. Nopoleon I. nniroilcssly cut nff the pig.
tails of jiis n?;iM:stm soldiers, and noarlj
'caused a iinith y ii'-noiig tho drtay of Egyp'
by so doins?.'' fcim-.u! ly, immense disconLcn
'wasexoiied In tti British' navy when th.
Admlnfl nbo mhi I t he pigtail some sevent;
.years ugo. 'H v.vo mm down to the presen'
time, when vrw r:r " i. v our individual taste-
lam ami
mthe mm : r ! - c. iiyads o hair, unless
issued an edict condemning to the severest,-., Indeed ,yi; .y, j.-..,.ui .nkliers or pauper:
penalties any one who should by stealth or
.Jeiue oauBOt be overestimated. -
violence cot off the hair of an honest man.
The hair question assumed disquieting pro
portions in France, for in the year 1201
Fierre Lombard, Arohbishopof Paris (whose
hearileft much to be desired in the matter '
of caipiilary adornment), wis prevailed upor.
Dy ine maiqontenis to oecome. tneir cnam- I
pion. Ho was a learned and good nan, and
no doubt' he had often pondered upon the !
unseemly appearance of his close-clipped. .
erqwif in, tiie,sijcncfl pf, tq closet, until he s
took up tlie cudgels like a man determined '
In nln '''' ' ' - ' '
The King of Franco at that time was the '
gallant Phillip II., generally known as Phil-' '
tp Augustus nMter lviog the matter bis '
mospttentive consideration' lie signed the
magna charter of capillary liberty, at about -
the same time his royal compeer, John of
England, was making a dismal face over
the charter of kannvmede. ,
Generally epeaamB.-the- English follow
the French in tne matter of personal adorn
ment, b)4 In tt) ciwe tbe,nghsh were be
forehand. Bo early in the reign of Hehry
swamhr-inii tonat ajhsrs had obtained
ethptlon frbm tile obligation of having tneii
haireit atidtheyontaiucd it without much
d-.., ' "' ''
Wo hear nothing more about short hah'
Until the sixteenth century. From the time
of Philip AjguHtus to that of Francis JL
everyone, lord or lumpkiu, let his hair fall
down his Daok-
Uistorians and chroniclers speak a great
leal about cits and ointments that were
used by the wuuimy and uobleof the middle
ages, and it appears to hare been a pretty
prevalent rusiom to powder one's locks
wtthgoid dust;
Every one anotvs how long hair and short
fcair bad a maraed political signihuance rivr'
Ing the war of' Charles I. against tne Pre
tender. It was no joke then to be caught
with bristles in Prince Rupert's camp, airf
to have come with curling locks nndei
CroraW' ll's eye Would have been to run thr
riBk of hemg nent, not to the hair, but tc
the headeutter'K,
Uhai-ii-a J i. B'-ougut- back the fashion a
long civ:. I.. r l-it'lrH, bat t'tif-i.e were soon su
persixli'd bv l''e tiiiveruig wigs introduced
by Lout.-i :ii V. lie h id a cry poor tieud of.
hair, tul:i, ian., and of .a dirty Luff color,
and his b.:;-o'- o"viil it rinst voluminous
perlque l ';.. r; .t-.to's 'ty. , The (ash.
Ion reuiu nM 'it t
when, for tli ' i
to sanitary ovi
: .into a refoimatoi-y
u good, we musty'"'
!-'iVS. " '
,,-' it .GOOD. SLEEPERS.
tndlTeronco of t!u- fni-ln to' X.ii-tiirni
' ,: Dtsiurl) -Im-.'s'.' ' '
The' author1 of '''Uuljfuna iJrfot-o V.
War" says thtit the Turks I'rvot.o t
slceji' any' 'Kpare ' liall'-hoor 't!s;it im-.
liappcn to' lie ' tit idr ir ili.sp;;'il. ,
niglit, he 'snys. 'all ' li is ' cr.n'iVitiiot
would be'in tlio Tiiiiil nf drcani-;-it!V.
'ten' inihntc.'K, while hi' 1-tv wiili- i, v. ;il.
and envious. "
It has oiten s'tnicU 'n. whh a !.-. i.di-
ment to sco tho little rc:,p,:(.:t un;, ojk
lb Turkey p:iyr to ; locp. "AVli'cn I liavi
been staying In thu'villns I have 'i
often Jioiird a mi'inlM i- of tin' fmriilv ffot ' I
up, and iiftl'i- w::v.:!nii'.r iil.ont iiinnnrf '
his slccrinj com'putiioii -. nroi: p Hicni
al to a-slt where Jii:. t.i iii;ic:;i va:,, or,
upon arimi; equally !Hf f 'xcns.'
A,liid.of,.j;iif!dk':u,v;v11li thus wnlic '
,up his. fathcr,,ii, man uf dxty. perliapr,
tiyp pr throe times in tlie njlrjit. and yet '
there .would never bcai; nnirry u-ord of
rcrnonitriuice; and u lu n I huvo sinipjii'd
.savagely, at some one for walking into
my .room und over my. body in the mid- ;
die of the , nigh(, my smtppishncss has '
caused thp prcutcbt a,stoni..litncnt.
,. Many times I. have turned in with na
tives in the ume room with mc, and
though I was generally tired and my
companions not, yet I think I may say
I Wus invariably the last to close mv
ej'UH. ..',.'. ; ' ' '
of 111
.' Striji.''ltrf-i'...,
The e.i-,'eiic..,.ol' the i-i nal or Phillip?
islands in the l':i;:ilir neean, y. hicli liai
been mooted nmoii'r imrinorH for yor
ami finally discivd:t;-d.. Ir.is jma been
rclitth-meil by tho captain . of the Jb-jt-isli
hhioti h ick Uck utd Su iinliildi', am.
the little. ;roup is likely t. ) lie n. -placed
on the iiiari ie ,-.-ii-t ... Tin. uinritlnii'
exeluin:re .if this city liiiK-jiiiit' w,iL pos-ses.-,i,Mn,f
;Hl tin; facU, saj the I'hila
dclplua lleciii-d.
- Capt. 1'i'tU-ndrig-h, master of the Iirit
ish ship Cock Kclc,' wliMi elenr.'il tlib
port in Sepleirib.-r last for ' lliom.
Japan, sighted V.w. i-.l.-mds in latitude
8:0(1 north and Inn ;itii e lni:;;ii, in thi
South I'lieific oi-.-nii, nivt r.;i.--t.i., t'n
facts of his diseuviry.: t the ).r..n.di. bv
drographic oIKcc in the ,;' h v in
this city. Ho reported t!,(. I..:ui.l, to In
three inmimVii'r. and I i ' I'.-rn :l rmvjv
in the put It of vessel, p!,,;.. rtr Cliiii.-i
and Jnpan, rininin--' in a s-jnl heasti-rh
direction fur sis in- seven mdes, bei.i'j.
connected by liiw-lyinr'roek ,. It is be
lieved that the third island is i if recent
, formation, hu.viua come to the Mir'aec
of the water within the lastidx monUis.
and the entire group within the last
It i thought they were of volcanic
origin, but a subsviiuont vessel, the
Iintisti stup hivanhilde. not only con
firmed the position of the islands, but
also found them inhabited, i'op. Mer
hie, of this vessel, fully confirmed the
Lock Kck report.
While drifting off the island he was
surprised to sec two eanoeloads o!
natives come out to meet his vessel.
They spoke in some unknown language.
The party numbered thirty, und all
were naked, but for dried leaves around
their waists. Nearly every man wat
tattooed in bright red colors, entirely
different from the manner of tattooing
in the United States. One of them, whe
appeared to be a chief, was marked
with an American (lag, the stars reach
ing from the thigh to the knee, and tin
stripes from the knee downwurd.
'Disease commonly 'comes on wilh slight symptoms, which when neglected in
crease iri' extent' sod gradually grow ilaiigcroua.
K yna sill'IfKR
UYiii'Kl'siA or
ine.stpn,c''.e'' ta,e R I PA N S
If' you are CONSTIPATED or -
Imve A UisOKDEWiD I.1VER, . -t T-
IfVour'cOMI..KXION J3 BAbl.OW or '
you StlfKJSR DlHTUKSH after cut Ins, 1 '
,. WSOltpKlW OF V1IK JSXOJIAWl, ... .
Il1P.nr" TnhiiTfs not genliy, lmt promptly, upon the liver, stomnoh mid intes
hoesi cleanse the s stem fllVclimllv ; cure dyspepsia, hnhitii.il cnnslipation nffens.
tve breath and headache. One , Tablii.ic taken at the first ndioation of in.lis, ,,n,
rtZwbtrdiffl ,l""r,,8aiou wi" uud
Ripims tiibtiles are preparf-rl f,m a prescription widely used by the best
physicians, Bud are presented in the form mint nppn ved bv modern scienoe
1 ; " tf,Vpn ? fHii- ,ri"1 U,'P"nR Tbnles are nn infallible cure; tbey contain nothing
injurious and nre an economical remedy. K
gives relief.
A qnarter-grosfl box will be sent, poatsge paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the
vholesnle and retail agents, '
,4 ; Mf'u 'iie'i h..gsv-a
tofunir Muslcat inBlruments. ,
It ha-often puzzled the uninitiated to
give a reason why musicians tune their
instruments in public, and not before
entering the orchestra. If they tuned
their instiuments before entering the
theater or concert room the tempera
ture is very apt to be different in the
place of performance, and therefore the
instruments would not. be in f lino A
piano that Is, in tune in a cold room ' ftd ho took it down bv the p.,.mH h
tie - middle. o j would get oilt of tune if the room were a-' he was his own compositor it wu
How Hlie Was Iri)d.
''The bride wore an appropriate and
becoming dress of gray grow grain silk,
and a fishoo of white Vallention's laoe',
with long vail of white tool," was tho
description a Tural editor gave of the
brides appearance at a wedding-; Tho
bride herself gave him the description;
' and
Ucal druggists evorywliere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Qu:ck lo Ad and Save many a Doctor's BilL
9 . application, to tlia 3Xlpan Clieim.lca.1
' TTorlc City.
Cq., iT-w
.'.., , Ie, there are many of them.
.... ., Some very good, some bad. .
'' ' Bud dru.s aro poisonous,
., s Also of no value whatever.
,'' J'--, ' ' ' ' Pure drugs are great helps,
.., '-. ' And these alone should be
". y .,,' " v., , . . . in compounding.
',.,' .. , We Cluim to keep in stock
' ,, The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
" ... "' . , '''" Pff Dare prescriptions quickly.
To charge for them reasonably.
W ho oan do better than'thisf
Thp: Lancashire In
suddenly Vated.
published Just as he wrote it.