Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 27, 1894, Image 2

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    t t-i .r t.Tr:
sOne of the Best pieces of Land in ,Morrpw( County.
I CTTND 1 60 AGUES Timber Culture claim' adjoin hig.'of which. Heeded laud there are.' HO acres gord farming1 kind; and (lie
. . -t :-x fence,-' Situated twnnileweste Hardman
ri tn tK5r R, T-.i
'' J 1 '
n (If!
Price for the whole.SUOO j or without the timber culture claim $800.
i , iii i " i - TTT - , ..it
Good, deeded rincb, 820 tint, beit stock ranch in Morrow oonnty, clisap and pa. easy twmi.
: : . for it
' ' i I ;
; - - '
Give your (justness- to Heppner people
and therefore assist "to build up Ilepp
ner. Patronize those- who patronize
H'"l. .....
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real uaine is signed as an evidence ol
good faith. i, .. .
Did you ever
Read about tbe
Mao who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel? , , Jt&
Yes? well
' - That is like
Doing business
Without advertising. Jl
All the
Bnile schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish .MX
Half as much '
As s (rood ad.
In a eood, live.
Legitimate newspaper, &
One that '
' Is read
By the people, .
And that owns J&
Its own
Soul; that
U-i's its space -Like
Worth dollar
Fur dollar.
Since there is so much talk among
republicans at present regirding strong
material fur the nomination of sheriff,
we, the uudersiifued, desire to suggest
the nnme of Andrew Bnod as excellent
material, and one who, if nominated,
would make an exceptionally strong
race. ' .
i Yours for consideration,
Many Votiks.
Our neighbor, tlio Condon Globe,
bIkuus solid for Ellis.'
Ex TuKAsuniiit S. F. Muhpuy, of Bakor
Oily, has been sent up fur gutting aivay
with 81,110. " " '
Wells, Fahuo & Ou. nave bought the
(Juuitueiciul National liank, of l'ortlaud.
1'etkiiam, Grovel's si eoud choice for
the supreme judgeship, has been re
jected. '
THKollicial oountii l'nnsyvaniagivce
Grow in t he neighborhood of 185,000.
How is this? ,
Sen. Wiiiti!, of Lmiisiaua. has been
nominated and oouthmed to succeed
Justioo lilauchford.
Cunts KvANd and "Alorell,'1 or rather
lobu Match as he proved to be, weie
eurruundi'd at Evaua house in Visaha
and are agaiu iu j til.
Tub Ueppnur Giizitie has driveu
Vrot. Kii li, tliB people's party lecturer,
tmt of poliiios aud into everlasting dis
grace. It ia the turn of the people's
party now to leoture to ll.irk, and the
turn 11 (lie rope to wind up the dis
course. Klamath H'i
Wi bkh that Tub D.illes and Pendleton
get some consolation out of the injiinc
lion proceedings against the location of
the n.sj I11 in us decided by the hoard
This is a wroug spirit. Tuo iojiincliuu
proceeedmgs fnrius a olan to defeat the
locution anywhere in Kistern Oregon
Heppner as a candidate lor the branch
Bsylum, but because this town was not
successful we do not believe our citizens
will play the "dg iu the manger act."
Last week, the house of represents
fives was the scene of much disinter
growiug out of tbe arrest of members
absent without leave. It culminated, in
some resisliug arrest aud other farcical
doings. Yet, cougressm in ought to staud
up to the ruck aud vote "yea" or "uay" ou
the seiguorage question, even if the meas
ure is enrrird against tbe tnrbulant minor
ity. 'I lie proposition is a good one and the
GnZ 'tte hopes that it will passed and be
come law.
HKrui!KsrATiv Ellh, of Oregon,
has the b vil complexion, of auy man on
the 11 ior of tbe bouts. He is the abso
lute piulure of health and hie cheeks
are as rud ly as those of a B:hoilgirl ,
Ha has been tbe envy of miny Washing
ton belles, who, with all the cure and
art they posies, have uever been able
to ru ike 9 good a complexion ag that
possessed by the junior representative
from Oregon. Mr. Ellis has a warm
frieud in congress, Ei'ireseutative
Heiuer, of Nebraska, wh im be knew in
Iowa years ago, when tbsy were Bchool
fdlowi Heiuer is s Hungarian by
birth. Whil h, has no men ' 00m
pleiion a Mr. ElU, he is tbe possessor
of a heavy dirk beard similar to that
worn by the man (rm Heppner. Ore-
''AITEltTni!'-'TJArTr-PRKStDE!TIAli ,
Illy Kdr. in Swedish. Translated by A. C.)
Look here, Jones 1'cter, my dear friend, listen
to our call, . ' .
You see McKinley and his bill enslaves us
one and all,
Puts taxes on our shoulders many fold.
Butnow we must and will-bave '"change,"
stand this weaeveroan,- '
And here's the way, put -Cleveland In, he is'
the people's man. - .
Good times he'll bring, good times to young
and old. 1 ; '
Look here, Jones Peter, don't you see how
everything goes wrong?
Monopoly, our enemy,, oppressed us all 'tort
long , .' .
Cut down to dollars three our daily wages.
And "robber tariff," biggest. "traud" It is an,
awful lault , ,
Raised price on clothing and tbe like, on tin
plate, wine and salt ,
And other things enrolled on ilcKiuley s
Look here, Jones Peter, furthermore, the treas
ury now holds
Too many bills, certificates, currency, silver,
gold ' '' ""
And every day the dangerous surplus' growing
The people are the losers, 'cause "tarllt is a
tax," .
But now they are aroused, will work and not
relax- . . '
And vote for Cleveland while reform Is glow
ing. ,
Look here, Jones Peter, take my word tiie
deinociatlc faith
Will alter things, give us relief, the working
classes aid , ' ;
And best of all, It. does away with "trust."
Aud then good times will follow, good times,
hurrah, oh my! . ,
food, clothing, everything cheap, but Wages
big and high.
And money cheap, hurrah, and no more
"bust." - . ,.
Tlds wiBe young John wns heard in the full of
ninety-two, '
But JoueB Peter was no fool, and he reniem-
ben.-d too .
Before the war, when democrats were 'in.
He oonstaut siood when others left, ,ho
couldn't be tricked, ..;
You will be loBt, he told his trlend, the demo
crats are wicked,
And Boon, be sure, you will regret your Bin.
The "good old times," I remember well, 'twas
iu Buchauan's days, ., , , ,-,
After many years w(th happy days th bitter
remembrance stays; , .
I know full well what democrats can do. '
If you wfll see the factories closed and busi
ucHsdead and still
And workmen starving, children crytngv-old
Groverfllls the bill,
Give him your vote and prosperity will leave
And thUB they parted. Pete and John, but soon
the message hashed
Through all the laud from shore to shore;
republicans are thrashed.
Ye democrats, let heaven resound yourglee.
But Jones Peter Bad in heart with sorrow and
despair 1 - ,i
For hume and friends and. native land sent up
( a fervent prayer,
"Oh (iod ! protect our laud aud liberty,"
The festival of mirth and light, the Christmas
nlucty-tihrco ,
Was Hearing now, when on tbe strit
beggar you could see, ,
A man so poor aud starved and sulferlng
' Camo through the heavy drifts leaning on a
The bitter cup ol poverty his heart made sick;
But now to triendly cottage he was wandering.
Dear friend Jones Peter now you seel am "In it"
My wife aiwl children have uo bread, I can't
Deprived of every necessity, oh, can you help
. me' , , . v 1 . . ,,' ...
Last year I voted for a "change," and ready
mude It como; ,
Lasl year 1 lived iu comfort good, and nuw is
ruined my home,
My dear ones suil'orlng. Hay will you help
This, John's salute, and from his heart
agony welled,
1 cry of
And 'thousand voices through the land the
walling chorus swelled
The echoeB rolled o'er seas aud lands; but
uever ' '-
The democrats could hear It. Nay, every
appeal iu vniu.
And they were pledged to bogus reform; but
listen nuw agaiu; , .
This very cry shall knock them out forever.
A. f.
The Spi-iug Medicine.
All run down ' trom tbe weakeuing
effects of warm weather, you need a
good t uiio and blood purifier like Hood's
Marsapanlla. JJ.i not put off taklog it.
fiiuuerous little ailments, if Degleoted,
will soon break up the system. Take
tiood's Sarsaparilla now, to expel
disease aud give you strength aud appe
Frank Willis has put in his appearance
Fair weather unue more, following
light suow all,
Siyeral were arrested and fined at
O.uiglas for disturbing the peaoo.
Misses Sayers and Wilmot, Messrs.
Ely and Balsiger were iu atteuilauce at
tbe Ueppner inatitnifl from this vicinity.
The weekly meetings of tbe U.iuglas
Lyaenm have been chained from Tues
day evening to Stturday evening.
We have been greatly inspired by
republican enthusiasm displayed at the
orgauizntiou of the republican olub, last
Weduesday, at Heppner, lone should
organize a olub at once.
' Jake.
Feb. 19tb,"l4.
There ia uo claim made for Ayer's
Sarsaparilla wliicn eaunot be emloised
iy seorHg of testimonials. Tins fact
Llamly proves that the blood is the
source of most disorders and that Ayor's
oartaparilla ia tlio best - blood pucitlers.
Trv it thi month.
Uepuhlicall OI11U Started '1 Here With Quite
a Membership.
"Last Wednesday' uigbt. 'IS. A: Bran-
dtige,' coubiy' orgoiiiz r of Republican
Clubs, assisted by J. F." Willis, J. W.
Vaugbau Biid J. S, Boothby, of Lexing
ton, organized a republican club of
twelve members nt Cecil. Tbe organi
zatioti was perfected as follows! T. J.
League, Pres ', Geo. Miller, Seo'y. ,Tbe
olOD will meet every second Wednesday,
tbe next (netting oocurring a week from
next Weduesday.,,; ' ' ' 1
' Mr. Brtiudage rendrts ' tb? political
feeling down below somewhat as follows:
While the republicans ate alive and
eaeer for the 'fray,' the democrats are
sick; almost uuto death, and be believes
their final dissolution only a matter of
time. But the populists, he says' are
showing signs of returning life. While
tbov diclure tbemaelves neutral iu re
gard to the tariff, yet iu their somnam
bulistic waridc'iiiigs they have found the
(jra've where lbs 'fleinoc fats buried their
fiat rag-bsby tiiot the' republicans
smothered ij '7U. 111, d h ive resurrected
the pesky brat Wnd Iryiou to -bring it
back to life' that' Jhny raay adopt it and
claim it as tfc,r 0W11.' Although their
efforts have not been' entirely successful.
as it has not got its eyes open vet, it
begins to tquawk vigiotiusly, and they
have hopes that if they can-'get some
rlnrrinerata to'asMist Itit'm suuoortiug
orie'slde iif tile h'rip:ii!is"iir?a,!it',' tb brjug.
liim'otit. at the election iu' Jntie.
Euthntinsrlc KepnhnraiM Organise at (Jonse-
' . -!cl ry.. i" ' ' " ; '. '
A vary successful ri-pnblicun organi
zation was perfebled at (iooeeberry,.last.
Friday evening.' 'Notwithstanding the
fact that the weathnr was rather cold
and disagreeable, a cotnpnral ively large
and enthusiastic crowd gathered at- the
school house. 1
The following is the 'membership' of
tbe Gooseberry K, publican Club: J.
W. Hpignall, Tres ; M. H. Maxwell,
Sec. iUembeis, , W. 1!. Waul, ,f. F.
Holmes, G. M. Holm -8. I. K. li-iteb, A.
Charlton, Jake Brown, Tom Palmer, N
I. McVey, Geo. Paimiu, Jobu Johnson,
Frank Luudell, E. G. B irgstmne, 0. E.
Lundell, N. H. Biddle, I d Rood, G.
W. ' Muie!l, W. U. liiddle and Aron
Peterson. , (J, ii!e n nnuiber of otbera
who were not preaeut expressed a wil
lingness to join tlm club at a future
meeting. Tbe club will meet again
next Saturday evening und at that date
will probably set a regular time of meet
ing. "'
Messrs. Frank Gilliam, A. A. Roberts,
A'. L. Suling, Doc. Vuugbiin, G. W.
Harrington nud,T. N llrowu from Hepp
ner, and J. F, Willis from Lexington,
were present and till report it about as
enthusiuetio a meeting as (bey have at
tended so far, anil all feel confident
that the boys will do good work out
there during the coming campaign.
. AT LlCXlNti foX.
fteimbltciuiN Also Organize n Club at Lexing
ton Much KulhusliiNUi Shewn.
. Following the post meeting winch
met at L xiugton last S thirdly, the
republicans got together and organized
a olub iu that precinct. Fourteen of the
f 11 it h f vi t signed the constitution and
others will do so nt the next meeting.
W. B. McAllister was chosen as presi
dent aud J W, V.iii'h;tu as secretary.
Weeral from Ueppuer were present aud
all report everything ., one nrngiug.
Harmony, good will anil enthusiasm
prevailed, and the general opinion us
expressed wus Unit :he 'entire republican
ticket iu this oouuty would be elected.
Let the good work go 011.
Hiihcle and Vinr A Uilli'i'enee.
Many muscular men sutcnuib to
fatigue borne wiib ease by persons fur
t 'eir inferiors to phvsical strength
Musule does not imply vigor. Iu fact it
i not ditliiMilt of proof tba' athletes do
uot live as long uor etiiov as unod
health as tbe average individual who is
vigorous that is to say, who digestion
and sleep are unimpaired, whose uorvea
are tranquil, and wuo has uo orgamo
tendency or disease, 'these requisites
of vigor are conferred upon those iu
hereutly weak, no less than upou those
debilitated tlirouuu wasting disease, by
a tuoroniib, persistant course of Hos
tel tcr.s StoiuaoU Bitters, tue leading
uiilioual tntiii', indorseu aud recommend
ed liy pbyseians of eniineure. It will
endow otiwiib Ibe muscle of a Cor-
bett, that will infuse energy into yioir
avHtetu, and renew t tie nottve aud health
ful petformanne of its f nu, tions. It
averts and cures m -ilanal, rtieuniatisin
aud kidney compluitits. and overcomes
dyspepsia, constipation, liver trouble
ami uervoiisnees.
"How tol'ure All tlkin Dmrases.'
Biraply npply "Swayue's Oiutnient.'
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itub, all emotions on the
face, hands, nose, Ac, leaving the skin
dear, white aud bealtbly. Its great
healing and ouratiye powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask jour drug
gist for Swa.me'a Ointment. ... sw 1 yr.
For water brash aud sour stomach
take Simmons Liver Regulator.
tor. further information call at our office. "' , '
Edited by the People's Farty ' of
. Morrow County- ..
This column belongs exclusively to
the People's Party, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them at they see
fit. The management or the Gazette
will in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
A People's party county convention is
hereby culled to convene in tbe court
house, at Heppner, Morrow oouuty, Or.,
on Saturday, March 10th, at 10 o'olook
a. m., for the purpose of nominating
oomlidates for county officials to be vot
ed tor at the general election in J une,
1894, and the eleotion of four delegates
to tbe state convention, aud to transact
such other busiues6 as may come before
thecoBveutioD. ,. ,
No person holding an office or portion
of ptofit, truBt or emolumeut, under the
federal or boy state or municipal gov
ernment, including senators, congress
men and members of the legislature,
atate and local, shall be eligible to sit or
vote in auy convention of the par y."
The convention will be composed of
thirty three (33) delegtaes, apportioned as
follows;, , . . :
Heppner,- '..
Mt. Vernon .'
Lexington, '
Dry Fork, '
Ceoil, , 7.,,, .
fine City,
Eight Mile,
Wells Springs,
It is recuommended that primaries for
the eleotion of delegates to said conven
tion be held in tbe various precinots on
the 3d day of March, 1891; at 2 o'clock
p. m:' " ' N. A. Leach,
Chair, Peoples' Party ,Cen. Com.
Lexington,Or., Feb; 19th, 1894 tf .
Tbe time is near at baud when the
advocates of the people's party will have
to show their colors and tbeir loyalty
to tbe party. Come right but and work.
You have tbe best of it iu this county
and have victory in your , grasp, aud it
will be your own fait if you do not grasp
it. Remember it is for your homes
that yon are fighting this battle, and if
you do not suoceed it will be hiird to
contemplate the future.' Come out and
give your best licks : or the party. Do
not staud baok and let . the old party
men take this viotory away .from you..
Show your loyalty, your manhood and
your independence. .. -. . t ... ., "
Has any one beard of one instance
wherein one of tbe common people in
vested in Carlisle's ''popular' loan?"
No; the bonds werd not offered to the
people, but' Were sold to the Wall street
money kings iu sums ranging from
8100.000 to 83,000,000. ' Of the entire
850,000,000, only 8800,000 were sub
scribed for outside of New York and
Boston Wall street alone taking 837,
100,000. ' And this is what Carlisle cbIIb
a "popular loan."
Cuckoos are boasting that Grover will
veto the Elaud seignorage bill. Well,
suppose he does, it will merely add
another million voters to. the people's
pBrty. Cleveland's vetoes lost , him the
presidency in 1888 and a few silver vetoe
will give the country a populist presi
dent in 1896. Bring on your' vetd pen,
Mr. Cleveland.
, Belinda, vras a maiden. '
Divinely picturesque
As any child of "Aidenn,1' "
(SeePoe, in "Tales OrotesquS");
Her manners were most (teatie, . -
HJrvoioe woa mus.c-sweev , ,
And I grew sentimental
, When arst we chanced 10 meet.
We danced a waltz together,
And oh, the way she danced I
Each little loot a teather
Across the oarpet glauoed; " '
We ogled o'er the ices, ... , .
Until my boon &, 4 : "Thi .
Must be what paradise is
Superlatively blurs. ' '
In all our conversatton.
We cordially agreed. .''-.i .
Her highest commenUation-
Win always: "Yes, indeed!",,, .
I crit.c scd, I quer.ed, ... "
Itglevcsmelo confess,
I aetuully grew weurteil t '
.. Wna-YaV ''Y9,.Oh,.YM.
But girls that ore so stupid ""' ' 1
Oft have a pretty Xaee:
Theygi't tho help. ol Cupid,
Ami w n us 1 y their grace
' Thought I, since she's so willing,'' :
Forever to auree, . 1
Some d:iy, I'll bet a shilling.
'. ' 6:i'll answer "Yt'S'' ta Sne
So at ii-e beaoh last summer, ..
Ben u'.hthc moonlight clear,
I s niirlit. to capture from her ''
i . 'Tn:.tairii-aiiuon diiT; -1 '
, ,, But liei- vo atnvuu-y ,.
T'.v.is lu i-tc I, ,4:1,1 so, . ,, . ,
Her hoir iii -e lust to vary,
- '-Svn :.--, i- rs.i;,i "N'n""
. l'u-ai ;ju,'e:.t, ia Miu-iwy't Weekly.
Doo't le time arid make yonrself
worse with nilla and bila. - Take 8ira-
atnM Uver .Begalator, . .1
' For health and taappineoa, the bonu ot
all mankind, take Simmons Liver
Re eulator. -
Wheat, bu .'$'
Flour.bbl 2 0
Beeves, cows 4 two.yvftr-tiJds.cwt. V 50' '
" ", ,. three " 1 75 J ,00 1
ShMP, muttons, bead X.. I SO 0 2 25
" stock..:..'..'..'... 1 50 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt B0
Hogs, dressed 6 50 & 100 ,
W00C" 6
Horses,' slow sale. ;,
Butter.TOll. .,... 40 & B0
Egga.4u?..-'vV-'----- 20 '
Chickens. doz.,.. .,. 4 1 . " ' '
Turkeys' ,,!,-,
Wheat, cwt..... . 1 OJ.0 1
Fionr, hw .'.: v: :..".' s oo 4.. 00
Hwai 'BtnJI -fol'l.'! Jt. 1 .'J -4-50 (i 5 t)0..
Muttons, owt.,., ,..,., .it b 00 (9 8 00
Bog's, cwt'.'. V.... 40 5 2o'"
Wooi-Eas'tmti' Oregon. , , 10 '(! 12
Butter, Bjv, . . .
Eggs, doz. ... , . .
Chickens! doz
Tin-k'et-s,' fb .'
25 (u Ml
110 til 6 00
15 ta 48
FOlil'l.ANl) MAHK, r.
Wheat, cwt . . . . ' K (sf 15
Fhmp,-bbr?.-. ..:-. r.a w3 15
Beeves, oivt'... 1 75 2 75
," dreshod. . 3 50 6 00
Mutfofis'. Ws'l?. ar.-,l f. " 4 5fl 3 00
dressed ,
o jn 6-(to-
4 50 5 50 .
7 00,
r ' fi (a, 14
Win 30
, i'li W 30
2' (K) f 4 50
15 ( 17
Hogs, on foot. , . ...
" dressed
Wool Essteri, C)i
Butter..., ... .,.
Eggs, fim. .V
Chickens. dcz v','. .
Turkeys lh. '. . '. ...
- Summoni. -
I' N TIIKCllU:f I'TC'in'T.T KlHt THK.yOt'KTY
of Morrow, Stiite oT I lrl:ifon. '' ' :
Yank Mrothers ImTrternenr CompHtvv-, 'plaintiff,
vs. E. s. cox, S..H. aud f. W. Adams, de
fendants. ToS. W. Adams, del'emlmit, In the tianw ot
the state of Oreiron : Y,,n htc litO'bv.reuulrel
X AlU'ear --and ' aimlver' rlw l'(itiP,fHiut tiled
against you in die above-entitled action on or-
March. 1S9I. And ll vou lint so to answer, for
wsmtithereof the pUiBtlh" H'ilf'ttike Judgment
agtiinst you for- the sum of twenty-four and
sixty one-huinlredths dollars, with Interest
IberBOiu'raui U. tijda)Mf Juiiui'y,lol at the
rate'of ten pen cent, "per annum until paid, - For
the sum 01 twenty five dollnrs attorney's fee
and for his costs and disbursements.
This summons is served by. publication- by
order ir W. L. BniYlshaiV eitciilt judge: of the
Seventh Judicial District, of the State of Oregon
said ordei'ivftfunftde on tlieal' day of Junuary,
1 .t v-t J. K'.MOWS,
atO-li Attorney lor Plaintifl".
1 county of Morrow, State Of Oregon.
J. A. Woolery, plaintilf, vs. 8. W. Adams, de
fendant. To S. W. Adams, defendant, In the name of
the State of Oregon: ' You are hereby required
to appear aud answer the complalut tiled
against vou Lu the above entitled action on or
before Uie first dny. of.the next regular term
oi me auove-euiuiea court, to-wit: 'ine outlay
of March, 1814. And it you fail so to answer,
for want thereof the' plaintiff will take Judg
ment against you for the sum of two hundred
and thirty live and seventeen One-hundredths
dollars, with interest thereon trom the 19 day of
January 181J1 at the rate 01 ten per cent, per
annum until paid. For the sum sixty-five
dollars attorney's fee and or fall fiosts and dis
utirHuiiieiiis. .
This Btimmons is served by publication, by
order of W. L. Hradshaw. circuit indiro of the
Seventh Judicial District of the State pf Oregem,.
iu oruer was maue on tne 31 aay 01 January
' ' " ' " " '' J. N.BROWN,
203-15 n Attorney for Plalnti IT.
Administrator's. , Notice.
tersof Administration on the estate of
Abraham B Hiatt, deceased, Were granted to
tne umiemlgned on the 21st day of Feb. ism, by
the couutv court ol . Morrow., couutv. All
persoiiB having claims against said estate are
requtrea to exhibit tnem to me ior allowance
at my home on the head ot Butter Creek, Mor
row county withlu six mouths after the dale of
this notice or they shall be forever barred.
ThisSlstdav of Feb. 1894. "'''' '"" ,
or. ' WILI.HM E.'HlATT,
. SM-ld ,. , ,. ...AdrKbilstrator.
Stockholders .' Meeting,'
annual. meeUne; for the stockholders of
The Morrow Co, Lnd .Trust Co,,, will. be held
at the ortlce of the treasurer on the 2nd Saturday
in March at 7 p. m. for the pu'rposs of electing,
officers and a.tending to such uthet business as.
may come before the meeting.
Ed. R. Bishop,
. bit .c'y aud Treasurer.
' -1 ''- " ' '
Choice Seeds
Fruit' Trees
Wholesale and Retail Catalogue
Free.1 Address X -r-i - Ji
jan25r3pa Bw JVaUa Walla, Wash
'.Tbe Bloai Xeslrsibl6' Euti'
Most-snople. ia-v.nwwvjt .ikmss 1b
fhich they desire to succeed, innocent.,
, n tnmselve except when they inter-
.ere with a hiffher aim and worthier1
jurposo. It is this conflict of aims, this
rraaatlon ot duties, that makes lite
iften seem bo complex and so difficult.
The questions come continually before
every thoughtful .mind: '"Is thU aim
which I set before mte the . highest I can
reach? Ia it not merely adosiraole end,
but the moat desirable? Js it likely
to lead to attir better and worthier
purposes, or ia it likely 'to hidd. them
from view?" , As we answer these
tions to ourselves intelligently a
nnlflntiouRtv. thn rfcrhtfiil ll.nirsr
... . . o wh-u
..... uuwu, v.c,.auu via uesire to.
succeed in each will harmonise with
, 1 I tnw.a n a,. n A A I a..
those limits. Thus the desire for pWf
Ure Will be limited by the desire for
health, the care of self by thecare tori
others, the love of money by the'ldve ol
nonor, tbe effort to please by the effort
to do rlirht, N. Y. Ledger. -
U t". the title of a very valr.'Wo book that gives a great nmount of Information of the Vtmosl
Imbortanoe to Everybody, cm eruing their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Drasshgr, oto.,
, .,.' .1 !..'- IT TELLS ABOUT , ,
Tiatto Eat,, 'l
Bow to.Eat it,
Thttigs to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Tntldenrn of ritmt,
( ecupntion for Invalids,
Alcohol na a Food aud a
Rnoerrluous ITnlr, '
' .a ,J
Perils of Summer,
Banirer. of losing, ltestorlng the Drowned, ('ontiiglous Diseases.. Malarial Affootlons,
oSathig Houses, Prevent.ng Near-Slghti-d- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent.
Ventilation, .-. ' uesa, , ,1, . ,,, Lxerctso,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURB Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Sysuntory, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, liaraohe, Felons, Fetid
Feet Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Molei Pimples, Piles, Ithoumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutfc,
SoreNlPDles Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Slings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcora,
Warts, Whooping Cough, W orms iu Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' KILLS.
' t"AH net snbscribefs and prompt renewals duriiigthe month of Feb. will be
presenscd -with a free copyof. this as a premilim.
1 ft r r r
Equal with the interest of those having; claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent dependsgreatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to l
Obtain Patents In the United States and alt Foreign Countries, Conduct In
. terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected'Cases,
, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and.
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc, '"''
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
Bether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Modela are seldom necessary. If
oiners, euuuiii. iuc muiici eu ur iui a
matter. '",,''
p.o.eox63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your !"" ; '
PreutlBa ltcLllyiug ii I Is ciaocou.-tttjiiitum
Prentiss Roctlfylng pi Us euro constipn' Ion
Alirost.all pills and medicine produce constipation, hore Is a 1 :;i mat euros torpid
liver, blllousncfisi r'.icumhtlsm; ln:i3tl.,n, .licli licwtarho ntul khiuey nud llvor
tnubles without eri.'.iiig or lcnvln;; iinj- .ir.icli ot CONSTIPATION, which
Is the prime mu.no o( nil sickness, biv.iroot It getting habitual and chronic, with you.
soo to it in thevo pills will -.-lire yea. . .',..
m ir- r--j. .. A -r?J! ,-szl
IF. m ttsc' 3 iiaaa Vuas i
t.. H'.l. A .1 w 1
"clear, tho olclh and rem,.-
' -'dl blotches
s 2 I soli. 25 Cents a box.
isal C 1.D DY ALL DRUGG1
u y ,Or seut by mnil.uprMi i-ecel;ao; )ji ice by
5; Prentiss Chemical
-e:Trcnts,nee ri i "u'u 'uli6ni"lli"
-,0, , Prcnt.ns nectlryliiBi.lllac constipation
r. a 1 ..........J... -i rrrr-r-: , r
Otis Patterson
e:0. B.X46J30"" WEDDERBURN- H?y. .
" Honorably discharged soldi.
WMC.;e5 it
" ' tVidoWs
was due to
'D".PAr '?ll7orrholly disabled for ord a," .".V0"
na sn inrs wTir. ...o
orsuchsoldiersandsailorsarlin r, ,irC!'.'?ry cir?u?!s'1!,11''
Mr oui, ana rppu e .
v upon theirowu labor are ;'n;,,r.j r.!
11 11011
. vnibunES are entitle! nr
ldow, or she has a;. a ."" c'.B,?lcen
pa irvrro y'clJ "Jr renu
-vice, or from eff",. ofVUki?.1ni thev .'t T", n" PW'd d,ed ,n
port. It makes no difference wi ther VcddTer f 5. ! ""P'ndent upon tbeir own labor for sup-aEVZ-
,a- r . wnetuer soldier served or died in late war or iu regular army or
VlMisri if tit 1 i -
'ABCXTl.;. .T..JS",i" f.eniarneti.
. "ousanasot soldiers drawino-rrn. -.--higher
rate, uuder new lw, not ov m Vc Jl.nP'J r0"'!1 aadtT th "-' "t,ed
also for others, whether , I .. ,. . .'L?"aSc0.unt f disabilities for which ... T.en.ioned. bat
- - ... ,,r u ol.
n i .
1 ' Soldi,-,. nn Bnlt . . . .
.i,i.J Cr.;"" " "'' oisaDied In line of rt,,t l
cues- 4 R.'.: "V""aq".A for diMWHtvor iot.
nd coa- . A'lW
,f V. .inrHUC erinn ,1,.; . .
sndent. "QOWs als
, vacuums completed an spH1. . . ' ' '
or not, p "eaand 'Element obtained, wh.tbcr .pension
"vJj' '"r original papers. Beobtamedff soldiers and sailors of the late war110
"""'"5li. Kocharge
TMP PPFije uraav!ce. o fee unlesa successful. A
: ' tOHN WPnnTiT1 company,.-. ,.,. ,7
".aixJJr WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorne,
Parasites ot th (Kin, care nr Teeth,
IltUbing - Brat Way, After-Dinner Naps,
Lungs and Lung Diseases, Kffccts of Tobacco,
How to Avoid Them, . Cure for Intemperance
flottilng, what to Wear, Headache Cause & Cure,
How Much to Wear. To Get Rid nf I.leo '
i5uau ...ii, n,v. -ja
m .. -' -
l'leulnis'ltoclllyiug pi lis cure constipation
l'rentlns Recti tying plilscufecnnHtlfialtnn
nPNITIfMft RrfTtEVIMt-! DM I .
13 tho only Mite rind harmless
- omoriy
"1 that will surely CZAUTIFY tho
from thotaco.
Try a box aud see for youn-
and Manufacturing Co.,
. .
I'n'all', ltaniryiii ,llls ciii-ocoustlulioa
i'rcnilaB FermyingTilllseuroeonatliiatlon
' "at
Plenty ., .of. them at the
Gazette Office. '. . .
ihr late war.
whether disability
lr?5!n.?eP'uPn their own labor for suooort. Widows
" soinier's deats
years) in ahBnstttm-B,hraHrac was no
-.umirr, acain wii Que to service.
.... 1
one law, may apply for hleher rate under other
regular army or navy since the war are also
Creek' t'!' and Seminole pr IK"
rei-riu act. A
emiueu, if sixty-two years of age or disaDtcu
i has been granted aw" 'T,
secured, tf rei.clo , . ..,
for ad.' v-r '..,..:': ',." .',