CURES FAIN, JACOBS RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LiiMRArn SPRAINS, BRUISES, SWELLINCS, BURNS.' UTS FOR MONEY. SHO0TINO AN ALLIGATOR. -i l'rentl rf (3 , ru;iiii.--i 1;,. PRENTISS RECTlYINGPILT n j U J PAT Aln-oat all .illsaii(liic,ll,.,, . ... . . ' . V ,, ,,,, , , luujuiiion. nero 13 a pm mat euros torpid toils.:!.. slolc headache nod kidney and liver L ,'1 ' t'.''i""iJ '"" 1""v""-' ""' ' CONSTIPATION, which , ....... .i,,.,,,,,! ,m ,rKnoBSi .waroot )t gutuujj habitual and chronic with you. see to It in rhp.,.. tliosn niMu xwtl ,..... Us. aRFNTI"5ft DrrricviM mi ft4"3 vei bocauao .t Is tho only safo and harmless romoily that will surnlv nrAHTiEv o, wo to It i T!,n,.; t!.sn pl, M PLEXION Try a bol and sue for your. clour tho :,kln and n-niovo all blotches from tho to, self, .. Cents a bos. 23' , , SDLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j j Or o.,t by m,lU upn ri,,,11Jt (lf ' a! ai Krentiss Chemical ami Man. jff !6 CAUFORNIA STRHHT, rA, iS I'rolitlwi'li 0,0, 1 Front. hi li i-titViiin iiiih . I'tlryliigplllsi Miri '.'."n ?!,,'M',","l','sal'"';'lf'lli-'I'lllciirocolitlpution umi.i.nHtlpuiion 1'romlas H.-'llrylliKnlllscurmTnnstlm.tlnn IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT same dodge successfully during tuo for auou- 11 i iftii 'ii mil. mmi imaiii THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. nr-lnon,''3, .t,,scl,nrtf1'l ""Idlers nml sailors who served ninety dnys.orover, in the late war was ! 1, i ,V 'r'S "arti"",v"r r"uly disabled for ordinary manual labor" whether disabufty WI OOVVW h , V-'"' """'"Ki"'" of their pecuniary circumstances. " ,iheto 1, yt'arS) "h"OSt " - w no UHVy. auu y ut laWt';!ilhl,l,:tr:y'rhi0.',Cd Um,Cr ,le IaW'. "' - ' other 1,lw'.'"i1S "1 soUli,r drawing from $2 to $10 per month under tile old lav are entitled to entitled. WSirt regular army or navy .Ineethe war are also ; or delude," Wr so,,llcr8 atul H'cir widows alsoentltled, if sixty-t'wo years of age or disabled ;ateM;!wsornoI;0'nI'k'l;d ""d 3cllIe"''" obtained, whether pension has been eranted under Ce1tincateCJVmjri0pCneil ."d,','",,,ment if rejection improper or Illegal, have ll'st S?oriBim,"parsUaCl,arKU btaiaed for S0'dic" aud of the laU war whq - .uo.o, mwsanuin.orniat.on. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address' THE PRESS CLRIMS COMPANY JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. r.u. WASHINGTON, D.C Bourn Sick Men in i'nrl Wlio stralu th . . ' ''" Veiieeaiiro on the Thief Who Hta.e tho I lie runsians am not slow nt ruses tf liuiliM k. raise money. Sympathetic s:,Lctatorf One day after dinner, says a traveler pathered the other day around a young Jn Queensland, who has recorded his man wbn fell down in fmnr. 11F tb 1 .1 . exptTU'iices umier lite lute: .wliiik , Louvre, in Paris, in wliat appfared tc I.'riends." we found tliut an alliR-ator j boancpilrptic souuro. One of tlio by- had tilkon awuv OIle ,)f tlle workinff slanders snapped forward and proposed bullocks, which was lvinff down a few to carry the invalid to a's slior hundred vards from tlie house. Tliu not far off,-and anollier olTered to assist, tracks showed plainly that the animal Th one w ho spoko first took up thf must have taken its victim by tile hind epileptic's hat, and throwing sixpenof ! quarters aud dragged it alomf, for the into it, said to tho crowd: "I am a poor : earth was plowed up where the bullock man myself, but if each one of you did had been holding- back with its head" like me this unfortunate creature would and forelegs. have something to help to relieve h if It had been dragged to the river's nunuiuiuD. juiprueu. oy tins irenerous edire anil there killed and Dartiveaten. examplo, tho crowd showered copperr As we approached the bank we saw and small silver into tno hat until ovei the alligator by the carcass, still fecd- 82.50 was collected. ing, but it dropped into thewater like Great was their astonishment when Khinnf uiirhtnf ns. two constables walked up and seized My employer, Mr. A , turned to hoth r.lin hdnnrnlnnt iwtirint t rt f 1.1: v ,.u I'.itiuLui vl vijc i uie V.JLH spuritiiiig eyes. am inu t-ynopiau out- iow is our caacce. ne crieu. 10 feror. Tho latter, as soon as he opanod nig-ht and to-morrow night it will come his eves anil unw tlm mitiMmnn 1 ..... ...n....i. 'in .. (..,.., mm., ttniii alio eat 01 me uunucii. 1 neii that he was an invalid and attomntcd tel w ran nh.t. it " escape. They were both taken to At I The next evening we sought the lock-un and were identified :ii t.wo wi.ll. mint L. ot. nP7nucu 1,.,...,., uil known lazy mendicants, named Carnot The river bank nearest the water was nr.l T., On 1 1 ...1 ... .LSIIHH.-U, Lin-v nau miauu.11 mi verv steeD lor about thirtv vards: then mr f no fm'a I il. .1.. ..1 x 41 nine was avenue slope lor unoiner twenty yards, and on that slope the carcass of the bullock was now lying. We were careful to have the wind against us. as the alligator is shy, and would never ascend the bank if it should smell us. We lav down flat on the cronnd he- hind the bushes, and it was agreed that I was not on any account to tire until Mr. A should give me the sig nal by means of a touch. Then I was to (ire into the mouth of the alligator, while he at the same moment tried to send a ball through its eye. We lay in this isition until mid night, and then came a heavy body creeping up the hill, distinctly audible, though out of sight- Now and then the noise would cease for a minute or. two, then it would come on again, and at lust we saw the dark mass of the alligator come crawling up to the bul lock and begin tearing at it. 1 dared not move sullicientlv to look at Mr. A . but I nervou.'dv the signal to fire. The alligator turned j this way and that: at one moment it almost seemed as if its powerful tail might sweep us away, j At length we heard another alliga I tor crawling up the bank-, and the first tine began snanniiii? its fatm f..i, , ciottsly. j , j Then came the signal. Jiang! went tho rifles. The beast did not move u muscle. It was niiifcn d OII.M. nml in.. could hear the other one tearing and rolling down into tlie water again. BEWLUEIIZA, Or I.a Grinpe, though occasionally epi demic, is always more or less prevalent. The best, remedy for this complaint 18 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " Last Sprfnp, I wits taken flown with La Grippe. At times 1 was completely pros trated, and so ilifflcnlt was my breathing that my breast seemed ns if confined in an Iron cane. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I liecan tiiklnir it than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine."-W. H. Williams, Crook City, S. 1). AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Promptto act, suceto cure A Gentleman Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For 20 years fast, niy wife and 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, and we attribute td It the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen 'years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked howour hairhas retained its color and fullness, we reply, By the use of Ayer's flair Vigor nothing else.'" "In 1868. my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair H&P kePt ,alN every day. I induced tiAt'tmi.A Aver's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not oiny checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all . that it Is claimed to be." Antouio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR UMUE AND ncci, trncurr, loi of ci itvnicut, nervous actmiiT, ..n.,nt.. r.l rtt.hrua taitminhood. Ql)0D(li ripfd y cured by atendeay motjMd'. Cunt politicly guaran'ecj. lutt:oti 11 link and Hook free. CtUorwritt. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS. MO. ir t it.. i . i. m -O- (circle with parallel ",.') J d ( MtleMuue on left hip abo lr " I '' fhlil Bonnty. llotvnrfl .1 F. f ' I I n with bar abov'R It) ou r'ihi $.'ZT? H Jit., do. ItanKoinMorr'IiHffu, RHIIIft Oil ! tillu rouutiMi. DR.DODDS Cure o OUC IN HORSES. GUARANTEED. Every ovrner of & horw nhuu'i. kfpp It on hand. It mv )v Hu lltu oi a valuable animal- One iiackaRe wilj cnrouinhi to iu cnif. t'rice ll.UU, Sent tiv mail o exprt-ii. Our Ac coiintltook, w It-h cotitalnililuutq itublu k.'.-pfm, nirtil. d free II. ijeJAUlN HPlnt, Nr. Lam, ua The Old Reliable nnKiHW. mat, Jleppner, Oru heart on the left shou der. li!u, Vi"' hill Hun-aker, 11 A, Warner I t!.t T Jl,,rr"lk, sbouldHr; oa.Ui.. II Xft hi, 1 UuM, U on ,ft Hrdi8tv,AIIrt, Nyo' ',.,. lef, Z,lk"re"' J M' H,,rdm'' "'-Ho, h on left shoulder cattle, same on ri5,Tv?!i,ll!lii Huston. I.ntbor. K.Kht Mile li, - u "' the left .honldorand heart on the lef""."? Ho, up. iiHIIKa in fllnrp, l , Ivy Alfred, Long Creek, Or-i S. '"'"f. riKht h.p, crop off left ear and bith,"r 'ft luDi same brand on left s unilHr ii..1"'"' Hon. ai( tinui Established 88 years. Treats male or rem. He morrlul ni filnilA. In Pnatta nt nvnOHIiro abuses, excesses or tmpropriotles. HKILL GUARANTKKI). fionrd and apartments furnished when desired. Question lllanlc and llook free. Call or write. SYPHILIS, The wortl forai poll, lflvilv iamrl :ilt vrari .ceaifulnracticc. Tn-nt meat confidential. Cum "."inn ui m uiiiL'B. llTIUi H1W. yut'HKIII ItlllllX BUI Dookfrta. Call or writ. DR. WARO INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St..St.Loul,Mo mm TRIALS UIW run J 1 1 1 1 - ur DOWN MOUNT HAMILTON. IF VOU WflNf INFORMsTION ABOUT OF GENERAL INTEREST. A London paper tolls of a dog whlon., having run away from its new master, travolod fifty miles over an unknown country to its old homo, arrived there tho day after starting. An officer who bought for a trifle an old desk in Montreal was led by marks on the cover to make an investigation, that proved tho article one of such hiHtoric interest that the Knglish gov eminent has given him ono thousand dollars for it. , A big poplar treo was felled at Utica, Intl., recently, and as it struck tho ground a large limb broko off, in tho heart of which was found tho antlers of a doer, a cow's horn anil a number of curious shells. Tlie mystery is how they gut there. -A prominent runehero of the Upper -riatlo valley, Wy. T., lately issued an odd challenge to the betting fraternity of the universe. Ilo will wager bin placo and stock against fio.nnu that in any staled hunting season within threo years he will, unaided, kill llfty grizzly bears in tlie Klk Mountain and .Medicine How ranges. A family in Henry County, (hi., con sists of throe mothers, three sons, two grandmothers, three grandsons, ono gront-grumlinother, one daughter-in-law, one husband, one graml-daiighter-ln-ltuv, two brothers, one daughter, two great -grandsons, one wife, two widows, one graiidinotlier-ln-law, ami there are only six in the family. A Murfreesboro (Teiui.) woman went fiito tlie post-ollee. and demanded a letter. When told that there was none she said she knew there was, and made tho clerk look four or live times. When Bho became finally convinced sho left the olllce in a great rage, saying that sho was going to make that old colored lortune-teller refund the money alio had paid her. Parisians Jiave lately been enter tained by a remarkable artist who dis plays wonderful skill in her peculiar form of painting. With plates of va rious colored sand before her, she takes tho sand in her right hand and causes it to fall in beautiful designs upon a table. A bunch of grapes is pictured with violet sand, a leaf with green sand, tho stalks with brown sand, and relief and shadows by ot her sands; when the work is brushed away a botinuet of roses ami outer objects are represented with the same dexterity and delicacy. v Tlie most polite nation in diplomat ic intercourse is llelgiiini. When the Helgian authorities adilres-ied a letter to this tioyernnientaskiii .r if the l'i,!i.1 Ktatesstill claimed us citizens all chil dren of alien parents born here, theconi municatiou closed ,vith: W should he grateful if your Kxcellotiry would have tho great kindnes-i to furnish me with this document and give me the infor mation desired. Thankin v.nn- b'v,...l lency in advance, 1 Wishing to know w'i . tions of tlie Piuted S; a, peddling, the Hoi. i oluded Willi: "1 huve recourse to your H.-eel flees, begging you i-u he quaint me with ihe ! , tions which are in :. v i States regnrdin,; peddling oli," etc "Hli. ace, etc. i lie regain--. regard to Minister eon honor to have " v's good of Pleased to ao .s and regula- the 1'niteil I aval' my- When sniTering from (broiit or lung troubles, take only sut'li medicine, as has been proved worthy of oonti.leuoe. Hueh n remedy is Ayar'sOherry Pectoral; aspeciUcfor sudden oolds. uul iuvaln Bbls in, all forms of piilmoimry com plaints. Hold by drugifists. Price SI. TWO QUEER WILLS. ' Curium Documents lor Which No Law. yer Wool, I Assume liosponslbility. "Talking of queer legal documents," said an abstract man not a man in tho abstract to tho Chicago Evening News ouiry-ioiior, navo here a true copy of a will which will, I think, hold up its head among even tho product of doc umentary freaks." lie fished into a pile of letter-press copies as ho spoke, and brought out the following. The document he ars ilar.r, rf January 'J, 187S, and was proved in open court April S, lHTi. It is recorded in ."Vol. 1 of Wills," pago IMP. "Pirst-I flvo and bequeath to hwo I intend to marry, she is the mother of myn son Wil helm and expects an ortlwr child. When the child was born and bod children shall live tc tho cage of ai years tho slial divided cipiallv . between them share and sharj alike. Also-J give and bequeath to my wire u.l lioumholf furniture beds one gray cow and received bj her m lieu of dower: 1 Bivo and devise to m heirs and assigns all that parcel of land a liouse sltnutn and etc, : Lot No. 2 j LHot-li the subdivision made by tho llluo Island Land anil llnllillni! Company known us Washlur.on Heights as Itccorded in the Ut-cordcr's onloc of Cook County, 111., in Hook KO of Slaps page ;ty. ' "It is further understood that ray wife r aforesaid have the house nnd all the 'household furniture, one gray cow, tho whole premmlsse" for the use ol herself and children whom I here by appoint sole executrix ot this mv last will and testament. ,Si ..,,,, ''Legally the instrutuent is nut str euoiigu to stand," sa d thn ..I man. "It will be noticed that where the property is described the spelling js all right. That is accounted f,,r by "he apparent fact that it is o,mi,.,l r , II , . . 1 "u went, too lar, liowev .i.-.i no wrote: -i give and devis( i.i.v in ns, no aiso added 'ami assi which means nothing, and consequently ...... j.-, t., ,,,, , llu, instrument. "As an example of poor orthography tins one is a daisy," and tho following was produced: "ciiicauo, Oct. is, istvi-l, do,- healr by a slBHull the real I a stmt and i.,.,.oson III i'mpcry to my wire diicriiig her L'fe ihne and at her death aslghd , wliicl, ,,.,. ,.". (Iron she may wish or the tan.lcv tl.i, Pi-upertl mus not be sid or morgi-acu tin theyoiugs child bo ot age" -jouiib Flocks by an Ewe, Joseph llrovvn, of White Tigeon, Mich., has a little ewe trained to lead his Hocks. If a drove is to be shipped she marches at the head of the column through tho streets and tho flock fol lows. Hhe leads them into the stock yard, thence into the car, and when one car is full she edges herself out and con ducts the others into another car, till all are safely on hoard, and then returns home with thV boys on the sidewalk. Til K V H KHH t'i. A I1IS C 'Oil P4 VV "M?DAR,BUH"' " "n?gtaM& 1.0. Box 403. WASIIINUTON.B.C. S0LP.'.7RS' WIDOWS. CH ILnrj DiDcsrc ' lute n f. U':"1'"0':" '""i8""" HhhI1.-1 In the line of i,,-vlvI-', , ?'S'V since the war. I I I;'"'"' If?1"' "'"'i' Vl.lmi.t reloi-t-.l oluinia Lt . , '.. ,l;",us'"l clitltlcil to hiirlR-r- rates. ".,,l!,L..Sr."'a' " .'Z"" S.fee .rong '.straot aud ! to f,'ns, mam Made ill fl.ll flt.vlnn tinA aiiaa lAohtnat atroniTCSt. Gtlfltnnt wr.rk!nfp. frnf. dtmnlr-Bf i moBt accurate, most compact, and most I monern. n or saic ay an dealers m armB. uataiorucsmaiied freo by The Marlin Firs Arms Co., New Haven, Conn., V. S. 4 9 1 I I I tKe cause o; Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable infor mation in the hands of your acquain fauces? If you are, you should be identified with The American Protective tariff League. 13S W. 23D.8T., NEW YORK. Cut this notice out and send It to the-League, luting your position, and give a helping hand. GOOD ADVICK. A Thrl lin.r stage Coach Rule at Full Speed. Turning Many Sharp Curves. It was late when we left. tin. l.nibi. j ing and began the downward trip, j says a writer in tile Californian. It was so dark that I determined to'ride down as tar as Nmith s, making the start from there afresh in the morning. The coach I happened to catch con tained a party of excursionists. The road down from the summit is in all probability the finest cut fond, in the world, but it is steep, abounds in sharp . turns and terrific precipices, and is not a road one would select to go down at full speed. Yet when the four-in-hand turned down into the road, the driver mashed his hat firmly on his bead and brought a crack from his whip like a report of a evolver, at which the horses sprang forward in a mad gallop. Crack came the whip again, and with a terrific sway the heavy coach swung round the curve and went tearing down the road while fitful shrieks began to come from the "insides." Trees, spectral trunks, great oaks and sycamores flew by, clouds of dust rose and hid the landscape so that the muses oeemeu rusning into a fog bunk. Over bridges we went, the thunder of hoofs rising in the night with a weird and forbidding sound. The pace kept increasing; the horses were at a dead run, sweeping round curves with a frightful swing, now coming up under the brake with -a terrific crash, then tearing madly on in the- wild race for the lights of .Smith's away below in the gloom. Great trees with long branching arms reached out, seeming to intercept the road. Gulfs of gloom opened up sud denly as the coach dashed around curves. Spectral sycamores stood white and distinct, whom nn side masses of verdure made the night more impenetrable a black gulf all about, down which they seemed i skurrying. On plunged the coach :. horses una driver s,eemingly gone mad ' a o.. . . I -nu.n uuuiiy, uner pivoting around in a i-emuricaoie manner, we rushed away in a cloud of dust over the little bridge into the blending and welcome light of Smith's inn. Japanese Holidays. The Japanese holidays ure the New Year, the celebration of which lasts for three days; Ood Fox's (Jay on the 2d of the second month; the Feast of Doils, for little girls, on the 3d of the third month; the Feast of Flags, for little boys', on the 5th of the fifth month! the Ablution mass in the sixth month: the Tanabata on the 7th of the seventh month; the day of the chrys anthemum flowers and the festival of Inoko late in the. fnll. lfu.l i.,.:i...i .... uuuey beans and rice is the delicacy eaten on V... O.l I.V.1 ... . convince the OJ.i:iUi; ailV, L.W.l.b til V- way which if followed leads to L'ilH.I:Mlkl!lfU.!B!f1!,H:i Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille TTna hnon nut. im In a nrnnrlataVir furm ilnu tant K....n In private practice. It le no urftrled nostrum, of aouoiiui reputation, duc ft genuine specftio for a yery prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of all ages, have at some ttme In life brought on nervous debility and exhaustion, with oraranlo weuknesB, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent indulgence or indiscretion and vicious habits, and It isto theae that we offer a remedy that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the disease, sfop te drain and restore the patient to Vigorous health and BtrenRth. Our meihod of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille treatment is one which commends itself to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply It upon their Judgment of its value. Weaskof our patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a postul curd and a two eent postage stamp". The postal curd to be used In sending us thefr full ad dress and the postage stamp for the letter return- " owiicuii'iit yi mwir uuno jor wnicn we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out, and an envelope addressed w ourselves for llHfl In roturn lno it vhsn Hllnrt When we receive the state ment on blank we prepare Bigntuays' treatment ana lor- oti- ..."." K,' ' Thrvxrv with the eight days' treatment XaLAJUiE WO annri full rllwttl,.... using. The trentment In no way Interferes with a person's attention to bualness, and causes no pain or Inconvenience in any way. We are so positive that itwtll give perfect sntis factlon tmt we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having sntlsfled those sending for trial packages of our ability to benefit their Bexual condition we feel that they are more largely interested than ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles, liven then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and the same to all. They are as follows: $3 for one month: 5for two months; t7 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. If desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For over- ten years we i - - - i nave opernted our x,r" . l, v VLau Wlt" BanHiaouiry results. We ask all persons needing treatment for any Of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violation nature's laws to send us their ad. dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PROF. HA It It IN' SOL, VBM MEDICATES PAST?JLXKS have merit and are what they need. addrelfled'to1110110118 oontidentlal should be TfcaHARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists MBeekman St., MEW YORK CITY II Y -wi:i.iiw,mu"iiA.i,Bj..a,.TVrrr A M (T C D AND OTBB, I nllwLn uAuoNANi Va ""'' UUlt Ell without the uie ol Fknifv Question Ulatik anil lt'k free. Call Bttta 111! II It UI1TTU or writ 622 Pine 8L Hit II It. UITTTt.ll St. Louis, Mo, WANTED. (in I WCCV ANY I.AnY, employed or noampfoni!, Vlilrl VULLR, ran mBko tlustrr a 1,'iv hour, work each day. Salary or romml.Hlon. SIU .ample, free Addrri, , H. BtNJAMIN 4 CO.. 822 Pine St., St. Louii, Ms. ....... ....,,, iHiLmrnnut same brand on left shoulder .1, Ho, h .. Morrow oenuty " M" 8ur' "si,,, uniiKiu, o. rtl Heppner, Or.-H.nw. h hoe J on loft sliou der, Cattl . o' Khiikb on KinhtMile. 1 ""' Wffl,, Johnson, ii'elix, Lena fl, u.. left st.tle; 'oattle, f n r?KhtTu ' ST 1,T onip in riKht snd .ulit in leftS P' Uwl Wt Jonkins.D W.,Mt. Vernon.Or -J v left shoulder; on oattle, J on left hi """ smooth crop, on both ea. Han' inl'Sndtw Hear valleys """Keui j, KNV on left hlp. oattle same anj eron W011 ear: under sloim on th rlaht p off left KirL .1 T lla. .. shoulder; cattle. H6 on left kin. 69 n left turk. J t, Heppnor. Or..HiimHa n Hank: oattle 17 on riglit side; ' 17 either Kirk, Jesse, Heppnor, Or.; horse,, n solder, eattle same on K IHTiharlunl W fl TU in oattle on right 'and left sides, .walhl ?.rT? 1 ear and under oiop in riirht ear u ln "H lf .h..,.l.. i!" "!r'. .nursssaim. Lofton, Stephen, Fox, Or?-! L " i"?'1"' on oattle. crop and split n rLht i i!1 hiP same brand on eft k ,i. "r. llorau. oountv. ",or- Gnu,; Kg"Ar.Y LAP Yean pot&valuablo secret that j.1.1 m.-i tt-. ml a rnl.lui. eI.,'1.1 C, ... l I I Mrs. v. m. APP. CO. 829 PI1J? STRFFT, ST. I.OIUS, MO. Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances au eieriTu-Kiiiviiiiiu umicrj am. boo led into medicated. Brits, SnspensorifB, Spit mil Appliance, Abrinm-i iual SupporterSf VHtn, DrawrtH, Olllco Caps, xiiHoies, etc. rnrAt nf,A..m4i... i I .1 vm ........ .,w mni, jiji tsuti rviinj Coniplafuts, lyspepia. Ki rovs of Youth, Lost jllanhnnd, NervousnnKH, Sexual Weak ,""', nuunii4luuiliesillllllUfl Ulw 1 IllalO. guestiou lilauk and Book free. Call or rite. Volta-Medica Appliance Co., J23 Pine Street, - fcjX. LOUIS. MO. ettirnlngtti EE I I Truls.Msrk, V Tiult.Msrk, Foot-Prints on IliePuth to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's aJviee should rear! one of Dr. Foote's dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Croup,' ,'Rupture." "Phimosis." "Viuieoeele ' Disenne of men, Disease ot Women, iiud lenru m nest nienns of sel -euie. SI Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 281b. tit, New j. ui a. county,' ijienHiien, John w., Lfl7f f. bmrHlod Imlf-cirole JL conneeteH nn .ta. -m, on IISTI-J. hip, wallleovernslit ,yo', thC sill" "in"' '6fi d,S',,;,,!eruefeSrn" w,nB H. on ft slmnlder "ll6d Shirk ham. A. 91., Heppner, ()r-rnl i Mon left side both e erppe,i ami t !?rf both. Horses M on h.ft i,;..1 "Pht m oiinynn. "aulII,i Uurk, .Minor, Osear, rieppuer. or.-t'attlo M n nulithipihorso. Mnn loftahoulde". . D liloririni M W ' on left Hliould.., eattle' ".:.T.r'n,8. Ml Mernuilier, Jns A, Kelio, Or.-HorZ' M bur over on rimht shoulder. M witb moruan. Thus., Hoppner Or M,.. , iz ,l.;'if1;8h""j,lor "a. Me('ar,v. David H-Kehotlr!0';: IMi-Uirr li'mnb it.i. with toe-cork on 'eattle on" ffi "nd eaeli ear: horses aiime lir.nd i..,. .Vi,uur w !::,,r..,',!r."iJc""n';i;i"i . a l , ? It J& MX. Jt$ Jdp 3 C I fl 00 S""1" of lovcy Music for Forty -S 4) I U f consisting of ioo pages 7 ,T.C,T , vful1 Sheet Tvloslc of the -i. ble'1'es, llvellt and most popular 3 fc !Jons,i b2,h vocal and Instrumental, 3 d g, 1?" UP lD ,he most entrant manner. In- clud rig four large sl Portraits. ZZ CMf"p'TA'l' Spanish Dance,, 3 ADELINA PATTI and S JP; MIMIIC SELIQMAN CUTTING. r2 THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. Z Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. 3 STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up you can keep your brand in free of oliarKe. Allvn. T. .1 Inr. n. v . . - . -""-. v... iiimbbb u(t on lert shoulder; cattle same; on left hip, under bit on rinht ear, aud upper bit on the left; raune Mor. row counts. ' ,lrM19KfVJ,KC",A.lpi"e.'?r'-Twith bl" nn. on left hip: " ""r"! CH,tle "" Allison , 0. D., Liaht Mile. Or.-Cattlo brand O Don left hip and horses same brand on rnTht shoulder. KanBe, Eight Mile. " Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses fA m, n.cted on lelt Hank; eattle. eameon left lup'"" Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. HorHB branded 1 E n either slioulder. Haniro in Mo -rowcountv H 1 mo' Ttlntilrmliri onleftshonlder; cattle"'8aine' on ri$TZl3S? nanuister, J W., Hardman, Or.-Cattle bra d ed B on left hip and thih; split in each ear Brenner Peter (,o8berry OreK,lr,J:jf ' Stride B 00 left 8houlde'- at- linrke, M 8t C, Long creek, Or-On cattle county. nor hu f r v uni . mi- ii(i .i i V f. noreoe, same brand on letft shoulder. Kange in (irant and JlorVo,. on top on Uie riKht Ji Nmil i, ,.),. i ... (, . , Nordyke, Jfi 8ilvert;br.-H rses oir'e i'P"' le 1 thiBh; ealtlo.satneon loft MD" 6 ' Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City Or A 2' .., l,o.lil.dre,I"rrl'' L8xi'""n. O on left (lip, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On cattl. n LP connected on left hip; Lnwt on left sii . and wartle on nose. KaiiKe in Ur,,r,.,!.,. tlll, Pear-on, Olave, EighT MUe. (V, -Hor, 'oii.r- on .loft hip. ' ltanVeun KiX' Miu. rWai- h.f.urK1"B8l,U' J1-"man.O,,-HorsMlP11 e rT7lT.V.iS,.lVJrt0t Of.-Ho brand. L" ?Te on riiuruZr x ii(r, j. n ijexniKtou. Or, -Horses Jli' mm f.',,,,i.;'''I',n."0rvi,nor8,'B diamond PD efU,ip.uprSlIipff iS'Zt ui'p,-1"'- Or-Horees, ,IP eon. . .. .... ., lwr, lHcue ijjv oouneoted oil W hip, two under half crops, one n each ear "(1. Andrew, Hardman, Or.-Horses suuar. eroer will, duarter-e.rcle over it on lef t tine Itiiut hi... U.,l worm e, wrj,7SOT4fi"J riBl.1 shoulder. ltanKe near Hardman. lef "Kmo.I!'.'' ""ill"'"-. Or-Horses, plain Von rh,lit h, , i i . 8 orand reversed g fow ciu tv Pff n,fhteBr' ,1UuKB ia MMMmsn .To--., 1 r. on right shouuferrfttl.riro1n0rtlre lift .1ae' Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope . Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses I R mown, isa, Iwexington, Or. Hornea 111 ..nil Hrimrn 1 r TJ n oyer it, on the left shoulder. Cattle SI tV, each oar. ' "' ' wu" "Pht in Itnal, Ur. XT rt ... iiruuuur. ur on the right slioulder; cattle. IX on th. lfi h... crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Morrow and ai o n no I(UI Uf;n:.. ..V"""1' ' -Horses branded I le left tun, Uange is ."i.uoiu, Klllge. Or Iloraea II X Z T' i.?.'e- " PI. hih. onn on k-ZlZ!"' P B on left A llo.ton Kpitiiph. In nn out-of-the-way corner of a Bos ton irrave-yarij stands a brown board showini; the murks of ajje and neglect. It bears the inscription: "Sacred to tho niemoi'vof Klien Harvey, who departed this life suddenly and unexpectedly by a cow kicking him on the Nth of Sep tember, ISM. Well done, thou good and faithful servant." t, I orciiinc 'tl tlit'onrli the other A Villa ilile CoiiHlfriiiiii'iit A little olih ir; steel liox. with eoiuliiu.iLi-ui 1 .'!;, o;i: the t'liicii'-'o c.i.ti'iu liou moriiino" C(e.isi ::i.'d to tm lliiiuus wntch Citiiiniinv. Thi: ;nsiipni!ie:mt nlYnireon- tained (ii;imo:ub u:ul ruliivs liythe huti- I tlruds, that v.viv Intended for settinj;':. (or wnte'ios. The value i f the stiiiiesl was -i)!;t vil ;.t one luuuhvd u.i.l lift- thousand dolh'.rs. aud t'ie duty on them tvus a sia ill fort. r.i '. T!ic f' were delivered by a special messenger. Every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the home paper is taken care of,' why not sub. scribe for the Amkrican Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League ? One of its correspon dents says : "No true American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d SL, New York. CTHB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. Mm. J IL??LI.AuBI'E and Per'eefy SAFE. TH IS. WAEC INSTITUTE. 120.N. ninth Bt St. lauii. V. 25 Years' Experience In treating all varl. ties of Kupture enables us to guarantee PosltlT,? ,9ure- Question Blank and Bool tree. Call or write. " VDLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 03 Pine Street, . . ST. LOUIS. MO XiVT FOLKS tarrln. " 25 Pound, per moalh. No ,.n Tf, .1 1" wr-t uttle, J H oonnoi Orant oounty, ' ""x valley right libs, em,, n?i ViV? L (tllre .bars) on (irant and Mom o,V. n, " " r' "'"no " UtSi'frl'&r. '! .! on loft stifle and onTeft stifle ,,n all i 'on eft "boulder uetu, Wm Douglas. Or.: h,, i n .... snouiaer; cattle same on left hio l,n lerl each jaw and two hita in ,1.1. iLi..1' W8uul8 on Cor .1' H 7..k. ,: . ear Curl, l: 1L, " John lj,,v" each UH. H. B. BUTl'S.Sa,P.o,M,V.'Lu., ilo. . , wrapped irH,;",'i'".t",n"","n, ... nain nn; nir me otn or Way. Sake is drank on all occasions, but with a spray of peach blossoms in the bottle on the 3d of March, and a bunch of chrysanthemum blossoms on. Chrvs untliemum day. . ( .Mourning Colors In Russia. lllack is the almost universal mourn iuiT color in Kurope, but there are a few exceptions. For instance, in Rus sia black is never used for covering v.,...i.. me cioin oeing 01 a pink shade when the deceased is a child or youngs person, a crimson color for women and brown for widows. Italians do not use black cloth, white beinp; used in the case of a child and purple velvet in tho oa-e of ndults. . n.. Heir to wind. There are in the I'nitod States a1 'lis time people who imagine that they ire lu-irs to over Si'dlO. (KU1.000 in En l;'.n.'.. ticrinany and. Holland. One ol .';e best lawyers in New York says that ao would not give an oyster supper t six men and take all these claims u puyuieut. An Ingenious CalruUtlon. "There is a theory evolved by a Frencl si'ientistto the effect that the hum race is diminishing in size and wil finally become microscopic and vanisl into thin air. He says that statistic from the days of the giants to the pres ent time prove that man is gettini smaller and shorter and more diininu live in every way. By an ingeniou calculation he discovers the rate of re auction and tells just how many thou sands years it will take to make peopl so small that they will be out o thnt "3 A YCAR FOR LIFE ' Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct '" ;E3 Vril,on irhOT ennn! ii .... . " ""! -(l(ict u. b, . i , , i ',?' ",enc ".' lhe do01- ". thi '", 'I dial none tmt re atirei wer, urmiL an at unge taken to Hi. i,ri.nn.. . ar I'mi hi., ii,- r: tiuw, -. .... .... ,,n,.,,,.r MI ,ne ,,9,torr 'r lfrT ll;'?h',''hll,hm'(mt'n"'il" ISO. .er- in, ,W, ""l aendmri the 6rt c5rr.t an ii i to. "" "eendr 3rd. 2S0; 4ifa loo.7h "ri ki., diamond rlnira, elo. m,m .'(i-ii a hi,h-ioripd, Ki the nm tlw , J f "I "i Kan, anil ihe neit 6.000 will recti,. T-K? w.uti' -I -il.era-ore ac. receive ,alu.ble prua 111 I.KH -(l) All .nawen must he Kent h, m.n .... ar iKwrii.rk not l.Wr tfi.n Dec. SI 18M rn t!t t?f all .,1, "i;ioimi peruxliL-.a of the dav n All prlzrvmiierawiU l i-iiecled a,tai u. in '. 't ns our circulation. 141 Th. rlt c.wSi . CIt'nJ .-nitrr'a,.rV tik in Z 'uZ L K.C'""C .?,d. Jh., .Zr" Jl IKIIM Th ,II..-J ,. . mnanted'to act .1 l lu, SI .i.l ..?,T?. " are lairl, ..anlcl : l,mi,lo .-TiT...... i 1' voi, 0 swallow ti in rigntear, sp it in loft ear Ii,r oil county. On sneep, inverted ,orfg8 m Gm,1 on shoulder. Ear mirkn,, JlAa"d "P?.r J"im punched upper bit in ri-hr to.. p l"n eBr n,;OV.'.'---L'",.0-.-Hor8eB. BOon riK, oroDoffT"fV?r"n:riS,'t.,'i.P.: ear mark sTnTr'o lefTsa."- - C-r&.'0r. -Horses. on kSX&ZC"" C with I :iuhron U L' . " "U. Bhonlder: cattle saSi nli" t.?" " 'eft under slope both ears and dewlar. p9' mHrk ilt hip" CatTi, ;rJ"J bmnd-d .in1orkeSeT'a,,K on left hip. ln ech mf- horses, H rj A'v BV"8;.E,-''-.Or,?-HoZ, bran,,. hole it ni-fit. on. ftlUB 8me on left DID. hole in riirht ,n- rihi k fPPnep, Or. Dium.. Fleek. JS . Heppnw' OrrHW "Unt'' connected on right sliouE'. 0r;-U"res. 7P "Kht hip. Eafmark!'0hUo1,deerin ' "f" right hiP7nrB-'F";PPn" Or r ,e Lp shoulder. on right rightXC3de:;Pca,,lleP1Prri0hHo,,8 .Krench. Ue.,rge?HBpi n? h, V .hih- F. with bar over it on left af j tle bmnded silGfc"ch' "veStock Co.. Fo an:, on left stirir "?. LonJ Moulder; vent. far marks, crop off riirhl S ?!th h'P" Ranire Ir, rn ft"? Wnt 641 and onderbit n lf. counties "rant, Crook and Morrow 8. with a .fC.:,Vr'r.Hr" branded H. Kangein Morrow and lin,.XiL0.; 1Sft "''Ho. w.7-i i.., L....7i "n len ear. bheap. H on tiila :nd CZ .""1' oar' hr,';0,',7'1 W.:.,MUn. Or.-HrB ana crop ott right eBr and split in loft llnrana fflet.' oXlTSlZr' 0r-H" branded 8 A SwaLg an U ' k ""me "n l8f h'P whhffi ,:...i L Or.-Horses aahn ,i V tlB oatUe H with ". "i i. . "KM PIP, CrOO Off riirht oar and leg. Hange in Morrow n... r- "nauiiaconntles. Hayes. Geo., Lena. Or. Brand th . with quarter oircKnd.r;7t""le:uI'T-P w. Ilid - i r,.Kht b'P' iiiu, a ','!""' nn leK- "ange in T" viiiaiina count ea. on Tft E,w0A,l,,,',!n,' Or.-Horses branded S rtei left cra hiSiiUi:,J" . Or.-NtT connected on JH on loft ehouTderattliVh;,''l nor8 branded waddle. Kanse ir i o?i -f f?.8' also no8e otepheiiB V A iV ",i " u"'iam oounties. right Mine' cattle h "nmHnl i0'"' nor' BtevinaoM1'0 y""1"?, L on the right side lefth p,oro'p riXn'rfr,rVatr6 W C on left 8huid"i'r; rathe STuft 0hr'-,1Jor8. 5 " T im. u 'n' irr"9' on.lft shoulder. shoulder" ""mern.Ur.-HoBe. 0-on left lefr.r,L?r'tH-'PP'er.Or.-Sn,aH eanital T with Bphtin'b0;',8jBlat am on left hip Vandarn.T u !ft,8nei sheep same brand. -ted on riiht-JfiHV ontiriefT.LoTder?'0'' Ho88' orip off left .-.e4' PaKie !" on right hip. Morrow county 8 0" '6 le,t "boulder. Hang. circle over it oi Eit ""X08'"' iU flnarter Gmnroonuty! "iff'lite Or.-Horsa. branded t attle brandeil aamo n ur. i r and le" bin Wells, A. H.rffiner 0, ' w'6 a"d le" hl-shoulder- can e SS5 r'-Horses, on left bit inLtb ear,, onjgjp, DE Sttfrffi Or-Horse, branded Horses brand bIZS Ba7e.r Co" '' " ' Will,.. " canne!teQonleftihonlder eli. "8.0. "amuton fin n r "Tcl tnree bars nn l... iT- V iir(r cir horses. Range GralTrL ,thlp' both ttle and fW.i"ifu,' J P-Lomiw "" over three bars nn r ii ,i "or"". ouar and Bht in each ei? hZ? MhlDi otie same Wren. A A u ln Grant """nty on shoulder; (ttTsame A on euner nip; crop in rihi V. .. j "",' wo P i '""niaer; tattle. sarnV ..L"T.nmgA . toronsh B.,iJ,yZ,'iSl?J ?n.r!ht bip.and on left H" rsL We. cattle, lm " Vf' ' "nouWer. J. W