n ST NOTICE TO ADVEUTXHEKS. IMii)K Jelring the inBertiou of display aclB., or ciiange ui stuue, muni Kt their copy lu i,E later man Monday evening lor Tuemiay's edition, or Tliumltiy evening iur Kridayh edi tAuU Thk i'A'rritBaow tunuwHiruj Co. nouck. 1 The mm of five cents per lino will be cull e lor "cardH of tlianku," "reuulutiuun ui loap-.vJt," lints ol wedding presents and Uouoru, nuu ouituary notices, (uiuer tiiau those the eilii wr shall, hiiimeii give aw a matter oi news J and uoticeti ol special uiootiiigu lor w hatever purpose. i. fsoueea 01 chuica and society and allotner eiitei tainuieuUi Hum wuicU revenue ib to be de rived, uiia.l be charged iur at tue rale ui hve ten ib a line, These rules will be strictly adher; ud to in every instance. AdvertiKing rates reasonable and made known upon application. We Hold each and every correspondent re Bpoiihibiu lor his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is mgueU. ub au evidence ol good laitU. i FiSHJiK, MWUPAPJE ADVJfiUTltt H Am. lug Agent, i Merchant! amiukvUku, stiu i'iaucwiio, m our auinoiuea ttgeui, ims paper ib M-ept on hie lu his uiuue. TIME TABLE. Stage lor Hardmuu, Monument! Long Creek, John Day auu iauyuu CHJ', ltmvsi it luilown ; fcvtsry duy at t a. iu., except ouuUay. Arrivti&uveryUayaiO p. w., exuptiiouday. The chuupuitt) qulckuat and best IHw lu Ot from the uiujaur uummy. J. o. DELEVAN, Prop. l'hill Cohu, Agent. (Jive your business tu Heppner people, and therejore assist to buna up Hepp ner. Patronize thane who patronize you. Here and There. Tom lioothby was up from Lexington lust Jj'nduy. Will. Douglass, of Butter creek, was ij our oily l'riUay. f O. L. Patterson, of the Eagle, is over from Lung Greek. Papers for sale ut the Gazette office at two-bus a huuired. Deeds, mortgages, etc., exeouted at the Uuzettii ollioe. Frank Clem dropped down from the mountuius Friday. JE. H. Clarke, the wool man, was over the first of tue week. Laughable Irish and Negro 'characters in drama Monday night. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduced prioe ot $1. The Heppner-Canyon stage line iB the beBt, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. It you want a Rood gnu or sewini; machine, come to the Gazette office and we'll lit you out. . ' Those having song books belonging to the OhiiatiHU oliurcb, Bre requested to please retain saine. Those that have couuty scrip for sale should call on George Oouser at The First National Bank. 2 tf. Couueil met in speoial session last Wednesday to allow $3 each to judges and clerks of election. H. S. Loomis, representing the Ore goriian, was in town Fiiday on busiuese oonnected with his paper. T.o,.l KiiTilm r.lsntv of thpm. at the Gazette offiee, and at world's prices. Diboouuts ou large orders. ' MiBB Lnura MoNanghtou departed Tuesday for La Oriiniitj where she wij visit, her auut for a tr-w weeks. Good whiskey, clump and artificial. Bei.d Si pfislal "te for ricipe. Address tic 101, P.udleion, Oregon. 4 12 Kverj man wlio takes any interest in fast stock should .auhsonbe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. J. A. Patterson, the branch engineer is down at Portland this week. His place is takeu by 0. b. W ike, of The Dalles. dr.aottn will take county scrip at face ou subscription, and pay balance of same in cash ut nlguem inaraei The Gazette office now runs an in iuranoe aud notarial thop. Come iu when you want to do your insuriua nud swearing. ' Charley," a Pendleton Cbinamnn, at tempted to outrage two girls Bged, re epeotively, 14 aud 15 years last Friday but waB beaten off aud arrested. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of ohsIi, should oall arouud at this oflice aud get oredit fr ain if not already given. . PbotograpbB, 81.50 per dozen, at Shep-' card's, grouua noor guiieiy, outh of MoBride's wagon tWry. North Muin street, Heppuer. 5-ld Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdavs. Thoriduys and Saturdays. - T... ,i,,va Wrlnpfldava and rn- Arrivea iuuuu.,, - r,..,... days. Fare, one way, i.ou- xui agent, A. Andrews, Prop. j W Vaughan and J. S Boolhby, of T.pv'ing'ou, are talked ot for representa ve. Otis Patterson, tna editor of the Gazette, is also spoken of for the same place by his friends. The town was alive on political issues Saturday. The populists held forth at the court bouse, while the repub loans looked after ceutral committee matters up at the Palace hotel parlors. To our customers-No difference how . ii ....,. nxr-nnnt is. oome in large or Huiuii "' and settle, either by cash or note W must bve n ib u,herB V",',," ns to s-eni the flood. Haves Bros. 90tf Cook's Ded Shot squirrel poison, war ranted .qual to if not anpernir to any or, the market. Manufactured by 1 W. A "em, Jr. Heppner. For sale by drug gists, grocers and general dealers. 4tf. Antelope Herald: Billy GHbsd return ed from Heppner last Monday, and re do4 everyibing 88 dull bs, if not a little Salter th.n bey re here. 'Gene will stay with his parents over until spring. J J K iberta, Olerk ot ueppoer kuu..-. district, finds that our town has 346 ohi dren between the ages , of four and ?wenty years. He also not ess a super Sundance of baob lors and old maids. 'Wby is this tbnaly? t) A Herren te talked of as a oandi JTa' for olerk. subject to the coun.y i8moc alic convention. The present m (lemnora'n. Morrow, is also being urged to' g'a.n-allow hisname tobe used urgeu ioK ntprkabio. Green and Hick Mathews will be Green an ghop whewwytbingiDtbe line of the ton where any. furnighed on apph " Bt,Tl I gentleman are artists and reTveyourtronage. Call on them. .... tt.m- W. W. Wallace. ontT hToldest democrats in this part country, istheUtes toormus thatneifluoi"' -- , free trade is .coernd He says th u:j hnsiness "don t go 10 lmB itnnnlrV. " Thus Durhan, recently of Michigan, Cnns f''"""' . w Ynrk man. d ;' ,?Tph WM. call tt.emnp "Xl"T.r.- In Friday evening table at Willows juu kers at Heppner Jerry Bosuan went below Wednes. ' day evening. The Amity Popgun will pop no more. Its graveyard is not a small one. Tims. Nelson very unexpectedly re turned from Union this morning. Bob Sbnw bought 10 bead of oattle on Butter creek recently, paying $2 perowt. Rev. Potwine will hold servioel in the M. E. church, Tuesday evening Feb. 27. Jack Hamblet shot and instantly killed Ben Gauimie over at Mitchell on the 14th inst. Aurora Borealis, or Northern lights, Were seeu last ey$niug in all their brilliancy. Jack Hamblet, who Bhot. Ben Gam mie at Mitchell, had not been apprehend ed at last accounts. The County Eepnblioan Club meets Saturday afternoon at 2o'olock. Every, body invited to attend. An Injunction suit it in progren sgaintt the parsbase cf aite and erec tion ot buildings for. the Eastern Oregon branch insane asylum, COU DUHW BUU WHO ncu. liu " U A usrw dtiy to their new borne, Et Portland, r i . 1 a I. Where iur. ouaw uas opnueu up a wuum sale butchering business. H n Kmith hna hint nlOlBd ft VBtV and next Mouday will begin, a series ol meetings out at Six Dollar. His labors in the Blues were rewarded by 25 con verts. Judge Duston and Frank Foster, .u.r.D.hnclv nf Hanvnii Citv and John n., v nrrivuH in HennnHr vesterdav morning and this morning left for borne, piloted by Al Binns. Foster says he would advise all to stay away from the Midwinter Fair till the buildings are nnmnleted. Billy Hale was arrested by Constable l?..o,,,nD voalnnlnv for disturbing the baptising last Sunday. When arrested he started to get awav, and Mr. Kasmus shot to stop him. This did not seem to u,.rt as Hale went right ahead, ar.d K iliH nnl nflTR tn hlirt him he ran him down. It cost Billy $00 to settle the difference. ' ral.nliir auhQprintion nrice of the Semi-Weekly Gazette ia $2 50 and ths regnlr price of the weewy uret ooiau is $1 50. Any one subscribing for- the Gazntte and payine tor -one. year in au vauoe oan gef both the Gazette and Weekly .Oregonian for $3. All old subscribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer. jlr, Brwln C, Chose Botholl. Wtsb. upin HOOD'S Read Mr. Chafe's expe rience wi:h a Substitute Surprise Parti. Miss Luella Nelson was snrnrised bv a number of her. young friends Saturday afternoon, and a most enjoyable time bad. There were present: Marv MeSwords, Nellie Wilkins, MyiBi Jones, Bessie Glisan, Willa Minor, Nora Adkins, Bertha Sherman, Etta Rogers and Zie Patterson. And tho Clad ftesiut of Taking HOOD'Ej "C. I. Hood & Co.. loWelt. Ks.! .nt March I bad to f-.vc u;i v.nrk, 'com pletely worn rut.' 1 felt tire 1 all t lie time ; had frequvu: lier.aelif s. anil sp-.-lls ol dizziness ; I had no appttite. ai.d wl.at i::t:j 1 Ud eat. dis tressed me terri ly. V. i wile ma feeling about tho same. I went to the ilnn siore.ai.d called for HondVSarsawiii'illa. The d:ui;8;st saM ho Van oat of Hood's, but that 1.0 co.i'. l give me a roeilloiue made from about the sa:ae formula, Hood's11 Cures Justas good. I bought a bo'.'.le a.:d .carr.ed it home, and wife and I ukik it laiiiiiuii... hnttle was flui:;hod and we coul.l see no uipnne nieiit A second and then a third bottle follow ed 1, when my wife declared she would take It o lontier. as s ie neiie.vuu miu v . lv , V. il hf before fcikint; it. Wo put the tnird bo tie away half full! and I vent, to tlv; (Irim-store ai l , (at a bottle ot ilood s ftarsapanua, mm Hood's Pills. In less than a week , Wo Began to Improve. We began to relish our food, and it didn't dis tress us as before. That tired worn-out feeling left us gradually, and after taking five bottles, we called ourselves,well : and give Hood's Sar sapaiilla the credit it deserves. Whenever I take a severe cold I always take three of Hood s Pills at night, and in the morning find my cold broken. Hood's Sarsaparllla,and Hood's PilU are a complete medicine chest In themselves, and I heartily recommend them to everyone. Eitwm C. Chase, Botheil, Washington. ' II 1IJLJO- . 1 sSS '-C-VV .V"4 ii?; i I 0 i unju i vajj??L Gilliam & Bisbee, IIEPPNEIt, on 1. Ci:!j Fiitt C!fp loffl iu Iieiintr. 2. I'nrldirg Ui(d fcr Ehcliic LigLts lLicti(.L(ut. 3. Pest pfC(nncd8licLe fci lie Ittvilitg he coun- SirS. M. VON CAECW. Proprietress. I. SrVf IE " y 4rrS : 3. Pest pfC(nncd8licLe fci lie It :BintiJ&l ivY. . 4. CtoilcMis lie lm((it rnona IL TFTli PiGOPJ-jiC A.EE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes us friends, on1 an aaf nU Sliaa nt,. tn,?a VU vnl n lin..a friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. Hood's Pills set ea9llv' PromPuy and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 2flo. Special Council Mkbtin as. On Tuesday afternoon, a special meeting of th3 Heppner council was held for the purpose of repealing the ordinance re lating to marshal's salary, and others pro visions. Same read by title and section. Threnpnn- the oounoil adjourned. L iter another speoial meeting was held and the ordinandi passed uuanimously. Th' cjnneil thu adjourned. A Sevbue Fall Last Saturday even ing about dark, while Uncle Jack Mor row was on his way home, he sustained a severe fall near Stewart's livery stable For a time it was thought that he had sustained a broken leg, but this proved rot to be the case. However, Mr. Mor row received some severe bruises, but we hope will be out again in the course of a few dBys. Neaklv a Fatal MisTAKB.--One day last week, Miss Etta Minor took by mistake several doses of medioine, in wbioh morphine was the principal oomponent, thinking it was a headache remedy sue had had prepared. No one was at borne at the time, and when her mother, Mrs. Minor, arrived Mits Etta was insensible. It took prompt action of home remedies to restore her to oonaoiousness. The physi- cian gave it as his opinion mat one more dose of the morphine compound would have ended fatally, inasmuch as aulidotea would not have been given immediately. Political Pbognostioatioss . Oh last Saturday, the Gazette was the recipient of a call fmm Mr. Alva Leach, of Lexington, a prominent populist leader ot tnis oonnty. In connection with popunat nominations, .Mr. Leach had heard Uem Hogne spoken ot for olerk, but said that he did not think that either L W. Lewis 6r he would be iu it, though we have heard both spoken of. .While J. B. Sperry and E.B. Stanton have both h..en talked of for representative, he bad also heard Geo. Cliapin spoken of favorably Miss Ada Conlee is spolten f f.'.r ,-lionl snoeri-iteudent. Mr. Leaob said that as far as ha was ooncemed, he opposed fusion in a'iy way, and said that his party in this county were un alterably against it. H.4 Vn YOU BACKACHB ? DR GRANT'S -A.3NTJJ r v YOUR ATTFA'TIOX! We. want it for a moment to inform you that the stock of C. S. 'Van Duyn is being dis nnsed of "at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri- res The stdck is clean and fresh, having been largely increased 'with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, 'we will give you bargains. S. S. Hornor, . Salesman. T: 1- CURES Diabetes, Rrlnht'x Dlaeaae. Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow water, uric Dust Sediment In Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain In the Back, and all Dis eases ot the moneys PREPARED BY flTJfTJ VnnnfontnninrT Pn PORTLAND u.n.iii aiauuiui)iuiiii& uu J, QREOON. For srfle by Slooum-Johuston Urug ou. and T. vy. ayers, jr. PEOPLE'S PARTY Edited by the People's Party o Morrow Lounty- This column belongs exclusively to the People's Party, of Morrow county, ana will oe usea oy mem as mey n fit. The management of the Gazette Una m no way oe responswie j.ur uny thing thai may appear ineretn. .nr. Ileijpner, Oregon. Geo. Conser, . Assignee, sw BORG, : THE Out for Cas .n Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash. Talks. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto" Trust Busts SEE BORG, MAY biWEET, HEPPNER, OR OF COURSE YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. H. T. TTlie vouii" liow to choose tlie best one to marry The mamed now to dq nappy m inuiTiugB -, ' , j i : i,ni,;,,o. ) The loud parent Jiow to nave pri.B uuuiub , )The mother how have them without pain; The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; )The 'curious how they "growed" and came to be )Tho healths how to enjoy life and keep well; )The invalid how to get well again speedily; )The imprudent how to regain vasted energy. )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth )Pind it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk, )1,000 patres, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 I ' )Redueecl from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars fivj. ' (IN TWO DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD ( 42 '(AND HE ( SAVED $1,100 f-T.N ONE YEAR. iOO.OOQ i COPIES SOLD. The -Keeley Mk -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette oflice for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. ' Otis Patterson LEGALBLANKS. NOTARY PUBLIC c-A'w. A CONVEYANCER D , AT OPPICE Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . . KIRK & RUHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Theywill keep on band a full lineof STA.PL'JE A.2STD FANCY T1 " mm, A full line of obnice Pies, Cnkts anrl Bread ; in foot everjtliine: Ibat is usually keut in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell cheap foi cash. Call and try tbem. sw COUNTY CONVKNTION. iohrI parlor, fit tne., ,tomith .hnn cutting at living prices. Do" ' overlook Council Meeting. Council mt,t luat. Mondav evening, all present except Keitbly and Patterson, Mayor Simotis presiding. Council declared a recess till Tuesday afternoon at to oiock. Mayor Sirnoua presided at tbia time and all councilmen present Minutes of last regular eesBion read and approved. J. V. Rasmus offered bis resig nation as city marshal, and upon motion of Fitrnsworth, seconded by Keitbly, the resignation was accepted, un motion of Lohtentbal, Beoonded by Pt- tprson. VV. F. Euark was appointed as speoial police till further notice Riii allowed: Heppner lransferuo., o, $1 50 for cleaning ashes from between J. Cobu's and Palaoe hotel rejected ; also bills for 86 from Mrs. Von Uadow, u..r,ii plpntion iudues and clerks on UUniuiu " day of city e leotion rejected Motion made by Patterson, seconded rjy rBrua- worib.thBt A. M. Gunn be Bppointea treasurer, not having nuannea as e ;.j u ohortor. and there being some doubts a's to bis legal right to hold said office, ame to commence on tne ex piration of the term of present treasurer. r. Resolution suthor- uarricu... jzing the town to purchase property from the school district, on motion of Johnston, seconded by Farnsortn, was duly adopted Bill allowed: Mess- . ow mi, . f!. 829 On ton uygaii - - ... motion of Farnsworth, seconded by Liohteutbal, the committee oo ordinances was instructed to draft new A People's party county convention is hereby called to. oonvene in the court house, at HeoDner. Morrow oouuty, Or., on Saturday, March 10th, at 10 o'olook a. in., for the purpose of nominating oondidates for oounty offioials to ba vot ed for at the general election iu June 1894, and the eleotion of four delegates to the state convention, aud to transact such other business as may oome before the convention, No Derson holding an office or position of profit, trust or emolument, under the federal or any state or municipal gov ernment, including senators, congress men and members of the legislature, state and local, shall be eligible to e;t c r vote in any convention of the pur y. The oonveution will be composed of thirty three (33) delegiaes, apportioned as folio n: 3 Mi. Varuou 3 fSAiitrv. 2 LeXlllgtoll. i Matteson, 1 Drjr Folk, 2 KightMile, 4 D.iry, 4 Lena, '1 Alpiue, 1 lone, 4 Cecil,' t Wells Springs, 1 iJiue Cily. 1 It is recoommeniled that prim iries for the election of delegates to (-aid conven tion be held in the various pnoiuois on the 3d day of March, 1894. at 2 o'clock p, m. N. A- Leach, Chair. Peoples' Party ,(Jeu. (Jom. Lexington.Or , Feb. 19th, 1894. tf . Psalafnilexucnacjaidwuiikly from Btart. IV PermnentpoItlon. Excluaivetcrrltoryl t. )..., ...nemnrv. PoCUllar advantAgostobegimierfl. Llboral oommiBsion to local pare- (trowers ot Moan, -m W' to hardy, roUablerfrTS fLffT anaortment nursery trS a 4r fortheoroliai'd, stock. mr lawn and Ran en. r Wovrantyoniw," , tha fruit indutry Is bo K . fw.rt chance foi" dvanconient.' Outfit and full par- v iinnwv K f N.uriiu'' Honiara i " ,,i 1 .. i',.vt ntm. ire. , H'l nit . VA Kimiflini3pa. ...w RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with slitrlit symntome, which when negleoted in crease in extent and gradually grow dnnerous. aW"-8- RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. A STRANGE CASE. HoW an Enemy was Foiled. The followlnn frraphio statement' will he read with Intense interest: "I cnnnotdcscrllie the numb, creepy sensation thutexisted in my arms, hands anil lcita. 1 hud to rul) anil beat those parw until they were soro, to overcome in a measure the dead feelirur that hud taken possession of them. In addition, I hud a strange weakness In my back and around mjr waist, toRetner wiui nu i1" V ft feeling In my stomach. 1'hyslWuris said t was creeping paralysis, from wlilf h. accord ing to their universal conclusion, there is no relief. Once it fastens upon a person, they say, it continues its insidious progress until it reaches tt vital point and the sufferer dies. Buch was my prospect. I had been doetoriim ayearand a half steadily, but with no par ticular benefit, when I saw an advertisement of Ur Miles' Restorative Nervine, procured a bottle and began using it. Marvelous as It may seem, but a few days had passed before every bit of that creepy fepling had eft me, and there has not been oven the slightest indication of its return. I now feel as well as I ever did, and havo gained ton pounds in weight, though 1 had run down from 170 to 137. Four others have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine on my rocomcn datlon, and it has been as satisfactory In their cases as In mine." James Kane, La Kue U. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Jllles Medical Co., Elkhart, ina., on receipu ut pno, hv- 1 Dottles ior k, expresb urepaiu. opiates or dangerous drug. D'.ir naie b i'. W. AyerP, jr. FERRY'S V SEEDS J Kfefcta- Are just wlmt every gtfmwir afflsfJWfT llWtlH. 'I'llC IIH-T- B'ii'r (jfljjj ItH Of I't'l'l'j'H SfflU IttAftflrV v j$0P lor in tlif IfHitMUitum JV on winch linn tit'-n liiiilt trio &2V $f Indent st't-il hiihiiH'SH in tin; world. ir teir Ferry's Seed Annual for 1894 wl KrJ ('DiiiiiuiH Un hum mul suIisuiikh' of S tlie litiebtl'aimin knowltilte. i'ree K D. M. FERRY & CO., If vou SUFFER pYHl'El'HIA or If yon are BIMOHS, OONSTIPATKD or Have A DlbUKUKKii-u mviwt, "y.CpM!:!XION,W SALLOW or TAKE RIPAMQ T A R1 FS III f 1 I l.l . ' I your ue,'ll l,r.AH'n i" in you Bl FFKlt D1ST1IEB8 after eating, Fur OFFENSIVE BREATH ami A1X XAKE DIMOKUKKD Or TUB, BlOMAUll, - ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ordinance regarding the salary of the town marshal end repealing the former ordinance on the subjeot 0 uucil Bdjourned. If you have oTer-iiidnled in eat ing or drinking take a dose of Simmooe Liter K'gulator . mi.. Ar, vnn onrlure the agony or dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regulator will always oure you. Many women find great difficulty in thai, hair hecnmiouly. be cause of its bareh and coarsa texture. By the use ol Ayer s nair " hairbecomei soft, pliant, and k lossy The Vigor is the most cleanly of all oair reparations. Land Fob Si.e.-480 acres over :n Wilson orairie. A gold stock ranoli jn will be sold cheap. Call at Qwr.ie office for partioulars and terms Where? At Abrahamsick's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also baa on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. Kip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawen or un- aA U7r.Aft oairorl nnrl delivered ftt $7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 eta. per oordj three times, 81 UU. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan Howard's. 4-tf. The Studelmkfr wagon heads them all. For sulci .at Gilliam & JiisbeeV. a Hnr.lwW did yon say? Why, yes at V. O. Thompson & O.'e staud, ami the pli.ee for bargains, The Keeley Institute, at ForeBt Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobneco hahit. Hen ail. The Pal line is the leading hotel in the ciiv. Well furnished rooms with plenty i.f light are provided for everyone, a If yon want to buy groceries, and hrru.l stuff cheap, go to the Kuterprtse Urocery. KirK a mini, proprietors, a Il,.rrr IliA lplHr. IH (OP ll.an tO flX UP your watch or clock. Le keeps a full stock of everything pertaining 10 ui biisineHS' At I .:..l,tur,f In.l A r.o .' new stock of splendid, Hummer botton and tie special ties iu lue shoe. Hue are attracting mam ed attention. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & Mr Far lutelv rhnriied hands. 00W iie- mg iindpr the control and management of The Mcl'arluna Mercantile iouipanv, whioh contiuues business at the old stand with a larcer stock than ever. a RIPANS TABULES. ! rll..U..l .!.. 1..., .-.,..11 ll,n i;.,n- elnm..nl. nn.l inlna. llipmiB IHllUmi. HUI KIIIIJ', Ulll ritMlJ,,ij,, upwu 1UD livci, onminv,u nuw nnco- tiues; cleanse the sstem etlectunlly ; oure dyspepsia, habitual onnstipntion, oflens ive breath and headache. One Tabulk taken at the first ndioation of indigestion, l,i:nDT..u. rlia.rafia uftur a.llina lr (1 1' t, THH inn l,f HmrifflWtll Rllrplv Hn.1 O II i O k I V Ulll.iuournn, uiDiifn ...n. ... , .- -j rf remove the whole difficulty. Ripans Tahules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, aud are presented in the form mot approved by modern scienoe. If given n fair trial llipans Tubules are an infallible cure; they oontaiu nothing injurious aud are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the wholesale and retail ageuts, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. and SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., POHTUANU, OHEGON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so. They arc Easy to Take, Quick lo M ami Save many a Doctor's Bill. Saxxiplfta 3Tra on application, to tlia 33ipa. Camical Co., aTa-w" TTorle City, F.rl. Ttirheck. b shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi Y.t,a ii.ui Innr-lA.! in thn Abraham. eior fiiiilding, on May street, where he is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line. Mi Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a call. Why. Buy of Peddlers? When you can get the choicest MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc, at the Liberty Market. l'llcs! Pilenl Itching Piles. HyuPToMS Moisture; intense and stinging; mnst Bt night; worse by serutehing. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and nleer ate, l.eeomiug vhi v sore. Hwatse'u Gintmknt stops the iloliing and bleeding heals ulceration, and in ovist cases rp moves th tuiiinrs. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oeuts. Pr. Kwayne & Hon, Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. And at a lower price than Bold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build ing up your City, .look to your interests anu bhsiss inose wuo assist you. 1 BW ( SHAW & M'CARTY, Props. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI .MAXC 1 1 liSTKW, lllVGI-,AKr A. W: PATTERSON. AGENT OnooHheBoptlntbe Wof W 1 0