Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 20, 1894, Image 4

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    Pwmlita W-tii'yiiijSpilU turootubttpfitioii
Pre litis 3 Rectifying pills cum constipiuUtn
nr n
Alirost nil pills ind medicine profluco constipation, hore Is a pill that euros torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, sic!: headache and kidney and liver
tnublce vrlLVmt griping or leaving any tmco of CONSTIPATION, which
is tho prtmo causa of all sickness, bowaroof it getting habitual and chronic with you,
sco to it. in t!me; those plli3 iviJl euro yea.
P Ll: 13 a ,f iU3 m13 because it is the only safo and harmless
fcjaflS mi. L'dtS & liXim aroniedy that will surely CHAUTIFY the
d c
0 c
h L.
3 3
1 e
w to
clear tho skin and romovo all blotches
8el. 25 Cents a box.
Or sent by mail upon receipt of prico by
Prentiss Chemical and
( PronUss Iloctifyiii pills cum cou;;UK.i.i:t
i Prentiss I'firtifyiiiff jjt 1 lg c irw const. p'i , Ion
3 18 Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be
"J 1'OCIUOT KNIVES 2S.100 00
TICKS 57,750 00
i 13.C00 LARGE PICTURES (1 1x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, lor framing,
no advertising on them 8,1175 00
2G1.030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00
The nhov? articles will be distributed, fcy eelinil.es, among parties wlio chew SPEAR
HEAD Plug Tobacco, ami return to us the ' i: TAtiH taken tliereliom.
We will distribute 2'J3 of these prizes in tliis county as follotVB:
1 o Till? PARTY seivlln;' m the irrentost number of SPEAR HEAD
TAGS from ibis couuly wo will give 1 GOLD WATCH.
To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of
HI'KAU HEAD TAGS, we will give toeueh, i OPERA GLASS. ...5 OPERA GLASSES.
To the TWENTY T'VHTll'H ponding lis tiio next greatest number
of KI'KAU '.lUAn TAGS, wo will glvo to eueh 1 POCKET
To the ONE fttixniicn P MvTTES sending lis the next greatest
xnmlKV si'KAIt 1 1 1 ; A I TAGS, wo will give to cuch 1
To the ONE i!!r.n!IF.I) PARTIES sending us the next greatest
lliitnii.'V of HP K A 11 II MAI) TAGS, we will give to each 1
'i'.l;il Number of Pricef, Tor this Comity, 2Z0.
(HiTTION. No Tags will he received before .Tnnuary 1st, 1RI1I, nor after February 1st,
1HPI, EneM piicUt'.i'o eoutiiining tairsmi.sl ho mnrkod plainly with Numeol" Sender, Town,
County. Sl-.Lie, ani Nuailjer oi Tags in eueh package. All charges ou packages must bo
KI'',AI. ;;PEAR. IIE.D possesses moro qualities of intrinsic value th-in nnv.other
plug tobacco produced, It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. 8J"l:AIt II Est, It Is
nlj.i jlutely, i)o-.itivty and fUstJiHfdvely din'oront. in llavor from msy n.'liei plug tobacco.
A trial will convince the most si:ept leal of itiis fact. Itts the largest seller of any similar
Hhape and style on earth, will eh proves t list It has caught the popular taste and pleases t lie
people. Try it, and p irticipale in the coolest for prizes. See that a TS !M TAO is on every
10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD vou buy. Send In the tags, no matter how small the
quantity. V ery sincerely,
A list of Ihe people obtaining these prizes In this county will bo published la thlf
paper lmiueiliutely after February 1st, bs;j.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably dlschnvKr-fl pohlicrs nnd srulors who served ninety dnys, or over, in the late war,
are entitled, if now pariiullyoi wholly disabled fur ordinary manual labor, whether disability
Was caused bv service or not, and reKardk-ss of tlu-ir pi-eunirtry eircunistnucea.
W I IHIWSof such soldiers and wailoi s ni e ent it ltd f if not renmrried) whether soldier's death
wits due to nrniy service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon the ir own labor nre entitled if the soldier's death wn due to service.
CHJMHtHN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almostall cases where there was no
Widow, or she has wince died or remarried.
I'AKKNTS nre entitled if soldier l'ft nollhor widow nor child, provided soldier died In
nrvldts or from fftWMa of servieo, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes uo diilcieuce whether suldier served or died in, late war or iu regular army or
Soldiers of the 1nte war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other
ltiws, uUltout lotting uny rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old lar" nre entitled to
higher ruttis under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whclhcrduo to Hervieo or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disnbilit vor hot.
Survivors, nnd their widows, of the It luck Ilavrlc Croelc, Cherokee aud Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wars of 1A;V4 to ISlU, n'ro entitled under a recent act.
Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
or dependent.
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under
later laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, If rejection improper or illeg-al.
Certificate ot service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who
Aave lost their original papers.
Seud fur laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Attvonture la n Portt,
On Littlo river, near Oscoola, L.,
Robert Wnrren, a lumberman, lost hia
way in tlio woods. Ho thought ho hoard
a human voieo, ami hallooed to attract
attention. His shout was answored, and
tho orioa eamo nearer and noaror. Thon
ho discovered that it waa a pan
ther that had boon yelline;. IloitiR un
urniod ho climbed a troo and rimialnpd
In it for an hour. Tho panther finally
left When ho thought tho coast waa
clear Warren descended and pursued
hia way, and when ho again halloood to
attract attention tho panther returned,
this timo accompanied by his mate. Up
a sapling ho again went, armed with a
stout club and determined to soil his
life as dearly as possible. In the mean
time tho boys in camp had become
alarmed at his absenco and started out
to search for him. They had reached a
point within a quarter of a mile of
vhoro ho waa troed when they caught
the sound of his call for help, and, as an
insweriug signal, ilred oil a gun, which
Had the oil'oot of frightening oil tht
janthera. Chicago liorald.
Produoe $2 50 and get the Oazelte for
one year. N ice family paper, aud bul
ly to paper oabins.
Take Simmons Liver KeRiilator after
your dinner. It prevents dyspepsia auu
I'lvutiss R'jctlijiti pil is cure constipation
Prenttna Reel iiyi tig pills euro cntitlpvtion
3 s.
from the faco. Try a box and see for your-
Manufacturing Co.,
i'rcnUai.. Ho
l'n ntiHS I'1'
Ufyjng pili.-j curijcoiiL-lipaiiori
i : yin ji' I Is euro constipation
-A lit
Given Away in Return for
iCxpcrluicnU ni tvUretuin.
Tn Kn,r;ind licenses to t- i.'i-iment
upon living: tminmla are ;n ,ul ,-iujrly
grunted, nnd only to persons a-cohi-mended
by bi;;'!i scientific: authority. A
strict record of all experiment.-, in vivi
section is Wept, and lvpiu ted u'.nuuilly
to parliament. The Intent of these re
ports shows tit iriu lh'.'O, :.10i exieri
mcuts by 110 persons. In U'Jtt cases
the pntit'iit suifered no pain, being
kept in a condition of perfect uu
rosthesia, while in 8."," cases the pair
endured was only that caused by a hy
poderniic injection. Tin governmer
inspector reported that he had n
found a single animal which seemed U
be in bodily pain. Tho subjects under
investigation included tuberculosis, can
cer, diphtheria; pneumonia, tetanus,
rubies, circulation, respiration, nerve
action, the elleet of various poisons
and narcotics, the development of bac
teria, etc.
Never OoU Over It.
The Indian is born suspicious, and he
never pets over it, due may chum with
a white hunter for ten years: and yet he
will never l'ully trust him. An Apache
may be litarvin,: for food, nnd yet ho
will susivt (be .ife child who offers
him Inviul f haviu poisoucd it to ac
complish his death.
Or La Grippe, thouph occasionally epi
demic, is always more or leas prevalent.
The best remedy for tliiR complaint
Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
" Last Spring, I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as if confined in an
iron cape. I procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I becan
taking it than relief followed. I could not be-
lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med-
Icine."-V. H. Williams, Crook City, S. D.
Cherry Pectoral
P ro m pt t o act , s u re to c u re
Adflrosa a Ictt'T or postal curtl to
JOHN WEDDERBURN, - - Managinq Attorney,
p. o. Box .aua. wAsmuT'oN, u, c.
rrcTb;oNs puoclhed fot
Alsn, for Soldicra and Sailors ifsa1pfl In the line of
Juty m the reeulnr Army or Njivv k!t tin' war.
Survivors of fit- Indian wars of 1832 to lH-i'2, and
their widows, nw entitled. Olil nnd rolected rjHJnis
a epcciniiy. T.lousnndfl entitfi! to (jli-'tier rates.
Send for niw lawii. J?o churno fur a-ivict, IT fee
Uiittl ouccessful.
Ore ,oa
a WiendQ
Ve cause a
o Oivnencaw.
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands of your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be identified
The American
Protective Tariff league.
136 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK.
Cut this notice out and send ft to the League,
staling your poeiUon, and give a helping hand.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League ? One of its correspon
dents says: "No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St., New York.
Aa Encllfu Momlcr of rnrtlumeDt Tells
of Ills Discovery.
It is not generally known that it is to
Isaac Ilolden, M. 1'., that we owe tho
invention of tho Inciter mutch. This
discovery was, ho himself lias told a
writer in the Tall Mall liudgot, the re
sult of a happy thought. "In tho morn
ing I used to got up at -1 o'clock in order
to pursue my studies, nnd I used at that
timo the Hint and the steel, in the use
of which I found very great inconven
ience. Of course 1 knew, as other
chemists did, the explosive material
that was necessary in order to produce
instantaneous light: but it was very dif
ficult to obtain a li;.;l'.t on wood by tha
explosive material, end tho idea oc
curred to me to put tulplmr under the
explosive mixture. 1 did that, nnd
showed it in my next lecture ou chem
istry, a course of vehieh I vca3 deliver
ing at a large academy. There was,"
added Mr. Ilolden, "a young man in the
room whose father was a chemist in
London, and lie iir.r.iediateiy wrote to
his father about it, and iliertly after
ward Inciter matehe s were issued to the
world. I believe that was the first oc
casion that we had the present lueifcr
match. 1 was urged to go ntul take out
a pateut immediately, but I thought it
was so small a mutter and it cost me so
little labor that 1 did not think it proper
to go nnd get a patent: otherwise 1 have
no doubt it would have been very profit
able." When stiff 'ring from thro it or lui g
troubleB, take only such medicine as
has beeu proved worthy of confidence
Such n remedy is A.veiVCheny Tietoial;
a specific for suddeu Cold s bu 1 invalu
able in all forms of pulmonary eotn
pluints. Hold by druggists. Price SI.
H Made In all styleB and Bizes. Lightest,
m strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest,
ffi most accarato, moat compact, and most p
MS modern. For sale by all dealers In arms.
m. Catalogues mailed free by
I Tho Marlin Fire Arms Co., f
1 New Havew, Conh., U. S. A. S
Deep-sea soundings in the interest
of science and commerce were begun
in 1808.
The mean annual temperature at the
Arctic regions is below thirty degrees
The sun throws vertical rays on the
earth's surface only upon an area equal
to about thirty-five square miles at any
one time.
IIeppabcihom, 100 years B. C, count
ed 1,012 stars with the naked eye and
Holmaus 1,023. The telescope now
counts 100,000,000.
A well-known geologist has com
puted the earth's age on the basis of ex
periments made on the effect of heat
and pressure on certain rocks. He con
cludes that the earth's age as a planet
is 24,000,000 years.
Oleo oil is made from the choicest
fat of beef cattle, chilled in ice water,
then melted at a temperature of 140 de
grees Fahrenheit. From this is pressed
a perfect soluble oil, known as oleo oil,
which is the only beef product used in
It is asserted that since the earth
quake in South Carolina the soil in
Ilerkley county has been more produc
tive than ever before. Prof. Newman,
of Clemson college, accounts for this
on the theory that the earthquake pro
vided better drainage than previously
Daniel Hahbold, of Berks county,
Pa., has a peaeh tree on his premises
which has borne good fruit for seventy
An apple tree in Clinton county, Mo.,
was bearing fruit and blossoms at the
same time a week ago, and up in Cat
skill, New York, a horse chestnut tree
was in full bloom for the second time
this summer.
The bread fruit tree seen in the
Dutch East Indies grows forty to fifty
feet high. The fruit is round or slight
ly oval in shape, first green, then
brown, then turning yellow when fully
A peab tree in Fulton street in
Ilempstead, L. I., has ripe pears and
blossoms on it, and an apple tree on
the same grounds is also now in blos
som. A horse chestnut tree in Myrtle
avenue, Brooklyn, in front of Wash
ington park, now has its second crop of
blossoms this season.
An apple tree known to be one hun
dred and forty-three years old, on tho
property of Mrs. Delia llotehkiss, in
Cheshire, Conn., was destroyed by a
recent storm. It bore fruit every fall,
but only on one side each year. The
side that bore one year would be bar
ren the next. The tree yielded about
one hundred and forty bushels an
The queen's Scotch journeys cost her
825,000 a year for traveling expenses.
Only 43 per cent, of the arable land
in Austro-IIungary is cultivated.
Suicide8 are becoming so frequent in
Denmark that it is proposed to check
them by a law turning over the body
of every suicide to a dissecting room.
Infanta Eulalia has two older
sisters, Isabelle, princess de Bourbon,
who lives at Madrid in the queen's
palace, and Maria-de-la-Par, who mar
ried Prince Ludwig, of Bavaria.
For the feeding of London a little
more than 323,080 tons of meat, poul
try and general provisions were de
livered during the year from the pub
lie markets alone. The total was
some 1,500 tons more than in any previ
ous year.
The production of paper from the
hops-waste in breweries is being con
sidered in Germany. The oil in the
hops is a hindrance, which, it is
claimed, is now overcome, and it is ex
pected that paper can be made, by
using hops, at a cost of 50 cents less
than heretofore.
The first American ship was the
Restless, launched at New York in
The occupants of a balloon a mile
high command a radius of ninety-six
The population of New York state
is greater than the entire population of
The smallest tree in the world is the
dwarf willow of Great Britain two
inches high.
During the most violent gales, the
sea is disturbed to the depth of five
hundred feet.
Mb. Stanley states that between
1777 and 1807 3,000,000 African slaves
were sold in the West Indies alone.
An English firm is using the silk of
the wild silkworm, from which is woven
a soft substantial fabric of light tussore
or pongee shade.
The Roman characters were first
used in types at Rome in 1467.
The Greek garments were frequent
ly woven in gorgeous patterns and
embroidered with gold and silver.
Auoustl'8 was not the public bene
factor he is represented. He was the
most exacting tax collector..the Roman
world had up to his time ever seen.
The ancient Ethiopians salted the
bodies of their dead and hung them up
in a smokehouse to be dried and cured.
They were thus kept for a year, when,
perfectly preserved, they were turned
over to the relatives for burial.
Malice makes friends of fools, then
rushes them to ruin.
Time in the hands of an idle man ia a
dangerous weapon.
The man who "wants the earth" gets
but six feet of it at last.
Snow is pure and flowers are sweet,
but iu all the world there is nothing so
purely sweet and sweetly pure as a
baby's smile.
The "flower of the family" often
makes bad bread; and the "belle of the
church" frequently wags a trouble
some tongue. Rest Islander.
A Chtneao Auwathetlc.
A curious nnoisthetic used in China
has recently been made known. It is
obtained by placing a frog iu a jar of
flour and irritating it by prodding.
Under these circumstances it exudes a
liquid which forms a paste with the
flour. This paste, when dissolved in
water, has well marked antesthetic
properties. 'After the finger has been
immersed iu the liquid for a few min
utes it can be cut to the bone without
"""l h"tnif felt
Tb sober second thought of the
people is seldom wronjf. Martin Van
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes : "For
20 years past, my wife
aud 1 liave used Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and we
attribute 10 ft the dark
hair which she and I
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger tliau we,
are either gray-headed,
white, or bald. When
asked liow our hair lias
retained its color and
fullness, we reply, ' By
the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor nothing else.'"
"In 1868, my allianced
was nearly laid, and
the hair
kept fall
ing out
day. I
Ayer's Hair Vifror, and very soon, It not
only checked any further loss of hair, hut
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant aud glossy to this day.
1 can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all
that it is claimed to te."-Antouio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
"rnnvince the
otirl nninf the
way which if followed leads to
Haa been put up in a
Drourietary form since
1878. and has beon lined
foryears orlorto that time
In private practice. It 18 no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpeclflo for
a very prevalent amease. tdousuhub m meu, ui
all axes, have at some time In life brouitht on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with orucanto
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent indulgence or indiscretion and vicious
habits, and it Is to theie that we offer a remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous hoalth and strength.
Our method of introducing Prof. Harrls'Pnstllle
treatment is one which commends itself to all
Benslble persons for the reason that we Bupply it
upon their Judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal card and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be used in sending us their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out, aud an envelope addressed to ourselves for
use in returning it when tilled.
Imi-m. jii f When we receive the state
ment on blank: we prepare
d I J l id hiii eight days' treatment and for
jftr ward it by mail and prepay
i THIJ&i postage thereon and along
B5 vrv with theeight days' treatment
k AlvAu we send full directions for
using. Thetreiitmentln no way interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely Interested thnn
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them bydo
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follews: $3 for one month; 5 for
two months; $7 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have o Derated our
HUM t tut ai MumtTfAWilU
business upon tms plan witn satisractory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the Becret His which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dross on postal card or hy letter and allow us to
convince them that PUOP. HAKRIiV SOI
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
O 99Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y,
00 vonho !cve!y Music for Forty
JsfcBJ - ei' consume or too pajos
, size Sheet Music of the
latest, brightest, liveliest anj most popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
gotten up in the most elent manner, in
r eluding four large size Portraits.
? CABMENGITA, the Spanish Darner,
g: PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
Broadway Theatre Bldg. , New York City.
tt CANVARftrnR tUllUTm
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tr
lame as used by thor jands of woman all over tbo
United States, in the ?hD D0CTOB3 private mail
pnetice, for 38 years, and not a stngli bad result.
JWonoy rRtarnfd if not as represented. Bond 4
Oents (stamps) lor sealed particulars,
SS, WiED JTOITUTE, 120 W. ninth fit., Bt. Locti, Vi
25 Tears Fxnerience In treatlni? nil vat.
ties of Rupture enables us to Kuarantee a,
positive cure. Question Blank ana Boofi
tree, mil or write.
523 Pine Street, - - ST. LOUIS, MO
Reduced 15 to 35 pnund. per minth. No
llarTlng. 110 inconvenience, I o l,.,d result., no nau.eeui
Ann, irratment perfectly hnrmlea. aud Btrictly confi
dential. Que.tion Bi nk nnd Book Iree. Call or vriie
DK. U. B. BUTTS, &i2 l'.ue blreet, bt.Loui., Mo.
' obstantial Rewards for Those Whosi
Answers are Correct
A men onoe entered ft prison where wag confined
rotii.'itii)..l criminal. On making . request to b
' .ilmliii mm ih,' prc-senee of the doomed man, thfl
'lUtr wus uilm ini'il lli.u none tint relatives were permit
to e, e I lie prisoner. The visitor Raid : " Brother,
n. I sisters have I none, but that man 'a lihe DrUonerftl
lluT i my father's sou."
lie was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what r
ition wan the prisoner to the visitor?
T. e Agriculturist PuhllBhiiiff Company will five od a
our for life to toe person sendintr the Bret correct are
SUM to the secoud; 3rd, J250; 4lh, 100: 5th.
jil. end over 10,010 other rewards, consisting ot pianoi
'tniin, Itvlies and cents gold and silver watohea, aifvei
en ices, ilitvmund rinirs, etc
To i lie ierson sendina the last correct answer will b
:iv, n a Inh-ioned piano, to the nest to the last a beauti
il niniiu. nnd ihe next 6.000 will receive valuable Driias
ihcrwnre. Itc, r
Itl'f.r.s -11) All answers must hesent bymait and
a- I'os'nmrk not laterthan llec. 31,1893. (21 Th rewil
' no . harcre whatever to enter this competition, but at
'.lio , onipete are expected to send one dollar lor ail
o, ths, anbsi rit'tion to either Tin Ladies, Hosts
'. '.jU'lN'R or TlJK Csil.ta AumCCLTI'RIST-lWC
I th.i ctioicesr il, unrated reriodicala of the day 13
1. .i inners will be eSietf4 to assist us in extend
nst our cm-illation. (41 The first correct answer receivec
.n.lers postmark taken in all cases as date of rec int.
o us u, cive every one an equal chance, ro matter when
" or fhe may res del. will secure the flrst prij.: Lb,
' i ord. the net pti7e, and so on.
j ; "u "I" e.i.iisneo concern.
tit l.o-.bsea auii'Ie means to enable it to carry out a!
i-'iiiiTiT'i""'' ""4 U of former pria
,1, ,H.,s.Th following well-known gentlemw, hav.
.'i.e.ni, ,l to act as judges, and will see thai ,l,e pniei
Ti.m'.'.,l T'V, ? S l i;Hlore Calcuu Iprophetoi
.i . ii. s t-t ct ( am. r, I, r, tertirouh. and Ur W
ol . rison l r.si.Ienl Turns Printing Company, Pneti
Ornish Lousier all nwmr letten. AddreeV Aaai
"UW PL"- ftp. tL ulX tu,Lonak r-iZ"
is--: Ha a t&m
uieotEiE ffi strigtur;
Wit1! all Ma eontcquoEvi., '',..
mmy. ,,.. .''" .! .
CJ?. WARD IIM5TI i u 1 1.
J20N. Ninth St.. SI. LOUIS. M0.
P7 UL icn'h.ml. m ..veil..-lit-oil)
V.lU.tllllltMtl'BI' v-iiu V''h- "
Ohio UIKUI '0 leu ;"
S! ,,!,, mail o .jx.r... O" A.
i,,U,w tot c.mtin.lmiut(
,tuiik'M'".,m":! ';;., n,
The Old I?el iafole
EstnblIshedMrars. Treats mnloor rem ilr-.
niarrlou or siiikio, in "'-'jy.,, v
abuses, excesses or lr-'!!r:";rtn enLtB
furhownea desired. Question Jllan
and Book free. Call or write.
ill it?
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by mail or at offirc. 1
llooktia.. Call or write,
by mail or at offii-c. Terms low. tincstion limnK am
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i-A-ElrH U.T.iaMNI
Iknife UuMtion Blank and Honk free. tll
ir writs
S22HD0 6L
Louis, Mo,
SC I UfCtlf ANY LADY, employed or unemployed ,
lOAlltCN. can ifBkelliisffruli'w hour, work each
day. Snlury o-romml.Bion. !0 eiimplcl (re. Addrr.a
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mrAttY LAPY can net a valuable secret that 1
icust mo 85.00, luid a rubber uliiela lor au emu. I
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
An electro-plvnnic nailery em
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nal Api,liaiK''B AbdoiUi
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Cnreu Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney
Complaint, IyRpepnln, Krrors of Youth,
Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Sexual Weak
ness, and. all Troubles in IM.ilo or i ernale.
Question BianU aud Book free. Call or
Volla-Medica Appliance Co..
J:i3 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO,
i'uot-l'rints tin tlie Path to Until h.
Everyone needing a doctor's mi vice
should read one of Dr. Foote's fime
pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Group,"
Rupture," 'Thiniosia," "Viincoeelo,"
DisenKe of men, Discnee of Wi-meri, nod
learn thi beet means of ol -cine, ftl
Hill Fnb. Co., 129 Hunt 28lli Ht New
VVMiio fuu Rcicp ycnii euui:i iiiii.ui pani iijj yi't.
oankeep yourbraiLtin fronof chui's,'.'.
Allyn. T. .).. lonp, Or. IltirnBS G(i on lofi
Bbtiulder; cattle winto un Ifft. hip, uutlnr bit on
right oar, antl uppor bit on the left; raniro, Mut
ruw county.
AmiBtronp, J. t, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left ehollldt-r of borsc.B: (taltle Htitnp
un left hip.
AlliBon, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Oattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on riuht
abrmlcler. Ita,,. Ki.-bt IU i lo
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. IIurhOH. ,TA eon
neoted on lelt flank; cattle, Hituieim left hip.
Hartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. MnrwoB
branded 7 K on either Bliouldyr. Kauiie in Mo -row
nieakman, Geo., Ilardnmii, Or, lltirfee, a ling
onleft Bhoulder; cattle Hatne i.n rifjit li.midor.
rianniBtur, J. W., Hanllnan, Or. 'utile liruiuU
ed B on left hip nnd tliistli: wplit in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, I, seberry Ol'OKon Iloruea
branded PU un left shoulder. Cattle s;,tne on
riciit niae.
llnrke, M St 0, Lopr iireelt, Or On cattle,
j , eouiianeiiuii ii-u nip, ciop on leit ear. un
der half crop off risht. HoraeB, Barno brand im
1DU HuuuiuDi, iiiui iu mailt auu JMirrow
Hrunman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horeee branded 7
on right Bhoulder; cattle li on the left eide
Left ear half crop nd riuht par nppur bIiiiir
Barton, Wm., Hi ppner, Or.-liors.es, J lion
ripht thiipi, cattle, aami) on rip.ht hip; split in
each ear.
Hrown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip: rant'e Mor
ruw county.
Idniwn, J. C, ITenpner. Or. Horses, circle
t with dot in ee; tat- on left hip; cattle same
Brown, W J Lena, Oregon. Horses W bur
oyer It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Hoyer, W. G Hepprier, Or.-HorseB, !u
brand or: rah hip cattle, same, with split in
eaclt ear.
liorg, P. O., Ileppner, Or.-IIorseS. P B on lefl
shonlder; cattle, siinie on lefl hip,
Br.iwnlee, W. J., l'ox.Or-Cuttle, J U coiineele.1
on left side; crop tm left ear ami two splilsnnd
moid e piece cut out on right ear; ou homes bc.iiiu
brand ou the left thigh; itange in fox valley
(jrant county, '
(.rti suer .Warren. Wagner, Or.-KorBoa brand
ed (J on light stifle; callle (three bars) on
right ribu crop and split in each ear. liange in
brant and Morrow counties.
Uiii.fi., Cafeb.or.-lf I) on horses ou left stifle
U with quarter circle over it, tin lefl shoulder
and onleft stile on all colts n ,lnr 5 yea on
let t shoulder only on all horses over 5 years A I
range in Grant eountv. ,
Clark, Win. H., Le, a. Or. -Horses Will' con
nected on left shoulder: callle same on righl
hip. Kn;;ge Morrow and UmaHJla counties.
11C on e Tf-i'" y,'"""" "f Le""' Ho'"
I L on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right bin
Itange Morrow atid Umatilla counties
Cecil, Wm.,lJouglti8. Or.; horses J C on let
Bhoulder; cattle same on lefl hip, waddles on
oach jaw and two bits in the right 0ar
Curl, 1. U John Hay, Or.-Uouble crosa ,,
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and urn er b
m right ear, split in left ear. liange ii (Ira i t
county. On sheep, inverted Aat.d spear 5
on b ,,, der. Ear mark,,,, ewee, crop " ,u TefTi '
punched upper bit in right. ivMlliers er m ii
SWtV halt K'"
dropoff left aud sold f,' rigl'',' " H','"n'
lefiUsun!;.U' 'r. -Horses.
Cox Ed. 8., Hanlninii, or.( .r, .
in center: horses. CK on lefl 'ui, ' '
Cochran, it. K., Jloiiumeul. tua,,, ('o (..
Horses blended circle will, bin mm ', ,,
liouldor; cattle same brand on bolh , ,s u,
under slope both ears ami dewlap '
Chapm H Hatduian. Or.-ilorses bran,
...Mete TU on
ed hi i foiinHs.tu.-i,,,,;,,
eu f.Ll ot, ,.(t s,ujor. i'Un! ,.,..
hip. hole ii righi ear.
riXuR"- Hr-'- l'
1 j ' ' "r''"K" Or.- II,.
bm.,,1, d
he-san . ."'"u.?o.."eri ,i.
Hook uT. , ,"U"KK illori'.iW cunly
i eedorp' te''. f
At1"" tHrU""k' " -X anTcro'p
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or -Cattle I v
rtgh, hip; bore,,. iitb Z'Z
ngh, .hTitTO
ear. Horses, eamebiand on r, ;i hlCp ,'1J oU lolt
.houidei !W' '"'" on left
8ilUii?aniFrnch' L?nd SIld h s,ock Co Fos
sil, dr. Horses, anchor h on leflahonhlm. . . .
Gentry, Elm,.,-, Echo, Or.-Homes bispde.l H
j onther &i?vT $!-tTVV
Halo, Milton. Wagner. Or.-HorTe hranrleel
11- (circle with uarallel tiiil.i un 1,,(, .v.."nVoa
Cuttle same on left hip also Urge circle on loft
Hall. Edwin, John Duy.Or.-Cnttlo K Hon rinhi
hip; horsesi same on right .boulder. hauKuiJ
Girnut county.
Howard. J L, . .alloway. Or. Horse., ,,.
with liar above it) on right shoulder; o.ittia
BHiiieon lett side. Itange in Morrow and FJmI
tllla couiitieH.
Hnghee, Mat, Heppner, Or. lloraeu, shaded
heart on the left eli.mlilor. Hangs Morrow! o
Hiinsiilier, H . Wagner, Or.-Uores. u on i'..
Bhoulder; ca tle. V on left hip.
Hardisty, Albert, nye Oregon Horses A B
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip. crop off loft ear, to"
lluiniihroys, J M. Uardman, Or. Horses H
lefi Hank ' "
llavee. J. M.. Hennner. Or. Horana
on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip.
lllisitai, ..uiiiei, .;.,(, ,,. hiic, or.-riomi) If on
the left Bhoulder aud heart on the left stifle ct
lie same on left hip. Kange in Morrow county"
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Hon
riohl Inn. croooff ieftearanti bil in ricl.t. n..-..
same brand on left shoutdor Itange n UrHnt
Jiinea, Harry, Heppnor, Or Hoissb branded
n J on Ihe left shoulder: cattle haanded J on
right hip, eleo under bit in left ear. Itange in
Morrow ciunty.
.lunkiu.H. 111., Heppner, Or HorseB, horse.
mIioo J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sums
Itange on Klghi Mile. '
Johnson, l'elix, Lena, Or. Horses, circleTon
lefl stitle; cattle, siime on right hip, under half
crop in right and split in left ear
Jenkins, D W.,ftlu Venton.Ur, J on horseson
lefl shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
Binooih crops on both ears. Range iu If ox aud
Hear vaJl.'yH
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Ilorees branded
KNV on lefl hip cattle same and crop off left
..at : under slope on the right
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses IVJ on left
shonlder; oattlo. till on left bin.
Kirk. J 0, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
tlank:cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk. Jeese, Heppner, Or,; horsei 11 on ef,
slioulder; cattle eauie on tight side, uuderbitou
righl ear.
Kumberland. W. ft.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L on
callle oil right and loft sides, swallow fork in lift
ear and under oioy iu right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant county
Lofton, Stephen, I,nx, Or. r) L on left hin
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Homo!
same brand on left shoulder. Konge Grant
Lienallen, John W., Lert rrc Or. Horflei
branded half-ciiole JL connected on loftehoul
der. Callle. mini on left hip, liange, near Lei"
Leahey, J. W Heppner Or. Horses branded
Lauo A o i left shoulder; nettle samo on left
hip, wattle over rmlit . ye, three elite in nght
Lord, (ieorgo. HepDner. Or etop.aB i
double If coi.nocli Sometiniea called a
swing II, on left shoulder.
Markham. A. M.. Heppner, Or.-Cattle largo
Mon lefl side both ears cropped, and split in
lioih HorseB M on left hiv. Itange Clark'a
Minor, Oscar, noppner, nr. Cattle, M Don
right hip; horse. M on left Bhoulder,
Morgan, M. N., Heppner, Or. Horses Ml
on lefl ehonldo. oattlo same on left hip '
McCnmlier, Jn A, Echo, Or. Horses,' M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Morgan. 1'hos.. Heppner, Or. Hordes, circls
T on left Bhoulder and left thigh; cattle Z on
ri tbi Iliigh,
Mitchell. Osenr. lone. Or. Horaes, 77 on rinht
hi -r entile, 77 op right aide. 8
MeClnreti, 1. i Hi-ovrnsville. Or, Horsei
l.'igi.re Hon eaeh shoulder, callle. M2 on hip '
McCnrly. David 11. Kcho Or. HorseB branded
cimnecte.!, on the left Bhoulder; cattle same
i r loo and imlo.
Mi'Oirr, Kraek, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle .on riha and nnder in
each ear; hoi-Bca same brand ou left stifle.
McKnlej,, w. v ., riauiiit.in, Or. On Horses. t
wilh half jii-cle umler on left shoulder: on cuttle
four bars connected on ton on t.h eil.s
llimge in (Irani County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone ltock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left ehoulder: cattle flame on both Inns
Nordyke, IS., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: cattle, same on loft hip.
Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, llanae.
in Grant county
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Pinirie City, Or. On cattle 0
LI' connected on left hip; horaos on left stifle
and wart lo on nose. Itange in Grant county.
Pearson, (Have, Eight Mile. Or. Horses quar
ter circle shield onleft Bhoulder and 24 on left
hip. ( altlo, fork in left ear, right oropped. 24
on left hip. Kange on Kight Mile.
Parker A Gleason. Hardinan.Or, Horses IP on
1' ft Hhoulder.
P. per, Krt e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand
e .it, (LK connected) n, left shoulder ; cattle
e me on right hip. Itange, Morrow county.
Piper, J. II., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JH eon.
neeleil oj left shoulder; cattle, same on loft hip.
under bit m each ear,
l'ettia, A. IS., lone, Or.; horses diamond Per
shoulder; cattle, J 1IJ connected, on the
leTt hip, upper slope in left oar and slip in tho
Powell, John T., Tlayville. Or Horses, JPcon
uee ed on left shoulder. Cuttle OK connected en
lefl hip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
wi'ltle under throat. Kin gain Grant county.
Itood, Andrew, Harduian, Or, Horses, square
en .,, with qtiiirter-eireleover it on left stifle.
Ilenmger. Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, (J lion
lett shiiitloei .
liioe. Dan, Hantmnn. Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou left shoulder; cu! tie, DAN ell
right ahoulder. Kange near liardman.
Koyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
leit. slioulder; cattle, name brand reversed on
right hip nnd crop off right ear. ltango in Mor
low couiiiy.
Hush RroB,. Heppner, Or. Horeea branded S
on the right slioulder; cattle, IX on the left run,
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck, liange in
Morrow and adjoiningcountiee.
Iliist, William, Ridge, Or. Horses It en
lefl shoulder; cattle, It on left bio, orop ofl
right oar, undnrbit on left, ear. rilieep, It on
weathers, round crop off rjgh oar. ltango Urns
tiJlaand Morrow c lunties.
Hcnney, Andtow, Lexington, Or. HorBM
branded A It ou right, shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow county,
Koyse, Wm. II, Uniryville, Or Hit oonneoted
with quarter circle over top on cuttle on right, hip
anil crop oil righl ear anil split iu left. Horses
sumo brand on left shoulder. Kungo in Morrow
Grunt and Gilliam comities.
Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JC. oi
left shoulder. Cattle, ()on right biy..
Spickiiull. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.- HorsM
branded al on left shoulder; lange ui Morrow
Hailing, C C Heppner, Or-Horaes brandod 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
awangari, H. I.., Lexington, Or.-Horson
with dash under il on left stifle, entile H with
uash under it on right hip. crop of! right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Itange hi Morrow,
Gilliauiand o'uiatiila conntioa.
fiwiiggurt. A. L.,Athena. Or. Horaos brander S
nn lelt shoulder; .eltlesume ou loft hip. Crop
mi ear, wattle on left hind leg.
(Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horaes shaded
I b ou lei Btifie; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in ngh ear. underbit in left.
happ. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P en
lelt hip; enltl. aauieon left hip.
Minor John, Fox, Or. NC connected on
hoiseson right lup; catuw, same on right hip,
crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange
in lirant cotiuty.
Smith Bros., Suwnville, Or. Horaes, branded
H. L. ou Bhoulder; caitle, auie on lef t shoulder.
Squires, JameB, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jo on left Bhoulder; oattle the same, alBO nose
waddle, Kange in Morrow and Gilliam oo mt.iea.
Stephens, V. A., Hnrdmiui, Or.; horaes SSon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L. on the right side
titevensou, Mrs A. J Heppner, Or. Cattle, S
iniilulil in.; swallow-fork in left ear.
buaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horaes, 44 on
left slioum. : cattle, 44 on left hip.
Sperry, E. (1., Ileppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lelt hip, crup off right and underbit in left year,
ili wiap; horses Vl i. on left shoulder.
lliiiuipsoii, J . A., ileppner, Or. Horses, I on
I. 'll sImiiih, r; cattle, a on loft shoulder.
lipt als.S.r.,l'Jnierpi'iee.Or. llorHoe. C-on left
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or.-mall capital T
lelt shoulder, horses; cuttle same on left hip
-wilh split in bolh ears.
rhoriiton, 11. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
11 1 connected on left stifle; sheen Bame brand.
Vaniierpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horoes HV con.
iiected on right Bhoulder;cattle, sanie on right
vy"lb,ri;lge. Win.. Heppner. Or. HorBes, 0. Ii,
on ihe loll shouider; cattle Baine on light hip.
ciop ott lefl. ear and right ear lowed.
Vtiisoii. John R,. Salem or TTeppnor, Or. -itorsi.s
branded Jv on the left shoulder, liauao
.VI, nr.. w cooi.tj.
W;itreu,V li. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
ciir.ie over it, nil ,et( side, split iu righl ear.
iliiir.ee same bm..d on lefl slioulder. Kaugein
Grant eoouty.
Wright, r-ilaa A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
S Vt ou ine right hip. square crop ott right car
and spl.t in left.
Wuiie, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horsoe biundftd
ace ot spades on lelt ahoulder and left hin
"'tie brandee eame on left side and left hip.
Vt elis. A. S., Heppner, Or. Horses, e. on left
shoulder' can e name
Wolfliiger, John, John Day City, Or On horaes
three parallel bats on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
tut in both ears. Kauge in Grant and Maltmer
Woodwind, J. hn, Heppner, Or. Hereon, DP
connected on leitshouldor.
WatkniB, LiBhe. Heppner, Or. Horsee branded
Ut connecteoon left btifle,
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
righl Hugh, hoit in loft ear; horses, W on right
shoulder, sum, same on left shoulder.
Wbittier Broe., nummgiou, Baker Co.. Or.
iiorees branded W B Connected on left .supldor
WiliismB, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bare on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Kange Grant oounty.
Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bare on left hip; cattle same
and iit in each ear. Kange in Grant connty
W'ten. A. A., Ileppner, Or. Horses running! A
on shoulder: Cattle, same on right bio.
Wrilker Eliiabeth 4 Som, Hardman Or
'.aiile branded (E W connected) EW on left
Bide, horses 8sme on rht BhouWcr. J. W
. er s catt le, same on left hip, horses same
on left shoulder. All range 1 Morrow county,
loung, J. B., Gooseberry, Or.-Horse. bxwM
TS on th. right should-