Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 20, 1894, Image 2

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    ME ffljip TO SELL YOU J EOT ! 8
HrrznOne of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
QTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded laud there are 140 acres gor d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under
JJL fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it.
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
mubci . icu untile is Bigueu as au eviueuce o
Kuuu mun.
Did you ever
Bead about the
Man who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
Ail the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Ujes its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
A leading county democrat said, a few
days ago: "This is the most unfortunate
time in the world for the democratic
party to get control of the administration.
It was a time when the fluanoes of the
government were tottering and would
have fallen under three months more of
republican rule. The republican seore
tary of the treasury was at his wits' en
trying to uuiintain the gold reserve
the 8100,000.000 mark until his demo
cratio suocessor assumed the office."
1'iuanoial embarassment, indeed
After thirty years of unexampled pros.
penty m the history of any natioD, whe
H, TT...-1..1 ...
umieu mates miiuuruottireci one
third or the finished prod note o the
world, work plentiful and wages good
a revenue oovenng all expenses, beeidi
dissipating the national debt like dew
before the sunlight, caring for the Union
veterans, and prosecuting great internal
improvements. The republican party
took the reins of government In 1861
not only at the olose of a Unanoial panic
n good deal like the proseut, but when
.uo milium oi a iremenoous oivil wnr
were fast settling down upon the nation
I his party successfully oouduoted tli
country through the throes of this mem
orable struggle, and when it was ended
the nation bruised and bleeding at every
pore, her credit eihansted and a debt of
l,OO0,O00,(;0O to liquidate, bound n
me wounus received m oonlliot, paid
tins debt, cared for wouuded survivors
and established a widespread prosperity
by reason of a protective policy which
built manufactories and employed the
ldlo, that has never been npproaohed
any democratic era. It would not seem
to the calm student of this thirty year
or History, that the republioau party
bo financially incapable as this county
democrat would have us believe. The
Dulles Chrouiole.
Clerk Alexm and Bead Teacher
Walker have been suspended from offioe
at the Chemawa Indian eohool, pendirg
the decision of the authorities at Wash
ington. This action is the result of a
visit from Inspector McCormick. The
obarge against Clerk Alexis is that he
has famished liquor to Indians. Walk
er is a oarpetbagger from Georgia, but
we do not know the oharge.
Evert republican in Morrow county
should be out next Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock and join tbe Republican
Club of Morrow county, and then enroll
themselves in tbe work of organizing
precinot olubs in their respective lo
calities. Now is the time to set in. and
For some time paBt our sheepmen
have been receiving "aocount sales," of
wool sent East and t'o 'Frisco. In many
instances, the aocount shows tbe balance
on the wrong side, Hud the money must
be refunded to make good the shortage.
This is free trade in wool.
Republican Central
the Palace Motel
Committee Meet at
and Arrsnicer the
I'uu Washington correspondent of the
Uregouuin says that Hep. Ellis some
days ago introduced a bill to out the
fees of the U. S. court olllcers iu two
reaucitig tiiem to just half what they
me he present, somehow tho report
went out nut it was for the purpose of
donuJiug the fees that the bill
introduced. In the early days, when
was diflioult for officers to travel about
the fees iu the far Western states were
fixed at double those in tbe East. No
mot times nave changed it is nothing
more than right that they should be
reduced to oonfnrm with tbe fees of like
officers in the East.
Eahtkun Oregon papers (Pendleton
Teiliunal I.. :.. - T r
..i,ioui,iiiiiihJ,u Jjeasure fur
congress. It is unwise to substitute
any one for Ellis. Ellis is doing well
enough and will do better right along
as he familiarizes himself with the work
lie has nlready got through sume im
portant bills, and has Bhown that he is
a vigorous worker. Oregon may as well
not have a representative as to chauge
every two yearsThe Dalles Chroniole.
Theue Bre two or three men in Salem,
one in Astoria, and several iu other
portions of the state who cnu be elected
Itovernor of Oregon if nominated by the
tate republican convention, and who
will fill the gubernatorial ohair to the
full ami complete satisfaction of nil
people who wati t good, honest and eco
nomical administration of the public
affairs Salem Statesman.
The 14th inBt., St Valentine's Day,
passed off comparatively unnoticed in
these parth. Of course, a few "friends"
complimented each other by sending
hideous pictures through the mails.
It wouldn't be St Valentine's Doy.with-
out that.
J. Watermelon Redinqtok, formerly
of Heppner Oregon, but now editor of a
paper at Fuyallup, Wash., is "spoken
of" in connection with the office, of
united states senator. And this is no
watermelon joke either. Sunday Mer-
Portland has organized a branch of
the bimetallic league. Hon. D. P.
Thompson, the erstwhile banker, is a
member, as well ae many other promi
nent men. Van B. DeLashmutt is presi-
ent and Qlen O. Holman, secretary.
UETinana drill, all ye who oppose
the present wage-debasing,debt increas
ing and throne supporting administrati
on and assist its opponents in getting
buck to old conditions.
A meeting of tbe repnbhoan oentrnl
committee convened at one o'clook p
m. at the Palace hotel parlors and were
called to order by Chairman O. E. Farns.
worth. The followicg were present:
O. E. Fa.naworth, Heppner; S. N,
Morgan, Gentry, Steve Lalande, Mt.
Vernon; I. O. Large, Matteson; W. E
Kahler, Dairy; E. V. Palmer, Lexing
ton; Geo. Ely, Cecil.
A. G. Bartholomew being absent, on
motion, A. Andrews was elected as
proxy for A. G. Bartholomew.
On motion of W. E. Kahler, seconded
by S. N Morgan, the representation for
the coming county flection was based
on presidential vote for J. F. Caples.
On motion of 9. N. Morgan, seoonded
by Steve Lalande, it was decided to
baBe representation on one for every 1
and fraction over one-half, and one at
large for every precinct. This makes
the representation as follows: Wells
Springs. 2; Matteson. 2; Pine City, 2;
Alpine 2; Eight Mile, 3; Dry Fork, 2;
Lena, 2; lone, 3; Gentry, 5, Dairy, 5;
Mt. Vernon, 5; Heppner, 9; Lexington,
6, Oecial Total, 47.
On motion of S. N. Morgan, seoonded
by I. C. Large, it was decided to hold
the republican primaries on Mar. 17, '94,
and convention on Mar. 2i, '94.
The following republican club or
ganizers were appointed: A. G. Bar
tholomew, Alpine; J. W. Vaughan,
Lexington; J. F. Koyse and W. E.
Kahler, Dairy; Otis Patterson, Heppner;
Homer Mct'arland, Gentry; W. W.
Smead, Mt. Vernon; Jerry Brosnan,
Lena; SteMin;? Hmitb, Matteson;
Peter Breune', Eight Mile; A. C. Pettys,
lone; O. F. Douglns, Cecil; August
Charlston, Dry Fork; G. W. Lord, Wells
Springs; Pine City, Rev. J. T. Hoskins.
The county orgauizr, Mr. E. A. Brun-
dage, will superintend this work.
Mr. w. Hu Kahler made n motion to
adjourn, seoonded by S. N. Morgan and
Columbia county has organized a
oounty republican club, similar to
Morrow oounty, with sub-organizations
in tiie various preoinots of the county.
That is the system.
roiTusr sii:tiriNU.
A Well Attended (jatlierfac of the Peonies'
Party at Heppner.
Tub Trans-MisBiBsippi oongress in
session at San FranoiBOo, is hard at work
again. Gov. McConnell, of Idaho, is
talked for another term as president of
the organization.
The Cosmopolitan for Feburary in
troduces a famous European author
to its readers Valdes of Madrid, and
the artist Marold. of Paris,
as a French illustrator.
On lust Saturday, quite a large dele
gation of populists from various parts
of Morrow county, and in my visitors,
gathered iu tbe court house for the pur
pose of incidental speaking, uud for the
organization of olubs in Gentry, Mt.
Vernon and Heppnor preoinots.
Mr. E. P. Sine, of Lexington, called
the meeting to order. It seomed to be
a difficult matter to secure a chairman,
but finally Wes McNabb was prevailod
upon to take the place. It was the de
sire of the gathering to secure a local
well known mn 'or secretary, but none being forth
coming, no one wos chosen for that
Hon. W. R. Ellis has, by his earnest Mr E. P. Sine was the first speaker,
and persistent work in oongress, earned dwelling upon the subject of the Omaha
me ngui or re-nomination and re elect- piatrorm one hour and nfteeu minutes.
ion. He is eyer alert in the interests of He prefaced his remarks hv aavintr that
. J - B
ins distant, there seemed to be a bad inflnenno
tiruunu xieppner as no one seemed to
want office, referring to the difficulty in
seouring a secretary, and then after a
few more prefatory remarks. nlnnoA
iuto the subjeot proper. Mr. Sine was
familiar with bis text, and dosed by
Senator Dolph says that tbe govern- admitticg that there did not appear to
ment can stop quite a large part of the be enough populists preeent to permit
deficiency by reducing needless govern- permanent organization of olubs here
mental expenses, after named.
Unole Billy Gilliam then took the
It is proposed to throw tbe reservation floor and entertaiued the orowd for some
lands of Utah open for settlement, b1- time. He proved to be a witty speaker
There was never a time in the history
of our country when tbe demand for
inventions and improvements in tbe arts
and soiences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind
tbe faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require oontinual accessions to tbe
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political ohange in the admimstra-
on government doeB not affect tbe
progress of tbe American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies, loo great care cannot be exer.
oised in choosing a competent and skill'
ml attorney to prepare and proeeoute
an application for patent. Valuable in
teresis nave oeen lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of inoompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this olass of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the brandta
and strength of the patent is never eon
sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain tbe fee
Jobn Wedderburn, General Manager,
olo r street, N . W., Washington, D. C,
represenung a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to proteot its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Oon-
pany is prepared to take charge of all
paten business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proeeoute
applications generally, inoluding me-
onamcal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, miringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions sod advice.
John Wedderburn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Some demooruts in Eastern Oregon
hope that Leasnre will be nominated for
congressman, lhev want some one
that they can Bwipe.
lowing the Indian
part in severalty.
to choose first their
The Tomahawk, of Portland, is an A.
P. A. paper. This is a rock that will
blunt the edge of that famons instrument
of war.
Tbe report about increase of the fees ot
U. a. oourt officers wag all talk. Ellis'
bill provides just the opposite.
John Y. MoKane, the Gravesend, U.
Y., boss, has been found guilty of eleo-
ion irregularities.
and while he was throwing hot shot
into the rsnks of the old plutocrats, h
interspersed his remarks with much fun
which brought forth laughter and ap
piuuse from the audienoe.
It is understood that another efforl
win De made to organize olubs in the
preoinots here, due notice of which will
be given in the Peoples' Party oolumn
toe same having been secured bv the
party iu this paper for their exclusive
use till after the campaign,
two Little, Italian Boy Who Support a
Family in This Way.
One of the foremost women artists of
New York is emphatic in insisting that
a majority of studio models are modest,
slever women, says a writer in the II.
tustrated American. She says the ordi
nary price paid is one dollar a morning,
yr thirty-three nnd one-half cents an
hour, posing thirty and resting fifteen
minutes. It is tremendously trying
work, necessitating considerable train
ing to make a subject available for an
artist's purposes. Prettiness of form
nd feature are strong recommenda
tions to favor, but women of heroic
nold with characteristic and marked
faces are prized above beauties, and are
jiten able to command very high rates.
Wheat, bu 85
Flonr.bbl 2 50 800
Beeves, cows it two-year-olds. owt. 1 60
three ' 1 70 2 00
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 60 2 25
" stock 1 50 0 1 75
Hogs, on foot, cwt 4 60
Hogs, dressed 6 60 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, Blow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz 20
Chickens, doz 8 00
Wheat, cwt 81 03 1 08
Flour, bbl 3 00 fj 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 a 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 60 0) 6 25
Wool Eastern Oreaon.. 10 hi 12
Butter, ft) 25 r$ 3u
Eggs, doz 20g 25
Chickens, doz 5 00 Q 6 00
Turkeys, lb 15 gt 18
Wheat, owt 85 at 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 ft 2 75
" dressed 3 50 (i 6 00
MuttoDs. live sheared... 2 50 (8 8 00
" dressed S 7,ri tri fi 00
Hogs, on foot 4 60 6 60
dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 ft 14
Butter 20 30
Eggs, doz 27 u O SO
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 50
Turkeys lb 15 (ft 17
county of Morrow, Bute of Oregon.
A. VOOlerV. Dlftilltitf. VN. H W iriim. A.
fendant. '
To 8. W. AdamR. rlpfetirf.int Tn ha r.amA Ar
the hmte of Oregon : Vou are hereby required
to appear ami answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled action on or
before the first dav nf the npyt rv,1a tnPm
of the above-entitled court, to-wit: The 26 day
of March, 1WM. And If you fail so to answer,
for want thereof the plulutUV will take judg
ment against you for the sum of two hundred
and thirtv-nve huh pvuntuu,, .v.
dollars, with interest thereon from the 19 day of
January 18W at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum until paid, or the sum slxty-flve
dollars attorney's fee and for his coeta and dli-
This summons is servca by publication, by
order of W. L. Bradshaw, circuit Judge of the
Seventh Judicial District of the Srate of Oregon.
lK'M v i ua) oi January,
,.., J. N. BROWN,
ial-lr Attorney for I'laintilf.
OF )The young how to choose the best one to maSwRfTTM
COURSEJThe married how to be happy in marriage i T. nl vi?
YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies nr
WANT )The mother how t have them without paint UOFv!
TO The childless how to be fruitful and multinlv . ) a&i
KATf.W ,Th nnT.ini.olii.w tViov "rrnw onA nn,.VA. k1uWJ
- - - J n ..... . M,iu vuiuo w UH
w ii at it ne neaitiiy now to enjoy lite and keep well j
EVERY )Tlio invalid how to get well again speedily;
BODY )Tho imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's ''Plain Home Talk,'1
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates: 200 1 " ,
READ jRcduced from $3.25 to $1.5Qj circulars frue. "
P. II. T. )Murray IIill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St.. Nf V.-1
(T $1,100
la the tlUe of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information oft?
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dreuin JL
Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin. Cam nf .
Occupation for Invalids, Uathing-Bcst Way AftJe ill V
Alcohol as a Food and aLung8andLungDI8eaaes.En-e0tanf &&Ml
What to Eat,
now to Eat it,
Things to Do,
inings 10 Avoia, meaicine, now to Avoid Them. Cum i.
Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wanr niSI.Jf mlice,
How to Breathe, Heuioving Same, Uow Much to Wear. Toii.t Ti? f? c
Dangers of Klssinir. Hestorlna-the Drowned. Rnntmrlniii.nl......! i,ueJ ?l.a0' Woe.
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- llow to Avoid Them! rvn,,iz. i"0"".
ventilation. ness. Exorcise. r ybm.
Uow Much to Wear. To, bet K c
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bnms, Chlllblalns Cold n
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff Dysnemla EarLvh. i B,,
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itohing, Innamed Breaafc T' F?M
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammerlnir Som F. o ?'
Sore Nipple., Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet Toothach? m0""
Warts, Whooping Cough. Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' H,u,s?
t"All new enrweribera and prompt renewals dunngtlie month of Jan. will be
presenaed with a free oopyof this us a premium. '
I&llis, Dawson & IVyons,
All business attended to in n prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
HEPPNER, : . . ORBnn
Stockholders Meeting.
i .. all'11'.al "eetlng of the Htockholders of the
Nat oual Bank of Heppner will be held at its
bank ng house on the third Saturday In Keb.
MM, between the t me nl in n, n,J t .. Z
2'n5a!?a!!i toI'.U"! P'i'PO" oi electing directors
and attendinir to such nthor h,,.,,. ...
come before the meeting. '
Kb, R. Bishop,
Heppner, Or., Jan. 10. 18M. C"8''i"o6
Stockholders Meeting.
annual m.ptln in. .1,. .
fhHnSow Un3 Tru" V" will be T held
at the office of the treasurer on the 2nd Saturday
in March at 7 p. m. for the purpose of electing
officers and attending to such other business as
j mvi hue weeung.
, id. R. Bishop,
Sec'y and Treasurer,
that IOTKNTnU016?84 ? th,Se hlB claims aeain! the gorernment ii
of the ffiiSS ' teae the benefit of valuable invention, because
pitlnu.1"1 tToP, S 7, Z ar;W to obtain their
rM.,:-:A"u.mul:n care canut exercised in emplovine comoetent and reli-
WiV h, ;. :r 1"' -"""icy.
Skvkntkkn men are entombed
Wilkesbarre, Pa., ooal mine by a
It is said that Hon. Chas. Fulton is in
the rnoe for governor.
Prculiar to ltnelf.
eminently successful has Hood's
Sheepmen will be interested to know
that there is no longer any question as
to the relative merits of the different
cae sheep dips upon the market. Christy &
lso take pleasure in announcing that
Hayward's Dips (paste aud liquid) for
which they are sole P. O. agents, have
secured the first award at the World's
Fair, and last year these dips received
the silver medal at California State
Fair and gold medal at Met-bamo Fair.
Sarsapanlla been that many leading San Frauoisco. Every practical beepmen
oitnens from all over tba United States that ever used Havward's nm ,n.
of oures which nniinmut tlmm tha luut
seem almost miraonlons. Hood's Sarsa- cure of scab, the general health of sheeD
r. ....... . -"mmi, uui iuv irun aui CUUUl UDH 0 WOO I. Ml-lKN-tt'.
jMDuran lormn waen tue gldnds of
I II Q IV In ira nau b- an.- n ,1 I . 1
Win ui 1 xi ... . . ""vf 111, nuu, 11 urifinmea
.1 nu jic uiuuu WuruiUff mroilun UlA hnhlrtAHa ia anra tn tr.1 nn IT ..11'- 11
o.,i..,.i; a7 .w.,ww. Lioui 11 r
v " " nununniiK rrrr iiuwr OI I U KPnnsrUF a I ia nruvunl
our pleasant aud Hreeable. No other
blood mfdiciDe ia so certain in its
suits as Ayer's SarsaparilU. What it , ZZZ"a .'ITu, "Jll
and druggists.
does for others it will do for you.
Mount Vernon,
As an instance of the possibility of the vf"Jt'
profession, she told of two little Italian 1 1 j,TT ''
boys, brothers, who support a family of one
nine members solely with money earned Cecil,
in this way. They are charmingly j Dry Fork,
handsome chaps, with lustrous south. Well Springs,
?rn eyes. They sit for Dictures nf n,I ' A I nine.
venders, acolytes, boy princes, etc. So Pine City,
easily nnd surely do the young foreign,
ers make a living that, with the aban
ion common to their race, both Dorents
nave resigned labor, and with five other
jnilciren subsist upon the studio profit
jf their two eldest sons.
1 at nemners of the Cnnm. u.ni.n
The following am the mimLn .1 11..
republican central committee of Mnrmm
Heppner, (ohairmaa), O. E. Farnsworth
o. N. Morgan
Steve Leland
Joe Lnckman
I. O. Large
W. E. Kahler
Uow Lawyer Who Was Busy Settled a
Fetnala Hook Agent.
Thero is a lawyer with an office in one
if the largo buildings in Now York who
-s famous among his friends as a man
.vho never loses his temper nor allows
lis language- to stray from the path of
propriety. Ho was desperately busy the
nher day when a female book canvasser
entered his private ofllce, and as she ad
vanced from the door, announced her
"1 should like to show you a very val
uable work," she began.
"Madam," said the counsellor, as h
rose from his chair, "you must excuse
mi-. 1 am very sorry, but at present 1
im engaged."
Evidently the agont had heard nm.
thing of tho kind before, for she didn't
pause in her progress toward tbe law
yer's desk.
'Madam," he ropeated, "I am enc-ad
at present."
Still the agent came oa.
Madam," cried the lawyer in destwr.
anon, "I am engaged, and if you don't
go away you will force mo to be whit 1
have never boon before-guilty of rude
ness to a woman."
That settled tho agent. Probably the.
very vagueness of the threat heW
set her to retreating. But like a trua
woman stu- had the last word-and sav.
erui . , t hem-just as she vanished
thr. i-. -'i i :ie door.
1 1111 t a woman," she said
'" '
M. C. Fuans
E. D. Palmar
H. At. Thornton
Ueo. Ely
august unarlton
, G. W. Lord
A. Q. Bartholomew
.T P d-i-.- .
Ti. " ' . .... "ueaiQB
uiouioers ot inn committee are
requested to meet in the parlors of the
.itoc uuiei, next oaturday, Feb 17th
at 1 o'clock, p. m. Com out and" W.
h.Va ' ...II . . ,.
. luii rvpreseniation.
. , O. E. Farhsworth,
6-6 Chairman.
"I'm a
IU.t Ruse of the l.Ty Parisian to Bleed
the Charitable.
An expedient resorted hi,. 1
lous female swindler in paris for x.
tortlng money has been very successul
of ate. The woman, says the London
ielegraph, provided by nature with a
pleasing countenance, and dressed with
care, went from house to house. When
she had presented her card for the
master, or, better still, the mistress of
the house, and gained admittance, she
related, with all the appearance of
genuine distress, a tale of woe, the ele
ments of Which were n.l, i .
1 1 , ... u.-,uauu WOO
, had deserted her. a family from whom
mulling nan estranged her, and a
pressing need of -.'0 or i0 to stave off
In nine co. out of ten the applicant
met with a refusal, whereupon, throw
Ing tne right note of despair anddes
perate resolution into her attitude and
voice, she announced her determination
to commit suicide, and, suiting the ac
tion to the word, drew a bottle labeled
of wv I h" PlU'ktt' the tnu
of which she begun to drink
This, it seems, in most caws produced
the Awed effect. ! it will robaWy
TtE? ".nV m-i0T " a visit
g to take away her bottle of poUon
with her. and on the contents being
ammed tlie deadly draught wM toud
to be nothing but pure water.
With the view of nrntnntifin- 1..4.
and nf coin- -r 6 irum woriniess or careless attorneys,
Janed counsfl 111 '"-Veutln! are e11 Protected by valid patents, we have
tamed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents ir .the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct Is
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Kegister Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions 05 to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If VOU have an invpntinn t. j - .1 ... . .
trether with o k,r.fj 7 . rcuu a B"eicn or pnotograpa thereof, tc-
lw!Xil JtTVU0n lthe itnPrtant futures, and yoiwillbeatonct
otherfare inUcrln CUrSe- t Purs-Ue- Models a" seldom necessary. If
I he submi IfhJ VUl ntfbf or i yu are charFed with infringement by
matter. us for a reliable OPINfoN before actfng on the
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
O" Cut this out and send It with your Inuuln.B
P. O. BOX 4S3
sion of
you all run down? Scott's Emul-
1 Ure NorwPrrinn Cnfl T i r.;i
and ) lypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
8eott' Emulsion curea Coughs,
CoWt, Conaumption, Scrofula and
U Anaemie and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children. Al
most as palatable as milk. Getonl.
the cenmne. Prepared by Scott A
Chemlsts. Now lork. Sold by
11 Druggisu. '
Otis Pa
1 of Morrow, state ol Oregon
10 appear and imr th i.!..j.tT?
suralnat veu in the above-entltled action on or
tlorK 'f n da5' of the n-x regular term of
thereon Irnm th. iu: "wrest
rate of ten per ,
the sum 01
ana lor hit costs and disbursements
..... ...ii.uiuii. ie Herven i.v-
"i Jauuarv lK'M at the
in per cent, per annum until paid For
of twenty live dollars attorney's fee
lis costs and disbursement. ' ' Iee
linimnni nun-.i i...
saw order yas made on the 31 day of Januar
303-15 a.. J- N; BROWN,
w Attorney for Plaintiff.
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue
Free. Address
jai.25 3m 8r Walla Wll. Wash.
dam rfoMlit
WARD mSt&TutEp 120JL9USL S7.l0raxa