Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 16, 1894, Image 4

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    ISIS8. IAC?0I3Sf01Ia
J lldkblllliOi
H Doe Xot Senm t its of s Very Lively
Chnracior. j
In order to di-jyirore th rqiiont as- 1
sortion that iho ,..tch am uot humor
ous, says the . ork Sun, tno edito
Ihc lr.'rk: ly Which a. .llmioyli'S. Sralnp
Swindled 11 Mn.liinKtoii ttrstHUriiteur.
An ur.p rinciplcd scamp recently
played a gome upon a Washing-ton
restaurateur that for originality and
f"' lH.VlUg Jllllai.UIOCOU.-UlK.lK.U I'lVllllbS ki in Vlii.. .,in. ...,
. ioetnyu,s puis cum cuiisiiiMtion hmiiu n..ir;.i..7.r, I Jr.
. -! uiocoinn-iatlon 3 4
ss rrr
inn n
s c
tvn.nnj n ICO PflS ln.lt nn Tin (o t. 'l ... a .
I hltl, 1, ' ,r ,0,Tlns auy ,rac CONSTIPATION, which
, , '" slckr'' ot It getting habitual and chronic with you.
sietoltl-. .:.;,; tVc nllls Will euro TC-J.
.' '. K I
bocttueo it is the only safe and harmless
remedy that Till surely DEAUTIFY the
clear tlio (kin anil re
--'self. WCoutsabox.
v S , Or mt by mail upon recvlnt of orico i.v
i Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co
1 1 1 LZ?EE SA.N FR AiNCl'scO,
'.Prentiss lia-
an Diotcnns from tho faro. Trya box and w foryoun
CUltJ Xli8tIL.-iti.,n Vninil T) ".,,7..i . ". . ! ." - . :
, , . J'"fa 'iuai.mT;uu 1 1 j tu L 1 U r I
of a Scottish paper recently declared hla effectiveness hae ".ot been matched in
columns opon, and invited all the jokes nny of : "c nme-Jionored stories of
of tho poople wnich his constituent I'eau Hickman or any other ' eaters
would send to him. Theseare fair gam- of dinncrs,you footthe bills." He was
pies of what were handed in: a well-dressed, gentlcmanly-appear-
"Two boys having met a man in white in person any other would uot have
spats,' one of them said ho wore 'white secured much attention in the cafe
penter'g brocks bolow his ither anes.'" which he worked and he ordered a
1 his is but the forefront of tho bat- "inner that proclaimed him an epicure,
if a scoundrel, lie commenced, savs
v ictc-, uav tuis ooy saiu 'In ft
. wasrgery."'
I "A woman, having foresworn whisky
I In a glass, drank it out of a cup."
I "A man took tho hat worn by a soare
p brow."
I "Whisky having hven ordered for au
; outward application, the patient drank
! "A boy, being asked if ho had 'passed
the doctor' in a mclical examination
-said: 'Yes, I passed him up at Cooh
rane's corner.' "
"A woman in a shop, wishing to ask
for a dolman, asked for a donkey."
"A horse falling down d.'ad, a man
asked: 'Did it ever do that 1 fore?' "
"Heaven was d.-f.ned ,n a p'.ion where
'whisky is pl.-'i'.JiuJ and policerura are
car-e. '
'n.-ivp yni; seen Tom since he loft?'
o; u;:i i m s.-.an tao v. riie tm, )
jpeir a Hie .:-'.'' "
ln'--htW7 i,ho
tho v:.y c:a;e.st r.
ittn tao
arn one of
vii.-y it:va;esi t.-oi-.j ui i-ir wurl.i
in-, uoa sevsu tj be ve
A good thing for ion to do id to sub
scribe for the Gnzette.
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Uw,!1uh",vio8n(:T,;'rhu?e!l Und" ne law' ma ""P for h,he' Ur
ttSCM ""-"-'"-Tor navy ., the war .re also
ordenendtiit. ...uiMuuea, ti sixty-twoyears of age or disabled
&te?laws0ort0mp,eUda"dscU,emc,,,oblaiBcd' whel1'" Pslon has beeu Eranted under j
C$MtoF,l?eA ?.'"V'lllc'r mT'' if ejection Improper or Illegal,
iavelost theii ?oriKinal paper? '" "" (m SMi" and 8oilrs of lhe ' ""O !
Send for law. and information. No cha.ge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address :
' " -i-nivi l.Ujvipny,
A Bright
the l'ost, by tipping the waiter lib
erally, which alone would proclaim
him one accustomed to secure the best
of attention; and as for wines, he
would have none but the best vintages,
which he picked with the taste of a
connoisseur. The dinner was prepared
to the king's taste and appeared to
please him until the last course. At
that.point he uttered an exclamation
of horror, and beckoned frantically to
the waiter. That functionary not be
ing sufficient to vent his wrath upon,
j ho summoned the head waiter, and
eventually the proprietor. Then he
pointed out the cause of trouble a
dead fly in the dessert. Words could
not express his well-feigned disgust,
or the regret of the proprietor at this
unfortunate occurrence. The cook was
called up and "roasted" more effect
ually than he ever did his meats, and
the restaurateur offered every amend in
his power. Hut the guest professed to
be almost overcome with nausea, and
could not eat any more he had proba
bly had all he wanted. Of course the
proprietor could not think 'of charging
for such on unfortunate meal, and
was only too thankful that the matter
snouiti escape the attention of the
other guests. Cut when the disgusted
finest had gone a bystander, wlio had
wnto.hed the occurrence; remarked to
the proprietor: "Why, didn't vou see
him put that fly in the dessert?" And
the subsequent conversation was unfit
lor publication.
Sieaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Rtgitter,
of the beneficial results lie lias received from
a regular use of Aver rills. He says : ' I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order,. I tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until 1 was Induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Pills. 1 have taken only one
box, but I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so finely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
urge upon all who are In need of a laxative
to try Ayer's Fills. They will do good."
For all diseases of the Stomach, Uverf
and Bowels, take
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayei St Co., Lowell, If ass.
Every Dose Effective
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463,
rs. I.clnml Stanford's
tinn w.ih Tint 1
Mrs. Iceland f'tiinfo";
lr. the San Fr
in Conooc.
in an interview
imeeiio Chronicle: cives
many f.:ct.-i hitherto un printed in regard
to plans for tho new university at Palo
Alto. She says tho sumo attention will
bo given to irls as to hoys, and it is her
purpose to have an art training-school,
liko tho Cooper Institute, where g.irl.1
who have a taste for desigein:,. may se
cure Instruction that will enable them
to earn a good living. It they then wish
to study higher art they will iiavo means
to support themselves." The chief aim
will ho to ground t lie students in ele
mentary studies, and then to give them
some practical training by which they
may easily support themselves. If then
they desire higher training it will ho
freely given, but tho w hole spirit of the
Institution will bo against merely orna
mental education. Toejuoto Airs. Stan
ford's words on this point:
"t thluk it absolutely cruel to givo a
young mnn or woman who musf, depend
upon their own exertions for a liveli-
nod a classical education pure mid sim
pl. Thcro is scarcely a week that .Mr
Stanford is not asked to giv employ
mont to graduates ot Yale and Harvard
He has six of them as ear-conductors 01
the Market street lino now. (if course
it is no disgrace to them and they wil:
not remain long, but it is pitiful to wit
ness tho helplessness of wrongly edu
cated young people."
When r.sked whether ar.v plans hat
been devised for tho association of U.
sexos she said: "Yes, indeed. Cot
tagns will bo built which will aeconimo
date about twenty students each anc
theso will bo in charge of a teacher
where the personal habits, manners ant!
amusements of the students may lx
under supervision. Every care will bt
taken to make theso cottages homes it
tho best seuso of the word, a plact
where no creed is taught, but where tho
Jay begins and ends with prayer and
where each individual is brought under
refined discipline. The cottages in
tended for boys will bo about a mile dis
tant from those occupied by the girls,
but the evenings may be passed togethei
in iims'io or social games in the presence
of and with the consent of tho teachers,"
"Is it true you intend to give paint
ln;M and curios in your houso to the.
un i versi ty muse um ?"
"Quite true, and. I am determined
theio shall ho copies of all tho old
masters udded to tho collection of
paintings. lWn in my ball-room is au
exact reproduction of "Tlio l.r.l, k,,
per,' painted by Raphael, which was
found during the war.s f -Napoleon, and
nuu-u natigs in the cathedral
.Milan, hir.g Humliort allowed
havo it c.-tii' d. Through Mr,
ion, our recent .Minister
the young Kaiser lias
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Trotec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Turiil' League? One of its correspon
dents says: "No true American can
get along without it. ' I consider it thu
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St., Kew York.
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
" ""J phdiio, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mammadled
of consumption. The doctor said that I
too, would soon die, and all our leichbori
thought mat even if 1 did not die, I '"wiuS
-vlr tVt"8 t0 walk' because I was so
broke SndeSISX- A V'" formed ad
Broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and
if T' hT, ""ii ,lirew "uc !'" of bone
S,'i.lL ei he,oome, a running sore. I had
SLJ?'8 of ,m,,bcine, but nothing has
i, f mm)l gnt" as Ayr' Sarsaua.
I.'D.Mfca'tianr11 aUU mD
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ma...
Cures others, will cure you
i- o Boi ji-i " ' " Managing At orney,
1 . 0. Boi ihi. WASHINGTON, I). (j.
1 :.,'IlslHHliJ IlltltlCfl til I, !.!,,., W,
But It
Any Ormi
mo to
to 'lermanv.
given permission
to secure a copy s,f the famous Ststinc
MalomiV in Dresden, rescrvim? onlv
the right to name tho artist 1 have
just given nn oruor to havo tho work
It is expected that the universitr wil!
be open next fall. Tho rolleges will
be provided with ample Uvturu-rooms,
and tho trustees will bo required to of
fer a high salary for Instructors. The
higher couives will lie free to post
graduates t.f all colleges and universi
ties, and to such other deserving per
sons as the trustees may elect to admit
Take S'ttimeti" Liver HegulHtor afiei
yourdiuuer. It prevents dyspepsia auu
Failed to Last for
Length of Time.
The little four-year-old had gone tc
the grocer's with her grandmother, says
the San Francisco Chronicle, and the
grocer gave the child five little chocolate-drops.
It was a hot day, and she
took them in her tiny littie hand and
held them there until she got home. A
spasm of generosity struck through hei
Infantilo heart, and she thought she
would share the bonbons with her
brother, sister and a small chum across
the way. Chums are necessities of our
vanity. We must have somebody to air
ourselves to, and wo select a somebody
whom we are, specia'ly fond of because
ho or she listens to us. Just as soon as
a chum begins to show that he's bored
with our recital of our excellencies
there s an end of the most Sacred frinn,t.
ship. And this chum business begins
very early in life, showing that vanity
is coeval with hair. The small child held
on to her fivo little chocolate-drops, and
when she got homo she sat down ht fcm.
grandmother and opened her hand. The
identity of the five drops was rather dif
ficult to segregate by that time, but she
managed to count them. She ate one
and then she said:
j "Grandma, I'se goin' to give one to
, Charlie, and one, to Helen, and one to
; Alma, and I'll keep this one till I meet
I tho children."
That was settled and she wont about
with tho chocolate-drops in her hand,
occasionally opening it to look at them
. She gradually yielded to temptation and
I ato tho ono she was keeping for herself,
' leaving three. Fifteen minutes later
sne came to the grandma.
"Grandma, Alma's sick awful sick."
"Is she?"
"Yes, she's awful sick,
been at school for two dava.
"Hear, dear! I'm sorry."
"I think, grandma, "Alma's mother
would not like her to eat chocolate
when she's so sick."
And she ate the second chocolate-drop,
r lftecu minutes passed again and again
she appears.
"Orandnia, what was it Helen said
about chocolate!"
"I'm sure I don't know."
"Didn't Helen say that chooolate
drops got ail dust an' made her throat
Then her grandma stopped her litOe
game and made her stick to her firs
H Made la all styles and sizes. Lightest, M
strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest, D
B most accurate, most compact, and most E
g'modcrn. For .alo by all dealers la arms. El j
Nj Catalogues mailed free by W I
1 The Jlarlin Tire Arms Co., j !
New HAVgy. Coni?., TJ. S. A. I J
It Was Asnln.t Order, to Shoot. So He
Raided the SulilierH' Camp 'iBhtl
"When I was in Yellowstone I'ark
this summer," said a Wyoming Valley
man, "one of the gamekeepers told me
about a bear that worried a camp of
government soldiers almost to despera
tion for several weeks. Late one night
a beur waddled into camp, ripped open
a tent, put the soldiers to flight, got
what he wanted to cat, and went awav. .
The next night the bear came around
again, smashed down n tent and stolen
smoked ham. Under the park rules
the soldiers were prohibited from fir
ing at the thievish brute, as well as
from jabbing a bayonet into him, and
the only thing they could do when the
bear appeared and went to helping
himself to rations was to get out of his
way. Night after night the bold beast
made a raid on the camp and ruined a
tent or' two. My informant said that I
the bear acted as if he knew that the
soldiers daren't fire at him, and that
on each visit he became more saucy I
and destructive than before. Vhen '
the bear's raids had become unbeara
ble the commandant sent the facts to
the secretary of the interior and asked
what to do. Word came back to shoot
the bear, and that night, w:hen bruin
strode boldly into camp, the soldiers
put an end to his career by riddling
uiui Wltll UUIICLS.
The tao, or knife coins, of China,
made current B. C. 2,453, were of irpn.
in the shape of daggers.
Chinese burglars wear not a scrap of
clothing and artfully braid their pig
tails full of fish hooks for obvious reasons.
convince the
skentie and ooint the
way wbich if followed leads to
With fall bd con icq nr( cm, tranfttury. ion of
turrpy. nrrvnui ex. Itemt t, i trvuu debility, ,
uacolural dihar(rt loat manhood, dpoodr ncy, unfit
axttitom rrr. waflnt. awav of the orjraa, wrta.nlv and
rapid y cured br astound s'y mrth d . Curoa ptaitlvaly
k-uaraurccu. Qurft.on B ink and Hook free. Callorwrltc
120 H. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, MO.
Hale, Milton,
(clrole with parallel tail.) , ' bra,,
(Vtll,. ui,i .. ki " ',"" "n left i.",?e'
nun. i,n lMfi hi .i ' ' n U'l
side. ' rarol.
Mall klln T..l r. ..
hip: brm aami rfiK."'.1? Ho
Innl mm. -""nil
u lef
DK. DODD'S Cure toy
Kwrr owuor c a horio shuu'ti keen
It uti hand. It ma vt tho lt 01
valuable animal. Orni pitcknge vi.j
0ureei((hi toieui-fiffi, trim
Seut by mnil o ex j) rem. Our Aii
count iluuk, w Icti cntitxtna jiiutaty
table keeuen, mail d free
H. tJAillN Cv- m Pint Bt,
The Old Reliable
itn bar above In ., .;,: "". i.. ..
mnioun lolt aido. ltaum T, m"'",uIu"'I ciu
.rw ail(J
tinn..i it..,.
V, i i " "oway. Or. H,
Hnghoa. Mat, Heppner, )ru
inart on thu ft .l..,..!.).. "
tilla comities.
Established 38 vars. Trentsmnloorfem "I",
married or simile, In cases of exposure,
abuses, excesses or Imnroprlotles. SKILL
GUARANTEED. Board and aiiartnients
furbished when desired. Ouestlou Blank
anu uook iree. uan or write.
fVDUII I iy . Th wont form, poll,
T I. fl I la I Ollvel? or.il 39 Jtir
.VlUCl'.llful nr.r.l.r. Tr.Hllntnl .nnl.Unll., P....
b.v mill or.' offlc. Ttraiilnir. Qnratiaii IUsnk .ui
Book Ire.. C.ll or writ.. DR WAR i INSTITUTE.
120 N. 9th St..SI.Uull,Mo
and OTnri
liout tht um al
'knife Queition Blank and Hok free. Call
orwrlta Jilt. 1. IS, BII'its,
82SFlot8t 8b LOUIS, 110,
tlH 1 WFrT ANY tADV- employed omnemploTad,
Wlu IlLLni cm caketi.iifTH few houri wurk each
. pwmry fr rommifiioii, iu sampiei Trea Adurril
H. BLNJAMIN & CO., 822 PineM., St.Louil, Mo.
Hbs been pat up tn a
Droorlatarv form Hlmn
1BT9. and hnn ht'n imnd
for VPflVs nrlnr tn tlmr fimu
to private practice. It is no untried nostrum, of
oouociuj reputation, duc a genuine specific for
a very prevaient disease. Thousands of men, of
all fibres, have at some tfme In life brought on
nervous debtilty and eibaustion, with oriranio
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fro
fluent indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious
habits, and It Is to these that we offer a remedy
that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
Vigorous health and strength.
Our method of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
trentment is one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal enrd and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal (ard to be nsed In sendim ua their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
lnff the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be filled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
nf (n retnrnirjr it when tilled.
When we receive the state
ment on fcltiiik we prepare
eight days' treatment and for-
ilTRIIi postage thereon and along
PsriflPW withtheeigbt days' treatment
MJUtBJlUS,, we Bend full dirpctlnnR frti
using. The t. eatment In no way Interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconventmiffl In nv wnv
We are so positive that it wlH ptve perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entire vwith thnA nstnn th tvaa tfi.i
Having sntlsfled those Bending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel tnnt they are more largely Interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all
They are as follows: 13 for one month j $5 for
nvuiOULUB, Luriuieu U1UUU19.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
1 1 1 . i uutjnueu OUT
business upon this plan with satisfactory reiralto.
rfiir X rf11' treatment lor anr
of the secret Ills which come to mankind throuah
.violation of nature's laws to seod us their ad
drew on postal card or hr letter and .How n to
S?oIlnS!iI't.'?.,hi't "OF- HARRIS' SOL.
merit snd are what ther need.
" commnnicauona confidential and should be
ifA H Y L A D Y can peta valuable Beeretthct
coal luo So.uo, oiiu a rubber shield for 30 Ciett
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Dp. Rash's Belts & Appliances
AO eleotro-ffnlvanio Mttfr cia
bo led into medlcatoti.
Belts, Stispensorics, Sjil.
mil Apptiunet'g, Abdom.
.iiial Supporters, Vests,
Drawers, Otllco Capst
iiisuies, ere.
Cores Rheumatism, llror and Kidney
Oomplnlnts, Dy.pepnin, Jlrrors of Youth,
LoNtMnnhO'iil, Nervniignoss, Sexual Wenk
ness, and allTroulili'S in Mulo or t emale.
Question Ulauk and liuok free. Call or
Volla-Medica Applianco Co.,
133 Puie Street. . ST, LOUIS, MO,
heart on tho left ehoiilder.'
nuiiiuiKBr, B .Wanner Or Ti "owCu
-heiiiiler. oh tie. ,,T.ft hiVf- ,,ur. on ift
HanliM,, All,e,rt, Nye, Oreim u
,nn, otei on left shoulder: Ca.M. urM,. H
luii, nroii off left ear, "lU8un Ui. IS
lluniphrevK, J al bardmaii,Or
let Hank ' lon.. U on
Hiu, J. M., Hoppner. Or H,,
on left hiHildei oai lie. same on riXS'i inll!lM
llu.lon, l.utlmr, Knrlii Mile K" "ii1""'
I he left .honldorand heart on H
tie wine m left h p. IUiiiib li u t"l, Cat
In. Alfred. Lo cS? t-te,'" """Si
brand on l.ft
Jnnrs, Hnrry, Hepnnr Or
ft J .... Hie left .hnuKlerV ttl. & ""rled
I Khth Im und.ibit in left ""'i?1 J on
iiu.iri.w omnty. twinge m
Junkm, B. At., Heppner Or -n
. .. J on left shoKr. r
lianire on Kutlll Mile. vaiue. the Wm(
JolilLiin, elii Lena, Or H...
lefl untie: tll . LTL1.".r"oe. rel,T.
crnn in riKht and ...lit jn leftP ,p' u"d Wf
Ji'iikins, D W.,mt. Vernon or i
left elMinldor; on oattl J'ki T '""oil
snmoih crop, on both eai uin hi'1' Pd '
Hen r vidl .-is ""UKein iois0j
heiiny, Alike, Helinner f) u
KNY o . left li'.p ffirs,S;'-H brands
'.:.n.lw .lo,,. ,,, '' ""' left
hirk J. T Heppner. Or"-H,)r8M m ,
dinnlder: cattle, H,,n left hlD 00 ''l
Kir. J (,', Heppner. Or. tjraii 17
rinv t: cattle 17 on riKht side. ' " "a "'the,
Kirk. Jeee, Heppner, Or.i horse. 11
Hlonlder; cattle same on .iBht side nil ?ft
niilil ear. " 1 underbit on
Kumberlatid. W.Q. Miiniii v..
ca.l le n riKiit Zi le ,"Z lo'L ?rT? L
ear and under oiop in ri"ht r ,,fork 10ln
brand on left shoulder. Ifii mTn 'T"""0
Loften, Btopnen, Fox, Or N l"1 ."""Mv.
on cattle, crop and split on tiuhi 'u'1 u'p
Mine brand on left shoulder itn ' Hl"
ooiuitv. "mibt, Hnnxo (jtaij
bienallen, John W., .TI n
branded halfi,0Ie JL eonneote.1 ?TTBni
)Ca,t,e.Hm. OD leftr,
h,p,w,t1ev.rr.tht ye', IhgrSSTF
awiriir II. ,.n left .l,iH",net""e called .
iMiirkhiini. A. M. lfe.mi.u i,
11 01, i,.f, . h. 1 k .T.r '"'!-rsfu, iM
h h Horses M on left. i,i .V9"!; "'' Plit in
cninoii. '.anno, Clark',
Moor. Onoar. rtnppnor f.r.-ratti. m
riKiit hip; horse. M on left shoulder M " "
f, i .1 " "'PPner, Or..
mr over on riirl
Uliirt'nii. 'l'h.
Foot-I'i lnts on Hie Path to llenllli.
Everyone peedirg dm, tin's mien
should rend one t.f Dr. FnotiV ilitiif
pamphlets t Old Eves," "Croup;"
riuplure," "I'himoMs," Viu icoci le."
Dieciipe of mm, Diseime of V. nien, mni
learn th - best nientis of ml-oii.e SJ
HillPnh. Co, 129 ,,( 2Htb St., Hi v
Voik, ,
Mil 1 till 1, , .WMirflltltU
Conikrinw nf - i
t,,li .i (
(al.. i.k. . T. -"';i music ot the-
.lrt es liveliest and most Doonl.r 3
Tfte HARRfS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
dQltMW... e vnr vnv n
is China a boy begins his schooling, a m.ii.h.wi.u.ItI j.n-f j. j i.jlj isj nrmr.
at five years of age and is at his study . '
nearly twelve hours a day, seven days
in the week.
! China white is the color of mourn
ln! in 'Eeypt, yellow; In Turkey, vio
let; in Ethiopia, brown; in Europe,
during the middle ages, white.
A ci'Rio dealer at Amoy, China, owns
a group of figures carved from gnarled
Karoots, wnicn stands nine feet high,
weighs 590 pounds and is valued at ilSO.
Tiie Chinese doctor's lot is not whol
ly a happy one. Pour members of the
Imperial College, of Physicians at Pekin
failed recently to make a proper diag
nosis of the emperor's indisnnsiti.
and were punished by being fined a
year's salary.
The favorite headdress for a lady in
China is the figure of a bird composed
of copper, silver or gold. The wings
are made to droop over the temples
the tail covers the back of the head,
the head and breast plumage are just
aboe the brow.
Keroskse oil is rapidly growing in
favor as a cheap illuminant in China.
The consumption, which was 8.25fl 000
gallons in 1883. had risen to 49.34f.000
in 1S91 Of this amount SO per cent
was imported from America and 20 per
cent, from Russia.
While rou keen vonr Htilu!iTi,iti,. .,;,!
.ur. 1,. ..,., 1.',:. 1 V .'. .,1. J" I
ui iiinu.i 111 ireeoi Cluiri;..,
Alhti. T. J lone, Or. Horses Rtl on lPf,
hc.nlderio.itileRni.,ileft hip, under hit mi
rntht ear, and upper bil on the left; ninKU Mor
row comity. B '
Armstrong J l., Alpine, Or.-T with bar nn.
'.mr left hip" al'"!r ' hw- CIMi " """''
on"!fl1'(?'i,I)"Ki?1itMno- "'.-Cttl brand,
k K? lou hlP nd horses same brand on rii
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. k
Adkins, J. J., Ileppner, Or. Hortee, JA cou
nseled on lei t flank : cattle, same on left hi ,,
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or.- Horses
runt. eUh6r "''0Ulder' lianKe t -
Bleakman. Geo., Hardman, Or, Hunrna n H,,..
...left shoulder: cattle sunie on rijli imilil, r
hannister, J. W Hariln.,,,,, Or.-S tl, "bra t"
-d I) on lefl lp and tl,ili: splii i each ear ''
1 Hre.n!lerA S Hter ,"" """"'J' Orew. -Horses
iinrlra 1 U I
m V v i-tong i. reek, Or On mttln
MA connected on left hip, oiop off lef nUr ,?'
der half crop off riant. IfrirsMi Z. i 0I1"
letft shonlJer. m,FSab,$
Hrosman, Jerry, Una, Or.-Horss branded 7
yn right shoulder; cattle ti on the left B?de
Lin-haJffroIi. ntl rihl ear upper ioL '
on l..f( HlM,n1.l. cattta wtmi on 5S "ji"' W)
. McTnmlwr. .Tas A. Kolm Or u J"1- .
Iihi-ovdr on HirhtHlw.iilM "urM. M with
iinrnii. 'l'i.Q U.,.
T left Hl,,,,,ki'er and left wT. ?!
n rot tl lirh. ..nine, ti on
Vitcliell. Oscar. lone, Or.Horo. 17
hr.; eetiie. 77 on right side! ""' " "" r'kl
"'" '""'. if. it.. Ifr..wm.r,llA ..
nn hin '
Mct.irr. Frank V..11
th t.,e.e..rk on enlil. . .HJ: "rTM"!sli.i.
McCarty. I.a.iri H. Kcho Or! 'h!,
ear; horses same brand n il ..?i,uw
"' OU1IO.
whh ..alFM; nninir'on'U'shode': "
our hare enectl ,, ton h :"1 K m'
Hangh in (irnnt County P " ,he "'' Hide'
Nenl. Andrew l,,lu h..
Kil on left shoulder: riu."?! ?
f!.,.lgl :'"'tle ! KC.!r- C're""
each ear a' ""t-'' " right hip:
split in
coin ..-n.
cur Ur?e si" Portraits. ' 13
IBBlrsa ... -
Hirnwnj Is"' Leiington, Or. Horses IR .. .1
over it. on the lfr BhnMr ,,..orai8 " war
hip. "uu,ul1' wmieBKmeou left
! . " . '"""tp wi mnn
id (rant county "". leu migh, Han,,
2T.l,Va'ry' Or.-l- O ,,
and wanle on noseT KaX'n K Tr. "
rt'iirson, (I nve, Kight Mile iirii "
r circle shield , 1 .... it:.fr' H,.,r".)iiar-
hil'. .Cattle, fork in if rXT."?., '
I fl shoulder. '"""aii.ur.-Horss.lPo,
1 per. ken t T.evl.,n.
e K (L K conn. 1" ., "yr:,""'m hw
.. . j .1 . . . V" '"'I "IH'Uifll
1 . i mi. tl fl.. I jtT I Iiirt 111. II. ll .-.'
left hip,ni.i,er skneiA L2 ."'.f.?ciT.!'' !!
rit-ht. "u in tn.
i'oweii. John 'r.nu,lli tt ...
les'li'S,11'' H"' "--Horse"'. til,
nice. Dan. HurHmim n- . u ..
worn, fen,' M tfil. hi v1
"."B. in mor
ler ; cauls
w connly,
1 and cron nff'L.ht
row county.
itnsli Iros.. Heppner, Or.-
on tiie righi sho
nisG"h;"?i,n,fr' 0r-"rsos, bi
--r,-- VOl OMIUl, Willi
split in
earn ear,
llr.inlee, W. J., Fox,Or-Citl 'i 11
,b;0..'.,.'e left "'iiange i vTnuT
-Horsef, brand
(throe barH) on
ear. Itaiige in
Baited SSS in Vh- Mnn5ry.?S,'n 0T "
"oa.T iwiSm 7VV, .ni!i ,tn'" remit
BSRBn, 125 . B:.tli ft. tt. Vi
Caveats, Trade-marks. Design Faienls, Copyrights.
And ali Parent business conducted ftr
In'nnwitlon and advice given to inventor, wlibom
charge. Aildrcs.
Managing Attorney,
. 0, liox 163.- WAsnixmoN, D. C
It is an offer,se to throw waste paper ML51,T,eT'1!lIri In treating all van.
in the streets of Spokane, Wash.
AtcORDtNO to measurements s-iven in i ir8' Ca" or write.
the Uible. Noah'sark was lno-
'I sel than the Great Eastern.
Ix the Henry mountains, in southern
Ltan, is a mound covered with giant
crystals. Perfect nrisme n ,i::..
t v. av,iuiie
Comnaay I. managed by a eomvnstloo of
''-v-..t ami nio. Inn uenttal aewsna-'en In the
In.. 1 ;ate. for the express purpose of proMar.
tn,j Ihrlr antst'rltm ainiinst uusernfiulon.
" - i"!V 1. !!t Pa:ent Ajentt, and each pupet
I rl.-t in M.'il.a Ivertlt ement vouches for the reapoait.
tilir .r. I l.ti:ii,Iiai,'o(iUelieMC,ain:sComiiMiT.
She hasn't
Produce 2 50 and iret the ft.n f...
"ne year. Nice family paper, sud bul
ly to psptrcubins.
?e uoix
'tKe cause
Proe cVxqyx
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor.
mation in the hands of your acquain
tances ?
If you are, you should be identified
. the american
Protective Tariff League,
133 w. 23o St., New York.
Cut this notice out and send it to the Leafue,
Maiiuit your poelilon, and (rlre helping hand.
live feet longase found there.
The drinking of salt water is said to
' a. perfect cure for sa..;u.
though it makes the patient very
miserable for a few minutes after he
has taken the cure.
A sutT over the burglary of eleven
dollars in the court at CentervUle X
.. has already cost the countv and
the several parties in the suit over a
..i.iiureu times tne amount of the
lliUi 1USS.
. guarantee .
Question Blank and BooJ
m "as Street, . . ST. Lorjis. M0
(rrant comitv
i . aisner arren. Wagner. Or
edOon 11Kht stifle ; cattle
orant and Morrow coumiea
nJSS''l'I?teMlr.-1 U on horses on !..,
u I onTe stifl'eon alfLj!.''0 -l"Wif
left shoulder onli 5 " ''T 5 'i
range in Grant countv h"r9m," !". All
shoulder: ca. h, '..Vr',V.,,',r''' " on lef
each hip on cattle. .i?, J (.'.., ,""b,'e cr!" .
" no uuiler tin
liange in ttmnt
Hornee hrunitail V
,";: -"""., ontue, 1A on tne eft Inn.
le "shmildei m"'',l UiHKB' O'.-Horsns It o.
right mi VIZ l1,0' " !n, l0(t hi'- 'P
rignt ear, underoit on left ear Slioen ft .m
uiTiand Mr::re':d cr"" a" kSS
ciiiaaiid fllorrowoiunties.
branded'! f,n,lnw . Iingtn, Or.-Horss.'
eirde over brand" ,ieh"ulder' Tent 1"rt!'
ii , .7,;:.,... ': ' V "lr'ville, Or HH oonnectod
and cniu , r ri .h " "?i .,tle V
hip' on cattle, ewalle
county. On Bheeu.
in right ear. solif' i,7 TJ, ".'.orB a,,a br
ached upper biMn righ,WVr,'!'' "" r
:ht and nnuer hal or,,T ,' 5rsl ,9r"l i"
All ratigs
"'in riglitslionl
! orig-
"? I rratm,t -rtreiiV hT. .lift.".0
uai. vuwl.n Bl r ail Book , ' ""VV,C ,T .C004-
Dk. u. a but-?; iffS " ' -5 ' " n ...
i-'"0 A
n'.b! Rewards for Those Who
Answers are Correct
Use room m the Tenderloin club of
-New Wk is papered with six thou
sand playing cards, while another is
covered with theater tickets, and con-
Ht!hr.a CtTn!Ce ' chamP?ne corks
right round it.
C.I.OR1A which is now extensively
used in the manufacture of umbrella's
and dress pieces, is a product of silk
and woo erf fine quality, its high de
gree of luster being due to the silk
wnicn it contains.
The largest expense of married life
is frequently caused by the little ones.
Lowell Courier.
lld0?Sn'U.ike wmpromise.
".j'" " ""ling to 'treat" with
his fellows. -Plain Dealer.
.k-T JSuDtic,'able ,h8t the m who
thinks he is a whole show bv himself
rou.8 " "-MUwaukee
ta croj , left
e.op off left and split in " mBrlt 1re
leftVutfe ' Y" ""'""Vor. -Horses, to on
Cos d. 8
' r' J "." horses. Ch un B
. H-., Monument IJ.
Horses bianded circle
Hardman, Or c,n
.houlder; cattle k',"?!. '?".
under slope both ears and deXf
- on "E'V, "i- Wanhuan. Or.-H
on both hips, mar,
"on right liii. iTTl "'.,-norses
Lies. ... TCt ' ?" on-u.ie.1 the
braided with' three
i . j, ,
V" "'.'"' C2T ' rHatiM. wtZliJZ.
! I n. n- boi th'.f t" nif i " Brothm nnht hip,
. ' " D',.tt ""at . ihe n,. .. ft Uf,
.'" ' " the wim. k v.. .. . 'torenes, L. A.
orf ' u'p, uorsei. if
lineo (i.rt u . .. ur
.JJuuBlasa, W. M , iuHi urT D '"fl "ki-
righl'.'n'oni"- Diamond on
a.H.JKH ill ai, ,.-,,
Obner. I. m" """"H:
f l-e ri.
W..... . w out
ouonected un right sh.mlS "'--""".ee. 7(f
earmark, hole in rTg f "?
Heppner, Or.-Cattle. I. IP
oar nnuor on
A.Ti,-,Eurtii: Pii!,li,i,, r . ( .hontria.
' u ... .-- . r..w' l "'
Ii no kI . Sloo: 5th i right shin hie,. "rnorsea. if
a.l rent. ..i" ?' Mno. trench. Umra. H. .'.. !"!' "r thigh.
,1 M 01 pi.no, ! t rend. i; . r "Kht hip or thiol
i aimed mn '" 'MCMt, aim ' F wil, k.- " ' " 'l'"rr.- w.-t att e t.rn,ti
ar. iiorses. same h.,.; rf "cr"P ott left
lJ, KlUirv, heoBar ""f "'P
" I"""'" e-hn. Ow bast
lna to the
eorreet annrer win. b, ,
he .n s ooa Z.U. 1L '"l1" heanU
"e. c "w... liluwt prua.
in'. rnti,.n u, -,k ""I "!
... iiia unir
All .mwera n,n Ve
"'. lai"TihM lue Jl laj? X
ZI5. or Tin Cm
jH aaV ! .ii W,S.Ch.d. 2Dd V" Co.. Poa.
1 d aan e on left stifle .i " snuul,iei ; vent,
hot ,m.,l. " i latue, same on iH.tn hl
" ! Kane, in V:" and nnderbit in left
ooontie. "'"""" " rook ,,d Morn.w
--I. .he re,', PMee".
" ' '"' an', If
rw l'i..rt Uer, ,n .n ,n,-' r, u'? circle GTer it, on Ift.Hs"'
-"wwn ueo., Lna. Or. H.,j iu
Uh ; with qoart?r circl ovi-r i't i f c,0,nnected
I V." wunrwr Circi over it nn lain i. . u "
irw 10, Ti " rw'r?V ' with qoftrter rir,l . ,T ui.i-r
Pnated mJZZL : ft" in Morrow nH i"" ,Vu"n
renrle, , : on either hip; crop in rial Itir7, !i,t"',-l" ha;,
ii ... ,. t,, Horaea, Job right thigh. LSor?1!' ID Mi
t l.ln'l nJr,,. n ,.h., . '""ige in Hrani countv
le .1 ,.Vn',.: ' V. T"'"""' Or.-Hraes.
" virile, uou right hip.
bra!;ded'?iU.'.i.Ji "', "''""berry. Or,-Home,
ooli'ity! ft """""'i 'auite in llorro
oinefreh',il(ie,,pl,'?iW' OHoraes branded 8 A
HwaLgar, H ! k" W'f mm left hi
w thE,r ,',,J'' h"- Or.-Hp.rsos .
J b oii le, L ur;'' ..VpIi0V' ur' "vrees Bhaded
happ, Iho.., Heppner, Or. Hjraaa H A V nn
W,r,'H;:iTU' left hip" re"' 8 AP
h.fre" ;,',JoP'?,',, ,1'"1' r'-WO connected on
et'r!,rriuAriVmXT''a on rih' hip,
ui ura ti'on i'ud ""I"' bit iu lef tea?, ltani.
bau res ' i,,,,a!!ta. ameonleft shoulder,
Jb left shol!LAriln"t,""' 0r" hor branded
waddle Ha,, '.'."atile the same, also noss
btoihens V A u "L"'w Uliam oo inties.
"hoiiiderT wrl""'urlue8- f-oa left
lelt ron deJV'iHeiPne,'' 9r'-Smali capital I
wiih'sX 'h:.081118 " "".I"
u tSiU:,'? Or.-Horsee branded
Vanderlo u fe" "tltle; llB same brand.
uecS I n.hJ' V' "i0"' 't-"es HV con.
hit risht '""alderjoatUe. asine on right
onffifl''6! Wl5 " Hewmr. Or. Horses. U. I
nl: Z ?" ., orCpner. Or.-
Jlorrow conntV VUnU" n t,''- liangs
cirtfeTve i?' te W wita quarter
aoe of"sp1aZ?'?TBP?W'h
Cattle bmudl sained f?.ul!iJer left hi"
Wells A H 00 ,eft "lrte ud left hip.
hoiiWer-oa.'i'.HT."' '--a". " left
thwSZIife J.U''P Pity, Or-On horse,
bit in loth Mrs Its." '6ft knliar; 7 on nheep,
counties. ' lUmse ln "rant and ilalhuer
W.w.l. 1 T .
TJw, 'T"'i-Xner' 0r-fl-"-. w
OK HSSSSS: 0r-'- brands
nghu'S "n-J,01" Or--?- W on
"'"Ulaer. sonn sanieou left. shouJder r'gtlt
Horsei llrandeTw ffun,""""' aker Co.. Or. -WilhanT
rauuiwiteu on left shoiUder
cle ivT"ulru' nailton, T.-Qnarter cir-
ter circlJ .Qi-Hone.. onar
uml.lii: ,W"W01J left hin- nuttla ,m.
s on left hip; cattle same
,,..,T,r,e, ai(HK si,,,! rn,
lion right .1
5i&'uU(1 lit in left.
k?." "r.-- (T t I.
AJdreiloii ?n b.P and on left .i le ,,"";nn.0".t'l.
eft. u. -T-"" .....
x,..- ." a.i.i aie w nn...
rotiit,ji,m n " ""''vieaion riffht .k.,.,1 . - -
letieo: ..r.'.1 " on right hin ...a '",'""." ni
a"'uW,enVP?rm?;,rT.e,8 A
,,i!'"';.E.lil,bt'b 4 Ro,
id. i. "'"uu tn, w
"de. hiirs. s same on
... .Her s cut.
same.m right i,.
Hardman Or.-
couiiected) EVV on left
rigm shoulder. J. W'
on leftali";; "1 7 ?" 1"' ', h'P'
T tC, rtirtV r'-0r Hot bonded