Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 16, 1894, Image 3

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pilOSK JcalrliiK the insertion of display ads.,
1 tir change ol Name, must gat thuir nopy lu
uut later lhaii Monday evening (or Tuesday's
w. iuuij uiuuiiig iur rnuajs tril
1. TUB sum o( five cents per Una will be
Charged lor "cards ol thanks," "reaulutious ol
reapucl," lists oi wedding prusents and donors,
ana obituary notices, (olner tuau those the edit
or shall hiinsell give aa a matter ol news,) and
uotiiMsof spuciai meetings for whatever purpose
2. Notices ol church aud society and all other
eulertaluuienta Iroin which revenue Is to be de
rived, sha.l be charged lor at the rat ol live
cenu a line. These rule" will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable aud madekuowu
upou application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence ol
good iailh.
J im '"8 Agent, 21 Merchants exchange,
ouu r raucisco, is our authorized ageut. Xuib
paper is kept on tile lu his olhce. .
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek.
John Day aud Canyon City, leaves as iollowa ;
Every day at u a. lu., except ouuday.
Arrives every day ate p. ra., except Monday,
The cheapest, ojilckest aud best line to or
Irom the Ulterior vuuutry.
mm n . . .J' DELVAN, Prop,
riilll Cohn, Agent,
(Jive vour business to Hunnnn
and therefore assist to butia up Mepp'
Tier, tatronint those who patronize
Here and There.
Don't fail to nee "In the Enemy's
Oaiup." 5-6
Papers for sale ut the Gazette office lit
two-bits a hnu-ired.
Deeds, inortgiiKes, etc., executed at
the Gazette oltioe.
Melviu Logan is up from the Douglas
country this week.
J. F. Spray got baok from the Wagner
country Wednesday.
Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
the Mountuiu House.
Cbas, Smith, son of Geo. W. Suiitn, is
sick with rheumutisin.
Laughable Irish and Negro characters
in drama Monday night.
Fuiely a pleasing, patriotio play, is
"In llie Enemy's Camp." t
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduced price of 81.
J. Myriok, a traveling man, was in
town over Wednesday night.
"lu the Euemy'H damp," by local
talent, Monday night, Feb. 19. 5-ti
The Ueppuer-Cauyon stage line is the
bent, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. ,
The largest attendance during insti
tute whs lust Friday afternoon, DL being
Subscriptions to the Qazette from
now till alter the campaign, new ones
mind, 81.00.
If you want a good gnu or sewing,
machine, come to the Qazette ollioe and
we'll tit you out.
Those that have oounty sorip for sale
should cull ou (ieorge Oonser at The
First .National Uauk. 2-tf.
We learn that Chris Niebubr is now
at lieno, Nev., where he has embarked
in the grocery business.
Leul blanks, plenty of them, at the
Guzeitu office, aud at world's prices.
DisOouutH ou large orders.
Ouod whiskey, oheap and artificial.
Send if 1 postal note for recipe. Address
lioj 101, .Pendleton, Oregon, i 12
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Gazette will take oounty sorip at
face ou subscription, and pay Dalanoe of
game in oash at highest market prioe.
The Gazette office now runs an in
surance aud notarial shop. Come in
when you want to do your insuring and
Mrs. Celia Boyhan, who lives at the
Mouutian Houee,desires to do plain sew
ing. Those having same will do well to
consult her.
The Gazette is under many obligations
to Muss Annie J. Jialsiger lor her kind
ness in furnishing the paper with a full
report of institute doings.
Every republican should sign the roll
of the Kepublioan Club of Morrow
county, aud then join a precinct club
andjenroll himself lor work.
Those who have brought in various
kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should
oall around at this office and get credit
for same if not already given.
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for" Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
ArriveB Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fri
days. Fare, one way, $2.50. PhillCohu,
agent, A. Andrews, trop.
To our customers No difference how
large or small your account is, oome in
and settle, either by oash or note. We
must have one or the other to enable
us to stem the Hood. Haves Bbos. UOtf.
Cook's Dead Shot squirrel poison, war
ranted equal to if not superior to any ou
the mamet. Manufactured by T. W.
Ayers, Jr., Heppner. For sale by drug
gists, grocers aud general dealers. 4tf.
The scouring mill matter should -not
be allowed to die. If we cannot seoure
one person's assistance in the enterprise
we should look further and get some
one else. We must baye a scouring
Mr. E. A. Brundage is chief organizer
of republican clubs for Morrow county.
Mr. J. W. Yaughan, of Lexington, is
bis assistant. This should have been
mentioned in the item concerning olub
' Green and Hiok Mathews will be
found at the City hotel barber shop
where anything in the line of the ten
torial art will be furnished oo appli
cation. These gentleman are artists and
deserve your patronage. Call on them.
F. J. Hallock returned home from Ba
ker City Wednesday noon, where be had
been in attendance at the meeting' of
the C. B. K. P. He reports a pleasant
time, Bnd says tbey were more than
royally treated while there.
Many women find great diffloulty in
their hair beoomingly, be
cause of its harsh and coarse texture.
By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, the
hair becomes soft, pliant, and glossy.
The Vigor is the most cleanly of all hair
Gid Hatt has now estubhshed a ton',
torial parlor, at the Matlock building
next ddor to Simons' blacksmith shop,
where he iDvites the patronage of his old
oustomers and all who desire stnotly first
w Ai.n,rir.tv ohnmnnninff and hair-
CISBB WUlS,oua""iK'--r -a .
outline at living prices. Don t overlook
The drama, "lu the Enemy's Camp,
to be presented next Monday night by
local talent, will be well worth seeing.
While not distinctively a war play, its
inoidenta are ounnecUd with imagi
nary events of the rebellion. Good
Irish and Negro parts. Tickets for sale
at both drug stores. Remember the
date, Monday evening, Feb. 19, '.8 P-m.
In the call for the republican oentral
committee meeting which was published
in our last issue, we were in error as to
the date. It should have read next
Saturday, Feb. 17th, instead of the 27th.
However, we hope all members of the
committee will understand the same
aud be on hand tomorrow at 1 p. m., at
the parlorB of the Palace hotel.
Geo. Her, Geo. W. Smith, Tom Booth
by, E. D. Palmer, J. F. Willis, and sons,
Jus. aud Albert Willis, were in from a
distance to attend the republican olub
meeting Wednesday. There were also
quite a spriukle of republicans from
liulm Fork and other parts adjacent.
E. A. Brundage, the oounty organizer
of republican clubs, will go to Cecil
next Wednesday where be will organize
a republican club. He will be sooom
panied by several Heppnerites, also by
Mr. Vaughau and several others from
the Lexington country.
Fossil Journal: Parson Bramblet is
still eLtrenched in the Baptist oburch
bombarding the gates of bell. Five
have joined the ohuroh and are waiting
to be dipped, and about a dozen are in
the toils. The meeting will hold over
The Christian minister hs been hold
ing services at the court bousa during the
week, but from this date services- will
be held t the old Record office on My
Photographs, 81.50 per doses, at Shop
piird's, ground-floor gallery, next door
south of MoBride's wagon factory.
North Main street, Heppner. 6-13
Hon, W. R. Ellis was in attendance at
the fuceral of BepresentatiVe Houk at
Dayton, Ohio, last Sunday. Houk died
suddenly of heart disease.
The Heppner school resumed Thurs
day, after a few days' vaoation, oaased
by the institute.
Hood's Pills oure nausea, sick head
ache, indigestion, biliousness. Sold by
all druggiBtB.
Born In Heppner, Feb. 10, 1894, to
Dave Presley, a girl.
That Dbama. Considerable objection
is being, raised to the drama, "In the
Enemy's Camp," to be presented by
local talent Monday evening. Some
have gone so far as to say that it leads
to anything, but morality. The ladifs
and gentleman who are to take part in
this play feel that they have been
wronged by such talk, and at tbeir
request we have given this' spaoe for
explanation. This drama which - is
founded on incidents connected with
the late unpleasantness, inoideots Ibat
many of us have heard our fathers re
late, is of such a obaracter that any
true American might conscientiously
endorse it. It is of a patriotio nature,
and its moral is a good one. It com
pares with the play recently presented,
"Ten Nights in a Barroom," or "The Last
Loaf" whioh the W. C. T. U. have
planned to have presented in the near
future. However, the participants in
this drama are inolined to think that those
who have been so loud in condemning
the play are not acquainted with its
murHls and teachings. The play recently
presented, was endorsed by praotioall)
every one in Heppner. It taught
temperance, while the present one
teaches patriotism, that principle upon
which the existence of any government
depends. Now we might go on with
two or three columns uf argument in
favor of this drama, but purchase your
tioket early, get a good seat and see the
play for yourself.
Republican Club Organized. At the
court house at 1 o'olook last Wednesday
afternoon, pursuant to oall, quite a
number of republicans from various
parts of the county assembled and
organized the "Republican Club of
Morrow Co." A. vV". Patterson was
eleoted president; T. W. Ayers, Jr.,
Vice Pres. j Jay .W. Shipley, Seo'y;
Frunk Gilliam, Treus. The executive
committee are T. R. Howard, Frank
Gilliam and Otis Patterson, with the
president and vioe president ex-officio
members. The county orgahizer is
E. A. Brundage, with J. W.Vaughan, as
sistant. An organization oommittee
of one from each precinct will be select
ed at the next regular meeting, Satur-
kay, Feb. 24, at 1 o'clook p. m. The
object is to establish minor clubs' in
every precinct in Morrow county,. Bnd
membership in the co'unty club does
not preclude membership in onepreoinot
club. Considerable enthusiasm , was
shown at the Wednesday gathering, and
ere another week numerous precinct
olubs will be in existence in the oounty.
1'be republicans organize at Liberty
school house next Saturday night.
An Accident. S. Waldman, repre
senting Neustadter Bros., of Portland,
was in the city over Tuesday night.
S. Waldman is a brother of their rep
resentative of Several years past, E.
Waldman, who has many acquaintances
here. From Mr. Waldman we learn that
bis brother is now a cripple down at 'Fris
oo having dislooated his ankle by slipping
off a step while coming d.iwp stairs.
He met with this accident about the
middle of January,, but as yet is unable
to get around without the assistance of
crutches. We are sorry to learn of this
acoident to Mr. Waldman, and hope
that he may soon be able to be on duty
Teacheks' Examination. Teaohers'
examination is now in progress at the
recorder's office under the supervision
of Supt. Saling. The following are the
applicants: MiBses Edith Wilmot,
Olive Logan,. Jennie Kincaid and
Martha Neville, Mrs. N. P. Deoegan and
Messrs. S. W. Hinton, John Hornor,
Soencer Akers, W. P. Snyder and T. E.
Miller. The examination will close tnis
Well Said. There is more joy in
this offioe over one sinner who psys in
advanoe and abases the editor on
every occasion, than over ninety and
nine who borrow the paper, and sing
its praise without contributing a cent
to keep it out of the poor-house. Bless
ed are the meek, for tbey shall inherit
the earth, and obtain material for fenc
ing it in, on time, and without security
Land Foe Sale.-480 acres over :n
Wilson prairie. A good stock rsnob an
will be sold cheap. Call at Gbze-.te
office for particulars and terms.
Saved Our Boy
A Clergyman's Statement
Constitutional Scrofula Entirely
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mats,:
" Otntlemen : Wishing te tell wluit Hood's Bar.
sspsrlll hn dons for us, X will s.iy that I rn
tfo vi had a beautiful boy born to us. When
Shout six months old Its touii a surs mouth,
tvsrytnlsfl thitt wis known niustml rrmMles
In slr:h eases was used, I had two doninc but
111 to M lieneAt. At the age of It mouths hi
brtathed his last. Thus we laid
Ouf Darling Child
In tiii grave, On Aug 4, ism, another' boy was
born unto usi At the agl! of two mouths lie be
came afflicted with the same disease, 1 believed
the boys trouble Was constitutional, aud not
common sore mouth; 1 procured a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and commenced to flv tt
regularly to both mother and baby, and occ
slonly washed his mouth with a syrup ot buck
brash root. Improvement began at once. W
have succeed In eradicating the scrofulous blood
from the system and tMlay we are blessed wltta
a nice, fat baby boy, eighteen months old. lis
Is th very
Picture of Health,
all Uf and full of mischief thanks to Hood's
Barsaparlua. I am a minister In the Methodist
Protestant church. 1 am here to back what I
say and I am in no way interested in any profit
ks the matter, except it affords me much pleas
art to recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla to all as
a safe, rare remedy. Even my wife, sites
taking Hood'i became healthy and fleshy and
has the bloom of girlhood again. We have used
only three bottles, but I keep It in the house."
Bsv. J. M. Patx, Brookllne Station, Missouri.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood'a
Hood's PIMs cure Constipation by restor
ing tlie peristaltic aotlon of the alimentary canal
Briahfs Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and alt Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
prepared by
Oil Manufacturing Co,, "ffitti?'
For sale by Sloonm-Johnston Drug. Oo.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Wheat and Wool-growers Invited to Make
Replies Thereto.
The committee of finances of the
United States senate has sent out a
number of oircular letters addressed to
merchants, agriculturists, manufacturers,
etc The following are the contents of
the letter addressed to agriculturists.
Headers ot this paper are invited to
make replies to tbe questions propound
ed therein :
commotek on finance,
Unitbd States Senate,
Washington. D. O. Dec, 20, 1893.
Mr Dear Sir: In former years when
tbe question ot the tariS was Uppermost
in the consideration of tbe people, circu
lar letters were addressed to merchants,
importers and others, making inquiries
as to the oharaoter aud amount of their
basiness, prices and wages paid, rates of
import duties, etc This was notably
tbe oase in 1845, under tbe direction of
Secretary Walker; in 1882, through the
tariff commission; and in lo, nnder
the direction of Secretary Manning.
Tbe replies to such interrogatories
furnish valuable statistics and other
data and materially aid in legislating
upon the subject of customs duties.
With a view to seouring suah informa
tion, the committee on nuance submit
to you the following questions, which
they trust you will formulate replies
to, adding such general or speoial mat
ter as yon may be possessed of, and
whioh, in your judgment, will be ot
value to the committee:
1. What is tbe character of your
product? t
2. Do similiar foreign produots com
pete with yours?
3. What would be the effect upon
your product ot a reduction of duty on
imports ot all kinds?
4. Have the wages which you pay
for labor increased or decreased within
tbe past two years?
5. To wbat extent does your state
export agricultural produots?
6. What competition doei such exports
meet abroad?
7. To wbat extent, in your opinion,
are tbe prices and produot of your
products affected by tbe manufacturing
industries ot your state?
8. Have your living expenses in
creased or decreased during tbe past
four yearB?
9. Please give your views on the prop
osition to restore suear to the dutiable
10. Do tbe present duties benefit, in
any respect, people engaged in - growing
agricultural products and staples; and,
if not, how can they be so modified as to
prodaoe this result?
11. ' State, generally, anything which
you believe would be useful to the oom
mitteelu preparing tariff legislation
The oommittee are desirous that your
reply shall give a full expression of your
trews, and not be restricted to merely
answering tbe question categorically.
At the same time it is desired that your
answers shall be. oonflned to your own
business and stated oonoisely.
Publicity will not be given to names
or publication of businecs if on so
Very respectfully, ,
I. W. Yorheek, Chairman.
Address all oommnninifions to Hun.
IJ. W. Vonrhpps, Chairmn Finance
Committee, U. H. SeLMte, Washington,
V. c.
We want it for a moment to inform you that
the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri
ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having
been largely increased
ly part of the year. For spot cash, .we will
give you bargains.
OP )The young how to choose the best one to marryjflN TW O
fJOURSEiThe married how to be harmv in marriaee ; ( DAYS
)The fond parent how to have prize babies j ( OMi
)The mother how t have them without pain ; (AGENT
)The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD
)T he curious how they
WHAT )The health how to enjoy life and keep well : (AND HE
EVERY )Tho invalid how to get well again speedily; ( fcAY E,D
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1 ,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (T.N ONE
TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's" Plain Home Talk, ' ' YEAR.
KNOW. )'1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 1 ,00,000
READ ) Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars free. " ' t COPIES
P. H. T. )Murray Hill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St., Nc- Vc:'1 ' SOLD.
Otis Patterson
A recent New York dispatch reads :
"James C. H . a line looking and
apparently healthy man, was observed to
stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this
afternoon, and after taking one or two un
certain Bteps fell to tile sidewalk. When
picked up he was dead. A physician ex
amined the body, and pronounced heartdiseam
the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature
of the case is that Mr. H was on his
way to Maine, to settle m the home of his
boyhood. He had passed the previous ten
years in the western mining country, and had
amassed a fortune. If YOU haveany of the
symptoms given in the followingtestimonials
you should lose no time in seeking relief.
f rom jolin u. itooerts, eiatmgton, ra.:
"I have suffered with palpilalion, irregular
pulse, fainting and mothering spells, pain in
ihouldert, side, and arms for over forty years.
For twelve years have been treated without
avail by prominent physicians in xay neigh
borhood and, in New York. Growing con
stantly worse, smothering spells followed one
another, so my me was oiten in dinger ana
I needed constant care. Asmyson had been
cured by Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, he sent
me three bottles. The first dose gave me
instant relief. Before using the last bottle
I was completely cured. Although seventy
five years old I feel twenty years younger.
I claim my cure to be almost a miracle."
Here is a letter from Mrs. John Kolges,
of Cleveland, O. ! "I had been troubled with
my heart and stomach for years, but for six
teen months had been confined to my bed.
I had four of the best doctors in the city, but
none of them could benefit the weakness of my
heart. I also had dropsy and rheumatism.
I never took medicine that relieved me at
once as Dr. M'des New Heart Cure does. I
am much stronger. My appetite Is splendid.
I earn strength with every .dose. 1 nave
gained more In six weeks from your treat
ment than in sixteen months from all the
. "Dr. Mileif New Cure for the Heart Is sold
on a positive guarantee by all druggists.
It is safe, effective, aqreeiible, and does mire."
Or. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud.
For sale by T W. Ayers, jr.
Rip's Wood Yakd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your reeidenoe, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three timed, $1.00.
lard near the depot, tieave orders at
Sloan Howard's, 4 tf.
Simmons Liver Regulator is only
family medicine. Itev. J. M. Rollins,
Fairfield, Vs.
Why do yon endure the agony of
dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regulator
will always onre you.
Tf vnn havA nvnr.mHnlapfl in Ant
ing or drinking take a dose of Simmons
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to bis
tailoring business, he has added a fine i
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosierv, etc. Also has on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or.
fc. Bisbee.
uSarxKTEii, on.
with new goods the ear
Geo. Conser,
"growed" ana came to De ;(
Plenty, of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
Don't Lose
Heart, -j
tlllw ytfiir, and Iimk4i u for lost lima i
fcrry'H.seert Annual rorlHiH wius
give you many valuable hints a
unout wnac to raiH ana now to i
raIHe tt. ItconluinHlnforma-i
. lion lobehjul from no other
. source. Free to all.
lD.M. Ferry k Co..
petrol t,
Salary anfluipuiiBt'B paid weekly tram Htart.
PerruanisntpoBltion. Lnulusivo territory
Exuorleauu unnuccBBury. Peculiar
udvaptages tobeginnerfl. Llboral
oommlBbion to local part-
time agents. LargcBt
growers ot clean,
hardy, reliable
lawn and garden.
Wo want you now, whllrf
the fruit industry Is lo
imoortant. Good chance forll
fT...,i free. 11UOWN DUOS. CO., nur-
.dvnnftBiaenL uuim aniiimi pur-
.crvmen. Portland, Ore. rThlshoUBeU
reliable. Name this paper. Ed.)
The Studebnker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Qilliam A Jiisheo's. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson Si Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
The Keelcy Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco lmbit. See ad.
The Palace is the lending hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
ol light are provided for everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stnir cheap, go to tbe Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Ruhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up
your watch or clock, fie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business' a
M. Licbteuthal & Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer uottou and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention, a
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the control and management
of The McFarland Mercantile Compnnv,
which continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Shoemakbh. Ed. Rirbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham-sicr-
tiiiilding, on May street, where be
is prepared to do everything in his line.
Mi iiirbeck is strictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Qive him a
oall Uwtf
Simmons Liver Regulator is a medi
jcine endorsed and used by physicians
and drnguists.
i 1.
- 8.
3Sm'' ' Ccnr,(cos t"e(niii)t fEiiiifd tie cenn-'.wfe'fesV.f--tiy
Not only onoe, but again and again. Tbey know that from os they always get
full weight Bnd good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best Is ex
plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns frienda,
and so establishes oar trade. We want you to baye some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and seo us, everybody-
Why .Buy
When yon can
Etc, at the
Ind at a lower prioe than 'sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build
ing np your city. Look to vour interests and assist those who assist you.
1 aw SHAW & M'CAETT, Props.
The :tty Institute
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full Hue ot
A full line of choice Pies, Cakes
usually kept in a first-class bakery store.
try them.
Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when negleoted in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
you BUFFER U1HTUEHB after entluif, TAKE nlrMlsO I ADULLO,
Ripans Tabules act gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, stomach and intes
tines; cleanse the system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One Tabulb taken at the first 'ndioation of indigestion,
biliousness, distress Bfter eating or depression of spirits will surely and quiokly
remove tbe whole diffloulty.
Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe.
If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Quick lo Act aud Save many a Doctor's Bill.
Baia.pl X"r on supplication, to tli XSlpajaja Clieroieal Co., aT-i
TTorJc City.
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to the West wareroom of the Mc
Farland Mercantile Oo.'s establishment. He still has a complete line whioh
will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 BW
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT oo o o-t n
Ct ;) I ml Clin I ttil in Een hi r.
Irnildirg ind f(i Ilicliit limits
i'fpt fc n n i daiii i s fri 11 e liMelir
JIBS. M. TON CAEOW. Pioprietress.
& CO..
Heppner, Oregon,
of Peddlers?
get the ohoioest
Liberty Market.
For the Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It 1b located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gazbttr office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
i i n i
nes ana irons
and Bread ; in fact everything that ia
Thsy will sell oheap foi cash. Call aud