Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 13, 1894, Image 4

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l lJ
Alu'ubt all pijls and, modlclno produco ctnstiputlon. bore Is a pt'.l tut:t cures torpid
lrver, biliousness, rheumatism, Imitation, sick headache and kldut-y and liver
triubloa without srpilnx or leaving any tr-co of CONSTIPATION, which
la therrlmocnusoof all r.lckncss, Vwarouf It fulling habitual and chronic with you.
seo to It in tl.m : those pills will euro y,;u.
B 1 TWfc. f
clear tlio ekln and remove all blotches
self. 25 Cents a box.
J Or scut by mail upon receiptor price by
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
t'enllas Mortifying pills cure constipation
a a, I Premiss I'.fctifying puis ere emiHllimllon
WWW Ilia i IVlte
3 is Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for
POCKET KN1VEIS 2:!,100 00
PICKS 67,750 00
t 1 H.fiCIO LARGE PICTURES (Hx2H Indies,
lio advertising on Uiuin
The above nrtleles will be dtKtrlbuleil, I.y
iir vii riuy i ouiioeti, uini return to us me ills I AUK ttiacn lllercirom.
We will distribute U2Unf these prizes In tills county ns follows:
" n TIIK PARTY send in'' us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD
TAGS from IhiH county we will give
To Ihe FIVE PARTIES sending us the next
SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give tocacu,
To the TWENTY I UTI US sending; lis tho
"J . v'vn' 1J,,' W' iA we wi. give
To the ONF, III'NIIRED PARTI US sending us the next grentcst
number of sl'c.AU II HAD TAGS, we will give to each 1
To Ihe ON K lir.NDUEI) PARTIES sending us the next greatest
nuin nf SPFAlt HFAD TAGS, we will give to each 1
1'oltil Number or Prize for (IiIm County, 230.
CAPTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1R!)I, nor after February 1st.
IBM. Lueli packaso eoiitainiug lugs must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town,
i ouniy. Male, una number or 'lags lu each
READ. -SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than any other
plug toliaceo produced. II Is (lie sweetest, t lie toughest, the richest. NI'lvAlt II t:.l Is
absolutely, po-lllvoly and .lislliioli vely dillercnt lu Ihivor from nny oilier plug tobacco.
A I rial will convince tho most skeptical of I his fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar
shape and style on enrlli, which proves iliat it has caught the popular taste and plenties tho
people. 'Iry It, and participate In I lie content for prizes. Seo that a TIN TAG is on every
. v... H.v..v ... .-, ,...v uii.u' .vim Muy. cruu iu me lugs, no matter now small lue
titinutlty. 'ery sincerely,
THE P. J. SORQ COMPANY, Midiiletown, Ohio,
A list nf Ihe people nblaiiilng these prizes In this county will bo published la thli
pnpor immediately ufter February 1st, lsiii.
r. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over. In the late war,
are entitled, il now parciullyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstance.
VI I IKIH hoi such soldiers and sailors are eutil led (if not remarried (whether soldier's death
wnii hue iu in my service or not, n now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death WMdue to service.
I Illl.DKl N nreentilled (it under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there was no
n. .......... ...... nun Diuii- men in reiimrrieii.
PARKNTS are entitled if soldier left, neither -widow nor child, provided soldier died In
eryloe, or fmmi-fteelsof service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup.
port, it makes no diuercuce whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular rmv or
navv. '
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for lileher rate under other
laws, nithout losing any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from Jatojio per month under the old lav-ure entitled to
higher rate under now law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also lor others, whether duo to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in lineol duty In regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or hot.
Survivors, and their widows, ol the Ulnck Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor-
" i oi io is4M, are eniitioo muter 9 recent act.
Mexican War soldiers aud theii widows ulsoentltlod, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
or dependent. ' '
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether peusion has been granted under
later laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection Improper or illegal
Lertliicates ol service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late
nave lost their original papers.
oeuu tor taws aua inioruiation. Nocharge for
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Medieval MilitVU'
I Tho invest itmv of n clV'
the riiiili of liishop in
t'tl by sumo ciirioiis .. u r-i j
eval iinitnery. Wlii'ii (I:,-,.
tt'fliorouti'h nas i us In i n,-,
nipped hie paMnrul t.tair ,..
f tho t'lidivli uii,l u iiveil ,i
"rymnn with
:, "! is Mttonil-
of liu-ili-li.
'I' "f I'e
v'iU.v ho
, 1 e iloor
: i fot
ptnini.su OI I'Xl'IS'isill.r- .
from 1 1 io interior. , ,
toreil the Kiirml i-dilico ho
by it fliapliiiii lioiii-iinr .,
murelusl up tl. Imui.l "i,is
III evi l -"IS
.viti'll I '
" us pr.l '''I
erotvnl "1
to ,,-, ,,l '1
aji iintiqne cape of ,v,i.. '
atj-lv ,i,i . .
netKl lio wiiro m.Ii r .. . ..
,. ., . ' " " lino Ka
.r.,-.i nun iv,i (i-imniino
In southern C;.
are ti post, mul n,;
'aeli LaliMt.
liloniiit j:,.,.), vubliits
"i.v l: us linvi- lieen
llloir I,-:, -ii...,. 'i',
triod lo lvilttc
..o.-M hClionio is lop poi.in;; II,,,,,,
KUiW.stclliv a eitizou !' I i , , f, -,!. IR.
out n Wiiteruicloii in two ami sijrinUle
xtrj-flmine ovor it, fion swooll,,.., a
knife ovor the sprinkle.! surfaee. Thit
taiulH to semi the poison tlirotifrl, the
ruit, nn.l the rabbit pnrLtlvin-of an.
Part of the fruit will surely die II?
"no year.
ly to paper
....... .,,K ,i incii'ii ,i. Koaut iinjf tlm
.nie;h 1
"CIU (11 l!l;l,,
l. .. ...
'ailnrinff bui
I' itise a road
rail, which
niu I'llliliil will 1
: ...
'W the
suppiu.,1 with poisoned luelou. wU
result in death to all that out.
some elegant'
r '-. a
because it Is the only wife and nannies
remedy tUnt will surely DEAUTIFY the
Irom the fnoo.
Try a box and see for your-
l'rJiilias Ku
Prentiss lit
: t i ry in tr pills euro constipation
tyiiii,' pi lis cure constipation
IN ELEVEN COLORS. for friiiiilnir
2K.K75 00
$173,250 00
ronnllex. among parties who chow Kl'EAIt
greatest number of
next greatest number
to cacu i rocKEX
.ill roC'KET KNIVES.
puckuge. All charges on packages must be
Managing Attorney,
i tale war who
advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
Every patriotic citizen should give hi9
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation uf his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the homo
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the Amkrican Economist,
published by the American Protective
s 'ariff League ? One of its correspon
nts says : "No true American can
! along without it. 1 consider it tho
,-atest and truest political teacher in
United States,"
g 'd postal card request for free
copy. Address ilbur r .YS ake
Mieral Secretary, 135 West 23d
$2 50 ami get the Gazette for
Nice family paper, au.l bnl
niaiok'. In adililion to bis
siuess. he has added a fine
wear of all kind, tiek'lik'ee
v. etc. Also bos on nan.)
of nuilei
pattern for suits. A.
May street, Eeppner, Or.
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but who declines to Rive his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old. my mamma died
ol consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, ami all our neighbor
thotiKlit that even If I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and
it gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. 1 had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa-
i!u.!,&a?ii:Ke" auu sttoug- -
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Man.
Cures others, will cure you
mi: i-i:i:ss . i.idis (o'li'iM,
!0HN WEDDeRBURN, - Managinq Attorney,
P. o. Hex -loa. WASIIl.NfcTl'S.O. u.
A.h;. f , sold ,.,. iinil bailors dlsalil,-,! in tl,c lint'of
Jury in the rimilur Anayor Vaw nlnrrtlic war.
:Mirvivr.r, ,t. Iniil,,,, wars nf lH.'r' to 1HJ, mik)
ttlHr v, i.imv.-, now i iitlilcl, 0!,i,.n, re:e.-t..l -IuIum
a .e.!-'-l:,ln-. 'i'lunidnn.lrt entitled io i!:'i.. s
Sen, fr ,, hiws. No charge fur aiivlc, .
'llltl! Sfleeertrful.
Made la all styles and sizes. Lightest, ;
I strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest,
I most accurate, most compact, and most I
I modera, For salo by all deulers iu arms.
Catalogties mailed free by
The Marlin Era Arms Co.,
New Haven, Conn., TJ. S. A.
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights.
And all Pateat baslDeas conducted ftr
laformittioa and advice, given to Inventors without
Charge. Address
Managing Attorney,
O. Box 4(S3. Washihgton, D. U
dfThla Company Is mfinaped by a combination ot
lie larcut imil most Influential newspivnera Id the
t'nltcd SliitPH, for tin. exprfisa putpoee of protect
Iittf thlr HiilNialbr auuluat uuseriipuloua
tiiHl int-'onipott'iit' I'uit'Ut Agents, und each paper
prim iiiK this uivertist'iinmt vouches for the responsi
bility uml uiKh HtauUitiu of tli Prcaa C '.aline Company.
Ore ox
a WiendAo
Ke cause a
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands of your acquain
tances ?
If you are, you should be identified
the american
Protective tariff league,
135 w. 23d St., new York.
Cut this notice out and send it to the League,
taling your position, and give a helping hand.
How an Iiii.ri,.n. ;l Travel t Wa Saved
from n Lion.
An agent for a Hamburg firm that
deals in wild niuiunls was riding on the
bank of a Transvaal stream, says
Golden Days, when his horse suddenly
reared and threw him, und then ran
away. The man picked himself up,
only slightly bruised, nud was calling
to the lleein.r horse, when n moastai
lion rose up from behind a bush. The
agent's rifle had been strapped to the
saddle and his revolvers were in the
holsters on the horse's back, so there
was nothing to do but run. Luckily i
there was an opening in the rocks close
by and iu this he squeezed himself.'
The hole was irregular and ran back
nearly eight feet, but was too narrow
for the lion to enter, and he could not
reach the intended victim with his
vim i i i i j
paws. ben he found the man beyond
his reach, he grew furious and growled
and bit at the .wks. The agent at first
rather enjoved the situation, feeling
v- J ,
that his fortivss was secure,
taunted tho lion by shouting and kiok-
ine at him. Tho oui.in was onlv div
,vas only But
u.u0..im...., ..Mi.,-. ,.. soon oe
made for him, ami the Hon would lie
:i .ii.. .. i.
i '
tiki soon be
down presently fur il niip, so the man
argued; but the lion had other views.
Hour after hour passed, no help came,
and the lion did sl.vp, but right in front
OI the OtK'lll!!. 1 1
in'.. nt ,.,,,,.,...1 1
his thirst hv licliin r the damp rocka, but
was tori'
' , . , r
pened that way. and m two minutes
territie battle was iu iirnjrress. The
ogient listened to me soun.is of combat
uutil they finally ceused, and then care- '
fully came out and made a Ive-line fbr !
the camp. Next day botii lions were
found dead a few rods from the rocks.
so y um
ibly cramped aud now quit. ' nius , wno w, very
Hut deliverance came in au l . . D ...n" r',nM 'he follow.
t.vl form. A.,.l,..r li.m Knew . "T" W It that
GREAT Ar,'5iNia
I Australian Women Sae.ill.e Ileatih and
1 Hair on the Altar of (l.ioil Completion,
j The majority of the female beauties
of Sidney, according; to an English ob
server, hnve peculiarly delicate com
I ploxions, luntruid expressions, fragile
I physique and a die-away look In tho
' eyes, which are more suited to the en
ervated temperment of an old civiliza
; tion than the active vitality of a new
world. It was easy even for a novice
to detect that these ladies owed a good
' deal to their perruquier. The mystery
of this curious corr.1 -jation of pre
mature baldness and unusual delicacy
of complexion was explained by the
fact that these women ate arsenic in
order to produce the aristocratic pal
lor and languor, and found to their
horror that another effect of the drug
was to make the hair drop out. Valu
ing their complexion above their hair,
however, they sacrificed the one to the
other. What a woman will endure for
her complexion may be estimated by
this and also by the fact that these
arsenic eaters rarely live past forty-
five. There is no pleasure, moreover,
in the consumption of the poisonous
drug. The arsenic is made tip into
dainty looking caramels, which fash
ionable dames will produce from pre
cious little bonbonnieres and suck
quite openly, just as the American girl
chews gum or the English girl choco
late. The arsenic question, English
men say, was becoming quite a burn
ing one in the antipodes. When a man
married a young looking, lovely crea
ture, adorned with luxurious ringlets,
he was disgusted to find after the cere
mony that she was really a semibald,
prematurely enervated woman, who
was shortening her life to please her
own vanity and was incapable of ful
filling the duties of a mother to debili
tated children which she brought into
the world. Moreover, the suffering
which she would go through in any at
tempt to overcome this pernicious habit
was quite enough to make her break
dow.11, if, indeed, she could be per
suaded to bear it at all.
It W Good for All Ovraftlons and Need
In the "Memoir of Henry t'ompton,"
published in London some years ago,
there is an amusing story which has an
obvious lesson. Jlr. Watlington was a
man from his birth of an even temper
and an easy disposition. He went
through life with the greatest indiffer
ence as to its cares and its troubles.
One phrase he used on all occasions:
"It may be so, but then again it mav
On paying him a visit one day. says
the writer, I asked hiin if he thought
it would be fine. "Why," replied he,
"it may rain, but then again it may
Weeing him reading: "Daniels' Field
Sports." I inquired if he ever went on
a hunting excursion.
"Why, yes," said he, "I did go once
on a bit of a jaunt of the sort, but 1
made a sorry set out of it. I borrowed
a gig of a friend, and started for a
day's pleasure, as I thought; but the
horse was a stranger to me, and so,
not having received a regular intro
duction to him, as soon as the chase
begun, off he set at full speed, with
me inside the gig.
"1 began to be alarmed. Thinks I,
'There's danger here; 1 may go a little
farther without being turned over, but
then again I may not,' Well, away he
tore, over furrow and field, leaping
every ditch and bank that came in his
way. 1'resently I saw we were Hear
ing a horse-pond, and J began to say
to myself: -I may get past this pond
without being dropped in the middle
of it, but then again I may not.'
"However, after running a tremen
dous risk, I escapetl a broken neck that
time, and after getting pretty safely
through the remaining part of the
chase, says I to myself, says I: 'Well, I
may be tempted to goa-hunting again,
but then again,. I may not!'"
The Tragic End of n Peculiar Ghost Phe
nomenon. Innumerable experiences prove that
all "ghost stories" have a rational ex
planation, and that some natural cause
can be found for any seemingly super
natural xccurrenee. .Sometimes it re
quires great coolness and self-possession
to remember this, but the effort to
do so is worth making, for it may save
life or reason. A striking illustration
of this was the tragic experience of a
Dutch painter, named Penteman, who
lived in the eighteenth century.
Penteman had a commission which
required the portrayal of skeletons,
death's-heads and other objects in
tended to inspire contempt for the
frivolties and vanities of the time.
In order to have models before him
he painted his picture in an anatomic
al museum. One day he had been
sketching the ghastly objects which
surrounded him, when he fell asleep.
Suddenly he was awakened by an
extraordinary noise. He was horrified
" see an me iiearn s-neads nodding
and grimacing, and the skeletons danc-
ing about, and waving their fleshless
arms madly in the air.
l'enteman fled from the frightful
scene, and escaped into the street. He
was pieneil up unconscious and half
"elul wltu "Hfht.
soon as lie was rational, it was
explained to him that there had been
au 'earthquake, and that that had
causcli the commotion among the an-
atomical specimens, but the shock had
been to severe, he died in a few days.
.... .
A Uenlal Hint.
,, - , ,
,lhe J'Pfu clergyman of wuatry
r tea wun an
spinster, whose, attentions to
h,w motherly sort in all
Pt those of her still older
coachman and general factotum. To
, . . : . . B ""-i""u. jo
h h'8 m,"trcss COultl1 "evctr fT' "W'
7 h T ,OT y
? S "f" he rt of
the occasion from the villatre he snd-
uoniy mentioni-ci ins nostess name.
. . .... -
t " V,c '.v, ne
Ir", hi
ntmnmm,. "i .. rtaan i,..i.:i
uou't yolt an' her hitch un?"
-m - '
Wh Wl the Scoun.lrel f
Banker Rosenthal directed his book
keeper to addre a sharp letter to Baron
y., who Jiad promised several times to nar
what heowedand had as oftea neeloete.i in
.uu ' '":u VL"' 1,lw:r was wruten it did
prornweaio payupon taeurstof Januarvl
Vou, my dear baroni von are the man. Who
was it that proiftised then to settle on the
nrstoi aiarctif Ycm, uiy floar baron. Who
,v"8 that didn't seiile on the first ol
Malvhi Von,-mj deaf baron. Who li
it. then, who has-broken hi word twict
nid is a unmitiirated scoundrell Yoni
obedient servant, Moses Rosenthal
Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Btfltttr,
of the nenennal remits he has reoelved from
a regular use of Ayr' Pills. He says: " 1
was feeling slrk and tired and my stomach
seemed all out ot order. I tried a number
of remedies, but none seemed to give me
relief until I was induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer' Pills. I have taken only one
box. hiit I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so llnely sugar
coated that even a child will take them. I
urge upon all who are in need ot a laxative
to try Ayer's rills. They will do good."
For all diseases or the Stomach, Liver,
and Bowels, take
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Hui.
Every Dose Effective
convince the
skentic and coint the
way which if followed leads to
Him been nut tjti.lna
proprietary form since
1878. and has been'i&Med
forveiirs nrlorto that time
In prlvnte practice. It ia no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a Ronutne Bpocltlo for
a very prevalent dlneasu. Thousands of nisn.of
nil awes, have at sume time in me brouKUt on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vlc'ous
habits, and it Is to theie that we offer a remedy
that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the putlent to
vigorous health and strength.
Ourmothodof Introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment Is one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their Judgment of its value. Weasic of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal curd and a two cent postage stnmp. The
Postal card to be used In sending us their full ad
dress and the postage Btamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be flllM
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
n so in returnincr It when filled.
t,f When we receive tne state
4 f"0 ment on bhink we pre pure
JL eight days' treatment and for-
ward it. by mail and prepay
WOTlY noatarrn thamon anrl nlnnir
PJfr if nrv wlt lhe eight days' treatment
XfttliAb we send full directions for
using. The treatment In no way interferes with
person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the PaBtllles,
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; l&for
two months; 17 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
PaBttlleabymall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have noernted onr
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
weaBK&ii persons needing treatment ror any
of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROF. HA KRIS' SOI.
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
WBeekmui St., HEW YORK CITY, K. Y.
C j nOO worth of lovely Music (or Forty -
1 Jj I U Centl, consisting of 100 pares
,T . u , JM she Sheet Music of the-i
j- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular J
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,-
gotten up In tho most elegant manner, in- 3
5 eluding four large size Portraits.
T CAHMEN0ITA, the Spanish Dancer. 3
S PADEHCWSKI, the Great Pianist. -S
Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. 13
..LJYYS 55UABLE "" PrfMtly SAFE. Tr-r
united States, fn tha ?LD DOCTORS vrlvate mall
Practice, (or 38 year., and not ilSJlfbS V.'"
,on?T. """""I not as reiroaenteo. ud
Oonta I stamps) lor sealed partloulari.
BJ. WAID IHSIHUTI, 120 H. Hist. St., St. LjsIi. V.
eSTenrs' Experience In treating all varl
tlosotHuptuieenalile us to guarantee a
positive cure. Question Blank and Bool
tree. Call or write.
pi Pine Street. . . 81. LOUIS, MO
i.l ,, I'r harmlei. and ilricMr (,!
iubstautial Rewards for Those Whose
. ; Answers are Correct
,,., in, ...i cnimnal On mak njr a reouest tn h.
I tr, .e the uri,orteV Th. . :, :L" "." l"'1-
iMer, I,.,, Ie,bul j ,
i , , j ,a, i,er s son. '
lie n at once taken to the prisoner. Haw what ra,
ilmu was ihe i.risoner to the visitor!
S'flBS'l.?'Jjt Pnb"iroinpMiT will gtn fa, ,
wer- L ,i,fh' """"I ",!"ii,"r ,he correct an!
i'r. to the second; 3rd, 2S0: 4,h. tloo-
,,';;"i,",,'rl0-'X? 01h'r cVn'siii'ci0".;,
e" tlianionii nncs, etc sa, suvei
. ven a hiKn-ronnl mano. to Uie next to the Imi a beauLI
ul orpia. and iblui.l S.0UH .in " "Vr """"
f ilr,rwir.. c. " 'imam cm
'i i.r..-n) All mm mnrt
nn i hartre .hmcmr tr. ntu. .1
.7. K-i "r.a V!l,II, AOR!CULT17HI8T-tWC
in7. -V, rrirxiicaii of tb da I
i.rixaas-i :n L l 10? QM, IS
n .Jlr.cir.nl.uon. (41 The lm correct answeT recar.5
. i ,l.;rs ..oSin,arktaken In all case. a. date ol
to give every one an eonal r.. . " ?..!Tft"!t
I'. ;.",",h -"'I'l. ""I secure U,. I Z J
o,l, Ih- nnt pioe. end so on '
i , r. .-oi:it'l I
no .P9. sse
t in
l.-enU to, printed UHrtL'ZJ
i, r
The Wlowin, wcll.know, v.
r-,: l."" ' ;. "hTpn
Jl LTl KlaT Pi
- . . Mavaas, -i0.
ma urn im
B WSIiallbsdroosr5sacl,itranniarr.lMl
curl.",', lirrvoul ex. iisiiis . ,
uoiiSlursidlKastsu loll msu hood, despondrncj, USUI
vlora rry.w.nlnssoltho orits.s, eerisinlv and
sphl'V cured liy tc scd r. 7 melh..d . Cure. P'""
,Tiaiaii'ed. U,iesl.on B ank and Uookrres. tsllorwrlla,
120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, M0.
DR.DODDS Curejoj
Kverv owner of a boras should keep
Lunhaud. It mav save me uiu oia
valuable animal. Ou. packs. will
cure eight to ten esses. rnc IIOO.
Beul hy mail o express. Our Ao.
count llok. w Id cnnl. in. hiou, te
stable kccpcri, mail d tres
The Old Reliable
Kstalllshtd:yar9. Trentsmnloor.ftin ne,
married or slnile. In cases of expo,
abuses, excesses or linnroprlotles. ShihL
OUARANTKKI). Bonr.1 ami onurtinent
furnished when desired, guestlou Illanlc
aud Boon free. Call or write.
iiic 'eiifti iiTHCtu t', Trt atmeot c
Tha worst forms poil.
ly cired 3S jetr
ic 'eiifti iiTHCtu't', l n atmeoi connutmiiai. cum
hv mail or it offli-e. Trmilnw. QurBtinn llUnt aw
.Uookftt. CslUr writs. DR WAR') INSTITUTE.
120 N. 9th St..St.Louit,Mo
thi u0 ol
km It- yueition Itlank nml HouK free. Lftll
writs sMit. XI. . 1 i ia,
C k UirCV ANY 1.ADY, employed or unemployed,
vlj M IfCCIl. csn ,-skollilsfrr a few hours wurk esi'h
day. Pslaiyprcommi.sion. 10 pamplea tres Addrr.1
H. BLNJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.
leANYLAPYcan (teta valuablosecretthatl
uost me Sj.ou, una a ruauer smeia ior ai uaws.-a. i
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
An eleptro-Rn Ivan io bntfery i
do j ica lulu muuiL'uicu.
Bolts, ftusponrsorip", ftpl
'-.'itflJ1 11.,....,., rn..u
mza i "V'":f "
Care ItheiimatUin, Liver and KMnew
Complaints, lyapftaia, Errors of Ymith,
Lost Mnnhontl, Morvo.ianeaH, Mex.nil tVei.k
neas, and nUTronlilfS in Mule or i eirtnln.
rjiiestiou Blauk aud Jluok free. Call or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
W3 Fine Street, SI. LOUIS, MO.
Foot-Prints nil tlic 1'ulll tti Ilcitllll.
Everyime needing a doctor's advice
should read one (if Dr. Futile' dime
pamphletH on "Old Eyes," "Croup,"
,'Rnpture," "I'liitnosin," "Varicocele,"
Disease of men, Disease of Wnnieu, und
learn Hi" het means of sel -euis. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 liast 2Hth tit.. New
While you keopymir milmcripti'in paid up yei,
oankeep your bran Jin freutif charKe.
AUyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses Gtr on left
shoulder; cattle name on left hip, umior bit tut
riwht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row cuunty.
Armstrong J. C Alpine, Or. T with bar tin
der n on left shoulder of horses; cuttle name
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Milo. Or. Cuttle brand
0 D on left hip and horses same braurl on riizlit
shoulder. Kautte, Kight Mile,
Adkins, J. J Heppner, Or. Horses, ,fA ooii
uscted on leltftank; cattle, sameon left hip.
llartholnmcw, A. ii., Alpine, Or. Horses
DrHuded 7 E on either shoulder. ltane in Mo -row
Blenkman, Geo., Hardman, Or, Horses, a finii
mdeft shoulder: cattle sniiie t,n right shoulder
nannieter, J. W., Ilanliiian, Or. Cattle brand
d B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Iiocsehorry Ores'oil Horses
branded PB on loft shoulder. Cuttle sume on
right side.
Hnrke, M 8t 0, Long Creek, Or-Oi, cattle,,
MAY connected ou left hip, ciop off left ear. imJ
dei half crop off riglit. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder, llange in lirunt and Murrow
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 1
on righl shoulder; cattle H on the left side
Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Hippner, Or. -Horses, J Bon
right thigh, cattle, same on right hip; split in
Hk1"!"4 Ibb' L?xillton. Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range Mor
row county. '
pr."i,w.nJ' C",HePP,. Or.-Horses, circle
?r.,tl,.n w" J"1 J" "" h'Pi Ct,lB' "
Brown, vt. j Lena, Oregon. Ilorses VV har
oyer It, on the led shoulder. Cattle same on left
in pi.
lloyer, w. CJ. Heppner, Or.-Horses, hoi
bra id or nghi lup cattle, Biime, with split i
Bow, i. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle. Bame on left hip.
; "J.,roi.t)r-Cattle. JH connected
on et side; crop. left ear and two splits and
hnr'I.d,ileoP'ef,eJ!? r Sr.' ."f j VH hor-. same
Grant oiuntyT r "it valley,
Hrlll'!r,'!!l'"rl'lrrf1i' W"B"r, Or.-Horses brand
rilh. r 'h. 1 mA: ,''a,"e (t,,r(, b) n
nsJ Z a,,d "Pi" n each ear. llunge in
tirantaud Morrow counties.
nifr (lobrrY " "n hs "nleft stifle
U will, quarter circle over t, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts trtw CS,
left siloultler on v ,.n u 1 I . . pib, on
range in Grant oonntv
, r . .... ui, ,,, .m over b years, a
. Iiira, vvm. li., Lei a. Or
Horses WHC con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same n righ"
kte "has M,'i,r'v;nf'ndUlnV'llB:'"ti"
i ate, l nas. it,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
HLonnirittod; cattle same on right hip
"edl Wm Wird Pmaim eounties. 'P-
shoulder; cattle same'on lef hip! waddles on
ZS On si 'p '-tote. 4 ' '!:
on shoulder. lia?ni Z wAs ata !J!m
SSMIui" riKht'i crop in
o,t!"..n'.'.er half crP in le't ear. All rani,,
in Grant conutv.
c.,p off left and splii in right.
ift .tiri. " tar"""lle, Or. -Horses. CO
left stifle
to Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Oaillo r-i.k
l in center: htre I'k' ....'i. C7; aule' c whh
Cochran, K. E Moiininent, Grant Co fir
Horses branded circle with ba. beneath
sbmlder: ciH nfl kV"' ?e -n,on lefi
under slope both ears and dewlap
Ctiapin, H.. Hartlniun iwu
, . --jxj uinuu uu
on both hipB, mark
non riht h i. r....t. f"."1'
oraeB branded
ninL..,. i ri. ' rr,D urautiea the same.
tineu fork or, let! ..iS. ?' uru A hre
DtmiTli... w u 7;.7..."? nil side.
rigl.s.de.swa low-fork'in-each eXrse" k'V!
un left hip.
Douvlas. I
Douglas, O. T., Douglas. ()r-H,. t
iu . igiii siine; cattle same on nghl liin
ed ELk rAMirS- "rand.
hip. hole ir right ear. ' ""uue
p. hole ir right eer " " "u
right'shllr-' B'-i' Or. Diamond
Emeiy, c.B., Hardman. Or.-H
rWt cattle:
oil left. " 1D nn' aad crop
ear. lltu-ses, ,, b,H,,d on left hip '
shouderheUrJ' H' Or.-oJfk left
Urant. Crook and Morrow
UfMrv. K mar tfn i- tr
qraes brsnded H
n 1 1 miner circ n r.vos ;i- 1...
.,,,.ra umatillacounties
invrow nH nm. V.n- ac'Hft
Morr. and l;mlilla etiies'' ' blP'
on either hm: cron in r Jl , ' T'l. '."'0 b.:t
H"es, Jon right thigl " W .1 G !
Hh. H.mael. Wagner, Op1t T
t, i.. .
hit. .rd . , U.: :'J"U U'TSOS; On Cattle.
right ear and! it left: i ",wa'1"I fork in
district. Morrow wunrT m H"
Hale Milton, Wagner, Or.-llor, h
-f- eirole with parallel tails) on iTT.i n,Vl,l
Cattle same on left hip also large ii""''
side. ' ,rcl W left
Hall. Kilwln, John Day.Or. .,
hip; horses same on right shoulder . rll
(.runt county. ""r' ' "ngeii,
Howard, J L, t allowny, Or.-H,,,, T ,
with bar above It) on right ah lrt
mm on l, t side. Kauge K1!!;, Sf'U.
tiila counties. """"' aud tma.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. lln
heart on the left shoulder. Ivkjists M' lwdii
Hunsakor, B i , Wagner. 0i,.'!., ''
shoulder: cai tie. 9ouTefthin.'
"'" left
ilartllsty, Albert, Nye, Oreuon-H..
Ml. Oil Oft S lOU tier, T,T.
fou-norse, A u
riu,0 JJ'ia
Inn, orop off left ear, 00 ' left
Humphreys, J M. Bardmsn. Or.-Hor., H
Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horao.
on left shouldoi caltle.sBnieon righTVJne,u
Huston, l.utlmr, Eighi Mile ()" i ""
the left Blioiilderanti heart on the left itSf ?011
lie sameon left hip. liange in Morr. ' C,t-
Ivy Alfred. Long Creek, Or-T' Z f""y.
right hip, crop off leftearand bil in ri't V
same bnmd on left shoulder liaim
oonntv 0 Grant
Jones, Harry, Heppnr, Or Hoise. i. .
H J on the left shoulder: cattle Xn,ini?di
right hip, also underbit in left ,r T J "n
Morrow cunly. 1 "r' llaiitW u,
Juiikin, 8. HI.,' Heppner, Or -Horse, k
jho J on left shoulder. Cattle h""
Itange on Kight Milo. Ue' the "mi.
Johlistin, Felij, Lena, Or.-Horses i. ,
left stifle; cattle, sameon rightTo "'l'?0"
crop in right ami split in left r 1 ' ,"i"t M
Jniikins, D W.,Mk VemomUr 1 i.
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left h..hon?"
smtauli crops on both ears. iUngo in ?,.;
Hear valleys ",oin totsaxj
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hm, .
KNV or, left hi,, eUtle samea,ul"Z "W
rt nniler sloimon the right p 08 '
KirL J. T., Heppner, Or. Horaon at,
dmnlder; call le. rtfi on left hD. 9 m
Kirk. J (!, Heppnur. Or. Morses le ,
ltai,k:oattle 17 on right side. 7 n '"
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse, n
sjitiuider ; cattle same on .irft1
cattle on right soil left sides, swallow fork in 1 .1
w and under oiop iu right ear u ""'I
brand on left shoulder. Ha ge (r" 888
Lorten, Stephen, Fox, Ot.-ti I L.Z 1 ,'',,un'
tin cattle, crop and split on right i h,p
sume brand on left shonltler. ItarZ' i"61
countv. uitfs tltanl
n uiuuw.isuiu.nr . ... irionnt Vernon. Or -I i
Lienallen, John W., Lewi K., n.
branded half-oiiole JL connecto.) i .Z".
dor. Cattle, sain, oa left bin.
on lu., ..l i
Kange.near i
hip, watile overrent .ye. three
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. iln, s.
tloubie II coMiecl, SometlmeT e.teded
w,ng II. n left shoulder ctJlo('
Markliam. A. M.. Heppner, lr -Csitl. i
M on le l side both ears cropped, , '!
canyon1'" M 00 lo,t hiu- iCefe
Minor, Oscar, neppner Or rat., x
righthip; horse. M on leftshoulder! M D
Morgan H. N., Heppner, Or-Horssa a,
on I l.-f t shonld". oattle same on left h' M)
McCnmber. Jas A, Eoho, Or.-Horses' M im.
bar over on right shonltler. ""es, H with
Morgan. Thos.. Heppner Or , ,
rU, t!ru:h"h""Jd6r ieti ft'
icfarty. David H. Echo T'Z
DM coiinecti.,1, on the leftshoulder; cattle asm.
i'H hui will side. ' """SIM
MeGirr, Frank, Pot Valley Or-IMi..L
with toe-cork on cattle on rij, d"e
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
with half ;;rei...n.;.:.T.S'.vr- ,vn "
vicriHut) . ,., nauiiit,n,Or.-
four bars connetttetl n . X", s.ri!'S.!:il!t
ier:t,r, eotiie.
lliinge in Grant Countv. ' "
ueolotl o,, Ift shoulder; cattle 'same 7MhS
Norilylte, K Hilverlon. Or.-Horses circle iS
left thigh: caitle.sameoi, left h p" '6' "
Ohvm .InHHi.h rutit..t, i;.. -.1
on left hip: on horses, same ou loft thhT uf!'
in (Trant oomity
ihmrle, Ferry' L"'nKton' Ot.-V p on left
(Hp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On cattls O
LP connected on loft !,;. V.. SI1'".'
and wartle on nose. tang j,, Grant county
' ' KiKht Mile. (r.-Horse qr
ter circle shield on left shoulder snd M on left
hip. (la tls, fork in left ear. right cronnad ii
on i ion nip. itange on Eight Mile.
h fl"ho,ildor. 1'Brdmn'0-Horse.lPoli
Vifw'''" LMi",Or.- Hor-es brand
e E L E connected ii, oft al,.,iH... . .....r.
me on right hip. Itange, Morrow county.
i iper, J. H Lexington, Or. -Horses, JE con.
nocled oi left shoulder: cattle Ul, ki
untior bil in each ear. "
Petty, A. V., lone, Or.; horses diamond Pon
-- shoulder; cattle, J H J oouuectetl, on the
left Inn. nuoer sIoiia In att -li.. ... .L-
riglit. ,
Powell, John T., Dayvillo, Or-Horses, J p ooti.
nec ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK contiooteil on
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear
wattle under throat. Kai ge in Grant county.
nooti, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, sonar,
ores, with iiunrter-circleoventon left stifle.
Hemnger, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horsea, (J B on
Ilice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence, on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on
right shoulder. Itange near Hardman.
Itoyse, Aaron, Heppiier, Or Horses, plain V on
lelt shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop oft riglit ear. Hangs in Mor
row county.
Rush Bros.. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded 2
on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup,
crop ott left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
, .I'' W'U'a'n. Kntge, Or.-Hra-ses K ol
left shoulder; cattle, B on left hip, orop nil
right ear, underbit on loft ear. Hheop. ft on
weathers, round crop off righ our. Hunge Uma
tiliaHiid Morrowomntios.
Beaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or.-Horsei
orandMi A It on right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip,
Uange Morrow county.
Koyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HH oonnectetj
with iniarler circle i,vr .,, ,.n ...nunn k:
and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horse,
same brand on left shoulder. Itange in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
hector. J. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses. JC on
leftshoulder. Cattle, o n right hit,.
Spicki.all. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or.-Horse,
branded ai ou left shoulder; lauge in Morrow
Bailing. C 0 Heppnor, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
bwaggurt, li. If., Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dash under it on left Btille; cattle 11 with
uash under it on right hip, orop off riglit ear and
wat died on right luud leg. Rauga in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla obuiities.
Bwaggart. A. L.,Alheoa. Or. Horses brandw1 1
on lelt shoulder; cattlesame on left hip. Crop
lin ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J on lot, stiHe; cattle J S on left hip, swallow
fork in nghi ear, underbit in left.
bapp, I'bos., Heppiier, Or.-Horses, B A P on
left lup; oaltlt sameon left hip.
Miner, John, Eox, Or. NO oonneoted on
nurses on right hip: cattie, same ou right hip,
orup ti right ear and under bit in left ear. Bangs
in Grant county.
Bmith Bros., Busraville, Or, Horses, branded
on shoulder; cattls, ameonleft shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
,ji . 'heftlder; oattle die same, also nose
waddle, llatige in Morrow and Gilliam oounties.
.btephetiB. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HHon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, U
on right hi, ; swallow-fork in left ear,
Bwaggart G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on
left sliouitle, ; oattle, 44 on left hip.
Bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on
left up, crop off riglit and underbit in left year,
dewlap; liorses W U on left shoulder.
lliumpsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 on
left should, r; oattle. a on left shoulder,
shouldtr tnierprise.Or. Horses. U-on left
Turner It W., Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital X
lelt shonldei, horses; oattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
thornton, H. 41., lone, Or.-Horses branded
il I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
, rpuo1' ,H' T" i"8' Or;-Horses HV con.
jiected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
.y.?lhP')ael Wm" Heppner, Or. Horses, V. L.
on the left shpulder; catde same on right hip.
o' ,"ft loft vu nd "Sht ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q Balem or Heppner, Or.
HorsoB branded J9 on the left shoulder. Baugs
Morrow oootity.
narreu, w a, tialeb, Or-Cattle W with ouarter
circle over it, ou left side, Bplit io right ear,
Horses sum brand on left shoalder.. Kaugsiu
Grant oonntv.
.on slue, spill iu rigm ear,
I on left shoulder., Uaiigsiu
Wright, Silas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
D w on the right hiu. sauare oron ntt riht our
ght hip. square orop ott right oar
snd Bpht in,lef t,
n oue, nenry, uem
ade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horses bianded
f? Pi. on left shoulder and left hiu
uruil. . u , to11 ..'te "U ion Dip.
ah!..rff. 8'.' UePPnor. Or.-HorBes, on left
snonider- call e same
thr!l'l.'in'i' h' Juhn Ua Cit'i Or-On horse,
hit In itttlM ten oa left shoulder; 7 on sneep,
oimitiM. "' ib annt md Ma&aet
t,m'!'Td' f "h". Heppner, Or.-Horses, DP
otiniiected on left shoulder.
auie nruiiriuti Ban,an j, ,
r V "" WePPner, Or.-Horses branded
HE connecteu on left stiflo.
Hhi,lrt'r -.".o.boni, uuraw, on rigll.
shouloer. somr same on left, shoulder.
Horili i!" ?r?'A', nuniington, Baker Co.. Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
WllllAma ffu.n xt ..
clo nVo .k "auuiusi, or. quarter cir-
horse. It. renb8re on left hiP' O""1
uorees. Itange Grant conntr.
ter rou ' L?ng Or-Horse. qnar
nd rri ix,UIfthreeb,or,on le" hip; oattle sime
M alit in each ear. Range in Grant r,outy
on B"ouho'.'ci?.1rPn,,1' 0r--Hrses ninningA A
onBioulder: attie. same on right hiu.
Walkor- Pl,nl ,k . n
rni h-i 5 ,.r..r "araninn Or.-
'"I1"1"1 W connected) EW on left
side, horses same
right i
houlder. J. w-
un left .hono,:; -a";.""' ' no'
, is-er s catt
range 1 Morrow i.,mn