NOi'lLK TO AOVEltTlBKaS. 'iMlOrfK UesIriiiK t)i liifcertiou of display a-li., I or cimntft: ui name, must gut limit copy in nut later Umii Mouilay evtmmg fur Tueamy'i JiUuu, or iliuntUny eveulug iur fridaya oai- UOU. 1UM i'ATTKKMUM fUKLlBHlHli CO. NOTICE. L The sum of five cent per Hue will be Charged for "card of Uuuiki," "rwoluilum of reituoct," liti ol wedUlug pruneiiU and Uouora, uu obituary uotiuea, (oiuur tliau thuae the edit or Htiall tiiwell give an a matter of iiewu.) ami uotioeH ol Bpeciai uitwtiUKit lor whatever purpoae. . lioUuwit oi churcii and aoclety aud ail oilier utertaliiiiieuta iroiu wnicii revenue is to be de rived, ua.j oe uuargeu lor at tue rate of live eeuta a Uue. llieae rule will be itnuliy ad II ur ea UJ iu OVUSJ lUIWUUO. AdvortiHiUK rauw reasonable aud made known Upou appiicatlou. We bold each aud every correspondent re poiiHible for bis or her uoiuuiuuiuatiuu. No correspondence will be published unlets tne writer tt real name is feigned an an evlueuue ol good lailh. 7 P. FItiHEK, MSWHr-AFKB ADVKKTit. 1J lug Agent, 41 Merchants exchange. mu rawnioo, 1 our tuthoruea a eat. imi paper In aupi ou Ol in his ounju, TIME TABLE, Btsis (or Bsrdrasn, Menumsnt, lent Oreok, John usy una cuiytin cuy, uvm M lollewt i jtvoty die si . m,, txeopl ouniUy. A mvos every u? tt p. m., ucept .Hendnj, 'lh chtwpoat, quickest unci btit tins 10 or from the interior uouutry, . , . J. 8. DELKVAN, Prop, W. A, Johnston,Agent, (Jive your business to heppner people, and llwrejore wmmt to Ouuu up Hepp ner. i'Miviuxe those who patronize you. Here and There. Don't fail to see "In the Enemv's Cump." 5 6 H. Bluckman returned Thursday from below. Hood's Fills' are easy and gentle in effect. Chas. Hudson is teaching at Eoho thia winter. Hon. W. F. Matlock and wife are visit ing in the city. Papers for sale at the Gazette office at two-bits a hundred. Deeds, mortgnges, etc, executed at the Ouzettu oflioe. J. 0. Armstrong is up from below attending tbe institute. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at the Mountain House. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the rednoed price of $1. "In llio Enemy's Oimp." by local taleut, Monday night, Feb. 19. 5-6 The Hepiner-Oanyon stage line is the bfBt, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. J. W. Hilton and A. W. Balsiger are among the teachers in attendance at the irstitule. Subscriptions to the Gazette from now till alter tbe campaign, new ones mind, $1.00. If you want a good gnu or sewina machine, come to the Gazette ollioe and we'll fit you out. Those that have county scrip for sale should oall on George Ooneer at The First National Bank. 2 tf. blankt, nlwnty nf lbm, nt the Gazette oOice; and it world's prices. Disoounte ou largu orders. Oonrl whhkey. ohosp sml artiflcinl. Send postal note for recipe. Address Bert lt'1. Pfn-.lleton, Orogon. 4 VI A-Mmr n,n.on and .Tnhn K. Ely, pr tnirmit tmcher of Morrow cocnty Brr in ntlendnee on institute. Kvery miiti hn takes any interest in fatt Moi-k fhonld anbaoribe for The Hcrseinan. (iuzotte shop, agents. Tito Gnjette will takeoounty scrip at face mi subscription, and pay balanoe of Bamein cash at highest market p'loe. 7-60 The Gnzette office now runs an in surance aud notarial fb"p. Come in when you want to do your insuring and aweariug. Mrs. Celia Boyhan. who livei at the Mountian House.desires to do plain sew ing. Those having same will do well to consult her. Ben Swnggnrt was up. from bis ranch 8aturrly. He reports that his colt from Lady OpBl bad its neck broken by slip ping into a baduer bole. Bev. Henry BasmiiB writes down to friends here that bis family bad a slight attack of grippe, but no case of fever. All are now well. Those who have brongbt in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, sbou'd call around at this office and get oredit for same if not already given. To our customers No difff rence how large or small vour aooonot is. oome in and settle, either by cash or note We must have one or the other to enab e ns to s'em the flood. Hayes Bros. 90if Cook's Dead Shot squirrel poison, war- ranted tonal to if not superior to any on the market. Maoufaotured by T W. Ayers.Jr, Heppner. For sale by drng gists, grocers ami general dealers. 4tf. Last Saturday Sam Kinsman chipped three oar-loads of cattle to tbe Union Dressed Moat Co , Portland. At the same time 8ha & MoUarty shipped two car loads of cattle to tbe Union Stook Yards, Portland. ' A ew days ago it was discovered that tbe saloon of Wilmarth Bros, had been entered by a window ,in the rear, some liquors being taken. The saloon has not been open siuoe tbe quarterly li cense oame due last wek. Green and Hick Mathews will be found at the City hotel barber shop where anything in tbe line of the ton orial art will be furnished on appli cation. These gentleman are artists and deserve your patronage. Call on them. Many women find great difficulty in arranging their bair beoomingly. be cause of its harsh and ooaree texture. By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, the bair becomes soft, pliant, aud k lossy The Vigor is tbe most cleanly of all ubu preparations. The Heppner looal is soon to be changed to a night run, probably after Sunday next. It will leave Heppner a about 1030 p. m. and return about 4:30 a. m. While this makes aimost direct connection with tbe main line, yet it will be rather inconvenient. With pure blood coursing through the veins and animating ever fiber of tbe body, oold weather is not only endurable but pleasant and agreeable. No other blood medioioe is so certain in its re sults as Ayer's SarsBp'irilla. What it does for others it will do for you. Gid Hatt bas now established a ton, orial parlor, at the Matlock building oextdftorto Simons' blacksmith shop, where he invites the patronage of nis old customers and all who desire etnotly first cIsbs work, shaving, shampooing and hair Don't overlook cutting at Jiving prices. The drama, "In the Enemy's Camp, to be presented next Monday night by local talent, will be well worth seeing. While not distinctively a war play, its incidents are o.moeot d with "K'" nary events of the rebellion. u Irish and Negro parts. Tickets for sale at both drng stores. Remmber the date, Monday evening, Feb. 19, a 8 P. m. 66 8hn. Matlock Uekc Sen. W. F. Matlock and wife came up on Friday's train to speud a few days visiting with relutives id the oity. While here Mr. Matlock was seen by a Gazette represen tative, whom he informed that politics were warming up considerably over in Umatilla at present, new names being suggested for the various offices. When asked relative to his being a oaudidate for the nomination for state treasurer on the democratic ticket, the senator smiled and replied that ''that was a game the boys bud sprung on him during his absence from borne," and while he knew notbiDg of it, yet he was inclined to think it on ly a joke. It is geuerally conceded that Air. Miitlook can go back to the senate from Uuiaiil.a oouuly if bs should so desire, though should be Oooclude to accept the treeaurerabip nomination wa beliove bs would be found to b tbt strongest material or (be polities tbat tbe party ooald matter 117 here In Its retake. Mr, Matlock depsrtid tbli morn' log ltb tbe intention, 10 we are Inform ed, of accompanying Henry Blackmail on his tour through Washington befure returning to Fcndie'ODi Onb Round. Last Saturday Charley Jones fought Bob Kriok to a finish in tbe Gazette office, the round only lasting about a minute. Bob's eyes were more or lessdruped in mourning at tbe olose, and tbe boys jarred a glass loose in our elegant frout door. Otherwise no dam age resulted. The trouble arose over some remarks that Bob. made about a transaction in which Charley was con nected, and after proving bis true posi tion by the Gazette's editor, in tbe mat ter, Cbas. proceeded to chastise Bob in a very faithful manner. .Bob put up fight but wasn't iu it at any stage of tbe game, and was really out before the ref eree had an opportunity to oall time. Institute. Teacher's institute con vened at. the aohool house yesterday morning, as mentioned in the last issue. and during the day 84 teachers enrolled. The work of enrollment and organization being completed tbe work was at once begun aud oarried out as announced by program. Owing toillnessof his father-in-law, Pro. McElroyhas informed 8upt. Suling that it will be impossible for him to be here, The evening sessions that were aunnunoed have been oauoelled owing to tbe faot that a series of meet ings were being held at the Methodist churoh. A full report of the institute will be given in Tuesday's issue. Elk out or Timbbr. Wednesday last two elk were ou the meadows near Eoho aud several men started to ruu them down. Three, Moses Tribble, M. F. Allen and N. H. Sitton, succeeded in killing one of tbem, and elk No 2, made his way back into the mountains whence he came. It was considered an unusual occurrence for elk to leave the heights and come to tbe low land. E. O. Bill Bale ohused an elk, presumably one of the i trays above referred to, tor four days and night over in the Sand Hollow sec tion last week, and others were after it at latest account. COLI,KC10lt BLACKUAN. Senator Henry Blaokman returned from an extended visit to Pendleton Tbe Dulles aud Portlaud last Thursday, and on rt quest of a Gazette repotter, accorded an interview. "Wib you remain with ns now till you take officially the reins of your office?" was aeked. "While my residence will remain here," Sen. Blackman replied, "I shall leave today or tomorrow for Portland and an extended tour of the state of Washington. My intention is to visit the principal cities of our sister state to meet personally the candidates for tbe different positions under me. Senator W. F Matlock will aooompany me." "I prerume that your i ffioial bond bas beeu tilled out with tbe necessary sureties?'' "Yep, that matter is fixed. Tbe amount requiied is $75,000. Of course will not disclose the names of the sureties. When tflkially sworn in, 1 will be required to give an additional bond of $10,000 as disbursing agent. This matter has been practically set tled." "Of course your slate for deputies bas been made up?" "No sir, I have cot committed my self or promised any deputyships np to date." "Will Morrow county be represented in your selection?" "1 cannot answer that question at present, but I will say that Kastern Oregon will not be forgotten in the dis tribution of patronage. I will endeavor to represent my distriot in tbe most equitable manner possible." "It bas been rumored Senator, tbat you will send Oregon men np into Washington to fill the effioes." "I will say this, tbat I am not in favor of carpetbagism in any sense. Every section will be represented by appointments from tbeir respective localities." "I know that you are a democrat, Senator, but I would like to ask yon bow our fellow townsman, Congressman Ellis, e ands below for renomination?" "Well, I will simply eay tbat Mr. Ellis stands an equal show tor tbe nomi nation, and for a new man is recognized as a good worker. He has introduced and passed numerous geod bills. Of oomse, ou republicans will have to settle that matter among yourselves. Tbe writer from his acquaintance with Sen. Blaokman will say tbat he will make a model colleotor, as be bas a thorough knowledge of business and book-keeping. His acqnaintanoe thronohout tbe state, and well known abilitv and sterling integrity, will dound to the oredit of himself and party, and assist largely in making Sen. Blaokman's tenure of ofiioe a most suc cessful one. Land Foe Sale. 480 acres over :n Wilson nrairie. A good stock ranob an- .ill he sold cheao. Call at Gaztite office for particulars and terms. U. At DeattVs Door Blood Poisoned After Ty phold Fever A Msirvaloua Cure by Hood'a Aftar All Else Failed. "DurSirn Twstny.fivo yearn ii t M t klllnui fersr, and Inter It turned into typhoid feveti and for five week! t lay like one dM, but at last I pulled thrmiEh and gnt up around, I toandlsedversr on my left leg just above the Krise a small brown spot about as big its a thrcs cetitplce, which puffed up but Hid not hnrt ma or feel ore. I did not pay any attention to it until two years after, when It commenced to spread and have the appearance of a ring worm: It Itched and burned and t commenced doctor ing, but to no avalL I . . Cot Only Momentary Relief, And sometimes not even that. I could not sleep nights, and on account of the Itching I scratched th spot until the blood would run. Id hot weather my elbows and all my Joints were Just tbe same, and what I have suffered I cannot de scribe with a pen. Last February I tried an herb for the blood and It broke out In the worst (orm of a rash all over my body. I began my scratching, and scales would tall oft. The sores watlnued to discharge and I longed to die. Finally my husband bought a bottle of Hood's Barsaparllla and I bad not taken mora than halt ot It before I began to change for the better. I have had four bottles, . . . . . . Now I Am All Well but two little spots on my leg. I can now sleep and eat well and work all the tune. I am M Ho'od'$ssCures years old, and the mother of eleven children, and think I can do as much as any one my age. My sea has also taken Hood's Barsaparllla for dyspepsia, and hie been greatly benefited by It. from Hood's Susaparllla." icei Terr graieiui lor ine oeneni 1 received Mas. Phsbi L. ham uanra, Kansas. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. KKPUBL1CAN ORGANIZATION. The Members of the Conntr Benabllcan Central Committee. The following are the members of the republican central committee of Morrow county: Heppner, (chairman), O. E. Farnswortb Gentry, 8. N. Morgan Mount Vernon, Steve Leland Lena, Joe Luckman Matteson, 1.0. Large Dairy, W. E. Kabler Eight Mile, M. C. Fuqua Lexington,. , E. D. Palmer Ione., - H. M.' Thornton Cecil,,, .' ,'Ueo. Ely Dry Fork, ' August Charlton Well Springs, - O. W. Lord Alpine, A, Q. Bartholomew Pine City, J. F. Hoskins Tbe members of this committee are requested to meet in the parlors of the Palace hotel, next Saturday,' Feb. 27tb, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Come out and let ns have a full representation. - O. E. Farnswoeth, 56 Chairman. LEXINGTON 1TK11S. Candidates for oflioe are bobbing np from all quarters of the compass. The question is, what is to be done with the squirrels? ' Mrs. Donaldson, woo was injured by falling from ber doorstep some time ago, is recovering under tbe able care of Dr. McSwords, with Mrs. Wood for norse. Tbe alliance people held a meeting last Saturday. They are becoming' enthusiastic and are making preparations to organize olubs in all preciuots in the county, and will make a vigorous cam paign. Rufus looks sad and lonely since bis best girl bas gone never to return again. He goes about the town grnmbling about tbe bard times, causing the school to close which has broken him all up in business. A bad oase nf "mouth disease" oo- ouredr in Penland's store lately, but was taken in band by Mr. Taugban and immediately cared. - Who says Lexington isn't np with tbe times? Jost think ot it, we bave a genuine Motor ranting in fall blast. It is no common, one-borse eoroern, nor does it obtain its power from some foreign, steam, water plant, but is a full blown gas Motor used to propel the original old John Wesley, patent ortho dox mill, and fire escape in connection with it. It is also tbe intention to at tach a red head light so as to light tbe pour wayfaring sinner in tbe straight and narrow way. Brx. Lexington, Feb. 9th, '94. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndebaker wagon beads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a : "Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes at P. C. Thompson i Co.'s stand, and tbe plaoe for bargains. a Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Orove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oooaine and tobacco habit. 8ve ad. The Palace is lh leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grooery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe uiau to fix up your watoh or clock. He keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Licbten thai & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer notion and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are uttracting mark ed attention. a Tbe general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar land, bas lately changed hands, now be ing under the oontrol and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stock than ever. a Reserved for McFarland Meucantile Co, YOUR ATTENTION! want it for a moment to inform you that ' y the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri ces. The stock is clean and fret-h, having been largely inc reaped with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. Geo. Conser, S. S. HORNOR, Salesman. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. at Cost for Cash. Call and. Secure a Good Bargain. LEGAL BLANKS ONLY A TRAMP. But Hie Rags Covered a lleart u Good as Gold. "My name? Oh, my name is Tom Burns. Where do 1 live? Well, I live pretty much anywhere, p-onorally in the park sometimes in the country." The speaker was a dilapidated-look-in? tramp, and he stood by the Citv Hall park fountain ishiveririr in the brisk summer breeze and trying to wring some of the water out of the drenched garments that clung to his limbs, says the New York Times. But a moment before a little Italittn girl playing with her comrades neur the fountain tumbled into the basin. The water is pretty deep in the deepest part, and the frightened child w as too terror stricken to save herself from slipping in that direction. In an instant the water closed over her head, and her friends, horrified at her disappearance, set up a shoot. . Just then Tom Horns' attention was attracted,' and seeio'f tV little one's danger, his common mulitioi of human ity overcame his nverskni to a bath and he plunged in and ilonick-red toward her. Once more t in little Hack head and dark face came to the surface and with a cry disappeared. Tin; tramp's strong hands grasped the child as she was sinking the third time, and dragged her out. The rescue attracted an applaud ing crowd, which expended most of its attention on the child, who had appar ently absorbed brje iun;itities of wa ter, but was otherwise luiliur WIGS A PiTNAL OFFENSE. The Ancient l:lu.? u,w4 ,rnt Revived la the Tr-iriMv i I lt,itillc. Ladies who have been accustomed to heighten their charms bj- the wiles of the toilet table had '.Tetter keep away from the Transvaal. They would not be long in Pretoria before they got into serious trouble. The second chamber of the volksrond has passed and sent up to the fl:st chamber a masks and dis guises bill, which will press severely upon ladies laud genM .mr n, too) who are not p!iv-;ically .v'i:.t they seem. Whoever woars a wi is caught in t!:. fined ten pounds or instance, and ..If .1 n.-t, may be :: nt t prison for a fortnight. An exception will perhaps be made in favor of actirs and re.'ti-esses while they are on t. je s'a;fo. I Yosumably it will also be aa offense to wear a mask or go about on stilts; but those are amusements in which people do not want to indulge every day. With all the details of this highly moral bill we are not fmniliar; but if it prohibits wigs, it rauit surely condemn that artistic heightening ot the complexion to which so many ladien are (perhaps rroneouslv snp'-osed to owe some thing, flie V ur.?ln fathers of the Transvaal may as well do the thing thoroughly while they are about It. Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, nnder tbe management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or nn gawe4. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three limes, S1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan Howard's. e-tf. Assignee, sw . oi all m: QuTIID, Assignee. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . THE WIFE OF COLUMBUS. ' the Was a Member of a Noble Itftlo-Por- tuauene Family. Columbus allied himself by marriage with an Italo-Portugiiese family. She whom he was to choose and take to wife was named Felipa Muniz Pere trello. She belonged to a noble house osso liated with Dom Henry, of Ariz, in his sxplorations and discoveries as well be muse of their family station as by the fraee of the infante. Laws like those which in chemistry govern the affinity of combining toms, in social Intercourse produce personal THE WIF8 OF COLUMBUS. ifflnities. The greatest of all discover ers was himself destined to wed the laughter of a discoverer. Columbus often went to mass on Sun days and other obligatory days. Ills residence In Lisbon being near the con rent of All Saints, he resorted thither to perform his devotions, and in his as siduous attendance there it was his fate to be attracted by Dona Felipa Muniz until he sought and obtained her in marriage. The affection of Columbus for the young Lusitanian doubtless possessed practical features also in view of the sailor's desire to live for tho realiza tion in his riper age of the work already fully planned in the latter years of his exuberant youth. Moreover, credit ing his contemporaries as we should, the incomparable pilot displayed two traits capable of turning the head I will not say of Dona Felipa but of every woman eloquence and personal attractiveness. His many graces captivated her senses, his eloquence, her mind. Felipa Muniz, daughter of Philllpone Peretrello, and Christopher Columbus were made one, In conformity with religion and law, In holy Indissoluble wedlock, in the year 1471. The year following their anion a son was born to them who woe batized in Lisbon and named Diego. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, bas jnst located in tbe Abraham sicV' building, on May street, where be is prprmred to do everything In his line. M' Birbeok is atnetly a flrst-olass work mnn and warrants all work. Give hira a eall Uwtf Simmons Liver Regulator is a medi cine endorsed and used by pbysioiane and druggists. P. g. qOITQPSOI? Uaving put their business upon a tern porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing rovvER than Heppner. We most get our stock into money, and uuuitiB iu Bigui. ansae year TFTTi PEOPLE OUR Not only ones, but again and again. The (nil weight and good measure for tbe least money. Wby we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ob friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, 8hoei Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. M BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORfJ, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. The My Institute -OF- KIRK On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store STAPLE JNT FANCY Iksries aid Mm. A full line nt obnice Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything Ibat ia usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap tot cash. Call and try tbem. sw RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. UJ"!V.F.KB wan headache, TAKE RIPAMQ TARMI CQ uinrE.i-HiA or iauiuE.aiiUDi, - II you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED orTAKE nav.x a uibuiUj&KAu, If your COMPLEXION 18 SALLOW or take you Btrrcn uihiu,hh alter eating, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL T,,,D DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH, kach, - Ripans Tabules sot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomach and intes tines; oleanse tbe system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual onnstipation, offens ive breath and headache. One Tabulb taken at tbe first ndioation of indigestion, biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly remove tbe wbole difUoulty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious aud are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oenta by tbe wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., I-OHTIANIJ, OKKOON. Local druggists everywhere will supply They are Easy to Take, Quick to Bam;lM Prt oa .p plication, to Jtozjc "ADRUG IN Til l MARKET. Yes. I 8ome'very good, sor- E Also of no val ue .-,y a '.ro is And these alone We claim to le 'f m j Ti.u'pnrest drugs made. To compound h gkuifly, . m L , W To prepare prescriptions quickly. To charge ftem teMonBbiy 1 s nil nmjiiMnQTM r,nY a The Lancashi;ie Insurance Co. OP M: I W. PATTERSON, IN, AGEW o on' ever betore known in profits are no objeot when lbs money aasn ai us ana see ns tumble. Haw AEE COMING WAY! know tbat from oa they aiwe gel Heppner, Oregon. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc Trust Busts For the Cure cn Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The, Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Oazkttk office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura cure. & ETJHL, They will keep on band a full line ot i ill nnw s nuuL.UWi DpAMQ TARMI C-Q i lis nnw s nuuuuWi RIPAMQ TARMI C"Q I II I ni 1W l nuuLuti DIDAMO XADIII CO 1 I i nil J I HUULUO. the Tabules if requested to do so. Act aud Save many a Doctor's BilL tii l; cifTacaX Co., 1T-W wyn "re many of tbem. taiA '' lir i poisonous, are great helps, Ao . Oa nnmnrtnnilinff. Who oan rjo oener mu I1NGIAND '1 ?HIIi.COHN. Proprietor. n -mm . ol theBe.tleWpjl3 ("sr" IT