Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 09, 1894, Image 4

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    5 -i
" . aMivtirx KM ... .
' 1
f :
KoulUs WtilyTug l.illa cure conatlpnliuu 1-ri uiisa Koctlfytng pillseure constipation
Prentiss Rectlfsliig pills cure, cuiistlpallun yroutiss Rectifying pills euro constipation
Aln-ost nil pills and medicine produco ccnstlpntlon, here Is a pill turn euros torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism, Indigestion, sick headncho and kidney and llvor
tnubles wltiout griping or leaving any tr.ico ot CONSTIPATION, which
Is the prlmo cause ot nil slcknoss, bewnro of It getting habitual and chronic with you.
seo to It In t'mo; thrso pllis will euro ycu.
ts .
clear the akin and remove all blotches Irora
Belf. 25Coutaabnx.
V V ' Btnt Dy mfm upon rffi'llit vi pnrv ny
Prentiss Chemical and
u S : 1rHi7tiki itnr.1 tvnir i.ilT'i run. ruiiiiui nul .Inn I'ri
a! I Front IPs IWtlfyiiitf pMla curt) constipation y
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and snllors who served ninety days, or over. In the late war.
are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. j.,,,,
VVIDOW'Sofsuch soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier sdeatn
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon tlieirown labor are entitled iftlie soldier's death was due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried. .
PARENTS are entitled If soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died tn
service, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
naVSoldiersorthelatewar, pensioned uuder one law, may apply for higher rates under other
laws, without losing any rights, .... .
Thousands ol soldiers drawing from $ato$to per month under the old lav are entitled to
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned. But
also forothers, whetherdue to Berviceor not, .
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular armyor navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged fordisabilityor not. . ,
Survivors, and their widows, of the Hlaek Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Semlnoleor jrtor
Ida Indian Wars of 1888 to 1H42, are entitled under a recent act,
Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
0t old ciaYms completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under
later laws or not. .,, .
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, If rejection Improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war WHO
iave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and Information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. WASH IN GTO N, D. C
Struggles of an l:rilci-prlsliig l'r lnnan
with Our Nulive Tongile.
The jo.yous I'ortiijrui'su writer who
retiilcred a lii.stinj'scrvii'i to tin' ira.vctv
of nations in his li'iirni'il essa.v on
"English ns Shi' Is Spoilt!," proluiblj'
dorived his luiowli'dn'i' of our liiiijfiiiige
tlirottffli the foiupliciiti'd media of a
I'lji'tiigtH'si'-l't'i'iich tiiul u Fienc'li-Kiiif-lish
diet ioimr.v, and the latter wc sus
pect to have been the same one em
ployed by the compiler of Itusehet's
"C'litHlofri'ie Illnstre" of the Paris salon.
This really interestin"; work not only
(fives timoreor lessentertiiiiiini,' impres
dion of a large number of paintings re
produced in wood cuts, says the New
York Times, but in its English render
ing of the French titles it gives a de
lightful notion of some French concep
tions of our own intricate and hallliug
When the translator sought the Eng
lish for "I'ne llugarre Dcs Hieufs
ltaliens," the title to a picture repre
senting a stampede of Italian cattle, he
hit upon the simple phrase: "A Squab
ble." He came across "Jean, Mon
l'orte-Ctirnicr" attached to the picture
of a bright young game carrier, follow
ing asportsmiiiiwhohuscvidetuly, from
the appearance of the well-tilled sack
over the boy's shoulder, had very good
luck, and he rendered the title: ",lohn.
My Hume Hug." When M. lierlhelou
paints a sea lifter the storm and styles
it: "Met- llemontee" the translator
gives us: "An Outrageous Sea." t lie
genesis of which quite eludes us. A
still life with ji red chalk sketch against
some books and an old metal urn has its
title: "I'tie Sanguine" plumply turned
into: "A Sanguine." With a touch of
unexpected familiarity with early Eng
lish "l'rintemps Flcuri" becomes
"Hloomy Spring." A group of iron
clads streaming on their way "Eseadre
en .Marche" is described with more ac
curacy than elegance ns "Squadron on
Kout." A soldier exercising a horse
from the military breeding farm
"Promenade an llarns" is: "Walk in
the tira.ing tlroittuls," which is as in
genious a combination of misconcep
tions as wc have run across, unless we
accept the translation of "l.a voie
ltietee," a decorative design for a ceil
ing In which lightly-draped forms
swarm through the "star dust." This,
our gifted friend informs ns. is the
French conception of ".Milk Street. "
A Koinatitlc larrit,ge,
Twenty years ago a young Chicago
couple were engaged to be married, but
the groom's parents interfered, because
of his age, and scut him west with the
understanding that if at the end of two
years he was able to support a wife he
might marry. In tins meantime, how
ever, the young lovers were not to cor
respond. He prospered, nnd at the ap
pointed time co-.nuuinieatcd with the
girl. He misdirected the letter, how
ever, ami it never reached her. He in
terpreted his failure to receive an an
swer ns a rejection, but eventually he
received his own letter through the
dead letter office, nnd ho then under
stood tho situation. Not hearing from
him the girl naturally thought he had
lost affection for her, and marriod
another suitor. Her husband died three
years ago, and her first admirer, learn
ing this, wrote his old lovo with tho re
sult that they were marriod ut his home
In Rochester, Minn., one day recently.
He is one of the richest men in his
For oonBtipation, biliotisuess aud
kidney uU'eotions tuke Siumions Liver
Red all tb World Kooooa b CURH is STJRB.
3 B
c Is the only safo and harmless
that will surely BEAUTIFY the
tho fare. Try a box and se fr your
Manufacturing Co.,
iiitfriri lttsrllfvilitf i.liifl euro constitution
renting Hfict Tying pills fure constipation
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scrihe for tho American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents says : " No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
tlie United States,"
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, General Secretary, 133 West 23d
St., New York.
AJudgeV.lio V 1 t All Kroet-
; ..K ir...
There is an Iri'uv -. : :i t'mt
incuts iiiiin to tho:;-- 1 -i' I" 1 1
only given in the en; t. 1 t: ,i ii-
that 11 judicial cleverncsi. ,iU.' I
r.. are
mt ot
the king of Israel i;, aii 1 to la-found
down east. The Lewistou Journal
tells of two Maine, fanners who bought
an old-fashioned pair of steelyards.
Kuch paid a part of the cost, and used
them whenever he wished to weigh bis
produce for market.
After a time a dispute arose, and each
claimed thu ownership of the steel
yards. The matter was carried into
court, and the jury disagreed. Then the
ease, on some technicality, was sent tc
the law court, and was again sent back
for trial. The costs, up to this point,
had reached about live hundred dollars,
about a hundred times the price of the
steelyards themselves.
When the case came up again. Chief
Justice. Peters was the presiding justice.
He told the counsel that if the case
were carried further, the costs would
be increased to such an extent Unit one
or the other of the parties would lose
his farm in order to pay. He advised
them to enter it "neither party," nnd
divide the costs. After a consultation
tho parties owned themselves willing
to do that, and it looked as though the
caso would be settled. Suddenly, how
ever, one of '.he contestants rose, went
over to his couuscl in the courtroom,
and asked:
"Hut who is going to get, the steel
yards? lie shan't have them."
The other contestant made the same
Then the counsel rose, nnd said that
the ease was just where it stood before
any talk of settlement had been made.
They were willing to stop litigation and
divide the costs, but what could be done
with the steelyards?
"I'll llx that," said Judge Peters.
"Let the sheriff of the county take the
steelyards at night and go down aud
throw them in the middle of the river.
letting nobody know the exact spot, so
that they can never be recovered.
The contestants agreed to this propo
sition, each paid his proportionate
share of the costa, and the case was
A atone .iepnant
An Indiana stone quarry company If
having a life-sized ligure of au elephant
chiseled out of a solid block of stone.
It will be eleven feet high and weigh
thirty tous. It will be exhibited at th
world's fair.
o will rjX
M. Hammerlv, a well-known business man
o! Hillsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
Hip merits of Ayer's Sursiipui-illa: "Several
leuis rko, 1 hurt my leg. the lnlnry leaving
BSOiewliiehled to erysipelas 31 v siiffemip.
were extreme, inv lei;, lr lie knee to the
ankle lieinj! a solid sore, which heu'iin to ex
tend to other parts of t lie ho.ly. Alter trying
various remedies, 1 l.eean lakiiii! Aver a
Sarsaparilla. and. before I had mushed the
first bottle, 1 experienced ureal relief: the
aecond buttle ellecied a complete cure."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mail.
Cures others,wi!l cure you
A'l'Ir"n a li'tt'-r or vx '1 r:irn to
OHN W5U!)fRBURN, Managing Attorney.
V,(). Box 4'iH. J WA6H1N6t'X. a C
t i?!:ir Arii!
I'HjIIPOTh' w...r
11 ( -r
Mode In all styles and sizes. Lightest,
I strongest, eaflleet working, safest, simplest.
I most accurate, most compact, ana mom
modern. For sulo by all dealers In arms.
Catalogues mailed free by
Th9 JIarlin Firs Arms Co.,
New Haveh, Conn., 0. S. A.
Oeveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted fcr
Information and advice given to inventors without
Ctmrge. Address
Managing Attorney,
O. Dox 4B3. Wasiiikoton, D.G
if TThl" Company i managed by a combination ot
the lucent und most Influential newKpuwrs in the
l riivetl States, I'D-' the express purpoKe or' protect
tiiK llii'lr anbavrlbrrs aifiihmt unscrupulous
and Incompetent Pal eat Aent, and each papel
l-rlntiutf tills a Ivevtlseiuent vouches for the respond,
tllltv and hiuli etau'llug at th Press Claims Couiptuty.
Ore ox.
a VWndAo
'VKe cause
0 OunevAecm
Arc you willing to work or the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor.
ination in the han. Is of your acquain
tances ?
If you arc, you should be identified
135 w. 23d St., New York.
Cut this notice out and send It to the League,
stating your position, and give a helping hand.
Th' cabin's still thtir by Sycamore Crick,
Tb' deures' spot on lb' yeurth.
But th' roof's foil in, 'n' the latcbstring's gon
'N silence is roun' th' berth;
Yit muny a night neuf 'at roof I've laid.
Vhen on y a leetlo chap, 1,
'N hecrd th' rain in th' old cave-spot
Goin': Prop, drip, drop, , 4.
Drip, droppity, drap. ' "
Oh, how I loved th' driziily nights
(Though th' drizzily days was ben ,
For 1 couldn't plow erhoe in the flel'),
When 1 cl med to roos' 'n to res',
Up thur with lb' shingles clus to uiy head.
Through which th' rain 'ud slip.
But what was that to the olo euve-spout
Goin': Drai), dnppity, drnp.
Drop, druppity, drip?
N 'en when I growed to a great big boy
'N fell Inter love hed firs',
'N got yanked out bv a rival 0' mine,
'N my heart wus thunipin' to burs',
I thort 1 never 'ud sleep agin, ,
'N 'spectod all night to flop,
My grief caved in when the ole eaveispout
Went: Dnppity, drap, drip, . - ''
Drop, drlpplty, drop.
'N artcr I merrled 'n tuck tb' place,
'N got to signia' notes
W h ch 1 thort receipts fur li'tenln' rotis.
Er some new-laiiglcd outs, ,r
I'd clime up into lb' garret tbar
N lis' to th' thunder's clan,
'N forglt it all when th' olo euve-ipout
Went: Dnppity, droppity, drip,
Drappity, dnppity, drap.
I'm bal'headcd now ex a threadbar'.coak
'fs a citizen o' lb' town. ' -
1 sole th' farm for salte o' th' gait,
But when I come to lay down
I'd like to dream o' that cabin roof
'N the rain a-fallln' on top
N sink asleep with U ole eav-pont
Qoln' : Prop, drip. Crap,
Drup, dnii, drop.
-A. IV. n,!law. Ix
At Abrshamsiek's. Id addition to hi
iiiiriiiK uuniut'UH, ur nnti niuiru n unr-
i: a i t 1 1 i:
...... ......v..
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegsnl rtterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok. May street. Heppmjr, Or.
! AN
How an Hughs!. "!"' r"'
In the Nick ' Time.
I The "Historical Uecords of the
' Fortv-Third Light Infantry," the fa
mous regiment which played a most
1 important part in English warfare
I ,iei:,rr the last Quarter of the eigh
teenth eenturv and the early part of
the nineteenth, contains a stirring in
cident of the prompt action which
averted a tragedy, says the -Manchester
Worn out with hard march the brig
ade under Capt. Lloyd approached the
jonvent at Uenevente, where the cav
alry and reserve still remained, hoping
for shelter. They were disappointed.
The convent was occupied by several
thousand infantry, and the lower gal
leries were so densely paciieu iui vc
horses of cavalry anil artillery that it
was hardly possible for a man to make
his way among them.
Two"of the officers stood looking in
at the dubious prospect through the
single door that gave ingress and
egress. A sudden cry of alarm burst
from the lips of one. "Look there,
he cried, pointing over the backs ot
the horses. At that moment one oi
the inside wooden shutters burst into
ilame. Horrified, the otlieers looked at
the burning shutter, and realized the
hopelessness of the situation. Tt would
be impossible to get the 6.000 men and
horses out, and they must stand by and
see their comrades perish miserably.
There was no water near, and if there
were, how get at the fire through those
densely crowded horses?
The flames crept upward towards the
rafters. "Good heavens'. Something
must be done!" cried Capt. Lloyd. And
then with a motion to those outside to
be quiet, the brave captain leaped on
the back of the nearest, noise,
stepping from back to back of the ani
mals, ran to the blazing shutter, tore
it from its hinges and pitched it from
the window. Then he made his way
back to the door 111 the same uaj us
So quickly was the act performed
that even the horses were scarcely dis
turbed. The building was saved and
there was no panic, which would have
bet n as disastrous us the dames. The
captain's eyebrows and mustache were
scorched, but that wus all. "And
they'll grow again," he said, with a
A Qmer Instrument I scd During the Au
nnal Overflow of the Nile.
Durint? the time of the periodical in
undation of the valley of the Nile a
queer recording instrument, known as
the "nilometcr," is hourly and daily
consulted by a sluggish Egyptian offi
cer, who. to judge from his motions
and actions, cares but very little if the
river keeps its bed or overflows the
whole northern half of the African
continent. Uut, as it is the only labor
he is forced to perform, and as his bread
mid cheese usually depend upon proper
execution of the duties assigned, the
record is taken with scrupulous accu
racy. This queer and ancient "ther
mometer of the Nile" (it dates back to
845 A. D.) is situated at the end of tno
island of Khoda. It is simply an im
mense upright octagonal pillar stand
ing in a well-like chamber, surrounueu
on four sides with strong walls pro
vided with arched openings which al
low the rising waters free access to tht
nilometer. The recording pillar is
covered throughout its length and on
all of its eight sides with cubits and
digits nicely divided, painted with
great precision, much resembling sec
tions of a gigantic checker-board.
There is a huge staircase leading from
above down to the bottom of the cis
tern, in which the nilometer stands,
the well-worn steps attesting to the
immense number of times the instru
ment has been consulted. .
A Chinese Tea Legend.
There is a strange Chinese legend
concerning the tea plant. According to
the story, there once lived a very pious
hermit who passed the greater part of
his time in prayer and vigils. He was,
however, unable to keep awake as long
as he wished, and often found his eyes
closing while he was in the very midst
of his devotions. This naturally an
noyed him, aud one day in a fit of
wrath against this Weakness of the
flesh, which he seemed unable to over
come, he cut off the offending eyelids
and cast them upon the ground. But
his action had been observed by a god,
who immediately caused a tea shrub to
spring up from the spot where the eye
lids had fallen. It is in reference to
this, according to the legend, that the
leaves of the tea plant are shaped like
eyelids, fringed with lashes, and pos
sess the power of warding off sleep.
Couldn't Marry on 8130,000 a Year,
"Xo," remarked the young man with
a touch of sadness in his voice, "it may
be that some day happiness will be
mine, but at present it is beyond
me. There is a girl whom I love
dearly. She would have me if I only
asked her, but I dare not. I really
cannot marry and live on 0,000 a
year." Ilis two friends to whom he
spoke looked at him in wonder. For a
moment they were speechless con
sternation and pity depicted on their
youthful countenances. Hut present
ly speech returned to them exactly at
the same time, and they fairly howled
in their excitement: "You cannot mar
ry on 0,000 a year? Why not?" "Why
not?" echoed the youth with the sad
voice, which grew still sadder. "Why,
simply because I haven't the 6,000."
And the mystery was explained.
Out-of-court Settlements Pay.
The American Lawyer, a legal jour
nal published in New York City, tells
of a lawyer of that city who secured a
fee of JJOO.OOO; of another who was
paid ?ir0,000 for his service on a cele
brated case; while other fees are men
tioned running from $25,000 to 8100,000
won by lawyers, not by conducting,
but by avoiding, litigation. In fact, it
is apparent that more money is made
nowadays by lawyers who settle cases
out of court than by those who put
their clients to the expense of litiga
tion. Isabella and Elisabeth.
f As for a comparison between the gov
ernments and sovereigns of Spain and
England in Columbus' time the world
may well honor Queen Isabella, that
(Treat and unselfish woman whose
, womanly faith saved history. She was
not an angel nnd the student of his
tory is generally free to admit that she
would ba an .pxeention if she were. Ttut
ghe was large mindeil and great hearted
... nrt woman v and ne,vi fear nr. nm.
n w. f"
j Be8. Her intellectuality and her hu
Inanity were an endnnnn monument
Saved Her Life.
t t w.n.inm nf Wortham,
Texas', saved the life of her child by tho
use 0 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
" One ot my children had Croup, The
case was aiteuueu -
breathing, and on going t" " un .
sline It had nearly ceased to oteatiie.
ReahrlnVthat the child's alarming wiiilttlon
had become possible in spite of thP,m''llc'"?S
SfvenTl reasoned that such r'w'X"!
Be of no avail. Having, part of a bo tie of
ftiftss k s "Lor? a'-jsJis
ffiyK. result -hrhK.S
The child is alive and well to-da . ' "
Dot hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry reo
toral saved her lite."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepsred by Dr. J . C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Moss.
convince the
cVerdtV nnd ooint the
hich if followed lends to
Ttas been Dut up In a
proprietary form slnee
R7S- and has been used
fn, .-our nrtnrto that tllue
In private practice. is no uniocu u '-" "
doSiVtt'ul reputation, but a genuine PJ " '
a verv urevalent. disease. Thousands of men, ot
all ageshare at some time in life brought on
mrus debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, eicesses.too fre
quent Indulgence or indiscretion sad vicious
habits, and It Is to these that we offei -a remedy
that will, Dy its direct aeoou uyuu
disease, stop the drain aud restore the patient to
vigorous health and strength. ...r,..,.,!.
Ouruiethodof Introducing Prof. Darrls Pastille
treatment Is one which commends Itself to a I
sensible perons-for the reason that we supply J
npon their judgment of Its value. W easkof our
patrons nothing in the way of eipense beyond a
postal card aud a two cent postage stamp. The
postal curd to be used In sendmi , us then -full I ad
dress and the postage stamp for the. letter return
ing the statement of their case for 'width we
supply them wiih a question blank, to be Oiled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
use In retiirnlr-Bltwhen tilled.
wnen we rrccow mjd
ment on blank we prepare
eight days' treatment aud for
rnwi It. hv mail and prepay
wOTrr. n.tnfla thereon and along
Tci..7. with the eight days' treatment
XSCKACE, we Bend full directions for
using. The treatment in no way mterteres wuu
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it wiilglve ported satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
leel that they are more largely interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do notattemptto rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low ss possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month', 15 for
two monthst 17 for three months.
These prices seoure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
l.M . ,.... aasi.lCT.lmil
have operated our
fr,,Qin0H nnn this nlan with satisfactory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROF. HAKKIS' SOL
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and Bbould be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
MBeekman St., HEW YORK OITY, K.Y.
fcr ( f00 worth of lovely Music for Forty
1 U Cents, consisting of 100 pages
full size Shwit Music of ttie -v
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3
selections, both vocal and Instrumental.
w gotten up in the most elegant manner. In-
fct eluding four large size Portraits. --g
CAftMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer,
PADEftEWSKI, the Great Pianist
, Dioauway 1 ueaire oiug., new lora lliy,
nme as used by thou land a of woman all over tbe
United States, in the ?LD DOCTORS private mat)
practice, for 38 years, and not a sinjrlj bad remit.
Money returned if not bb represented. Send
cents i stamps) lor sealed particulars.
83. WAUD WST1TUTS, 120 K. Ninth St., St. L:uli. Va
155 Tears Experience In treating all varl
ties ot Kupturo enables us to guarantee q
Fosltlve cure. Question Blank and Boot
reo. Call or write,
S22 Pine Street, . BT. LOUIS, MO
Rpduretl 15 to 25 poundi rf m-nth. No
starving, no incomen pnee, ) o lud reiultt, no nuMrui
druif. 'Iroatment pTfectiy harmlcii aud friclly confl
demiaL Oneation 111 nk and Book iree. Ciliorirrite
DU. U. B. BUTTS, & I'.do btreet, bt.Louu, Ma
Substantial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A niftn vwe entwd a prison where wM rwifW
i conlt'um. .l crmiiQftl. On nifttttinr a reqiiMit to b
iin.tiKit into the nrewnce of tJie doomed man tb
iMtor wm if.fonnt'd thai none hut reiatWes werv iiennit-
ld tut fW lh ttriRftnor 'I'Vin Uirn a.l.t . !' .l
.11.1 inter hnve 1 nie, but thai DiaQ'a (ihe tirimnvr
ittiH-n-my fRthcrnon."
r '"'M' u u '''"' srnliaK ihe Ort cvrrJt
fr: S.H10 to ths wnt ; 3rd 250: lib. tluu:
i"! 'he ftrt conw sa -
Sr 2M; tih, tlou: 5th,
. 'j SEl'll"! ?' 1l.n,.
, , , Dln r . . mli consii'inf of pisuos,
;rVSZr,7 infSs,ra """"'.
Tn ,hs perm, -n,iin U,. lut comrt ,, will b,
il nr.n. snrt iheu.il .,000 will renin iualjle prlua
Rt'I.KS.-lll Alt aniwcra mnit fwiMi
III aanatn atast hM i
5c no charue nhalerw to entr
ho t-omuete are efttl to
l'Ofthn, lutwrimion to either Tin Lawks. Horn
Maoazihb or Thk Camamar Ais!ct:lti kiirr 1,
m uie cnotcett iliutrtel rriodicala of the day (3
Alt prlri-winner wiu he Mpwed to awUt m in extend
ns ourcirciilatinn. M) The flm eorrert answei m-eivei
stml-ri ixwtnmrk taken in all ihhh u dftte A m ibt
Thk Am,i',-i,i',t is a. olo -.mlw
..! ,o... sk, aii.ile n,e,, io n,.l,i, T,
t .
n..s.-a lor primed li,t of toraiw
Jl 1.
ortu n
The fllnwin. wen-inow. i.... .
to Jtirlcrs, .ml will m if:., 7. .
ira In Hy sssril,-,!
.aicuit h I, ne ut sipam,
,. r. , i..VT .'S J ':r':V"L
i:.. I-..LV . V " '
n. l'r. ei.lei.L T
twnth Rfnaier all imi
l-t'sra. Addrei'
'Lti aisT i-is. r.i. (L'ui),
-"- -srm.
V ... ,t.k..i.n,,i!.ci.ltraaP''T.l"'' I
.Vr-v !""" ".it.. 1. irv.mi dollar.
filer,.. . . u.u, aHnandcnor.
Dttuod, de.pood.noy, until'
uoiu.lai.ii SI'.1rM "'
r, uani- 1
, 1
?:l.l'v ruled' l.vU m.ilM'V '"r'.'V"'.
..,K...I Curo. B0ittl!y
k aud ilookfres. Callowa
r. .11 atari INCTITUTE
un. .. 8I L0USi
a'?aoiic IN HORSES.
HfwJ'?-a-.'lUl, r.lianaiMTEtD.
W fiiLSl "er o hor li-n'd kft
llon'hin(l. 11 li'S '
lif- 01 s
tu.bie.uii.i- ""',y2T7w:
The Old Reliable
Estnbllshedafl iy-ars. Trent, n
Lad Suok free. Call or write.
suci-imful practicr. Tr-alment co
bT mull oral offlw. 'ii!rB.iUw. m'
Tht wort formi poiU
cared 88
con8intll. Curfi
IllanV am
'&Df wXSo i-mitute.
120N.91h St..SI.Uull,MO
kST u.liHlV,kndn,,,,ktr:.. Call
nil II 11. Minis.
Bit. uuvuot axvi
$15 A WEEK. NT,i.5VTS;?.
''H. BtNIAMIN & CO., 822 Plne!t.,Sl.LOui., Mo.
is"ANYLADYcfin pot b valuable aecrot iUrnt j
iUUftb iiV '.w,
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
1- . fir. 1H1 0,i oriihiirsuieiu iurei.k
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
iv.me hatterr am-
An electro- 1
into miidicatud.
Pelts, Suspensories, R1
mil Appliance". Abdoui.
iiml Supporters, Vests,
llr.nni-H. OUieO CHUS,
Cures lthemnntism, liver nnd Kidney
Complaints, Dyspepsia, Krrors ot Youth,
Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Kexiull Wenk.
ness, nnd allTroiihles in Mnlo or i annate.
Question Blank aud Hook free. Cull or
write. ...
Volta-Kedica Appliance Co.,
133 Pino Street, ST. LOUIS. MO.
Foot-l'liiitsoii the Path to Henllll.
Everyone milling a doctor's advice
should read one of Dr. Fonte's dime
psmphlets on "Old Eyes," "Oronp,"
.'Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele,"
Dieeat-e of mm, Disease of Women, nnd
learn th- best means of spb-euie. M
Hill Pub. Co,, liR East 28lb Kb, New
While you kiwpyonr HubBcription paid up yen
can keep your brand in f rm of charge.
Allyu. T. J., lono, Or. HorBes (Hi on loft
shoulder; cattle naiup on left hip, tinder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; ran go. Mor
row county.
ArmBtronpr, J. 0 Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shonlder of horses; cuttle eaine
on left hip.
AlliBon, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and hornet) same brand on right
shoulder. Hange, Kiglit Mile.
Adkine, J. J., Heppner, Or. Honses, JA con
nected on lett flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Hrtho1nmpw. A. (I.. Altmie. Or.-- HorBOB
braniled 7 K uti either shoulder. Kane in Moi
row countv
Rlpftkraan. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a Han
onleft shoulder: cattle same on night shoulder.
HHnnister.J. W.. Hardman. Ur. I atllo hrand-
ed 11 ou left hip aud thigh: split in each ear.
Krenner, Feter, i,o.Heberry Uregou Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
liurke. M Bt C, Long i;reek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, crop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Homes, same brand on
letft shoulder. Hange in (irunt and Morrow
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle a on the lett side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope.
Harton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, j Ron
right thigh, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, iBa, Lexington, Or. Homes IB on the
right stino; cattle same on right tap; ranne, Mor
row county.
Hrown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
U with dot inoe: teron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses V bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Homos, box
brand on right hip cattle, Bame, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner. Or. Homos. P B on left
shoulder: cattle. Bame on left hio
Urownlee, W. J.. tox.Or Cattle. JB connecteel
on left side; crop m left ear and two splits and
middle piece out out on right ear; on homes Bame
brand on the left thigh; Hange in ifox valley,
VJ 1 flJ 1 t UUU1IIV,
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Honed brand
ed O on right stifle; cattle (throe bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
uniniHiiu Jiorrow counties.
Cain.K., Caleb.Or.-Y 1 un homes on left stifle
U with uuarter circle over it. on lnfc tinnli.r
and On left Stifle on all noltn nrrlnr nvanrs-nn
left shoulder only un all horseB over 5 years. All
iuuhw in urnui uuuiiby.
Clark, Wm. H.. Lena. Or. Ilnrsoi. WHM nnn.
net'ted, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Homes
m m 8lluulur; cattle same on right hip.
mup,D uioiiuw onu uuitiiiim couuiies.
Cecil. Wm..l)oiirllU4. I r h.irunu If nn ln.
shoulder; ca'tle Bame on left hip, waddles on
tHun juw nun two Uiie in tne right ear.
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
m nghtear, split in lef t ear. Hange in Grant
county. On sheHp, inverted A and spear point
OU 8 ' niarkou eweB, crop on left ear
turi, A. . n,. JUI1D IJftV. f.- lill i n nnua nts
Fuuw, uijuoi oil in ngnt. wetners, crop m
right and under half crop in left ear. All rangn
Cook, A. J..Lena.Or. HorRPn Winn riM.tui.!
der. Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square
Curnn. H. X., Currinsville,
i Or. -Horses, co on
k,ox iLd. o., Hardman, Or.-Caitle, C with
A l ' "ulwt,B-y on leri up.
Cochran, H. K Monument, Grant Co, Or.
HorseB branded o rcln with hat- KDn.l(h A. i
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under Blooe both eHrRHtidloiLrlun
Chapin H Hardman, Or.-Horaes branded
" on right hiu. ('Bttln hrumM ti,a m
Dickt-iiB, kbh- Horses braided with' three
,y.B uuini buub. nuie sa-ne on left side,
right side, swu.low-fork in each 'ear; homes, li D
Douglas, 'O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD
the tight stifle; cattle same on right hip
xav, j . u. a Bons, Uouglas, Or.-Homes brand-
i.7 k i wiwuiuer, caiue aame
r, ' , ') rigiu ear,
Elliott, Wash.. Heonnor Or r.;., j
lOtt, Wash.. Hfimnan D.
rieht shouldpr. '
viDuiuiiu UU
Emery, C B, Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
tiHiW ?i K l- .on left Moulder; cat-
fc iuir ... I u m sorrow county,
Uleek, Jackson, Heppner. Or.-H. i'u
connected on naut luuii.iu.. 1
off eft P' l!'armarl- hole in and crop
j i . i - ,:-"-- -"vu.ud,, ivotlin. Ml III H fill
! oft left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or -Cattl T v
rj - Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or
5th, nht "ho Wei; cattle. Fun right 1
. riFJ?r?P!tJB- P' Heppner, Or -Horses, F on
nh' ", We. ; cattle, f n right hip or tfiieh
! Ti-tre.nt:';:' tB"rK"' l.leppner. Or.-t'attle braided
I rencti, ouorge, iiei'Pner. Or. 1'Btru i,runHi
j ' wituar' ""leftside; crup off left
Ha. luj, " u ""'1 n,t hlP-
Or.-UAK on left
, ,llould9r'
.11 i ii. ...r. - --" irai.ufc, COS,
in Inft
rant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses brsnded H.
o. with a Quarter circle r.t,r ;t i.. ...,a'
lltmge in Morrow and UmatUlacdnnties!
i.V U" ."' 'se, Or.-l'attle. runi.rt.tnn 4
! Z'" '? "n.Tr clrcle er it on the ruiht h,
pria , Hinton A Jenks i l.miiE."" 'V" " !"8:
v.. ' on either hip; cn.D in riol.t ...j ' . ,'.c
...I. Horses, J on riiihl lliiirh. H,.,v j-.... .r...
Wim. Hinnil. Warner. Or- T r-r c ,
w. BouHeciecl on r mht ,hni,i .
il.Z t!. "P."? " aide, swallnw f.,ri
.'WSS:S Range in Hay.tack
side. "'"I
Hall. Kd win, John Diiy.Or.--Cattle K 11
hi h(lra, Muoe on right should.. 1 " '
Wut eonnty. "ntwii.
Howard, J U f.atlowny. Or. Hordes 1
with bar above it) ou right shoulder
same on lelt side, ltange in Morrow ,.',i r"u'
tiilu eountiee. ,I"J Ijlas-
llughes. Mat, llnppner. Or. Horn .1, ,
heart on the left shoulder, ltange MoT,,' "Vh,lt
llunsaker, U .Wagner. Or. -U Z7' ",' .
shiuldr: oa' tie. 6 onleft hip. """' " B loft
Haniistv, Albert, Nye. Oregon-Hon.. 1 o
ponneoted. c.n leftslioulder; CatUeon th 1 2
bin. orop off left ear, lQ left
tinmphrevs, J U. Uardman, Or. Hum. n
lef' Hank "ursss, H 00
Hayes, J. M., Heppnor. Or. Horse, in 1
on left shoulder cattle, name on right hin '
Ilnetou, bother, Klitht Mile, Or. Horsa n
the left shoulder and heart ou the left tia
tie same on left. hin. liana in lu.."" ( t-
left hin. Ilanje in Mnm,wn',ln
h), Long Creek. (Ir C'nttln I u'
Ivy, Alfred
rieht hin. eroi
same brand on left shoulder
Jones, Harry, Heppn-r, Or Horses h..j j
H J on the leftslioulder: cattle han"le.i fdld
right hip, also underbit in left ear C,; n
JU.rrow nullity. ' 'im U
Jnnkiu.B. M. Heppner, Or -Horse,, hon
shoo J on loft shoulder. Cattle 11,. ."n
llange on Eight Mils. ' ""was.
Johnson. elix, Lena, Or.-Horses, cirelT.
left stiHe; cattle, same on right hip, under
crop in right and Biilit in left ear
Jenkins, D WMt. Vornon.Or. J on h,,
left shonlder; on cattle, J in left hk
smiHith crops on both ears. Kaiianin if,.. !
KearvallojH "'g"m tmaiid
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hokum k . ,
KNV on left hip. cattle same and crop oTwS
ear: under slope on the right 1Ml
Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses M 1
shoulder; cattle. 8 on loft hip. 1,(1
Kirk. J O, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on .Ok
BankM-Jitlle 17 on right side. " eiUl
Kirk. Jeese, Heppner, Or.; horse, n ,.
shoulders cattle same on right side, undsrhi. !.
right ear. oaion
Knmberland.W. 0.. Monnt Vernon. Or -1 1 .
nut t In M l rriit nnrl siil, - 11 . . ' -U Oil
ear and under eiop in right ear.
" an in Slum, BWHI lOW ffkrlr I-A.
Horses si
brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grant .Tr
Lofton, Stephen, Fox, Or.-H L on left
caoie. orop ana split on right ear nZZ
same brand on left shoulder. Itanire
countv. unu,t
laonallen, John W., Lexf (r'n Or Hrtpao.
branch half-circle JL connected on left bE
der. Cattle, sam-on left hiu. ltange near S'
liniton "
Li'ithey, J- W- Heppner Or.-HorB brsnd .
L ai.rt Atjnleit shoulder; oettie same tm SS?
hip, wattle over right -ye, three lit iu nght
l-ord. George, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double II coi.nect. Hometiuioa called .
swing H, on left shoulder, 1
Murklmm, A. M., Heppner, Or. Cattle lnri
M on ltjft side both ears cropped, and split S
bo h Homes M ou left hm. Hange. &'
canyon. "
Minir, Oscar, tieppner, Or. t'attle, M n f,n
right hip; home. M on leftslioulder.
Morgan, M. N., Heppner, Or. Horses M
on left shonldt cattle same on left hip '
MdCumter. Jas A, Eoho, Or. Horses' M with
bar over on right shonlder. ' w
Morgan. Thos., Heppner, Or. Hiii-bps ci-,1.
T on ltft shoulder and left thigh; cattle
right thigh. ' UD
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Homes, 11 on ri-ln
hin: cuttle, 77 on right Bide. lul
MeClaron, D. G., Brownsville. Or,-Horeei
Fiifnre 6 on each slioulder. cattle. Mann hin
McCarty. David H. Koho Or. Horses branded
I) "VI connected, on the loft shoulder; cattle sama
on hip and side.
M.-Girr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule lm
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nndor in
each cnr: horses same brand on left stitio,
Mcllahv. v riaiiMltoa.Or.-tln Hni. a
with half circle under on left shoulder; un (Wtis
four bars connocUd on top on the right side'
Hange in Grant County.
Meal. Andrew. Lone Uock.Or. Horfise A N on.
nocted on left Bhoulder: cattle same on bothhiim
Nordyke, K., Kilverton. Or. Homes, cirole7orj
left thigh: cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip: on homes, same on left thigh, Haose
in Grant county
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or.-P 0 en left
Olp, Hennan, Prairie City, Or. On cattle. 0
Li' connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartle on nose. Hange in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, M
on left hip. Hange on Eight Mile.
'urker & fjleason. Harduian.Or.-
Horses IP on
. ft shoulder.
Tiper, ftrne-t, LexfriKton, Or, llor-es brand.
WE (L ll) connected) oi. left shoulder ; oattla
moon right hip. Hange, Morrow county,
l'iner. J. II.. Islington. (Jr. Horses. non.
ectod o, left shoulder; cattle, sawo un left hin.
uder bit in each ear.
fettys, A. t' lone. Or,; horses diamond Pod
shoulder: cattle. J H J connect)!, on tiis
left hip, upper Blope in left ear and slip in tiie
1'owell, JonnT., Dayville, Or Horses, JPooa.
noc ed oti left shoulder. Cattle OK oouuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on esch ear,
wllliie umiei iitroKi. ivtti ge ill uiaiu uimuiy.
Itood. Andrew, tluriltuan, ur. Horses, sqnore
os, with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Heningor, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horses, C B od
left slitnilder.
Hico. Dan. Hardman. Or.: horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on
right shoulder, ltange near tiardman.
ltojee, Aaron, Heppner, Oiliorses, plain V oil
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip and orop off right ear. llange in Mor
row county.
Itueh Hros.. Heppner. Or. Horses brsnded I
on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip.
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Hange ll'
Morrow and adjoining oouuties.
Ilust, William, Uidge, Or.-Horses B ut
left shonlder; cattle, It on loft hin, crop ofl
right ear, underbit on left oar. Mhsep, K on
weatnere, round orop on righ ear. iiange ums
tilla and Morrow oiuntiee.
ltontioy. Andrew. Lexington. Ur. tlorsel
hrHttilerl A It on riirhr, shonider. vent ousrtel
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
ltange aiorrow county,
Itoyse, Wm. H, Uairyville, Or Hit connected
will, quarter circle over top on cattle on riKlit hip
and crop off right ear and split in loft, llorssi
same brand on left Bhoulder. Hange in Morrow
Grant and liiiliam counties.
Hector. J. W., Heppner, Ur. Horses,
leftslioulder. Cattle, oon right hip.
Sninlri.ull. J. W.. (innseberrv. Or. Horeei
branded al on left shoulder ; lauge in Morrow
comity. i m t
Bailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded 0 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
awnegart, if. ., Lexington, ur. " ;"
l. I..I. ......:, ttr .,1H., nntl 1 H With
dash under it on right hip, orop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. nnngo in oiou,
Ijillianiand Umatilla counties.
bwnggart. A. lj.,Atheua. ur. uorsos raiuur- .
on lelt shoulder; wettle same on loft hip. uop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg,
Btroight W. K Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
J B on lef i stifle; oattle J b on left hip, swallow
tork in right ear, unaeroir in leri.
napp, Thos., tieppner, ur. norses, o o i
left hip; oattit- same on left hip.
Bhner.John, Fox, Or. Ml) connected on
horses on right hip; cattie, aame on right nip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Hangs
in urani county. , . .
Buiith Bros., Busnnville, Or, Horses, praiiuw
H. Z. on shoulder; caltla, -ame on left Bhonldsr.
Hnnien. .lumau Arllnl.m Or.: horSSS branded
JB on left shoulder; cattle the same, also non
waddle. Hange in Morrow and Gilliam co.intiss.
Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; norses
right stitie; cattle hurizoutai L on the right eioe
Bteveuaon. Mrs A. J Heppner, Or.-Cattle, D
on right hi ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwuggart, li. W., Heppner, ur. now
left sliouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Bperry, E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W t on
left hip, orop off right aud onderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W it on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses, I on
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left ehoulder,
TippeU.S.T.,lni erprise.Or Horses. C- on len
Bhoulder. .. , is
Turner If. W., Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital I
lelt Bhoolder, horses; oattle same on left mp
with split in both ears. K-nHd
Thornton, H. M lone. Or.-Horses brandeil
HT connected on left stifle: sheen same prana,
Vanderpool, H. T Lena, OrUoraes HV oon
nested on right shonlder;oaltie. Bame on ngm
""Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, D. li
on the left shoulder; oattle aame on right nip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q Balem or Heppner, Or.
Homes branded Jo on the left houider. Uangs
Morrow couuty. , ... .,.,
W arren, W H. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with. Quartet
circle over it, on left side, eplit in nM"5
Horses eame brand on left shoalder. Ka".ei"
Grant couuty. , .i
Wright, Bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip. square orop ott right ar
and split in left. , ,joA
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-HorBes hranaw
ace of spades on left ehoulder and left nip
Cattle branded same on left Bide and left nip.
Welle, A. B., Heppner, Or.-Horses, .-.
shoulder- catl same
Woiflnger, John, John Day City, Or-On hon
three parallel bars on left ehotdder; 7 o;"J;
bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Mainuer
sountieB. rtp
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or.-Horses, vr
eonneebpd on left Bhoulder. ,
WBtkine, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeo.
UK oonneoteo on left stifle.
Wallace, Charlei, Portland, Or.-OatUe, W o
nghtthigh,holinleft ear; horses, Vi on nga'
shoulaer. Bomi same on left, Bhoulder.
Whittier Bros., nuniington. Baker Co..Ot -HorBes
branded W B connected on left ihouldsr
Williams. asoo. HamiJton.Or.-Qoarter on-
ele over three bare on left hip, both oattle auu
horseB. Range Grant county.
' Williams, J O.Longteek.Or-Horses, on"
tor circle over three bare on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Kange in Grant oounll
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horsce running
on Btioulder; Cattle, same on ngnr mo.
Walker Elizabeth & Sons, Hard man Or-
"ante branded (E W connected) EW or i If"
i.lp htirw. unm. nn r.irht shoulder. J- "
null". IHirrWB Bll I1IO Ull rifiim rr,,..---
Wi lker'scjitil", same on left hip, horses sam.
on left Bhoulder. All range U "Morrow coonu-
:.i i l u nr.niilner.
i"oung, J. 8., Gooseberry. Or.-Honw nrsn""
rai tea right shonlo-