) 1 NOTICE TO AUVE1IT1HKRS. IMIOttKiterirlng tho insertion of display ails orrhHiiKum mime, nm8tK.it tliefr cojiy in not later Hum M inlay evening lor Tnemlar'n wtlliull, or ThnrsilKV uvetiitn; for FriiluyH e.li- linn. Tlig J'attkkson I'unuiiHltmCo KOT1CE. 1. Tlie uin of fivo cents per line will be churned for "cards of thanks," "reaulutiuiia of renHM!t," lists of weuMini; prvHonts and ilouiir ur Khali hlnmi'M give tin a matter of news,) and liutictiHiifHlHXiiul inoetliiifs for whatever l.nrnii.., 2. NntlceB of ehureh and society and allother c ii.: . i. iiuiu which revenue ib to lie de rived, shad be charged for at the rate of live cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed l.o in every instance. Advertising ratcB reasonable and madekuown upon application. We hold each and every correspondent ro piniBlulB for Ilia or her communication. No corrcBiiondenco will be published nolens the writer s real name Is signed as an evidence of good faith. I FlMHKU, NKWrll'AI'GK ADVEKT1S- JJ. ing Agent, 2 Merchants Kxchan. tinti i" rancisco, is onr authorized atjeut. This paper is Kepi on nic in His ollice. TIME TABLE. Stage for llardman, Monument, Long Creek John Uay und Uanyou City, leaves as follows : ' livery day at li a. in., except Uumlay. A rrivoB every day at 6 p. ni., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior country. . , ,. . . J' DIXEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent, r Qive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. "Since 1 am not allowed," says Lil, "To cut smack oil' that traitor's head, Next time we meet upon the street I'll cut the horrid creature dead." When a widow says, "1 never flirt," You mustn't believe it true, For, as she pouts in a manner pert, She'll try it then on you. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. Papers for sale at the Gazette ollice ut two-bits a hundred. Harry Warren returned from Portland on Tuesday's train. Deeds, mortgages, etc, executed at the Gazette ollice. Miohuel Kenny aud wife registered at the Palace Wednesday. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at the Mountain House. Arthur Smith will clean watches ut the reiluoed prioe of $1. Elder Muter is assisting in the meet ings now in progress here. The Hepimnr-Caiiyon stage line is the bist, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Now that oity election is ever, county politics will doubtless come to the front a (.'"in. Subscriptions to the Gazette from now till after the campaign, new ones mind, $1.00. For constipation, biliousness and kidney afl'eotions take Simmons Liver Regulator. If you want a good gnu or sewina machine, come to the Gazette office and we'll (it yi.u mil. TLoso fhn! iin hch-iIv pomp f"r H'iIo should ca'i on Uoo.h'6 Omser ut. The First Nation"! Hank. 2-tf. A Hp-cinl in-. flint,' "f tin; council was bell Wi-rlm'hiy for tho purpose of CB1; V'lhb::!:.: the vote. j he firm of i lec'ii'n iii'r'nl.-;, Bbi ; l;y u'.u'u.-i! limilfon & Fret-land, col hnvo dissolved partner consent. 'Ii ''i' Ivieniy's Calip," a drama foil j I on tho Intn war. io soon to be pn"ilc i by luc il talent. I.i'ifid blanks, plenty of them, at tba GiiaHte office, and ut world's prices. DiHOiuuita on large orders. Kvery man who takes any iuterest in fust Block should snbsorihe for The Uorseman. Gazette shop, agents. The oity election at Long Creek last TuHsdav created considerable interest. O. L. Patterson was eleoted mayor. Eli Keeney has a brood of game chickens just out, some fifteen in num ber. He hopes to raise most of tbem. J. F. Spray was a passenger on Wednesday's up train from Portland. He left yesterday for his old borne at Wagner. The Gazette will tnkeoounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe of enmein cash at highest market price. 7-60 Bob Shaw returned from Portland Wednesday accompanied by his wife who bas now about recovered from her recent illness. The Gazette offioe now runs an in surance and notarial shop. Come in when you want to do your insuring and swearing. Mrs. Colia Boyhan, who lives at the Mountian House.deBires to do plain sew ing. Those having same will do well to consult her. T. E Howard returned from Mon mouth Tuesday where he accompanied bis daughter. Miss Ollie, who will at tend school there. State Supt. Mo Iroy will be in at tendance at the teachers' institute next week. He is on the program for an address Tuesday evening. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should call around at this office and get oredit for same if not already given. Heppner has quite an extensive mann faotory looated at the City Drug store, where T. W. Ayers is daily turning out large quantities of Cook's squirrel poison . The young man hurt out at Matlook's was Billy Stiekler. It oc curred at Hon. T. J. Matlock's sheep ranch, instead of at the horse ranch on Hinlon creek. We call the republicans' attention to the notioe in this isbub for meeting at the court house next Wednesday for the purpose of organizing a republican club. Let everyone turn out. To our customers No difference bow large or small your account is, come in and settle, either by cash or note. We must bave one or the other to enable ns to stem the flood. Hayes Bhos. 90tf. In this issue our readers will notice an article relatiye to the Cooper Sheep Dip and the awards at the World's Fair. This you see contradiots the notice regarding Hayward's Dip in same issue. Green and Hiok Mathews will be found at the City hotel barber Rhop where anything in the line of the ton sorial art will be furnished on appli cation. These gentleman are artists and deserve yoar patronage. Coll on them. The teaohers' institute for Morrow oonuty ocours Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The day sessions will be held at the school house aud the evening sessions at the Methodist churoh. Gid Hatt baa now established a ton, sorial parlor, at the Matlock building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop, where he invites the patronage of his old nnalnmara an A nil who desire striotly nrst class work, shaving, sbampooingand hair Cutting at living prices. Don t overlook Hilly lieuner was arrested Tuesday evening charged with being drunk and disorderly. When brought before the i runnier weuues.lay moruing be plead guilty to the charge and was fined $10. Cook's Dead Shot eunirrel nnison. war. runted enual to if not superior to auv on the market. Manufactured by T." W. Ayers, Jr , Heppuer. For sale by drug- gwiB, grocers ami general dealers. 4tf. Oapl. F. J. Hal lock, of Blue Mountain Div., No. 12, U. It., K. of P., left today for Baker City to atteud a regimental meeting t that place. J. il. MoHuley aud wife will leave to morrow for an exlended visit down in California. While there tbey will visit the Midwinter fair. There will be a meeting of the repub lican central committee at the parlorBof the 1'ahicft hotel, Saturday, Feb. 17, '04, at 1 o'clock, p. m. (ieue Noble returned borne from Monmouth Tuesday where he bad been attending school during the past winter. Good whiskey, oheap and artificial. Send 81 postal note for recipe. Address iiox 101, Pendleton, Oregon. 4 12 J. B. Keeney left yesterday for vValla Walla, via Oanyou City and Pendleton, on business. Tkain Derailed. Bob Shaw and J. F, Spray, who came up from Portland on Tuesday night's passenger No. 1, gave us an aocount of a wreok of this train at Quiun's, between Blalook and Arlington. A huge rook, weighing perhaps 20 tons, had fallen from the cliff and with a 60 foot bound, Btruok the bed of the traok, breaking a rail, but passed oo off the traok. The engine jumped the break and remained on the track, but the first seven of the nine ooaoheB that followed left the rails and landed on one side in the ditoh. This accident ocourred ou level ground so that the cars could not roll down an embuukment. Trucks were broken, also a few seats in some of t e cars. A few were injured but nothing beyond a few bruises. John Spray reports that be was the only one that jumped from the train. As sooo as he felt the oars run ning on the ties he ran for the platform and jumped just in time to escape being caught between the cars, and ran fast enough to get out of the way of their fall. The car windows were broken in and through them the imprisoned pas sengers were gotten out. This was a very bad wreck and it is a wonder that all esoaped without serious injury. Each had tub Pabswokd. There is an item afloat to the effect that in a neighboring town is a lodge of the Farmers Alliance wbiob meets Monday nights. There is only one lodge room in the town, and Tuesduy nights it is occupied by Knights of Pythias. The president of one of the Bub alliances came to town Tuesday, and seeing a light in the lodge room, conaluded be would go over there. He gave the pnper kpock at the outer door. The wicket wns raised aud an ear plaoed to bear tui p iss word. "I plow, I hoe, I spade" whispered the alliauoe man. The ear was replaced with an eye, and in turn it ttive plaoe to a mouth, wbiob whispered iu reply, "The h 1 you do," and the wicket dropped with a bang. The indignatt farmer shortly after met a "brother," to whom he told bis tale of woe. "Why, dod dura it," was the sharp oommeut of the brother, "Them's KuiirbtH of Pythias aud you've give 'em our puss word." "Dogged if I ain't" w as tho response, "but, (brightening up) duru 'tin I've got theirs." Council Mkktino. A regular session of Heppuer's council was field at the oouuoil ohambers last Monday evening, Mayor Simons presiding and all council, meo present except Keithly and Farns- worth Minutes of last meeting of oouncil read and approved Bills allowed: Ed Glisun, $1; Gilliam & Bi8bee,!3.87; Dr. P. B. MoSwords, 85; Heppuer Transfer Co., 85 50, laid over for explanation; J. N. Brown, 810; J. W. Morrow, $40 50; F. J. Hallook. 818.66; Heppuer Light & Water Co., 885 Duplioate of warrnnt for 82.10toGilliam & Bisbee returned for cancellation Resolution introduced by Counoilman Jolmeto i, allowing Heppner Light & Water Co. to add to their system small reservoir near Catholic church, was adopted Committee on streets and publio property asked to look into the propriety of puttiug in Bidewalk cross ings across Willow and Hinton creeks, near Tims. Morgan's Council ad journed. Special Features. Toilettes for Feb ruary ooutains an elegant assortment of fashionable styles adapted to the season anil its social requirements. Its en gravings are artistioally perfect and embody tbe ideas of wbat is refined and correot iu matters of dress. Tbey in clude children's indoor and street garments, at borne, party, evening and fancy ball dresses of exquisite design, corsages, muffd, ruffs, sleeves, etc. Much iuterest attaohes to its "New York Fashions" wherein the latest novelties, both in materials and modes are ably and graphically dealt with. In every respict this is an admirable and useful n amber which society ladies dressmakers and all others of the sex would do well to patronize. It can be obtained from all newsdealers, or direot from Toilette Publishing Co., 126 West 23rd St., New York. Single copies is 15 cents. Yearly subscriptions $1.50. Cm Election, The election off Tuesday very quietly, but one person appearing on tbe streets in an intoxi cated condition. The vote was quite large for Ibis .vear, running up to 213, with two rejected, leaving it 211. The vote on the different candidates stood as follows: P. O. Borg, for Mayor, 119; J. W. Dawson, for Mayor, 91; F. J. Hallock, for Keoorder,' 202; L. W.Briggs. for Treasurer, 98; A. M. Gunn, for Treasurer, 103; for Counoilmen, O. E. Farusworth, 139; M. Liohtenthal, 128; Otis PattersoD, 120; J. J. Adkins, 99; C. S Van Duyn, 84. This elects the old council solidly. P.O. Borg was voted for by both faotions, though ostensibly a "law and order" candidate. We pre dict that be will make a good officer. Tbe fitfbt between Briggs and Gunn was a close one, as it will be seen by comparing the vote. Lost a Leg Blood Poisoned by a Slight Accident But Hood's Sarsaparllla Purified, and Restored Health. "C. I, Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.! "Gentlemen:-Three years .ii;iin Hie ivnetrat. ed one of my legs Just above tile Ism-e. I was lome distance from a doctor ami tin' V, unn.i wr.s not proneriy dressed, railing to receive' tin necessary treatment, Elood Poisoning set in. I liec;inio so weals mi l tvy ."y3te:,i so much run down that I could not tarn i:i bed or help myself In any way. After seventeen mouths' confinement, my wife took me t j Vnll.i Walla, Wash. Here the surgeons amputated niy leg half way between tho knee a::. I tlie hln Joh AVini? tins my health Improved sliaiulv 1, it shortly lu'Hngs began to torn on my y aic cause, me much pain and suirerlni: sev eral reined es were tried hut did n ,t pivfn:;. re n1eudedan!iy S:lrsl,i';"lll:' 'a- I Could See a Change from the first. Gradually I have Improved; I am growing stronger and the painful gatherings have dlsapaearcd and I am about cured of my HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES llli. All the oredit Is due to Hood's Sarsapa rllla and I teel that I cannot speak too highly of It" B. L. Burnett, Starkey, Oregon. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. HA VE YOU BACK A CHE ? DR. GRANT'S CURES Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment In Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Baok, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. PREPARED BY Oil Manufacturing Co,, PORTLAND, untuuN. For sals by Slooum-Johuston Drug 0). aud T. W. Ayers, Jr. Met Witu Favor. For some time past we haye noticed the name of Prof. J. H. Stanley frequently and favorably mentioned as a probable candidate for state sobool superintendent on the re publican ticket. In another place will be found a dipping from tbe Heppner Uazette wbiob speakH quite flatteringly of Mr. Stanley. If tbe gentleman can be prevailed upon, and we suppose he oan, to acoent the offioe we doubt if tbe re publican party oould find in its ranks a man better fitted or more popular than Prof. Stanhy. Hilleboro Democrat. Hard Times. Conductor Frenoh bas recently returned from a trip through the East. He says that the financial stiffen ing is all knocked out ol tbe places he haB visited. Leavenworth and St Louis are almost the deadest places on earth, and is only approached in tbe far West by Spokane, where tim"g are really de plorable. Railroad orews bave been re duced to a few hours a week, and every thing is down to a starvation limit. Chronicle. Meeting op Shekpbaujers. A meet ing of sbeepraisers and woolgrowers has been oalled to convene at Heppner, Or.. Saturday, Feb. 25, 1894. All are ex peoted to be present, as many matters of importance will be considered at that date. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your reeidenoe. sawed or nn- sawed. Wood sawed and dolivered at 87.00 Der cord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. jbiruoog:. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham siolr building, on May street, where he is prepared to do everything in his line. Alt cirbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a call 14wtf Land Fob Sale. 480 acres over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh an. will be sold oheap. Call at Gn.iette office for particulars and terms. ti. When suffering from throat nr lung troubles, take only oncli uieiliniue as hB been proved wrirlhv of confidence. Such a remedy is Ayer'aClierty Peetornl; a Bpeciuc for Riiuileu col u. an I invalu able in all forms of pulmonary com plaints. Sold by druggists. Price 1, The Cowboy's LMto The cowboy's lasso ismado by cuttin a rawhide into thin strips, balf tanning it with hair on. These strips are then stretched over a block and braided into a rope, the strands being braided very tight. Tho lasso is then buried in sand for a week or two and absorbs moisture from the ground, which mak(-s it soft and plinblc. When taku out of the ground tt U ?.r ! I nr. tho hair liawndp;:,. ! i' :- rr"-aed with mutton u ' ; - , r)jr noosed and is rca.lv u9, KIDNET 9 "m. is for sals B-sr Gilliam & Bisbee, YOUR ATTENTION! TlTe want it for a moment to inform you that ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having been largely increased with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. S. S. HoRNOR, Salesman. tt Otis Pa NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER LEGAL t w m i r -r ri OF )Tlw young how to choose Uto In-st out: to marry ;(1N tVO COURSE)Tlie mamcd how to bu imppy in marriage; ( BAYS YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies; ( ONE WANT )The mother how ti have them without pain ; (AGENT TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be;( 42 WHAT The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE EVERY )Tlie invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth IN ONE TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's" Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR. KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 2 tool, plates; 200 recipes; (500,000 READ (Reduced from $3.25(01.50; circulnrs free. ( COPIES P. IT. T. )Murriiy Hill Pool; Co.. ,2!) R 281 h .St., New York.C MOLD. STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads: "James C. II , a tine lookincr and apparently healthy man, was observed to stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this afternoon, and after taking one or two un certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When picked up he was dead. A physician ex amined the body.and pronounced hearidmase the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of the case is that Mr. H was on his way to Maine, to settle in the home of his boyhood. He had passed the previous ten years in the western mining country, and had amassed a fortune. If YOU haven of the symptoms given in the followingtestimonials you should lose no time in seeking relief. from jonn u ltouerts, Slatmgton, fa.: ":I have suffered with nnlnilalinn. irrennlnr pulse, fainting and smothering spellt, pain in thouldera, side, and arms for over forty years. For twelve years have been treated without avail by prominent physicians in my neigh borhood and in New York. Growing con stantly worse, smothering spells followed one another, so my life was often in danger and I needed constant care. A s my son had been cured by Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, he sent me three bottles. The first dose gave me instant relief. Before using the last bottle I was completely cured. A llhough seventy five years old I feel twenty years younger. I claim my cure to be almost a miracle." Here is a letter from Mrs. John Kolges. of Cleveland, O.: "I had been troubled with my heart and stomach for years, but for six teen months had been confined to my bed. I had four of the best doctors in the city, but none of them could benefit the weakness of my heart. I also had dropsy and rheumatism. I never took medicine that relieved me at once as Dr. Miles' New Heart Curt does. I am much stronger. My appetite is splendid. I gain strength with every dose. I have gained more in six weeks from your treat ment than in sixteen months from all the doctors." Dr. Milef New Cure for the Heart Is sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists. Jt is sale, eneehve, anraable, ana dots cure." Dr. MI lies a: 1 Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For sale by T. W. Ayers, j Mapping the World. Almost the whole of Europe has beer covered by exact surveys. Even in the Balkan states, whore the easygoing and unscientific Turk bas done almost nothing to map the country that was long under his control, the work has been done for him by the enterprise of the Russians, Austrians and Germans, who naturally have tuken a very great in terest in mapping this mountainous and debatable quurter of Europe, says Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine. The first country on tho continent to undertake these minute surveys was France, in 1750, and the work has steadily progressed in various countries until almost the whle of Europe, ha been mapped in beautiful and elaborate detail. We find, however, that in a i large part of Scandinavia, Spain and eastern ltussia map-makers have not yet the advantage of these detailed surveys. -tsr ox. Geo. Conser, Assignee, sw CALL, AT OPPICE Plenty of them at the Gazette Office I Heart. J fl PI-ANT FKIt It V'H HEEDS If 13k tills yt'iir, and iimkf- up for lost tlma EM 1S Ferry. Seed A mi mil for 1mii4 will Kff V give you many valuable hlnta Ma Ja uhoiit what to raise and how to EW yg raise It. It contains informu- Mw fcaktion to he had from nootherrar Tjgk sounw. Free lo iU,Mdr 5jX. M. Ferry & jlj&r ! Halary aadoi pontes paid wocjkiy from ttarfc. , JerniatiLntioHitl:)n. ExuIuhWo territory. 5 Diporicnco unneci-HHury, I'eculi 7 auvant(vg:fito beginners. Liberal. if commiBriion to local pari ll time agents. Largest growers of clean, hardy, reliable nursury AkT for thv t,rrh,Lrti. Stock. rfp iR lawn PTid waidcfi. r W-w uit yon mw, while J lXJfr lb fruit ih'lny U ;-o dfr important, unco pn.inrn ilara Hi---. liliOWN JIHOii. V.O., nur- rJ$K'rrn.fj:i, I'ortbiml, Ore. (ThiB Uoujell jlp1 roliAl.k'. Nr. mi thlc im;.r. Ed.) ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The SfndebBker wngon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes at V. G. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a The Kcelcy Institute, at Forest Grove onrcs liquor, opium, morphhip, cocaine and tobacco habit. Hee ad. Tbe I'alane is the loading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If yon want to buy groceries, and bread stiifT cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Kohl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clock. Cio keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business- a M. Liohtenthal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer bottoii and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Tho general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Ooflin & Mc Par land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, wbiob continues business at the old eland with a larger stock than ever. a HIck! I'IIch! Ilching filed. Symptoms MoiHtnre; intense and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swaynb's Ointment stops the itching mid bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne A Sou, Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. w7A W3 ' 1. t 3. .I-;!..!:tfn W H SUMItlV- TFH PEOPLE OUR b W I Not only once, but again and again. The, know that from as they alweye get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. Why Buy When you can MEATS OF ALL Etc., at the And at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build- up your Cily. j,ook to vonr interests and assist those who assist you. 1 aw The Isdcy Institute -OF- KIEK The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY -f Groceries and Provisions. A full line of choice Pies, Cukes Biid Bread j in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call and try them. RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, whiob when negleoted in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. l,lllK RIPANS TABULES. If you urn lUUOUH, CONSTIPATED or KDNi'?vKD.or take nave a uibUKiir. If your COMPLEXION IS HALLOW or you sutnii iJisTUiiSS allu For OKKENSIVK IlltKATIf and ALL T. DlDAMC T A Dl I I I O DIHOKL1E1W OK THE STOMACH, - nlrAINIb I AtJULES. Ripans Tubules act gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomaoh and intes tines; cleanse the system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual oonstipation, offens ive breath Bnd headache. One Tabule taken at the first -ndioation of indigestion biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and onioklv remove the whole difficulty. ' Kipans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tubules are an infallible cure; tbey oontain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by the wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO, POWTl,AND, OHBGON. Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. Tliey are Easy lo Take, Quick (0 Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. OamplBa Fnt on application, to TTor REMOVALNOTICE! The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware. Stoves, Etc., carried by Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to tbe West wareroom of the Mo Farland Mercantile Co.'s establishment. He still bas a complete line whioh will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around. 1 aw The Lancashire Insurance Co. OIp MANCHUHTBHi IC T., A.IV 1 i W. PATTERSON. AGENT OneoftUelle.tjntheWond 0' Tin IV 1 LIU Cl!) l int C!i.u ) ft 1 in Meinr. 2. Tnildiip iud ftr Ihcliir liglts thrtufchtut. i'fst peer n n id alios fci tl e fitytlirg pUDllC. 4. Ccuil(tus ficBtmcnt 1 efund lie ccun tiy people. MES. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. ABE COMING WAY! s& 00.1 PALACE Heppner, Oregon, of Peddlers? get the choicest KINDS, SAUSAGES, Liberty Market. SHAW & M'CARTT, Props. For the Cure en Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It 18 located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttk ollice for particulars, euro 001 tla1, Treatment private aud sure & RTJHL. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. tla ISlpaa. CHaralcal Co, ST.-w City. i