o EtE IltLIT TO SELL YOU 5PH ! 8 . -One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. - - lGOACKBS IEEIEI130 a i ( Tim dppclpil laud bus a good fining of water ou it, all under C7TND 160 ACKES rimber Culture claim adjoining, of wbich deeded land there are 140 acres gcxd farmiug land, and the balance A 1 j asiurp. JX fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardmau. Trice for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, !?800. AND STHvIv ANOTIIBK. Deeded ranch 1G0 screbl land. Will sell on easy tonus A good niBiler can pay it wHh first ctpValsed on it. Ileason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for lt. ANOTHER BAKOAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow couuty, cheap and ou easy terms. It Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize BOH. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for Ills or her communication. No correspondence will he published unleHS the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. Did you ever Read about the Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Yee? well That iB like Doing business Without advertising. All the Hnide ReliemeH In the country Will not accomplish Half as much Ah a (rood nd. f a a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that U.-ies its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. .S3 .m NOTICE! TO UKI'UltUCANS. Pursuant tn petition u' a large number of the republicans of Morrow oonnty, notioe is hereby given that a meeting of republicans will be held at the oourt house inlleppner, Wednesday, Feb. H, 1894, at 1 p. tn., for the purpose of organizing a club, and perfecting the organization of republican club through out Morrow couuty. O. E. Farnhwomh, Attest: Chair. Cen. Com. F. J. Hallock, Secretary. BOOM OUR INDUSTRIES. The Salem Statesman rightly remarks that Congressman Ellis, of the Seooud Oregon district, interjected a few appro priate words in the serial tariff debute just ended in (he house upon the Wilson bill. lie spoke of the injustice of tbe proposition to pluoe wool on thefiee list, lie ooin pared tbe cost of prodtioing wool in Australia, Argentine and other foreigu countries with the cost in our own country, using consular reports as his unquestionable authority, giving prefaoe to the paragraph of his remarks, which we qu ite: "I am free to Bay that the Western wool-grower cannot ooii tiuue in this bnsiuess if this hill be comes a law. Its effect is already being felt, and that effect upon the people whom I have the honor to represent is dire indeed. In IH1I2 they were able to realize at home some 14 cents tor their wrol. Today wool is a drug upon the market at 7 cents." Mr. Ellis then quoted from a letter of oue of his 1'riiio ville oouatilueiits, showing that the loss on wool for Crook county, Oregon, nloue last year was $105,000, and on the value of sheep (500,000, makiug a total loss in one year to the flock owners of one Oregon county of 8(505,000 and this not by the passage of any bill giving free trade in wool, but the mere promise of the euactmeut of Buch bill. Mr. Kilts received the highest compliment of hearty appluuse from the house upou the conclusion of his remarks, as fol lows: "And now Mr. Chairman, I think that the time has oome for ub to put an end to booming charity, which is about the only thing that has received a boom by reason of tbe probability of this bill becoming a law. I believe in oliarity, but would much pr. fer that there were no necessity for it. The time has oome when we should quit booming charity and monarchies and do something to boom Amerioan industries and furnish work at remunerative wages to the American workingman." J. C. Leahl'uk, of l'eudleton, bobs up again for the republican oougressioual Domination for the seoond district. The first is our distriot, but it may not be out of place to say that aucb a nomi nation would be a great mistake. There are several other men of Eastern Oregon worthy and able among them Hon. W. . Ellis, the present inoumbeut to say nothing of a man in Astoria (who prob ably does not want it) aud many in I'ortland. Salem Statesman. TiiitKB more lucky democrats of Oregou have been favored by Orover. Monday he sent the following nomi nations to the senate for Oregon posi tions: F. S. Harding, postmaster, Mo Minville; Robert M. Veaoh, register of laud oftioe at Koseburg; anl Vincent Snelling, receiver of publio moneys at J,nVev,n,v, Trig house committee on Indian affairs made a favorable report Tuesday on tbe bill to extend for three years the time allowed for the Umatilla Irrigation Company to construot its ditch aoross tbe Dmatil la Indian reservation. Con gressman Ellis asked unanimous con sent for consideration of tbe bill which was granted. Tbe bill was passed and now goes to the president. The appointment of Frank S. Harding as postmaster at McMinville is a recog nition of the newspaper men of Oregon. Mr. Harding is editor of the Telephone Register at that place, and judging from the manner in whioh be conducts bis paper we believe him tbe right man in the right place. Sen. MATTfiEw Quay, of Pennsylvania, has added a free silver rider to the Wilson tariff bill. The Wilson bill will yet have some decent points worthy of consideration, even if it doea ruin the business of our couutry by one-sided tariff provisions. Ouii valley exobanges say there is a candidate f.r some office up in Eastern Oregon behind every sage bush. Why that's nothing. Down in Marion oounty you can And one behind every hop pole. About a standoff, isn't it ? Bland's seignorage bill may pass the house, and in that event will have no trouble in going throngb tbe senate. But the veto power will yet be in the way of it becoming a law. Tbe president should not have that power. It ib reported that ex President Har rison, who is soon to deliver a series of leotures before the Stauford University, will while in California be married to Mrs. Stanford. However, the report is denied. Tim dates for the three state conven tions have now been fixed. First come the populists on March 14th, then the republicans on April 11th and tbe demo crats on April 17th. Tun Oregonian throws the populists, silverites and financial sciolists all into one bnnoh for condemnation. We oan stand it, even if it does oome from tbe great Oregonian. II itt, leader of tbe republican minor ity in the bouse, made a righteous stroke the other day when he called Queen Lil a woman of vice, folly and extravagance. Mas. SohuIjYBh Colfax is left penni less by the failure of an Indianapolis bank, and a movement is on foot to re lievo her financially. Will Cleveland veto the Wilson bill with its free silver provision should it become a law? Cleveland is liable to do auythirg. Minous may be fined $10 or imprison ed tor using cigars, cigarettes or tobacco in any form in publio uuder the new Gill law. Tim Salem Democrat has turned up its toes to the daisies. The plant is now offered for sale. Oheoon will have no exhibit at the Midwinter fair, so our commissioners have decided. Gko. W. Childs, the veteran journa list, is dead. He was the printers' friend. Vaillant, the Krenuh anarobist, has been executed for bomb throwing. Tim gold balauoe in the U. S. treasury has got down to $65,000,000. G. F. Kdsskll, Sohool Supt, of Linn Co.. is a defaulter. Nkv Youk City takes most of tbe bond issue. This la Meant fur Yon. It is truly said that halt tbe world does not know bow the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfeot health, owing to the impure condition of our blood. But we rub along from day to day, with scarcely a thought, unless forced to our attention, of the thousands all about ns who are suffering from scrofula, salt rheum and other serious blood disorders, and whose agouies can only be imagined. The marked Buooess of Hood's Sarsaparilla for these troubles, as shown in our adver tising oolumns frequently, certainly seems to justify urgiug the use of this exoellent medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every claim in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla iB fully backed up by what the medicine has done and iB still duing. and when its proprietors urge its merits and its use npou all who Buffer from impure blood, in great or small degrees, they oertnluly menu to include you. To grow old gracefully, one must live temperately, calmly, methodically; be interested in all that is going on in the world; be cheerful, happy, aud con tented, sad above all, keep the blood pure aud vigorous by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Be sure yon ppt AverV LEXINGTON ITEMS. What about squirrel poison and what will the couuty do? What is the mutter with politics? There don't seem to be any candidates for tbe various office. Mr. B.F. Willie, of Clarks Canyon, goes today to commence work for the season with Ed Ashbsugh, of Eight Mile. Mr. Thomas Boothby attended a party Friday evening at Douglas, at tbe home of T. J. League. A good time was had by all. Tom took a young lady from the neighborhood of Mr. Iler's, and wus three days making the round trip How is that for a bachelor? Tom is in it. J, S. Boothby is tbe choice of quite a number of the republicans for represen tative. He is a time-tried republican, aud is thoroughly qualified. He was an old soldier who went through the war from beginuing to end, whs iu many hard fought battles, ami has never offered himself as a candidate for any offioe. Now, we, hiu friends, osk a fair consideration of his ease. Clanks Canyon. Muxcle and Vi(ror A Difference. Many musoular men succumb to fatigues borne with ease by persons far their inferiors in physical strength. Muscle does not imply vigor. In fact, it is not difficult of proof that athletea do not live as long nor enjoy as good health as the average individual who is vigor ousthat is to say, whose digestion and sleep are unimpaired, whose nerves are tranquil, and who bas no organic ten dency to disease. These requisites of vigor are oouferred upon those inherent ly weak, no less than upon those debili tated through wasting disease, by a thorough, persistent course of Hostatter's Stomach Bitters, the leading national tonic, indorsed anil reoommeniled by physicians of eminence. It will not endow you with the muscle of aCorbett, but it will infuse energy into your system, and renew the aotive an I health ful performance of its functions. It averts aud oures malarial, rheumatic aud kidney oomplniuts, and overcomes dyspepsia, constipation, liver trouble and nervousness. FIHST AWAHI) AT CHICAGO. Sheepmen will be interested to know that there is no longer any question as to tbe relative merits of the different sheep dips upon the market. Christy & Wise take pleasure in annotinciug that Hayward's Dips (paste aud liquid) for whioh they are sole P. C agents, have secured the first awurd at the World's Fair, and last year these dips received the silver medal at California Htnte Fair and gold medal at Meehunio Fair, San Franoisco. Every praoticala heepmen that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro nounced them the very best dips for the cure of soab, the general health of sheep and conditions of wool.lHl 18H-SW. SHEEPMEN, TAKE NOT1CI I Some dip makers are publishing false statements concerning awards granted at the World's Fair. Awards were not given for comparative merit no practi cal tests took plaoe and no dip received a "first award." The Cooper Sheep Dip exhibit gained a medal and diploma the highest award obtainable and over 300 premiums were secured by Cooper dippod sheop. No other dip established a reoord approaching this, whh b con firms the claims of the long-established Cooper Dip Bnd prouounoes it the cham pion dip of the world. Used on 100 millions annually. Coffin & McFarlaud, agents. 204 6 tlOO Knward (100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is ut least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure iu all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aotiug direotly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of t tie system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. The proprietors hae so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any oase that it fails to oure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tSTSold by Druggists, 75o. Il.aoil FARM AND 8TOI K HANCH. It will take only $812 to buy it; 480 acres, 2t0 acres plow laud; one-half mile running water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 houses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and bograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock oreek. Terms: $110 down; remainder on long time. Location: Ou county road, two and one-half miles west of Bood hill, Eight Mile, Or. 320 aores for $510, or $10S for ownership in Hid acres Bchool land or will exchange for two good horses. Original cost of aobool land, $:I20. Apply at Heppner Gazette office, Heppner Oregon. llliMf-sw. If the hair is falling out and turning gray, the glands of the skin need stimu lating Bnd color-food, the best remedy For further information call at our office. TOE PATTERSON JbXJ3S- PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of our couutry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and scienoes generally was oo great as now. The oonvenieDces of mankind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as iu offleial life, require oontioual accessions to the appurtenance and implimentB of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the administra on government does not affect the progress of tbe American inventor, who being on tbe alert, and ready to per ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare oannot be exer- oised in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, Bnd es pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust tbeir business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as tbe breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, represeniing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to protect its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said- Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me obanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any firm iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wedderburn. (118 F Street, P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. Ask Year Friends Who have taken Hood's r-'arsuuarilla what they think of it, and tbe replies will be posittye iu its favor. Simply what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit, Oue has been onred ot lndegestion or dyspepsia, an other finds its indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while others report remarkable cures for sor.-'fula catarrh, rheumatism, suit rheum, etc. STATE TKKAMUUEHSHIP. Hon. W F. Matlock Will he In the Race suy his Friends. From the S. O. Lines are now being drown more closely as dates are filed for state ecu ventions. Heretofore the candidates mentioned for state offices have not been so very plentiful. Eastern Oregon bas a strong pull this year and there is a disposition among all the parties to select men from this end of the state to make the raoe for office. It has just now leaked out that Pendleton has a name to offer for the state treasurership. The gentleman is known in every portion of the commonwealth. He has been prominent in the senate and has proved capable and effioient. His friends pro pose to get in and drill from now on until the end of tbe campaign to the end that he may seoure the eleotion. They think that pitted sgainBt any men tbe republicans nnd popnlists can put np, their favorite will oome in under the wire ahead of all. One of them said today: "Just whisper iu the ear of the publio that Hon. W. F. Matlock is going to scoop in the office of state treasurer, provided the demoorals plaoe him on the ticket. That I am eure they will do. Bill,(yon know we all oall bim Bill for short), will be a thundering good oaudidale and run like a New York Central world's fair locomotive." When asked whom the republicans in bis opinion were likely to nominate, be said: ''Phil Metsohan, I guess. Pbil has a pretty strong republican following and probably oan have the nomination." Senator Matlock being in Portland, oould not be seen to give assent or denial to the foregoing. aimmons Liver Regulator oured me of general debility Rnd loss of appetite. Mrs. Edmund Fitton, Frsnkford, Fa . ta.t-nl CP '""T"1 ' '""tils lrtif nt fpL I lUkWIria biBiia Fiiluk.l le.rt Si,' r. tc- M curwl. 30 run' & 7Tl-.iu.tliaBInk.n4Bo.irm. dlSr wrttlr PVv,. . IR. H. B. BUTTS, I vn Pln Rtr. St. I opt Mo LOCAL MARKET KEl'OBT. Wheat, bu 35 Fh.nr.hhl 2 50 300 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 1 50 " three " 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bend 1 50 & 2 25 " stock i ou (5 J if Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed u ou (oj uu Wool 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz 20 Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $1 03 0 1 08 Flour, hbl 3 00 to 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 ft? 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs.'cwt 4 60 5 25 Wool Eastorn Oregon.. 10 ft 12 Butter, tb 25 a 80 Eggs, doz 200 25 Chiokens, doz 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, tt. la isS IS PORTLAND .MAltKRT. Wheat, owt 85 05 Flour, bbl 2 90 03 15 Beeves, cvt 1 75 (8 2 75 dressed 3 50 ft? 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 dressed 5 75 0600 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 ' dressed 7 00 Wool Enstern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 20 30 Eggs, doz 21 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (til 50 Turkeys Ib 15 (a) 17 Administrator's Sale. HNDKR AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER iuuni'il nut nf the l!onittv Tonrf. of (Ir.'ifOn. for Morrow county, on ttie nth day of Nov. A. I). ls!l;. The inidersiirued administrator of the estate of JnincsS. Brecilinff, deceased, will on Saturday February 17. INH, at out; oclock iu the afternoon of said day, in front of ttie court house door, in Hciiouer. Morrow countv Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand a 1 tne rltrht. title and interest ol said James 8, Breeding, deceased, in and to the following described real property, to-wlt; P.. W'i of Sec. 1H. To 2 8 R 2(1 E. W. M situated in Morrow county, state of Oregon. Thesamo to be sold in parcels of forty acres each, or as a whole rb to the administrator may Beem best ou day ot sale. Dated this ntti day oi Jan. A. D. lHiU at Heppner Oregon. A. 11UKKD1NO, l'.i7-o"i Administrator Stockholders Meeting. TVjOTTCE IS I1KHKHY GIVEN THiT THE annual meetinit of the Stockholders of tiie National Hunk of Heppner will be held tit its banking house on the third Saturday in Feb. 1WI, between the time of 10 a. in., and 4 p. in. of said day, for the purpose of electing directors aud attending to such other business as may come before the niectinu'. En. It, Bishop, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Jan. 10, 1894. 1 06 Summons. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOR TUB cuijiuy oi jiorrow, aiaie OI Oregon. J. A. Woolery, piaiutilf, vs. 8. W. Adams, de fendant. To S. W. Adams, defendant. In the name of uie niaie oi uregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the eoinnlnint Hied against you iu the above entitled action on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above-entitled court, to-wlt: The 2(1 day ... .,uii, i.wi. Aim ii you ian bo 10 answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judg ment against vou for the SUIT! Of tWO ll,,n,lr..,l and thirty-five and seventeen one huiidredths dollars, with interest thereon from the 111 clay of January lMM at the rate of ten per cent, per annum until paid. For the sum sixty-five uoimr auorney s iee and lor his costs and dis bursements. This summons Is Rorvpd hv T,,i.ln,,Mnr, order of W. I,. Bradshaw, circuit judge of' the ul,.,.lni man ici m uie mate oi uregou '"'J4 0 r " m"de 011 "ie 31 3imMry ,,,,. J.N. BROWN. "'-'' Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. TN THECIRCriT COURT FOR TIIE COUNTY X of Morrow, State of Oregon. Frank Brother! Implement Company, plaintiff vi. E. s Cox, S. H. Cox and 8. w. Adams, de .i Iou? .W,.A,rtttms' defendant, In the name of ...v.JlttlcUiuirKuii; ion are nercby required to annt'Hr flu,! aniw., ,1... I-,... ... . against vou in the above-entitled action on or -..... u,0. un, ui me nexi regular term of want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment j .... .u, ouiu ui tweiuy-iour and rate of ten per cent per annum until paid. For " ' -uuimrH uuorilCV H left mid for nig costs and disbursements This Biimmnno la ..,.,-,., I v... -..lit. .. i m octtcn uy uum cation hv S ' ",h b.TO.te S4 J. o? the i r j -'"....'rai muici ui meniaie ot Oregon said order was made on the 31 day of January, ,. J- N.BROWN. ''d Attorney for Plaintiff. Teachers' Examination. JOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR 11 the purpo,e 0f examining all those who may ot er themselves as candidate! for con.u L fe'u ,u,?"' ac,8' 8tat,e Diploma, orstate ..:;, Vi i Ti ; ""pe""ieuueni ot Morrow env rll1 llJ?li pu,b".c. examination at the .,vc in neppner, beginning at daeXbP u?t?,'Kl!b- U mi- D"?d iga . Supt. Morrow Co. HAT TEES OWR Mro cs PORTLAND. ORE. Why inffer with sick headache and m What Is tho comlMon of your it It your hair dry, harsh brittle? Ioc it split at the ends t llat it a llfelttt appearance t Jocu it fall out trhen combed or bruthedt Is it full of dandruff Dons your scalp itch f lt it dry or in a heated condition? If that are noma of your symptomt he warned in time or you will become .' v -n rteil latd. :i$mm felOOM Is what you Bflorl. Its production Is not an accident, but the result of nr ientitv ptwi-tji). Knowledge of the dliuososof the hair and scalp led to tho tltHcovorv dr h, 1 ii-mif. tlmm " S Lrnnlrll m " nriniiia nn1llii tntrmi-Blu i,hf nlli in. ..... 1 ,l,,w a (lelfKiitftilly coolinir and refreshing Tonic. By stlmulatlug'tho folllclca iil luiir, cures dandruff and grows hair on bald heads. ' " E tr neep mo scaipu.emu, nt'aiiuyana ireo irom irritating eruptions hv tiii . . i of : kOK-uin Skin Soap. It doatruyu parasitio insects, which feed on and c'i- ,! t the ttair, " l'J u your dnifT(ri3t cannot prfiiaM, on receipt ot price. 3tr i tiiuf $2.50. TRADC MfcHK THE SIOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER r? South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. DR. FOOTE'S HAND-HOOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES is the title of a very valnnlilo hook that givos a great amount of information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, eoui -urnlng their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc IT TELLS ABOUT ' '' What to Eat, How to Eat it, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Influenee of Plants, Occupation tor Invalids, Alcohol as a Food and a Medicine, Ruperlluous Hair, Itemovtin? Same. Dangers of Kissing, . Kestoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections' Overheating Douses, Preventing Near-Hlghted- How to Avoid Them, Crouo to Prevent' Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO ClIttE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corni Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, stammering, Sore Eye's, Sore Mouth Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Ultes, Sweating Poet, Toothache Ulcorsi Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' BILLS. EAU new snbacribors and prompt renewals during tbe month of Jan. will be presensed with a free oopyot this as a premium. now xo nreaine, lvlli!s, Dawson Ss Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All busiuess attended to in ft prompt and satisfactory mnuner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL liANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. b,BBc!tC,,THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET. NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. P.O. box 463 J0HN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3" Cut this out and send it with your inuulnt. Ts "V.1IT ',-"4 fill, m 1 B It is a wonderful remerlv. wruYVi i alM.-P rvnpfi- cial to you and your children. Such is ScotCs Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produce sound, healthy fiesh. It keeps them from taking coll and it will do the same for you Scott's Emulsion cs-.'cj Colds, Consumptio::, S'.iv.fuia n anaemic and wastl-;; j:::.-.-.i:: Prevent wastin? in ch'lj'-i.i".ii roost as palatalite'ns ncife.' uVt !! the genuine. Prepared by Sfott . Bowne, Chemist",, Navr Yori. 1 , Jl DniRRists. Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE f.. . ""'""'S'je'l, the administratrix of the estate of Cornelius Driscoll. deceased, will on Saturday the loth day of Fehrnarv at 1 o'nlook ft. m. nf ailfri ildf a, tha W..a l..1f 11. . east quarter, and the East half of the North- ----- ... oi-iti,,,, tiniiv-oiie .,ii town ship two 02) South of RanRc twentv -nine (" kn.J ff rim VVllla.n..,. 11,1. T ,. , "iiiniiiL-uc .uruuiail. Bell Said dmcribed premises at public sale to the highest hinder fnr ..uDh l KaH i n .,.,. o,u u .aie ueuip mime under and pursuant to an order of the County entereii in said County court of Morrow countv on said n nti. ' I will also on said day at the hour of n o'clock p. m. of said, day, sell an undivided one-half Interest in the saw mill property belnnelmrtn Mid estate, said mill hetuB known as the hi e hih'"'.""1- fdsakMvillbe made to the highest bidder with cash in hand upon the premises. The order for said sale havii e been rehr,.afTS"ld'H?Vhe alth rt" "f Sep 1K93, by the honorable Countv court of Morrow Z&rhlga- "-t-'day W2-aH Mary Driscoll, ROOT HAIR GROWEffil supply too, send direct to us, and wo will fjn- M Grower, fl.UU per battle; for3.00. Boau su . i " ' l"" CO.. Parasites of tho Skin, Core of Tooth Bathing Host Wav, After-Dinner Nana Lungs and Lung lllseasos, Effects of folmeco How to Avoid Them, Cure for Inti'inn,.r,m nothing, What to Wear, HeadaeheS eft, How Much to Wi.nr w ti... uu . -ui"i OREGON. 1TX. -4 Seeds! Trees! Choice Seeds Fruit Trees THAT WILL GROW. Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue Free. Address GEO. STAREETT, jan25-3m sw Walla Walla, Wash. ira ram mr n th? ST I -Ai1 Jil Tim ill 8 em mm nnpp tdiiii a i tn r K r r I nlMLi k"o I LL . , 47. mmui d.bllltj l IrM toi 11 omu