Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 06, 1894, Image 4

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preniiaj Li vii tying pnn euro uijuU pat. tu
Prentlaa Kcctliyiug pills euro constipation
Alrroat all pills and medina prM'ico crnstinatlon. her Is a rill that euros torpid
liver, biliousness, rboumatlsra, Indli-estlon, pick boadabo and kidney aDd liver
tnubles without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
is the prime cauBe of alt Btckncns. bewaro of It getting habitual and chreulc with you,
see to It In t!mo; those pills win cure yea.
3 Ji I because t la the only safe and harmless
kn? I Eamm irtT remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the
dear the skin and remove all blotches from the face. Try a box and see for your
self. 55 Cents a box,
ouk uy man upon receipt or price by
I Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
Prentiss ltoctirylng pills cure constipation Pruuliss Koclliying pills euro constipation
Prentiss Bectlfylng pllla cure constipation Prentiss IWlltylng plMscurecopstlpatlon
Die Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for
' l'OCKKT KNIVES 25,100 00
' PICKS W,750 00
1 1 5,500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing,
do advertising on them 28,875 00
261,030 prizes, amounting to $173,250 oo
The above articles will bo distributed, rt.T enmities), among parties who chctv SPEAR
HEAD Plug Tobacco, ami return to u the TIM TAUN taken therefrom.
We will distribute San of these prizes in this county ns follows:
"o THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAK HEAD
TAGS from this county we will give 1 GOLD WATCH.
i'o the EIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of
To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us tlio next greatest number
or si-i'JAit head TAtiM, wo win give
To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest
liiniilior of MI'KAH HEAD TAGS we will give to each 1
To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us tile next greatest
number of HI'EAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each I
Tolul Number of frizes
CAUTION. No Tag.4 will be received before January 1st, 1801, nor after February 1st,
l:ll. Kueli piiekage containing tims must bo marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town,
County. Slate, and Number of Tags in each, package. All charges ou packages must be
READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than any other
plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, Hie toughest, the richest. KI'FAIt llEAlf is
absolutely, positively and distinctively dl Heron t in tlavor from any other plug tobacco.
A trial will convince tlio most skeptical of thiB fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar
shape and style on earth, which proves thai It has caught the popular taste and plenses the
people. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TAW is on every
10 cent piece of SPEAK HEAD you buy. Send in the tags, no matter how small the
quantity. ery sincerely,
A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will be published in thlf
paper Imuiedlutcly ufter February 1st, IS!1.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war.
are entitled, if now part hilly or wholly disabled tor ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was i-ausrd by scrviie or not, and regardless of their peeiiniary circumstances.
VI IMHV Sof Httch snldiei sand sin lurs are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
uot dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death vri due to Rervice.
ClllI.DKKN arc entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she hns since died or remnrricd.
1'AKENTS are entitled if soldier leftnnlther widow nor child, provided soldier cited In
ervlue, or from fiTeets of service, and they are now dope n dent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes uo dilfereuce whether soldier served or died in late war or lu regular army or
Soldiers of the tnte war, pensioned under one law. niiiv annlv for hlcher rate under other
laws, without loslne any rights, !
Thousands of soldiers drawing from fa to fro per month nnder the old lav re entitled to
higher ratns under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which uow pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disnbled in line of duty In regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged fordistibilityor not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Itinrk Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor :
Ida Indian Wars of 1H33 to 1H43, are entitled under recent act,
Mexlenn War soldiers aud their widows alsoeutitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
or dependent.
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under ;
Mter laws or uot.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, ifrejection Improper or Illegal. I
Certificate of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who
iave lost tlteir original papers.
Bend lor laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful, Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
A Iis:iiiiilntetl Miiirnil.
A Sun Fraiieiscau who linil been hunt
ing In tlie vicinity of l.uUu Talloo with
out linttiti)r any tramo came upon a
mountaineer who w us feeding a eitjred
wildcnt he hud cnuyht tie ilny before.
"How much will you take for that
beast?" he osltctl. The euntor said
twenty dollars, and the money wus
paid over. "Now," suid the nimrod,
"tie one end of a strong cord to that
tree uud another to the ent's neck,
nnd then open the door of the cae."
This was linaily accomplished and the
fierce animal stood straining tit its
tether. The sportsman, who was
watching the exercises from the in
terior of the ealtin, leveled his rillo
across the window sill, took careful
aim, and bla.cd away. The wildcat
pave a joyful veil and disappeared into
the forest. The bullet had cut the
Would Ho Worth ft Fortun.
f During a severe storm, on CohimVms
return journey from tho new land ho
bad found, he, feeling that his frail ship
must po down, committed a narrative of
his discovery to tlio sea. What a rich
treasure it would be if it could be fished
up in its oil uud tar envelope to-day,
and (riven to the world. , tn.
Kvuila fto'c't. Tying pills cure coast! pat ion
I'ttMiti'-s Rectifying pills euro mustlpal Ion
..(31,650 W
to each 1 POCKET
for this County, 230.
Wen Hmmler tho Discoverer of th
1'acltlc Oroan.
Why is it that well-informed people
o persistently forget the name of the
man who first discovered the Pacific
ocean? asks the New York Tribune. In
the sonps of poets and the speech of
emperors poor Vaseo Nunez de Halboa
is forgotten nnd his achievement
ascribed to almost nnybody else. Keats,
"on looking into a volume of Chapman's
Homer," thought of the oceans and the
tars, nnd sang:
Then tdt I like some watcher of the titles
Whcu a new planet swims Into his ken,
Or like stout Cortex, whcu with eagle eyes
He gttzinl at the Parlue; all hia men
Gazed at each other wtth a wild surmise,
Bllcnl u;on a peak in Darlca.
Now comes the German emperor, and
credits Sir Francis Drake with having;
first -seen the "great water." For the
benefit of emperors, poeU "and sich" it
may be stated that the first European
to see the raelflo ocean from th. Amer
ican continent was Vasco Nunez de Bal
boa, who beheld it from the eminence
now known as Mount Culebrn, about
half way across tho isthmus of Panama
Neither Cortex nor Sir Francis Drake
bad any share in his achievement
For (Humiliation, bilioiisnes and
Li.l,,.... ..IT..: U: t
n.urv nueuiiwiio tut, oimmons ijiver j
fl..T...j,a i , ini.
A flTH FR k
.flVJ" V I ' Ak
STROi.3 !
M. Hammerly, a vvoll-kiiown husiness man
Ot Hiilsboio, Va.. smls this testimony to
the merits of Ayer's SarsaiKirilla: "Several
jems ajio, I hurt my leir, the injury leaving
a sore which led toerysiit;!as. MysufferinK'
were extreme, my leg. iron, the knee to the
ankle, heing a solid sore, which lu-iran to ex
tern! to other parts of the hotly. Af.ei trying
various remedies, I heati (ak-iiir Ayer'g
Sarsaparilla, and, before 1 had linished the
first hottle, I experienred great relief: tU
aeeond bottle eftected a complete eure.'
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Frcpared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Has.
Cures otherSjWill cure you
18 COT
Ali'lro-S ft letter fir t,,.ttil nr.r.i .1
JOHN WED0ERBURN, - -" Managing Attorney,
Attn. fflP KnifHera un.l Qat1nM dU.hUH t ih I!
daty in the regular Army or Now lnee t'hf w-ir.
Burvlvors of the Indian wars of to 1S43, hti.1
torir wlrlowi. nnw pntlrlfd DM nnii t-oi.ir.t-.H ,it,,.u
a perialty. Tliousanda entitled to hvzhvt rst;-n
oena tor nfw laws. o churgu fur advice. NjH
UDtll unortjsaful.
strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest,
moBt accurate, moat compact, and most
modern. For Balo by all dealers In arms.
Catalogues mailed free by
The liarlin Firo Arms Co.,
New Haven, Conn., 0. S. A.
Oeveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted fcr
Information and advice (given to Inventors without
charge. Address
' Managing Attorney,
O. Box 463. Washimoton, D.C.
dTlils Coniany Is managed by a combination of
(In- lurgivt and in out Influential newspuierB In the
rnited Stati'H, for the express puipose of protect
Ins (In 1 1 hii bNarl bet's against niiBcrupulous
mid incompetent Patent Agunts, and earb paper
priiitluLf tills alvertlrii-iuent voucheBfurthe renponsl
blllty and tiltfli standing of tlis Press Claims Company,
Bow He Silenced 11 Hostile Meeting UMt
Ilml Tlilnjc His Own Wajr.
I "Long Tom Fletcher" is one of th
oonspicuous figures in the streets 01
Washington. "Way down" in Missouri
and "befo' do wah," tho Colonel, whe
afterward became the first Iicpublicas
Governor of Missouri, was known
throughout tho Stato as tho best shot
within its borders, lie thought nothing
of throwing a silver half-dollar up in
the air and hitting it with a pistol ball,
and ho had so frequently competed with
a pistol at forty yards against a rifl.
at two hundred, that the country yokeli '.
would no longer permit him to enjoy j
thoso trials of marksmanship at the
county fairs. In the early days of 1801,
ays a Washington correspondent of the
New York Tribune, whon politics were
red hot in the State of Missouri, "Long
Tom Fletcher" was once billed to ad
dress a mooting in a country town upon
the burning quostions of the hour. It
was genorally understood before the au
dience assembled that certain ruffians la
the neighborhood had pledged them
selves to broak up tho meeting and
make things lively for the orator of th
occasion besides. Evidence of stormy
times ahead was by no means wanting
tho moment Fletcher stepped upon th.
platform, hut coming forward he quietly
placed a large Colt's army revolver upon
the tahle and addressed his audience aa
follows, with a pleasant smilo, and Id a
mild, porsuasivo tone of voico: I
"GKNTiijiEft: I understand that there !
are ome among you here who diffet ;
lightly from mo in polities, and tha' !
you propose to start a riot upon this
occasion. Now, this is a free country,
and speech and opinions aro free to all, I
ao I want it distinctly understood" and .
hero ho significantly tapped the weapon
beside him "that if any of you think j
you can get away with me you can ju :
wade right in and help yourselvct." I
"Well, sir," said the Colonel's friend,
who told me tho story, "Fletcher just
went right for 'em, from the word go.
una, woum you Deueve it? Those sam.
fellows who were so sanguinary before,
now in sightof that shooting-iron, lying
there so peacefully and lamb-like, began
presently to shout: 'Right you air,
Cunol! Yew jest give 'em thunder, an'
weun '11 stan' right up for yew every
time, yew kin jest bet!'
"This incident," remarked my In
formant, "aptly illustrated the curiom
tact that even inanimate objecu ar.
gifted, at times, with a remarkably par
uasive eloquence."
At AbrHlnmiiick's. Iu addition to his
tailoring business, be lias added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, neglige,
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok. May street, Heppnr,Or!
Damming the MlMlppl River with
WoTen Willow.
The willows which grow along the
shores of the Mississippi river, says the
Waverly Magazine, are of no nse in the
arts, but when it comes to building
a dam the engineers find nothing that
fills the bill half as well as the humble
willow. It lines the shores and can be
ooiw r..nch(vl from the bartres whereon
It is transported, and It is so soft that
it is easily cut ana nanaieo. i. i
rm.at. Inn?, continuous
mat One end of this is anchored to
the shore on one side of the chute tnai
t0 a v.,, Hnmmeft. nnd the Drocess of
weaving is thence carried on straight
across the stretcft 01 waier on a peculiarly-shaped
boat called a grasshop
per. As fast as the mat Is woven on
the grasshopper it slides into the water
at the lower end of the inclined weav
ing rack, and it is laden with rocks
and carried straight to the bottom, and
this is continued until the opposite
shore is reached. The mat is then cov
ered to the proper depth, twelve to
t..n inchps. with rock, and then
r,thr mat made in the same wav
woven and laid down on top of the first
and similarly weighted down, and this
work is continued till the dam has
risen as high as it is intended to stand
the finishing, being always a heavy
coating of rock that covers the willow
and all. The willow, always covered
with water and the mud that inevita
hly lodges among the rocks of the dam,
ir kept sealed airtight and of course
does not decay. It binds the rocks to
gether and prevents the dam being
shoved out of place by Ice or disturbed
by the pressure of the current at high
water. It is good for no other purpose
save to hold a shore that is washing
away with its roots, and for dam con
struction it is superlatively the thing.
A Theory That ft f s Caused br the Upward
Electric Current.
The phenomenon of lightning is the
signal that announces the coming to
gether of different electric currents in
the restoration of equilibrium. All
life is electricity, the stomach is a re
generator, the brain is a battery, says
the Pittsburgh Dispatch. When one
is killed by lightning, death is due to
absorption to a loss of this vital fluid,
or whutever it may be termed, that im
pels the physical engine. A thunder
cloud is charged with positive elec
tricity, the earth below is charged
negatively. Any object below this
cloud is similarly charged with this
negative current. A discharge from
above takes place, the currents meet,
ignition ensues, the expansion of the
gases produces a vacuum, the air comes
together again with a report and this
is thunder.
A late view is. when one animate ob
ject is struck dead by lightning, that
the upward and not the downward
current is the agent. The fact that no
bird on the wing has been known to
be killed by lightning is not con
clusive in sustaining this latter view
of the method of lightnin? in produc
ing death.
When a tree is thTLs 5-jr:o'a. the sod
is frequently lif-.-i wit from the
roots in such a est:-: . to indicate
the downward p5.v.itr tie stroke.
Indiana Believe That God Had an Advuer
at the Creation.
In the beginning God made Adam
out of the earth, but he did not make
Clus-kabe (the Indian Godi, says Abbe
L. Alger in the Regular Scienee
Monthly. Glus-kabe made himself out
of the dirt that was kicked up in the
creation of Adam. He rose and walked
about, but he could not speak until the
Lord opened his lips.
tiod made the earth and the sea. and
then lie took counsel with Glus-kabe
concerning them. He asked him if it
would be better to have the rivers run
up on one side of the earth and down
on the other, but Glus-kabe said: "No,
they must all run down one way."
Then the Lord asked him about the
ocean, whether it would not do to have
it always lie still. Glus-kabe told Him:
"No! It must rise and fall, or else it
would grow thick and stagnant."
"How about fire?" asked the Lord;
"can it burn all the time and nobody
put it out?"
Glus-kabe said: "That would not
do, for if anybody got burned and fire
could not be put out, they would die;
but if it could be put out, then the
burn would get well."
So he answered all the Lord's ques
IrlHluneu In High 1'o.Uion.
It is not only in the United States
that the sons of Erin have secured a
place among the leaders of the people.
This fact has been called to mind by
the circumstance that while all France
was mourning one illustrious Irishman
in the person of honest old Marshal
MacMahon, the masses of the popula
tion of Austria-Hungary were acclaim
ing another Irishman, the Irish peer,
Viscount Taafe, who holds the post of
prime minister of Austria, for bring
ing forward a bill in favor of universal
suifrnge. In Spain one of the most in
fluential military leaders is a general
of Hibernian origin, O'Kyan by name,
who held the post of minister of war
during the former administration of the
present premier; while the queen re
gent's private secretary and most
trusted adviser and friend bears the
name of Murphy. The little king's
governess is also an Irish woman; and
so, too, is the governess of the young
queen of Holland. The tutor of Em
perot William was an Irishman named
Sagacity ot Wild fowl.
Wild geese and wild ducks show
knowledge as to the resistance of the
atmosphere and sagacity in overcoming
it. When flocksof them have to go long
distances they form a triangle to cleave
the air more easily, and the most cour
ageous bird takes position at the for
ward angle As this is a very fatigu
ing post another bird ere long takes the
place of the exhausted leader. Thug
they place their available strength at
the service of the society.
Colnmbut as an Artist.
The specimens of Christopher Colum
bus' own attempts at illustrating his
voyages aro peculiarly interesting,
though no high praise' can be given
them. They aro alleged to have been
inclosed by Columbus in a letter writ
ten by him to Don Kaffaele Sanxis,
treasurer of the king of Spain. One
sketch which he calls "O.eaniea Class
Is," is evidently a picture of his own
ship, no other vessel of the fleet being
risible. His ideas of drawing were
rery defective, but they Berved the pur
pose he intended.
Saved Her Life.
Mr. 0. J. Wooldridoi, of Wortliatn,
Texas, iaved the life of her child by th.
nse of Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral.
One of my children had Croup. The
case was attemted by our physician, and wa
unnoted to be well under control. One
Bleht I was startled hy the child s hard
DreauitnK, and on (toliig to It found It stran
(Unit, ft had neatly ceased to breathe.
Beaming that the child's alarmlnir condition
bad become possible In spite of the medicines
liven. I reasoned that such remedies would
Ee of no avail. Havlnit part ot a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, In a short time, site was
sleeping quietly and breathing natural.
The child Is alive and well to-day, and I do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry rec
tors! saved her life."
Cherry Pectoral
Freptred by Dr. J.C.Ayer Co., Lowell, Man.
convince the
skentic and point the
wav which if followed leads to
Has been put up In a
nrnurletarT form Blnee
1878. and has been used
to private practice. It Is no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a eenulne specific for
a verr prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of
for Team nrlor to that time
all ages, have at some time in uie orougni on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organ io
weakness, by over brain work, exoesses.too Ire
e,ueut Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious
habits, and It Is to these that we oftVra remedy
that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous health and strength.
Our method of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment Is one which commends Itself to all
seoilble persons for the reason that we supply It
ipon their Judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a
postal card and a two cent postage stamp. The
Sontal card to be used In Bending us their full ad
reus and the postage stump for the letter return
ing the statement of tnelr cane for which we
supply them with a quention blank, to be filled
out and an envelope ail dressed to ourselves for
uso In returning It when tilled.
,m m hi When we receive the state
B L4 k0 ment on blank we prepare
tMLaW" ei((ht days' treatment and for
I JtLt ward It by mall and prepay
fl .TRUE pontage thereon and along
I TfrJirmmiB with theeight days' treatment
A. rALAALE, we send full directions for
using. The t. eatmentln no way Interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes ao
pain or Inconvenience In any way.
We are so positive that It will give perfect satis
faction that we leave thematterof sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely Interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding blgb prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; 16 for
two months; ST for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall, if
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
" ' MP.lTTicq h ft T m operatlJf, 011t
Dnsinesa upon tnis plan witu satisfactory results.
We ajk all persons needing treatment for any
of the secret Ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow hb to
eonvince thorn that PROF. H ARRIS SOL,.
ment and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Ufg. Chemists
WBtttantn Bt, NEW TOBg CITY, H.T,
C inOO worth of lovely Music tor Forty 3
J) I U - - Cents, consisting of 100 paces
,. . tJ Jul' si2e Sheet TMusIc of the-i
- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular S
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- 2
eluding four large size Portraits. 3
T CARUENCITA. the Spanish Dancer, 2
PADCRCWSKI, the Great Pianist -
THE NFW YilBlf MIICIP1I ckus 5
Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. 13
MmVILKfl111,8 "' SAFE. TV,
H."! Vf biy "I01 l?nd" woman all over tbe
n" If? 8tJ "ii" LD DOCTOKS .rivals mill
Priotloe, tor 38 years, and not a liiirl" bad rult
Money r-turnfd It not a repre.euwo. BoS
eenn l.tampt) lor totlod particulars.
3S. WiET C;:iIT3TE, 120 8. Hlntb St.. Bt. l:uii. It.
85 Tears' Rxperieneo In treating all varl
tIesoriiupturue:iahlBS i,s to Kuarantoe e
positive cure. Question Blank and Bool
free. Call or write.
BJ Pine Street, . - St. LOUIS, MO
Ur.1., no loo. M-..ncV, iLd "isn-u.
' hstantlal Rewards for Those Whos
Answers are Correct
T,.?7 """"! "her. ru eoollMe
Mi.lni-.ot i ,r prmm of the dnonSl m.J T.K
; w ... ...framed thai none hi : rJlSKS VL'Jt
.,, .'"" ".V""'- 'mkn " iwhoaer. Now what .
.ii ... a. ih, ,rr , thp ,i,i0r, "ow-
I ' A,-nr-iin( JNlhlithin, rnmn.nT Will n
"i.e.. .liinmnd rines. eti watciM, id...
,!:.:,l'K;irA' t?" t b,it,.u.
i"Azr.t or Tin Cav.i.i.w in, Ho1"
' -J "'fee ed to.,, I,, ...1 ""..'.?
'" K'"' ot an r.,a rl.u,,, "r , ', '"V1"''
t' H.miK. (Sei.J fUr nrintT f.l'l..U).,n)'t"" Si'
lt;M Thm iViln: ,, .
tro.h Kr,.,.r all'S, 1 1
utlt Pi a Co. U. td W,..Jlt"lrM'.i
.. .
b u n v
V Withtllb.dr.nWu.nc,ltrtau.r,.l..,
mvT. "" ! " "'"dr.
nBr.tt..ral(lll.tr,M lo.t manhood, dnpaaoraer. ""
,. ,.w..tln..tvofih. or,,.., wn.inlr tn.
j ,. ... I ... M.h,.ii . Curat BlsitlVCIV
120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, M0.
OLIC in HOKsts,
rerr owner of t hor. .ho..!.) keep
U on h.nd. II n.t .ire Hi. Ii. ol a
Talu.tde animal. Ou. park. iff -will
ere eltht to u ea.c. etiLt tl.OU
Bent by mill o .ilireil. uur ao.
coi.ul lli.ok, w leu oi.nt.intliloUt,
liable kcri.rr, n..ll d tre.
The Old Reliable
Established 3B vars. Treats ma le or f om il,
r .muia. in ciiiioa of exposum.
abuses, excises or Imnroprlotles. 8KIIX
GUAKANTBICD. Ilonra on; a 'rtinent.
ruroisnen w.i.u u.-w,
and Hook free. Call or wrlto.
SWQUH Th. wont lorrn, poll,
I rfllLI OtiT.tr cared 31 je.rt
.ue.-M.fulnr.ctic.. TrcatmeDt eonfd.ntlat. Cur.
by mail or at office. Terui low. Qucalion Blank au.
Book Ira.. Clio. writ.. DR. WARD INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th SI.,St.Loul,,Mo
fkntfe Uutiitlon Blank and Rook fite. Call
'or writsH JH. U. . BUTTS,
SiKPiuaSt. fi LoulB UO,
lC I UiTClr NY LADY, employed erttusmployact,
jl3Al?LLhi can rakatl.iaf' r a tvvr hours work eaiJi
day. Pulary nr commiaiion. 10 samples Ittt Addn-H
' nr iiilliil fir. Oil Dlna V.I C Un
E ANY LADY can got a valuable secret that
Imofc'lKaud a ru bbcr shield for SO cemt
mrs. v. in. tt-r. vu.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
ii isti. iwi An electro-ffnlvanle battery un
bo jted into ineaicatuii.
Onres IthenmatiHin, l.ivei and Kinney
Complaints, Jyspeptlnf Krrora of Youth,
(.nut AlMiilio.nl. Nervousness. Hernial Weak
ness, aud allTronhles In Main or i eintle,
rjnestloa Jllank and Book tree. Call 01
Volla-Medica Appliance Co.,
133 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS, BIO.
Foot-PrilitN un the Path to llrullll.
Kverynne nt edinc a dtictor's ml vice
should read one of Dr. Foote's dime
pnmplilets on "Old Eyes," "Crrinp,"
.'Rupture," "Pliinio.ki," "Varicocele, "
Disciipe of men, Disense of Women, nnd
learn th best means uf stl -tmie. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Ent 28ib Ht., New
While yon koepyunr subscription paid up yet
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Mornos 1)11 ,,n I..F,
shoulder: catllo Hauie on left hip. muler hit on
right ear, anil upper bit on the left; range, Alor--ow
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bur un
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
-dtoulder. Kunge, Eight Mile,
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
nected on lelt think; cattle, sameon left hip.
Hnrtholntnew, A. O., Alpine. Or. Horses
oranded 7 K on either shoulder. Jtuuge in Mor
row oountv
lileakman, Oeo., Ilardmnn, Or. Horses, a Hhc
,1'left shoulder; cattle same on rigid shoulder
nannister, J. W llHrdmiin. Or. (kittle brand
d H on left hip mid thigh; split in each ertr.
Hreiilier. Peter. Inn seberry Oregon-Horses
branded Pit on left shoulder. Cuttle same on
rigid siue.
liurke. M 8t C, Long t:rook, Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop oft left ear, urn
der half crop oft right. Horses, sumo brand on
letft shoulder. Kange in Urant and Morrow
."" ' . , "r. norsos oranded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side.
..... w, - ,,Ki r upper slope.
Harton, Wm Hi ppner, Or. -Horses, J R on
r.ght tluntii cattle, same on right hip; split in
Bach ear,
Hrown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Humes IB on the
right stitie; cattle same ou riuhthip; ranire Mor
row county. '
Drown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
Br w w'i Itoro",1."f, lP! "ttle, same.
oyer it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on lilt
hoyer, W. O Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand or. nghi hip cattle, same, with split iu
each ear. "
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-HorscB, P B on loft
shoulder: cnttle. same on left hip.
..n IS i ' W' J" ' .1'.0r 'nttle' J 11 "onnecled
op left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
hrnod liK "fft;,0".",1 enr; "n h"r'e "
UranI county; rwuigu in ox valley,
lateiie.- vyarren Wngner, Or.-Horses brand
will on riKlit slide ; cattle (three bars) on
r.Kht r.bs crop and split in e tch ear Kaiige S
'rant and Morrow counties m
; "".j au uorHes over o years All
range in Grant county.
nerted.on left shoulder- ral I. .L "w
h.).. . Mange llTAvA?Z1n?LnKht
t ate, i, lias. It,, ms.iii or Lena. Or Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hin
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties fc P'
shoni!:;;"1"8' u,v.!" jc on iet
eh w .ml r.TS,'..."5.ff on
Curl. T. II .lt.k.; i !" ."i"11.', GHr.
i "i vr. uoutue cross nn
ir. 'iV"" u"lY ?wajjow fork and under bit
eon... v ii,, Ii.... ... . . . ""'.'gf in Uran
in Grant
on shoulder fil T 4 "HT poiut
,..V"! tB.r aiarkoJ ewes, crop on left oar
deT i '',u"""".'"r'-TH!', o righUhonl
crop off leftTr.lm.li.'T.rj.'.V; eBr 1Hre
Cnmn. K. YM Curriubville Or -H..r m
ft HUtle. "u-vuie. Or. -Horses, to ou
Cut VA U ti 1.
iHft Mlitirt
C02 Ed. H.. Hanlman, Or.-Cmte
C with
H ii'rww !, SLi JU "V',LD:,HeV l nt (Ju, Or.-
K.llilltl tt'n.1, I. '
right shoulder. "i'v'",t' Diamond on
:ri:A"V?Hor branded
tlesameun ,Uh hip 1 il, , L i l.r'"'U"lir ! CHt"
t'leek. Jal-iril X" """"
connected on right' J fonK'- Ih"0."":
shoulder. ar ul'der on right
.luf,ierH"Ury' iJ",WBr' on left
Si)" !)r"-nyr,nCh' L?Dd mi Li" Slock Co Fob.
Si .V taft tmrCte,?e"" 'l'f' 'vent
: oonntie. U""Rm' Umm' '"k "d Morrow
ithQnartVr''ei .:!!r":..yrr,! ,','i-. r..ui,d-t,,t. A
wiin nnnriaii- .....! ' i
on the ri-ht l
u:7.. . L . " - ' ' S'SI 1 1 hi .....I in inu
' ou either hipfcrop' I
,.1,1... " """""W Clrol. W
Hall. Edwin, John Daj-.th-.-r-.,,. - "
hlpj horsos same un nKht I Ho ritl,
Urant mmnty. " "wil'lw. laj,""?'
1 ti i ....
.Z! S Vfe sft
, Mat, Heunnar, Or-U
Huntmker. H A111 1
.n..lll,lr:o,l,e, , ltlft hl -"n.,, -bardlsty,
Albert, Ny ri.
. ti 77 - " '"WIW, Uf i-l . - "
1. W""' J M' ""dm". Or.-HorM,
n.. .r ttt u ",aoii
on r ' . h.-3 :yr-Hor,
., imppner. ur. Hnr.u
.ildei oattle.sau,,,,,, riil,?V?n'".lil
Mnston, 1,1
th. loft Bliouldorand hoart on f Li'i ,H',r B r
t.lf.itinHft hip. IUnDh efliu, c?
.Ivy Alfred. L;
rigid hip, ernpofi loft ear and bd in ri 'S
t brand on l.,t .o'jHjjJ
Ji.nos, Harry, Hepnner (lr ir
Junkin, 8. Mi, Heppner n. 11 "
.hoe J on left' -houTdor. UtU.'' h'
riatign on Kiarhi l;u ' l"tue, tut
Johnson, feiix, Lena Or n '
left .title; cattle, sameon rTghtTn 'f'f'Too
crop in right and split in lefK. p' U1"ii baft
Jenkins, D W..Mt. v.....!?' .
left shoulder; on cattle, j in if . u h(" or,
ZrlanTfT U bth "' 'ttS
KNY on left hip o-ttSriaS.'-1?""" ndeA
.honlder; on,tl..Wl.KrDHnM 89 m
natik: 0attle nonrights'lde.08"' "0B ither
... jwso, tieppner. Or.; hors,
shoulder; cattle same on tight d?Jl 0 hit
right ear. ae' "aderblt
Kumberland.W. G Mount V,
cattle on right and left .id S: 'r! L.
ear and nn.ier oiop in right Mr u orklnllt
brand on left shoulder u; LTr'..Hurs8um.
Loften, Btepnen, Fox. Or -IT i1 "mtv"
on oatile. orop and split n rll?. 0 '." tip
same brand on left shoiUder"'!?"' "onw,
ooiintv. "i.r. Kange gJJ
hrfn Wl"',!"?", V 1 Orn...
der. Catti; .am " on lefthi,"60 SZ
ington ", near he,
Lenhey, J. W. Heppner Or n
L aml A ou left -lumlueJ; oelB.T" br,i'l
ea'r.' f, three
'"ir- "1 '"a" "honlder t"nM
Markham. A. M.. Hein.o. ,1
M ot, lef, ! htd'h eal;TroVlcdStle
both. Horses M on left bin IbS d f " '
canyon. "" ue, Clark1,
"r, cppnor rir.-ratn. u
right hip; horsa M on left shoulder U D
MnrMin hJ M 11
-SI? ? oa" " )
a A. H'nlio -
hip; enttin. 77 on riffht .,..
McCarty. David H. Kcho Or u,i t"1 ,
r, eonnecte.,, on the MJ1
"P htp and nule. '"muni-, cattlesama
-fflih?' S? T"!7. Or.-Ml..h
each ear; horse, sam. bfanj'on iXtmf
with half JiVci; ?' ' nV,',i "n'n "
four bars oonneoed on biW
llange in (train County " ,iJ
shou.de,."rry' "". 0r.-P 0 on 1,
LP "JS4?.. OrM). cattle, 0
Z." .Witt fcS 'honldersu'dWr,!;
onplcfl hip ' itange oii KIght' Mife.' 24
T ,l J ."'' Leii"oa,Or.- Hores brsnd.
e. wh (L fe connected 0,. left .houldsr ; oatUs
s nte on right hip. Itange, Morrow noun 1
SJSs? U? inl8chh.eri CftUle' 0n
. - . . "''i u 11 11 ounuecipu, on tbs
riiht 11t,er Pe m earand Biip
I'owell, John T.. Dayville. Or-Hnrses, JP con.
nflo.ed on left shouliior. Cattle OK couuected on
left In p. two under half crops, oue on each ear.
R l" A Ht RB1 R6 111 Qmnt Unty-
. j.tinuitui, ur,-norses, Bonars
on j with qnnrtor-oircle over it ou left Btiflfl.
JtmuKer, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horses, CRoo
left shoulder.
HicP.Uan, HttrjJman, Or.: horses, throe panel
worm fwioe on left ahouldnr; oaMle, DAN on
riKhl Hhoulder. llftnKe near Hardman.
lloyBB, Aaron, Heppner, Or-HorBes, plain Von
left slioulderi cuttle, sHme brand reversed os
right hip and OrOU off riirl.t nnr. llanoa in Mr
row county.
Kiish IlroB., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded I
on the riffht shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip.
I! rot) Oil loft Aur nml l,lnn , nL. U !
Morrow and adjoining counties,
r William, Kidge, Or.-HqrBes B 01
rri v miouiUBr; CHIT IB, 1. on lelt hip, OtOD Oil
riKht ear, underbit on left ear. Hheep, R en
t. iM.io, , louuti urupon ngu ear. UHiige uma
tula and Morrow o i unties.
.u,o,t A.l. i t ii
branded A U on nght shoulder, vent qusrtot
circle ovor brand; cattle same on right hip.
iiniiKv Jiurrtiw puuniy,
ltiyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HK oonnpctfld
with quarter cimle over top on oattleon richt liip
.m viup un iiK( HU tfimi iu iaIl( tutnHW
HniTiA hroiif-l nn luff- al.nttlAam. U... . U...,
Grant and (jilliam counties.'
uuciror. j. w.. Heppner, Or. Hones, JO
left shoulder. Caitle, Qou right hip.
niMunimii, o. vr., t.ooseuerry, ur. norwts
brHnded ai ou loft shoulder; lange in Morrow
Bailing, C 0 Hoppnor, Or Horses branded S A
on loft tthoulder; cattle same on left hip.
HwaKgan, H. F Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dash under it on left etiiie; cattle H with
Oanh under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind log. llange in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
Hwnggart, A. L,, Athena. (Jr. Horses branded 1
on ielt Hhoulder; cet tie same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Q..:..t 11 T nv i t ri
J H (m let. stitie; cattle J 8 on le
luik iu rJ,1?1'1 .' nderbi' '
nu-aigm w. n,., tieppner, ur, Horses snaaea
J H on let, stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
f.r.lr i,t - I..
Saa... 111.-11'. k II - U 1 D..H
left hip; cattlt sameon left hip.
Bh nor, John, JTox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; CHtrie. same on right hip,
crop oil right ear aud under bit in left ear. Bang
111 I -it'ti lit oiinntu
Smith Kron. . Ki.n vill Or. HnraM. hranded
III iTi-anE Oiinnt.v
Bmith j
u v ui i": '.V, . . "
oquires, jamee. Arlington, Or,; horses nranaea
JHon Left shoulder; cattle the same, also noss
nui. iwuiigo iu tuorrow anu miiiaiuuu iuMm
Btephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses tit on
right stitie; cattle horizontal L on the right side
ight stine; cattle horizontal L on tbe right sine
(Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B
n right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear.
owuggart, u. w., Heppner. ur. norses, m w
loft HI. I flu. ixiitla ii ..n lari liin
Bperry, K. G., Hep'puer, Or. - Cattle W C on
lett lli(J( orop off fi flu'd underbit in lftft year,
1 ilutvlu... Iw...,- II. i ' . nL,nl,l.
Ihompsuu, J. A Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
left elioula. r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder,
Tippote,B,T.llLnierpri8e,Or. Horses, C-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. SmaH capital!
lett shoulder, horses; cattle same ou left tup
with split in both ears. , .
Thornton, H, M lone, Or. HorseB branded
n i connected on left stine; sheep same nranu.
Va.,,lr... l u m ii...ao HV rti-in.
.anuerpool, u. 'i'., Lena, ur; uorses ri. oou.
nected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
nuuDtiJUUl, U, i., AJMUtt, W, IJ, I II DOT "
acted on riirht shoulder :cat tie. same on right
Walbridne, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. li
on the left shoulder; cuttle same on right uil.
orop oft left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John ,, Salem or Heppner, Or.
HorBos branded Jo on the left shoulder, llaug.
Morrow county.
Warren, w B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear.
Horxen same brand on left shoulder. Kangsiu
Brstit coouty. ,
Wright, biles A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip. square orop oU right ear
and split in left, .
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on lelt shouldor and left mn
Cattle brnuded same on left side and left hip.
Wells. A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, on left
shoulder- oatt . same
W oliinger, John, John Day City, Or-On horse,
three parallel bars ou left shoolder; 7 on hneep,
bit in both ears, llange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
oonneoted on left shoulder. ,.
Watktns, Liehe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
UE connected on left stitie,
Wnllnn ltl,.tu Pn.fnn H, PuttlA. W UD
right thigh, hole in ie.. ear; horses, W on right
Bnouiuer. somi same on lert. shoulder.
Whittier Bros., nuiiungtou, BakerCo.. Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
Wilitams, rasco, ITnmilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cuttle ar.a
horses. Itange (Irani county.
n imams. J O. Long Creek, tlr Horses, qui
ter circle over three bars on ieft hip; cattle sam.
ami slit in each ear. Itange in Orant county
Wren, A. A., I'eppner, Or. Horses runnings a
rj i.ji.iu.i . , 4ti , Buoie on riK.ii ...u.
Walker Eliaibeth it Sons, Hardman Or.
tanie branded (14 W couuected) KW on left
side, hursts same on right shoulder. J.
W, Iker's entile, sameon left hip, horse, same
on left shoulder. All range III Morrow counlj-
Vonng, J. 8., Goose berry. Or. Horse, branded
T8on tha right thld-