Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 06, 1894, Image 3

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IMtOtil! dt'.nirln the iimertlon of display r!.,
or cIuu.ko oi suiau, uiuat get their copy in
nut later than Monday evening for TueHtlay's
txlttioti.or TUursilay evening lor Fridays edi
1. The Bum of five cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rowjiuc-t," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (oilier than theme the edit
or kIih.11 hlmstilf give tw a matter of news,) and
uoticesofHpeirial meeting fur whatever purose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable aud made known
upon application.
Wo hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
I J- lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
bun Francisco, is our authorized agent. This
paper is kept ou tile in his olilce.
Stage fur Ilardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves aft follows :
ivery day at 0 a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day atti p. in., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
J. S. DKLKVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up llepp
ner. l'atronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Hood's Pills cure nil liver ills.
T. J. Mullock returned home Sutur
All bin two Chinese registered at The
Mrs. 11 0. Hiieiry is visiting; ftieuds in
the city,
A. Peterson, of Gooseberry, was in
town yesterduy.
Piipers for side at the Gazette office at
two-bite a hundred.
0. F. Thompson wis in from Butter
creek Saturday.
Eli Keeuey returned from the valley
last ihursday.
Deeds, mortgages, etc , executed at
tli e UKZotte oilioe.
Rend your wtiBbing to Mrs. Nelson, at
the Mountain House.
Artbiir Smith will clean watches ut
tho rcduoed prioe of 81.
Joe Woolery was up from lone on
business lust Thursday.
Shaw & McOnrty shipped a oar load
of outtle to Portland market Saturday.
The Hoppner-Otinyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. J, F. Willis and Dava Hamilton are
talked of by republicans for the assessor
ship. O. D. Allison, of the Eight Mile
oouutry, was seen on our streets yester
day. Subscriptions to the Gazette from
now till after the campaign, new ones
mvnl, $1.00.
If you war:! n p-wl enn or new-ion
machine, limine i 'U-. O- z tte i ilioo and
we'll fit j-i.ti out.
Tbw that hnvn county scrip fcr ule
aki!!il! ctll .j tiwga Omsur at The
Fi.u iV.rii-.ssl Haul.. 2-tf.
1 ; b' ti'."uty of tli ra, it the
Gi.2.-..- '! and t world's prices.
Din: iii.i i 'u i ;i ordt'ra.
('. A. Hhi-a uq oris his sheep in tO'id
cotioi'uni, l ilt tirt-i only led livo days so
far. lie is ruuuing 10,000.
Kvery imui who takes any iuterest in
fast stock .should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette ehi-p, agents.
Cabinet photographs at $2.00 per doz
en for the next 30 days. Montgomery &
Aldridge, at Dunuei's old stand, t.
Borg, Farusworth, Van Duyn and J.
J. Adkius are in the political field.
They will rauke good city oflioers.
The Gazette will take oounty scrip at
face ou subscription, and pay bulanoe of
same in cash at highest market prioe.
The Gazette office now runs an in
surauoe and notarial shop. Come in
when you want to do your iusuriug aud
Mrs. Celia Boyhan, who lives at the
Mountiau House.desires to do plain sew
ing. Those haviug same will do wll to
consult her.
J. W. Vaughan was up from Lexing
ton Saturday to attend a regular com
munication of Heppaer Lodge No. 09,
A. F. & A. M.
Bob Shaw and Harry Warren left
Saturday with a oar load of cattle be
longing to J. F. Spray, destined for
Heman Colwell was in Saturday last
from Eight Mile. Heman promises
the old parties a hot reception in the
June election.
Those who have brought in various
kinds of supplies in lien of cash, should
call around at this office and get oredit
for same if not already given.
Protracted meeting is in progress at
the M. E. ohurch again. Eld. Motor
arrived yesterday, and Kev. McDonald
is also expected to assist him.
Allen Evans was in Saturday from
the Alpine seotion, He has fed eight
days this year, and has only lout three
head of sheep sines ooming out of the
mountains. He is running 8,600 head.
To our customers No difference how
nmoil unnr account is. oome in
and settle, either by cash or note. We
muBtbave one or ine uuiei o cu... c
0 tn stem the flood. Hayes Bkos. 90tf.
Green and Hick Mathews will be
found at the City norei oarDer suup
.i ,...,i,i,-, in thn line of the ton-
eorial art will be furnished on appli
cation. These gentleman rr''
deserve your patronage. Call pn them.
Gid Hatt has now established a ton,
eorial parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop,
where he invites the patronage of his old
customers aud all who desire stnotly farst
class work, shaving, shampooing and hair
outtiog at living prices. Don t overlook
The annual meeting of the Washington,
x a u. a (i,.,.n Fmit Grower s As-
eociation will be held at Spokane Wash ..
during the week begining Feb.
The U. P. will sell exenrsioo tickets for
the round trip, good from the 12th to
the 23rd inclusive. For further infor
mation inquire of 3. 0. Hart, Ret '
this place. ,. . ' .
Rev Gray, of the Christian church,
has been holding a series of meetings a'
the court house. As fere are a mini
br of churches in Heppner, we wonder
that his meetings were not held m one
of them, as the court house is hard to
reach of evenings owing to darkness and
distance from the business portion of
,lLdD.'Swick and O. V. JlcHaley, of
the Hamilton country, who passed
through Heppner some weeks since on
their way to San Francisco to visit the
Midwinter Fair, returned to Heppner
yesterday. They report the work on
buildings and grounds as yet not com
pleted, but think later on it will be we!
worth visiting. The gentlemen departed
this morning for Hamilton.
Ailingtou Reoord: Mr. Fred Lucas,
brother of J. p. Lucas of this county,
had oue kidney removed by Dr. Fen
ton nud McKinzie at St. Vinoent's hos
pital on Friday of last week, and is do
ing uioely, though still in a very oritioal
condition. The attention given patients
at St. Vincent's is not eioeeded any
where. Jay P. is now at hia brother's
bedside, where he will remain until a
change occurs.
Arlington Reoord: J. VV. Rasmns, city
marshal of Heppner, came down from
that pfaoe on Wednesday to meet the
body of Jaoob Johnson, of Gooseberry,
who died at Walla Walla Tuesday.
Deceased will be buried at Hardman to
day under the auspice of the Odd
Fellows, of which order be was a prom
inent member.
Chrouiole : An Irishman in The Dalles
said recently: "Faith, Americay has
same great presidents. There was Abe
Lincoln be was a great president ha
frayed the nigger; Cleveland is a great
president, too he frayed the laboring
tnun. They are both fray from labor."
Eagle: We learn that a bank in Ellens
burg. Wash., has brought suit against
BeverBl residents of Northern Grant on a
note given in payment on an imported
stallion two years ago. The oasewill be
settled at the coming term of oirouit
E. O.: The people's party of Morrow
county are getting to work in earnest.
They have organized a People's Party
Club in Lexington and perfeoted plans
for the party everywhere in the county.
We hear the name of Dr. Carlisle, of
Lt xing to mentioned as a possibility
for coroner on the populist ticket. From
what source this comes we cannot say.
Eagle: The oity eleotion takes plaoe
nt-xt Tuesday. As yet all is quiet on the
Potomac, little or no blowing having
been done by the aspiring candidates.
Al Einmerson has been troubled for
sometime past with a felon on his hand,
but is now again able for duty.
Dick Howard's thoroughbred Holetein
oow died last Thursday. This is the
premium milk cow we used to bear of.
F. A. E. Starr and Miss Anita Denny
were married at Portland Tuesday of
last week.
Jay Ball, of Drv Fork, was in town
lust Thursday. He reports crops look
ing well.
Mrs. Johnny Ayers is still eonfioed to
her room with la grippe.
J. W. Mntlook returned from Pondle
ton on Friday's train.
Harry Warren left Saturday for ashort
business trip to Portland.
Not Cuablky Long. The East Ore
gouian says a Pendleton gentleman, who
spent some months in the Okanogan
country, says he is positive that the
Long recently killed by Smith, and
announced as the Long who engaged in
the famous duel with the late Hank
Vaughan, is another person. He is per
sonally acquainted with this Long, and
also with Smith, who did the shooting.
His opinion he backs up with testimony
from various sources to the effeol that
the original Long had no relatives in
this portion of the west, and that the
Long in question did not claim to be
the oue who fought Vaughan. Just
where the latter has gone, whether to
follow Vaughan or to some otherportion
of the Uuited States, no one in Pendle
ton knows, but our informant states
positively that he at least is not the one
now so prominently mentioned as taking
part in the Okanogan shooting scrape.
However, the Gazette knows that Long,
the adversary of Vaughan, went from
Heppner to Okanogan, and also that be
wrote Joe Rector about jumping a ranch
over which he expected to have trouble.
Long has not been beard of here sinoe
along early in December, and people in
Heppaer are very sure that Chas. Long,
of the Priueville episode, was killed by
A Situ Selected Govenor Pennoyer
and State Treasurer Metsohan were up
at Union the latter part of last week to
look up eligible sites for the location of
the insane asylutn. They succeeded in
finding one which will be taken in case
it meets the approval of State Secretary
Mo Bride. The land joina the town site
on the west, along the road leading from
Union to the railroad depot, and con
sists of 620 acres of beautiful land lin
ing the highway for about a mile. They
say it is peculiarly adapted to the pur
pose sought, being rich and capable of
producing an immensequantity of grain,
vegetables and fruit. The purchase
prioe will be 825,000, or $i0 per aore, in
oase this land is bought, leaving $55,
000 to be devoted to the buildings and
improvements, of the money raised by
last year's levy. The governor says
they inteud to push things as rapidly as
possible, and that the $55,000 will all be
expended duriug the coming season,
City Election. Theoity election in
progress today is creating considerable
interest in our midst. The polling place
is located in the rear of the. firemen's
hall, with A. 8. Wells Sara Leezer and
Win. Warren as judges and J. J. Roberts
and George Thorntou as clerks. The
following names appear on the ticket as
candidates for various offices. Mayor,
P. O. Borg and J. W. Dawson; record
er, F. J. Hallook; treasurer, L. W.
Briggs and A. M. Gunn; counoilmen,
three to be elected, O. E. Farnsworth,
M. Liohteuthal, Otis Patterson, J. J.
Adkins nud C. S Van Duyn. As we go
to press we can hear of several who oan
piok out the winners, but as life is very
uncertain we shail not attempt to prog
nosticate. Uewever, we hope the selec
tion may be for the best interests of the
Good Thing. A local telegraph com
pany, for the riurpose of practice has
been organized in Heppner. The fol
lowing are taking an aotive interest in
the same: Ike Eunis, F. J. Hallook,
Homer McFarland, Emil Voruz, Geo.
Fell E K. Bishop and others whose
name" we have not Iparned. A liue will
o n.nect with d:ff-rent places in the oity,
and also n instrument at the depot. In
this way messages can in a short time,
be sent from almost any part of the city
and thus save the trouble of going or
eeoding seme to the depot.
Leo Pboken. Yesterday up at Mat
lock's horse ranoh. a young man who is
trainiug horses bad a borae to fall with
him breaking bis leg near tbe ankle.
Hon. T. J. Matlock left immediately with
Dr. McSwords, and the young man is
sported as doing ell. We did not
learn his name.
Well and Happy
Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla-DuH
Headaches-That Tired Fooling.
IWp? ' ;JJ
Mr. W. H. Tolea
San Francisco, Cal.
" One of the greatest mistakes people make Is
to lock the door after the horse Is stolen, or in
other words, to wait until they are sick In bed
before they do anything for the poor body.
Neither mjr wife nor myself were real sick; I
attended to my business, and my wife to her
household duties dally. But wo had dull, heavy
headaches, aud a little ovf -exertion would tire
us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. So
w took three bottles of flood's Harsaparllla,
and the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 be
lieve Hood's Sarsaparllla
Saved Us a Severe Sickness
And a big doctor's bill. If people would only
remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth,
a pound of cure,' there would be less sufferine;
lu the world. My advice to all who do not feel
well Is to take Hood's Snrsaparlllfi according to
directions, and you will be well and happy."
W. H. To lbs, 1 12th St., 8aa Francisco, Cal.
Hood's PHIS euro all liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaumiloe, sick headache, Indigestion,
I Hair Death
ivntanlhj removes and forever destroys ob-
jectionable hair, whether vpon hands, face, !?
p arum or iieck, wittuiiit discoloration or iv-W
,7ri to the most delicate skin. It was for
S lilty years the secret formula of Erasmus
! Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as 23
W the highest authority ui.d the mostemi-sj!
Ssj uent dermatologist and hair specialist
p that ever lived. During his practice of
a life-time anions the nobility and aris- W
M tocracy oi Europe lie precribed this rec- W
! ipe. Price $1 by mull, securely packed. W
iZt CorresjitftideiteecontldeiiliaL Bole Agents
5 for America. AdurcsB. W
I The Skookum Root Hair Grower Go.
Dept. R., 57 South Filth Avenue, New 5
Codldn't Conveiit the Choir. The
Salem Journal tells the following as the
illustration of the charaoter of church
choirs: In a neighboring town, after
tbe minister had converted almost every
body else, be tackled the choir. Suffice
it to say he will never do it again. He
got them all up in front to sing and then
knelt and directed along prayer at them
particularly. Ho prayed until every
body's kneebones were sore and then
asked for three or four others to follow
in short prayers. A wicked black-eyed
girl who sang alto who was all tired out
and wanted to go home, said. "Yes
do; I want to get Bcothor half hour's
sleep." It tickled the unregenerate
"young folks" so, the meeting broke up,
Hamilton Stobb Bobbed At some
hour Sunday night, a burglar entered
the general merchandise store of G. V.
MoHaley, of Hamilton, and obtained $12
in cash from the till and about $75 in
clothing of all kiuds, A pane of glass
had been taken from a rear window
through whiohtbe thief had gained an en
trance. There was no due to the burglary
until some pieces of tbe stolen clothing
bad been found on tbe public highway
east of Hamilton, and at tbe hour of
going to press bo developments have
been made. However, officers with a
search warrant bave been diligently t
work for several days.
Hood's Calendar. "Perfectly lovely"
is what all the ladies say about the cal
endar for '94, published by 0. I. Hood
& Co., proprietor of Hood's Saraparilla.
It is a unique and. beautiful calendar,
which combines acouracy of date and
other useful and valuable information
with the attractions of orinament, It is
a very desirable and servicable gift,
Those of our readerB who have not al
ready secured one, oan do so by applying
to the druggists or sending six cents in
stamps for one or ten cents for two
oopies, to 0. 1. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
Tilp'a Wflim YiUTi Tha HonnnuT
wood yard, under the management of
rvip van mngie, is prepared to deliver
wnrtfl fit. vrmv raaiHttnna Dniuorl n. im
Hawed. Wrind AAWRrl anr rlnlivat.a1 a
$7.00 per oord. Wood sawed twine in
two, io cts. per oora; three times, 81.00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan 6t Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. BirbeoK. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abrahum
eiol' building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
M; Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall 14wtf
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch un.
will be gold cheap. Call at Gbt'te
office for particulars and terms. I.
The Stndebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & BiRbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo sayT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onree liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. Hce ud.
The Palace is the leading liote in the
oity. Well furnished riximx with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If yon want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Euterpnse
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is tbe i,an to fix up
your watch or clock, fie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business- a
M. Licbtenthal & Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer bottnn and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
Ttie general rr.erchamliae etn!)liab
ment formerly owned by (Vfiin & Mc Far
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing nnder the control and management
of The McFarland Mercantile Oompunv,
which continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Reserved for McFarland Meucantile Co.
want it for a moment to inform you that
' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri-
TM 1 1 111
ces. l ne stocK is
been largely increased
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. Hornor,
Closing out the entire stock
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. liiehtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash.
Call and Secure
Report for Month Ending January 26, 1894.
Kooms and Teacher, Classes Enrollment Belonging Enrollment Belonging A v. Dally
Koomsana leacner,. glasses. Dy clas8e,. by clasHei. by rooms. by rooms! alteu'ce
E. Grade 1.6 5.
j I. " 1. 27. 2'2.
C. " 2. 12. 12.
B. " 2. 21. 21.
Mrs. A. W. Wler. A. " 3. 18. ' 16. 80, 70. f,9.
2. "S. 22. I 21.
Mrs. Inez Freeland " 4. 88. 35. (M. oil. 41).
3. " 5. 37. 26.
Miss A. J. Balsiger' . " a. 23. 20. 50. r,. 42.
4. " 7. 2. 23.
MIbb May Bailey. "8. 12. 30. .17. 53. 48.
7. " 9. 22. 19, ..e.
" 10. 11. 10. "'
Miss J. E. Wler. n g 8
A, W. Wler. Bus. claBS. .1. s. 40. 42. 40.
Total,. 15. 299. j !73 273. 248.
It will take only 8M2 to buy it; 480
scree. 2b'0 acres plow land; one-halt
mile running water. Improvements:
40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2
houses and stable, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to furmiDK,
sheep and hograising. An .extensive
sbeep range joining to Bock creek.
Terms: 8110 down; remainder on long
time. Location: On county road, two
and one-half mile west of Hood bill,
Eiuht Mile, Or. 320 sores for $510, or
$108 for ownership in KiO acres school
land or will exchange for two good
horses. Originnl cost of school hind,
$320. Apply at Heppner Gazette office,
Heppner Oregon. JOU-tf-sw.
To grow old gracefully, one must live
temperately, calmly, methodically; bi
interested in all that is going on in th
world; be olieerful, happy, and oou
teoted, and shove all, keep the blood
pure and vigorous by the use of Ayr'
yarsaparilla Be sme you got AyerY
I'oor country lor ixirtnn,
An African chief had a bad cold and
ent for his family pliysioiun. This gon
tleman could no more cure a cold than
any civilized doctor, and was a.i liUlo
likely to confess it. Ills business, of
course, was to give a proscription notlm
possible to be made up, but a little eut
of the way, so as to inspire confidence
and suggests anatomleul study, lie pro
scribed a little fat cut from tlio heart of
a fat man. Unhappily (for tho doctor),
all the attendants of the chief were lean,
but the doctor himself was fat, and tho
chief, being unaccustomed to wait for
any thing far less a cure for a coll im
mediately put him to death and put hit
dvice Into execution.
When suffering from throat or lung
tronbles, take only sncb medicine a
has been proved worthy of oonfidenoe.
Bnch n remedy is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
a specific for sudden colds, and invaln
ahls in all forms of pulmonary com
plaints. Sold by druggists. Price $1.
clean and iresh, having
with new goods the ear
Geo. Conser,
a Grood Bargain.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office.
A. W. Winn, Prin.
la Difficulties and Suffering He Is tb
True Man and Heal liero.
To know the American soldier well
you must toil with him over tho desert
trail when the sun beats hotly down on
the dry and verdureless earth and tho
dust rises in white clouds that hide the
column from view, and fills tho eyes,
the mustache, the ears, tho mouth with
profanity and vexation. Here, says
Harper's Weekly, is where the songs and
jokes proclaim the stuff that he is made
of. Then, when you are sent out with
him in the dead of winter ovor twenty
inches of snow, your equipments and
supplies on bob sleds, he it is that dis
mounts time and again without a mur
mur, pushing, to help the mules up hill,
and repacking the overturned sled
dozen times in a day; then, after it all,
digging his hole in tho snow and put
ting up his tent at night, all tho time
joking with his "liunkie," and ready as
ever to steal a whisp of hay or a hand
ful of oats for his shivering horse. Ho
it is that jumped into the boiling hot
spring to save the daughter of a private
citizen a deed for which the citizen,
who was a rich man, proffered tho as
tounding Bum of five dollars, and the
government the gold medal of honor; he
that took a flat-bottomed boat out in a
heavy sea in New York harbor to rescue
a drowning boy; that lost his life for his
fidelity while attempting to swim an
icy stream with dispatches; who, single
handed, served a field gun through an
action with a bullet in his leg, to hold a
position; he that you believe incapable
of anything but "bucking; faro" and
drinking strong liquors.
- Mftlhit tin' Hut.
In Paris the custom of gentlemen re
moving their hats Ukij meeting female
acquaintances is falling into "innocuous
desuetude." Many ffoiitlemen now just
touch the brim of the h: t in military
fashion wiiun meeting a lady, aud it u
accepted as being good form.
p. e, pOUQPSOIj go,
Llaving put their business upon a tem
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known in
We must get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money
comes in sight. Shake your cash at us and see us tumble.
1 1 a w
Not only once, but again and again. They know (hat from ns they always get
full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell the best is ex
plained. Tbe "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ub friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Ik Kesley Utile
rise Bakery and Grocery
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel.
A full line of choice Ties, Cukes
usually kept in a first-class bakery store.
try them.
Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when negleoted in
crease in extent and gradually grow dungerous.
tWJSgiglFffilir0.0' RIPANS TABULES.
you SUFFER U1STHKSB after eating, 1AKE lAlrAIO I ADULLj,
Ripans Tabules act gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomaoh and intes
tines; oleanse the system effectually; oure dyspepsiu, habitual constipation, offens
ive breath end headache. One Tabu-lb tuken at the first indication of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly
remove the whole dilliaulty.
Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
physioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe.
If given a fair trial Hipans Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, en receipt of 75 cents by tbe
wholesale and retail agents,
I ()liTl,A. I , OHItGUN.
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Quick to
Samplts XYee on. application to
Yes, there are many of them.
Somejvery good, some bud.
lind druus aro poisonous,
Also of no value whutever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
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To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better tbun this?
IPIilL. OOHN, riojjrietor.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
L W. FATTEhSUA, AGENT One of the netin the Wqrw
Heppner, Oregon,
Etc, Etc
Trust Busts
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at ForeBt Grove, Or,,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sur
They will keep on hand a full line of
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iinil Dread ; in fact everything that is
They will sell oheap foi cash. Call and
Ad anil Save many a I
tlxe Blpan GlxeraxicaJ. Co., T-w