Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 02, 1894, Image 4

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    Sure Oare for Sprain, Bruise cr Hurt !
You'll Use it Always for a Like Mishap.
PteLiiiJia l:.-.'Uiy7iig pills curo'ci-iioii jut I' u
Premise I'.eetifyluK plUscum constipation
i i
jU ni
3 3
s e
AJD-ost all pills and medicine produce ccnstlpatlon, hero la a p!!l tii.u cures torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism, indlje&Uon, slot headache and kidney and liver
troubles vlthout griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
la the prime cause of all sickness, beware of it getting habitual and chronic with you,
see to It in tinif; these pills will euro yea.
ii S3 M i because it is the only, safe and harmless
ES&tr Sons remedy that will Burely BEAUTIFY the
clear the skin end remove all blotches from
self. 2o Cents a box.
Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by
Prentiss Chemical and
Prentiss Rectifying plllscure constipation
Prentiss Rectifying pills oirw constipation
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorablv discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war,
re entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier'sdeath
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried. i
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died in
service, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
navy. I
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for hither rates under other I
laws, without losing any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to$io per month under the old lav re entitled to 1
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not,
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also j
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Ulack Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor j
Ida Indian Wars of 1833 to 1843, are entitled under a recent act. I
Mexican War soldiers and their widows alsoentitlecl, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
Or dependent. I
um claims completed and settlement obtained, wnetner pension nas Deen granted uuacr
Jater laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who
iave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P.O. Box 463.
Ho Tells Wlmt Mnmes Are Populi
Among So-Called Literary Women.
An Old Editor: I wondor If anj
woman ever liked horown name? When
I was In the harness I usod to have tu
road all the manuscript that catio to tbf
ofllee. Most of our contributors wore
women. Women, I bavo su'nmimes
thought, are naturally Inclined to Ulora
ture. I never knew one who didn't
drift Into writing for the press if she
had the sllgbiest encoiiraietiiont. And
when they begin to write of course the
first thing they do Is to select a nom do
plumo. Thoso assumed names used to
amuse mo and I took a fancy ono day tc
keep track of them for ono year. At j
the expiration of that lime 1 discovered ;
that the damo "Maude" led the list, j
The next was "Lillian," arid then they
scampered off into the roa'.n.s of fietion.
'Boulah," "Mispuh," "liuwona," and
tho like. Occasionally I found ono whe
assumed a commonplaco tag. and i
noticed that such a one, as a rule, gen
erally made her wny to tho front. 1
wonder whatever becaii.e of that long
procession of sorrowfi.l-looking creat
ures who used to romo to my desk with
great bundles of manuscript and be
seech me to examine it and use it, ai
the sumo time telling mo of tho sick
children ut home who were famishing
for bread, and who couldn't get any un
til "this article" was printed. At first
I was soft-hcurti'd and listened to thest
appeals, but soon found that I had mort
manuscript on hand than we had col
umns in tho paper. Then I grew hard
hearted. For instance, I would ask one:
"How many children have you?" If she
aid more than two 1 asked their names.
Then I would ask tho nature of theii
diseases and sho would tell mo. I would
tako tho story and label it, "Katie--measles."
Then of tho next applicant
tho same query. Then the label,
"Johnny tho mumps," and then 1
would lay the MSS. away in a pigeon
holo and occasionally I would look them
over and wonder how tho Invalid Corp
were progressing. When I felt a littlt
womanish in my heart I would select
tho "diBoase" which I thought was most
dangerous and use it. And then I used
to watch tho obituary column. Hut 1
never saw the announcement of the
death of ny of tho starving ones whose
names wore on the parchment in my
pigeon-holes. Chicago Tribune.
Distant Travels of the KUtrk.
An interesting proof of the ilistimt
travels of a stork was discovered this
spring in the neighborhood of lierlin
For u nuinlier of .vi'iiis a pair of htork
built their nest uninuilly in the park ol
the castle Kuhelelicn. A few years niro
one of the servants placed a ring with
the name of the place and date on the
leg of the male bird, in order to le cer
tain that the same bird returned each
year. This spring the stork came back
to its customary place, the bearer of
two rings. The second one bore the in
scription: ' ' I mliii sends give tings to Ocr
muny. "
Kxpeuslve Wadnlns;
According to the dispatch from Wi
nona, Minn., twelve thousand dollars In
bills has been found in a piano stool
among the effects of Ilenu Weinberg,
the housekeeper of the old Huff house,
who died two yours ago. Kightocn
months iigo twelve thousand dollars
was found in some false-bottomed
trunks. The stool was ingeniously
fixed to hold money without suspicion.
The Und was made by the admiuistra-
Prvut - iss Kocttfyitig pllla cure constipat ion
Prentiss Rectifying p. lla curt) conml pat Ion
the faro. Try a box and see for your
Manufacturing Co.,
Prentiss ltocllfy-lnr; pilis cure constipation
Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation
It Is to lie Found In the Kcuectian That
There Aro Worse Climates,
Which is the very hottest region of
the globe is disputed warmly sometimes
by travelers. The thermometer will not
decide in the sense we refer to, says the
London Standard, because local condi
tions have such great inlluence on our
feeling of misery. Those who have
been quartered at Aden would not al
low that any spot on this upper earth
can be more awftil than that. But un
fortunates who have dwelt in Scinde
mock the terrors of Aden. Visitors to
Bushire, in the Persian gulf, talk light
ly of Scinde; and Russians assert that
there are districts in central Asia more
terrible than all three. One would in
cline, to believe them also, if only it
were proved possible to live through a
summer in heat more cruel than that of
Scinde, for instance. Americans also
put in a claim for their great desert.
One thing is assured that the famous
Sahara does not approach airy of those
mentioned. Jo some parts of Scinde
necessity taught the inhabitants ages
ago to invent an apparatus for cooling
their rooms, which we were glad to
adopt under the name "windsa.il."
As for the actual heat in the severest
climates, persons otherwise trust worthy
will give astounding reports. We have
heard responsible officers of the old In
dian flotlla avouch that they have seen
the glass register 200 degrees in the sun
at Ihishire. It was a long time ago,
however, and there lies their excuse.
Perhaps ISO degrees has been recorded,
for a brief space, under peculiar cir
cumstances. lut when llW degrees is
passed every fraction becomes horribly
perceptible. Ten degrees above this is
not uncommon. The coolest place to be
found at Shikurpur sometimes has been
140 degrees. Hut l'JO degrees in the
shade may be regarded us the tempera
ture of the very hottest climates in the
world wtion no wind blows. Fancy
that us a minimum, for forty-eight
hours ut a stretch. At Sukkur the
year round, murk residents endure a
minimum of !)7 degrees: happily there
! are very few whites among them. Hut
this is in it time when no wind blows;
nnd winds are the rule fr :n March to
July. There is the Su!c, iv!ii :h rises,
as scientilic persons allege, in the Kachi
desert; but ordinary mortals will not
be persuaded that it has its origin in
the upper world. All life withers be
fore it. Hut there is won.'. Tho bad-i-simoon
kills outright everything it en
counters: ii"! only tli il it buns up
tissue 1 curtilage, so that t he limbs
can be on-li-.l iismul'M" when the storm
has passed bv.
brief uitd vc
From t!io r '1
pad, in c '.i-'ci-stiwii-.ir
'.' ' '
but 'he. Hi: c ,
Of Co
il is rare and
in its track.
ii i h "'.- i'l .liv-oba-,
: iv sweep by, le-evcc.-'.'iiag
it mci:
f.-om the edge, fe't
iiilv a warmer glow than usual.
me Ho:iU'!i of Iruailor,
The females of Kcu.n'or arc proverb
lal for beauty, those among the avis
tocraey h.-i v,- kiU to haw the l.iiivit
complexion .f miy in South America,
while till to : large, soft and ex
pressive ilari; eye-i. the blackest and
most almaikutt hair, the vHU;.t teeth,
well-rounded figures and f-'ucil hands
and fe. t. Like all women i'l V.:-.: trop
ics, they i.icf o.'o c.nlv ami i.i.lo quickly,
but poi-'ie;)-, iiioir u . ora-,-'- s ia:t ci torfv
years UuiKtV., i.iece I'.e.i'-:-!-,;. 'vu 'ss
thim colli-.'.- to w of i ohliv climes
In three - -. ,.v ,. -u! tea. for these
arc hai'.i: -,-ii by no "curking cares" or
tu'h aiu'oilu.u:.
Only the Scars Remain.
"Among the many testimonials which I
fee In regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," write,
UEN'RT Hcusox, of the James Smilu
Woolen Machinery Co..
Philadelphia, Pa., "none
impress me more than my
own case. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 years,
I had swcllincs come on
my legs, which broke and
TTT a uecame running mm,
RSI Our familypliysician could
Hrt mA 110 pnntl. ajld it was
feared that the bones
would be affected. At last,
S3 my good old mother
urged mo to try Ayer',
SaJ f took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have not been
troubled since. Only the
scars remain, and the
I memory of the past, to
i0tninil me of the good
Ayer', Sarsaparllla has done me. 1 now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have been on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer', Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating in
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Msss.
Cures others, will cure you
1 ffS..r
v m
A'l'lr.s H letter fr r"c:tl curd to
Tin; phes. nuns to wpaisy,
JOHN W5!jDf.HBUilN, - Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box -.. WASUI.S &TOX. I. '.
AIp. f :'fl('rPrs ulid nllriM fiisnbl"'! tr. (!;.' )r, nf
Jutv !n tiie reu'iif ;ir Annv or Xrvt sini-? ii- w:,r.
Sii:-v!v."-'i ;,r the fmilnn vir m lKVJ i
tb"lr v ic.o'W, tt-w ftititli-ti oi(t n'l ri'i't' '
a ?t--i!rv, 'r:"iii8m,s t'Cfit'.c:! t; i . i - J - r r..'f-
Sc-ii'l f - :r"v 'nw,, ;si; cJi.iraij fur t. ivitf.
Until ij.-.ev'Stfjful.
Blade la all stvles and sizes. Lightest, a
strongest, easiest working, Bafeat, lmplet, m
I mA9t nwnrntii moat fnimnnct Bin) most M
modern. For sale hy all dealers in anna, ji
Catalogues mailed free by K
The Marlia Tiro Arms Co.,
New Hates. Coss.. TJ. S. A.
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent buslnens conducted for
Information and advice given to Inventors XTlthoat
charge. Address
Mao&gtttg Attorney,
O. Box 463. Washington, D. 0,
S-fTlila Company Is msnftfred by a combination of
dm liirt-i.t und moat influential newspapers In the
t' ni Lett Stated, for the express puTpone of nrotect
Ikic their subscribers against unscrupulous
ami Incompetent Pmcnt Agents, und each papel
1'i'tuliuit this a-lvcrtlsMnrnt vouches for the ruflponsU
tiiilty and IukIj atandliu: of tlis Press Calms Compuny.
The Striking Contrast Sometimes
lietween Them.
What a contrast there is in the gen
eral appearance of some men and their
wives. Some of them look as if they
had made a mistake and gobbled up a
woman that ought to have been .some
other man's wife, and some women a
good many women look like victims of
some kind of a mistake. It is not un
common, says the Chicago Herald, to
see women dressed with all respect to
the latest designs sent out by Worth or
Felix, while the husband seems grate
ful that he has enough money left to
buy even "misfits." This attracts no
particular attention, but one's heart
will get to aching for the little pallid
faced und meek-looking woman who
wears a plush clonk and nlapaca dress,
while the husband is radiant in fresh
new suits, tan-colored gloves, silk hat
and red rose in buttonhole. I spent
an hour in with the pale-faced woman
and ratliant husband yesterday. It was
In a steam car. There were four chil
Iren with them, the oldest about six
years. The wife had on, -in addition to
the plush cloak, a rusty black hat and
gray veil. The children were dressed
beautifully. How they loved her! One
little fellow came back to kiss her
about twice in live minutes. It was
"Oh, mamma, isn't that lovely?" and
"How long will it be before we are
there, mamma'.'" and "Are you glad we
are going?" and "Dear mamma." She
gave them some fruit. They would not
eat it until mamma had a "bite. " The
father was radiant, and dignified and
grand. He never got a kiss, nor a
"bito," nor a glance from those four
children. He paid their fare and
looked out of the window. He had his
fine clothes, but the mother was rich
in all the love that could All little hearts.
In a Cow's Stomach.
In tho Btomaeh of a cow which was
butchered at Washington Court-Ilouse,
0., the following articles were found:
Several nails two and threo inches
long, screws, brass nails, carpet ticks
and a number of small stones. Thore
was fully a quart of these articles in
the cow's stomach. Tuo cow was ar
parontly in good health before beKi
Thompson A BinnRown tbebnsi which
goes to ami from the Palace hotel, bnt
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
A enntl thing for von to do is to sub
scribe for the Oflzetts.
At Abrabsmsick's. Iu addition to his
tsilnring business, he has added a fine
line of nnderwenr of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahams! ok, Ms; street, Heppner, Or.
B"U lie
1 ssa tin a rt. 1 hi k
Supposed to Have Been Atlantis
a Powerful Empire.
According to an Egyptian Legend th
Whole Continent Was KnRiilfed
In tb Sea by a Convulsion
of Kature.
In a volume entitled "The Lost At
lantis," by the late Sir Daniel WilsoA
president of the university of Toronto
an interesting study is made of thi
legends which suggest that Arnerie
was known to the ancients. In two o.
Plato's dialogues, the Timaeus ant
Critias, it is related that Solon, th
great Athenian law-giver, during t
visit he made to Sais, in Egypt, som
thirty-four hundred years ago, was in
formed by the priests of the former
existence, west of the strait of Gibral
tar, of an island continent in the At
lantic ocean, says the Baltimore Sun.
This continent, Atlantis, the seat ol
a powerful empire, according to the
story, was engulfed in the sea by some
convulsion of nature, with the result,
of course, of destroying its hundreds ol
citieB and millions of inhabitants. Al
ready in Solon's time the destruction ot
Atlantis was described as a remott
event, "white with age,"
Has this legend a basis of fact? It
cannot be accepted as a whole, it ap
pears, because the Atlantic, in the opin
ion of geologists, has been substantial
ly what it is for many millions of years.
Geology shows evidences of local up
heavals, but none of the submergence
of extensive continental areas. Sir Dan
iel accordingly feels compelled to reject
the sinking of Atlantis as a detail of
the story invented to account for the
cessation of intercourse with it. The
body of the story he is disposed to ac
cept. Atlantis was America, which con
tinent the earlier Egyptians had discov
ered during their period of adventurous
maritime enterprise. There are many
evidences of Egyptian domination
around the Mediterranean before the
Trojan war. Their ships sailed the At
lantic, visiting England for tin and ex
ploring the coast of Afriea toward and
beyond the equator in search of gold.
Their vessels might readily have been
carried westward by ocean currents to
Brazil and Central America. In the
year lOOO of our era Pedro Alvares de
Cabral, the Portuguese admiral, while
sailing southward along the west coast
of Africa, was carried by the equatorial
current so far out of his course that he
accidentally discovered lirazil. What
befell the Portuguese admiral in 1500
might readily, Sir Daniel thinks, have j
befallen Egyptian admirals thousands
of years before. Egypt when first re
vealed to us in history was already far
gone in its decline. Its people had lost
the spirit which impelled them to their
first discoveries and to their acquisition
of the greatest if not the first of the
ancient eiapircs.
Sir Daniel affirms that the ancient
maritime races of the Orient frequently
made voyages far out into the Atlantic.
In the reign of Pharaoh-"echo, Oil
605 15. C, after the decline of Egyptian
maritime enterprise, a Phoenician fleet
was employed to circumnavigate Africa.
Hanno, the Carthaginian, is said to
have reached the Indian ocean by the
route around the cape, as Vasco de
Gams did later, in 1497. Enterprise has
its pulsations its periods of expansion
and contraction. There are, it is seen,
indications that the discovery of Amer
ica was within the reach of the Egyp
tians at the period to which the story of
Atlantis refers.
When the Egyptians ceased to rove
the sea Atlantis was lost to view at Safa
and became a dim legend. Evidences of
Egyptian intercourse with it are to be
sought, according to the author, among
the ruined cities of Central America.
Such evidences may yet be forthcoming.
"It would not," he says, "in any degree
surprise me to learn of the discovery of
a genuine.Phoemcian or other inscrip
tion or some hoard of Assyrian gry
phons or shekels of the merchant
princes of Tyre, 'that had knowledge of
the sea,' being recovered among the
still unexplored treasures of the buried
empire of Montezuma or the long-deserted
ruins 6f Central America. Such
a discovery would scarcely be more sur
prising than that of the Punic hoards
found at Corvo, the most westerly island
of the Azores. Yet it would furnish a
substantial basis for the legend of At
lantis. There is nothing improbable in
the idea that it rests on some historic
basis in which the fall of an Iberian or
other aggressive power in the western
Mediterranean has mingled with other
and equally vague traditions of inter
course with a vast continent lying be
yond the pillars of Hercules." The
speculation is an attractive one and
adds interest to the study of the antiqui
ties of Central America.
Good Incomes Are arned br Finding
Lost Articles In Shops.
Few women shoppers in their rush
for bargains stop to think of the num
ber of things that are lost by that
great army of bargain hunters every
day. Pushing and pulling at each other
as they do in their attempts to get near
some special bargain, the unnoticed
dropping of a handkerchief, pocket
book or fan is a common occurrence, ac
cording to the New York World.
The manager of a big store on Sixth
avenue says there is a regular company
of women who do nothing else but pa
trol the stores on the lookout for arti
cles and money lost by shoppers.
Host of these women, he says, art
well known to the floor-walkers and de
tectives, but as they break no laws and
occasionally make small purchases they
are not molested.
At six o'clock each night, according
to his story, or when they meet at theii
"office" and make a general division of
their spoils, to the unique band it is nc
uncommon thing to divide one hundred
dollar's worth of gootfs as the proceeds
of a day's persistent search.
Of course they closely examine th.
personal columns of the papers, and il
a large enough reward is otfered thi
persons who lose things stand a pretty
good chance of having them returned. '
Tobacco Chewing V. l.
Says a tobacconist In the Hoston Sat
urday Evening Gazette: "l'or a long
time the old American habit of tobaeco
chewing has been on the decline. Near
ly half the men used to chew years ago,
but very few ii them do it now. The
calls for a plug, of chewing tobacco
lasted all day long, but you will wait
an hour now before you hear such a
call. It was not only the worltingmcn
who indulged in the habit but also the
swells and the business people. The
Southerners were nearly all ch overs
and so were the Westerners, hut th
quid has gone out of fac.ii.on here."
"For Years,"
Says C ARB tB E. Stockwelu ct Chester
fleid, U. H.. "I was afflicted tvlll. an
extremely severe pslu In the lower part of
the chest. The feeling as as toa
weight was laid
ou a spot th size
of my hand. Dur
ing the attacks, ths
perspiration wouia
stand In drops oo
my face, and ilwas
agony lor me to
make sufficient
effort even to wins,
per. They came
suddenly, at any
hour ol the day or
night, lasting Horn
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after. I was quite pros
trated snd sore. Sometimes the sttacks
were almost daily, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering. 1 was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I had the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At the first ot the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything ha
conld prepare. I continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Preparsd by Pr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowsll, Most.
Every Dose Effective
"convince the
skeptic and point the
wav which if followed leads to
Has been put tip in a
TirnnrifiLflrV form BiriC9
1S78, aod bas been used
iryears priorto that time
in private practice.
Tt ta no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine specific for
a very prevalent. aiteno. -i uuuuuoui
all ages, bare at some time in life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent indulgeoce or indiscretion and vicious
habits, and it is to these that we offer a remedy
that wiil, by its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous health and strength.
Ourmethodof introducing Prof. Harris'Pastille
treatment is one which commends Itself to all
sensible personB for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a
postal card aud a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be used in sending us their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
eupplv them with a question blank, to be Ailed
out. and an envelope addressed to ourselves fur
uso in returning It when tilled.
wnen wo receive tue buw
m TtiPnt nn blank we ore Dare
eight days' treatment and for
wnrd lk bv mail and prepay
ffSTKr. nnntjurn thproon and along
Tw7 wtththeeigbt days' treatment
ljlLAAut we send full directions for
using. The treatment in no way lnieneres wnu
person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that tt will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do notattemptto rob them byde
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are aa follows: 13 for one month; 86 for
two months; 17 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have operated our
Wan a mi .' awrtirRltiai
business upon thiB plan with satisfactory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to Bend us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROP. HARRIS SOI,.
merit and are what they need.
AH communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
99BekminBt., NEW YORK 0TTY, 5.Y,
at; ff IflOO vorthof lovely Music for Forty
"- I M . , Cenl., consisting of too pages
t: " full size Sheet Music of the-
ta- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3
selections, both vocal and instrumental,
gotten up In the most elegant manner, In- 5
eluding four large size Purtraits, aa
JJ CAftMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, 3
t fADCUCWSKI, the Great Pianist, -fi
g- Broadway Theatre B!dgNewYorkCih-. 13
United Statea. il! tho ?LD DOCTORS srlvats mall
practice, for .18 years, and not a ainirls bad reault.
Money returned If not as repreaentad. Send a
eents (eUmpaHor sealed particulars.
OS. WASP niKHDIS, 120 B. Hint St.. Ct. totls. Ut
25 Tears' Kipertenco In treating all Tart,
ties of liupturo enables us to guarantee a
positive cure. Question Blank and lloo.
free. Call or write.
B2 Pine Street, . . 81. LOUIS, MO
Reduced 15 to 55 pounda per m'-nth. No
carving, no lucomenience, to bad multa, nonauaecua
I, , t,i l """';, ana .rrictly con..
UK. ii.
. B. BUTTS, 822 r.n. btreet, si. Lom,, i
jsiamiul Rewards for Those Whose
Answ ers are Correct
n..n .i.c rnleml s prison .here WM confisec
u.u ti ti miiu.U. On making- s request to U
... ii.-., il.e presence nf the doomed man th
r ii,i,,Ni,l mat uonc but relatives were permit
ii.l S'slers 1;
'li. r t- my tuthera
i mm, but that Diana lihe D,ia,,ur B
,uc .i.iiur aam : Brother!
' n. at "ni-e taken tn th nrlann v l..
'',"n the pimnipr to the visitor! ' '
ll", A-"llhu" I'nl.li.hing Contpanj will sive 50 a
t.r hie u, ,t,e n,iin)t the Brat correct an-
". :u..l "vrr il'.i..l other re. srds, const.. In, of pianrw.
n. la,,,,, ami cents ,oW aU.s, ..tches, aiv2
f '..-ea. d.Huioii.l rtnirs, etc
J.V''""'m'!nh"' Xu correct answer will bt
. in n s hieh-tone.1 piano, to the next to the last a be.S
1 . -mn. and the ueal 6,000 will receive valuable
Rl I.KS..-U) All answers nra.t he sent brre.ll .nc
ar r-.ttnark net Isler than Dec. 31,1893 g Th re"l
mio coarse whMcver to enterthi. compel t
.nornn.i.1. are wpecled to d on. dollar for ,ii
; o, th,. sul.crir.tinr, to cither Tux UniiV ,.!!
Maoazisi The Cakadian Aoiicm Y,)' i.
All PHse.lnwrC
ns.jtr clnul.tion. 141 The fanitioTpS 2ilw.? recrijS
M-nrter. i.irn.rk taken in .11 cssed.,", SJiVS
'. --.1. the ne.t p,i,e. and Jo oT ' Bm 6'U':
This Aokiccui-sict ia an old est.hli.s-j .
..! r .s. .epic n:e.ns t,ai,NT ?, ,'',"h'droo.rn1
l l.r,,r,-a. fpSaSiSi
, -J. ts , i,
.'.' s-VV. ,1 7n i, , fi'Vw.'" """ nntlemwi h.n
. , -,' y ' IVmm'at-"'. Jh"l 'he
- 1. 1., .., eeini i i.etri.T:.;i: . "j .c1 'ci
i.lint Tim.
tr .11 ,,,.. i... -" "" ""r. rnw
fe J.TVZ'iSX. I ;"all.Kdwin.Joh,,Uay,!r-1'a,,1e1SH,m,w,t
e-ft tarn "v. k""k ; -.,.iwi
I. nn liliifl. It 111' V0 III" MeOI
Hvety owner oi a b , J
vftiiitble nhiil- Oi
pnekaga will
euro etglii io ieo
RhuI uv mail o xreM. ur
count Book, w leh ooiilnnntuiuwit)
The Old Reliable
lcstnhll'hcdssvars. Treats mnioor.i-m
married o? Tingle, In ra exposure
abuses, excesses or Imiiroprlotles hm l
riTAKANTKKn. Hoard and opartmenn
fMshid whei desired. Question Jllan
and Hook frea. Call or write.
sa n I I II I 4? Thfl vorfll fonD p01'
W.Z Y K M I L I Ollely c.red 38 J.r
tuct-offut practice. Treatment confident!.!. Curei
tTTi.il or ! ofltc. Term. low. CJue.lion Blank i
ttoeklm. dloi wilt.. DR WARIJ INSTITUTE,
120 N. 8th St.,St.Uuls.Mo
i)i.t.i-lCl KKD ".'hot:
hout thfl UIO Ol
lkni? QBertion BlnnH anu hook tr. v
writs j'. .
IP SUfPrV ANY LADY, employed or unemployed ,
ID A Wttn.1 can nakell.iatrr alow hour, work each
dav Salary o-commleBion. 810 .ample, tre. Addre,.
H. BtNlAMIN CO., 82Z Plee St., St. Louis, Mo.
lo-A NY LADY can"et valuable Bccret that
Ustiaofc wSi a rubber shield for memtx I
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. i
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
An eleetro-ffnlvanic naucry m-
bodied into medicated.
Belts, Suspensories, 8p!
nnl Appliances, Abdom
inal Supporters, "Vests,
Uruwers, OUlco Caps,
liianlni. ere.
Cnres Rhenmntism, liver and Kidney
Complaints, Dyspepsia, Krrora of Vnuth,
tost Manhood, Nervousness, Hexual Weak
ness, and all Troubles in Male or J einale.
Question lilunk nnd Book freo. Call or
VoHa-lKedica Aipiiancs to.,
133 Pino Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO.
Foot-l'i ilitH mi the Path to Ili'idlli.
EveiyouH m t-dii'tr a doctor's advice
should read ore Dr. Koute's (time
pinn;dilet8 ou "Old Eyes," "Croup,"
,'Rupture," "I'liimosis," "Vnrieoctle,"
Disease of lihj, Disease of YWmen, snil
leurn th.' best meims of sel'-cuie. M.
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Kant 28th St., New
While you keep your sahsctiption pttid up yell
can keep your brand in freeof clisrste.
Allen. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(t on loft
shoulder; cattle HHrae on left hip, under hit on
riatlit enr, ami upper bit on the left; riiugo, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der ii on loft shoulder of horses; cuttle same
od left hip.
Allison. 0. D.. Eifht Slile. Or. Cuttle brnnrl.
O 1) on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder, itftnige, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. -Horses, JA con
nected on lei t flank; cattle, sunieon left hip.
Barlholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 7 E oil eithor shoulder. Kange in Mo:
rnw couutv
Blenkman, Geo., Hardninn, Or. Horses, a Huk
otdeft shoulder: cattle shuih t.u right ulio.ilil.-r.
bannister, J. W., Hnrdman, Or. Cattle brand,
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, iiot seberry Oregon Hori.es
branded P 11 on lef t ehoultier. Cattle same on
right siue.
linrke, M Ht C, Long t;reek, Or On enttle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off rigid. Horses, stone bntnd on
letft shoulder. Usage iu (irant and Morrow
Hrosmnn, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
cert ear iirit crop no ngnt ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm H-- ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh, cuttle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Ina, Lexington, Or. Horses ID on the
right stiflo; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row oounty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, etrele
C with dot in ee: ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W.J Lena, Oregon. Horses VV. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Buyer, W. G t Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or rgh hip cuttle, same, with split in
eHch ear.
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Urn nlee, W . J ., Fox,Or-( 'attle, JU con neeted
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand ou the left thigh; Mango in Fox valley,
(irant county,
Carnnor Warren. Wsgner, Or.-Horses brand
ed p on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. ltunge in
Grant und Slorrow counties.
Cain.E., ( Web.t ir-VU on horses on loft stifle
U with quarter circle over it, oa left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts n tier S years; on
left shoulder only ou all horses over 1 5 years. All
range in Grant eonntv.
Clark, Wm. H., Let a. Or. Horn WHO con
nected. on left slionloer: cattle same on right
hip. liai ge Morrow and liniutilla counties.
I ate, (has, H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle sume on tight hip
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Wni Douglas. Or.; horses JC on left
shoulder; cattle same on lefl hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ta in the right enr.
Curl 1'. H John Day, Or.-Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Itann ; a......
Cnnil'll''ltJn "i' '",vert,!i A"11'! Bpear point
mmauu ewes, crop Oil left OOT
pnuchl upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and umler half crop in left ear. All rang9
iu Grant countv.
Cook, A. J..Lena.Or. Horao. or,,. .k..i ,
der. Cattle same on right hip: ear mark souare
crop off left and split in right.
leftYtFtfe J" Currin8"Ue' 0r- -Horses, to on
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Csitle, C with
F li, center; horses. CE on left Hip
Cochran, It. E Monoment, Grant Co. Or -Horses
branded Circle with bai beneath, on lefl
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap. ""
Chapin, H., Hardnian, Or.-HiirseB branded
on right hip. Cattle braudetl the same
,iiii?f "!' Worses braided with three
tmeu fork on left stifle. Cattle sa-ne on left side!
Uonglass, W. M , Ga loway. or.-oaltl8, lt L, ,
on Kft' Wp"W" el!h ear: horae8' K D
n,?V?g11K?' T' Pousla8' Or-Hot!es TD on
the tight stifle; cattle same on right hip.
0,1 1 1 V J fVnSi Do,KlttB' Or.-Horses brand,
fin I i sl'oulder, catde same on left
nuiott. wash,
right shoulder.
Heppner, Or. Diamond on
Emery, L. Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
tJ- reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; caU
tleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses S
connected on right shoulder'; m tl l Mm. n
oft left.
ngni nip. iuu-mark. hole in ri.ht .n,l V.
.Florence L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle,
right hip; horse 1 with bar under t
LF on
n right
ei Jl'.Ti!"16: ,8- P' Bpner, Or -Horses. F on
right shot Idei ; cattle, fun riglu hip r thigh.
n, "rt-". "eppuer Or.-Cattle branded
W. with bar over it. on left side; orop off left
ear. Horses, same brand on ietihiD.
way, nenry, Heppner, Or. UA!
1 sil Or-u
M?'ion. le'
Giiman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos.
orses. anchor H t,n Inf, ,h..NU. .
left Stifle. (VOIa urn. .,n V.:--
, count
ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left
in Gilliam. Grunt.. r.rnr.t BA M
' s0"' Echo. Or.-Horses brsnded H.
H ,1uar"r B'Kle it, on left stifle.
ii"llge m Morrow and Umatilla counties.
w.Hes. Geo.. Lena, Or,; Brand JH connected
I "Vl ""iS"'!; ovor U' on M uoulder.
1 ft11 .UtdRo. Or.-Dattle. round-too A
with quarter circle under it on the right I En
Bailee in Myrmw and CatiUa conniie eM blth
I "'" ""AJenks. Hamilton, Oi-( 'attle. two ba-t
.n .mpt.crop m right ear audeplitinleft
ltT' m thigh to rtin t couaty
" .o", oHnaei, vvaffoer. Or (- IT i?
connected) on right shoulder on rS.. V
on right h n sort .,n t.o . ',,"'"':'""."'.''.
alio WAV .Or. T ,
li. Iinr nixivA ii., ...... ' rr'T"
rwnieoi) lefl side. Kuupttj m Morrow nnl i 'Ul
tillu t'ountiutt. "u L m-
htmrt on t
houliiHr; on1 tin. ft on it ft ht,i
HttHllsty, Albert, Nye Oregon Borne, i a
.I.n..otecf, on left shoulder; (JMU.oHh 5
bin, crop oil left ear, lolt
llumehren, J it. flardman, Or. Ho. u
let' Bank norse,, H m
Hayes. J. M., Hoppner. Or. Horses winol.
on left shoulder nAttle. name on right hin
Huston. Luther, Kitrht Mile, Or, Horse J?
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle rv,D
tie same on left hip. I Unite in Morrow nnm,.
Ivy, Alfred, U,n Creek, tlr-t;.,.? '.""!?"
hi ri'uht, HnS
Q Uruut
Jnnra, Hurry, Heppner, Or Hotsps hm, j
njonll.e h'ftshimhler: cuttle Winded i
riKlithip.hlwi umlorbit iu left eHr. hi!?!!
Aloti-ow oi'Diiiv. ' se la
Jniikm, 8. ill., Hoppner, Or -Horses, h,
. . .,u.,ior. l anie, the
llaitge on F.iglll aide.
Johns Felix. Lena, Or. Horses, rircleT
left .title; cattKaameon right hip, under hj,
oroii m right and split in left ear 1
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vornon,Or, J on hnre.
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hipand
smooth crop, on both ears. Hojigein FoiauH
BeHrVHlleys wla
Koiiny, Mike, Hoppner, Or. Hoises br,,rti
KNY on left hip cattle same and crofflft
ear: under slope on the right B"
Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or.-Horses (19 on left
shoulder; on! tie, riff on left hip. m
Kirk. J 0, Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 on ol(h.
flank: cattle 17 on right side. 61th9r
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Dr.; horse 11 on l.fi
shoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit
right ear. wuo
Kumberlnnd.W.Q.. Mount Vernon. 0r.-I Lnn
cattle on right and left aides, swallow fork in h ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses nam.
brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grant oountv
Lofton, Hteptien, Fox. Or.-H L on lofrhin
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horsi!
.tone hrHnrl on lfr. .I.nnl.la o ...do.
oountvT ' """"" urw,
LienaJlon John W., lyi Or.-Horsea
brandod half-oircle JL connected on leftHhuul
dr. ('altle.samf on left hiu. Hanae. near Lai
Lwihoy. J. W. Hopiiner Ur.-Hoiwg branded
IiHim Ao'irt shouldRr; pcttlw Mime on loft
wall le overrent .ye, three aliu in rsht
Ottr. M u
Ijo1. Georft, Heppner, Or.-HorBes branded
dimbie li om.nect( Sotoetiuiea culled a
ewniK H, on Ipft Bhoulder.
Mark hum, A. M., Heppner, Or.-Cattle Urn
M on IvU side both tn cropped, and split in
boih. Hones M on left hiu. Kanite. Clark'a
Minor. Osrar, neppnor, nr. rattle, M Don
nurht hip; horse. Mou loft shoulder.
IV. organ, H. N Hoppner, Or. HorsoB
on left phnnlri' cattle biiitia on loft h;.. '
McCnmbor, Jas A, Koho, Or. HoraoH,' M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Morgan. Tho., Heppner, Or. HoreeB, cirol
T on left shoulder and loft thish; cattle, Z on
right thitrh,
Mitoholt. OHonr.lone, Or. Horeea, 77 on riuh
hip: cattle, 77 on r.ht side. R 1
McCiaren, D. (i., Hrownaville, Or, Horsea
FtH-nre Pi on each HhrmJder. cattle, Maori hin '
MoCarty. David H. Kcho Or. Horaeu branded
1)V ronnecfod, on the left shoulder; cattle eame
ni' hip and ide.
MrOirr, Frank, Vox Valley, Or.-Mnle Hhoe
witli t4p-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder in
each ear; horsee Banie brtuid on left stifle.
Mi'IIh!, . rmnjiiton. Or. Un HorrW. S
with half circle under on leftuhonlder.urniatrie
four burs connected on top on ttie right aide'
Hange in Giant ( 'onnty.
Keal. Andrew, Lone Itock.Or. Hoihoh A N oim
uwled on left shoulder; cattle name on both hins
Nordyke, Hilverton. Or.-Horses. oircle 7 on
left thiKh: ai tie. name on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canym Oity, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hip: on horses, name on left thigh, llanga
in Grant county
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. P 0 on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stiile
and wartle on none. Kange in Grant county.
Pearaou, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle BhiWd on left shoulder snd 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, 24
on left liip. Uaiigt on Kight Mile.
Parker & Oleason. Hardman,Or, Horses IP on
1 ft Hhoulder.
Pippr, KrnB t, Lexington, Or.- Hores brand
e E (L E connected) oi loft shoulder ; cattle
n mu ou right hip. Kange, Morrow county.
Piper, J. li., Lexington, Or. -HnrHes, ,IK enn
nected oi left shouhler; cattle, same on left hip.
under bii in each ear.
Pfttys, A. C, lone) Or.; horses diamond Pou
shonldor: cattle. JH.I pnnn(nti..l nn tha
left hip, UL-utr slope in left ear and slip in tlis
Powoll. Jonn T.. Dawllle. Or Horses. .IP nnti.
nec ed on left shoulder, (battle OK cocneoted on
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear.
wattle under throat. Kai gem Grant oounty.
iiood, Andrew, Hardman, Or.-Horses, siuar
cn-Hh with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
lieninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on
left shnuldei.
liice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; caMle, DAN on '
right siioulder. liange near Hardman.
Royue, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same brand revcriHod oa
right hip and crop off right ear. Kange in Jtlor
row county. ,
Hush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup.
prop off left eur and dowlap on neck, liange in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Runt, William, Ridge, Or. Horses H us
left shoulder; oattle, li on toft hip, crop of!
right ear, uuderliit on left-ear. Hheep, R on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uuia
tillaand Morrow c urn ties.
Keaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorBei
branded A K on riyht shoulder, vent quartei
ciicle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Rojue, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected
wit h quarter cirrle over top on cattle on rifrht hip
and crop off right ear and split ia loft. Horsof
mime brand on left shoulder, Kanye in Morrow
Gran rand Gilliam counties.
Rector. J. W., Hoppner, Or. Hors&s, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, 0 ou right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horeea
branded ill on left Bhwuldur; longe in Morrow
Sailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded B A
on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip-
Hwangart, H. F Lexington, Or. HorseH
with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with
clash Qiider it on right hi p, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow,
Gilliam und Umatilla couutios,
Hwaggart. A. L., Athena. Or. Horses brandf"1 2
on lelt shoulder; cet tie same on left hip. Crop
un ear, wuttie on left hind leg.
Straight W, E., Heppner, Or. Horses shadttd
J ti on let. stifle; cattle J S on left hiu, swallow
fork in right ear, anderbit iu left, -
bapp. Thos,, Heppner, Or. tturees, H A P on
left hip; cattli tsatue on left hip.
tihner.John, Eox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cauie, same on right hip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Rungs
m (irant county.
Smith Bros., tinsumlle, Or, Horses, branded
H. 'li. on siioulder; cattle, ame on left Bhoalder.
SquireB, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jtion left Bhoulder; cattle the same, also now
waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam ao.intion,
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Of-; bursas Son
right siitie; cattle hn?oiital U on the tight eido
SteyeuMOW, Mrs A, J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti
on right hit : Bwallow-fork in left ear.
Ml) WHIM. J Ii.
Swaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W 0 on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 2 on
left Bhouidt r; cattle, on left shoulder.
Tippete.S.X.,EnterpriBe,Or. Horses, C-on left
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left shouldei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded
UT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand,
Vanderpool, H, T., Lena, Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right
Walbridiie. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horeea, U. .L,
on the left siioulder; cattle same on right hip,
crop off left ear and right ear loiiped.
Wilson, John Q,, SaJem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Range
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. f kleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horeea same brand on left Bhoulder. Range in
Grant couuty.
Wright, Silas A . Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip. square crop off right eat
and split in left.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded
ace of spade, on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and (eft hip.
Wells. A. S., Heppner, Or, Hureas, on left
shoulder cat! e waina
WoJfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horse
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Molhtier
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lisbe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UK connected on left stifle,
Wallace, Charlei, Portland, Or.-attla. V 04
right thigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on rigat
shouluer. som Bame on left shoulder.
Whittier ro xiuinington, (taker Co., Or.
Horses branded W B oonntcted on left shoulder
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant county.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each war. Range in Grant comity
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on sSouider: Cattle, same on right hip.
Walker Elizabeth & Sons, Hardman Or.
'auie branded (E W connected) EW on left
tvn n"n4B 8Rrue on riht shoulder. J. W"
Whlker's cattle, same on left hip, hornei sanv
on left siioulder. All range iu Morrow
young, J, 8., Gooseberry, Or. Hprr
T8 on the right shonlde-