Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 02, 1894, Image 3

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I 'I108K desiring the Insertion ol display ads.,
or clittiiKe l nume, must get their t;oiy 1
not later than Monday evening for Ttiewlay'a
eilltlou, or lhurnday evening for Fridays edi
1. The sum of Ave cents per line will be
charged (or "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
roHiuMiv usisoi weauing presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than thoiu. th ,tit.
or shall hliusell give as a matter of liews.) and
UOtlCeBOt HDOUial UteetillUH (or wlitVfr minui
2. Notices of church and society and allother
entertainment from which revenue is to he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
wuuut, juwiuiw win ue sinciiy urnier
ed to in every Instance.
. Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon aiiuicauuu.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or her communication. No
corresiMJiiueuce win ue puoilsued unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
goou laiLU.
JLJ. lng Agent, 21 Merchants iSxchanite.
bun b rancisco, is our authorized agent, 'ibis
paper is aeut on uie in ills ouice.
Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
isvery day at (i a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at li d. lu..oxceiitMnndn v
Tlie cheapest, quickest and best line to or
itoui mo luiurior country.
W. A. Johiiston,Ageut.
Give your business to Heppner people.
ana uterejore assist 10 uuila up ilepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Anson Wright wbs iu town yesterday.
Mrs. 0. S. Van Duyn is on the sick
Dr. MeSwords wus culled to Lexington
J. D. Hamilton left for bis ranoh yes
terday morning.
Fred Sherman Las returned from bia
mountuiu bunt.
Papers for sale at the Gazette office at
two-bits a hundred.
Deeds, mortgages, etc , executed at
the Gazette orlioe.
Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
tbe Mountain House.
Joe Kolmau went down to Portland
on hiiHiueeo this week.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
tbe reduced price of $1.
Ralph Ditteuboeter interviewed the
business men here Tuesday.
W. E. Kahler and Sura Meadows were
down from Hardmau Wednesduy.
C. B. Cate, of the Ridge oountry, was
in Heppner on business Wednesday.
The Heppner-Oanyon stane Hue is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. Rev. Henry Rasmus and family are
siok with typhoid fever at their home in
Subscriptions to the Gazette from
now till after tbe campaign, new ones
mind, $1.00.
If you want a good gnu or sewing
machine, come to the Gazette offiae and
we'll (it yon out.
Hood'ri Pills do rot pnrgp, pain or
gripe, hut i"'t promptly, easily ami
efficient) 25c.
T'itp tint hn"" county scrip for sale
ubo'iM e ill on Heuri; doner nt The
Fi't Nn'i'm'il II ml:. IMf.
TV cri'vl. ii thoroughly snaked nnd
if i v1" -!li'.' farmer looked forward to a
bountiful cr..p it is now.
Ieial blnnkx, pleuty of them, at the
Giz-tte ollii'e, nnd at world's prices.
Discounts ou lurgu orders.
Mis. Judy Mitoball, who hue been
visiting with her son, Oscar, for some
time pant, returned home Monday.
Kvery man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. S. Whetstone is among those talked
of for sheriff, and on inquiring we fiud
that Mr, Whetstone is in the raoe.
. Cabinet photographs at 82.00 per doz
en for the next 30 days. Montgomery &
Aldridge.at Danner's old stand, t.
Borg, Farnsworth, Van Duyn and J.
J. Adkins are in tbe political field.
They will make good city offloers, ,
The Gazette will take oounty scrip at
(ace on subscription, and pay balance of
same in cash at highest market price.
The Gazette office now runs an in
surance and notarial shop. Gome in
when yon want to do your insuring and
, Mrs. Oelia Boyhan, who lives at the
Mountian House.desires to do plain sew
ing. Those havisg same will do wll to
consult her.
J. N. Brown left for Portland the first
of the week to attend the republican
Btate central committee meeting which
Oonvened Wednesday.
Diok Clark, the Dong Creek tonsnrial
ertidt, returned from n three week's visit
in Portland Tuesday. He left on Wednes
day's stage for home.
Those who have brought in various
kinds of supplies in lieu of oaeh, should
Ball around at this office and get credit
(or same if not already given.
John Hoffman, tbe chicken thief shot
In Portland recently, died sinoe. ye
who have a yearning for your neighbors'
(owls, be not covetous and take warning.
V. H. Peas, of Salt Lake City, has se
cured the contract by bid for carrying
tbe mail between Heppner and Canyon
City, for the coming year, beginning with
July ist next.
A. J. Borie, Supt. of the Paciflo Di
vision, oame up yesterday to view Hepp
ner and surroundings and to attend to
business oonneoted with the Union Pa
oiBc. He returned below this morning.
Heppner is oharitable to a fault, though
the town has a few corns and bunions.
A purse of over 830 was made np in a
short time for a needy woman Wednes
day. But few failed to respond with
Green and Hick Mathews will be
found at the City hotel barber shop
Where anything in the lioe of the ton
orial art wjll be furnished on appli
cation. These gentleman are artists and
deserve your patronage. Call on them.
The Bnnual meetiog of the Washington,
Idaho and Oregon Fruit Grower's As
sociation will be held at Spokane, Wash.,
during the week begining Feb. 12th.
The U. P. will sell excursion tickets for
the round trip, good from tbe 12th to
the 23rd inclusive. For further infor
mation inquire of J. O. Hart, agent at
this place.
The old connoilmen, Farnsworth,
Licbtenthal and Patterson, will be can
didates for reelection. They leave their
record as oootioilmen to be Judged by
the voters of the town of Heppner,
From an eoonomioal point of view they
have certaiDly sucoeeded, and this is
why tbe business men of Heppner have
urged tbem to run.
A Frenchman who bad been cooking
it tbe Palace hotel for 8 short time, being
under the infliienr-e of liquor became
boisterous down at Krick's saloon Satur
day last and wheu thrown out began to
demolish the windows. He was ar
rested and consigned to the oooler
nntil Monday morning when be was
given 90 dayi in the county jail.
Gid Hatt has now estubhsbed a ton
Borml parlor, at the Matlock building,
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop,
where he invites the patronage of hie old
customers and all who desire stnotly first
class work, shaving, shampooing and bair
oultiug at Jiving prices. Don't overlook
To our customers No difference how
large or small your aooount is, come in
and settle, either by oash or note. We
must have one or the other to enable
us to stem the flood. Haves linos. 90lt
Last Monday night a protracted meet
ing wos begun out on Eight Mile, with
Rev. Parrish in ohargs. He w ill be as
sisted shortly by the Heppuer ministers.
A. Ixivegreen and Jas. Inskeop, rep
resentatives of Lone Balm Lodge, I. O.
O. F., Hardmitn, accompanied the re
mains of the late Jaoob Johnson to
Hardman Wednesday.
The report that Mr. J. W. Morrow
will be a candidate for sheriff had no
foundation. Mr. Morrow will probably
be nominated by his party for clerk.
Frauk Foster and Solinger Bros, arriv
ed from John Day Monday on horse
back, and on Tuesday Mr. Foster and
John Solinger left for 'Frisco.
J. F. Spray purchased two oar loads of
oattle out in the Butter oreek country
whioh he shipped to Poiiland for bis
use, Wednesday.
Ashland Record: M. V. Rork passed
through Ashland Sunday for southern
California, where be expects to remain
several moths.
Billy and 'Oeue GlisaD, of ;the Ante
lope country are visiting their parents in
tins city. They will probably remain
until spring.
Hon. H. lilackman, T. J. Matlook and
J. W. Matlook left Wednesday for
W. E. Kahler is being talked of for
clerkship on the republican ticket.
Chas. Iugrabam and Joe Saling were
in from Eight Mile Wednesday.
Dan Hurl, of Butter cceek, was in
town Tuesday.
Death of Jacob ohnson. A telegram
Tuesday from Walla Walla announced
the death of Jaoob Johnson, a well
known and comfortably fixed sheep-
raiser of tbe Gooseberry seotion. Mr.
Johnson had been Buffering from con
sumption for tbe past three years, but
until the past few weeks has been able
to attend to business. Reoeutly he went
up to Walla Walla to reoeive medical
attention at tbe hospital there, but be
oontinued to grow worse until death
relieved hiun. He leaves a wife in good
oiroumstances. His remains were taken
in charge by members of Lone Balm
Lodge, I. U. O. F., of Hardman, on their
arrival Wednesday, and were taken to
Hardmau for interment. Mr. Johnson
was a good citizen, and his death is
much regretted.
The Special Session. In pursuance
to the call of the county judge, the
oounty court met in special session at
tbe court house yesterday with Judge
Keithley and Commissioners Baker and
Viucent present, for the purpose of con
sidering the matter of reducing the tax
levy of Morrow county. The matter
was thoroughly discussed and it being
shown that the assessed valuation of
property as returned by the assessor bad
been very materially increased by the
sheriff's assessments, and that as small
i levy as possible should be
nade, the oourt ordered the levy of ten
mills as made and entered at tbe Sep
tember term of oourt be amended to
seven mills. This is a good move in
the direction of economy.
A Pleasant Affair. A pleasant sur
prise was perpretrated last evening upon
Rev. J. M. Sbulee, of South Salem, by
about sixty young and old friends who
invaded his home armed with substantial
testimonials of goodwill and esteem.
Tbey were happily greeted of course,
and the evening was spent delightfully
in conversation, musio and games.
Tbe pleasant event left upon one and
all an impression not soon to be for
gotten. Salem Statesman.
A fall of about a foot of snow bas lain
for a week.
The Chinook arrived this morning and
will get away with it.
Arrested Boyd Logan, for breaoh of
promise. The trial will take plaoe Tues
day evening at Douglas City.
A Hterary Booiety has been organized
at the Grange dall, some distance South
of lone, and are holding interesting meet
inns. lie Rhea sohool will oommenoe Feb.
2tth, A. W. Balsiger, teaober of tbe
Four Mile Center school, has been em
ployed for a term of six months.
Tbe Four Mile Center sohool will
olose February 23. The special exer
oises are to be held iu tbe eveuing of
the same day. All are invited to attend.
We see by tbe paper that lone is also
in the raoe for oouuty othoes. The
seleotion of J. A. Woolery as a candi
date is a go 'd one. Be is well known in
tbe county and a better man oould not
be found.
We would like to see T. J. League as
a republican candidate for sheriff o f this
counry from this vicinity. Nearly Jive
years of service in tbe oivil war has
helped to thoroughly qualify him for tbe
office. Let us unite in giving our sup
port to oandidutes regardless of party.
Jan. 27th, 1894.
IIOO Kewaril 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaaea disease tnas science nas
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive oure now known to tbe
medical fraternity, vatarrn ueiog a
oonetitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting nireotly
npon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building np the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors bae
so niuoh faith in its ourative powers,
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
tSrtfnld by Druggists, 75o.
If hfflicted with scalp diseases, hair
fulling out, and premature baldness, do
not use grease or alcoholic preparations,
but apply Hall's Hair Berewer.
Krs. Judfe I'tck
Judge Peck Tells How
She Was Cured
Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read the fol
lowing letter from Mrs. II, 'if. Peck, wife of
Judge Peck, a justice at Tracy. (il.. and a writer
connected with the Associated Press:
"By a deep sense of gratitude for the ure.it
benefit I have received from the use of Hood's
Barsauarilla, I have been led to write Hie follow
ing statement for the benefit of sufierers who
may he similarly aftlicted. Kor 15 years 1 have
been a great sufferer (rom dyspepsia and
Heart Troublo.
Almost everything I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medicines, but
failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend
prevailed upon me to try .Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The first bottle I noticed helped me. so 1 con
tinued taking It. It did me so much good that
my friends spoke of the Improvement. I have
received such great benefit from It that
Cladly Recommend It.
I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
flesh and strength. - I cannot praise Hood's
Sarsaparllla too much." Mks. H. M. Plica.
Traoy, California. OetUOOD'S.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and perteot
In proportion and appearance. 28o. a box.
i?J Diabetes,
Briglit's Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
imst sea-men: in Ui'ine,
Burn'nq Sensation, I'aln
in i tie B-.icIs, anil r.li Dis
eases of ti.D Kit IKY.
Forsalo by Sloonm-Johnston Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayars, Jr.
Hip's Wood Y add. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, (0 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard s. 4-tf,
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' ex peri
enoe, has just looated in the Abraham.
siok building, on May street, where he
is prepared, to do everything in his line.
Mr ttiroecK is strictly a first-olass work
man add warrants all work. Oive him a
call. Uwtf
The Studebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and tbe
place for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocnine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Palaoe is the leading hotel iu tbe
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If you want to bny groceries, and
bread stuff aheap, go to tbe Enterprise
urooery. jurit a nam, proprietors, a
uorg, tne jeweler, is toe man to fix up
your watcu or clock. Lie keeps a full
stook of everything pertaining to bis
business a
M. Liohtenthal & Co. s new stock of
splendid, summer botton and tie special'
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark'
ed attention. a
The general merchandise establish'
ment formerly owned by Coffin & McKar.
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under tbe control and management
ot j. he ftlorarlana Mercantile Compnnv,
whioh continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
fw METHODS OF Waqfaoc
Electricity Applied to the Firing of fiat
l.nx Cutis.
Recent experiments at the naval prov
in;; ground with ;i Uatliny (run attuchec
to an electric motor have determined I
new method for lirinfr this class O"
ordnance on shipboard, says the New
York Tribune. The results were sat
isfaotory, nnd hereafter guns mountet
on deck or aloft will be operated by I
motor. Landing parties on shore wil
continue to fire the gun by the usua
method. The motor attachment is ni
improvement instituted by Dr. K. J
Gatling, and the plans of the arrange
ments were made by the Crocker
Wheeler Motor Company of New Yorl
City, who also furnished the electrica
appliance. The adoption of the moto
will result in an economy of men ant
in effort, and will increase the efficiencj
of the fire. Where before two mei
were required to operate the C'Utlin)
guns, only one will be necessary here
after. Heretofore one man, the gun
ner, trained the gun and dropped thi
shot where they would produce thi
greatest effect and another operate
the crank which sets in motion th
mechanism of the piece. liy the nev
system the g-unner alone trains and op
crates the gun by touching a button.
The motor is attache'' to the breed
of the gun and moves with it in all di
rections. It can be detached instantly
the connection being a specially de
yised one, and injury to the motoi
alone will not impair the usefulness oi
the gun. The greater steadiness of ap
plication by the electricity renders tlu
Gatling gun more effective as a piece a,
prdnance than when operated by hand
The serving is as certain and there ii
increased regularity. These elementi
have entered into the new arrangement'
and given to the service another use fat
tbe electric currect.
Land Fob Sale ISO sores over in
Wilson prairie. A goid stock ranch anJ
will be sold cheap. Cull at Gs.rtie
I office for particulars and terms. I,
W"e want it for a moment to inform you that
" " the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri
ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having
been largely increased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
Geo. Conser,
S. S. Hornor,
OP )Tho young liow to choose llitTbest one to iiuirry ;(1N TWO
COURSE)Tho married how to bo happy in niarriiisje; ( DAYS
YOU )The fond parent how to Lave prize babies ; ( ONE
WANT )The mother how t". have them without pain ; (AGENT
TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD
KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be ;( 42
WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )Tho invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE
TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500 000
READ ) Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars free. (COPIES
P. H. T. IMurniv Hill Book Co.. S29 E. 28th St.. Ne York.f SOT.TV
LEi;iLILMiscif!r atth0
Attempt at Suicide.
It Might Have Been Prevented.
From the Boston Post.
While the walks in the Public Garden
were crowded yesterday afternoon about
4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates
at the corner of Beacon and Charles streets
were horrified to see a man suddenly plunge
a knife repeatedly into his throat and fall to
the ground.
While waiting for a conveyance an officer
questioned the would-be suicide, who was
about 50 years of age, as to his name, address,
and reason for wishing to end his life, but
the man steadfastly refused to give any infor
mation regarding himself. He wus taken to
the Massachusetts General Hospital and
surgical attendance given him. Although
weak from loss of blood it is probable he
will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a
hospital attendant got a little information
from him. He said his name was Samuel
D , and that he came some weeks ogo
Srom New Brunswick. The last few days
tit Aeotf has felt quetr, and he has been wan
lering about the city, not knowing which way
to turn. What impelled him to commit his
fash act he was unable to say.
The above is the familiar but terrible
story of the results of mental derangement
caused by overstrain of the nervous system.
People who have diztinat, headache or back
ache, or who are troubled with melancholy or
despondent feelings, are already well on the
road which leads to insanity and suicide.
"Dr. Miles Medical Co.: I cannot find
language in which to express my apprecia
tion of the great benefit I have derived
from the use of your Restorative Nervine.
When life became a burden I would use the
Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and
to calm my exhausted and irritable brain.'1
Mas. H. Brown, Rochester, N. Y.
Br. Milts' Restorative Nervine has no equal
in crRlNO Nervous Diseases. It contains
po opiates or dangerous drugs. Hold on
positive guarantee by all druggists and
Pr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud.
For saleby T. W, Ayers, jr.
It will take only 8812 to bny it; 480
acres. 260 acres plow land; one-balf
mile rqnmng water. Improvements;
40 acres fenced, 5 acres cultivated, 2
booses aud stable, spring and minor
improvements, Adapted to farming,
sheep and hogrsising. An extensive
sheep range joining to Rock oreek.
Terms: 8110 down; remainder on long
time. Location; (Jo eounty road, two
and one-half miles west of Rfiod hill,
Eight Mile, Or. 330 aores for $510, or
8108 for ownership in 1(19 acres sohool
land or will exchange for two good
horses. Original oost of sohool land,
8320. Apply at Heppner Gszette office,
Heppner Oregon. 199 tf-sw.
For oonstipation, biliousness and
kidney affeotions take Simmons Liver
& Bisbee,
sowor has no
second chance. If
you would at llrst kuc-
'ceed, be sureund start with
Ferry' Hera Annual lor 1SII4 ,
contains the sum mid suliNtjince.
the latest mrnithK knowl-
re. tvery pluntor shuuli
cave i i. went iroe.
Salary and tsipenneri puld weekly from start.
Permanent position. Exclusive territory.
Experience unneceBBarjr. "cuIfarS
aarantbgeEtouegiiJiiera. Libera
communion to local part-
time aircnts. Laxeest
growers ol clean.
r.ery S
moo. jOT. JS"- lawn and gar.Hi.
Wo want you now, while
tho fruit Industry IB Bo
W . ...., n..H .h,n.n for
advancement. Outfit and full par-
ular frc!. WtOWN 11KOH. CD., nur-
fcaS'Vrvimm, I'orllnnd, Ore, (This tiuUBO IS
rollahlo. Name thin paper. Ed.)
10,000,000 of Kills Issued hy the Dr parted
Nation Whipped to Atlanta.
Eighty million dollars in bills wore
shipped to Atlanta yesterday, the mam
moth packngee of money filling five large
dry goods boxea und making in nil more
than a dray load. None of the bills are
ourrent however, as they represent
"nothing in God's earth now and naught
in the waters below." They are Con
federate bills of the rarest typo.
The huge pile of genuine Confederate
money was shipped here from Uiobmund,
Va., the former capitol of the Oon
federHoy, and is now the property of Mr.
Chas. D. Barker, N'J.QO S. Forsyth Street,
this oity. The money is of every denomi
nation issued by the departed nation,
and in tbe bigcolleotioa are bills of the
rarest type. There ' are bills issued
during every year of the war. Thou
sands of them are very valuable as relies,
but the great number of them Mr. Barker
has on hand will make them so common
as to bring but little on tbe market.
The eighty millions of dollars of Con
federate money has been all along gup
posed to have been destroyed. This is
undoubtedly the largest lot of Cmfed
erate money in the world. Atlanta, Qa.,
Constitution, June 4th,
The Texas oow boys take Simmons
Liver Regulator when bilious. J. E.
Pierce, Rauchero Grande, Texas.
'1 I.
rj.f i:,y:' 4.
Not only once, but again and again.
.Uv uu uuu measure ror me least money. Why we sell the best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends
and so establishes our trade. We want you to baye some of our '
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
HatB, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
Why Buy
When you can
Etc, at the
And at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build-
,K Ul, JUUI uon i0 vour crests Biid assist those who assist you.
1 aw SHAW & M'CARTT, Props.
The Keeley Utile
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of
Groceries and Provisions,
A full line of obnioe Pies, Cokes and Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp
try them.
Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when netrlnntml in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
"onr..?M!:!'5?K,N.w hallow or T1
you nuiriii uihtukss aitor uatlnu, "-
wsuiiusim UF THK STOMACH, -
Ri pans Tabnles act gently, but nromutlv. imon th liver, ataman), n,i
tinesi cleanse the system effectually; oure dyspepsia, habitual oonstipation, offens.
iVft hrnnt.h anil licu.lnnha n,.o rP...T- ..i i .u n... , r. . ..'
.... .... ...,. iDU at lUB Urst 'uuioiwon or indigestion,
miiouBiiesR, distress after eatmir nr ilenmiiniiin nf uniritu nin ,.,.!. . ...i '
remove tbe whole difficulty.
Kipans Tabnles are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
pbysioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science.
If given a fair trial Ripens Tabnles are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One. gives relief.
A (luarter-irross box will he sent, nnutnoa nm',1 on o,.oi..i 7K t. i .u.
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act awl Save many a Doctor's BilL
Sam.plB XYj a application to
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc.,
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows'
Darland Mercantile Oo.'s establishment.
will be disposed of at very reasonable
1 aw
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Oil) Fii 1 1 Cletf lottl in Eejrntr.
Enildirg Mirrd fcr Iltctiic LigLts
test sect hd.( daiiccs fti lie tiMeliig
Courteous treslmfnt assured tLe ceun-
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Tbey know that from us they alweys get
Heppner, Oregon,
of Peddlers?
get the ohoioest
Liberty Market.
For the Cure en
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazbttk office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
- o I nDULtO,
r "uu 4"'u,u
tH ElparLB Cli.nalca Co., 2rrr
carried by
building to the West wareroom of the Mo-
He still has a complete line whioh
prices for CASH. Call around.
o tlie llont In the World