Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 30, 1894, Image 4

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    i-iem..,j i... i.ii, (.aiuontf up;.,. on
Premise IteetllyliiR pillsciirecnnsliiMUli'ii
Alirost nil pills aryl mrxUelno pmduco srat!rwtUn, hero Js a ft!, luat cures tnrpld
llvur, bUluusanns, rhoumat.flm. intuition, elck hoalftoha nni Udiioy a ad liter
toubleu without crl;)ln5 or laariu any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
lthoprimocau3oof all Blcknoas, boware of It getting h&Ututtl aa4 cUrailo with you.
goo to It la tinift; thro pills Ml, eureycu.
I Ji J? I l'CUUle t t-he uu'y wilo anU baimi
a U kts II &ttS romoUy that will Biirely DEAUTIFY the
clear 13io jUIu and roinovo all blotches
Belt. 25 Ccuts a box.
Or sent by mall upon receipt of price ly
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
Prentiss Ileetlfj-fiig pills euro count Ipurlnn Promise liorliryiiig pil'N rurucousttpalluu
Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prf ntlns H"ot!fylng pills euro constipation
3 16 Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to.be Given Away in Return for
PICKS 57,750 00
1 1 5,500 LARGE ITCTCRES (11x28 incliosj
no advertising on them
261,030 Prizes, amounting to
Tho nhnvs nrtlc les will be distributed, ty
HEAD Plug Tuluicoo, and return to us tho
We will distribute 820 of these prizes in
To THE PARTY Bending us the greatest number of BPEAR HEAD
TAGS from ilfiis eoiiaity wo will give
To the I-'IVE PARTIES sending ni tho next greatest number of
KPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will glvo to each, 1 OPERA GLASS.
To the TWENTY P MtTIES sending us the next greatest number
of SI'EAU HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1 POCKET
To the ONE III'NDRED PARTIES sending us the next grentest
number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1
To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending 118 the next greatest
nimiiier or si'EAlt HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1
Tolal Number of Prize
CAUTION. No Tn.es will bo received Vipfnre
ll. Each package eontululug tae mint ho
County, Suie, and Number or Tugs la eich
READ. RPEAH HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than nnr other
plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. KPKAIt HEAD Is
absolutely, positively and (lllliicll vely different In flavor from any other plug tobacco.
A trial will convince tho most skeptical of this fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar
shape and style on earth, which proves tlmt It has caught the popular tiste and pleases the
Iieople. Try It, ami participate In the content for prizes. Pee that a TIN TAG Is on every
u cent pieco of 8PEAU HEAD you buy. Hend In the tags, no matter how small tho
quantity. Very plnocrcly,
THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, Middlktown, Ohio.
A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will bo published la tb.il
paper lxumediately after February 1st, lMU.
I" 1 '-"
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, In the late war.
re entitled, if now partlallyor wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
w 1 UOWSorsuch soldiers and sailors arc entitled i if not remnrrled) whether soldier'sdeath
was due to army service or not, II now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
ut dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service.
UIULUKKN ai eeutitlcd (il under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PABENTSare entitled if soldier left neither widow nnr child, provided soldier died In
ervlee, or from edcels of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no dillercuce whether soldier served or died in late war or lu regular army or
(soldiers of the 1ale war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other
laws, nltliout losing auy rights.
Thousandsol soldiers drawing from $j to $io per month under the old Ur-re entitled to
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also tor others, whelherdueto ervlee or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line ol duty in regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged fordisabllitvor not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the lllaek II awh, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wars of lRSSto 184U, are entitled under recent act,
Mexican ar soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
or dependent. '
oldclaitus completed and sctllement obtained, whether pension has been granted under
later laws or not.
Kejected claims reopened and settlement secured, If rejection Improper or illegal.
Certificates ol service and discharge obtained for soldiers aud sailors of the late war Who
nave lost their original papers.
Seud Tor laws and information. Nochargeforadvice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Produce $2 fiO and (ret the Gazette fur
one yenr. Nice faiuily paper, and bul
ly to paper oahins.
lllxby's Precept and fraotlce.
f "Do bo a little patient with the chil
dren, my dear," said Mr. Uixby to hi.
wifo when she spoke sharply to them
lor upsetting her work-basket and send
ing Us contents all over the floor. "Re
sueruber that you were a child yourself
once, and theiuostuboilient and p'easing
ohlldren are those who are ruled by love.
When they vex mo 1 What In tho
same of Moses do you mean, Willie
Blxby, by deliberately ".ticking your
teet Into my silk hat? If that don't
beat any thing I ever heard ofl Now
look at that hat, b1i look at ill For
half a oent I'd lake you out into tho
woodttbed and give you such a warming
up as you wouldn't forget as long as you
Uvel I ought to do ill It's the only
way to teach you young one. to behave
a little lees like a lot of hyenas! Now
you put off to bed without your auppeft
young man!"
At Abialianisiek's. In addition to his
tailoring business, be has added a flue
line of uuderwear of all kiuds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, eto. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrabanislok, May street, Heppner, Or.
1.i-luis l;oclr.ylni; pills cine couMipnlioa
Preiitlws Rectilylng plIHcuroconetifiatlrm
from the face.
Try & box and see for your
IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing,
28.875 00
$173,250 00
roniiMen, among parties who chew WEAR
TAUN tukeu therefrom.
this rornify ns follows:
for Hill County, 20.
.Tnnnnrv 1st. 1RQI. nnr nft.r Pphrnorv lat..
marked plainly with Name of (Sender, Town,
package. All charges on packages must he
Villages Hunt hi Tree.
Pooplo who live In trees or t "iplm
thorn aa place-i of refui.'u u. nn, i', i,'
particularly miserable :-,oci:-.i. v. : ,.f tip
bimian fiunilv. Ivirllieiri-iioi.-coi :i bom.
Invariably implies Hil.i tr.-y ::;-o ,,,,
stronjf enoii'rh u ri,' -i i!k ir Tnemi-.s on
tho level. The tree vi!l:i;;.i r e-tnlv uis-
oovercd by Mr illuii-i M ci
New Guinea, is tho tuo:;l lcm.. il.ali
baa been reported in a Ion : v. .: iK'.
ways Inland he found v. i- : ::e,!
starved renif,:int of l!,o .::m t
In one of ih.-ir git'.!--iii'nt.-i :-' t
lagors live i:t a nimvle enoneoe-. tr
whose niilo-spre,n!in lr;'tie!ie
houses, with two stories each, had
:.t in
- vil
e. on
Constructed. Wide platforms nr.. ho ilt
in front of the houses on wliieh :u-e piles
of stones, kept to hurl at intrusive poi
sons. This wretched people are in pro
cess of extermination by a powerful and
warlike neighbor. Thu most numerous
treo villages that have Iiecn found arc
along tho Dua branch of the Manila
river, north of the Congo. Tho explore!
who discovered them last year says the
natives aro tho poorest and' most
stretched peoule he bassouu in Africa,
Thompson A Bimisown the buss which
Kies to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to trum
iu any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
For Years,"
Bays Carrie E. Stockweix. of Chester
Held, N. H., "I was uftlicted with an
extremely severe rain llie lower part of
the cliesc The leelitig was as If a ton
weight was laid
on a spot the size
of my hand. Dur
ing the attacks, tb
perspiration would
stand In drops on
my face, awl it was
agony for me to
make sufficient
effort even to whis
per. They cam
suddenly, nt any
hour of the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after, I was quite pros
trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks
were almost daily, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering. I was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I had the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything he
could prepare. I continued taking these
Fills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by Pr. J. C. A yer ft Co., Lowell, Maaf.
Every Dose Effective
rtinilT-s It ll'lt-T or iiohi ii cnri! lo
u ucnncDDim .1 .... '
Managing Attorney,
tr. u. iiox 401s
Also, for Soliiicrs and Sailors disable.! In (lie llnmif
amy In the retrnlar Annvor Navv nlncetlte wr.
Survivors of ttie Indian wars r.f ltitt to tH-tii, antl
tlielr willows, now entitled. Old and refi-eted c.,lms
a specialty. Thousands entltk-it to lik-lier in
Ben;) fnr new laws. No charge for advice. Njfcf
antU suocesaf ul.
Made la all styles and shies. Lightest,
I strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest.
Iraost accurate, most compact, and most
modern. Yor sale by all dealers In arms.
Catalogues mailed free by
1 Mariin Firs Arms Co.,
New Haves, Conn., TJ. 8. A.
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted fc r
Information and advice given to inventors without
charge. Address
Managing Attorney,
. 0. Box 468. Washihoton, D. a
stThls Company is managed by a combination of
the largest and most lanncatlAl uewspaners la the
rnltcd States, for the express purpose of proSeet
tna; their subscribers against miscrupuloaa
and laeoinuctcat Paleat Agents, and each paper
priutluir this a lvei'ttaementvoachei fortlic respousU
lillHyaod hlghataudlagot the Press Cairns Company.
Children of t'liltui-e T iu'rht Love-Making
Instea I of Veneration.
Mother, that dear, sweet, matchless
name, synonym for tho tenderest, truest
love man over know, has been elim
inated from the fashionable vocabulary,
says the St. Louis Pout-Dispatch. In
the revised edition of thogilt-odged lox
icon it is Draukotcd obsolete.
Only a few years a";o war was made
on the common pronunciation of the
word mamma, and in spite of usage the
French method wascarrlod, that is, with
the accent on tho last syllable. Now,
mother, main-nta, and old-fashioned
ma" have been set aside a3 common
place and various terms of endearment
substituted. One of tho wealthiest
ladies in New York has taught hor two
little sons to call her "precious." "Dear
one" is the favorite address in the homo
of a rich and distinguished politi ian.
and tho scions of tho largest estate in
tho country call the voung mother "love
of mine" and tho proud father "Prince
Charming." Hut the most common term
of endearment among the children of
tho upper class is "sweetheart." Com
ing from the little folks, scarcely aide
to uttor tho sounds of the letters, it is
very pretty, especially at table or in the
nursery, when the small ohild hasagriev
auco or a heartache. 1 1 is not, however, a
convenient or callablo name nt tho foot
of tho stairs, when tho immediate pres
ence or audience of a gentlowoman is
needed. Since tho abrogation of "dear
est," which had as long a run as the
fauntleroy sash and collar, "dearie" has
enjoyed considerable popularity, but of
late intronchments have been made up
on tho lovers' territory and all their
tender appellations appropriated.
"Sweet one," "my own," "lovely,"
'heart's-ease," "dear heart," "queen,"
"darling" and "sweetness" aro some of
tho pet names to which loving and lova
ble mothers respond. And after all
there is something very tender and very
sweet in this love-making of parents
and children, albeit the dignity implied
ny plain "mother may appear to be
lacking. It is just possible that there
is too much severity in our relations
with the little ones, and that a better,
truer, tinner friendship may accruo from
this child worship. Ono thing is cer
tain, that there can be no estrangement
between the real lovers of home. It is
the sweet privilege of every mother to
be tho Uol of her daughters and the
sweeihenrt of her sens, and she has
only herself to blame if the child-lover
tires of her and in the noonday of life
l.Tgots tne glory that brightened his
morning. "Mother" may do for tho
daughter and son that the marriage
ties will bring to the root tree, but if a
sweeter, dearer name can be invented,
by all means let us have it to use, to
hear and to lnvn.
ir.r.iiTi.ffMtiifr mil t..mff n n i
H The
Turks Do Not t.ove lite Premier.
The Turkish government has set up
a new literary standard w hich is likely
to prove trouhlesomo to travelers in
that country'- The hand of the censor
has been raised aguinst that delight
ful old "Tartnriun" nf Dandet anil
again-st all biographers ni the Grand
Old Man. It seems that the horo of
Tarascon wearing a fez which adorned
I the cover of the Pronchruun's book snb
I Jectcd that toeonileuuuition, while the
official dislike to the latter kind of
literature was brought oat at a con
ference of the British embassy at Con
stantinople in bcliiilf of an American
bishop. The Uritish envoy was anxious
I that the bishop should be set at liberty,
! and said that there was no case against
j hitn. "What! no case?" said the Turk-
ish official. "What do you say to this
evidence of guilt?" And he thereupon
produced a life of Sir. Gladstone which
had been found in the possession of the
unfortunate bishop.
Queen Victoria's Klght Name,
The oft-raised question as to Queen
Victoria's surname is thus answered
1 by a recent writer: "She is, of course,
a Guelph by ancestral lineage, which
is traced by the genealogists from Em
press St. Cuncgonda, consort to Em
peror St. Henry II., A. D. 1034. Both
are canonized saiats and both were
solemnly crowned at Rome by Pope
i Benedict VIII. But all this relates
i merely to the pedigree of Princess
Alexandria Victoria prior to her mar
riage in 1840 to Prince Albert, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
This prince was of the
ancient house of Saxony, whose family
name is, and has during more than
' four centuries been, Wettin. Obvious
ly, therefore, the Guelph princess be
came upon her marriage Mrs. Wettin."
Mrs. Temple, wife of the bishop of
London, is a shorthand writer.
Princess May's wedding ring will be
made from a half-ounce nugget of gold,
, the gift of Welsh miners.
I Queen Victoria has contributed one
hundred pounds to the fund for the
benefit of the families of the Victoria
William Waldorf Astor has recent
ly bought the estate of Cliveden, on the
banks of the Thames, of the duke of
Westminster and will become a citizen
of London.
Arthur Balpocr says that his
greatest political help comes from, his
sister Agnes, who is his housekeeper.
Each ay she devotes a fixed amount of
time to reading the newspapers and
marking what is useful for his purpose.
t)R. John Mackintosh, author of the
"'History of Civilization in Scotland,"
to whom 8750 has just been granted
from the Royal Bounty, was original
ly a working shoemaker. He struck
literature as a last resort and stuck
to it.
t-oints in Palmistry.
An interesting discussion has sprung
up among the palmists in regard to the
line of the hand known as the mar
riage line. One recognized authority
says that when this line curves upward
the possessor is not likely to marry at
all. Other experts say they know
many married and happy people with
such a line. It is also alleged that the
transverse line on the "hill of Mer
cury," which one party says is the mar
riage line, is not so considered by the
Chirological society. "Our opinion,"
says the editor of the party organ, "is
that these lines are signs of attach
ment, and there is scarcely a hand ever
seen without at least one in the hand
of either mnrHedoriinmarried people."
Ex-minister E. J. Phelps is again
on the list of Vale's law lecturers.
An elective course in swimming has
recently been opened to the juniors at
W'ithoct an exception Princeton's
handsomest building when completed
will be the new Commencement hall,
the gift of Mrs. Charles Alexander, of
New York. The building will cost up
ward of 8800,000.
Col. Amos A. Parker, who recentlv
died in Keene, N. n., at the age of
over 101 years, is said to have been un-
doubtedly the oldest college graduate
' in the United States. He took his di
ploma from the university of Vermont
in 1818. ghe DMn,t Km)W How,
I When Prince George, the son of the
prince of Wales, was a student at Cam
bridge he was a jolly fellow and ex
ceedingly well liked. In the great
English universities royal rank counts
for nothing in friendly intercourse.
One day the prince found a fellow
student, some years his senior, endeav
oring to light a refractory pipe.
"What's the matter?" said George.
j "Let me light it for you." "Oh, you
teach your grandmother how to suck
eggs, will you?" was the angry reply.
Then, as the student realized what he
had said, he added, quickly: "My gra
cious! I beg your pardon! I had for
gotten who your grandmother was."
"No matter," laughed Prince George,
good naturedly, "I don't really believe
she docs know how.' Golden Day;
1 Dak Li aio-. x n i-iuome. ta years ago
was $15 a week. He is said to be earn
ing to-day $100,000 a year.
Mrs. Harbison is becoming quite
skillful as a water-color artist and the
white house is already adorned by some
of her works.
! Mrs. Vest, wife of the Missouri sena
tor, is a very quiet, retiring little wom
an of domestic tastes. She is slight and
graceful, and has fine dark brown eyes.
Russell Harrison has taken to re
porting. His application for admission
to the congress press galleries as corre
spondent for the Helena Journal was
filed recently.
As A solution of the alleged disparity
between Mrs. Frank Leslie and himself,
Mr. Wilde Is credited with the follow
ing too-too utterance: "Mrs. Leslie has
mnde industry a study, while I have re
ciprocated by mnkinrr Indolence one."
liter. Heim, of Zurich, says that the
most agreeable death is by falling. He
has talked with a great manv peoPie
who have escaped death by falling by a
hair's breadth only, and reports that
those who have experienced such acci
dents suffer no pain aud no terror.
Twenty-two ChitTese endeavorers
from one society at Oakland were pres
ent at convention In California lately.
The Christian Endeavor societies izi
South Carolina have doubled since the
organization of tho state union last
Holt Apostles' Chapter, Philadel
phia, with seventy-five members, is
probably the largest chapter in the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
In the Church of the Holy Trinity
W innipeg, a "Sisterhood of St. Atil
drew" has been formed on the lines of
the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
Only tbe Scars Remain,
"Among the many testimonials which I
see in regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., wrl eJ
HINBV Hens, of the James SniUa
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., "noue
Impress me more than my
own case. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 years,
1 had swellings come on
my legs, which broke aud
became ruunltis; sores.
(iiirfiiinilvulivaieiati could
do me uo good, aud It was
(eared that the bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged me to try Ayer's
Sarsaparllla. I took three
bottles, the sores heated,
and I havs not been
troubled since. Only the
scars remain, and tne
memory of the past, to
remind me of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparllla has done me. 1 no
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have heen on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised in all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating In
Impure blood, the best remedy Is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayerfc Co., Lowell, Msss.
Curesothers,will cure you
convince the
skeptic and point the
:hif followed leads to
way which
Has been out up tn a
DroDrleturT ftru Blnce
1878. and has betm used
for venrs prior to that Uino
In private practice. It ta no untried nostrum, or
doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpecttlo for
a very prevalent disease, tqouhudub mu, i
all agea, have at some time In life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious
habits, and it la to tbee that we offer a remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the neat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore tne patient to
vigorous health and streiiKth.
Oiirmeibodof introducing Prof. HarrlB'Pnatllle
treatment Is one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply It
upon their Judgment of Its value. We ask of our
putrona nothing in the way of expense beyond a
piist:il card and a two cent pontage stump. The
poHtal card to be used in sending us their full ad
dress aud the pontaRe Btnrup for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
Bupply them with e question blank, to be tilled
out end an envelope addressed to ourselves for
use In returning it when tilled.
Ms i. in i ii When we receive the state-
,- Ls4 f-O ment on blank we prepare
W IV lJLss eight days' treatment and for
B JTr ward lb by mail and prepay
mtV .iHIAli postage thereon and along
I r TfTmvjirm with the eight days' treatment
A. rACAAIE, we send full directions fur
using. Thet.entmer.tin noway Interferes with
person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or inconvenience In any way.
We are so positive that Itwlll give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely Interested thitn
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prlceB as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; 15 for
two months; 17 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
par the charges. For
b 'lJ. .J over ten years we
HnniiuMUinmitni,ft.a operated our
business upon this olan with satisfactory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the Becret ills which come to mankind through
violation of nature's laws to send us their ad'
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROF. HA K RIM' SOI,.
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should b
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
WBeekmsn St., HEW YORK CITY. . Y.
T I worth of lovely Music lor Forty
full size Sheet Music of the
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,-
fr- gotten up In the most elegant manner, In-
eluding four large size Portraits.
T CARMENOITA, thi Spanish Dancer. 3
CADCRCWSKI, the Sreot PianltL -S
Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City, 13
..WAY9 RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tn
!ln,i.y.'"1 "F thou lanriB of om.n allovertl..
;rio-.Sl?""jo'n t,,e L? EOCTOns rlvate mall
prnetlee, (or S8 years, and not a slnli bad reault.
Money returned It not aa represented. Send 4
Oenta latamps) lor sealed particulars.
. WASD IHSTITUTZ, 120 H. n'.tli St.. Et. trait, Vt
85 Tears' Experience In treating all vnrl.
ties of Rupture onnhles us to Kuarantoo s
positive cure. Question Blank and Bool
tree. Call or write.
133 Pine Street, . . ST. LOUIS, MO
...-i . Bedll1 15'oS piusdaperm-stli. No
aruj.. Irfatmentp-rlMtly harmlea, ul ilrietl, coaS.
d"""L ,Hl"!'ion "k'l Book lr. Call or .rl,.
Substantial Rewards for Those Whos
Answers are Correct
..r, r , . pnatjo wnere was eonflneo'
'H i!,;',rmi lh" ltie. were m "
.?o;rt7,ot?er.nTrr- "-
.Jl".A,,n.l'""uril11 PuWIshini Company will rl y) ,
f,7 . a hirh-ioned pi.no, u the neit to ihe la a beauH
SiXlX' M0 " rearir
RULES -(II All nn-m mnat heaent hyman .
rKn 1 '"7 -"MrfirmtDiirtni pom pem on. hut j
'I lh. cpolcr., .llirtrated ieriodi.ito of
All P'LV winner, will l , f iim f'.jj
f our nmilai.en 41 The T-t corrt In",, V, ,i
"nrters.lwni.rk taken i ,, ,. .. . 7 "J
aa to ae r,y ore , equal rh,n. ,.o n,,!,, "
" --"-i hi?, inu bo on
-netwire. .n,l.n " "r" "" "
DIE AiiHH'I'ncfiiiiT ia in rilrl H..1.K.I. a
w,l ,.,, ,.e. . enal "T, u'm LVllZ
Jt lmi-S. Th VHnw1n Vfll-fcnnvi. H.i
oroush Ke,l,t U . L?' ?' feu-e
vULain l-ua Co. tLtdi fc.,..iJ. ..'.i'-u
Itt H
WSW 'on vw
With all lia'l conaennorcea, itranruary. lor, of
enrreY. nervnua e iwin. '.. .
BBiiatura'UlKOariei !. manhood, d..posdner, oriSI"
i...tom .r.T,w.,rtir!awa, oflhe oraa.a, e-rta nlv .r.4
iPi,l yradltaf..i.d-ymeth.l . Cure. pi.lll. y
usraiicel. ii,.l en ll.ank anU Uookfre CallorwrUfc
120 It Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, MQa
'phm iwnar ol B hurt, aliolt'll kMD
it on hand. It ma .ave the 111-oi i
valuable animal. Oi.e puekaip wol
cure elahi 'o ten ca nifc SUKt
Sent by mall o .ipreai. Our Ac.
count Book, w IchsontalnsallltSk
rlaue keepen, mail o w
The Old Reliable
Kstnbll'licd3Sv''ars. T.-pntsmnloorrnm iln
... ... n in i.(iL;na nr nxiitiKUM).
.'".."OT.88 '"irKHUurtnletH.
floslre.1. QU08UOU Ulttjlk
aud Boon free. Call or wrlto.
,fQlj Th wont form, port,
. f f I L Otively cred 88 je.r
ue al.fiilpract.ee. Treatment conflilcntla'. Cure,
by mall or a: office. T.rrualow. Quc.llon IlUnk aui
Book fre Call or writs. DR WAR J INSTITUTE.
120N.9lh St.,SI.Uull.M0
Bu touls, Uo.
IC lUfrtb ANY T.ADY, employed or unemployed ,
vlOAVVllLni can ,-akeli.laf-ra lew hour, work earn
day. Pelarye-comml.eloii. S 10 .ample! free Addrr.a
H. BLNIAMIN & CO.. 822 Ploebt..StLouls,Mo.
FurANY LAD Yean cete falmblosecrotthrtl
coat mo siiuo, wici a rubber euield for ISO esst
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
An eleetro-RMvanio nnltery m-
bo -leu into medicated,
FUs, 8npensoripa, fijil
nnl Apiliani.'S, Alidonl.
iual tiuiipurtprs, Vests,
Klrawers, Olilco Caps,
Inaolns. etc
Cures Rhenmntis.il, Liver and Kidney
CouiplnintH, DyspepKia, Errors .if Youth,
Lost Mnnho-Ml, Nervousnens, sexual Weak
ness, and nil Troulilfrt in Ulain or , emeie.
fjuestiou lilunu; aud Book free. Call or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
W3 Pine Street, H't. LOUIS, MO.
Toiit-l'rilili, I'll tin- Tiilli to llrnlfli.
Evcryinn tif.iiii'tr a (liii'l.n'ri t.ilviet
shotild ri'iitl one i f Dr. FoiiIi-'h dime
piiraplilelH on "Olil Eyes," "Crimp,"
,'Rui'turc," "Pliinto-iiH," "Vmicncele,"
UiefHse of mi'ii, DiHfiice of Widicd. nnil
learn th heBt biphI'H of sel (nit:. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Em-t 28ih (St., New
While you kfiopyotir tmlmcription imiil up yrt
osu keep your brim J in ( roe of cfiHrKf1.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses HH on left
sliouldnr; oittlle Atmio on left hip, undor bit on
right ear, mill upper bit on the loft; mugf, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn.
iler n on loft slioQlder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Jlile. Or.-t'attle brand.
U D on left hip and homes same brand on rural
shoulder. Kantf?, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
ueried on leit Hank; cattle, same on left hip.
Bartholamew, A. G , Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 K on either shoulder. Range iu Mo -row
Bleaknmn, Geo., HardmBn, Or. Horses, a nnii
, ii left ehoulder: cattle natuo on right shoulder
nannieter, J. W., Harduian, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Ijoi eeiierry Oregon-Horses
branded P 0 on loft shoulder. Cattle sutne on
right sine.
llurke, M Bt C, Long Creek, Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left enr, un
der half omn off rigid. Horses, name bmnd on
letft Bhoulder. Uauge in Grant aud Morrow
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-llorsos branded 7
on nght shmilcler; cattle B on the loft side
Left ear half crop nd right ear nppnr slope
. Barton, Wm., H. ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
r.ght thigu, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
i ".""."i lm' L?S'ngtori. Or. Horeee IB on the
right stitle; cattle same on right hip; range Mor
row county. '
Brown, J. C Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle
wlt,d"i inne teron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, VN.J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the leit shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. Q. Heppner, Or.-Horses, boi
eBchear C"Ule' l"tme, W'lb "plit in
liorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
ehoulder; cattle, same on loft hio
lirowulee, W. J., Foit.Or-Cuttle. Jli connecte.1
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece rait out on right, ear; on horses ,,"
Scoui U"Sh! """ '
Caisner Warren Wngner, Or.-Horsea brand
edO on right stifle; rattle (three bars) on
right ribs crop and split in each ear. Cge"u
brunt und Morrow counties.
11 Mnt V''M'TC)' " "" horst,H left stitle
U with quarter circle over t, on left shoulder
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yeare. Al
range in Grant county.
Hark, Wm. H., Lei a. Or Horse Will' ....
nected on left shonlilir: est leatne o ' right"
l.ste, CIIHS. It., Vinson or Lena. Or. Ilornea
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on rig t hh,
Uauge Morrow and Uumlllia coumies '
l ecu, W m.. Douglas Or - Imnw. li i .
shoulder; cn;tle ou'lef hip! waddle on
T !," t"?;' tw"b'te,i" the right ear "B "
in right ear, split i U,f , wr. o " Ui""?J,b'
Z M rn1dUnPKerrbht,l" ""''S Welles cropTu
Graiacomiw. rUP letl A" "
o..:Poff1eftand8pli,rfriX6ar mark !"
Mx'SSL- C"i"6"1"' -Horses. nu
Coi Ed. B.. Honlmnn, Or. tattle r
i. center; horses. t:E on Hft hit, ' C wl"
J liapui, H Hardman. Or-Horsea h , .
Douglas, 0. T., Douglas, Or-Horeo. TTi
right .houlder. ' D-T- Diamond on
...feLiW?.?.' Or.-,Horses branded
connected oi right' sl,,u, l,i!.,. V .7, ir
irKV'rpte, ,.k,.
-houluer. m m",M' ngl'l
. ! ' ssme biai d oi left , P 0a le,t
.ho"idc.r1.",I,r, 0r-i on left
Jau V S Tie ' ?,S." h"" nSt
'..ig-i. .... ,i ...,...;.,., "-
Iu . I h. . L. i.e. to , . ,.
'; 'I' r i il. .' oi. i ,i ,,, i, , ' '
"an A. 1.. Ii,,, i,, ' , .' "
onnipr'p'r'ni:;': ,--" .
Hon. J ... ;.M'.Vi . . " 'l'MlllWl
--U::-h,s:r':r:r " "
Ol, nghl hi., H I! rl . . '"': " rattle
i, . i,, g. ,. lir. ,
on nghi hip m H ,, ' ,"" C"Hle.
right ear and .lit u ft. "'.Vl', "" ' ,' in
;ttutrict,Morrv 0OLmtiU U,u8 Uajalack
ffijL MfX lDlMRieiCl KbD w hmit th un ol
MaWlf 11 fknife Uuertion Blank and Hook fire. Csll
"ft, II if lilt. H. It. IH1TTS.
iiKie, miiiiin, .vKner. r.-H.
ircl Willi iwrullwl lilB) i!r?.,l,p,''ll
i Htlieesuie - n iVft hip l WJ , n.S'"ol'W.
I ., ..... "u iei
' linn. iLnwin. jfiiir, iiuv (k.
hili: h . aa'rn- ,n ".'.'.l.1; ."" K "on ri....
Grant mnt. nouiue,. t,m
Howard, J L, ' alloway. Or.-H..n. I ,
with bar aliove it) ou right .1. nTT' "'"
,..,.., leit s,de. HhUKIZ mSS'S,
tllla I'oniities. """ru and Uauw
rlnghes. Mat, Henriner. Or ti
heart on tV lef t l,., ,1T I.T- "f,'w". "hiirW.
H.,rker, B Wturner. drTuZ"?, ''V
liouhler.rai tin. Aon left hip. "u,", on left
Hardisty, Alliert, Nye. 1 1
-houlder, Cattle ou o,'-' ?
win-Honw, A n
CstUeoa th.' kft
Humphreys. J M. Uanlm.. o.
Ae. H....L.
nil -uiwea, u
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or.-Horao. i
on left shouldei cattle, same on riant V'1"'
Huston, Lather, tight Mile Or-H
the left shonlderand heart on the Wt eVirf
tie same on left hip. Kanm In " lt.
Ivy Alfred. Long (reek? MS."?"!,"
right hip. crop ol left ear and bit it. riJht ii0"1'
same brand on left shoulder llai . !""
oonntv "uge n Grant
Jotiie, Harry, Heprn'-r. Or n,. k
II J the leftshonTileiY c.,ttl l"; 'l'fl
right hi.,Hl, uudo.bit iu left eur i J
Alni row cinnty. "suge m
Jniikiu.t). M Heppner, Or -Home, h
.htas J un left shoulder. Can L i?' ""
liange on Elgin Mile. 1 U"' Won.
Johnson, relix Lena, Or. Home. i i
Jenkins, O WMt. Vernon Or -J k
lert shoulder; on cattle" J 'ou J, hi,h"T
smooth crop, on both eru loS ffP.lwS
HearvhU.iys ""go in n i and
o; under alotwon the right " "B '
hlrk i T-, Heppiior, Or. Hr.. an
honliler: callle. uS on left hit" m '"I
hirk. J C, Hepimer. Or. Ho'raH it ,.
ilankreatlle II on right side! " W'W
Kirk. Jesse. Hnot.nitr i
elioulder: cattle same on iiJl, . T"'. left
right ear. " ""' "auerbit oo
-Srf ."a."' V"."' Or.-I L
ear and under ciop in ri7ht e i...'Ikinl,'t
brand on left shoulder. lUnaa in H. , Mm,
.-.Tli "-IT""'.. Ln0?St
brand oVMIoutfer.'' C
iJit-iiniiru, tjunn w., iri Br,w. n u
,W. Cattle, sain, on lef, hiogli'S:
L.WZ derli-'S.l1',
hiP, wattle oyer n.l.t e. three SS!.",
Lord. George, Heppner, Or.-Horeo. j
double II eoi.nect, som ettm
wine- H. on left shoulder. "llert
Miirkhnm, A. M lleppiier. Or -Pain, i
1M on lef, side both eare' "ro,M , ?
bo h Horses M on left hip iCgi f Z?.
ciinyon. '.lark s
Minor. Oscar, neppner nr. rattle m n
right hip; horse. M on loft 'shoulder. D 0"
morgan, N. N., Heppner, Or.-Hnrsei
nn !f nhon lw. ntif.U uu . v88.
Mfmho; T. ."L-.r "7."" HO
iMrnnrVirTei k. I ! , '"' "r' "C8,
i. U with
morgan, ino... neppner, Or.-HoruM el,-i-LhVtKh"h,,,,Mer,,d
l6ft "WiSft
Mitchell. Oaenr. lone. Or. Horses 11 .... i.
hip: rattle. 77 on right side! ' " 00 "''
MeClaren. 11. ., Hrownsville, Or.-Horea,
J'" ?!"-,' i,',','"ld.nr- 0H,t'e' bin '
McCnrty. David II. Echo Or. Hon.. i." .,.
I UvZT"a ",e Ml "l"mlaori ttlss.rn,
MrHirr. Krnrk. Foi Valley, Or.-Mnl.ahn.
w.l i.oe-eorkon cattle on ribs , ',Xr ?
each ear: horses same brand on left stitle.
Milllilo,, u. ... .-'auiiir.in. Or.-On Mnree. H
will, half jirole under on left shoulder;" Tntt'i.
four bars connected n top on the right sids
Uauge in Grant County. " 8118
Neal Andrew Uine llock.Or.-HorseH A N con.
neeleilou left shoulder: cattle same on both dps
i .'Vi1-8' "''""ri""- Or.-Horses. circle ? S
left thigh: rattle, same on left hip.
Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or.-A Son oattls
on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh" K2
in Grant comity ""uas
Oiler, Perry, Leiington. Or.-P 0 on left
etinu.de,, " ,wu
Olp. Honnan, Prairie City, Or.-On cattle 0
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stius
and wartleonnoee Kange in Grant county.
Pearson, (l ave. Eight Mile. Or.-Hr, nnar.
ter circle shield on loft ehouliler end U on left
hip. jatlle, fork in left ear, right oropped. iM
on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile.
i J. . r GI"UI'' Uurdmnn.Or.-HorseslPon
I fl shoulder.
K",:KU "' LefnBlon. Or.- Hor es brand,
e (L t oonneuled) , loft shoulder ; oattls
s me on right hip. Kange, Morrow county.
l'ir, J. Ii., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JK eon.
nawied in left Bhoulder; cattle, same on left bin
under bit in each ear.
Peltys, A.C., lone. Or.; horses diamond Pon
.shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, ui.per.Blope m left ear and slip in tha
Powell, John T Dayville, Or-Horses. JP con.
Jims ed on left shoulder. ( 'attle OK oouneoted on
left hip, two uiider half crops, one on eHch ear,
wattle under throat. Uai ge in Grant oounty.
Hood. Andrew. Hardman. Or.-Horses, sonars
orne. with quarter-circle over it on left stitle.
Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horses, U B on
left shouldei.
Hice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; ca'tle, DAN on
right shoulder. Kange near Hardman.
lluyse, Aarun, Heppner. Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; outtle, same brand reversed ou
right hip atld Oroil off riirhtAAr. Itnnira in M.
row county.
Hush Bros.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded S
un the right shoulder: cattle, IX on the left hip.
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange ld
Morrow ami adjoining counties.
Jiust. William, Kidge. Or.-Horses K m
nuouiuer; oniua, n on ion nip, oron on
right ear, underbit on left ear. Hlieop, R on
I, , ., unjp oi. ngn ear. itangs uma
til la and Morrow o luutiee.
llu.i...... A ...I , r. ,t
...,.-;, nuoiuw, ajexiugMin, ur. iiorsei
branded A K un right shoulder, vent quartet
w'ai'u; LHiLiie same ou ngnt mp.
ItHiige Morrow county.
Koine, Wm, H. Uairyvilla, Or Hit ooiinecterj
t... .. H..n. .... vn, iv ,,vr uip on caiue on rigui nip
and crop off right ear and split In loft. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow
Grunt aud Gilliam counties.
itecuir. j. w., neppner. Or. Homos, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip,
Spioknall. J. W., "(iooBeberry, Or.- Horses
branded 91 on left shoulder ; tangs in Morrow
uokiun, v. i neppner, ur nurses oranueu a a
on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
owHHBun, n. r., Lexington, or. norsee
with dash under it on left Ht.iHn. nettln II with
uasli under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Ituuge in Morrow,
u....uu..uu uuiauiiacuuuueB.
Bwuggart, A. L.,Alhena. Or.-Horses braniier1 2
on lei ( shoulder; oettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hiud leg.
niraigiu y . n., neppner, Or.-Horses shaded
J B ou lei. stifle; catUeJ Bon left hip, swallow
happ. Thus., Ueppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P ou
left hip; outtlt same on left hip.
DIIIICI..UIU1, cox, ur. pti; conneotea on
horses mi. right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
!.. iMio rnr uu uuiior oil iu lert ear, iuuikv
in urant county.
bmith Bros., Husanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. . on Bhoulder; caltte, ame un left shoulder.
Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JBoii left Bhoulder; cattle the same, also nose
wmidle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co mties.
.Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses H8 on
right stitle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Btevenson, Mrs A. J., Ueppner, Or.-Cattle, Ii
on right hi, : swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, M on
left should!' ; cattle, 44 ou left hip.
ry, r. u., neppuer, ur. cattle " o on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year.
dewlari; inruu, U .'..n -l...nl.n-
Tliompsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left Klioulu, r; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
I ioi.aIu M 'I' k n, . , il ... Iufl
- - u..l,UUD,IWV,VI, UUIMi Vf-UH 1" -
luriier K. W., Heppner, Or. SmaH capital T
. .-'"."-i, Uttiua WiUlV nn .Bit uiy
with split in both ears.
inornion, n. M lone, Or.-Horses branded
HI connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
toiiuerpooi, a. I.. Lena, Ur; Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on tbe left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
oron off lafl u, ...... -.L, i.. I
ii. , , " a" oar lunieu.
Wilson, John D Balem or ITeppner, Or.
Hiinui. hr.,ll l.n. .1. I-.- - i.i ii.,.,....
" on me imb suouiuar. amu.b
ulorrow comity.
W arren, W B. Caleb. Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split in right ear,
HorHOH lotma hm.nl 11, ul I.l. Il..n...tn
Grant couuty.
VV right, Bilas A . Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
B W on the right hip. square crop ott right ear
and splitin left.
W aile. Henry. Heppner. Or.-Horses bianded
ace of speilee on leit ehouliler aud left hip
. m, ir oreiim-i' same on let! Huleuiiil letl hip.
.. un. a. ci., nuppuer, ur. nurses, a'
on loft
enoiuuer- eat' e wurae
Wolfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsas
Uiree parallel bars ou left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kange in Grunt and Maiuuef
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP
conneoted on lef t shoulder.
Welkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Ut counecteo on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or.-Csttle, W on
right thigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on right
snouluer. somi same on left, shoulder.
W hiitier Mm., nuiiimguiu, KakerCo.. Or. -Hori-ee
branded W H nmnevten ol, lefl .!:oul.ler
Williams. Viisco. nuiniilnn, Or. Qnarter cir
'l" t-v.-i. li re. Oiin.ni lef ip. both callle and
l - i .uiMj' lirani cuiiii
1 I: ...lie .1 I). l.,,Uu Creel,. Ill- I
'Vei liirif bare ou l-dl hip. call
'In it 'tai l, ,.hi Ii., ... (:.,,
1' A.A., eppner. Or -Horses nil rii sA A
oiiplur: . stti, same ,,i eivl-t I i
"a it k,liialM,th 4 Sons, llardiiisn Or.
Mi. bninue.1 E W com, cited) EW on left
siile. ho'e s Mime on right sl olililer. J. W'
" Iki-raratl , san eon L it I, in, horses same -"n
ell should. r. A,i n,nge In liotrow ioun'.
tm '"if ' Ji,b." Gwieeberr., Or.-liorw. branded
loon the rljrhr ahnLU