:V;:; ; V r NOTICE TO ADVEllTWKKS. 'plIOeJK desiriiiB the instTtion of display ads., I or change of Hume, must tfut their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening Tor Fridays edi tion. 'I' A'ATTBRBUN 1'UBLlHHlNti CO. NOTICE. 1. Tho aum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol ruHpect," lists oi wedding presents and donors, ami obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uutiuus of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed U) in everj iubuluuu. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent . sponsible for his or her communication. Mo correspondence will be published unless the writers real nuuitt is signed as an evidence of goou lanu. P. KISHKR. NKWKl'A WV.lt. ilivifUTU JJ. ing Agent, 21 Merchants iixchange, ban x raiieiseo, is onr authorized agent. This paper is Kepi uu me in nisomce. TIME TABLE. Btiijro lor Hardrmm, Monument, Long Creek, John itey and Cauyou City, leaves as follows : itvory day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 v. m.. extieut Mondav The cheapest, quickest and best Hue to or iroui uie luieuur uuuuiry. J. a. DELEVAN, Prop, W. A. Johnston, Agent, Give your business to Heppner people. ana iiieiEjurv usstsi 10 ouiia up tlepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. If Christmas Day on Monday be, A great winter that year you'll see, And full of wind both loud and shrill. But in summer, truth to tell, High winds shall there bo, and strong, Full of tempests lasting long; While battle they shall multiply, And great plenty of beasts shall die They that be born that day, I ween, They shall be strong each day, and keen; 11c shall be found that stealeth aught; Though thou be sick, thou diest not. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at the Mountain House. Papers for Bale at the Gazette office at two-bite a hundred. Deeds, mortgages, etc , executed at the Unzatto ollioe. M. C. Kiley, of the Hardman country, was dowu yesterday. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduoed price of $1. C. M. Oliver, of Canyon City, was in Heppner a few days last week. The Heppner-Oanyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Hood Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, bick headaohe, indigestion. Subscriptions to the Gazette from now till after the campaign, new ones mind, 81.00. If you want a good gnu or sewinis machine, come to the Gazette ollioe and we'll fit you out. Ben Hunsaker arrived Saturday from bis home at Wagner. He intends to remain o few days. Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the Gazette office, and at world's prices. Discounts on large orders. Every tuan who takes any interest in fai't gfrifk should subscribe for The Hcrsemitn. Gazette Bhop, agents. K-iglo: Chan. Onnningham . recently snifited a loss of 10J toriB of hay. The fire '.vi;9 the result of incendiarism. Ciibinot photographs at $2.00 per doz en tor the next 30 days. Montgomery & Aldridge, at Dannei's old stand, t. The Gazette will take county scrip at face on subscription, and pay balance of same in ousb at highest market price. 7-60 The installation of the officers of Raw lins Post G. A. H. and the Women's Relief Corps occurred in this city last Saturday. The Gazette offioe now runs an in surance and notarial shop. Come in when you want to do your insuring and swearing. Mrs. Celia Boyhan, who lives at the Mountian House,desires to do plain sew ing. Those having same will do wsll to oonsult her. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should call around at this office and get credit for same if not already given. Mrs. Coy, of Long Creek, arrived on last Thursday evening's stage from the inner oountry, leaving Friday morning for her old home in the states. The Salem Statesman has a libel suit on its hands for calling a man a jimorow deteotive. Since this suit has been brought it uses the adjective "jimorow" in every editorial. Eagle: Tom Khea, of Morrow oounty, is buying beef oattie for May delivery. The indications are that the price of cattle will be higher in the spring than they were last year. Eagle : Ioe gorged in the John Day near Monument last week for a distanoe of five miles. It was jammed sufficiently tight that when it was frozen, a band of sheep was orossed on it. J. F. Willis, of Rawlins Post, G. A. E., bas been appointed as an aide on the staff of oornmander in-ohief of the Oregon division. This is quite a recog nition of Rawlins Post. J. G. Young. K. B. Stanton, J. F League, Dallas Dampman, J. F. Willis, J. 8. Boothby and G. W. Smith were among those in attendance at the G. A. K. meeting last Saturday. D. D. Lancaster, of the Spokane Chroniole, was in the oity over last Friday night to confer with Henry Blaokman relative to the appointment of the deputy for the Spokane district. Groen and Hick Mathews will be found at the City hotel barber shop where anything in the line of the ten torial art will be furnished on appli cation. These gentleman are artists and deserve your patronage. Call on them. The annual meeting of the Washington, Idaho and Oregon Fruit Grower b As sociation will be held at Spokane. Wash., during the week begining Feb. 12th. The TJ. P. will sell excursion tickets for the roond trip, good from the 12th to the 23rd inclusive. For farther infor mation inquire of J. 0. Hart, agent at this place. 1-6 On last Sunday afternoon, five con verts to the W. E. church, South, were baptised in Willow creek. In this con nection, we would remind the urchin part of our population that a baptising f I axran in fchnRR not COn- la a Huieuiu nuoit, - nected witn any church, and Bhould be respected. Shouting and laughing is entirely oat of order. Some of our small boys seem to have forgotten this last Sunday. , When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. Ji. lai ton, of Lura, Russell uouniy, .auB called at the laboratory of Chamberlain, & Co., Des Moines, to show him his six year old boy, whose life bad been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured bim of a very severe attack or croup. Mr. Dalton is certain that it saved his boy's life and is enthusiastic in bis praise of this remedy. For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drug Co. The religious meetings held recently, at the M. E. church here have been most successful, n persons joining the M.K and M.E. South ohurcbes, 40 to the first-named and 31 to the latter Several have been converted who will join other churches. In addition to this, several joined the M. K. ohnroh, South, Sunday, not enumerated in the above. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one night's i.uc. xius romeuy is also a favorite for rhiumatiein and has cured many very severe cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co. Some time ago some of the most damnable of all immoral praotioes were charged to Prof. Rork by the Heppner Gazette, and as yet we have failed to see even a denial of the charges made by this man Kork. Is he guilt vf Would an innocent man thus keep silent? E. O. Republican. Gid Hatt has now established a ton sorial parlor, at the Matlock building, next door to Simons' blacksmith shop, where he invites the patronage of his old customers and all who desire strictly first class work, shaving, shampooing and hair cutting at Jiving prices. Don't overlook Gid. Nathan R. JoneB was brutally assaulted in his cabin a few nights ago down at Portland for his money, sinoe dying. His assailant got nothing, though the old mun is said to be worth $200,000. Jones identified Cbas. Davey as bis assailant. Arlington Record; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frisk have returned from a two weeks' sojourn at Baker City. He re ports that he is about to sell the White Swan mine for a consideration of $125, 000. To our customers No difference how large or small your aooount is, oome in ftllll RAttlfV Pithtir llV naal, rtx THf , - - - . j uuau ... . uuid, 1 1 O must have one or the other to enable us to stem tneuood. .Hayes Bros. 90tt Ttnrn Tn tha vifant U M Sand Hollow, Thursday morning, jan. 25th, a boy. All doing nioely. Joe Boyer returned from Virginia last week. He reports all quiet baok in that section. Sleighing is a thing of the past now, the snow being entirely gone. Folitios bid fair to get warm in this section pretty soon. Alex Kuntz, the traveling man, was in town Friday last. A. M. Gunn is reported as a candidate for city treasurer. Tub Masuuebade. Last Thursday evening at the opera hall, occurred the masquerade ball, under the auspices of Hose Co., No. 1, of this oity. The at tendance was large and characters repre sented of a greater number and better im personated than at any masque danoe given here for some years. The judges, Messrs. Phill Cohn, J. W. Dawson and Mrs. Otis Patterson, awarded th prizes as follows: Best sustainedlady characters. Mrs. Ed. 11. Bishop and Miss Etta Minor, respectively, "Baby" and "Nurse Girl;" best sustained gentleman charaoter, Arthur Minor, "Coffin;" best costumed charaoter, Mrs. W. F. Ruark, "Queen of Diamonds." The unmasking ooourred at 11 o'olock, but dauoing was continued till about 1 a. m. While not a financial success, socially it was more than oould have been expected. Death op F. D. Smith. F. D Smith, who drew the big Examiner prize last year, formerly a resident of Haystack, died recently at Lakeview from the effi ots of amputation of a broken limb. The broken leg was reoeived in a runa way, and from exposure gangrene set in, amputation being necessary, resulting as mentioned above. It is said that Smith ran through with his orange farm in a short time, and at the time of bis death was penniless. Death of Cloy Steaob. The death of Cloy Steaoh, the 12 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steach, ocourred at their home at the Round Basin sawmill on Jan. 20. The boy's fatal illness was that of pneumonia, which was preoeded by a severe attack of la grippe. Medieal assistance was unable to bring about bis reoovery. The burial took plaoe at the cemetery last Monday. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends. Eagle. An Accident. Saturday while play ing with an iron top, Mary McSwords received a blow in the eye, badly injur ing that member. However, it is thought that the sight will not be injured. LEXINGTON DOINGS. "Hard times" is the topio of the day. Town over-run with orators or would be congressmen. Fresh invoioe of Lieuallens just ar rived. For full particulars inquire of Jess. Jns. Mover is nursing quite a sore leg caused by coming into close contact with a sled while coasting. Our genial mail oarrier is contemplat ing 2oing into co-partnership with the postoffioe. This no doubt would be a very lucrative combination. What is the matter with monoply ? What a time our good boys had a rounding up their little girly sirlys and esoorting them to thecburoh. Oh, how thankful that my girl is not a Methodist or I would have to fall in line. Hard is the way of the transgressor. A new disease has made its appearance in our vicinity and is unknown to the medical world. It is very spasmodic in its attacks, also considered to be oon taeious and if relief is not obtained at once, spontaneous combustion issure to follow. It might be deemed evacuation of the mouth. The quietude of our little village has been disturbed to some extent by the distant roaring of the mighty lion which sends a thrill of terror to the hearts of our saintly sisters, and such a rattling of dry bones amongst their archives in search of that much-treasured mustard seed, and upon procuring the Bm a most eloquent appeal was made to bis highness that the lips of this monstrous beast might be closed, even unto aeain. Let the good work go on. Rex. Land For Sale.-4S0 aores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh anu will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. U. Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's Jis j & "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. i "Gentlemen: I am glad to tell you that I have been given good health by Hood's Sarsapartlla. For three years I was an In valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. Iwas so nervous il could not hear the least noise, and I had to walk with crutches for six months, as I could not put one of my feet to the floor. Fhyslclans did not do me any good, so a friend told me to get Hood's Sar saparilla, but I Said There Was No Use. "However, after thinking the matter over, I d olded to give It a trial, and have taken six bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparllla, and the re sult is that I am well as any one could wish to be, and can do any kind of work. I ad vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa rllla for I believe It will do them good." Miss Susie Dodson, Colton, California. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. I Hair Death liirtaiilly removes and forever destroys 06- !j s jcctionable hair, whether upon hands, face, fS arms or ner.k, without discoloration or iv- f? :y jury to the most delicate skin. It was for a fifty years the Bccret formula of Erasmus M s Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as fH the highest authority and the moBt emi- is nent dermatologist and hair specialist M that ever lived. During his practice of W f a life-time among the nobility and aris- W, tS tocracy oi Europe he precribed this rec- ffl ipe. Price ?1 by mail, securely packed. fgi i'orrfspoiuiencecimlidential. Bole Agents fa SK for America. AddreSB. ffi 1 The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co. $ Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New fti H York. Mmfm$mmmsmms.wmmmMi Eip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe. sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81-00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeck, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in the Abraham siol' building, on May street, where he is prepared to do everything in his line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-olaBS work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall Mwtf ADBITIONAIi LOCALS. The Btudebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee s. f "Hardware" did you sayf Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clook. Qe keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar land, bas lately changed hands, now be ing under the oontrol and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, wbioh continues business at the old stand with a larger stook than ever. a tl.aOO FAlta AND STOCK RANCH. It will take only 8812 to buy it; 480 acres, 260 acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements: 10 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 houses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Bock oreek. Terms: 8110 down; remainder on long time. Looation: On county road, two and one-half miles west of Rood hill, Eight Mile, Or. 320 aores for $510, or 8108 for ownership in 160 acres school land or will exchange for two good horses. Original oost of sobool land, 8320. Apply at Heppner Gazette office, Heppner Oregon. 199-tf-sw. As we go to press a small sized snow torm made its appearance, but melted as fast as il fell. The Advertising Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason beoause it is true; it always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people beoause it is true; and it is always fully substanti ated by endorsements; which in the financial world would be aooeptsd with out a moment's hesitation. EIUHT MILE NOTES. Good sleighing. Charley Ingraham's sister, Fauny, gave her name into the churc'i. Was muoh surprised to hear of the buff.ilo in the Blue mountains. Bev. Parrish preached Sunday morn ing and Sunday evening. The inclem ent weather prevented some from coming but still he bad a goodly number of bearers. We understand several of the young men in the MeBee distiiot have re6olyed to attend the winter sobool. This is a very commenduble step. All young persons should attend school whau it is possible for them to do bd. E. M. C. Eight Mile, Or., Jan. 22,1894. Reserved for McFarland Meucantile Co. YOUR ATTENTION! "Ufe want it for a moment to inform you that ' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri- ces. 1 he stock is clean and tresh. havmu been largely increased with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. S. S. Hornor, Salesman. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT Closing out the entire stock Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. JLiohtenthal & Co., at Cost for Cash. Call and Secure a Q-ood Bargain. Assignee. LEGAL MIS REDEEMED. (Written by Leda.Bond.) Into the shade of the old orchard hall, Noiselessly crept a woman frail, Pausing: not till she humbly knelt Bowing her htad on the alter rail. Slowly she raiBed her weeping eyes To the marble face of the Christ above, The wan sweet face so filled with woe Yet gazihg down with a mighty love. O! Jesus look on my blotted soul, Enter my heart so fully black ; Make It pure as in childhood days; Cleanse oh cleanse, and take it back. Down to the deepest pits of sin, Ave, to the very verge of hell, I have decended step by step, Living through scenes no tongue can tell. Night has oft found me on the Btreets, Luring the pure from their homes away Mid the siu-doomed regions of the town I, in my beauty, held proud sway. A face of my play-mate in childhood days, Has haunted my guilty heart through all, For I fear to meet at the bar of God The soul I have filled with sin and gall. Today X met upon the street The man who stole my honored name; And the face I loved more than God and home Brought back the past in a tide of pain. One word the name once loved at home, Uttered by him at my mother's side Was all. and he passed his separate way. Held aloft by his wealth and pride. A longing came on me to turn my steps Back to the paths that my girlhood trod, And I have come with my blighted life Here to the feet of an injured God Then while a sob convulsed my frame, Lowly her head sank on her breast This from a life of sin and palu, Here to-night she had come for rest. Twilight deepened into night; Still she crouched in anguish there; Morning broke; but her soul had fled, Cleansed, redeemed by that last mad prayer. And what of him who had wrecked her life, Offered all and gave but shame. Ho was a man and a mask of gold Shielded his crime from the lightest blame. O! mothers, daughters, sisters, wiveB, Stoop to redeem a woman lost; 8hun the man who has wrought such wrong, Dare to condemn him at any cost. If, when crossing a railroad track, you see a train approaohing at thirty miles an hour get out of the way as soon as possible. When threatened with ohronic rheumatism or oatarrb, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla persistently and patiently, and the danger will soon pass away. Beliefs of the Hhans- A report of the manners and customs of the Shan states show that when a Shan becomes a father he must on nc account drive pigs,, carry the dead, bore holes, fill in holes in tne ground or in dulge in mockery. If one of either sex dies without marrying, the body, before burial, is banged against a stump, which is considered as representing the hus band or wife. This is supposed to guard against the danger of unrequited love In the next life. Divorce is easy, the man merely giving his wife a letter per mitting her to remarry, and the wife merely being required to pay an un willing husband thirty rupees for re lease. Only the high tjhans can be can nibals. Their theory of the cosmogony is that "the earth came out of tut depths by means of white ants." If afflicted with scalp diseases, hair falling out, and premature baldness, do not use grease or alcohol io'preparatiODS, bat apply Hall's Hair lienewer. Geo. Conser, Assignee. sw Oil ALL STOCK. of Plenty of them at the Gazette Office REMARKAg-.c LONGEVITY. Porsons Whir Attained an Age Exceetllnf uuu mimirett auu Twenty-Five Knars. The records prove that the following named persons have attained an age exceed ing 125 years. Tho years designated in the left-hand column 1b theyearof death. When not otherwise specified, the subject wa resident of the .British Isles: '". . Ag4. 1759 Don Cameron 180 17tiu John Delasomcr .....13! ...George K.ng 12f 1707 John Taylor lar 1774 William Beattie 138 1778 John Watson 13f 1780 -Robert Wcllrldo Ml ....William Ellis 181 1784 El:za Tnyirr. 131 1775 PeterGr ,en.... ., m 1701 ELza Mchant is 1772 Mrs. Keith 13s 1707 Francis Ango 19s 1777 John Brookey M 1714 Jane Harnson 13& 1759 James Shellle 138 1708 Cuthurine Njonan 136 1771 Marparot Foster 186 1776 John Miarait 137 1772 J. lticuardson 187 1793 Robertson 137 1757 William Sharpley 138 1708 J. McllonoUKh 139 1770 Fan-brother 138 1773 Mrs. Clum 138 1778 Swarllng (a monk) 142 1773 Charles MuFinley 143 1757 John EftliiRham 144 1782 Evan Williams 145 1706 Thomas Wmsloe 143 1712 J. C. Drakenoerg 148 1652 WlU am Mead 148 1708 Francis Conn .' 150 1542 Thomas Newman 152 W56 James Bowels 152 .... Henry West 152 1648 Thomas Damme 149 1635Thomuo Parr ".7.1W 1797 Joseph Surrlngton lou 1668-Wllllam Edwards 168 1670 Henry Jenkins 169 1780 Louisa Truxo 175 1820 Solomon Nibet '..143 1822 Lueret a Stewart J30 1839 William James (South Carolina) 132 1846 Thomas iightfoot (Canada) J27 1801 Marion Moore (England) . '131 1809 Lockhart (Iowa) ..'.'. .127 1878 Eulalla Perez (California) ." . 140 . Edna Goodman (Arkansas) '. . . 127 1888 Granny Rose (South Carolina) 131 1889 Wapmarek (Germany) 126 The cases ol Thomas Parr, Henry Jenkins and Louisa Truxo are the best authenti cated of any in the list, notwithstanding that they are given as being among the oldest. In 1887 James James, a negro, liv ing near Santa Rosa, Mex., proved to the satisfaction of a number of doctors that be wu 136 years old. A Dltiid Girl's Itrmarkalile Work. There lives in Oak Hill, Tex., a blind girl who has from a few acres of land, cultivatod by herself, cleared about $'.300 each season f ' ir several years by the growing and wile of vegetables. She began with no capital und the un feneed piece of uncultivated land. There is now a m at fence about her domain, a well invl pump in the center, and she has, in wUY.lhm to purchasing these, paid for n .u:o and a hak to take her vcget'.ib'i-s to the market, which is twenty mi!'-: frum her home. Every evening ilw'in;; the dry season she waters a ei'rtv.iii ir.nulicr of plant, until she has (jone ',ver t!ie entire place, when she bein:- ::;.". 'n i-rnl (foes over it in the sain.! ws-y. tvi-.t life she dc te'ta from her :e. !:; : cum: of hearing, and grass una v. Li am easily distin guished from !l:mtH ty the sensitive fingers of lliu biii:u fc::ri!ener. A' -l 01 fars. There, .ire r.y.r'y v. r 'jr.tl million of freight curs in i. ;i .V 'eviean rail roads, whi. U ! .'- .ven thou sand pa.' ;iy.:r . ;.i. in hervi-'O. P. g, jpr?oiiPsoi? go, Uaving put their business upon a tem 'porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known in Heppner. m We must get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money comes in sight. Shake your oash at us and see ub tumble. 1 1 a w THE PEOPLE OUR Not only onoe, but again and again. They know that from us they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ub friends, and so establishes oar trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody. jy INOR BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN JeAvelry, Cash Talks SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. The My Institute -OF- KIRK & RTTHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE A-ISTD FANCY Groceries ad Provisions. A full line of ohoioe Pies, Cokes and Bread ; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery Btore. Tbsy will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp try them. flw RIPANS TABULES! Disease oommonly comes on with slight symptoms, wbioh when neglected in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. "aPES,sacB'TE If yon are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED or take nave A uisokukhhu LivrJK, If your COMPLEXION ID SALLOW orT.,,. you BUFFER DISTRESS after eating. For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL U1HORUKRS OF THE STOMACH, - Ripans Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomBoh and intes tines; cleanse the system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual oonstipation, offens ive breath and headache. One Tabulh taken at the first 'ndioation of indigestion, biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quiokly remove the whole diflioulty. RipBns Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form moat approved by modern science. If given a fair trial Ripens Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A qnarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by the wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. and SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. Samples X"r on application, to soix "A DRUG IN THE MARKET. Yes, there are many of them. Homevery good, some bad. Bad drugs are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pure drugs are great helps, And these alone Bhould be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in Btock The purest drugs made. To compound them skillfully, 'To prepare prescriptions quiokly. To charge for them reasonably. Who oan do better than this? PHIL. COIIN, Proprietor. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF .MA.N'CIIICHTICH, BNGI,AND W. PATTERSON. AGENT P.?P. V the BoaHn the World AEE COMING WAY! Heppner, Oregon, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Trust Busts For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast, Cull at the Gazkttr office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sur cure. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. D DAMC TADIM CTO RIPANS TABULES. tbm Eipam.0 Cli:m.lcal Co., ITo-w city. 19 r