liraBKJAZETTE. NOTHING RISKED, NOTHING MADE. The moo who advertises, guts the coab. Notice H. II HEPPNER GAZETTE. S OFFICIAL PAPER, USTO RISK, NOTEADE. o-o-ooo-o-o-o I The man ho doesn't advertise, doesn't get the catn. ELEVENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1894. I WEEKLY iKX I SEMI-WEEKLY NO. Sm. Peuutief lit i i if enr oro 88V hit SI. . I , i E MI V E E K L Y GAZETTE. MJ HJ.IHHKD Tuesdays and Fridays BY ME PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. AIVAH W.PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTKKSON Eiiltnr A' r3.5 per year, $1.2.) fur bu mouthe, 75 ule. or ttiroe minims. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The " KAAhXtS, " of Long Creek, Oratit County. Oregon, In published by the name com pany every Friday moruiiiK- HubBiTlption price, I- per year. For advertising-rates, rfildresB CEI1T Xj. PATXBESOIT, Editor and ManuKer, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Uazette," tiuppuer, Oregon. rpHI8 PAPEHie kept on hie at E. C. Oake's 1 Advertising Agency, tit and H5 Merchants fCxohangs, Ban tranciBOu. California, where co. racts for advertising can be wade for it. THE GAZETTE'S AU iNTS. Wagner B. A. Huuaaker Arlington, ...Plllll Heppner Long Creek The Kagle Kcho l'ostiuast' r Camas l'mirie, Oiiciir De Vaul Nye, Or H. U. right Hard man, Or.,. l'oB'in:.ster Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Postmaster iono T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or., R. R. Me Haley Canyon City, Or 8. L. i'arrish Pilot Ruck, O. I'. Skelton Hiiyvllle, Or., J. E. .inow John Uay, Or F. I. MeCallum Athena, Or John Edingtoli Pendleton, Or Postmaster Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster Shelby, or., Miss Stella Klett fox, Grant Co., Or . J. F. Alien Eifjht Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Ithea Creek, B. K. llevland buiiuuu), Or Postmaster Lone itoek, Or K. M. Johnson Gooseberry J. R. E teb Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstcad Lexington Jas. Leach AN AUKNT WANTED IN EVERY PRECINCT. Union Paofio Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Heppner 600 a.m. 111, " ar. at Arlington 8:35 a.m. 11, " leaves ' 10 Wi a. m. ' 9, " ar. at Ueppner l!i:3r. p. ti. dailj except Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 1 :?H . m. West " ' " leaves " LSI a. ra. Went ijomii in -nl frtigh-1 RVw Arlington 8 35 a. m., arrives at Tic? P.llas 1:1) p. m. Local paseengrln'W.Th. Hill '4iit 2:ulp. in. arrives at Portland at 1:0J p in. United SUtaw OOlcials. Pi ef dent G rover Cleveland Vim- t'lvaidwit Ad ai Sieveneon boe"e-.ii) tu State Walter Q. (ireshaiu beci 'Wry of Treasury Jouu U. Carlisle Socreiai y ot Interior Hoke Smith fcjeci-.'.ary uf War Daniel S. Lamont Secrelury of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Po9l:.iuwr-(leueral WiLn 8. Bis-mll Att.rii'y-lieural Richard S. Oluey Secroiaiy of Agriculture J. Sterling Morion State of Oregon. Governor S. Pennoyer Secretary of State U. W. MuUriutr' Treasurer Phil. Melai'.han Bupt. Publio Instruction E. H. UoElruy J J. H. Mitchell Senators (J.N.Uolph n f Biuger Hermann Congressmen W. ti. Ellis Printer Frank Ll. Baker !F, A. Aloore H. S. Bean Soyenth Judicial District. Circnit Judge W. U Brartahaw Prosecuting Attorney W. U. Wils n Morrow County OlllciaK Joiui Senator Henry Blackmail Kepraseutative . & ,Br.uwu ( lounty J udge J u "is Ken h 15 ' Commissioners Geo. w. Viucent Baker. Clerk J. W. Morrow Sheriff -Ueo. Noble. Treasurer W. J. L ezei Assessor H. L. haw ' Surveyor "a Brown " School Sup't ,.W. L.Saluin " Coroner T.W.Ayers.Ji UKPPNEli TOWN OJTIOEBB. Uayoi J. U. Simons Councilman O. K. Farnsworth, M Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson, Julius Keitlily. W. A. lohuoton, J. L. Yeager. Keooruer A; A. Robert. rreasnrei E. (i. Slocum Marshal W. Rasmus. Freoinct Offlcerp. J ustioe of the Peace . t-J Ha"""'' Constable U. W. Itjehurd Ulllwd Statea U1111I OtHcem. THE DALLES, OB. J. W. Lewis Jf gis 1 l'.S.Laug lleceiv 1 LAOBANOB, OB. B.F, Wi'son Regl-te, J.H. Kobbins Reoeivei SBCBST SOCIEKBS. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock ii their Castle Hall, National Hank build ing. Sojourning brothers .vtrdiallv in. vitpd 10 attend. J. N. Brown. (. ' . W. V. Cuawfokd, a., ot R. Ai a. tf RAWUNS POST, N ). 81. . A. B. HeeU at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday 01 jach month. All veterans are invited to join. C. 0. Boon, Adjutant, Geo. W. Smith. Commander. FSSFESSIOITJUi. A A. ROBERTS, Ren Escate, JuBiir- ance' and Collections. Offioe ii Oounoil ObamberB, Heppner. Or. swtf. A I IB t -h. i- 1 1 1 r r- he) K h I I J K M L ll . tbe' " ' " ' mat KRAISER 'NEH. OBKUON. J'-ar markwl as shi.wu alsn 4Uer. ,..i,w mil Dmatilla colli es' the arrest and oon. 'w my stock. VALUABLE PM. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OU'RREADERS Lly a Hpecitil arrangomeut with the puliliHbers we are prepHred to (uruieb KUEE to each of our readers a year's fluhaoriptinn to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Farmer, published at Hpringfield and Cleveland. Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay np all arrearages on siibgcription aud one year in advanoe, aud to any new subscribers who will pay one yeai iu advance. The American Farmkr enjoys a large national circula tion, and ratiRR among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the Amkkioan Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to call promptly. Sample copies oan be s 'en at our office. 'I'll C3 Original Wisters Unabridget DIGTIQHRRY. BY ril'KOlAi. AKKAM)EAlli.M WITH THE publishers, e are able to obtain a number of th above bonk, and propone to furnish a copy to each of our subscribers. The uictionary 1b a necessity in every home, Bchool and business house. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its eonteuls every day in the year. As some have asked -if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Uictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work coimtlete on which about forty of the best yean 01 the author's life were so well employed In writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and definition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about :W0,000 square Inches of printed surface, aud is do una in ctotn nan morocco auu seeD. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict;onary First To any new subscriber. SecondTo any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bad stamps marbled edges $1-00. Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $s.oo. Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. jfA the publishers limit the time and number of books they will furnish at the low prices, we advise alt who desire to avail them selves of this ereat opportunity to attend to it at once. SILVER'S CHiMPION ;theeh iio-:-News . THE DAILY BY MAIL. Subscription price reduced aB follows: One Year by mail) : : $6 00 Six Mouths " ; : 3 00 Three Months " : 1 50 nne Month " : : 60 (HE WEEKLY BY MAIL One Year (in Advance) : $1 00 The News is the only consistent ciairplon of silver in the West, and should be in every home In the West, and in the hands of every miner anil business man In Colorado. Send in your subscriptions at once. Address, TII23 NETPS, Denver, Colo LUMBER! 1TE HAVE FOR 8 ALE ALL KINDS OF UN V dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, a vhat is known as the SCOTT A'VCTHIXjJj. PEK 1,000 FEET. KOPIiH, " " CLEAR, - 10 00 - 17 60 IF DELIVERED IN HKl'PNER, WILL ADD I $.mi per l,iio feel. si'diMoiial, . L. HAMILTON, Prop. r. A. Hamilton, IVt.rx'u:r WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CART3 Two Through Trains Daily. i5nmV,-Knin.v.MlnnenpnlisArWam!ytfpm baip'iiil.v ..Dnliith . .Ar il 10 Wpm'l.v.. Ashland.. Ar J.IMni 7.15m 10 imjAr. .ChicaBo. .Lv5.00p" 0.10 "rii-kefs sold and l.ael?e checked throuirh to ,11 Dolnts In the fnilcd Stat.-, and Canada rnnr '"-tlnn made In Chicago with all trains lining East and South. Fnr fll ...formation apply to jour nca rest Kad Tat. AmUuK Wi.. I W' ha, f iii iiiTiTw iiMir.111 I "As old as the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven " is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the iiPflPVy Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa Th an tive, and purely veg etable, act ttv 7 7 inS directly A 1 1 C on the Liver J. ft tO and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King ot Liver Medicinea. " I have used your.simmons Liver Regu lator and can consclenciously aay it la Hie klnir of nil liver medicines. I consider it a medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tuooma, Washington. 49-EVERT PACKAGE'S Hah the Z Btamp In red un wrapper. QOIOK TXIVI E3 ! TO San Francisco nd all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta route of the Southern Paci fie Co. (lie (rreat highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hoenio Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepere. Seoond-claBS meepere Attachedjto ezpreas trains, altording superior iecoaimodations for seooad-olass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations! ito.. oall upon or address A. KOEHLEIi, Manager. S. P. ROGERS, Asst. fen. V di P. Agt. Portland, Oregon. ol WM. PENLAND. ED. R BISHOP. Preaident. Caahier. rHANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Mnde oa Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. OREGON Free Medicine ! k Golden Opportunity for Suffering Humanity. Phj'lrlan Give their Remedies to the People nn VdlT CllPUPn ? Write uaatonce.explain UU lUU iUfPf.lW ing your trouble, and we will send vou FREE OF CHAKGE a full course of specially prepared remedies best suited to your case. We want your recommendation. We can cure the most aggravated diseases of both sexes. Ourtreatmentiorall diseases and deforniitiesare modern and scientific, acquired by many year's experience, which enables us to Guarantee a Cure. Do not despair. N. B. vve have the only positive cure for Ep ilepsy (fits) and Catarrh. References given. Permanently located. Old established. Dr. W li.iams Medical and Buroical Tnsti tutu, 719 Market Street, 6an Francisco, Cal. ARL VOU ANY GOOD AT PUZZLES The genius who invented the "Fifteen" puz. zle, "Pigs in Clover," and many others, has in vented a brand new one, which is going to be the greatest on record. There is fun, instruc tion and entertainment in it. The old and learned will and as much mystery In It as the voting and unsophisticated. This great puzzle s the property of the New York Press Club, for whom It was invented by Samuel Loyd, the great puzzletst, to be sold for the benefit of the movement to erect a great home fnr newspaper workers in New York. Generous friends have given $25,000 in prizes for the successful puzzle solvers. TKN TENTS sent to the "Press Club Building and Chrrity Fund," Temple Court, New York City, will get you the mystery by return mall. 3000 PARCELS OF MAIL" FEES dres if received within & days will be fur 1 yeur boldly primea on Kummca labels. Only IXrecmry guaranteeing ISMr.OlMi customers; from pub lishers and man ii fur turers you'll recMvp, probably, thousands 01 valuable books, impera, Bam lueB.mairazi net ,ew All W and wnrh Tuir- with oneofyourprlntert addre.M.ibt'l! paswo tnereon. rmrii u also print and prepay ponuge on w your label adarpjwfs to yciu ; whirl stick on vour envelopes, bo-rkit, eic, t prevent their being lost. J. A. Waiik of Beiiiaville, N. C., writer: MFr my S) cent addrewin your I.IhinsM, DfTftcrv I'"e recpivwi m v. vx)jidn ( ) luWt ann ovr miuw t'art .nnit. My addrwspa ytiu K--ttit.' '' HrmiiiK niihliiifr arid iinmnf ! are nrt lvlmr d:d!.v, nn vnl'i t j: uf mini ifrtfi ;m : :in- i i i WORLD'S f'AlK DIRECTORY CO., No. 147 Frankford and Olrurd Aves, Philadel phis. WOBTU A ItUiniUI A ova. TASTELESS-EFFECTUAL FOR A DISORDERED LIVER Taknn as dirooted th famous Pills will prove marvellous retornven to all .alMowd by toe abov. or kindred dieeeMS. 25 Cents a Box. ' bat genersllr recognized In JCnaknd sod. In 1 fact taxounbout tli. world to b. wonb a H,iina a V.." for the remon tb.t thej WiLl. c VIC 13 wise ' i DlHlnte.aQdtliet ther ber. Tea to i M.B.r.ri not merely ea. but aw (8iiie. la ' doctors' bills. ! Covered with Tutelaai I Soluble CoitiRf. 1 Of all drut-f late. Price IS eonta a buz. V ...b n.ruv RS Kt. kniunt i " j!i V . est viae IMPERVIOUS TO INFORMATION. Bow un Explanation of the Keety Motor Was Received. "A group of Chicago's young men Were standin? not Ion? since near the corner of State and Madison streets discussing the many wonderful inven tions of this wonderful age, when the conversation turned upon the Keely motor project of several years ago. As some of the younger members of the party could not exactly recall its pro- pooou wuraiuga, uao nuvvumu ucau iaj explain it. "An old German laborer, but lately landed In the country, and, of course, speaking and understanding the Eng lish language very imperfectly, paused a moment, and leaned upon his shovel to listen. As he would occasionally catch the words, 'Keely motor,' 'Keely motor,' an anxious, thoughtful expres sion was seen to flit now and again across his honest old face, lie seemed to become intensely interested in all that was said, and would occasionally ask some question concerning it. The narrator went over the ground quite carefully, telling how it was proposed, by a series of chambers, valves, pis tons and compressors, to run an engine from New York to San Francisco with a gallon or so of water without steam or fire. "Our Teutonic friend gave earnest heed to it all, throwing his weight fust upon one foot and then the other, and nodding his head in the affirmative by way of approval, and then negatively, as though pained at some portions of the recital. Onoe or twice he said: 'Ish dot bossible!' and showed much in dignation. Finally, after the whole thing had been carefully explained ti him, taking perhaps an hour's time, li. took his old black pipe from his mouth, spit a couple of times or so, wiped his troubled brow upon the coat he carried on his arm, and expressed his opinion of the Keely motor about as follows: 'Ish dot so? I don't vood haf pelievctl dot dere vaB so mean a veller by Shee kagol Und so dot veller he keel hit mudder pecause she don't vood let him go by de bignig over by Ogden bark hey? He keel his poor old mudder! Veil! veil! veil! I boet you dot veller must a vas grazy!' "When the young man saw that in had fooled away so much time for naught he could hardly help violating the third commandment. Now when his friends wish to have a little fun at his expense some one will casually in quire if it is true 'dat dot veller ho kee his muddert' He says that such a man couldn't read a barber's sign withou. an interpreter," M. li. Dutlie, in Chi cago InterOccan. A JAVANESE TIGER FIGHT. An Entertainment That Is Dangerous tt Spectators. An English traveler in Java who saw one of the tiger fights peculiar to the island thus describes the strange sport: "The tiger is set down in a trap in the center of the Allon-Allon, or great square and is surrounded by a triple or quadruple line of spearsmen, about a hundred vnrds distant from him. "When all is ready a Javanese'nd vances at a very slow pace, to the sound of soft music, and sets fire to the trap, at the same time opening the door at the back part of the cage, which, by the way, is too narrow for the tigcr-tt turn in. "As the fire begins to singe his whisk ers, he gradually backs out The man, as soon as he has opened the door, be gins walking toward the crowd at a slow pace, and, the slower he is, the morn applause does he gain. "The tiger, meanwhile, having backed out of his burning prison, is rather astonished at finding himself surrounded by hundreds of people, each pointing a spear at him. "If he is a bold tiger he canters round the circle, almost touching the spears; finding no opening, then he returns to the center, fixes his eye on one spot, and with a loud roar dashes straight at It "He is received on the spears, and, Rough he crushes many as if they were mere reeds, in half a minute he falls dead, pierced by a hundred weapons. "In some instances, however, the roar and charge are too much for the Javan ese, and they give way. The sport then becomes rather dangerous to specta tors." Youth's Companion. A llungled Telegram, certain member of parliament, as proud and fond as a man should be of his beautiful young wife, was just rising to speak in a debate when a telegram was put in his hands. He read it, left the house, jumped into a cab, drove to Charing Cross aud took the train to Dover. Next day he re turned home, rushed into his wife's room, and, finding her there, upbraided the astonished lady in no measuret terms. She protested her ignorance o: having done anything to offend him. "Then what did you mean by your tel egram?" he asked. "Mean? Whtit 1 said, of course. What are you talking about?" "Read it for yourself," sait; be. She read: "I flee with Mr. X. U. Dover straight. Pray for me." For a moment words would not come; then, after a merry fit of laughter, the sns pected wife quietly remarked: "Oh. those dreadful telegraph people! K. wonder you are out of your mind, dear. I telegraphed simply: 'I tea with Mrs. X. in Dover street. Stay forme.' " London Tid-HiU. Awarded Highent The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia, No Amm. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard G. A. K. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of informing our subscribers that the new oominia siouer of pensions has been apoointed He is bd old soldier, and we behove that soldiers and their heirs will re ceive jnstice at bis hands. We do not anticipate that there will be any rudioal changes in the ndmioistrution of p.nsioi Hffairs under the new regime. We would advise, however, tbnt U. 8 aoltlitars sailors and their heirs, take steps to make application at onoe, if they have not already done so, in order to seoure the benent of the early filing ot their oUims in case there should be any future pension legislation. Snob legislation is seldom retroaative. There fore it is of xreiit imporlbiioe that ap plioatious be filed iu the department a' the earliest possible date. If the U. 8. soldiers, sailors, or theii wi lowa, children or parents desire in formation iu regnrd to pension matters, they should write to the Press Claims Company, at Washington, D. C, and they will prepare aud send the necessary application, if they find them entitled uudei the numerous laws enacted foi their benefit. Address PKKSS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weddekburn, Managing Attor ney, Washington, D. 0., P. O. Box 885 tf. THE WKSTKKN PKUAUUUUK. We are in receipt of the May number nf our state school paper. It exceed any of the former numbers it vain . The paper this month contains many new and valuable features. The illus trated series on the schools of the stats ia introduced by n paper on tbe Friendu Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon. These papers cannot fail to be of great value both to the sohools an to tbe publio. There are also severul fine articles by our best writers and tbe departments "Current Eveuls,""8aturday Thoughts,'' "Educational News" "The Oracle Answers, Correspondents," etc , each ooutnin much valuable reading tot teachers or parents. The magazine has about 60 pages nf matter, well printed and arranged. We pronounce tbe Western Pedagogue the best educa tional monthly on tbe oonst. Everyone of our renders sbonld hav.' the paper if I bey are at all interested In education. No teaober acbool direo lor or student can get along well with out it. We will reoeive subscript. on tt tbis office. Price (inly $1.00 a year. When desired we will send the Western Pedagogue and (tszetle nne year to one stress for 83 00 Cull and examine ample oopies. Teaohera, directors and parents, now is the time In subscribe, tl FIIWT AWA1II) A I' CHICAGO. Sheei men will be interested to know that there ia no loDger any question as to the relative merits of tbe different sheep dips upon the market. Christy & Wise take pleasure in announcing thai tJuyward'a Dips (paste and liquid) tor hiob they are sole P. O. agents, have secured the firt awa'd at the World's fair, aod lust year these dips received the silver .medal at California rjtate fair and gold medal at Merhnnio Fair, dan Franoipco. Every prRotioals beepmen tbnt ever useil rlayward s Dips, pro nounced them the very best dips for the am of soiib, the gpnerl health of sheep and conditions of wool, 181 188-sw. AN EXTRAORDINARY HALIBUT. It Weighed 24ff Pounds and Was Speared by a Fisherman. A few days ago there was landed at Slromness, Orkney, a hali but of extraor dinary dimensions, measuring eight feet ten inches in length and weighing no loss than two hundred and forty five pounds, says the London Field. The fish was discovered by two lads who were engaged In hauling lobster creels at the back of the Holms, a dis tance of about a mile and a half from Stromness pier. It was observed on the sand apparently asleep, mid as they hod no appliances with them with whi ill to attempt a capture they marked the spot and returned home to acquaint their father. Armed with kind of harpoon, to which a line was attached, they went back to the place and found the huge iish had not moved. Carefully wntchin;,' an opportunity the father succeeded in planting the har poon in the back of the halibut. The weapon entered the spine and rendered the lish powerless, but on account of its sizo and weight it was only after considerable difieulty that it was got on board. In its stomach was found a variety of small fish which weighed upwards of six pounds. It was at once carefully packed and dispatched by steamer and rail to the London mur- A lane loading to the pastures trom the yard or fold is a good thing. Ihe sheep can be taught to come up at night and need only have the gate opened in the morning, when they will go to feeding without having further time spent on them Honors, World's Fair. Baking Powder Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE AROUND THE GLOBE. In China fish are said to be hatched under hens. Japanese children are taught to write with both hands. Paris now gets Its water supply from six great springs, which travels through eighty-three miles of aque ducts. The Sandwich islands are estimated to be worth 830,500,000, of which mer chants of the United States own 825, 500,000. The Irish language is not a commer cial language, though it is still spoken by persons who have business to trans act. Tuk inhabitants of the Solomon islands believe that cyclones are pro duced by the flapping wings of some monstrous, invisible birds. Of the whole length of the Suez canal sixty-nine miles are cuttings, fourteen were made by dredging through lakes and eight miles required no labor. From an observation tower on the Iirocken, in the Harz mountains, eighty-nine cities and six hundred and sixty-eight villages can be seen in clear weather. "Bk under the guard of God" is the Turkish salutation; in Arabia they say: "May God strengthen your morning;" the Zunis say: "May the light of the gods rest with thee." MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. The greatest song writer was Schu bert. He produced over 1,200 songs. Good players of the harp are said to be the scarcest of all musical perform ers. Florence Nightingale (who took her first name from the city of her birth) will be seventy-three years old next month. Mr. Ruskin recently appeared at the inaugural concert of the Coniston Choral society, which was his first ap pearance in public for many years. In the work of this society he has always taken great interest. Dvorak, the Bohemian composer, who recently conducted some of his own music at the world's fair, declares that the possibilities of an American school of music lie in the southern negro melodies. He believes that Amer ican composers should study these songs and build upon them. Mrs. Gaston Boyd, of Newton, Kan., is prominent in club and musical cir cles and is a woman of fine abilities, untiring energy and large public spirit. She ranks as one of the best authorities in her state in regard to music, and she was some time ago appointed by the world's fair commission as musical director for Kansas. AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. The West Point cadets will encamp two or three weeks on the exposition grounds at Chicago this summer. A wise, wealthy friend of Columbia college has placed 82,500 in the hands of President Seth Low, to enable mer- Itor'tiun students to visit the Columbian exposition. Yosm Hurt, the eldest son of the Japanese mikado, who Is coming to the world's fair, is only fourteen years old, but he is said to be as precocious as most American youths of twenty. The reproduction of La ftablda, the famous old convent which contains many and interesting relics, is con stantly guarded by soldiers of the reg ular army deputed to Chicago for this purpose. The recruiting officer of the Colum bian guards at the world's fair grounds is quoted as saying: "Fully seventy five per cent, of the men we are taking into the ranks now are school-teachers, students and ministers." FINANCE NOTES. The first railroad in Siam was opened April 11. county, Wash, has 80,000, 000 feet of standing timber. The estimated revenue of the French ministry of telegraphs is 1,386,332. The banking system of the world dates from the establishment of the Bank of England, about one hundred and seventy-five years ago. A bulletin of the geological survey shows the production of minerals and mineral substances in Canada last year to have been 10,500,000. Durino the twelve months ended April 30, 1803, the value of the exports of merchandise from the United States was 8848,504,427, and of the imports 8028,151,088. During the same period the excess of gold exported over the Imports was 800,407,000. A SPRINKLE OF SPICE. Theetop "A dollar for pulling one tooth?" Dentist "Yes; you took gas." Treetori "Mow much a thousand do you charge for that?" Brooklyn Life. Htiunoek "When will the nxt train leave?" Agent "Can't say; road In hands of receiver; engine locked up fur contempt of court." Atlanta Con stitution. Jt wiE "Have you any remarks to offer that may lead to a mitigation of your sentence?" Prisoner "Yes; I will thank you to have a sofa put in my cell." Seifi'iiblasen. "Evkhv sensible man will break off the cigarette habit," said the doctor. 'Oh, no, ho won't," replied Strintrer. i "Why not?" "Beeuuse no sensible man is addicted to it." Pittsburgh ' Dispatch. Baking Powder ABOUT NEWSPAPERS. As unhappy father in Dahlonega, Ga., advertises for a wife for his son. He- says: "My son is idle and lazy, and the only hope for his welfare is matrimony. A good wife would be apt to make him hustle, or kill him." One of the most curious papers In Europe probably in the world Is published in Vienna. Its proprietor Is Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, who publishes it for his own sole benefit and not for that of the public. An advertisement in a San Fran cisco paper, for "the first white child . born in California," brought 11,713 let- ters, each written by a person who claimed that distinction. There are yet a few thousand more "first white children" to be heard from. A peculiar example of newspaper ; enterprise under difficulties is offered by the Rhoddesia Chronicle and Adver tiser, a Mashonaland (South Africa) ; paper, which is a foolscap sheet of ! sixteen pages, not printed on type, but written by hand and duplicated by j an office stylograph process. The most northern newspaper is the Nordkap, published at Hammerfest. The editor and his staff work in a small turf-roofed wooden house. News comes by mail boat and the Hammer festers are mode aware of the world's events generally eight days late, and, as the paper is a weekly, its news is often a fortnight old. MUTTON CHOPS. i Frequen t change of pasture should be given and anything which conduces to the comfort of the fleecy beauties. Sheep farming has an advantage over dairying in balancing up the work of the year more evenly. If it increases the winter work it makes less to do in Bummer. Tint mutton maker who lives near town may be able to Bell readily at the right price, but he must contend with the town dogs, which is no slight dis advantage. On the right track is the man who enlarges his flock by adding to it a full blooded and high-priced buck. A choice buck lamb can be bought in the spring at a low price, and reared as easily as any other POPULAR SCIENCE. A ton of sea water is supposed to contain about fourteen grains of gold. Thunder storms are more frequent in Java than in any other port of the world, there being an average of ninety-seven days in each year upon which they occur. It is noted in the Mediterranean Naturalist that upwards of sixty per cent of the earthquakes that have been recorded have occurred during the six colder months of the year the max imum number in January and the min imum number in July. In the southern part of the Indian ocean, between twenty and fifty de grees east longitude, Dr. Schott says that a cold Antarctic current has greater influence than has been at tributed to it on the mans. Its effects ' are plainly manifest far to the north by abnormally low temperatures, the northern drift of. icebergs and the low salinity of tho water. A LITTLE OF ALL SORTS. ' TnE United States has nearly 200 active geysers. A whale develops 145 horse power when it flops its tail. The average length of life is greater in Norway than in any other country on the globe. I Barbers usually gamble with the money earned by shaving dead men. It brings luck, they say. There is about four hours and forty five minutes difference in time between New York and Liverpool. Since 1840 thirty-seven vessels of which a part of the name was "City of have been wrecked or lost. Two hundred dogs oro annually doomed to death in an English uni- j versity for physiological experiments. RIPPLES OF LAUGHTER. "Did the whole company rise and drink Howler's health?" "He didn't say, but I guess they did, for he isn't able to sit up this morning." "Why does Smithy forbid young Mil lion's calling?" "Becauso ho is very wealthy and he wonts his daughter to be sure and fall in love with him." "I Do feel so sorry for that dear little pug dog." "Is Mr. Emptypate cruel to him?" "No; but then just think how an educated dog must feel in such com pany." "From what I've been reading I sup pose boarding-houses must have been found first in Turkey." "Will you ex plain why?" "The best varioty of prunes grow there." Inter Ooean. f POPULAR FALLACIES. That a good apjei always-bliea." That it is worth while discovering a new comet That treading on a velvet carpet edi fies the soul. That calling it a landscape will im prove a back yard. That the poetic habit is an abomina tion and a snare. That a taste for liquor is one of the symptoms of genius. That it's easier to analyze a dude than carbouio-acid gas. That encyclopedic knowledge can purchase a five-cent cigar.