Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 26, 1894, Image 4

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CURES . . .
WuUsiliciliiyTug piliscurocuuntipiuiou
Prentiss Boctlfyiug pills cure constipation
a a
3 c
V. J IV J t f I f II J I II
Alirost all pills and modlclao produce constipation, here la a r-l tur.t cures torpid
liver, biliousness, rhoumatlsra. iuCIjeatlon, sick headache and kidney aud liver
troubles without griping or loavlnj any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
is the primo cause ot al 1 Bicknosa, bowaro of It gotUng habitual and chronic with you,
see to It In t'nif-; thoso pills will cure ycu.
d a
d d
olear tho jkin and rcmovo all blotches
fleii. uonts a box.
dLn RY All
Or sent by mnll upon receipt of price by
Prentiss Chemical and
Promina KpftlfylugplllBcurw constipation
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, In the late war.
are entitled, if now partially or whollydisabled for ordinary man nal labor, whether disability
was caused hy service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether ioldler'i death
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service.
CUILDKKN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no
' widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled if soldier li ft neither widow nor child, provided soldier died in
service, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon tbeirown labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or In regular army or
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other
laws, l thoutlosliijr any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $3 to $10 per month under the old lav-are entitled to
Dither rates under new law. not nnlv nn .rcmani n(i,.t,ii;ti.. rnr hjnk ... :..,.., ...
also for others, whelhertlueto service or not, '
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regnlararmyor navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Klank Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wnrsof l33tol842, are entitled under a recent act.
Mexican t ar soldiers and their widows alsoentitled, if sixty-two years of ace or disabled
or dependent. J ' b
o d claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under
later laws or not. b
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection Improper or illegal.
Lertiticatrs ol service and discharge obtained for soldiers aud sailors of the late war who
nave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and Information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Two Curious Tribes That Resist All Ef
forts to Improve Their Condition.
Hundreds of steamers sail every yeai
through the straits of. Malacca bearing
thousands of passengers, who nevei
dream that just behind the mountains
along the narrow Malay peninsula are
two tribes apparently untamable, that
have scarcely any intercourse with the
rest of the world, and wish only to bt
let alone. They are known as the
Semanff and the Sakei tribes, and ore
supposed, says tho New York Sun, to
be the aborigines of the Malay penin
sula. Ever since tho vessels of civilized
nations have frequented those waters
they have lived thero, and they have no
traditions as to ever occupying any
other region. Once, however, they ex
tended down to tho coast, but tho Ma
lays drovo them toward tho center ol
tho peninsula, where, in tho virgin
forests, they found shelter against the
human enemies whom they fear much
more than they do the wild beasta
around them.
The Sakel resemble negroes, and eth
nologists who have seen a few of Uicm
wonder whence these black people with
woolly hair, Hat noses, and thick lips
derlvo their physical characteristics.
The Hemang tribo on tho contrary aro
copper-colored, with clear skins and
brown cheelts and clear-cut features.
The tribes speak different languages,
but they have tho same customs and
live on the best terms with one another.
Thero seems, however, to bo very little
intermarriage among them, and thus
the types are kept distinct.
Tho Sakel communicate from time to
time with tho Malays, but tho Semangs
never leavo their mountains. They
seem to have no Idea of religion, and
their imaginations are not at all im
pressed by natural phenomena. Within
their circumscribed limits they are
among the greatest of wanderers. They
lead a thoroughly nomadic life. They
rarely remain two days in tho same
place, and do not construct the slight
est shelter except occasionally roof of
boughs to cover them for a few
hours from a storm of unusual
violence. Like some of the na
tives of Terra del l'uego they have
no Idea of building huts in which to
live. They have no herds, and their
greatest passion Is the jealousy with
whi"h they guard their liberty and in
dependence. White missionaries have
made some attempts to gain influence
over them, but have been wholly un
successful. No efforts to give them any
of the notions of civilization have suc
oex'dcd in the slightest degree They
have not assumed even those habits of
civilization which prevail among their
nearest neighbors, the Malays. They,
however, have adopted some of the vices
of civili.utiun, among which is tho to
bacco habit Tho weed does not grow
in their country, and their occasional
efforts to procure it from tho coast are
about the only relations they havo with
other peoples. Many of them speak a
amattering of Malay or Siamese. Mcy
ners d'Estrcy is the only white man who
is known to havo livod even a short
time among these very peculiar people,
and about all the Information wo have
concerning them has been supplied by
Thompson A Binnsown the buss whioh
goes to and from the Palscs hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to traiu
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at Oily hotel.
Now ia the time to aubeoibe for the
Sean- Weekly Uuzett.
Pimusa Iiuctllylug pills cure constipation
Prentiss Itectliyiug plilscuru const! nation
c c
Csf ORPNTI5ft Dmncviwrt ran I
because it is the only safe and harmless
a...w. vuui. ... buivijt LifclMU I IPT
Irom tho face
Try a box and see for your
Manufacturing r.n
Proiitlss ItwVMirylni. Plllscuroconslipatloil
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted fcr
Information and advice given to lnvontors without
ohargn. Address
Managing Attorney,
0. Box 403. WASniaQTON, D. C.
nCThte Company is managed by a combination of
ill': lnrii4t and most lutlneuttnl newspapers In the
I nltod SItiteH, for the express purpose of protect
ing tlieli autiacrlbcra against unscrupulous
nnd incompetent 1'aiwit Aitents, and each pane!
crlittinK tlilu alvertlsim'ut vouches for tile rcsponsl.
Ullt)' mid Lilifl. standing of tits f less Calais Company.
ffhey Are Iteeoining as Numerous in New
York MS Monument Funds.
What tho police oall "gentlemen
tramps" are becoming more and more
prevalent, says tho New York Sun
Members of the force and people who
are familiar with tho loungers in cor
tuin parts of New York are often Inter
ested in tho gradual downfall of a man
whom they know hy sight. As the
months go by theso loungers grow more
and more seedy and needy in appear
ance Neatness leaves them and they
gradually become mendicants on tho
highway; but they aro not classed with
the regular professional tramp. Tho
"gentlemen tramps" aro men who have
formerly been respootahlo and often
havo somo sort of a desire to procure
work. They aro always going some
where to answer an advertisement or to
niako an inquiry, but incidentally thoy
are on the outlook for alms. Perhaps
tho most successful of all these
men is a tall and rather mili
tary looking personago, about fifty
years of ago, with a white mous
tache ami a head of curly white
hair. He tramps between Fifteenth and
Twenty-third streets, and, according to
tho police nnd shopkeepers of that vicin
ity, has begged for nearly eight years.
Ho was onoo a lloor-walker at a famous
dry-goods house on Fourteenth streot.
His feet were almost on the ground,
but there is a pretense of blacking
on what remains of his hoots, and there
is an air of ostontatious but fictitious
neatness in his attiro. Ho does not ap
proach people promiscuously, but single?
out his victims with great sagacity and
care. They are nearly always elderly
Indies or spinsters verging on middle
life. lie stares at the women from
tvhom ho intends to beg plaintively fot
k long lime as he walksnear her. Then
no takes otf his hat, approaches hum
bly, and pours out his talo of woo. lie
never under any circumstance., at
tempts to beg fr.im a man. His story
Is so ellective that in nearly every in
stance tlio woman from whom ho bogs
stops and listens courteously. Then
she opens hor purse slowly and looks at
her change. After carefully oonsidor- !
lug tho question after tho fashion of
womon, she deliberately aeleota bet 1
ooln and passos It over to tho beggar.
His manifestation of gratitude ia ex
treme, lie Is said to bo tho only beg
gar who succeeds regularly in getting
xmtrilmtions from the same viutiuui
daily times over.
A good thing for you to do ia to sub
eotiba for the Gazette.
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi
demic, is always more or leas prevalent.
The best remedy for tbio complaint
is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
' Last Sprlne. I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as if confined in an
Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I bepan
taking It than relief followed. I could not be
Here that the effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med-iclne."-W.
H. Williams. Crook City, S. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Promptto act, sure to cure
AfMrpS a letter or noun! rnnl tr
JOHN WEDDERBURN, - - Managing Attorney.
K 0. Box 43, WASHINGTON, 1. C
Alsn, for yolftierB find Sailors dlsahlprt In Dip linn of
amy in the i-t?fru)nr Army or Xnw since t ln war.
StirvlvorB of th Indian warn of lfiijy to lK-,'2, and
tupir wltlow-ft, now entitled. Old aud relm'ted cinlitm
a Biieclnliy. Thousands entitled to hlirher rnv
Hi-nd for new laws. A"o ctiurpi for advice. Dlte
QiiUi auccowf itl.
Made la all styles and sizes. LlgbteBt.
I strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest,
I most accurate, most compact, and most
modern. For sale by all dealers in arms.
Catalogues mailed free by
The llarlin Firs Arms Co.,
New Haven, Conn., U. S. A.
The Pests Boins Turned to Ao-
count iu Variou3 Ways
A Huge Scheme to Exterminate the
Troublesome Uotlonts lu New South
Wales Their Uso lu Hat
"Thre are ten companies in Australia
and four in New Zealand engaged in
t."ie rabbit-skin business, says an Aus
tralian to a San Franjisjo Chronicle re
porter. Of these one-half added the
meat canning t thoir business. You
will understand, therefore, that there
is a big monop-jly, vliijh is not at all
anxious to see tho rabbitu exterminated.
Interested with it b a very large num
ber of the population, who find rabbit
killing more remunerative and less hard
work than farming.
"Pasteur endeavored to exterminate
the rabbits by inoculation with chicken
cholera. It is well known to those be
hind tho scenes that he did not get a fair
trial, and, iu fact, was m hindered and
hampered that ho withdrew his agents
from further experiment.
"The question ban come up before the
government aain, and a bill i3 now be
fore the Sydney legislature asking for a
vote to build a brick wall entirely
around the agricultural boundary of the
colony of New South Wales. Rabbits
will r.ot butTow lower than two and
one-half feet, and it ia proposed to sink
tho wall to that limit of depth. The
other colonics will watch tho experi
ment with great interest, and if it suc
ceeds will probably all follow suit.
Such n course would confine the rabbits
to the great Australian bush, in whose
sandy deserts they would soon die out.
"What use is made of all these rabbit
skins'? Why, tho hat on your head is
made of them. The hair is plucked off
the pelt by hand. A fortune awaits the
man who cm invent a machine to do it.
A line blue fur is then left on tho pelt.
Tho skin is then p-jrod away from the
fur by doli.'ato machinery -machinery
so line that when the last paring
is cut oil tho fur sometimes hangs in
one filmy section. This is workod up
into felt. Ordinary hats arc made
from rabbitskiu. A b -tier class is made
from hare's skin. The best are made
from the nutria, a kind of water rat
trapped in Kuenos Ay res, and then
come beaver ami musquash, obtained
in the United States and Canada. The
cowboy wants tho best hat in the
world, nnd as he pays for it he gets it
Tho nutria felt stands wet and remains
Btlff-brimmcd lifter soaking, because it
is made from the fur of a water ani
mal. Tho American jack rabbit is no
use nt all to the trade. The English
rabbit supplies tho best furlike silk,
but of course not water proof. Then
comes tho New Zealand rabbit, fol
lowed by the Australian.
"Wo used to export hats in quantity
from England to America, but now
the Americans can dress skins ns well
as tho Euglh.h, and they make nil
their own hals, importing1 their fur
from us, of course. 1 do not under
stand why the I nited States does not
import rabbit skins direct from Aus
tralia, seeing the enormous quantity
which it buys from England. At a
rougn guess t should calculate the
United States manufactures sixty-five
thousand hats every day, wlulo Eng
land manufactures about forty thou
sand. The largest hat manufactory la
the world Is the Brussels, which turna
out ten thousand hats a day.
"Why am I interested in tho exter
mination of rabbits in Australia?
Well, I nra interested in one of the
chief fur companies in London, aud we
want to see our English rabbit protect
ed against the marvclously multiplying
Australian competitors."
! 1
' Mi
! Dcriso a cvclono In Oxford, N. C, a
two-room dwelling was carried off 200
yards without injuring the occupants.
A trained elephant in the Manches
ter (England) "zoo" drops a penny in
the slot and takes out a biscuit. The
visitors supply the pennies. The ele
phant will not accept any other coin.
I Alabama comes to the front with a
1 woman who was struck by lightning
seven years ago, has never spoken
since, and whoso eyes grow "luridly
brilliant" at the approach of a thunder
storm. Frank Ai-stin, of Eckerly, Ind., had
a collie dog that was very fond of him.
lie was going on a journey the other
day, and the dog wanted to accompany
him. Austin drove him from tne train
and the dog wos so dejected that he
lay before the engine, and the train
passed over him.
Tiirhe is a chicken on exhibition at
Galveston, Tex., that has four beaks
and three eyes. Another freak of na
ture was born several days ago in Ma
con, Ga. A woman purchased a dozen
eggs and, shortly after returning
home, she found a four-legged chicken
in one of the eggs.
It cost the German emperor 830,000
to make the trip from Rome to Naples,
go up the mountain and get back
again to Rome.
Since Mr. W. W. Astor settled down
in London he has grown rather par
ticular about being called Mr. Waldorf
Astor, with a hyphen.
Col. John S. Mossy, the famous ex
confederate, is practicing law in San
Francisco. He is nearly sixty years old,
but stands straight as an arrow, and is
full of vigor.
Mrs. Proctor, widow of the late
Richard A. Proctor, the famous
astronomer, and the principal assist
ont in his professional work, has been
appointed curator of the Proctor ob
servatory at San Diego, Cal.
Rudyaud Kii'I-ino's father, J. L.
Kipling, best known in England as the
author of "Man and Beast in India,"
has definitely resigned his appoint
ment at Lahoe. He has been in in
different health for some time past,
and will probably take up his resi
dence permanently in England.
Ohio has a law to compel eleetrie
roads to protect the motorman with a
screen from November 1 to April 1 of
each year.
It Is said that the Edison Electric
Light company of Philadelphia pro
poses to spend 85,000,000 in laying con
duits and underground conductors.
Capitalists are figuring on connect
ing Pittsburgh and Cleveland by an
electric railroad over country roads in
an almost air-line and twenty miles
shorter than the most direct steam
The electrical weeklies are just
now teeming with illustrations of elec
tric effects at the world's fair. Accord
ing to these, the old nursery stories of
fairyland are actually eclipsed by the
realities of to-day.
The telephone company of New
Haven, Conn., has a railroad bicycle
so arranged that two men can place
the bicycle on the railroad track and
quickly reach any point on the line
where their services are needed.
South Americans get brandy from
watermelon juice.
There never was such a person as
Pope Joan, the so-called female pon
tiff. The worth of a ton of diamonds at
the present day is estimated at 35,
000,000. The mountaineers of West Virginia
have a superstition that to see a milk
white deer is the unfailing sign of a
speedy death.
Chehalis county, Wash., has 30,000,
000 feet of standing timber, the largest
amount of any county in that heavily
timbered state.
In the poorhouse of Cass county,
Mich., a man was received the other
day. He was given a bath and said It
had been his first In thirty years.
Central park, New York, contains
862 acres; Phoenix park, Dublin, 1,700
acres; Hyde park, London, 400 acres;
Yellowstone national park, 2,280,000
Highly Commended. Uncle "Well,
Fritz, do you like your new teacher?"
Fritz "Oh, very much; he is ill one
day out of three." Seifcnblasen.
Hotel Cleuk (Chicago) "Sir, you
are leaving without your board bill!"
Guest "Of course I ami Don't take
me for a freight train, do you?" At
lanta Constitution.
Schoolmaster "Why was it thathis
great discovery was not properly ap
preciated until long after Columbus
was dead?" Nineteenth Century School
boy "lteeau.se he didn't advertise,
sir." Tid-Bits.
He "Now that our little quarrel is
all made up, I would ask you to take a
good cigar, if you were a man." She
"And if you were a woman, I should
ask you to join me In a real good cry."
Indianapolis Journal.
' Don't neglect the baby; the little
fellow has the first right to your atten
tion. Don't lay the child down with his ears
bent away from his head; the result
will be a deformity.
Don't wake the baby to exhibit the
tints of his eyes to admiring friends;
sleep is his most unquestionable right.
Don't strain the baby's eyes by al
lowing a strong light to shine directly
into them, especially when he first
i wakes.
Don't spoil the infant by walking or
rocking it to sleep, and do not let any
one else do so; It will sleep best and
most naturally when lying upon a
comfortable bed
The most extensive and celebrated
salt mine in the world Is at Wieliezka,
nine miles from Cracow, in Galicia, a
province of Austria-Hungary. It has
been worked continuously for 600
years. The mass of salt is calculated
to be 500 miles long, 20 miles broad
and 1.200 feet thick.
The flax has to be broken before Ita
real strength can be known.
A PiM-sioiiTED woman never helps her
looks by using powder.
Uncuaiutari.e criticism Is throwing
mud at everything we don't like.
About the only time some people
speak well of other people Is after they
are dead and buried. Ram's Horn.
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us: .
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, and all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because 1 was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and
It gathered and threw out pieces of boue.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin. It
was sure to become a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa
rllla. It has made me well and strong."
T. D. 11., Norcatur, Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepsred by Or. J. 0. Ayer ft Co.) Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you
convince the
skeptic and point the
wav which if follower
if followed leads to
Hub been put np in a
Dronrlettiry form since
1B78. and hits been lined
fur vfiflrs Drlorto tlmt time
tn nrivnt-j nnt.-t ic. It la no uii tried noBtruiu, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine specific for
a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of
all ages, bare at some time In life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with ornanto
weakness, by over brain work, excessos, too fre
quent Indulgence or indiscretion and vicious
habits, and It 1b to these that we offer a remedy
that will, by Us direct action upon the seat of the
disease, Btop the drain and restore the pattout to
vigorous health and strength.
Ourmeiuud of introducing Prof. ITarris'PaBtHle
treatment is one which commends Itself to all
sensible perBons for tho reason that we supply It
upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal card and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be used In sending us their full ad
dress and the postage stump fur the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
uso In returning it when tilled.
Maf When we receive the state
lTb4 ment on blank we prepare
PI eight days' treatment and for
I J-- ward It by mail and prepay
f .'THME postage thereon and along
I Bifrirar with theelght days' treatment
4Lk &LAAb we send full directions for
using. Thet.eatmontlu no way interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience In any way.
We are bo positive that it will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packaged
Of our ability to benetlt their sexual condition wo
feel that they are more largely interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do notattomptto rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; $5 for
two months; 17 for three months.
These prices seoure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have operated our
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to Bend us their ad'
dress on postal card or hy letter and allow us to
convince them that PROP. HARRIS HOI,.
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
MBeekman St., NEW YORK OFTY, . Y,
fc; ff I flO O worth of lovelv Music for Forly 2
J) U Cents, consisting of ico races 7
Z: . u , foil size Sheet Music ot the
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental, m
s gotten up in the most elegant manner, In
J eluding four large size Portraits.
9 GARMENCITA, this Spanah Dancer. 3!
S PADEREWSKI, tht great Pianist. S
Jj; Broadway Theatre Bldg., New Yorlc City, 13
Em, ,,.9ftN,vASSERS WANTED. 2
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. T1-.
nn"?.e.J?Sc,y'.Kl biv "L01 '?nd 01 woman all over tt.s
U if? St?""i,n ,he LD DOCTOHS private mall
P M?1,e' ,0.r 38 ea.r."' 6nd not a slnirlabsd re l"
Money returned II not si repre.ented. Send 4
Cents iBtamps) lot sealed particulars.
m. WilS IHSTtTUTZ, 120 H. ninth St., ft. t:lj. lie
S Tears' Kxpertence In treating all yrtrl.
ties of ltupturo e.mlilcs us to tru-irnntce e
positive cure. Question Elans: and liool
free. Call or write.
(22 Pine Street, . . ST. LOU18, MO
., , B'dueed to 53 pound, per m-nth. No
EM'.,.":r", io ...d muni, ,
driw,. 1 rcntment porfcctly harmlen slid itric'l. e.mfiZ
Itoliri. UiieMion fil Hook!. Call i, wrlM
DH. 11. B. BUTTS, ton I'm. are.t, si. Lou'i, ile.
ubstantial Rewards for Those Whos
Answers are Correct
A u.n nnee entered prison here wsa contlnee
c.;ii..,.im,p. eriimnnl. On iiishini s renuest to I.
.n.lm-u,l the peee ot il,e,,n7d ",n t 5
v.... . ,nnni w in. pn.oner. flov. raiim
lion v the piisnner to the viilorl
i e Atrniltimai PuMishinsl o,npnnt wn, g,,, ,
.,. to the mmnd: 3r.t. ,30; idou- ! '
sl siM-ia's:" iM ,,,d i
hi l.KS All snrrer. mnt he pent li msll
sr ,H-in.rk not Uter Ihsn Dee. 31, 1893 (fl ?h Tfl
..iinryw wnaie.er to enter Oil eompetit on hut .1
rto ompete , e.pected to nd onTdo ,' lor i.
i;oth, snhsrriptlun to either Tn I '''?
.zimk or The C-(i,iak Aorici"lt hit i.
iA.'i"1""- "Tr.1"1 Periodicals o( tte i Tj
All Prix.- winner will he expected to se.i.t n. l ?V. !i
nsour dn-ulstion. 141 The r,t eifrec Lie? 4,12
.end.r'. pctm.rk t.ken In all reT , Z ol "f
ss le sir, e,er, one . eousl ch"m "no e'
V cr .he m; reside will ecure ti. Brtt irij.. S3
.'cend. thene.t ptlre. snd so on p '"'
.?rLrlLlL,'," zr .
Ibises. ..jdS.no lor primed t of"ffl i
Jrwirs-j-he followins well-known sentient k. i
oi.Bnted to act s i.i.lte. .,i .,n .T.l. . "'' .
ire ts.rlj .r,M: Cmmndnr. i .k... . ,. '
j .knit l;r of Ste.ni.in !' terlro,h an , , w '
borou.li hVti,er ,,. ,,' ' '."ff"'
nail smeh
mm timtp a HHtHJ
enrizv. i""rvoui ex urn,. ,.
OTr.lu..idlKt.r,M lo.tm.ol.ood, dcpoDdcRoT.
, nlth. OffKRS. C.rtS.nW Sad
w.n cea. Uu.-l.on S..uk..id liookfn Csll or writs.
120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, HO.
DH.DODD'S Ot.-o tor
titer, owner ot . hor.. ihoutd keep
Iton haud. ltmS' ..ve lit. Itl oi .
v.lu.ble animal. O..U pjck.m wll
euro eight io lencaie.. Pries tlJlu,
Seiil by mall o eiprc... Our Ae.
count Uouk, w Ich wmnilnlliiiiuia
table keeper., mall d Ire.
The Old Reliable
Established oSvars. Trontsmnloorrnm U",
marled or simile, In !at
nimses excesses or Improprieties. mu
?,?.u.Sl.'TSn'i-i imnr.i and npnrtnients
furnlshod when n-slred. question illank
and Book: iroe, van ui i
i.ue 'iifiil ptbcU'c. Trciitnn
The worst forms post,
lively c.red 38 years
ill prBCl.cc. Treiitnieni conniicnti.'. ,-urei
Book Ire.. Call or writ!. DR. WARM INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St.,St.Louls,Mo
nr at office. Term. low. uiie.lion niana su,
nut tlii me !
rite JJifc. a. "-
IC lUfCCf ANY LADY, employed omnempIoyiI,
J A IfttlVi can r-akell.l.lrraleiv hour, work each
K.laryo-cotnnili'Nion. S10 .ample. Ire. Addre.a
H. BtHlAMIN A CO., 822 Pine ot., St. LOUll, Mo.
AWYLAOY enn go t a valuable secret that 1
I tost iuo So.uo, and a runner euunu. ior oo l.w&.j. u
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
EPcrt uo.leiTinlomedluated.
t?Sf5Si'Jl Belts, Suspensories, Rpl-
OSttM A....li......a. AI.H.,t.
" " I I .. . ...
Iiuil faiipporters. tests,
Dritwers, OlUeo Caps,
t llamas, etc.
Cures Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney
Complaints, Dyspepsia, Errors of Youth,
Lost Miinho'iil, Xel'voiisnoas, Seinul Weak,
ness, nnd allTroiiltlfS in lule or . einale.
Question Blank and Hook free. Call or
Volla-Medica Appliance Co.,
128 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS. MO.
Foot-Prints on the Pnlll to llrtitlli.
Everyone needini.' a doctor's iidvice
should read ouo ol Dr. Fonte's dime
pstnplilfts on "Old Eyes," "Crimp,"
,'Rupttire," "1'liiniosis," "Viiricneele,"
Disespe of men, Disense nf Vi nipn, snd
learn thj liest mesns n( set -cnif-. Rl
Hill Pub. Co., 129 EuKt 28th Ht Ne
While you keep your subscription ptml up ycu
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horsos Gtr on left
shoultlor; ciittle Miunnon left hip, umlnrbiton
right ear, antl upper bit on the left; raiiKO, Mor
row county.
ArmBtrons, J. t! Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horsos; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
0 D on left hip anil horses same brand on right
shoulder. lUnge, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
nected on lett tiank; rattle, sanioon left hiii.
Bartholatnew, A. G., Alpine, dr. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Hnnge in Mo -rnwcountv
Bleakntan, Geo., Hardnian, Or. Horses, a Hap
nnloft shoulder: cattle tiauie on right HlinnMer
nannister.J. W., Ilarilman. Or. Cuttle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, ins .cherry Oregon-Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right sine.
lfurke. M 8t 0, Long creek, ()r-()u cattle,
MAY conncctetl on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horees, eamo brand on
lotft shoulder, liauge in Grunt ami Morrow
Hrosman, Jerry, lns, Or.-Horsos branded 7
on nghi shoulder; cattle It on the loft side.
Left ear half crop lid right ear oiipsr slupn
, Barton, Wm., H ppner, Or. -lloreee, J B on
r.glit thtgtt, cattle, same on right bip; split in
each ear.
.Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or.-Horsea, circle
L with dm in fie ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W J Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
oyer It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Buyer, W. G Heppner, Or.-Horses, bos
brand r st, hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear. v
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; emtio, same on lefl hio.
n , iLfMi'f' Wl J" "'"."P'-'flle, JB connected
on left side; nip tin left ear and two splits ami
middle piece enl out on right ,.r: on hones lu Z
brand on the left thigliKsnw in ' x vail"
Grain county, vmn.j,
t'aisnei-. Warren Wagner. Or.-Horses brand.
edOoii light slide; cuile (t,re(, bars) ,
right r.b, crop and split in each ear. Itange
Grant uuil Morrow cuunlies
lllu,".','!'i ' "leb'! "T " U "" h,,raf'S " left stifle
U with quiirter circle over it, on left ahon der
and on left sti le on all ell ,. ,ler B y ri on
left shoulder only on ail ,miB ver 8 ! 'K
range in Urant cunntv. '
Clark, Wm. H. Leia, Or. -Horse, WHC eon
Mo iC'Jl ' '"'"'"T le snnie i igh
hip. Ita ge Morrow aud Umatilla etiuiuies
(ate, (has 1( y ,,., r Lena. Or Hornet.
H C on right Bhimlder; c,lU mm
Kange Morrow and Umatilla oounties.
( ecil, W m.. Douglas. Or.: Imrees JC ,, Pf
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip waddlea ,,,,
eae , jaw and two bit, in the right lir. "'
in right ear. split i lef, ear. Kaige "n (4 J
punched upper bit in right. Wethers er.m in
G'cSr; half cri in Mi - Ai" Va'.,gn,
crop off left and spin SV , right """ 8"Uar"
lefiaun'e. ' um"". Or. -Uorses. f
Cox Ed. 8., Honlman, Or.-Caitlo r l,i
' center; horses. CE on left 1 wl"
Cochran, R. t Monument, Oram Co (le
Horses blended circle with bi i bei oath on lef,
aUUHKIKSft, W a M ,(lHllOWh. Ur. t HI t 1(4 II I,...
Oouglas.O. T Douclaa, Or Horns. Til ,.
tbe irghtstitteicatUesame onrViVMp " "
rigld'shoulder:''-' 0r' Diamond on
Kmair I U II
Kleek. J....L-..... li . . . itiorrt iw county.
oft left. rs"t and crop
n1I,u."L,I!''Or.-('t,le, ,,F
shoulder. ,Hr " righi
.hou'fder'.1"'1' 1"",l'"M' on left
t,ilmnn.PrnnnL. t . , ...
,il I, u '"ui.il, i.anu ana Livestock Co. For.
mu urTlM ; "h"1' '-UT ? lt,ft shoulder; vent
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses hnlj n
'fel.nJ,?rrVw?rd lulonn,ies.Bht h'P'
on either iupT'erop'inr id'itTS ft'
Horses, J on ritrht thiol, i.,. '?,?pl 1 ln 'eft.
H ,., " "i inint oounty
connected oS right "honlder onT -h T F L
on right hip fu"d on left side i"n ": "n, ra,n e'
right ear snd slit in 1,2 k.'2a'low,orlc 111
distriot, Morrow oounw m H'J'tck
fl Sh u 7?
side. ""llrcO0i;s
nan. riwin.jonn uay.ilr. I'in
hint hnrHM. uai. ,,n . H on H-L.
:, " : ,. aiiouiiler I. ani
(.rant connty. ' r rana-.
Ilowanl, J I,, l alio way. Or Hi r
with bar above it) on right shuuiT' 1
same on lei t side, ltanice In ih,. 'W: ' IU.
lilia rounUes. " m Jlorr" aud
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or H.,
liH.rt on the left shoulder. . Ita'n." 'hsdsd
Hni.saker, B , Wagner. Or -Uurow
shoulder: ea tie. on "eft hiY U"- on
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. (ruu,.n i,
i.ip.erup off left air" "' mu tki
li. on leftsllunliler. v.7, ""TOS.A B
ft nop ' "e un u,. i7.
, ,u . u,., ntippner. tlr. Horsaa .
n eft sh.nildei cattle, same a rijht V-J ""
II .( .
the left
..."iir."i ''irrt "V'WUI !,
Ivy Alfred. Long CreekT (r'iuiL !-
right hip, eropolf leftear and bit in Lfe '."on
same hrnnd on left shoulder lian ' 1 i"st
oonntv ""tugs q
Jonre. Harry, Heppn-r, Or Hoi... l
n J on llie left shouMer: entile Cudeil f'led
right hip, Rlsn uudeibit iu left oar ll J
Morrow C'Ulity. r' "IB uj
Jiiiiljiu. M. fll Heppner, Or -Horse, k
etuie J on lefl shoulder, dal le i?'
Itange un Eighi Mile. "" llla Mini.
Johnson, helix Lena. Or. Horse. i .
lefl stifle; cattle, sameon rightT?, ' ,o ?ieTo
enip in right and split in laft. aa, ' Ur W'
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Venion Or .1 l
left ehoolder; on cattle" J on W, vS hon
smooth crops on both ears. lCL ilP
HearvaUoyH "augem Fox and
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hnr. i.
KNY tm left hip oattle aama deZ W'S
at : nn.ler slniaann the right P "
Kirk J. 1'., Heppner, Or. Horae. an
.honlder: cattle, US on iaft hip" 00
Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. H'rRM ii
rlHPli: rattle 11 on right side. ' " on e'tliar
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; hiim it
eboulder; cattle earn, on .lZStf
ear and under oiop in r ght ear H. . u1""
hrnnd on loft shonlder. KanireTn (Jrai lT M"i
Loften. Htepnen, Fox. Or 8 "on '
nn oattle. orop and split on right ear li ke
same brand on left .honlder. ita.
oountv. ""ige bum,
Iiienallen, John W l.eyl n.
branded half-oii ole J L eonneoted on loft
,ler. iCa,tle.aan on lef, hio. Kan.,
Leahey. J. W. Heppner Or.-fioraes hr.j j
Lai.tt A o'i left shoulder; nettle me oj fS
Inp, wattle over ritht.ye, three .Tiu'l
lm!. Gnorirp, Hem.ner. Or. Florae v.
double H c,,,.J,l !mr;t,SrSMcalSlldl.
swing H. on lefl shoulder. m
ea""110"" 0-' hiu' 'Ce,H&.
Minor, Oscar, neppner rr. Cattle u n
right hip; horse. M on lef t shoulder. 1)0,1
Mortmn. H. N Heppner. Or.-Horw,, M
on lefl shonhle. cattle same on left hin ' B)
MeCnmber. Jas A. Enho, Or. Jiormw' m
bar over on right shoulder. "orses, H mth
Morgan. Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horsna :i
riei'nif):h8.ho,,idorai,d rsa w
lie aamo
Mitchell. Oscar. lone, Or. Horses 77 nn ri.i,
in: cnttle, 77 on right side. 0B "ht
m.i'i.,mi n ia u
. ' V-i .'lowueviiie. Or Horaaa
Furore r, on each shoulder, cattle. Mi! ot hip '
Met any. David H. Eoho Or. Huram branded
roniieetetl, on the left shoulder; cattle asm.
p lun and aide, "-"wiesairn
MeGirr. Frank. Fox Valley, Or.-Mnl ako.
with toe.cork on cattle on rih, a.d
each ear: horses same brand on left stiHe.
McIInlHy, . ... .-iiuuton.Or.-On tlnraaa 1
with half circle under on left 8lifmlder:onTaTt'i
our bare connected on top on the right sid5'
Itange in (Irani County. m
Neal. Andrew. Lone ltock.Or. Horsea A N e,.
tiectetl on left shonlder: eatrbrihhZ
Nordyke, E. Hilverlon. Or.-Horses. circle J
left thigh: catlle. same on loft hio.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, ()r.A 8 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, liania
in Grant county .muso
Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or.-P 0 on left
-hon. iei. u ,ou
(Hp, Herman, Ptairle City, Or.-On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; horsos on left stiHe
nnd wan le on none. Hnnge in Grant ooonty
"".'""." V!"""' 'ej11; '"no. nr. Moraes, nuar
er circle shield on eft shoulder and 24 on left
l I . "'""" "reno as on left
,,.. , .,, . 111 an, -wr. rignt cropped. 24
It left hill. Haniri- on VAaht MHa v
, !'"r,k,,r, G lesson. Hiirdman.Or.-IlorsoslPoo
I- ft shoulder.
P ,i!'r,',t,r,"e t. I-exington, Or.- Hor os brand,
e wh, (L E connected) in left shoulder ; cattle
" moon right hip. Itange, Morrow county.
Piper, J. It., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JK eon.
neeted oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left tup.
under bit in each ear.
I'cttys, A. C., lone. Or.: horses diamond Pon
shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, Jonn T., TJayville. Or Horses, J V Con
ner, ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK oonneoted on
left hip, two under half crops, one on ohcIi ear,
wattle under throat, ltai gein Grantoounty.
Hood. Andrew. Hardman, Or. Horses, square
croa. with quarter-circle over it on left stiHe.
Itenirger, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horses. C K on
left sbouldei.
Mice. Uan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on lefl shoulder; oa:tle, DAN on
right shoulder. Itange near Hardman.
Itoyse, Ann, n, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed os
right hip and crop off right ear. liange in Mor
row county.
Hneli Bros.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
in the right shoulder; oattle, IX on the left hip.
crop off left ear and dewlap on neck, tiange IE
.Morrow and adjoining counties.
Bust, William, Hidge, Or.-Horses H os
left shoulder; catlle, U on left hip, orop oB
right ear, nuderbit on left ear. Sheep. R on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. ltauge Uma
tillauiid Morrow eiuntles.
ltenney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A It on right shoulder, vent qutirtel
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Itange Morrow county.
Itoyse, Wm. 11, Dairyvllle, Or HB. connected
with quarter circle over top on cuttle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horse)
wme brand on left shoulder. Itange in Uorrow
(runt and Gilliam counties.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses. JO o
lefl shoulder. Cattle, () on right hip,
Spicknall. J. W., 'tHooBeberry, Or. Hurses
branded .11 on left sh.,ulder; lange in Morrow
Bailing, C C, Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
Swaggnri, II. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dneh under it on left utitle. oattle H with
oash under it on right hip, orop off right ear and
waddled on right liind leg. Range in Morrow,
Gilliam aud limatilla oouuties.
Swaggart, A. L., Athena. Or. Horses branded J
on left. shoulder; eel tie same on loft hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J S ou let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in righ. ear, uuderbit in left.
tMipp. Thus., Ueppuer, Or. Iforses, 8 A Pon
left lup: caul, eaiue on left hip.
Slmer.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
crop off right ear aud uudor bit in lef t ear. Bangs
in uratit county.
Smith Bros., Sus.nville, Or. Horses, branded
tl. A on shoulder; oaltle, anie on left shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
I 8 on left shuulder; catlle the same, also nose
waddle, ltauge in Morrow uuil Gilliam oo mties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-j horses 8 Son
right stitte; cuttle hi.rizontal L on the right side
btevonsou, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, H
on right hi.; ewaUow-fork in left ear,
Swaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
lefl him, ui,l,. '.cattle. 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. G., Heippuer, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and uuderbit iu left year,
dewlap; horned W t; on left shoulder.
lliompsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left .houiu r; cattle, 2 ou left Bhoulder.
lippeus.8.T.,tnierprise,Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner It. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shouldet, horses; cattle earns on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone. Or. Horses branded
II I connected on left stitle; sheen same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horses HV oon.
neeted ou right sbouider;oatue, same on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop ,,ff left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q Salem or neppner, Or.
torsos branded Iq on the left shoulder, ltauge
morrow county.
. Warreu, W B. (Web, Or-Oattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear.
Howes same brand on left shoulder. Itange in
Grant oouut.
Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip, square orop oil right ear
and split iu left.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spade, ou lelt shoulder and left hio
"""'dta' sanieou left side and left hip.
Wells. A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, ou left
HhouJder can e name
Woiunger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
::;.' ..., o, u,d uu ieiL suouiuer; f on sueep,
oil Hi both ears. Itanue in l.rHnt. arid Mhihnar
WoiKiward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, OP
connected ou leftehoulder.
Watkuie, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Ut counecteo on left stitle,
Wallena ,'l 1.. n.... , n ... ttt
.. ..nvo, yimnei, roniana, ur. uatue, w on
rightthigh.hoit in left ear; hones, W on right
shonlaer. soldi same on left shonlder.
wnitlier Jjroe., numuigion, Baker Co.. Or.
Horses branded W B connected on loft ihoulder
uiiaius, vaaco, uamuton.Or. Qnarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both catlle and
horses. Range Grant ooonty.
tAri"'!"' J Th Oeek. Or Horses, quar
in.r !i' w uare on lert nip; cattle same
anil slil in each ear. Itange in (Irani nonnt.
Wren 1 1 .. ...
., mi. ' ij '"Ppner, ur. norsee runnmgA A
on shoulder: Cattle, same on right biD.
E''"beth A 8ons, Hardman Or.-
f SLUe hnin,L.I b l; ' . ..... . ..
a;,r , in ' oouiieeteu; n,w on letx
side. hiirs.s same on right shoulder. J. W
,.r!c"Vr sameon lelt hip, horses same
on left shoulder. All range la Morrow county.
T8rt;J&?ffii0r--Mor braottad