Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 26, 1894, Image 3

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1 nri'iiAiiMut saute, must net thuir coiy ill
aotlttier tbau Monday evening for 1'ueBdtty'i
mlttum, or iliurwlKy evening lor Kriluyn jU-
1. The Muni of five coU per Hue will 1
Charged ior "curdu of ihtuikH," "lettuluiioua ot
runpuct," liuWol wetltiing prtweuUi mid Uunuiit,
ud obituary noiictM, (uiner Uiaa ttioitu ilio eUit
or snail Uiumeli give umiLor oi uewn, ud
uoiictnoi Bpeclal meetings ior whatever purpoae.
I. sutU:ett oi church ami uoumty aud uUoiimr
entertainment Irom which revenue iu to be de
rived, Khali be charged lor at the rate of Ave
cents a tine. 'l'hcne rules will be strictly adher
ed to lu every innuiuce.
Advertising rates reauouable and madekuowu
upuu appUcatiuu.
We hold eucb and every correspondent re
ipoiiMiule lor his or her coniiuuiticaiion. No
correspondence will be puuliohed unless Uie
wilier s real name is signed asau evidence oi
good laiiU.
p. FlallKK, KKWbFA.'UK AiAtSKild
Li H'K 'iaent, 21 Aielchauis cxunujiKe,
bun i'taiicnsuo, is our auuioiueu agent, xuiu
paper 1b kepi on tile in ihboiucu.
Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John iay ana canyon Cuy, leaven an lollows :
livery Uay at 6 a. m., except ouuuay.
Arriven every Uay at p. iu except Monday.
'the ciiuaiaj.t, quictubt anil bent Hue u or
from the interior country.
J. o. JJELEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Uive yuur Ouxinesa to He pfjiter yeupie,
and liietejuie uabttil lo outtu up nvpp
ner. FutiuHlze llmse wiw u(u.t.e
Here and There.
Hood's Pilla cure biliousness.
J. W. D.iwson is the latest for mayor
Dallas Dauipmau, of Lixiugtou, is in
the city.
Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
the Mountain House.
Papers for sl t I tie Quzatte office at
tnnbi'H ii lniu lied.
Deeds. niirtgiges, Pic, executed al
the (JnZ-tte offine.
Arthur Smith will clean watches ui
the reilnoed pnoe ol $1.
Tom Reaney and boiis, Frank mill Au
drew, were visitors to Heppuer Tuesday.
The Heppner-Cnnynn stage liue i8 the
best, cheapest nod quickest to the io
A R Ornnt. of the 0 W R Mfg. Oo .
of Portluud, wk9 iu the city oer last
L'in Spencer is bsok from Grant
county, wliere he has spent the paal
Subscriptions lo the Giiztte from
now till niter the campaign, new one
mind. 81.00.
Boh Slisw returned f'om helnw last
Tuesday. H reports his Wife as im
proving rapidly.
If yon want a good enn or 'inu
mnehinp, cme to the Guz. tte ofliue nnd
we'll fit yii out.
Geo. Flarrinaton rptnrnpd Wednesday
from Pendleton with (Jhua. Mackev who
is now in j lil here.
M. P. Gleeson, E. F. TSrnntlpy and
CD fpj", all cimniproial men, were
in the city ovr last fight.
Leniil bin"!,"'. pl"'itv them, at 'he
GnzMtP ofli 'ii, and at world's pricpx
Disooniitf on lnrue orders.
Lnt fnrnfi n?irlv tliisi yp'i, Ah Wednes
day lallinir mvin February 7ih and
Ei-'ei' i-.noti tl'f 2.5' h ot March.
yvrr? mi'i whn tfikps p.ny intereBt in
fnfti utork p'huiM finbfiprihe for Thp
Hi.wniac. Gwfte bIiod, acenta.
Thf rnnitor of hiii!dbi(r a telephone
lino fnm IVndleton to Canyon City,
Gr.iut county, is attain being niitated.
TlieO .zettH will take county unrip at
face on einhsioription, anil pay balance of
game it) eaih ut highest market price.
The Gazette ofFme now runt an in
surance and notarial Fhnp. Coma in
when you want to do your insuring and
Mm. Celia Boyhan. who live' at the
Moitntian Hnusp.deHires to do plain sew
ing. Those having same will do wll to
consult her.
Reports from Black Horse indicate
that the hPalth of that SPCtion is g iod
mid that no fmther ravages of soarlet
fever is autioipated .
Tho-ie who have bronght in various
kinds of supplies in lieu of cush. shon d
call aronnil at this oflice and get credit
for sniH if not already given.
Bob 8haw and Green Mathews went
below today with a car-load of beef oatile
for J. K. Spray. John will also ship
some cattle from Echo Satmday.
Don't overlook Hick MUhews, of the
City barber shop, for a strictlv first class
gl'iivp, shampoo, or hair cut. Hot
baths ali-o dished up to oid. r.
T. F illyn was up from his Willow
creek ranch Tuesday. Feeding has been
the order of the day down at lis place
for some times, but sti ck are doing well.
Ed Copner oame over fn m Lone Rook
the first of I he week to meet, his wife,
who returned from Portland Fiid
last. They departed for home Tuesday
To onr enstom-rs -N't diff -renew bow
large or small vonr account is, oomp in
and settle, either by Cash or note We
must have on or Ihe other to enl f
us to s'pm the flood. Hayes Bros 90 f
John Hoffman, a Portland chicken
thief, was shot and d.ogeromly hurt
lastMnnd.y night while in the act of
raiding Neil C mpbell'B ch'cken rons'.
Cniokeu thieves come to grief some
times. The Onzitte receives little pappr
from Lebo. Kansas, callpd he Entprprise,
whioh eon tains a lot of interesting read
inn iiiilwmirli ihn editor has not swapped
yarns in that neighborhood for "nigh
ODto" eleven yearR.
Grppn and Hick Malbpws will be
found at the City hotel bober shop
where anything in the line of the Ion
sorinl nrt will be furnished on applt
oation. These gentleman arear'ists and
deserve your patronage. Call on thpm.
Mrs. J. L Ayers is sick with Is grippe.
Old Halt has now established a toD
SO'ial parlor, at the Matlock bmldiuif,
next door to (Simons' blacksmith shop,
where he invites tha patrouageot bis old
customers aud all wbodeairestriotly first
class work.ahaving, shampooing aud hair
ciilting ut living prices. Uou'l overlook
An old lady named Dmaldson.a onuo
ty oiiarge liviug nt Lexingtoo, slipped
d fell from tier door Bteplsst Saturday,
fracturing her thigh joint. Dr. UcSwordu
was oalled and reduced the fracture. He
reports the lady doing as well as could
be npioied. This is ibe third break of
the gam limb within three years.
John F. Spray is a m-mber of the Mc-
Grevg.ir Itntoheriug Oo., of Portland,
liolea, ile dealers in meats, etc He baa
no niter, Bt in the bast ante shop, A. L.
Spray and Mrs. W. J. McAtee owning
the sIhiiiI under the tirm name ot A. L.
Spiny & Co.
Born - lu Rood canyon, the 18th inst..
to the wife of K. is. Dickens, au 8 pjuud
Cabinet photographs at $2 00 per doz
en for the next 30 days. Montgomery &
Aldridge, at Dannei's old stand. 3t.
Read ordinance No. 54, published in
this issue. Boys and parents should be
paitionlarly interested iu Ibis.
Born NeHr Hardman, Jan. 15, '91. to
the ife of Cl ris Keiihley, a girl. On
f irmiiaMy it wins Biill-born.
No hlookade of trains has ooourred on
the Heppuer branch as yet. In faot,
this section is never troubled greatly by
Hon. H. Rlackman and Clerk Morrow
ret in ued from below Tuesday.
Found-Ou the strtet a ladies' mitten.
(Jul I for it.
Uxpaybk'8 School Meetinq. At
meeting of the cilizeus of ibis distriot,
milled at the court house lust Monday
afternoon ut two o'clock, a tax of 7
mills was voted to pay up present iu
debt -dnefs ud carry on the bo hoc I for
the in xt nine months. As the estimate
showed that, a tux ot 15 mills was neces
bmi for that pnrpoe, it is not quite
clear how Ihe school can be conducted
uextyeiir strictly on ''jawbone." Yet
we hope that there may arise some way
by which that diuloultv can be
surmounted. Early in 1895, a year from
now, warrants for something like S3, 000,
amount owiug on school Beats and furni
ture, will become due. To run the
school without money for the next
school year will, in addition to this, pile
up au indebtedness that will be bard to
meet, i imes may he better in 1895
than now, but the Gazette does not an
liuipa'e it. Taking everything into oon
sideratiou, it would have been as well to
have divided Ihe taxes for '93 and '94 so
that lliey would have been more nearly
equal. But, the directors will do their
best, under the circumstances, and that
it surely all that oan be expected.
Catarrh in the Head
An Unfortunate Inheritance -How
It Was Destroyed.
"Spokane, Wash., Aug. 9, 1S03.
"C. I. Ilooit Si Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Gentlemen: I wish to a'ld my testimony to
the worth of Hood's 8;u-snparllla. My little
girl has been cured by it of Inherited catarrh.
She had colds continually every month and yel
low discharge, but since taking Hood's Sari.
partita has ben entirely cured. Hood's Sar
saparilla 1 nave found ot great help to my
other children." Mas. L. M. Gillette.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and pertect
in proportion and appearance. 25c per box.
fjf tliurf 2."
Only Firet-GeM botel Id Bepptier.
Euildlrg Tiied for Ehcltic LigLte
8." L'esl scccrnDHdatioES for tie traveling
Courteous treatment tgcured tbe oonn
tiy people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietresa.
Q-illiam & I3isbees
Not only once but ngain and again. They know tbat frcm us tbey always get
full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Wby we Bell tbe best la ex
plained. The "best" briDgs people back, holds custom, makes us friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hata, Caps, and everything kept io a well-regulated, general
merchandise Btore, Come in and see ns, everybody.
SSiZ) Diabetes,
Bripht'8 Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
0.W1 Manufacturing Co.,
Off Wrong The papers of Oregon
to quite a uniiiber are printiug tbe fol
lowing, crediting same to the Gazette
'Hereafter boys will not be allowed to
smoke cigarettes aud chew tobaooo and
spit oo the floor iu ihe ohurches here.'
No auoh rot was ever published iu the
Hiizette. Heppuer is an ordinary,
tough and ready, wild aud wooly, big
sonlei and loyal-hearted buuebgrasa
town, bui it is a little more than half
civil z d. Chewiug tobicoo in oonutry
ohmcbes has been Ihe cuslom, filthy as
it is, from time immemorial, and some
of this may have b en indulged in here
during past years. And maybap now
occasionally some persons may bs found
who are thoughtless enough to use
tobacco in that maimer in our churches.
But we draw tbe liue at smoking ciga
rettes during divine services. Such has
never been done in Heppuer, to the
kuo ledj;e of the Unzelte. We may not
ail wear stoie olothes and socks, but we
tiave a litlle self respect, left, yet.
Forssln by Slocnm-Johnston Drug
and T. W. Ayjrs, Jr.
plaoe. He will
county for trial.
be taken to Morrow
Donation Tkndbkkd. At the ohuroh
sernoes last Tuesday evening Henry
Guy repor'rd to families io his neigh
borhood that were almost at tbe point of
starvation, having subsisted for about
two wei ks on bread and water. A
collection of about $14 wosat onoe taken
up and Wednesday morning large do
nations of groceries, olothiug and pro
visions of every nature were tendered,
diode this Case has been brought to
light, w fear that a similar condition of
iS'iiiis rua exist iu other homes in this
count, ami 11 so sbould Da investigated
at oho,. While considerable talk of
hard tius are heard here, jet our
people alwajH sland ready and willing
lo relieve Ihe ueedy.
Citt Politics. Our reporter has beard
considerable talk on the streets daring
tbe past few days of a political nature
in connectiou with tbe approaching city
eleotion. For mayor tbe names of J.
W. Dawson and P. O. Borg are mention
ed. For oounci'meo the outgoing
offioers, Furnsworth, Lichtenthal and
Patterson, are being urged to allow their
names used for re-election, though they
are rather reluctant io the matter, as
they say tbey have had all the city
honors tbey care for. E. J. Slocnm, 0.
S. Van Dnyn and J. B. Sperry are also
being mentioned as suitable material for
counoilmen. F.J. Hallock is still in
the race for recorder.
e want it for a moment to inform you that
the stock .of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri-
, i 1 i i... 1 1 :
ces. ine siock is ciean anu ireMi, iiavmg
been largely increased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. Hornor,
, i
Otis Patterson
U Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, ccuoerolng their dally habits of .bating. Drinking, Dressing, etc,
What to Bat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
How to Eat it, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinner Naps,
Things to Do, Alcohol as a rood aud a Lungs and Lung Diseases, EffectB of Tobacco,
Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice,
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
Ventilation, ness, , . Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold 7eet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles. Plmnles. Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering. Sore Eves. Sore Month.
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcer
Warts, Whooping Cough, WormB in Chuoren. I I WILL SA V li DOCTORS BILLS.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
We note from the reeppt telegraphic
oolum a 'he deaih of Rev P. A. Corn
Ran, of H' boken, New Jerney. Many
will remember this estimable man as the
Stanch advocate of free sobnoN who had
a heated discussion with Bihop Wyirart
over this matter. Mr. Corrixan was a
cousin of Mrs. Jas. Neville of his
We have reoeiv-d from W. R. Ellis
tha letter of the senre'ary of war. trans
mitting report ot the hoard of engineers
regarding the ohtrnr)ti"n in '
Columbia river. I onntnins severs
verv ex'ensive drawine" of the prnpoped
ship railway above The D riles and ai
f (ho rvrtanJ road at C'iscad - Loi rs
If one could find room enough a open
out the large drawing to full length it
would prove an interesting study.
Itisrpportedthat as soon as the dw
depot is onmpleted at the Willows the
service on the branch line will be
changed to a night rnn, leavina Hppn
npr at 10 o'clock P m and arn.ing at
6 a ra While th-s will b rath-r in
convenient hnn- to arrivo and ''"P,.r'''
yet direotoonneo'ion will b- mad wi'h
both nieht pa-senaer-. to th""
onpran lev hrp at night and nrive
at Portland 7 u'olook in the morning.
Eioh Stbikb at Black Botte. From
Ed 0. Allen, tbe proprietor of the Black
Butte mine iu Fox vallpy, the Engle
learns that ore far richer than has ever
been taken from thj Black Butte mine,
has just been discovered. It was die
olosed in a now tunnel tbat is being
driven on tbe property at a depth of
ninety feet from the old tunnel. He has
several tons of this ore on tbe dump at
the mill and will at once start the
stamps to dropping. With thousands ot
dollars of ore iu sight the Blaok Butte
mine should prove to be a veritable
bonanza. Eagle.
& OO.I
Heppner, Oregoni
Why Buy of Peddlers?
When you can get the choioest
Etc., at the Liberty Market.
Aod at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist io build
ing up your city. Look to your interests and assist those who assist yon.
1 aw SHAW & M'OAETY, Props.
111. Uv Irdi
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Musi Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Qazrttr office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sure
f-QDiRRELs Caught Out. Andrew
R. iiuej thinks that, the suow aud recent
ooldsiiap will kill nearly, if not quite
ail, Ibe i-qunrels. Enrly this mouth the
weittiier was waim and spring-like,
deceiving the ill lie peals who pushed
out Ibiukiug that spring was here, and it
aprears that many have been caught un
awares. This is corroborated by Dr.
MoSwoids who has nuticed large num
bers of i-qnirrcls on lop of the snow
huuting for food and shelter. It is
hoped that ihe charge iu the weather
will accomplish uiotetban all tbe bounty
ever uiVeu oy ine couuiy uuun iuo
complete destruction of the present
cron of tq nrrels.
An Ikiugatino SCHEME. A scheme to
turn Ihe water oui or lower vvniow creea
tor irrigating purposes is now being
discussed dowii in Ihe lower part of our
couuiy, and ut Arlinglou. J. W. 8mith,
uf the laiter plaoe, hss become interest
ed iu tbe m itter aud purposes to look
o-.er tbe ground aud superintend a eur
v. y as Boon as spring cpens up. While
iu the city the first of the week, Ed
Hollowny dieoussed tbe matter with
several merchants here. The plan appears
to meet ilh favor ever) where, and it
would Beem that it might be carried out
wilh sucoess-
Bip's Wood Yakd. The Beppnei
wood yard, under the management ol
Kip Van Winkle, ia prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 ts. per oord; three times, $100.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Ho Brtt's. 4-tf.
Shoemakkb. Ed. BirbeoK, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' expen
enoe, has jnet located in the Abraham
sio'' building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiy thing in bis line.
M' Birbeck is strictly a first-class work-
man Bod warrants all work. Give him a
oall Hwt'
Was Undfb the House. A
ton di-oatch says: Charles
was arrested at Milton and bronght to
Pendleton Sunday evening by Deputy
Sbei.ff Stamps. Maokey was arrested
fir stealiug horses in Morrow county
two years ago, but jumped a $1000 bail
bond, nines that time he has been hard
to o noli. le was found secreted under
u lis-. Ihe homB of his sister. A tiap-
Tbe Btndebaker wagon beBds them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. I
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
The Keeley Institnte, at Forest Grove
otires liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobaoco habit, nee aa.
Tbe Palace is tbe leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
If von want to buy groceries, and
bread stnff cheap, go to Ibe Enterprise
Grnoery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the :iian to fix up
your watch or docs, ue Keeps a run
stock of everything pertaining to
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Dew stock of
splendid, summer bottoa and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark,
ed attention. B
Tbe general merchandise establish'
formnrlv owned by Coffin & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now he
ing under the control and management
ni Tha MnFarland Meroanlile Companv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
djornju coaled by a rag led to bis biJitg Liver Regulator.
Land Foe Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch an..
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. i
Bonk beepers and others of sedr ntary
hnhits cure constipation wiih SimmonB
Anybody who tiavels by cars knows what
is meant hy '' an open switch." It is the
terror of railroad men, and ihe dread ol tha
traveler. Its victims killed, horribly man
gled or maimed for life are numbered by
the score each year.
Yet even the dreaded "open switcn is not
so widely fatal as is a certain disease, which,
without ceasing its activity for an instant, is
daily filling hundreds of graves.
What is that terrible ailment r you ans.
It is Heart Duuael " But," you reply, con
Bdently, "I haven't any heart disease my
heart is all right." Are you sure?
Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Ind., the
distinguished specialist in diseases of the
heart and nervous system, states mat uisor
ders of the heart are as common as those of
the lungs, liver, stormed, bowels or kidneys,
though olten unsuspected. J lie reason peo
ple are not aware of this important fact is
because symptoms of heirt disease are not
usually re utilized as proceeding from this
oritun, i,;t ii o attributed to some other
source. ( v u have Bhortnefs of breath,
fluitenng or p dpitntion, pain or tenderness
in left breast, shoulder or side, oppressed oi
choking sensation, fainting or smothering
spells, your Aenrt is njjeclea.
"1 had been troubled wilh heart disease
for years. My left pulse was very weak, could
at times scarcely feel it, excitement would
weaken my nerves and heart, and fear of
impending death stared me in the face for
Hours. Ur. nines nervine anu near noun
Cure are the only medicines that have proved
of any benefit and cured me." L. M. DYER,
Cloverdale, Md.
" My wife h is been taking ur. muar jvew
Cure for the Heart. She thinks it wonderful.
She has not been troubled with pain or
mothering spells since using it. We have
also used Dr. iliter' Pills, and we find them
all they are claimed to be." UHU. L-rliNl
Philadelphia, Pa.
These and hundreds of similar testimo
nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful
powers of Dr. MM JUno Vurej'ir me iiran.
It is eff'clive. aareeable. and above all, 8AFE.
Bold by druggists on a positive guarantee, ot
Dr. Miles Medical Lo., Elkhart, ina.
For saleby T W. Ayers, jr.
!Are Just what every .
sower neertH, The mer-1
Its of l-ri- 'N Need I
ibrru the loutuiiuioii iu-
on which tins t.eeu built the
largest seed bubineKB in the world.
verrv's Setd Annnal for IS94
conluliiH the hum mid KiiliHiance of
the lutestfui ruing knuwlttiije. Free
lor Uie asking.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
Salary and expenses paid woekij from Btart.
Pirmanent position. ExclUBiTe territory
Experience unnecessary. Panniiitrffl, p
4Tantftgestobesrinneri. Liberal
eommlsslon to local part
. eJffa FjT Com
hardy, reliable VBHortmoiit
nuraeryrH for the orchard,
stock. VTrx lar lawn and garden.
We want you now, while
the fruit industry Is to
important. Good chance ior
riunnnflmont. Outfit and full par-
f....i. r0B mtoWH BHOH. CO., nur-
rmfln. Portland, Ore. (ThUtoOUBeu
reliable. Nam thtt paper.
The Enterprise Bakery and km Store,
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keepon band a full line ot
Groceries and Previsions.
A full line of choice Pies, Cakes and Bread j in fact everything tbat ia
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbay will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp
try them. hw
Disease commonly comes on wilb slight symptoms, which when negleoted in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
you SUFFER IMHTHKSB after eatlne,
At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, be haa added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also baa on hand
some elegant patterns tor suits. A.
Abrahamsick, May street, Heppner, Or.
It ia probably not Ihe ooldest weather
yon ever knew in our lifjj but that is
l ow you (eel just now, because past
offerings are soon forgotten, and be
come your blond needs the enriching,
invigorating influence of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla the Superior medicine.
Take! Take! T.ike. Simmons Liver
Resrnlatnr for dyspepsia, constipation
and heartburn.
Chills and fever of three yinrs stand
ing cured by Simmons Liver Kegnlator.
-E. Watkins, Watkius house, Upton
ville, Ky.
Files! Piles! Itching Piles.
Stmptoms Moisture j intense and
stinging; most at nigbt; wnrse bv
ecratobing. If allowed to continue tu
mora form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swavnb'h
Ointment stops the ilebing and bleediny
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or b
mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayne & Hoi ,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
Good Advice to lioys and lilrls Who Are
Hi Lovo or i;.v;iet to lie.
Jerome K. Jerome, the English es
sayist and humorist, delivers this inter
esting lecture to lovers and those con
templating love:
"Oh, you foo'ish, foolish little maid
ens, with your c'.uinty heads so full of
unwisdom, how often, oh, how often
are you to be warned that it is not al
ways the swectcrt thing in lovers that
Is the best material to make a good
wearing lmsbund out of? 'The lover
sighing like a furnace' will not go on
sighing like a furnace forever. That
furnace will go out. Ho will become
the husband 'full of strange oaths,
jealous In honor, sudden and quick in
quarrel,' and gTow 'into the loan and
slippered pantaloon.' How will he
wear? There will be no changing ii
he does not suit, no sending him buck
to bo altered, no having hira l:;t out
bit where he is too tight and hurts you,
no having him taken in where he is toe
loose, no laying him by when tha cole'
comes to wrap yourself up in something
warmer. As li: is when you select him.
so he will have to last you all your life
through ull changes, through al.
Kipans Tubules act gently, bne promptly, upon the liver, stomach nnd intes
tines; cleause the sstem effectually ; onre dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One TabuXR taken at tbe first ndioation of indigestion,
biliousness, distress nfter eatiug or depression of spirits will surely and quiokly
remove the whole difficulty.
Ripane Tubules are prepared from a prescription widely nsed by the best
physioians, aud are presented in the form most approved by modern science.
If given a fair trial Ripsns Tubules are an infallible cure; tbeyooutaia nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists every wliere will supply tbe Tabules if requested to do so.
Tbey are Easy to Take, Quick to Act anil Save many a Doctor's Bill
S&mpl.. Pr..
oa. apCGLtl-on- to tli X3.pa.3a.
TTorle City.
Crb.aml.caJ. Co., STa-r
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
HaB been moved from the O Id Fellows' building to tbe West wareroom of the Mo
Farland Mercantile Co.'s establishment. He still haa a complete line whioh
will be disposed ol at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 av
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
W. PATTELSQN, AliLNT One of,th.Bet In tte World