Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 26, 1894, Image 2

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    I ii
-One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
HNnfi60S,tt?f f S MimbCr CU,ltUre laim adioiDiD of wh5ch deeded there are 140 acrea good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a gocd cprii.g of
feDce- oituated two miles weat ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
aterou it, all under
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and
on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on ensy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives m the East and has no use for it.
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronizt
Thb tax voted at the aohool meeting
last Monday will pay up present indebt
edness due, and rtm the sohool out this
term, with the additional money ooming
in during the summer to help out.
mere win not be a cent to conduct the
We hold each and every correspondent re-
nmiBtKIa I... hi. ... l . .
correspondence will be published unless the ,0n0' T pay interest on bonds after
r ? H.u """" "HS'ieu u aa evidence 01 that ti 1 Jan lSOi V
good faith.
Did yon ever
Read about the
Man who
Hid bis
Light nmler
A bushel?
Yeer well
That is like
Doing business
'Without advertising.
All the
Sni le schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half an mnch
As a good ad.
tn a pood, live.
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that Owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its spnce
Like merchandise.
Worth dollar
For dollar.
larly in 1895 sohool
"tarrauts given in paymeut for school
, wi oeoome due ami will have to
be paid. From the etaodnoint of econ-
,4! "my the taxpayers have done noblv. and
in this the Gazette can take much
pleasure as it Ku't lousy with cssb now.
at least it has no money to invest in
lorip even at 85 oenls on the dollar
But the school has been sacrificed, take
it as you mty, and now there is no get
ting around it.
T1 ...
m ueorgia tue silver campaign
has been formally opened for 1894. Hon.
Ben Terrell, the eloquent Texan orator.
commenced a series of mass meetings
last Monday and is billed for two
speeches daily during the balance of the
month. The indomitable Tom Watson
has never ceased bis campaign since be
Want Unma t- m.
..uu, uuuxress. mey niean
business in the "omelette belt" thisyear
-R. M. News.
J. W. Wbaveb, editor of a republican
paper at Van Buren, Arkansas, is in jail
oharged with embezzlement. Ha un
paids to the Grand Armv for aid saying
that the oharges are trumped up, which
is sustained by the democratic senator
and representa ive of his ooiintv. H
maims that the charges are brought ba.
cause ue is a republican and an ex
Union soldier.
B.S Paque will leave the weather
bereau of California to practice law.
Mrs. Leasb is preparing to stump "id
Kansas against Gov. Levelling whom ,erms-
she oharges with crookedness.
Tub legislature of Colorado is in
session that is about nil. They haven't
done anything a 'd probably never will.
J. K. Edmiston, of Walla Walla, is
held in the sum of 830,000,
trial for wrecking the
Havings Bank.
Will "Prof." Bork explain why he
was fired from the Unitarian cburob of
c. 1 n i
emeu, r ireopie genorally are
muoh interested In this matter.
When War Is Declared
iiKamxi, a man s happiness by his
"uiubuu, me enemy may be pacified
orongnc speedily and easily tn
bat potent regulator of di-
"". nos.eiter's stomach Bitters
disciplines the rebellious organ thor
onghly. Indigestion arises tmm weak
ness of the atomach, aud the food iu it
for want of the power to digoet, de
composes and acidifies, giviug rise to
heartburn, flatulence and pain, besides
a multitude of symptoms both ohange
ful and DerDlerinir. Rnt
awaiting reigns when the ret .i., , . . ...
Walla Walla sorted to and used With lAraiatannn
Dyspepsia gives rise to m,,rln,l Hion '
pc-fluie of mind, and even sleeplessness
and hypochondria in ohronic oases
to the complete dismissal of these the
Bitters is fully adequate. Liver oom-
oonstipstiou, debility, rheuma-
malana are comoleielv n,h.
In ancient times 'twas the head and heart;
But reliidon may chatigo with passing years,
For now our Dashing Knight
Has offered up the brand and ears.
From my castle I saw incense rise,
From the wanderer's native sod,
Fast up the flight of Golden Stairs;
And perfume the throne of Ood.
And the gentle west wind has born
To the caatl- on ihe lake.
An account that was strange, but true,
Of the wanderer's first bad break.
ot beeves that were taken from this range;
Ana a jury that was eleven to one.
A story Is told of another trial;
And a coincidence eleven to one.
Then the wanderer found a home
On the shores of the Rubicon.
Where not tar from lis Billowed banks
His Rachel wild had run.
There are stories too dark to speak of here,
ji ueeus mat s long been done;
And hard to find a more vile heart
Beneath the shining sun.
The wanderer has played in many acts
And oft to the court house gone
To answer to some legal charge
Along with his foreign chum.
StorieB of angry citizens and vigilant
In the valley of Rubicon,
And the Dashing Knight left wife and home
ana nea iroui the Rubicon.
Thou art a valiant Knight;
The days of chivalry are not gone;
Thou can rope the wild slickear
And sing thy merry song.
I have traveled around a bit tn mv time!
And have anchored at the lake;
But never yet harbored love
For friendly nature's sad mistake.
But how could I contend in love
With a great and natural thief?
Who divided with father Laban.
A three-year-old stolen beef.
Tim city of Atlanta has invited (be
Grand Army to hold its next national
encampment at that place. The Con
stitution is strongly in favor of it.
The American Protective Association,
says the Oregnnian, is a piece of puerile
tomfoolery. That is shout thp size of it.
Its principles are decidedly anli-Ameri
Oiieqon has her John II. Mitohell iu
the senate, and Wisconsin her John L.
Mitohell; Oregon has her W. It. Ellis in
the House, and Kentucky her W. T.
Ellis. Salem Statesman.
tism and
dued by this uenial medioine.
For two years I had my washing done at
ii Da u s
And Laban will wearmy socks for years to come.
Around the neck of his darling boy
My kerchiefs shall bleach in the sun.
Woman whose only gift Is beauty
And of that a paltry share, .
Could we clothe our words in honif
And term them "Ladies fair'"
Beauty Is rich wher. found with o-rono
Or a mind that gives some light;
Alasl when found alone
It's a sad and ul. knlfig sight.
Whether with locks of thehuenf ru
Or wealth of golden hair,
nith minds endowed with action
They would be more like "Ladles fair."
Caesar, I'll not like Antonv ween-
Or, Brutus, strike with whitened steel;
I leave thee alone with Cleopatra,
Pangs of thy bad choice to feel.
Hepnbliran Wonder
Means a Certain Editorial.
From the E. O.
jiaBiern uregon can and will have
me congressman at the coming state
convention, all the silly idle talk regard
ing Astoria to the contrary notwithstand
ing. Ihe truth of the matter is, the
pluoe is already conceded to this seotion."
A republican paper published in Pen
dleton prints the foregoing in its edito
rial columns. It is interesting to Ext
ern Oregon people and especially to
those of Peucilftnn no i.,:.. .
jun-nuillf in
W itch rllrpnli.w, tl,. ii
..10 niuu is UIOWIUI? lln
an me way in this fertile, beloved
.-iio.v ui me irom whence we are usher
ed from the snow-bound plains of the
urat eternity by chance into life thl i
mil or fr'ins and fi .wers for the con
scientious and honest
There was never a time in the history
of our conutry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The Conveniences of mankiud in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in offieial
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
ft . . . ..
m. no political onange in the administra-
on government doen not ofut th
progress of the American inventor, who
beiugonthe alert, and ready to Der-
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to do.
ter bim from quickly ooooeivini? the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan-
oies. ioo great care oannot be exer-
oised in ohoosiug a competent and skill.
fnl attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application Tor patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances bv the emolov
ment of inoompetent oouosel, and es
pecially is tLis advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay system. Inventors who entrnot
their business to this olass of attnmev.
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never eon.
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe and obtain the f
" weauerourn. General Manner
m" streer, jm. W., Washington, D. C.
represenungalarge Dumber of impor-
y ana weekly paoers. anrl 0n
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
unrated to protect its patrons from th
uu-bib metuods heretofore emnlnv
mm uneoi nusiness. The said Con-
pany is prepared to take ctmrge of all
patent business entrusted to it for re.
sonable fees, and prepare and oroseonte
applications generally, inoludinir me.
obanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements oii,u . i.
, . " myunu,
nnd gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It Is also prepared to enter into
competition with auy firm in seouring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Weddebbcjbn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Wheat, bu 35
Flcnr.bbl 2 60 f! 3u0
Beeves, cows it two-year-olds, owt. 1 50
' 1 75 2 00
. 1 50 2 25
1 50 $ 1 75
4 50
L.3D M
Sheep, muttons, bead.
" stook
Hogs, ou foot, cwt....
Hogs, dressed
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
..40 i
'if' 00
Wheat, cwt 31 03 1 08
rioiir, ooi
Beeves, stall fed
Muttons, owt
Hogs, owt
Wool Eastern Oregon.
Butter, tb
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, lb
3 00 4 00
4 50 (8 5 00
6 00 (8 8 00
4 50 5 25
10 (f? 12
25 & 3u
20(g IU
5 00 & 600
Wheat, cwt $ 85 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 2 75
aressed 60 (3 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 60 3 00
dressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 6() 560
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 Q 14
gnfer 20 30
27(8 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 ( 4 50
1 urkeys lb 5 a 17
; passing on, b)
Administrator's sale.
J issued nut nf r.hoi'iM.MK. n,,. ..t '.
w..,...., vjumt.n uiCKUU.
ill, muw u"ty. on the Oth day of Nov. A. I)
my.,, ine unnprs trnari iim i....n. -c .1...
-1 3. Dn-cung, aecensea. will on
baturday February 17. 1804, at one oclook in the
afternoon of said day, in front of the court
hanA all tn .1 L. .... '"f C HI
i.U o Jv 1 11116 ail(I interest of aaid
fnl nA.:;r neceased, in and to the
-'iuuu rt?Hi property, to-wit- N
WW of See. 18.TP2 S R 2(( K. W. M,, situated
in Morrow county, state of Oregon. "ll,alea
each n7 T. . STr infnrKs of forty acreB
may seem best nTS ,7." '" ' V":?tr" !V
dv oi l. V 1 f ..' "'" ma
. . 1(JL,, t nenniier ureeon.
A. W. Bu-kuino
Stockholders Meeting.
National Bank of Heppn 7 i 7ZS at lis
come before the meotinB. " m"y
in. R. Bishop,
1 06
mitt ii the etinditim 0 yourtt Is your hair dry, htr
hH'.tle? Imm it split at the ends? Sat it a lifeless appearance
jlnct it fall out ulien tombed or brushed t It it full of dand '
Decs your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition f Ify,
arc some of your symptoms lie warned in time or you will ,"'
Is what tou ncwd. It production U not an aeeldBnt. hut. fh- ..
Demi. Kuowleuee of the uiiPHses of the hair aud catu AtA. r Bpieotlfln
lo Irviit thein. "Skookum" contains nnithr min.r.i. rri J
If. la iv.r:"1 .""W
j-.uiinu iur, cures aunarup ana grown natron bald headt .-, u ml
fiT Keep tlie scalp oImd. healthy and tree tmm Irritating enintIoni h. .
of tkoohwn iktn Soup. It, dtatroya paraiitio infot; whttufiTmJ ' ,iSB
S7 South Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y.
..vvjuw iiiu uiiu uvu huh 10 uu Jtiljip' in lllHlTlllgB ( J)AYS
YOU )The fond pareut-how to have prize babies;' ( ov
WANT )The mother how t - have thum wit.lm.it.
TO )The childless how to bn frait.fnl nnrl i,,itii,. )
KNOW )The curious how thpv "ptowpH" nnrl om i v v
5CfAT The health -how to enjoy life and keep well ; ' AND Hr
KY fel16 -how to get well again speedily; ' save?
BODY The imnrud(nt how to rom.ln wn!tii ' )
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of nTost wSfth ioNE
SSnw Fnnd lt 111 Dl' Footo's " Plflin Home Talk," ( YEAR
KNOW. 000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes, 500 000
DEDm I1"hhI fi-om $3.25 to $V ciwulars ft-ee. P ' COPIFS
J'T-'- K: !sllL!j-iNewYork.( SOLD
srOTA.I ... ... . "
tXf mi new Hiii.iLTI.IPni dnf nrnmnt rpnownli, ).... l ,. . -
proPM-m-d with free copy of thin ns preminm. u"'nlu 01 Ja"-
will be
lOlliw, Da wson & Iyons
All bamtiPag nttenileil to in n prnmnt ami sntisfaototy
miitmer. Notaries Public Bud Collectors.
BEPPNEU, ; . ' '
Heppner, Or., Jan. 10, 1894.
elements fln . I."" """ wnom i nave become
.... ' "cqnainted, yon poasoss the fewest nohl
sorrow till we are aKnin ushered thronvh ti. . . .
tueenrtains of death bv fate into tin. .ioL 1 71. .. ' ' . . 00D-
ham.n m.ri .7 "oe9 v sympathy go ont to meet the
, H1V,.JK tun wjumnt? no . nninrrnna
is a IttHUU IDfin. " ha aranfu. nn tu... . .
B''i uiiuin li i hi i iik ifii j a nr viiq n s. , !.
oan l. sn..,i ; . . " . . ws.. .ae Fortress
a.hinl " .. " .r ";?""" ",-1B,y 19 01 a"0 aroad Laban's heart.
" mo in in memtmrn with
3 V-cr w rSr-
out just onse.
Oli, Lnbul ihou was
onoe b irne b)
I - , DII.,F. iuore .. ' .... .M" mw,
nre just two avowed candidates iu East- d 8wella of ths sea of brotherly love ;
but did the
A oomi'Bomish betwnen Braeil's law- iu th" particular print-shop. There reDlle- lov'iK, oaring hands on tho
iui Kovernment buu the revolutionists ia
talkftd nf And nnr nrtnnl.. u ... , t i em Ora.v.m Kna:.l... .1.. .
..... ........j m,, un uitiiuij ".vfc..M ucioius IUO nrpsent mni,m.
upon to decide the matter. The Tele- beilt. w"o re pulling for the republican
gram snirirests that this ia another job n"Miiiation for congress, These two
iur uinuni. are j u Measure and Jamsi. n P.i.i..
Now the matter becomes intro.ti,. '
Oarlislb's bond scheme shonld be repnblioans from the fact that it ti.
unpopular when he refines to use tho keneral understanding, among the rep-
ii.vr, ,u iuo brtiHHurv iih i i. i i aim .an. a icooumioH uipm.mrd ..r l .
money for present demands, and ftirthe
saddles debt on (be people to buy 850
000,000 in gold.
From reports, India and China are
reaping the effects of the civilized
world's attempt to do business on a gold
basis, and a panic is threatened. Our
country seems to be less unfortunate
than most countries in ti,a vocn.
IIT TT . . .
. u. i kkkuam, of New York, has
been appointed to the supreme benob,
L-ave ttui and the senate willing. Poek
nam was onoe prosecuting attorney of
ew i cm. and that is Ilia whole e:
perience in official life. Ha is an and
snapper and will be fought hard.
Tint Wilson sugar bounty olsuae, a
modification of the MoKinley bill, has
been defeated and if the bill passes as
amended etiifiir will be placed on the
free list. Tills is not pleasing to sugar
mannfsoturera nf California, Florida
na lionisana who have muoh oapital
iiivesteu in sugar enterprises,
StATB makers are busy iu arranging
for tbe June eleotion. Aspirants for
Mr. Hermann's plaoe in the first district
re trying to give out the Impression
that Mr. Hermann o raves gubernatorial
honors, which is far fetched. Mr. Her
mann will serve bis state better in the
lialla of oongress than in the oapaoity of
gcvernor. It is ba 1 poliov now to at
tempt to "swap horses in tbe middle of
Ihe stream." The same thing applies to
Mr. Ellis. The Dalles Ohronlala.
!... .. . ,
.us uny again on condition that
it was not to be a Leasure organ. The
agreement was plain and the sentiment
pronounced. It was to be a straight
ou. repuonoan journal and not boom
any one candidate for office. That
light and proper.
X be logic of the situation is simply
-"io. xjuner sue nnner in nnAA,:....
r-f. ti tjucnuuu IB
niniing at Ihe naming of Mr. Leasure or
Mr. Eddy or Mr. Ellis. Which is it?
ooai repimiioaus are askiug. It seems
wo ma to see a newspaper started as
,,ni.';Ai . . . .
npeuieni get in and out the
turoat ( r its own orgauizttion by attach
.uKiiseitiotuekite of a habitual
,11,1..,.. ...
..unto uu- uniitfreBR. Win n..i.il.1 1-
llecepil In lii.Ank;.,n . .
. uuvvaiuK ins narrv mro a
Btiape rusemblitig a cooked bat. were he
piaceu on tUe ticket. Not even a demn
orat woum enj ,y seeing euob an inetanoe
wii rti ninrrler T . ..
.... uhbp tor
"oniierand mqniry, at least.
'1'l.A ..I . .
""ino is a plain sta nmonl nf ik.
opinion or a I'endleton retmblin,.,,
on Thursday after reading the morning
Deafness (lanugt be Cared
hi, i... i,
iwni tiu iiiuhe nnn na f iiw
n, " . "'e"eu portion of the ear
LUOrtl H Oil V OHM arav ... j .
rime of wliiol, T i,J ,.h th. 7- h.T : ".- uur.B a"I0M.
spoken and by thy act fell from Masonic Ueafuees is "oansed by an inflamed
Ifi'iioe? condition of the mucous lining nf ih
X.aban. I bave stmgsled to raise H, Za. ".""I": wneu tins tube gets
from the dirtv ain-ln.hl . A 1" 'L'"2' a r""K sounder
itiiu iuiuci inuu uHririi a, ann whan .
wbiou thou bad fallen,
...vv" hjW luuauiui iiri f'.nn na tubnn
dition, bearing will be destroyed for
uii.c unofM oui or ten are oanaeri
ontarrh, which is nothinc but
ouuuiuon or the inuoous
. if
''1"rl'" lMtTmt 'VlIIM..I.. V,M
ty0 B claims against the government I.
l;,c v'ew ot protectii
the attorney,
and nf ;., " . , F'"cting inventors from rtt,l. . ,
. ........j; Luitt lllventionq nri nraU . . , v.. i-dicicss tiLiuiucya,
tamed counsel expert in pS pracUce InTTr Va"d Vnts e have re-
gutter iuto
But you wonlri
not nave it so. But did weld my every
of or Kindness into a shapely orime
luKinuiiiua is rne greatest of s na. nh
r,nl,i r 1L.. . ..
u. . iuii.o uiee ana would yet
.O..UU out into tne heart-oieroinff
soui ctiiinng storms of life and shield
ii'iui nil) Ullier 0Ol(J. OOld h aali nf
aisgraoe. The tears and sobs that mark
the pangs of aching sorrowing hearts I
see aua near them fountain from
and lips at tbe
great fall.
Alone, despised, forsaken. Door anA
nucie, loved aud trusted by none, eus
pected by all, I found bim in the social
realm of ours, and gave many a cheering
word and helping hand. Did I envo
uv uumoie cot forever because
onunges from maiden-hood to
eyes HTSold hv rin,.,ni.,.
o,.o T -I , , . ' B'i.
ijauau s nrst
We will give One Hundred nnll0 r.
anv aaua n t , . . . wr
. jCiueBs (nausea by ca itrrh)
that oannot he nnro.1 h u..in. r, .'
t. j. ..oiib uutarrn
vuio. c.Hou ror eircn Mpa fro.
P. J. CHENkY no tu..
. , .
T n.8H-BB?s-.M0.
Obtain Patenf. 1 . J-; ""' "uu "'etore are prepared to
trt": ":r"ea bt andall Foreisrn Co.,tei r..
Scone and v,nr? ?rights nder Opinions as to
Defenrif "y of Patents. Prosecute and
t. t. . fend """"gement Suits, Etc., Etcf
thewith J brief dSS pHont,"3 d skeftch or Ptograph thereof, to.
advised a t,. u. : ll0U 01 the important fentnrG T ..,f.:ii u
others are infringing ou yo irH,P T Models are seldm essary. If
otners, submit the or you are charged with i
matter. 10 ' tor a reliable OPINfoN h-fn- ;7fn
P. O, BOX 463
An ordinance rohibitina minnr. v,
cuteruiQ saioons and drinking shops
and providing a venaltti thrt
R i 'J
n nnr.... .
of thb rowsi or Heppner.
Section I. No person under th .
...w nKv
Hood's and ooly Hood's,
Hood's Sareaparilla is carefully ore.
by a ,:':" ZT. ' -I.OW0 "die.
i,l 1,.. "7-wios, proportion
aiiug 10 Hood's aarsa
parilla curat ve nnwr. n. ......
other medic,,, U eotY ZZTuZ
cures when other preparat.on. fi".
nVh i" r ,0" "'f''ebled state
-- ...o.,,. nwa tiairuanewerqniok
ens the nutr tiv f0.,...
oeaung and urHvantiiia 1 . 1 0.,., ... . ... ....
dandruff. iiraui pu,,, iB suauy dells, and the
Whoso mighty load of crlmn
Has untimely bowed his head;
Ami carved his tender sDlno.
"Did he kill his man?" It has lone heun .....
Laban. I have walked on tbe hill.
through tbe valleys, have rl.lf ..J
.Ui-uiireu uumera or life, and of all
of Rnr-
uer unless he be aocompanied by hia
DArsnt ni mi....;... .
r s..,umu. any 8uon pBrgon
who shall so enter any saloon or ririnki..
hood? No: h, ha., .7, . . . " ' J" eucer ""V "'OOD
. " v.'.i.ino, nrujiiHii v r.r. i nr ir iitinn.. mn u- .
ho. a.i...... . " M u" " own
..Lonm1UuHriiyUe8SBato be virtues.
When you took the stray sbeeo fr ,m th
the range, striking amund mv form ,.
stabbing your own oousoience intn .
bleeding remorseful muss, not tn kn
lr 1 .1 . I
lnllu tue uoor, oh. mankind
oim.u mrgive ntm with a light heart for
tuiit. nut as a coyote would roll
wallow in earron, be did It to wmr
base heart in tbe vile fumes of
i. ienu a wrong.
Laban, you sold that Btrav sheen
no man wno wears natural rattlers in
uis nat, and whose sin-stained and orim
marred soul gleams forth through Wolfish
dWionrresiore' "lCiZ0
funotioo. Thev'
r-Kinare every
K'cnBHus tn laae.
and powerful i .KJ:',iI?,,,roPeratio
' UAcuikiTAki r r
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.' '
Cut this out and send it J
iuing disease.
lthout being so acoomnnnio.t
without having lawful business therein
ahull Kj .lrtmj . . . 1
uu,cu guilty or a misdemeanor, horses.
uynu oi.Lvotiou tuenof shall
nueu in the sum of not less than 83
more than 820.
U rr .
psu. 11. Any suob person who shall
uave entered any salron hav.no
Dual D 688, gDCl ebatl TBI
t ... ' oui,u
uos.ness, snail not be allowed to
plead lawful business in niitiii,,,,
the offt-nse, and shall ba punished.
rassed the common ooimnil ft,;, ih.l
uiD XU1U
usy of Jan. 1S94.
It Will tkA
v-M1 , UPOI wn h
"vica iiiiiir mnH. 1
mlfl nni ' ""e-nait
uiiuiuk wntAr I
acres fenced, 15 c l
houses and stable, snrina .111,1 2
improvements. Adapted tn 7 .
and on.-h.if roaa'
- aaJlIPH DTQtir n T 1
Rihf it... " Ul mod
Ur. Alt I an-,,
oiAJ "u,rB '"r
oiu, or
we-ian Cod X, " Emuhion of Pure Nor-
and Sod T its T 0iIuand nyP0PhoSphiteS of Lime
'Almost Vtw ,.SUCh bl'ffe S3le is because !t is
the couh ir'r11" UnUal,ed- 11 cures
cura3 Coughs,
""- two irnnii
t s Emulsion
"iua, onsi.mr,.:
and all AnapnVio '. , rofu,a.
Children. AlZ ,8 in
milk. ct v ,. lpa a,able "
Pared by Scott V Scn.,!,lc. Pro.
' -"'USglSt!
and loiter
J. K. Simons,
F. J. Hallock.
K. o-irder.
Take 8immnn. 1.,... u -i. .
het trouble., 0,,,n"du. toTdJ.-uS-!
wo20. Annlv at v
rr -rt". ncppuer UJ.
"cponer Uregon.
et of school l,lna
"e offioB
199 tf-sw.
Fishes That Itreat
It is well known, aays the New York
Independent, that the ga,-pilfe
rises to the surface and bro th 'he
direct, a. It ho. a pneumntie ,llt con
"ectinff the throat with the air b Lder
that the PintnicuLIUU:
has a large, lllnf,.like swimminb
der breathes air in this wav: An 1
told that the
votice 13 ircrrrrr
undersigned th. ,F:S TlAT THE
Mtate of corne lln.' r,(. ??'n '"'"trntrlx of the
Saturday the loth 5av ''t l?"- o f
P- m. of said uav at th. u- '.e,?r""ry at 1 o'cloei
.t . quarter, Si the'Vat"' 5' 5 KK
. ,V .V. . " o' section th i, . tth-
E.."t J .. . 1. f Raritir,.
descrihed ;r."""Bee
Ran ,. 'own-
..... ".".""."'"y -nine imi
southern Florida
jew fish, or tarpon, rises to the E,
ucno tier n an ,,
u"uer and m,,... ."'... sie he n m.
SSLfL p.emherr ha County
onsald' 'd-ate!" Coun ourt of MorroTcou?,'
P. m. of 8,i( ""av aJ t i he hour of 3 o'clock
'.' crest In the sawy ''"divided one half
ih ... ... "" min nmi,..,. .: .""'"'
STiZ?X' Md mill b.i; V, . w.oimm
e saw
it. b,.r...:.. "'"'isi'iff ro
hlo-h... aldsnle will h. "'J'." .""'to
; "luner with ....i, . " to the
nh . il I'BBll I.. 1 ,
,"UI1SI. Th. . "I 1 1 II II 1 1 11.... .1. .
Av...r . . . "" bounce m.H., "c "ier lor SH H c.: "le
- ....u.-s to oreathe. nn,i 111 V ""ua,""i
it hag
aa air bladder
h. ... ' "" "e J
eighteen Inch.. , gj- of '
the -.,h V. ?' '".
day of
Mary Dbiscoil,
Kep your sheep healthy and in
sure a good clip by using
Hay ward's Sheep Dip.
Th. KP..I. T,l.l 1 ... ....
COn!?.LNy Water.
the w-ooTO; I-onou., improve.
endlJrchau... Fifth and Town
Sole Pacific Coast Agents. 89 lm w
PlES of ont treat
mSDtfor WMkllHIuuJ
. , . decs, nwTons dablll
1 lost TltlUr . ... '