l-seutlss lleclltvliig utile euro c.iu.-tlp.ni.m Premiss Hectifrliii! nine cure constipation PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL c: ij n jU NU Alirost all puis nnd medicine produce constipation, here Is a pill that cures torpid liver, blllouKiicHH, x? unmtlsm, lmliestttm, tDublra without grii'in? or leaving an lstheprlmooriu'irM.f all fU'-knrBs, N-ware of soe to it in ' t'tor-o pUla will euro yea. 1 S Ta rftf LtiLi- ? 1 K" fcbocdurto it Is the only safo and harmless ff Swtf n ILzza romwly that will Burely BEAUTIFY the COlVlPLEXlOIN clear the skin and rcmori all blotches from sell. 25 Cents a box. GOLD BY ALL Or sent by mall upon rttwslpt of prU-.v by Prentiss Chemical anJ 1 i 55 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, a a frontias Rectifying pills euro constipation Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation REAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. AND SAVE THE 9 te Hundred and Seventy-Tto Thecsand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $178,250.00 In valuable Presents to be -vs. w- W-V 1 1 65 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES S1,650 k'ttk kine imported fkhwii opera oi.ahkkh, morocco body, 6,775 1ILACKKNAMKL TUI.I.MiN(iM, UUAUANTKeI, ACUKOM ATIU. . . 2S.875 00 23 100 IMPORTED GERMAN HUCKIIOItN HANDLE, KOUH. HLADKD POCKET KNIVES .-,100 0(1 115,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CIIAKM IIOTAKV TELESCOPE TOOTH 1 1 S GOO LARGE 'i'lV'TURES Vllxi Vuchcs) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, ' ijo advertising oil them JI'"Ia 261,030 Prizes, amounting to $173,250 00 The above articles will be distributed, ry riui(l-, anions parties who chew SPEAR HEAD Plus Tobacco, aud return to us tbu 'MS TAtiS taken therefrom. We will distribute ".20 of these prizes In (Ills county ns follows: 1 o THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of 8PLAU HEAD TAGS from lliis conuly wo will give 'lo the FIVE PARTIE'-l sending us the next crcatest number of SPEAR IIEAO TAGS, wo will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS, To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the nest greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNlI'li To tlio ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 KOLLED GOLD WATCH CIIAKM TOOTH PICK To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number r SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 ntwruva LAUGH rlCTUKE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 riCTUKES. Total Number of Vrlxen for this Comity, U28. C UTTION. No Tags will ho received beforo January 1st, ism, nor after February 1st, IK'il liue'i package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, suite, und Number of Tags 111 each package. All charges ou packages must be prepnbL spp;An HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than any other iil'i" lohacoi imidnccil. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. NPtAK IIEA1 Is absolulelv, posiilvely and rtladiictlvely itinerant In llavor from nny other plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skeptical of tills fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that. It has caught the popular taste and pleases the i.eoiile. Tit' it, nm! participate In the contest for prizes. Soe lhat a TIN TAG is on every In' cent ple'co of SPEAR II HAD you buy. Send In the tags, no matter how small the iniautitv. Very sincerely, ipiuun,. T)1E () j sjoim COMPANY, Miwiletown, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this couuty will be published In thli paper Immediately aftor February 1st, MM. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT A DDK ESS A LETTEK OU FOSTAI CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and snllors who served ninety dfiys.orover, in the lnte war. are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, aud regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. v 1 lit, w Not such soldiers and sailors are etitiuel(il nor reniarrieu) wneinerwmuci bhchu, was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows nvt dependent upon their own labor nre entitled if the soldier's death wntdue to service. OlIlt.DKKN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu alinostall cases where ture was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. I'AUKNTSare entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died in ervlce, or from effects of service, and they are now tlepeiuleut upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no dill'creuce whether soldier served or died iu late war or In regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under oue law, may apply for higher ratee under other laws, without losing ny rltfhtg. .... Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 tofto per month under the old lsw- are entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but alsu for others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disobilitvor not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Itlack Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of 1H33 to 184S, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldiers ami their widows also entitled, if sixty-two yeurs of age or disabled or dependent. ... . , , old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained lor soldiers aud sailors of the late war who Aavr lost their original papers. Send fur laws uud information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C r A Swimming Itooster. ' It is not oil, mi lhat a rooster has any Wuticilitr desire to take a bath, but a I'ort tiriinoe IN. .1.1 bird showed that, tinder the pressure of necessity, lie could sw im like a du k. says the New York Sun. lie was based by a doirto the ede of the Men-is canal, und, see iiir no oilier mode id' escape, he jumped ill. The doo; followed, but the rooster. lsili both win;rs and i'eet us propellers, forireil rapidly tliroiisvli the water. The eaiiul is very broad at that place, and ho looked over bis shoulder several times to see whether his pursuer was efainin'on him or not. He w as clearly the faster swimmer of the two, nnd when he struinrled up to the opposite bunk the ihif was it bad second. The triumphant rooster stood upon the shore, crooked his neck und crowed until he couldn't see; nnd while thus indulgine; in self-liuulntion the dog lunded and utmost succeeded In euteh ing him by th" tail. Ho had hurdlj time to save himself by fluttering Uit trec. ' A g iml tiling for von to ilu is to sub ieribe (or the Uazelte. Thompson A UiutiBown the buss which ((oes to and from the Palace, hotel, but will call (or parties Jeniring logo to trniu in any part of the city. Leave orders lit Oily hotel. H recall. Koctltjitng p:ll9cilrei;i,nsiipai.ou ,53 Vrenties Rectifying plllscurncnnstlpatlon ti 7 V4 tick hoadacho and kiduoy aud liver traco of CONSTIPATION, which It getting habitual and chronic with you, CRFNT1SS RECTIFYING PILL, the face. Try a box aud see for youp- DRUGGISTS, Manufacturing Co., SAN TRANCISCO, Trout ina Rn Itch tins I trying pills euro count, pat Ion tifylng pills cu re constipation TAGS. Given Away in Return for l GOLD WATCH. ...5 OPERA GLASSES. ..SI POCKET KNIVES. 100 TOOTH PICKS. A VALUABLE OPINION. It Brought a Lawyer a Comfortable For tune. I The lute A. T. Stewart was harassed by a certain treasury decision which vastly increased his payments of duties His lawyer, says the New Y'ork l'ress, called one day about another mutter. Stewart spoke in mi exasperated way about the treasury decision. "Let me see the decision," said the lawyer. After rending it through he said: "This law speaks of 'all-silk' gar ments. Why don't you have n thread of worsted run into these goods when they are made abroad?" "Will that come within the new law?" asked the great merchant. "Certainly." "How much do you want for that opinion'.1" usked Stewart a few months luter. "Fifty thousand dollars," said the lawyer. And he got it. He was mod est, too, but a dollar went further iu those days than it does now. Stewart years after told his legal ad viser that the casual suggestion made that day had been worth over one mil lion five hundred thousand dollars to the merchant. So the fifty thousand-dollar fee was not liij;h - . -j A n ....... I. ...--.! ni V L V.'i'n n'l l-B'I Vi" Th Tfrrllile .B" '' " I " . ,.. , INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint la Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my hreast seemed as if confined in an iron cage. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med icine." W. II. Williams, Crook City, S. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure IF YOU WAN! INFORMWON AB:"JT ' t : i AililrfHH ii h-tt'T or pnsttU Citr-I ti THE IMSENS I.4IHX ( OJIPiW, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Bun 403. WASH 1 N U 1'U.N , U. C. rKVs;oss l'liiictntRP Fort SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Solllrs ant Suitors ctlwinlcfl in the line of dlitv Iti Uui roirular Arnivor Nnvv Minre 1 lie wnr. Hiirvivors of tins Iiiiiliin warn of tu lfvjy, tlifir willows, now entitled. ('Idiiiitl ruffi'tcil rl a 8.('cjiLtv. 'I'liouaaiirla fntitlfd to lilchtT ftt' tjt-mi fur new litwi, jNo chui'tfti lor uiivirt-, N l Ulllit HiH'i-t'Brif ul. Patents, Copyrights, iucted f or ES. entors without JO., tRBURN, ig Attorney, rA8IIIMQTON, D. C. i Company in mana; a comhi nation of wttitLii(!rs in the of protect- i: i ii'i inoi't iiillii' Ti -1 1 ?1'JST Utjlll 1 0118 i 4 - .0 eftch paper 'itvlAV j forth, respoUBi. ilnlOP k (J'uima Cuinuunv. THE MEN OF BATH. When They Arc Nut 1 1 u . i . ! . t; Ships The Are Found S. tiling 'I hem. Some stork's were told in this eolmni recently of a Maine ship ciiptiiin who like his futlier unit ifrandfutln'r an (front grim father before liim, w;is t fine American sniW of the old type, who believed that the only slap thai could sail in any way tliat w as wortl: considering was u "Yankee bottom,' says the Now York Tribune. The oW captain, now dead, many a time showed this, too, when lie drove Ids ciippei ship around the Hoi".!, tlirouirh ;rule and hurricane, snow and sleet. To him an American clipper was the noblest work of man. When his: hip was in port there was never a stain :! her uarter deck, and the while paint of the titter cabin gleamed in its whitouess. The ship was in Liverpool mice, when a gross Kiiirlish tiirotil fr:uu out the ware- houses ca'.ue u'io;i:i. ipuirterdivU. w 'ion til lift to greet the atre'i ioned Ainerioa.'i coii; frank smile w-:is own o. ing glao.ee. :; l'o- : fanned face hoeaino American captain lo terdeek. The l.iverp chewing tobacco, and mouth hud come the mar the spotless dec He was on the i captain eamc j with old-fash- j o y. Hut the ; -t ill a bla;'. i ! of the wind aio when the 1 at his imr 'I ;i;ri nt was IV 'in his dirty vi!o: t stains to :. The Y'ankee skipper went up close to the man and gripped him by the arm. "Cot off this ship," lie said in a voice that trembled with anger. "Get oil' this ship, and if ever you bring your foul mouth on her again, I'll throw you overboard'." This ship master and his vessel, as has been said, hailed from Hath, Me. Hath has long been famous for her ships. Her clippers were for years the admiration of envious seafaring for eigners and the pride of American sliiiv ping men. When clipper ships. Hying the stars nnd stripes, began to disap pear from the ocean, owing lo the gen eral use of steam, llath turned her at tention to schooners, ae. 1 the sparless vessels t h, it came dow n tho Kenneliec henceforth ei itod i i v. ,.ndor than had the marvel, aisty s. lit full-rigged ships of other days. i ;,o:i Hath ship builders turned their hands to iron steamers, aud soon Am 'rioan men-of-war will come dowo I m; I'.ath. A Hath man can no in r h.-ip building ships than he can liol !. t i.:cr. and a llalhm in when he io t , . ting ships sails them. Produoe f'-' TH) nnd get the Gazette for one year. Nice family paper, and bul ly toniper onttinP. Now i tbe time to siibeoibe for the Semi- Weekly (lunette. Made in all styles and alzen. Lightest, H strongest, easiest working-, safest, simplest, H most accurate, most compact, and most fl modern.- For sale by all dealers la arms. H Catalogues mailed free by 1 The Marlin Firo Arms Co., H New Haven, Conn., V. B. A. wm Oaveats, T ' . . Sh,pwReckE7t I " li?PPI(!Of!FIF and STRIGTDI Th. Terrible Nil-lit and lay lite Nor.liern leeser-s. ' .. ... r .,1 in t.if A ,mr line, lliii". , 1 densest fog and driven by the gaie, ( was running down a uarrow lane or j opening in the ice. when the bhout of , I breakers ahead and the crash of the j : i.... ,... a r..of came in the same moment. The crew spraug overboard upon the heaving ice-liehl. and almost immediately saw their strong and beautiful vessel sink into the ocean. , The adventure is related in: "After Icebergs with a Painter." I Without food or extra clothing the forty men were remote from all help, j To the west lay the precipitous shores ' of Cape Uonavista, and for this, the i nearest land, in single file, with Capt. Knight at their head, the men com I menced at sunset their dreadful and almost hopeless march, j All night, without refreshment or : rest, they went stumbling and plung ing on their perilous way, now and then sinking into the slush between '. the ice-cakes, and having to be drawn ' out by their companions. Hut for their leader and a few other bold spirits, the i party would have sunk down with fa tigue and despair, and perished, i At daybreak they were still on the rolling ice-fields, beclouded with fog. and with nothing in prospect but the i terrible cape and its solitary chance of deliverance. Thirsty, famished and worn, they toiled on, more and more ' slowly, all the morning, all the fore ' noon.' all the afternoon; and then, be ' wildered and lost in a dreadful cloud ' traveling along parallel with the coast, j the poor fellows passed the cape with 1 out knowing it. I The captain looked back from time i to time on the worn-out and suffering ; line of men, the last of them scarcely I wletldo In the mist,, nnd a thrill of lliS' coiu-agement passed over him. I'uless I t.. 1..-1,. ,..c. mere was some timiif;v iu j..... poets, he knew that few of them would live oat another night on the ice. They had shouted until they were hoarse, and looked into the endless gray until they had no heart for looking lunger. Suddenly, just before sundown, they came to a vessel. A few rods to the right or left, und they must have missed it. "We were led by the hand of Providence," said L'apt. Knight, in telling the story. PECULIARITIES IN MASSAGE. The Differ: noes or Temperature Caused by Friction of the Skin. Light friction of a part reduces sur face temperature, says the New Y'ork Ledger. In ten experiments on healthy adults, whose arm-pit tem peratures on both sides was equal, and whose free temperature on the surface of both forearms was before massage eighty-eight degrees Fahrenheit or more, it was found, on subjecting the left forearm to gentle upward friction, that, whilst the temperature in both armpits and in the untouched free sur face of the opposite limb remained constant, the temperature of the left forearm fell in all cases more than two degress, and in three cases nearly four degrees. After firm friction, rolling, squeezing and kneading of the skin of the limb in all cases, the free cutaneous temperature rose to ninety five degrees; but the armpit tempera ture remained the same on both sides, whilst in seven cases an interesting phenomenon was noticed on the oppo site side viz., the right limb sensibly perspired and the free surface tem perature of the untouehed forearm fell to eighty-four degrees during the time that the firm friction of the left limb was in progress. In regard to light friction, it has been impossible to de tect any effect on the patients sense of locality or on the temperature sense. After firm friction of a part for five minutes comes a decided increase of the sense of touch, and the sense of lo cality has, in most instances, been ap parently improved. IGNORANT SPIRITS. They Had Not Kept 1 p with the Latest Obituary News. A friend relates to me an incident that occurred on the evening of the day when the news of the death of Preston S. Urooks came to Massa chusetts, says the Iloston Herald. It was at a spiritualistic exhibition held iu the town of North liridgewater, now the city of Drockton. A com mittee of citizens had been chosen from the audience to sit at the table on the platform with the medium to ask questions and otherwise represent the audience in the interest of candid investigation. Jacob W. Crosby, a well-known citizen, was one of the committee. He was to do the question ing. After a few introductory in quiries, to which replies were made by the regulation one, two or three raps. Mr. Crosby astounded the spirit world by the query: "Is the spirit of Preston S. Itrooks present?" There was no reply and the question was repeated. Then there were some hesitating raps at the table, but it could not be determined whether the answer was in the affirmative or tin negative. "You know that he is dead, don't you?" shouted the committeeman. The answer by raps was now dis tinctly "no." "Well, he is, thank God!" yelled "rnele Jake," who was wrought up to great excitement, as he struck the table with his ponderous fist; "and you had better make a note of it." The Young Idea. The reasoning of children is fre quently based on imperfect knowledge. "What on earth was thut whistle blow ing for all night?" asked a girl of twelve years of her mother while on a sound steamer. "That is a foghorn, my dear," was the reply. The little girl, of course, wanted to know what a fog horn was, and her mother ex plained that when there was a heavy fog the steam whistle was blown while it lasted. "Hut why?" persisted the yonng inquirer. "I should think that anybody could see there was a fog. and what is the use of blowing a whistle to tell them about it. when there it is if they want to l,-:; at it?" The poor mother sighed and (rave it up. Betrayed I'.y a Chew of Tobarro. The other night a shop on one of the boulevards in l'aris was broken into, and a strong box was found in the morning wrenched open and with the contents missing. At first it was thought that the burglar had left no trace, but on a careful examination of the floor a piece of chewed tobacco was discovered. This caused suspicion to rest on a former employe who was giv en to using tobacco in that particular way. He was found and convicted. In order to understand this incident Americans should recollect that the accomplishment of tobacco-chewing is not a general one in Europe. WSaJREDOTHtft : fvl W.V0B A Bright Lad, Ten years o! age, but who declines to give till name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old. my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said UiiU too. would soon die. and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not die, I would never be able to walk, because 1 was so wealt and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my Anger and It gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, It was sure to become a running sore. 1 had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. It has made me well aud stroug." T. D. M., Morcatur, Hans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you IMi ' "convince the atentie? and point the ... F r I , J wavwmcnit lonoweu i tTirrf.i.T.iiL-i.Mii.irmi'M.i Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille nas been pt up in a pruprlettiry form since 7H. and bus been used for years prior to thut time In private practice. H is no unmea do ui. u doubtful reputHtton, but a nemilne speciiio for a very prevalent disease. Thousands of wen, of all ages, have at Borne time In life brounht on nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious habits, and it is to these that we offer a remedy that will, by Ha direct action upon the seat of the disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to Tlgorous health and strength. .... Ourmethodof introducing Prof. Harris Pastille treatment Is one which commends Itself to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply it upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a postal card andatwo cent postage Btnmp. The postnl card to bo used in sendiiiK us their full ad dress and the postage stamp for the letter return ing the statement of their cane for which we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out, and an envelope addressed to ourselves for uno in returning it when filled. VVnen wo ruceivu me owim ment on blank we prepare eight days' treatment and for wurd It hv mail and prepay ' fRItt postftKO thereon and along TJTWi-w withtlieeignt auys- ireaunBin. XjMKALE, we send full directions for using. The trentmenun nowayiiiwrw- person's attention to butdness, and causes no pain or inconvenience In any way. . We are bo positive that itwill give perfect satis faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having satisfied those sending for trial packages of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they are more largely Interested than oursolves in continuing the use of the Pastilles. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and the same to all. They are as follows: W for one month, 15 fur two months; 17 for three months. TheBe prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mail. If desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For over ten yeara we have ouerated our Iliiili iiin aalirHWlttl business upon this plan with satisfactory results. weaflKau persons neeuing wumiuwu., ir wii Of the secret tils which eome to mankind through a violation of nature's lawa to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PHOP. MA KRIS' SOL UBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES have merit and are what they need. All communications ooundentlal and should ba addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists MBaekman St., NEW YORK CITY, H.T, M;VI.II.W:i:H.l:U.l:U.miJMM-.riFl j A0O wortli of lovely Music for Forty 3 a U CenlS' consisiine of 100 papus r-w. n w ful silc Sieet Tv.usic of tle a- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3 selections, both vocal and Instrumental. a- gotten up in the most elegant manner, in- eluding four large sine Portraits. a aj- GARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, 3 fc: PADEHEWSKI, the Qrcat Pianist, T ADEUNA PAW and S MINNIE SELIBMAN CUniNB. .DORK.. AtL ORDEa, TO THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO JJ; Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. CANVASSERS WANTED. 3 THE OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tba Sam. aa used by thou lands of woman all over the United Htatea, In the LD DOCTORS private mall Pr-icttee, for 38 yeara, and not a alngia bad result. Monev returned if not SB represented. Bead 4 cents latampa) tor sealed particulars. OS. TABD meilTOn, 120 H. VIM St., 6t. tc.!i, US Tears Kxperienee In treatlnpf all vitri fies of Kupture enables us to guaruntoe 8 positive cure, Question Blank: ana Boot nee, utui ur write. VOLTA-MEOICO APPLIANCE CO., J Pine Stroet, . - ST. LOUIS, MO Beduced 13 to 25 poundipermnnth. No ..rvnig, 1.0 inconveu.ence, 10 bud re.uiti, no nsuipnin j ; i ' . "Kronen ua Itricfly cunfl- deiitiil. Utititmn 111 rk ami llook (rc. Call or write DH. H. B, BUTTS, m V.ne fetreet, 6t. Um, Mo. A YEAR FOR LIFE Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct "'"'O pmnn whore was confine ' ''i niiml On making a reauMt to b. l l" lirt Benc of the doomed mn, th i w .- i, iimnl tlmi none hut relaiiTeg were permit piwoner The viBitor said : " Brother. - t..i- i hi net but thtttmiMi'B (the pmoner ii ' ' m t;lthtTf nn. ' , v.-s Ht "luv i Kken to the itriioner. Now, vhttre- i r." Use vnnt'iifr to the tisitor? i - A.Keiiluirint VuhlinhiiKt Company will fire 50 : ' ' hh- lo ihciwrson irmliiiK the first correct an- i it. WlCon, ' 3r,i- VOOl 4th. 9100: 5th 1 ever 10.1.10 olher ar ia. U,llea .,! gent. ,old .nd au.er w.tehei IT..,' Panionil rinss, ate. -, im I., .lie israon aeniliin the last correct .naver will b n u l.ti-loneit i.mno. le the neit to the laat s beauti ,. - ': Z !'0 wU1 reoei" ''"Me prSS KTI.KS.-(l) All snawar. miiat beaent hjmall and a , mark not later ih.n Dec. 31.181)3. (i)ThIr.l in.. Urge whale.er to enter Oil. competition, but .1 '",', V' .'apected to aend on. dollar for '''!l'i".to either Th. Ladiss. Hoi?, M'.-i .,,,ira.iU bapSiedto Ja"t S'e .I jd ., .v,,n. i.i ine nm correct aii.w., recai.ei Fi r;oo.V1etT,,1,tt'' il. 1I111 next pi ire, and ao on Pm; i: Aoiiu i in hist ia an old aat.bli.hed me. .a..ae an.le n,. to enl" it Z e2r?Su73 . ..iia.-. ,se,,d lor printed lUt ol lr7,r pni ', K Th. , ii , , i n. set ? "'"j"" Pntletrw h., :i.'y ...r,l : w; K, LM i a I. i,e f steam1; .SSRrR ,,. I'reaaleM Tite,. Printini, Comr.ni. AfcS r!.-i later all v1'"7.. fMTi'tir...,1.uiTWpV;u;SSdi,',u' V5 Ml IUK1 m mm m wAmez- KM I jTBAtlt MAFlO IE ,.., trtnffuarr, lota or .,,!, ,1 ilrma.t, MI'OUS Peo...., MtwWKV np ,., witting a "" "',', ,,. .11,, if. ii . Ua-vniHh"d . Cliri.apialtlt.lJ 1,: "'i""""' pa WARD INSTITUTE. Oi0 IN HOUSES. ' C'JAKANYfit r. i !. t.Mlainaniiitau) r, . .'. L. ...... ni.'l il lra ! " li i lvW O- KB Pin. 8t, The Old Kcliablc n.-ii w ate-:f;: Kstabllslied ii8 years. Treats mnlo or tn Jlle. and liook f roe. Call or write. - , ..I sm The woral forma poll, Ci Yrn I LlOtlvely"""' 3Sy.ar .ueeaaalulpnelir.. Tr.;tni.nl co.iSJonttal. C lire bTTTll or at unlo.. Taraaw. Oajatiiin Hlaak su. Book Irw. CU or writ.. DR. WARD INSTITUTE, 120N.9lh $t..8t.Uuls.Mo for. ,,I i ,.,. -.r- ssapta.SL ov. au, au. WANTED. $15 A WEEK. Nl.V.?l&'VT;"r'i M . ee.nir.;ni.. a uw, ' ' par AN Icoiiiinsu n imanvnluablo secret thai " y I - i.i. -1.1..1.I for mi c.ti. mo So.uu, ana a ru uuei o.. Mrs. V. WJ. APP. CO. ROB VIS aTHrrT. ST. T.Ol'IS. MO, Dp. Hush's Belts & Appliances bojietl Into medicated. Belts, Suspensories, Spi nal Appliances, Abdom inal Supporters, Vests, omen uus. .in. ere. Cures Rheumatism. J.lver and Kidney Complaints, Ilyspopsift, Jurors or loum, Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Sexuol WeaK ness, and allTroiihlestn Male or lemle. Questioa BlauU and llook tree. Call or write. Volla-lHetlica Appliance to., 133 Pino Street, - SX. LOUIS, BIO. Foot-l'rinls on the Path to Health. Everyone nettling a doctor's ntlvice should rend one of Dr. Foote'a dime pampblets on "Old Eyeo," "Croup, ,'Rtipture," "I'liiiuosis," "Varicocele," Dieense of men, Disease of Women, nntl learn the: beet nienns of sel(-care. M Hill Pnb. Co., 129 East 2Mb St., New York. STOCK BRANDS. While you koop yunr HubsoriiHion y.nul up yi'ii oan krtop your brim J in free of churno. Allvn. T. J.. luiifl. tr. KnrBPB GO on lft Hliouldr; CKttld HHiue ou left hip, uniinr bit on riBlit ear, nun upper bit ou the lett; ihmkb. mor row county. AriBHtronn, J, (., Alpine, Or. T witli bar un der n ou left shoulder of horeeu; out tie (mine on left hip. Allison, O. X)., Ek'ht Milo. Or. Cuttle brand, 0 li on loft hip and hornen name brand on ritfld Bhonkler. IUuko, Kight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppnor, Or. HoreeH, JA con neoted on lelttlutik; cattle. Banie on left hip. Bartholnmew, A. (i , Alpine, Or. Horsm, branded 7 K on either shoulder. Kaue in Mo; nw countv Hloakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. HoraoB, a Hn 01 left shoulder: cattle eame on right shoulder. tianniHter, J. W., Hardman, Ur. I'atlle brand ed II on left hip and thigh: Kplit in each ear, Hrenner, Peter. liooBoherry Oregon ilorseH branded P B on left Bhoulder. Cattle sume on riuht side. Dorice, iu bt i;, Ijoiir tureen, Ur t'n cattlt, MAY connected on loft hip, ciop off left ear, un der half crop off ritfht. IiorneB, eame brand on lelft Bhoulder. ltange in Grunt and Morrow Bounty. tiroMman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 l riahi nhoulder: cattle li on thn left, uida Left ear half crop tnd right ear upper elope, llarton, Wm., i'.Riipner, Or. -HoraoB, J R on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; Hplit in each ear. Ifrown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IH on the right Htiue; cattle same on right hip; rano, Mor row county. rirowu, J . t.., Jleppner. t.'r. JlnrseB, circle C with dot in oei ter on left bin: itui-Mo. hrtku Brown. W.J. . Iamui. Oreiroii. Hnrn v h..r over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle sume on left hip. lover. W. G.. Henimer. Or. IInrnn t-w brand or ntrli. bin catila. Kiiniet uith ut.iw ; e((h ear. Uorg. P. ()., Hoppner, Or. HorsyB, V B on loft should(r; cattle, eame on loft hip. Browulee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle, JH connected on left side; crop n loft ear and two splits and ujiuuiw piwuu uui uui on ngnr ear; on norwts same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley, Grunt county, CarBner Warren. Wagner, Or. ilorson brand ed O on right stifle ; cattle fthrun hum, nn right ribh. croo andsnlit in mj.nlt our ,n Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E., ( aieb,(r.-V D on horseH m left stifle TJ with nuarter nirclo iivnr it .in lufi ui.,ai,iu. and on loft stifle on all colts u-'der 5 voarn; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yearB. All Clark, Wm. H., Lei.a, Or.-Horseb WHO con nected, on left ehoulder: cuttle same ou right hip. Ka:,go Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, t'has. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horsos H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. riange Morrow and Umatilla oouniioH. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JO on left shoulder; cattle same on lefl hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl T. H John Lay, Or.-Double crosa on each hip on cattle, Bwallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Ilange in Grant county, tin sheep, inverted A and Bpoar point ou Bhonldor. liar markoa ewes, crop on left ear pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half orop in left ear, All ratign in Grant countv. Cook A. J.,Lena,Or.-Horsee, OOon right shoul der. t attle Biime on right hip: ear mark eguare Curnn. H. V., CurriuBVifle, Or, left stifle. - Horses, GO ou Cox Kd. B., Hanlman, Or. Cattle. C with r m center: horses. CE on left 'up. Cochran, K. E Monument, Grant Co . Or. HorBesbiandedoircle with bar benmth, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H.j Hardman, Or.-Horsea branded - on right hip Cattle brauded the Bame. Dickiie. khb Horses branded with three tined fork on left stitie. Cattle same on left side. Douglass. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle, K D on "lrieUMp WU W m each 6ftri ho8et, K D Douglas "O. T. Douglas, Or-Horsee TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip rl i' B BA,11B,' ,nKlas, Or.-Horsos brand- hin hiu i i; r1JUiUer' ctttUe m on left ElliotC Wash., Heppner, Or right shouldor. Diamond on Emery. (, Hardman, Or.-Horsoa branded rlrerBCd-CKWl! lt on left Moulder ; 2S tie same on riht hip Range in Morrow county. Meek. Jackson, Heppnor, Or.-Horsea. 7t? connected on rmht. RhniHiar. ...i ....!r! 1 riKht hip. Ear murk, hole in rigff and emp Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattls, LF on el.oi.liler "' .Florence . H'. P. Heppner, Or -Horses, F e right shor.lilei i cattle. F (m riiiht hip or thieh. V?" "W, "r.-Cattle branded U' u." . I1' ""left, side;. crop off left ear. Morsos, same brand on left hip. iray, tjenry, shoulder. Ueppner, Or. GAU on left . b ilman-1 rench. Land and Live Stock Co., Fob. U, Ur. Horses, anchor b on left Bhouldor: vent, san e on left stine. Cattle, same on both hitle mr marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left Kange in billuun, lilliut. Crook and Morrow G,. l-lmel', Kelio Or.-Hor.es brsnded B. S' H .,1"rter circle over it, on left stifle. ""'""" "''" omiuuiaoonutles. Hes.Geo.,Lena,Or, Brand JH connected I wiVi " U- Hl!1'18' uf--.i;attle. round-tup a. ' p !''" circle under it on the right hin " 'D ? '"V W ?!'d l'K'H counties. P "'S!? ?.Jeul. ' Hon. Or-Cttle, two bate I un e'"wr htpi.erop in rnrht ear and split in left ' Horses, Jon right Hugh. Ilange in Hnint countr county ntui.es mmaei, Wagner, Or-J T.l " "i01'1""' 0; Su ght '"land on left swallo; (IU on cattle. right ear and slit i CiT ,,'"'""J''..LUT' " district, Morrow eooni,. "'B" m m Hale. Milton, Wagner, dr.- Hurse, i,H -O- (circle itti iwrslhil tail.) on left , Cattle Mime on left Lip also large (,iroie ' '.'"J; side. " i Hall. Kilwiu, John Pay. Or. Cattle l: H, n r' hip; horsee same on right ehoulder. Ihi b l ttrant county. 'K-'11. Howard. J I,, slltiway, Or. Hoi r! ,.. Willi luir uliov" it) on right lii,uw. ".' I saino on le'l side. Unnge in Sloriow a,.'.i i ''" tills eoiliitin.. -ft-hiigbee. Mat, llopoaor. Or. ,fl , . I lieail on the left shoulder, ltauge HomJ , 'J liunrakur, H , Wagnor. Or -Hon ns II . 1 l,o!,l..r: tie, on lefl hi,,. "' " Wt ; llaniii ty, Albert, N, Oregon-i . oonu. eUHl, on left shoulder; Cuttle ou tl,'i. ,. hip, crop oil loft ear, "m ft Iluuipbror.. J U Uardmau, Or. llru. i. left hank " " nave.. in., nvtmner. ur. Him Hu on left sholildei oallhi. Mtinn on riuht liin 1 Hnston. Lather, Kight Mile, Dr. llorw li the left shoulder and heart on the loft HtifiA i.".0 tlesaiiieonleft liio. Ilai, in M ' """ 1 ' Ivy. Alfred. I-mg Creek, Or-Ctt. "l !','' riul.l Inn. nmlillH left ear nrf 1.., . .u0 same tirnnd on left shoulder Itange li ljn,w oonntv wrant Joliea, Harry, Heppner, Or Hors,s l.,i . HJonllie left shoulder: cattle baanilsd i right hip. also nnderbit in left ear . (a,,i Morniwoeunty. "' m Jnnljin.H. M Heppnw, Or -Horses, hor. shoe J on left shoulder, t attle. th liange ou cigni nine. MO- Johnson. Felii, Lena, Or.-Horses, cirel.T left soliej cattle, same ou right hin. un,l! V. S crop in right anil split in left ear Jenkins, D W.,lt. Vernon,Or, J on h,,. left slioulder; ou pattte, J lefl hlpildt, smooth crops on both earn, liojig,, ii! K " ; two Hearvallai'S iii sud Kenny, Mike, Hoppner, Or. Horena K,.. i j KNV ,.ti lefl hip oattle same and ", f,''i hi: unner aloiia on the right Kirk J. 1'., Hoppnor, Or. Horaia i shoulder: enttle, HW on left hip. Kirk. J (', Heppner. Or. Horses 17 f.Rtik: o.'ittle 17 ou rightaiitA. lw ll leM "U olllisi Kirk. Jesse, lleppuer, Or.; horse- 11 i, shoulder; cattle same on light side, underl.l, right ear. 'ul1 "a Klimberlanil.W.O.. Mount Vernon Or -I I cattle oil right and lefl sides, Bwallow fork i, ear and under otop in right oar. HonL. brand on left Bhoulder. Range in lira l ,',"c Loften, ateplieu, f ox. Or.-fi l,oi U i ' on cattle, crop and split on right ear i '' winio brand ou left Bhoulder. itauw Lii.iiiillen, John W., I.ejl g-. nP,, hmndiHl half-eiioloJI.eoiineotmioi, left t".'," ington" "I,lrr,hiu- '..Zr u!: l.ei,hey. .1. W Heppner Or.-llorsa, brands L and A on h'lt shoulder; eettle same .Ttfl hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in r,l, Laird, Heorge, Heppuar. Or.- IlnrsBs branUctl double H eomeel, , Souietiuies ca 1 , swnig II. on left shoulder. Mnrkham. A. M., Heppner. (Ir-t'flnl i M n l..f, aide lh ears' cropped, and nl ?'fj cmivou luft li"'' 5Iinor, Oscar, neppner nr. rattle m n righthipihorHo. lion left shoulder. D "" MorTOii, N., Heppner, Or. Horsaa on leFl sbonld"! cadlo same on left hip. ' McCnmlier, .las A, Keho, Or.-Horsos.' M will, liar over on nirht shoulder. 1 Morgan. '1'hos.. Heppner, Or. Horses ni.i T on left ehoulder and left thigh; S. f' ri-ht Hugh. " u" Mitchtdl.OHcar.lone, Or.-HorseB, 77 on rirdt hip; cattle, 77 on rightside. im McClarnn, D. G Brownavilln, Or,-HllPHft-Ftcruro 5 on each shoulder; cattle. M'2in hit, MoCarty. David 11. Koho Or. Horees hrnu-hd D-M poniipctd, on the left shoulder; cattle natns nn hip and nide. Mc(Jirr, Frank. Fox Valley, Or.-Mule sIihp with toe-cork on cattle on ribB and under in pach ear: horses name brand ou lft stille, McHaio, . nainuton.Or.-un Hnmiw. with half circle undor on left shoulder; un vt-c four burs connected on top on the right aidn Hnngo in Grant County. nea . Anurew. U)ne Hock, Or. -Horses A N nen nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both Iudh Nordyke, E., HilverNm. Or.-Homes. oirrlt, 1 on left thigh; cattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or.-A 2on OHltln on left hip; on horses, same ou loft thigh, ltani in Grant county. " Oiler, Pony. Lexington, Or. P 0 ou lefl Bhomdci. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On outtla 0 LP connected on left hip; horses on loft stifle und wnrtle on nose, liiturre in Grant county Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or How quar ter circle shield on left shoulder snd 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, ft on left hip. Range on Eight Mite. Parker A Gleason. Hardnian.Or, HomeslPon left shoulder. Piper, Ente-t, Loxington. Or.- Hor-es brand o (L E counseled) on left shoulder ; euHls s moon right hip. Kange, Morrow count. Piper, J. H., Ijexingtim. Or. -Horses, JK nm. necled oidofl shoulder; cattlo, Bame on loft Md, under bit in each ear. Pottys, A. (7., lone, Or.; horses diamond pon Bhoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on tli left hip, upper slope in left ear and Blip In the right. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, J V cou. necied on left shouldar. Cattle OK couiiscted ott left hip, two uuder half crops, one on each ear, wattle umiorthroat. Uai gein Grant oounty. Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. HorseB, eqnnre croBi- with quarts r-circ.'o over it on left stitlo, Reninger, Chris, Ifeppner, Or. HorseH, 0 B on teftshouldei. Rice, Dan, Hardman, Or,; horses, three imnnl worm fence cm left shoulder; ca'tle, DAN on right shoulder. Range near llardinuii. Hoyne. Aaron. lleniuer. Or Hcrnes. ulain V ou left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversHl nv riglit hip and crop off right our. Range in Slor row county. Rush Bros., Hoppner, Or. Horses branded 3 on the right slioulder; cattle, IX on the left hip, crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Kane in Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Ridge, Or. Hornes It m left shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil right ear, nnderbit on left ear. Hlioep, H on w oat hern, round crop oft righ ear. Range Uuia tillaand Morrow c unities. lleaney, Audrew. Lexington, Or. Horflei branded A li on right shoulder, vent quart circle over brand; cattlo same on right hip. Uai'ge Morrow county, Roy hp, Wm. H, Dairyvilie, Or fill connrcta' with quarter circle over top on cattle ou riKlithil and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horsm same brand on loft fehouJi'er. Range in Monw Grant and Gilliam counties. KH.or. J. W., Ueppner, Or, Horseb, JG ofc left slioulder. Cattle, 0 on right Mi,. Spickiiall, J. W., iifioHeborry, Or.- Horew branded Ml on left sh.mlder; lange in Morrow county. Hailing. C C Heppnor, Or Horses branded H A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hwaggart, If. F Lexington, Or. Hordes with daoh under it ou left h title: cattle H with dash under it ou right hip, crop ott rtgiit our and waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Hwaggart. A. L.,AUiona. Or. Horses brande ! on left Bhoulder; cottle same on left tr.p. Cioj! on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Hoppner, Or. Horses shaded J S on left stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow torn in rigm ear, unaermt in lort, bupp, ThoB.. Ueppner, Or. Horeos, 8 APoa left hip; cattle same on left hip. Shrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on horseH on rioht. hin: cut.rie. Hiimfl nn ritfht hip, crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. Range in lirant conutv. Braith Bros., Bnsanville, Or. Horses, branded H. il. on shoulder; cattle, ,-tame on left Hhonliier. Bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JSon left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam counties. HtephenB, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses Btion right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right fiida Stevouaon, Mrs A, J.( Heppner. Or. Cattle, H on right hi ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart, G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Bperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on Left hip, orop off right and nnderbit in left year, dewlap; horses W 0 on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. HorBes, I on Left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tippets,8.T.,Enterprise.0r. Horses. U-on loft shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. SmaH capital left shonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. , . , Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or-Horses HV con nected on right shoulder ;oat tie, same on right hip Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. U on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hiy. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John D,, Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jq on the left shoulder. liHiitn Morrow county. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle "W with quarter circle over it, oo left side, aplit in right ear. HorseH same brand o loft shoulder. Ka"BSin Grant couuty, , . Wright, Bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip. square orop off right ear and split in left, , . Wade, Henry, Hoppner, Or. Horses briuidoa aco of spades on lett shoulder and left hin CaMle branded same on left side and loft hiy. Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horoea, o left shoulder- catt e same Woltinger, John, John Day (Mty.Or-0n hraffirt three parallel liars on left ebonlder; 7 on nheep. bit in both ears. Range in Grant and MhIIium counties. Vvoodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horsos, u connected on left shoulder. , , Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK connected on left stitie, Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or.-Cnttle, W on nghtthiKh, holt in loft ear; homes, W on right shouluer. Bonn Bame on loft ahoulder. Whittier uros., nuniuigton, Bnker Co.. Or. Horses branded W B conuectd ou iof t ihoulder Williams, Vasco, HainUton, Or. Quarter cir cle over threo bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range Grant county. Williams. J 0. Long Creek. Or Horses, que ter circle oyer three bars on left hip; oattle sain and slit in earn ear. Ilange in Grant cnnly Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horeea niLningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Walker Eliiuibeth A Sons, Hardman 0r. Cauje branded (E W connected) EWon lJt Bide, horses same on right shoulder. J. ' Walker's cattle, B.-imeon left hip, horses same on left shoulder. All rauge U Morrow county. Voung, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horn hrtadiW T8on the right th oniric- !