Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 23, 1894, Image 3

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    111 UHii diiHiriitK the iiiwji lion of display iuln.,
or ciiHiiKt-' i ski ue, mimt gut their copy iii
not Inter Until Monday eveiuuK for Tueunty'i
editiou.or liiurnuay evening lor 'ridttyti eui
tlou. ia a'attiuisun 1'uulihhim, tju.
1. TUo iuiq of five ceiiti per line will be
' oliargeU for "cardu o( Umniu," "reolutiuns ol
rtwuout." IihU oi WtiddlUK uruHuuts and donor.
ftiiu obituary notices, (otuur tiiau those the edit
or shall hi nisei I give us a matter ol uews,; aud
notices ol BjHXJial meetings lor whatever purpone.
it. oticoa ox church and society aud ailoiimr
uUsrtuiumouut irom which revenue is to be de
rived, Bha.i be charged lor at tiie rale of live
teuu hub. must! iuio wiu uesuuclly adiier
eu ut in every liitrUtuce.
Advertising rated reasonable aud uiadekuowo
UpoU appUcaUUU.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer a real name in Digued asau evidence ol
good luith.
JLj 1"K Agent, 21 Merchants change,
ban laueibuo, is our auihoiueu agent, inm
paper in kept on tile in hmoiuce.
Stage for Harrimau, Monument, Long Creek
Juiiu Way aim CHiiyou uiy, luavui us uulowa ;
Mary any at i a. iu., exueui buuaay.
A rriven every Uay ttl b p. ui., except .Honda;,
'Ihe cheapest, quickest aud best Hue to or
froui the lumtiur couuuy,
J. o. DELEVAN, Frop.
W. A. Johutuii,Ageut,
Utve your Oumutmi to iltppiter peuptt,
uhU Utcivj ure unmet to Uuim up llupp
ner. I'uli'viuze aiuse wltu palronta
Here and There.
Augii-tC.mrlHt.il) w is in the city Fri
day. Hood's 1 ills are easy aud gentle in
Mrs Annie Ornrap visited friends in
the ci t y Tuesday.
Send your washing to Mra. Nelson, at
tbe MuuutniD House.
Papers for side at the Gazette office at
two-hits u hundred.
Deeds, mortgages, eto, exeouted at
the Unz-tttu office.
Arthur Smitb will clean watches ut
the reduced prioe of 81.
Goo. T. Huberts, the wood and willow
ware mau, was in town Friday Inst.
M. 0. McD.mough noo mpanied Hum
Meadows iu with Iru Hnakina Saturday.
The Heppuer-Oaiiynu stuie line is the
beat, chenpest mid quickest to the in
Chan. Sheldon returned from below
Fridiiy last. (Jhas. looks as natural ns
of old.
F. T. Hurllmrt came up from Ariing
ton mi business yesterday, returning this
Snbsoriptiou8 to tbe Gazette from
now till after the campaign, new ones
mind, $1.00.
If you want a Rood gun or sewinu
machine, come to the Gazette offioe and
we'll fit yu out.
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at he
Gazette office, aud at world's prioes.
Disoounts ou large orders.
II. V. Gates returned to Hillsboro
yesterday. !'o will return in about a
month for u short stuy.
Every nmu who takes any interest in
fnst stork should subscribe for The
Horsomnu. Ouzel re shop, agents.
The UiiZoUo Aill lukcouiinty scrip at
face cm snbucriptioti, mid pay imlance of
ssmein .c:isli i,t highest market prior.
The G..zitio ffiV.o now runs nu in
BUianoe Koil notarial i-hop. Gome in
wheu you want to dp your insuriuy and
Mrs. Celia Boyhan. who lives at the
Mouiiiitm House, desires to do plain sew
ing. Tliose having same will do wtdl to
consult her.
A dance was given up at Win. Straight's
last Frid iy night, at win ou a number of
Heppner people ott -ude I Green .Vl.iib
ews did too 11 till in lc .
Tuoe who have brought in various
kinds of supplies In lieu ol Cush, shou d
oall around nt tins ollice and get credit
for sme if not already uiveu.
Don't overlook Hick Mntdews, of t'ie
City barber shop, for a sirictlv first class
Shave, shampoo, or hair cut. Hoi
baths also dished up to older.
J. F. Spray arrived from Fortlauri
yesterday. He eatne up to look after his
interests here. Mr. Spray reports his
butcher business fairly prosperous in
The Guzette has riO job printer, w, are
iDformeil, but it bus j b work to do all
the time, aud seems to satisfy 111 both
prices aud quality of woik. Bring it iu;
we guarantee satisfaction.
To our custnmeis No diff.-reuce how
large or email your account is, cone in
and settle, either by cush or note Wc
must have one or the other to en ah e
us to s'em the flood. Hayes Bros. 90 f
The W. U G. will. meet on Suturday,
Jan. 27, at the resideuoe of J. B. Sperry.
for the purpose of installation. All
members are requested to be preseut
promptly at 1 o'clock.
Buss Chamberlain returiKd to Hepp
ner last Saturday to finish his work of
registering tbe Chinese iu this city. Bo
fore leaving he reported all registered'
but John .-oil 1 1 vnii. Perhaps Johu is
ready to go bnok to Chin i auyway.
Green -and Hiok Mathews will be
fonud at the City hotel b.rber shop
where anything in the line of the ton
sorial art will be furnished on appli
cation. These gentleman areartists aud
deserve your patronage. Call on them.
Geo. Fell has q lite a trophy iu the
hpe of au Arabian letter. At tbe first
glance it greatly resembles Ctim so
writing, exoept that the former wdte
from right to left, the opposite of the
Euglish, while Chinese writedown the
paper fiom top to bottom.
Arlington Ktoord: Died In this oity
last Sunday moruitig, Sephaniah Divis,
oommonly known as "Old Seph," q.net
ly breathed bis last in ti e Jordou Uotel
For some time past it oould be seen that
Consumption had claimed him. He had
beeu on tbe county for the past mouth
Deoeased was about fifty Seven years of
C'lrvallis Paper: Oliver Gates, sjn of
H. V Gnteg.ex superioledeiitof beO P.
arrived Monday from Hillsboro, and en
tered tbe O. A. O , where be will take a
oourae in uieoi.auical engineering. Uo
to the preseut ho has bien attending tbe
Pacific University at Forest Grov- and
has left that institution to take advan
tage of the superior opportunities offered
by the O. A. C.
J. R. WilkeiiBon. a brother cf F. M.
Wilkensou of this county, aud formerly
a resident-of tbe Goofeberry oonutry.
came up on' last Friday's train from
Douglas oounty, where he has been lo
cated for about four yeara past. Mr.
Wilkenaon returns to Eastern Oregon for
his health, as the valley climate has not
agreed with him.
When on a viit to lows, Mr. K Dil
ton, of Lura, Russell 0oiint, Kai sun,
called at the laboratory ol CliMmnerlain
& Co., Des Moines, 'o show him his six
Jeat old bov. whose life hail nsen saved h
Cbsmb-rlaio's C nigh Remedy, it having
cured him of a very severe tck of
croup. Mr. Ddton is certain that it
'Rved his boy's life and it enthusiastic iu
. his praise of this remedy. For sale by
olocum-Johnsou Drug Co.
Jied Last Salurdi.y eveuiug of OoD
sumpuou, Wiu. Uuuut.au ujred geutle
uiau, wlio bad been oared for by K J,
V nkeug o( Ihia uuv. fur ,,n,u ,,.,.. ...,,
.Ur. Uauut was a uouuty otiurge Iron!
"""""" uuuuiy, out was rem ived to
.u.o aouiiuu ior uis ueuitu. He is re
portea to baveohildreu whu are we dtby,
uo reiuseu to cure for bim. If true
mis iu indeed a sad atory.
For a aore throat there is nothing
"""c iuuu b uauuei oauauge uampened
With (JtiaioliHrlHiM'a pi M.im i, .n
nearly always ttfeoii a cure m oueuigut'i
iiiuo. imj remeuy is also a favorite
for rh uuiatism and laa cured nm
very severe cuaes. 50 oeut bottles for
Bine uy oioouuj-JohUBon Drua Co
J. W. Flanders, representing the Ayer
medicine people, was iu town Friday,
tlUtl WH ftrH ItlMUMAll t,t auu lhn .1..
ziue aud Eagle will represent tbe Ayer
.cuicuicn us mey aeeervo lor another
Mis. Ed. Copuer returned from below
last FuJav, leaving for iioue Kock
SatUrdav. MIim hua ul,.,..af HUA ...
. mmw ujua, iDUUTQim
from tbe uperatiou goue through re-
Was DbadSix Mosihs Kusa T. Cham
berlain, deputy oolleotor of ioterDBl
revenue, arrived gaturduy last on hii
liual tuur of teginterlug Chiueie. In
o mversution with the Gazette's editor iu
regard to war times, he tells au interest-
nig sloiy. Ho was dead for six months,
ai-d bad tlie opportunity of seeing his
grave with headboard a good many
limes. Mr. Chamberlain wus a volunteer
soldier iu a New Euglaud regiment, we
believe from thestateof Vermont. Along
iu 'b4, his regiment was put on skirmish
hue before Petersburg. He was choser,
s a first sergeant to form one of a vidette,
to use bis discretion us to who shou.d
be tbe second man to accompany him.
He selected his faithful "pard" and mess
mate, a man named Oushman. After
maneuvering arouud for a time to coi
uect the skirmish liue with support
either on the right or left, they were
ordered to full back. The rebels beiog
oloae at hand, began firing and Cush
man was iuutantly killed. In half an
hour afterwards Chamberlain and nearly
the whole regiment were oaptured. He
wus sent to AndHrsonville, and remained
there six mouths before being exohanged.
Ou returning to his oompany, be wss
told that he was dead; that his plaoe
had long siuoa been filled by another.
But as be wus a very live, dead man, tbe
captain told him to make himself com
fortuble, and in a few days he was ap
pointed oommissiary sergeant of the
regiment. How the mistake oocurred,
Mr. Chamberlain relates as follows:
Some two or three days after the Peters
burg incident, Cusbuian wasfoUDd dead,
and it being along iu the heated term,
was entirely unreooguizable. In bis
pocket was fouudsslipof paper bear
ing tbe name of Euss T. Chamberlain,
company, regiment, home address, eto.
The o rnclusion was at once reached that
Cushman's rem ins were those of
Chumberlain, and was interred as oould
be best done under the oircumstances, a
cracker box headboard beariug tbe
uuma or xvuss x. uuamoerlain. ibis
is bow Mr. O. was dead for six month.
Dun Galligher, of this plaoe, will verify
the statement as made by Mr. Chamber
lain, . ... t.
Two AitiiEsTa. Sheriff Noble received
a telegram from Sherifl Weatherford, of
Do tun, Wash., Eriday last requesting
bim to arrest Iru Hoskius who had been
charged with larceny up there, but had
left that sectiou on horsebaok, saying
that lie was going to visit relatives near
rl .rdm in, Morrow county, Oregou. Mr.
Noble sent word by Saturday's mail to
0 nis,tu de Meadows, iiuihoriziiig him to
air.'St Hoskius. Mr. Meadows found
ti -it-k i ii h about two miles from Hurd
niiiii, wh n he was promptly arrested
aud brought in. Sheriff Noble also re
ceived a telegram from Umatilla ooun
h authorities telling bim that tbey bad
arrested Charles Mackey near Mencbam
aspi-rhis icqiiest. Mauy will remem
ber that Muckey was indicted at the
Al ,rch term of court, but failed to show
up for tnul at the full session. Sheriff
Noble had heaid of bim indirectly
eeveral times, but was unable to looate
him until heard of over in Omatilla
oounty. A deputy departed yesterday
(or Pendieton with Hoskius, where he
will be turned over to Culnmbia oounty
authorities and Mackey received and
bionght here.
Quite Sekious. Tom Bradley, for
merly of this plaoe, slipped and fell while
ascending a Sigiit of si -lira in Pendleton
recently, slightly soratohiug hs knee,
At first he thought nothing of tbe mat
ter, but shortly afterwards it beoame a
source of mnoh annoyance to him,
swelling and enlarging greatly. Tbe
physician was oompelled to apply the
lance in four places, desisting only at
Ihe earnest entreaty of Mr. Bradley. At
lust reports Tom was getting along very
Fell Through the Skiliqht. Sun
day wh le Dave MoAtee was assisting
in removing th i weight of snow from tbe
roof of the wareroom of the C. S. Van
Duyn store, he was anfortunate enough
to fall through the Bkylight, braising
him considerably, eoratohing his faoe,
but on tbe whole not sustaining as
severe ii juries as suoh an accident in
moat cuses would have inflicted. He
was able to be around after the mishap
but complained considerably of a
strcuched back.
House Fell on bm. -Frank Sloan is
on crutches from tbe effects of having a
horse fall on bim cue day last week.
He is not seriously injured, but tbe ex
perience is probably all that Frank cared
for in one dose. It is Baid we gain
wisdom by experience, bnt one of that
sort is more liable to knock braius out
of ua than to put more in tbe top story
where they rightfully belong.
Meat !"hieve3. Sime person or per
sons in our little town of Heppner has
a tooth for meat mutton at that. It is
a good thing, under the circnmstanceB,
that it. is cheap and that dreased mrjtton
it selling at foreign market figures.
Lis- week ttiese culprits took some
mat ton from the resideuoe of Be. Deni
sou, and also from the batcber-sbop.
No due to the perpetrators.
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's.
if '-i -
Mr. D. W. Bridge
"0. 1. Hood Si Co., Lowell. Masi.i
"Dear Sirs: During the whiter ami iprlng I
hitvs used a dozen bottles of Hood's ftinapv
ruia in my lamiiy, ana i am quite euro wo liava
been greatly beuented by It. For yean I hnro
been troubled wjtli Indigestion, accompanied.
by sympathetic heart trouble, aud Hood's Bar
laparllla has done me very much good. We
have also given It to the children for Impure
blood and ringworms with very good results."
D. W. Bkidges, Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. If you decide to take Rood's Sarsapa
riiia do not be induced to buy any otber.
Hood's Plllscureall Liver Ills, Biliousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 26c.
I Hair Death
fg, instantly removes and forever destroys 06-
tie! it.nnill r hnir. .nhfither unnn t..
w arnu or nec, mrtioul discoloration or ia-1
O jw.v to the most delicate skin. It was for p
e til ty years the sm-ret formula of Erasmus W
ffl Wilson, acknowledged by physicians 08S
,-3. the highest authority ai.ii the. mrmt ami.
'lent dermatologist and hair specialists
that ever lived. During his nriiptlf-A nrtffi
a life-time among the nobilitv and aria, tft
tocracy of Europe he precribed this rec
ipe. Price St by imiif. securely packed.
Correspondence confidential. Bole Agents
for America. Address.
The Mioolium Rjot Hair Grower Co.
88 Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New f
Have Done Well by the Town.
Though the Heppner Light 4 Water Co.
have not grown rich ou the net profits
acoruing from their business of tbe past
year, they have dooe well by the town
of Heppner. In the first plaoe the
company exceeded its contract in the
the quality of maohinery and material
put in, and also as to the capaoity of
reservoirs. Their water and light
service bas been the b-st. Our streets
have been well lighted, and this year
will be furnished at a prioe 330 below
last year, giving, so far as tbe town is
concerned, all the light that will be
needed. .The health of the town has
been wonderfully good through use of
the artesian water, while those using
lights in dwellings and stores have been
more than pleased with the service, and
now would hardly know hour to do with
out it. . Heppuer should be thankful,
aud we believe is for suoh a complete
system of waterworks undeleotric lights,
and would under no ciroumstances re
turn to tbe old era of wells and ooal oil
lamps Had tbe town not accepted the
proLosition of Mr. Gales, it is now plain
that we would Dever bave had anything
of tbe sort, not within the next few
years at best.
Additions to Water System. -The
lleopner Light & Water Co. have pur
chased the Ayers & Hamilton reservoir
and material connected therewith, add-
iug same to their already extensive
system of waterorka. The reservoir
purchased holds $60,i 00 gallons of water,
and will be used for domestic purposes.
In the event that something should go
wrong with this, the covered reservoir ou
the hill can be used, as it will always be
full ready for eervioe. By adding the
small reservoir, a greater quantity of
water can be held in reserve for fire
purposes, and any ordinary repairs will
not necessitate shutting off the water
supply. We understand that the town
oounoil approve this Bction of the
company as being to the best interests
of both company and town.
Kip's Wood Yard. The Heppuer
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your resideuoe, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood Bawed and delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord: three times, 81.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan S Howard s. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er Bnd repnirer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
sioV building, on May street-, where be
is prenared to do eveiything in his line.
Mr btrbeck is strictly a nrst-ciass work
mnn and warrants all work. Give him a
oall Wwtt
The Studebaker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'e. a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson AOo.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, npinm, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everytme. a
If von want to boy groceries, and
bread stuff obeap, go to the Enterprise
Qrooery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Roro. the ieweler. is tbe :nan to fix np
your watoh or clock. Le keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
M T.inlitorithal A Co.'s new stock of
splendid, snmmer hnttnn nnd tie special
ties in the Bboe line are aur.icuog mail
ed attention. 8
The general merchandise establish
ed fnrmorlv owned by Coffin & McFar-
laud, lina lately changed bands, now be
ing under the control aud management
of The McFarland Mercantile Cumpanv,
which continues business at tue out Btana
with t larger stock than ever. a
Reserved for McFarland Meucantile Co.
life want it for a moment to inform you that
' ' the stock of C. S.
posed of at Assignee's
ces. The stock is
been largely im reased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. Hornor,
Closing out the entire stock
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. at
Cost for Cash-
Call and Secure
He Tells a Yarn tliollko of Which Hsi
Never ilefia-e lfven Heard.
Among the recently invigorated liars ol
the town is one who has just returned from
a session with ozone In Colorado, savs the
Omaha World Herald. It was his first trip
through the niuumuins and he was much
affected bj the feuls of engineering skill
thert manifested, as witness the following:
"1 had heard of tho curve on the fennsyl.
vania, where according to the time-card
chedule, the engineer is obliged to lean out
A his cab and exciiunge tooacco with the
orakeman on the rear cud, so as to give the
passengers something to talk about, and
uow 1 believe it. There was an old, honest,
horny-handed miner rode over the road out
of Denver with me una he told me several
things. Onco whue we were being jerked
around the edge ol themouniains and could
look out from under tne roots of our hair at
the track opposite In tne vaney he told me
stale. Said he:
" 'That yere track down yan la the one
we're onto, but we won't tech It for an
hour. We run up the ravine an' down the
side of the mountain an' douoie back
Down thar is wher' Jim Lyle saved the pay
master o' the road.'
"'Howi' 1 inquired.
" 'It were this way: The paymaster's cai
was hitched onto tho hind end o' the freight
train, b:s own engine Imvin' had a little
trouble wilh her niunm' gear an' beln'
abandoned for niv'i.ir. up the road. Well,
the tram v:ia siioruii' and orawlin' aroun1
the mou'.t.:iti, when all of a suuden the
back orauouian comes a runnin' up an' yells
to dim:
""Full out! Pull out! They's a gang o'
rustlers bus cuught the engine an' are
humpin' afier us! Pull I" j
" 'Well, Jim Ly!o noticed that. He seen
at wunct. that tho engine had been fixed up
an' that tua rustle had took her to ketch
him an' git tho dust m the paymaster's car,
so he puiied out ngnl peart an1 tried to
outrace 'em, but it wau t no go. They kep-1
gitlin' up on him.
Tretty soon he itruok the begtnnin' o'
this yerocurvo. Ho didn't s.acg a breath '
the conductor uume rusniu
up an' bel
. "Fer God's salic, v. !i it kin we dol
we run this we 11 elm ' a rail."
" ' "Hallright," Siki Jim Lvle. "If I cal
elate rightly that car's suved," an1 he gave
her another pull out uu' just as wo reachou
right here he jerked her wide open. Then
we see what wus what. Lookm' back I,
oein' on the train, soen tne last coach go up
in the air, there was a jerk, an' away over
into the canyon she went.'
"'Well, wnere does the salvation of the
ooachcome int' Iusited. 'I don't see any
particular advantage in being spilled over
a mounuun-siuo ana being snot by train,
'"Now, don't git frisky,' said the olo
mau. 'I'm tellin' this yere an' I an't done
That there coach, as I say, sailed ovoi
offln the track just like tne hind boy did
when you used to play "crack tne whip" at
school. It floated down as nice as you
please an' lit on the track below in tfte val
ley, an' with the force it was slung rolle,
ten miles to the next stauon. When wi
got there it was in on the sldin' an' w
pulled by, an' when the light engine loa
o' rustlers come bullin' aiong the towni
people was waitin1 fcr 'em an' the ne-
oemetery was started in good shape."'
At Abrabamaick'a. In addition to his
tailoring business, be bas added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also bas on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppuer, Or.
Cbilla and fever of three ynrs stand
ing cured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
E. Watkuis, Walkius house, Uutou
ville, Ky.
Take! Take!
Take Simmons Liver
dyspepsia, constipation
Regulator for
and heartburn.
Van Duyn is being dis
Sale, at way-down pri
clean and iresh, having
Geo. Conser,
a Grood Bargain.
T. QuID,
, Assignee
Plenty of
Gazette O
Th Clest
1889, I wai
case in St. 1
Aing-e, of tl;
Western railv
aid reporter,
in the Unior
pected par
filled v
j, 'Ontario &
ic to a Utica Her
'& was one day standing
aot watching for a sua
,4en a train came in well
;nrers. Amonrr those
who alighted was a wealthy gentlemar
from the Pacific coast. Just as he
stepped on the platform a handsome
young woman, apparently about twen
ty years of age, rushed into his arms
saying: 'Oh, papa, papa, I'm so glad
you've come,' nnd with that she begar
to shower the bewildered Californiar
with kisses. Then she gave a short
frightened scream, rushed through the
crowd, entered a hack, and was driver
away. We all supposed it was a case ol
mistaken identity. The Californian en
joyed the mistake.
"He came to me and the railway of
ficer, who were talking about some
business, and said it was a good joke,
and he guessed we had better take some
thing on the strength of it, as the kissel
were worth considerable. Wc proceed
ed to the hotel, and he took his smile
while the officer and myself took 8
cigar. When the Westerner came to pay
for the wine and cigars he discovered
that his pocket-book and two hundred
dollars were gone. Further search de
veloped the fact that his fine gold watch
and diamond shirt stud were also miss
ing. The Californian could not imag
ine whero or when the things had been
taken. I examined his shirt front and
discovered teeth marks where the dia
mond stud had been. There was no
doubt that the handsome girl who irave
him such an affectionate embrace had
done the work. The Californian was
mad, and culled the policeman a dolt.
After telling him that I was a detec
tive, he asked mo to take charge of the
case and find the girl and he would pay
me for services and all expenses. After
placing my special afrent on the case I
wasthen engaged with I proceeded to
Minneapolis, where I located the wom
an at one of the hotels. She had regis
tered from Milwaukee. When I arrest
ed her she told me her history. She had
been a member of a wealthy family in
Colorado. I told her that if she would
return the money, watch nnd diamond
stud the Californian would likely not
prosecute her. I wired him and he an
swered the telegram in person. The
woman puvc him nil the plunder, and
then she told him her story of misfort
une, lie was much impressed by the
recital, and I saw lain with her at the
theater about a week afterward."
Land Fob Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson orairie. A good stock ranob un
will be sold cheap. Call at Ouu'Ae
office for particulars and terms. ;'.
Following uitruotlons.
At a hotel a waiter carao out of the
soffee-room and informed the manager
that a man was raising a disturbance
because he could not have his accus
tomod scat at tho tablo. "Go in again,"
Bald the manager, "and propitiate him
In some way." Back went tho waiter,
and said: "If you don't like the way
things is done hero you can get out, oi
I'll DroDltiae you pretty quick."
Book keepers and others of sedentary
habits cure oonstipat ion wiib Simmons
Liver Regulator,
P.-g. ffOTPgoi go,
Ljaving put their business upon a tem
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing r ower than
We most get our stock : into i money, and
oomee in Bight. Shake your
Not only once, but BgainaDd again. Tbey know that from ns they alweys get
full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we Bell the best 1b ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ob friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want yon to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
Out fori -
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
ihe Enterprise Bakery and Grow Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a fall line of
A full line of choice Pies. Cnkis
usually kept iu a first-class bakery store.
try them.
Disease oommonly comes nn wilh slight symptoms, which when negleofed in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
If you ore Wl.fors, eONHTIPATKD or T
you SUFFER MSTHEss after eatluu, TAKE-
Ripans Tabules act gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, stomach and intes
tines; cleanse the system ellectiiHlly ; cure dyspepsia, habitual onnstipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One Tabutb taken at the first ndioation of indigestion
biliousness, distress nfter eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty. H
Ripans Tabules are prepared from n prescription widely need by the best
physioians, aud are presented in the form mint apprcved by modern scienoe.
It given a fair trial Ripans Tubules are au infallible cure; tbey oontaiu nothiue
injurious Bud are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by the
wholesale and retail ageuts, , '
Local druggists everywhere will supply
They are Easy lo Tale, Quick to
SamplM EY on ppU.etln to
Yes, there are many of them.
Somovery good, some bad.
Bad drukis are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
. . , Pure dras are Ifeat helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions qniokly,
lo charge for them reasonably.
he Lancashire Insurance Co.
tf. I'AllLlttltt, AllLM OnoottheHo,tI
ever before known
profits are no objeot when Ihe money
oash at us and see na tumble.
t 1 a w
& CO.I
Heppner, Oreeon.
Etc, Eto.
Trust Busts
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sure
and Provisions.
nnd Ttiend in taM cc, ll,; n,..,
Tbey will sell cheap foi cash. Call eno
the Tubules if requested to do so.
Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill.
ti. Blpani CliTiilcal
Co., lT-wr
can do better than this?