Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 23, 1894, Image 2

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    m "io sell " you W
HOne of the Best Heees of Land in Morrow County
CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjuiuiug, of wLk-b .Wiled lam. Uare
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber
Good, deeded
Qive your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold oach and every correspondent re
nomlble for nil or her communication. M
wre'pondence will be publlihed unleM the
wrlto A real name Is signed as an evidence ol
good faith.
Did son ever
Read about the
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That ia like
Doing baainena
Without advertising.
All the
Snide Bohemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as ranch
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper.
One that
In read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
ExMaTo It. Alexander, of Pendle-
toD, has decided to allow his name to be
used before the republican eonvention
bi a oandidBte fur state Beoator.
T el Cm i ... vv
.juilnfirintppdent of
Oregon Fopnlist.
Hon. II. Blaokman hns been oon
firmed by the senate. J. Soott Uarrison
of Kaneiia City, who was appointed
surveyor of oustoms, was not so lucky
and takes a plaoe along with Horn
It has been praotioally decided to
hold the oongressional nominating oon
Teutions one day ahead of the state
convention. The first district conven
tion will be held at Bnlum and the
second at 1'urtluud.
J. II. Stanley, Supt. of Washington
county, is spoken of as the possible
oandidate on the republican ticket for
Statu Supt. Me is well known throngl
out the eastern and middle parts of the
state, mid will in all probabilities be
nominated. YaquiiiB Bay News.
Ir ruun trade is such a graud and
noble thing, why is it that o itlle cannot
be shipped up into British Columbia
without the payment of a heavy duty?
Thoy will tell you that it is to protect
local cattle raisers. Why then should
a protective tariff be so awfully bad fo
our couutry?
Tna Giizetto says "Heppner is the
biggest little town iu the Northwest.
This is since Black in an got there
That's right. Stand up for your town
Heppner may produce a president yet
Salem Statesman. It has already
howu up a congressman Bud other
dignitaries of lesser importance, and
might yield up something bigger, that's
a fact.
Tub Union County Farmer, published
at La Grande, has fallen iuto error by
asserting that the Qnzotte has ut tucked
the populint party because it published
undeniable truths about Prof. Kork
If Hi irk is the populist party, we have
certainly made a showing that is nut
enviable; and more it is gospel truth,
every word of it. But we have not oon
sidered the matter ooiioeming liork any
thing against the party, any further
than that thoy are uu fortunate in hav
ing such a leader. It was expected that
an investigation would be made, and the
aforesaid gentleman summarily bounced,
or the Gazette prosecuted if wrong
statements had beeu made. If the
populist party aud their newspapers
propose to stand back and say that the
Gazette was wrong, bwiiIIow liork and
bis whole vile oareer, so muoh the worse
for them. This we bad not anticipated.
And furthermore, we have nut told the
half concerning the dirty doings of the
mac. It is to be regretted that the
eolumns of any paper should have to be
besmirohed by stories of such beastliness,
but for the benefit of the people it is
necessary. Therefore we will say that
we are not through with the Prof, yet,
but we earnestly hope that when we are,
that the populiat party w ill be ready to
give him "the bonuoe," and Dot to fly
off with "its a lie." It we have defamed
the populist party aud Prof, liork we
re ready to suffer the oonsequenoee.
ranch, 320 acred, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and ou cwy
Fbom oliopings published in this issue,
it will be seen that Prof. J. H. Stanley,
formerly sobool superintendent of this
county and prinoipal of the Heppner
schools, now superintendentof Washing
ton c.iunty and prinoipal of the Hillshoro
schools, is spoken of as the probable
nominee of the republioan party for
state superintendent. Nothing would
please the Gazette more than such an
action on the part of the republioan
state convention. As Supt. McElroy
will probably be the successful nominee
of that party for secretary of state, Prof.
Stanley will have no opposition in that
dirfotion, and really it would seem that
the Prof, is "in it," provided be will
ullow his name to be used, and of which
we have no doubt, if his interests in
Washington county are such that he
can leave that section. We take it for
granted that be oan, and will, muke the
race, if nominated, therefore we take
groat pleasure in endorsing rum. no
better man nor more ableeduoator oould
be put up by the republioan party. We
leBrn.inoidontally, that other papers be
sides thoae of republican proolivities
have spoken very highly of Prof. Stanley
in connection with the state superinteud
ency of publio inBtruotion.
Tub Arlington Record appears to be
antagonistio to Mr. Llhs re-eleotion,
and says if Hon. J. H. Haley, of Pen
dleton, ia pitted against him ha will
lead Ellis in Eastern Oregon by 1000
mnjority. This is not true. Mr. Ellis
is popular in his district, and, if re
nominated, will ba elected by a larger
majority than he was two years ago.
One term in oongress simply introduces
a man into the vestibule of legislation.
Another two years is hardly enough to
make him an effective worker for the
interests of hia oouetituents. Tir"e,
Mountaineer. Y.
oourt'has again made its appearatfCBj,
aud aunounces the style of the r-''
will be entirely different from
and that its attempt will be tf'
shine instead of additional '
uuiuriuuaie. w e comra
and wish the gentlemen Bucoess
Mr. J. P. Blaize. an extensive real
estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa,
narrowly esoaped one of the severest
attacks of pneumonia while in the
northern part of that state during
recent blizzard, says the Saturday
Keview. Mr. liiaize had occasion to
drive several miles during the etorm and
was so thoroughly ohilled that he was
nimble to get warm, and inside of an
hour after his return he was threatened
with a severe oas- of pneumonia or lung
fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest
drug store and got a bottle of Chamber
lain a Cough Ueinedy, of whioh he bad
ofleu heard, nud took a number of large
doses. He says the effuot was wonder
ful and in a short time he was breathing
easily. He kept on taking the medicine
and the uczt day was Bble to come to
Des Moines. Mr. liiaize regards bis
cure as simply wonderful. For sale by
oiooutu jonusou Drug Uo.
After a spell of freezing weather the
chiuook has put iu its appeaiauoe.
We have moisture iu pleuty, and all
look for a bouutiful harvest this coming
We doubt whether there are many
who would wish themselves iu the
presidential chair at the present time
We fur one could not be forced iuto old
Urover's bouts.
An iiocideut A dynamite bomb was
thrown by some unknown person iu the
city of Douglas, instantly killing and
hlowmg the editor and bis bundle of
papers into a thousand atoms The
inquest was held Tuesday evening.
There Beems to have been some mis
understanding about our school. The
direotors siui dy desired it postponed,
aud it therefore closed last Tuesday
We humbly beg pardon for Buy mis
representation of true facts as it was
done unknowingly and without malice.
If Ihat gentleman who has been a
Bciiooi oiuoer lor turee years, would go
home and Btudy the school laws instead
of spreading the report that Supt. Snl
ing bus issued state Certificates to cer
tain teaoherB through fraud, he would
tlud that a oonnty superintendent of
schools has nothing to do with granting
state certificates, aud that State Supt.
E. B. McElroy alone, has the right to
grant them. Iu all our dealings with
Supt. Saling, we have found him honest
ud upright iu every inslanoe.
Arrested-Ia the city of Douglas, the
new editor, John League. His trial
occurred Tuesday evening and after
eing Bbly defended, the jury pro-
Dounoed him not guilty. It was the
argest gathering at the court house,
the city has wi 'nested for several years.
The room was filled to oveitlow, benches
broke, window panes craoked Bud all
seemed to have enjoyed themselves
lone, Or., January 13, 18D4.
culture claim, 8800.
The wife of the llln-trli.nn Soldier ar.d Stale.
niau-A Writer of Ability.
The mime of John X.hrt ia familiar
in ewry household ii America. A-i a
ed b
all. N'. t
1. ss il
I id i ri
tins of
Aiqki i
cm wo
men i
his wife
the cut
h e r e
w i t h
a fair
rei re -
eeuiation of her as she apptars m i .
lieautiful iu middle aged mntrimh-iod.
she is none the less vigoroiis and pleaa
ing as iipriter of fact, ftVioii and pistry.
holding lit present, an important position
on a Washington, D d., Indies' magnzirie.
Shn.it is said, more tbiin one pu-hni
her hunband to the front, for though he
was ambitious and had abundant ability,
he often grew drj-ctod arid g va up a
Qahttoo Boon. It w,m ia sucli emer-
geucies that his charming wife oirua to
the rescue, tiviug him g od oonnsel and
AnnriKD wliinh more than once led to
victory and to honor. Mrs. John A.
Logan is oue of a typoVpf American
women of which all tine patriots should
feel proud.
?ry strange
To some pep"
To see a coV
AaV- .0""
a 'BtP
There he i. ,
si fJJifdair
Early next morning he had to go
Throught sleet and Eiouutains of drifted snow.
Yea, he had to go against wind and qlcct
For life to a man you know Is Bwect;
Poor broocho grew tired, stiff and lame
But the poor dumb brute was not to blame.
The cowboy to himself softly said
"Give me my choice, 1 wish I were dead;"
Then he gave up in complete dcBjmir
When avoice he heard in the night air.
"Uet olT your horse, Bill, and stop tonight,
Slipper is ready, come have a bite;"
Sttil'and numb with cold he could not stand.
Too, he had lost use of his right hand,
Tom at once saw his situation,
Aud was equal to the occasion;
For with stimulants he brought him to,
But it was as much as he could do.
Yes, this man, assisted by his wife,
Succeeded in saving poor Hill's life;
Being under shelter and well fed,
He lay down on a soft feather bed.
Next morn when he 'woke he looked
Wondering how lie came to be here
Now the compliments of the day past,
"Have a seat," said Tom, "and break your fast.1
Having eaten and ready to go,
Uo said to Tom, "How much do I owe
For this kind treatment, a bed aud hay?"
"Friendship Bill, we've met before today."
He mounted horse and was soon ou way,
But only wished that he could pray;
For had he learned to in his life,
He would have blessed this man and wife.
Now that he has lain up quite a store,
Something like ten thousand, perhaps more;
He believed It full time to change,
And thus be seen no more on the range.
You may bclievo this all a fable,
Then learn my name if you are able ;
But if anxious to know, it is Tcck,
And I hunted on the range with 1'eck.
"How to Care All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
faoe, bands, noae, c, leaving the skin
olear, white and healthly. Its great
healing aud ourative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Oiutmeut. ew 1 jr.
It will take only HJ812 to buy it; 480
acres, 2H0 Bores plow land; one-half
mile running water. Improvements:
40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated. 2
bouses and stable, spring aud miuor
mprovemeuts. Adapted to farming,
sheep aud hograising. An extensive
sheep range joining to lWk creek.
Terms: 8110 dowu; remainder on long
time. Looatiou: Ou county road, two
aud one-half miles west of Rood bill,
Eight Mile, Or. 320 sores for 510, or
$108 for ownership in 160 acres school
laud or will exchange for two good
horses. Original cost of eohool land.
SiiiO. Apply at Heppner Gazette office.
Heppner Oregon. 199 tl ew.
It is probably not the ooldest weather
you ever knew in ).onr life; but that is
how you feel i list now. because rmut
sufferings sre soon forgotten, snd be
cause VOIir blood net'iU Hia Anrinhn,..
I invigorating influence of Ayer'i Saraa
I parilla the Superior medioina.
stiilesuiio, a'ltli r and i
be wna in the fr""t "ink, umI ill "l
, laml, and
ore HO acres gord farming
For further information call at our office,
There was never a time in the hBor
of our country when the tiernnml for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and scienoes generally was so great us
.,i,,- TIip nonveniences of mankind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in oraeiul
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance aud impliments of each
iu order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the admii)itra-
on government does not affect the
nrot-ress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per-
fiive the existing deficiencies, d ies not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly oonooiving the
remedy to overcome existiug discrepan
cies. Too great care oannot D8 exer
cised in ohooaing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and de.stroyeu in
innumerable instances by the employ
moot of incompetent oounsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
dbv" svstem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this olass of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to
af an allowanoe and obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn. General Manager,
018 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C,
repieseniiug a large number of impor
tant dailv and weekly papers, anil gen
eral periodicals of the country , was in
stituted to proteot its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
puny Is prapareu m vane cunrge 01 an
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, inolnding me-
obauioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, Inbels, copyrights, interfer
ences. infringements, validity reports
and gives especial attenion to reiectn
cases. It is alao prepared to entjr int
competition with any firm iu semiring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions aud advice.
Joun Wkddebbubn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Aver's Sarsapsrilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood pnnher allowed ou exhibition
at the World's fair, Chicago. Man
ufacturers of other Sarsaniirilla sonsht
by every means to obtain n showing for
tlieir goods but they were all turned
away under the application of the rule
forbidding the entry of patent medioines
aud nostrums. The decision of the
World's Fair olBcals in favor of Aver'
SarBaparilla was in effect aa follows:
Ayers S.irsaparilla is not a oatent
meilioine. it does not belong to the list
of nostrums. It is here ou its merits."
The seooud term of school has beiiun
with a large attendance, several new
students beginning this term.
Prof. Uoruer has considerable of hia
work ready for the Mid witter fair. The
mechanical students m ide some bind
ings out of wood for th esaiyj.
The olasj iu ohemistry are stu.lviiiB
this term the subject of "Oualitative
Aualysia." This is a difHoult oarl nf
chemistry but an important part.
Prof French is preparing a bulletin
on pigs. This work is based oil his
experiments very lately oonduoteit
tue college farm. No farmer should be
without these free reports.
During the reoent illness of E. M
Belknap, A. O. Lewia hue been Ailing
his plaoe. Mr. Lewis has full charge
of the eleotrio lights. He receiveil hia
kuowledg of meohauios here at the
U. A. U.
Pio'. Ooote is at work isauiuir a hul.
letiu on small fruit. It contains much
valuable matter and importaut faots
which lie at the foundation of tne sun.
oessful cultivation of this important
The O. A. C. received a c'jallenui.
from Multnomah foot ball eleven and
t was promptly acoeoted. The sama
will be playea Jan. 19tb. TheO. A.O-
eleven are dietiug themselves and take
their training every day.
' Contributor,
Corvallis, Jan, 15, 1894.
Prevention is Better
Than cure, and those wbo are enbject
to rbenmatism oau prevent an attack by
keeping the blood pnre and free irom
the acid which causes the disease. You
oan rely upon Hood's Sareaparilla as a
retllPflv for rlmnnialiflm un.4 nu...-k
also for every form of scrofula, salt
rueuai, ooiib auu oiner diseases oaused
by iuiOUre blood. It tnnna mil ;ti,..
the who e system.
the balance A 1 I astu.e. The deeded Ian
Deeded ranch, 160 ASo Hb tbeEaft and has"
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, ow
Wheat, bu
Flotir.bbl 2
Beeves, cows & two.year-olds.cwt. 1 ou
" three " 1 78 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head . . . . 1 SO 2 25
" stock 15
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 7,kV
Hogs, dressed 6 50 ?7lK)
Wool 0 10
Horses, slow sale. .
Butter, roll O
Egge.dnz ; M
Chickens, doz A uu
Wheat, cwt 1 03 11 1 08
Beeves, stall fed ,
Muttons, cwt 5SSX
Hogs, cwt 4,05?:
Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 10 ( f
Butter, lb
Eggs,doz ,ifim
Chiokeus, d 5 60(!
Turkeys, tt) 15 ls
Wheat, cwt 8 uj 95
Flonr.bbl 29"I5
Beeves, 0 w t
" dressed 3 50 0600
Muttims. live sheared ... 2 50 3 00
dressed 5 7fi 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 0
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Buffer 20 30
Eggs, doz 27K 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 50
Tnrkeys lb 15 0 1"
Administrator's sale.
I J iMmed out of the County Court of Oregon,
for Morrow county, on the 6th day of Nov. A. I).
1MU3. The umlersiitnea auniuimiiKu'i
estate of James 3. Breeding, deceased, w 11 on
afternoon of said day, in front of the court
house door, In Heppner, Morrow county
Oregon, sell to the hliiliest bidder for cash In
hand all the rleht, title and Interest of laid
James S. Breeding, deceased, in and to the
lilUOWlllg oesiTlUt-a iem H'.'HV. "-
W' of Nee. 18. To '2 8 K 26 E. W. M., situated
in Morrow county. Btate of Oregon.
The same to be sold in parcels of forty acres
each, or as a whole as to the administrator
may seem best on day of sale. Dated this loth
any oi jau. a. u. .i'i'"
Stockholders Meeting.
11 annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
National Bank of Heppner will be held at Its
banking house on the third Saturday In Ket.
18'Jl, between the time of 10 a. m., and 4 p. m.
of said dHy, fur the purpose of electing directors
and attending to such other business as may
come before tho meeting.
En. R. Bisiior,
lleppner, or., Jan. 10, 1894. l'.iii 06
Jan. i t, lmii.
Brown Mary
Conn Dave
Hoyd John
Humphrey L W
Montgomery Mr 0
Campbell R J
Dyre Mrs D
Hamm Perry
King Eva A
Smith Lettie
spencer A J
Wilson B
Whptl Cnlllnir far Ik... l
advertised. A. M ili.imy P.
e"red In one painli ss treatment.
wimuui mut. n, lost of Um
front buiinen. Pl,tua tu .
n , tc, slto cured. : yeere' tm.
rTV Qntltlon Blink and Book I... r.n ... ..i.I
V mt, 0 R. H. B. BUTTS,
I 6J2 Pine Street. St. Louis, Mo.
Ayer's Pills are constantly advancing
hi mo eoiimaiion or inose wbo use tbem.
They improve the appetite, promote
digestion, restore healthy aotion, und
reguUte every function. They are
pleasant to take, gentle in their operation
and powerful in subduing disease.
Uld How an Attempt to Frighten the
bruEBlst Failed.
A weary-looking; young woman came
into a Second avenue drug store when a
New York World reporter was waiting
for the shower to pass over and plain
tively said to the druggist:
"I have had another quarrel with
Mike, and I do not care to live anv
"Yes, just so, just so," he replied, as
be briskly rubbed his hands together.
"Anything I can do for you to-day?"
"1 think I will take strychnine," she
slowly replied, as she cast her eves
along the shelves.
"Exactly, ma'am; finest strychnine in
AewYork. I suppose you want about
a dime's worth."
"Would arsenic be better?" she asked
as he held the jar in his hands.
"Xo better, hut fully as good, ma'am
I have a fine lot of arsenic on hand just
now, and can warrant it full strength.
Just make a ham s:i:ulwieh and spread
on fifteen cents' w n-ih."
"-Meb',e." she divru-ily replied as he
waited, "im bue rough on rats would be
"Just as you thin'c, ma'am. (Jive you
a selection from two d.en boxes,' all
fresn sloek only yesterday. It's a little
slower than the other jwisons, but per.
haps you won't miml that. Can be
sprinkled on bread ami butter or take
iu milk. One box. ma'am?"
He tixik down a box and held it ready
to dump, and she looked around the
store, w.pod a tear out of her left ere
and naked:
"How long does it take paris green to
"Not long, ma'am-only a few hours
Mirny prefer it to any other poison as
they want to write a farewell letter
T "n warraut my
Dandruff is rln tn an nf..v,i,i
of Ihn akin. Rull'a tl.i. ' . .
ens the nutritive functions of the skin,
iirniiuK nnu preventing tne formation of
Take Simmnna T.iv T? i i
- .n'smoHir nor
heart troabUj, ftw do to iadigeation.
hi m'W III dfMAIk I
IS JSC KHfl b. JO VA. J am
l ,!" VIM
iTi Iinvv tn a'
)Tlio fond lum.t .-Hw w
rm... ..ui,;.lw have
ti,. ni,;i,ibliow to bo
mi ;0i,nw t.hov "
Tl,n With v how to enjoy
The invalid-how to get well again speedily;
The imprudent-how to regain wasted energy.
All who want knowledge that is of most worth
Find it in Dr. Pooto's "Tlam Homo Talk," .
1 000 pa -vs. 200 cuts, 24 c.l. plates; 200 recipes;
w...i...,.f iv,,i ft:! 'Ti to :51 .f0: circulars free.
.... e vuii-.nbln book that glveB a groat amount of information of the I'toiosl
Importance to Everybody, cou. ornlng their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
How to Kat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe,
Influence of Plurts, Parasites ot tho Skin, Care of Teeth,
Occupation for Invalids, Ilalhing-Hest Way, After-Dlnnor Naps,
Alcohol as a l'"ood ami a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco,
iucdlclne l'ow t0 Avoid Tbeut, Cure for Intemperance,
Superfluous Ilnlr, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
Vemoving Maine, How Much to Wear, To Get Rid of Lice,
Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, . Malarial Affections,
Dangers of Kissing,
nveflmntlnir Houses. Prevcutiui! JNear-sigiucu- now
Ventilation, uess, jixeruso,
IT TELLS HOW TO C'I'KE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblains, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet Freckles, Ilcadaclio, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Mole's Pimples, Piles, Kheumatlsm, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Bore Nipples Sore Throat, Suustroko, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcer
Warta, Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. IT WILL SAVE IOCTOUS' KILLS.
a it.. iL T . 1 1
rsTAll new BUDscribers and prompt renewals auring tuo muum ui u, win uo
preeensed with a free copy of this as a premium.
Ellis, Dawson & Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
;nt.lnmpeten,cy r lnattent'on of the attorneys employed to obtain their
ffuLi. are Cmnot be exercised in employing competent and reli-
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. yH y. i
.nrl Yf11: "le vl?v.of. Protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
riTnS rr, f "lgi '".ventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert iu patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suite, Etc., Etc.
thr wi"th fe ?V"ventin on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
?S..:er7ltn abr.lef description of the important features and vou will be at once
... itue. best course. - pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others .nhmii fi g nJ0UI ngYt?' 01
matter. fr a
p. o, box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
S" Cut this out and send It with sour Inuim. o
Otis Patten
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and I lypophosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is
A m0st as datable as milk;" but the best reason is
at its curativ- properties arc unequalled. It cures
flesh Mfh5TPliCi -thC Wa3tS f tissUes' Produces
ntsn and builds up the entire system.
s ot,, Emuls,n cure:3 Co
an ii r8Ump,;on' Scrofula
and all Anaemic and Wasting
!aae8-P-vont8 wasting in
milk, tet only the Bcniilne. rre
ParedbyScottiBowno.ChorafsU New
Xork. Sold by all Druggists.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
, : i ha i 1 HE
ijlmmutratrlx of the
flH'PV TtT .
r."'"' "?'""'' of K-ljruari- t l .
. .-L.loc, win on
eljruary nt 1 o'olnclt
n. m nl c.i.i
qu, ?l 'Z r"?'!" ' th. No th
bidder for W.h in ha'ia snrh Ji " '"; MKhest
under and rua, t o an nrur ? hi"? ",R,le
court of date September k tl, he cant
entered In ,ald County court oi v. t W a"'i
uiiBHiu oiite, L-uuiuy
P1 ml"" "da dat Ij?ur of 3 o'clock,
aid entate, laid mill heinS t V.r . y '"'""Sine to
Oriiooll mill Sa d le ' " 88 "e "'""e
hlRheit bidder l"l eaSh , if "!a,le to th
premiiei. The order for J, .h"'"11 """" ,he
made, as aforewid the hk','mv:,,,r '"'
by the honorable Co Vin.; ih (l"y of wPt
county. Stateof Oregon X.ei'ii li JI"rrow
Octobtr, A. D. ls3. lld th" -lst day of
Mary Dmscnu.,
ncTuse for it
h"st 11111' to imtrrv ;(IN TH y)
in lmtiTMtrej ( DAYfcj
( ON 13
nuvu in. uu,CTj
tlictn without pain:
fruitful aud multiply : ( SOLD
crowed" and came to bo ;( 4?
life and keep well ; (AND HE
'.Nth St., New York.( SOLD.
io nvoiu iuoui, vroup-io rreveuu
i yu are barged with infringement by
reliable OPINION before actfng on the
Keep your sheep healthy and in-
HllVVIinl'l lihun ntn
iThft HP.... TM-ll . ...
Cold or wter "
tl.wool SKS ISaP,0t,0nOU,' '"P"
ne raciae Coait Agents.
89 1m aw
TD I A I A ! of om Inst.
nlMLal D,,""' 'aknanaod
..a d1?. roua debility
R. WARD INsfufuTE, IMJ.WMIlons.Ba,