NOT UK TO ADVKKTlHERS. T'H'sK doHtrliiK the ii.iwrt.on of dtfpltjr a1i. or chHiiKe "I me, mint get their pony h not later than Monday evening for TuwHiay'i million, or .liurtri.tiy evening fr Frldayi all tlou. THE I'ATTKHmiM PlILUUHHINUllO. NOTICE. 1. The ura of five cents per line will be chargod for "card of thanks," "reaoluttoni of reiiuect," liaU of wedding preneiitn and doiiora, tud obituary notlrea, (other than those the edit tir nhall hiinnelf give as a matter of tiewi,) and notices of special meetiiiKH for whatever purjwtfte. '2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to he de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known Upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No cor res ih) ml e nee will be published unless the writer a rettl name is signed as an evidence ol good laith. L' P. FlsHEK, NEWSPAPER AlA'EKTlH s lug Agent, 21 Merchants exchange, ban t t a n Cisco, is onr auihurUea agent, ibis paper is kept on tile in Uisoiuce. TIME 1AULE. Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek, John liay aim canyon City, leaven aa lolluwa : Every ilay at ti a. in., except Sunday. Arrlvetievery dayalti p. iu., except Monday. 'the cheapest, 4Ulckent and best Uue to or from the interior country. J. o. llELEVAN, frop. W. A. Johiiston.AKeut. (Jive your biusinew lo Heppner peupw, and tlierejoie uaswl to Uutia up liepp net', fairunut lliuae who pulruuut you. Here aim 1 here. After the coup is over, After oiu Dole, undone, Thei e v ill U btapn ol pol, Purchased w uh Hugar inoll ; Cle eland u ill ne er mil n,e, lilts will bee me through, 1 ahull be Vt earing my urownlet, After the coup. E. P. K.igHrg, ,f the H'.iituern Faciflo. inli'inm tin-U. Zplte ttmt that road will uIbi-h HiiUli.ier Fair Honrsiou tickets on Halt ibe latter rart i f thu mouth. I lit- rntr iuolu 'inn five ,d uiaaioD tuttir fur il be 827 60. Ticket! will be good f"i 30 .Inj a (iota data of dale. Mo Shirt, ohief of the Uinatillas, who wua uu trial before ibe U. 8. court at Portland charged with crimiual assault uu no IndiHU woman, has been acquit ted. If found duilty Mr. No bbirt would hKVe been banned for the crime. The mainmoutb slide at the Keeil fatm near Bnuui-vule, which blockaded the tailroad ao niiiob lust winter, baa broken out Htfaiu, and la reported to be worse ihau tver thin lime. Goo. Li'Dil baa resigned hii poiilioo B ninht clerk at the falaoe and la now laburiiiK for Turn Ktica. A. C. Thomas now buldu the position down at the hotel. O. P Mnir and wife and Mrs John Mc Aliiaier, if lb Lixmgtou couuiry have be u hum, jj those attending the protruded meeting E. Ma) a, of Ibe Union Meat Go., was uv fioui Portland Ibe tint of the week to reoeive two outlouda ot cattle from Sum KiuHmau. U S. Van Duyn baa rcoeivrd word that his lm her is again very low and it la teait d ihbt he cannot recover. A little tk S of snow greeted the detiiz- ne iu ibe vicinity otUippaer euierday morning. Hood's Pum are purely Vegetable, Felix Johnston and wife were iu town Tuesday. Hemi your wnnblng to Mrs. Nelson, at the M. uutaiti House. Papers for suie at the Gazette office 111 wo-biis a tinu Ired Deeds, uwrtg iges, etc , executed al the (Ji.z-tto ollioe. Stephen Hetidrioksnn was in the cit) from lone VWdueKdny. TeKCherg' Institute will convene Feb 12, lastii'K three' d-iys. Arthur Smi'b will olean watches at the reduoefl price ot $1. Jihltfe Burnett, of LtXiuu ton, whb in town on busiiieHa HaUrilay last. J A Woolery was tip from lone on business sevcrnl days this week. A poetical production from the pen of "N J." will appear iu our next ine. E. O. Sioonm h s moved into the rooms over Ihe Nat. Bnnk of Ueppuer. The Heppnpr-Ciiiiynn stago line is the beBt, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Subscriptions In the Gazette frnrn now till-after tbe cumpnigu, new ones mind, 81.00. Latui .Nlatlnck returned home Tues day from an txleuiled visit Mib rela tives at Pt'tdleliui. Iiev W E. P.itnine held Episoopid ervices lit tbe BiiptiBt churol. hint Weiliiost'.ity evenini!. If you want a liood gnn or sewitm maclunp, oome to Hie Gnztte ontoe and we'll fit you ont. Lsrl 1)1 e nlis, plenty of tbm, at he G"ietfc office, and st world's priws. Diooniints on 1"W orders. Trot out your mayors and oouneilmen. But there's no use to run ai.iiust Judge; be'B Rot a walkover. Every man who takes any iuterest iu fast stock should suhsonbe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, aients. Tbe report is out t' at J. W Morn w aspires for the sheriffalty We hsd Billy ganged for the olerk'a i ffiue again. The G zette will take county scrip at fare ou subscription, and pa balance of game in cash at highest market pice. 7 60 The Gi zette i flke now runs an iu- tnrmioe una notarial i-m p. jonie in when yon wauttodoyour insuriug and wearuiK. Mrs. Celia B lyhan. wl o Urn at lb MoiiniiHii HoUee.desireB t do plain Be ing, to consult her. Muob interest is betatf manifested iu the revival meeting imw in progrees al tbe Mttbodiat cburou. The bouse is Crowded eveiy night. Tboe who Lave brought in various kinds of sup;. lies in lieu ol ciBh. sbnii d call around at this nfhee ai d get oredit for if uot already niveu. Don't overlook Hick Mathews, of the City bbtber chop, for a stricllv fl'Bt class 81 avp, ahampno, or batr cut. Hoi baths also dishul np to oid- r. Some persou took a quarter of beef from the ranoh of Mrs. W. J. Buyer re oeutly. Pern ps it was ueeded to re lieve hunger, but it was a meau trick, nevertheless The Gazette has no j ib printer, are informed, but it has j .b work to do all the time, and geims to satisfy iu borh prices and quality of work. Bring it iu ; we guaranlee aiiafaotinD. To nor otistom'ta-No difT rence how Urge or small your aoconnt. is, come in H ...itle. either bv cash or note We mnst have one or Ihe other to enshe us to s'em the flood. Hayes Bros. 90 f Green and Hick Mathews will be found at the City hotel b.iber shop where anything iu the line of tbe tore oriul art will be furuished on appli oation. These genllem-m areur'ists and deserve yoor patronage. Call Union Gets Tub Asylum. At the meeting of the asvlum board Wednes day the looatiou of tbe same was again brought up and by ibe nuammous vote ot the board, Duiou was aeleoted aa the plaoe tot the lucation of the Eastern Oegou biauch ot the inaane asylum, provided laud and water rights can be oought at leatonable prices The bite is ou Kulhenue cittk, quite a distance in m the lown, near tbe hot spriugs aud hot Ibke. Tbe hot springs was the draw lug caid for this place. Jfr. IS. A. Hamilton Given Up to Die "I Was troubled with liver complaint and brseiTiont of the spleen. At last I could not walk across ir.T room, and took to my bed, as many thought, t3 dlo. I began to take Ilood'l Sarsaparilla aud am entirely cured. It has all Hood'sCures been brooj'.it about by lTood's 8arsaparllla.a Mrs. K. A. Hamilton, Fresno, California. Hood's Pills Cure 810k Ueadacha. M HAVE YOV BACK AC HK ? DR. GRANT'S CURES Many Applicants internal Ruvenue C illeutor U' ut) Blackuiuu is being be sieged wilb verbal aud epistolary applt oatious for plsces in bis office, so soon as he assumes actual charge. He has nffiinent applications to atook a dozen irterual revn ue effioes with clerks, but so far none of them have received any eucoui agement, so far as tbe public are aware, it Mr. B ackman has already chosen his corps of assistants be is keep ing tbe fact to himself. Telegram. And Still No Reply If Prof. Rork, state lecturer of tbe former's alliance, is guilty of the obarges made against him by the Heppner Ui Zette, he ought to be o-draoized. No nniu with such a record should be allowid a place of abode iu America, if these charges are not true then the editor of tbe Gazette should receive a similar punishment for mak ing such damnable charges, which are too vile to admit of publication in the columns of a deoent paper. Harrisborg Courier. Will Comb Aoain. - Mr. Chamberlain, deputy collector of internal revenue. returned from Heppner today. He says at Arlington all tbe Chinamen in de the ueoessary application to register; but at Heppner tbe Celestials were not prepared, aud be will be forced to give them another opportunity. They are all eager to comply with the law, and he apprehends no difficulty in his distriot.T me Mountaineer. For sale by Slocnm- Johnston Drng Co and T. W..yjr, Jr. Isaao Ennis bus been appointed col lector for this company. All those de siring plumbing repairs, taps made. lamps reuewals, etc., apply to him at the station. All other business will be at tended to by T. W. Ayers, Secretary. It. Hkitnhr Light & Water Co. UPPKli ltuE.1 i auu ITEMS on them. A Mies nri editor says he his ft suh scriher who gets rirnuk every little while and invariably insistson paving a year's subscription. He bas paid in a vanoe up to 1926. Ws wish he would fln 1 onr the bran I he uses aud send ns a pnnoheon of it. Exohanije: The Heppner G ZJe Charges Prof. Rork. ihe populist 1- OtnrT. with immoral prsolioes too revolting f publication. It is 'lite tin-public that Mr. I rli.nrnve these oharges "d vindicate himself from an irrepsrab e stsin. or c ase his work a a i.nbtii former. The H'Z-tte obillenges Prof, to call for the proof. Averv bold and determined hnldnp robbery in onmmitted in down town resort at The Dalles last Saturday even ing hv two masked men who held np the proprietor ami a policeman who und stopped in a moment to read the Pt"s They aeonr. d the inliceman'jtK'Wr -i?M and about 830 from thfi' till and suc cessfully eSCapedj flonHirlataa.-fi. tho nffinpn of nountv treasnreond aheriff were being freelv mentved on onr streets yesterday. For thfirmer office the names Vepzer. Mat. I.ichtentnai, rrana Uo,,, and Dan - ornor were men no -o roil'- "iy - Cidds are all the go up in this neigh borhood. Mr. Aley Depuy made a flying trip to the ci ) this week. Mr Charley Boudry spent New Year's at Mr. h. F. HfVlaud's. Mr. Cleuu D-puy made a trip to Butler creek last week. Huow is a about fifteen inches derp at pr s ut und still snowing- Aiva Mikes. II aud wife bave been viniu g Nat Alikrsell'- pureuia. Air. Giuui C ppe, of Fi sail, is in our ueighb rbood visiting at tbe present time. Alley ineptly oa e very near losing a horse r -oeutly by getting its throat out ou the barb wire fence. Jr. Kiley thiuhs bis business as a pbysiciau lu Very dull and bas gone to t.. lining for Hteriing Smith. Q Me a nice little party was given at J. W. D puy, on Christmas night. All report having a fine time. Miss Eita Heed, who has been visiting at Mr. tUikesell's, has gone to Heppner to go to school tuis winter. Mr. B. F. Ueviand and daughter, Cora, have beeu visiting fneuds in Clark's onuyon aud opriug valley fur tbe pa-t. week ihere is a gentleman in our neighbor hood who wants to get married. He nays he wauls a womau about five feet iwo inches iu hiight, light hair, large blue eyes aud weight one buudred pouuds, must also have dimples in her obiu and cheeks. Girls nnd r 45 need uot apply, but anyone that fills this bill and wants to get married should look ibis man up. Panoakb. Jau. 5th, 1894. Cared yJ Diabetes, Brlnhta Dise$n. Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Waier, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and all Dis eases of the I(idnv9. FliKI'AHKII l.V 05,E. laMfastrniii Cit PORTLAND, OREGON. NOTICE TO PATItONB. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Kip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your reeidenoe, sawed or nn- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at t.uu per ooru. wood sawea twice in two, 75 cts. per onrd; three times, 81 00. lard near the depot. .Leave orders at Sloan S Howard's. 4-tf. res sr Gilliam & Bisbee, murrivrExi., on YOUR ATTENTION! We want it for a moment to inform you that the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri ces. The stock is clean and lre:-h, having been largely iiv. reaped with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. Geo. Conser, S. S. Hornor, Assignee. Salesman. sw i PALACEJ10TEL 1 A Only FitstCless boiel in Het ptcr. for EUcliic Lights Best poet nntdalicts for tte trsvelirg public. CourtPons Ireslmmt tsfuttd the cenn tiy t eople. MB8. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. THE PEOPLE ARE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once but again and again. They know that frrm ns they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe beat is ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some ot oar friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. M Heppner, Oregon. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT OH ILL STOCK. Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes Shoemaker. Ed. BirbeoK, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi enoe, has just looated in the Abraham siol7 cnilding, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in his line. Mi Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall Uwtt Wkerer At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his ailoring business, be has added a Sne line of underwear of all kinds, negligee -tbirta, hosierv. etc. Also bas on hand 4ome elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamaiok, May street, Heppner, Or. EIGHT MILE ITEMS. We extend congratulations lo Mr. J. Willis and wife. ' Populist meeting Saturday evening Jan. 20th, free to all. Preaching at Eight Mile Center on Jun. 21k by Rev. P..riiii-b. Spelling eohool aud declamations evei) Tatsday nght at Liberty. Mrs. Bniles has moved her house frutn tbe farm of ber son-in-law, . Si. Stanton It looks this morning as though wiutet was past, snu nhiutng, snow all gone and everything putting on the appearauoe ot spring. Farmers f'-ur tbe fruit will come forward aud fretze. Oharley Ashbaugb's wife presented lum an 8 pound girl the 6tb of Jan. To say Charley is proud would be using a very mild term. Mother and daughter doing very well under the care of Mrs. (i, Bailes. Gooseberry aud Eight Mile Oenter talk of uniting to prepare for a literary entertainment to be held in tbe Eight Mile Center school house. Ihere is nothing defiuite about it though as there are prospects of a protracted meeting t Eight Mile Center, which of courBe would occupy the people's mind to the exclusion of everything else. b. a. c. re Jlie Deafnexfi (Ianot be by local applications, as they CBnnot reach tne di-emsed portion of the ear. l'lier is only one way to enre deafness, hi, it that is by c"UtitutiotiBl remedies, Uea'nisi is 'omfed by au iud-imed loniliiiiii) o tne m-'Cous lining of the E'liiachiaii tube When tins tube gets i fl iuieil nu have a rnmbiiug snund or linperect 'bearing, and when it is en tirelj clnet-d deafness i the leHlllt, and unless ibe li Hauiation ran be tHken out and this tube teBtored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed for ever; nine OHses out of ten are oaused bv oitarrb, which is nothing but an n fl imed onudition of tbe muoous We will g'e One Hundred Dollars for anv oaee of Defnen (oansed by catarrh) tlmt caonor ne enreu uj u... A t. .p ,nrrnlHrs. f ree. F.J.CHEN Y CO., Toledo, 0. ESSold by druggists, 750. Lakd For Sale.-480 acres over in Wilson orairie. A go'id stock ranob jd j, he Pid cheap, MONTI.Y KKPOKT Of Heppner Public Bcbuola Fur The Month Kniling Dec. Ti, iHDit. ROOM. 5 i i en I'T n R o 2. B3 Total. m 267 'M A. W. Wikb, frin. Henlth d-mnids a lieKlthy liver, fake Simmons Liver Regulator lor dyspepsia and indigestion. Duu't ruin your digestive organs wfih nil is and Diiruatives. Tske Simuions Liver Regiilutnr. Administrator's sale. Call , i;,la0 Wl tP,:l"",,nb.ieancn-I, bn't on the d,m..crn ela so, e-;ow:-p geeted from several quarters. of the old firm of M. Liehtenthal Cost for Cash- & Co., at Call mxtl SeciiL'o a G-ood Baro;ain. T. QUID, Assignee. Why Buy of Peddlers? When you can get the ohoioest MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc. at the Liberty Market. And at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build ing up your city. Look to vour interests and Bssist those who assist you. 1 a SHAW A M'CARTI, Props. Ihe Keehy Institute -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or, Die Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aura cure. out: lo ll'.mTV ;( ' 01'T (joui;st YOU WANT TO KNOW )The curioushow they " growed" and came to be ;( 42 WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. H. T. )Murrav Hill Rook Co.. i2i) E. 28fh St., New York.( SOLD. ) ! ;:! viiuiiu Ihhv In 1 E)Tlie ni(i-rieu--hou- to uu ii ;:;)V in tiintTiitgej )Tlie fond pam.t how to have pn.e Diibii's; Vflie motlier how t - have them" without pain ; )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; ) The invalid how to get well again speeuny ; IThe imprudent; how to regain wasted energy. )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth JFind it in Dr. Poote's " Plain Home Talk," )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; JKetlucea irom to spi.ou; circuuire iree. ( DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD (AND HE ( SAVtiU ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 ( COPIES Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER officii LEGAL BLANKS j i Plenty of them at the Gazette Office KIRK & IIUPIL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a fall Hoe of STlPLJE and fancy Groceries anil Provisions. A full line of choice Fies, Cukes and Bread ; in fnct everything (bat is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell obeap foi casb. Call anp try tbem, sw Mada In all stvles and sies .Liahtoit. strongest, eaulcat vorklopr, Bafcstf, Blmpiest, most accurate, mo8t compact, and mot modern. For oalo hy ail dealers la armi. Catalogues mailed free by The 1-arlin Firs Arms Co., Kbw Haven, Conn., IT. S. A. RIPANS TABULES! Disease onmmnnly comes on wilb slight symptoms, which wben aegleoted in crease in exteut aud itradually grow daniferoiis. MLBi!KrTK." RIPANS TABULES. ttaSEJ'TWE RIPANS TABULES. If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW or takr DIPAMQ TAPIII ETC you BUFFER D1HTKES8 after eating, 1AKE RlrMIMO I ADULLO, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL XAKB. DIDAMC TAPIII CC DIBOKUERS OF THE STOMACH, TAKE nlrAIN J I ADULLO. Ri pans Tubules not gently, bnt promptly, upon tbe liver, stomaoh and intas. tines; oleanse the sBtem effectually; oure dyspepsia, babitnal onnstipation, offens ive breatb and headnohe. One Tablle taken at tbe first ndioatino of iDdigcstirin, biliousness, distreHs lifter eatiug or depression of spirits will surely and quiokly remove the whole dilBoulty. Ripans Tahuli-s are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physioians, and are presented in the form most appn ved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Kipnns Tubules are an infallible cure; they oootain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. Slar7 and expeiweB paid weekly from Htart. Permanent poiltlon. Exul nil vs territory- Experience unnecessary. PecullarK advantages to beg Inner . Liberal eommUslon to local part- Mmi rant a. lrreit hrdy,rellablo V,TOJIm.iil nnriorrC H forti.eorcbard. stock. BV. 1UT lwn and gurdQ r Wo want you now, whtl tha fruit Induntrjr ll io imnnrUnL Good chanra for adranexment. Outllt and full par llculara free. Hauww irar virmin. Portland, uro, rolialila. Nnmaluupapar. (ThiaasuMU Ed.) nflicH for partionlar and terms, o: .... i K-Kiilamr is a . .....n.,,.f um,eliSliil( iiimio 1 liua. Kniril AND BY VIKITK or A.N uitur.K mined outol the County toiirt o tireaun, ....". ..,.,, on (hp Bth (lav of Nov. A. D. im. The underiii?ii(Ki administrator of the ettate of Jainwi it. Breeding, depeaned. w 11 on Saturday February 17. iMI. at one w.U In the afternoon of .aid day, in front of the court hou door In Heppner. Morrow county Oregon .Tl! to ihe" ulhe.t bidder lor ch In the right, title and InlerMt of j d ,... a pro,il deceaned. In and to the at Gazf'tei folloAlnidtKilbed real property, W-wIt; N. nn r U.n IU ' r. M K l K. IIU'MCU in Morrow county. Hate ol Oregon i 'Vh ,le to be ,ld In parcel, of, Lir'ywre. most each, or a. a whole a. to tne a.,.. oiu. .r , luam ii t mi iriv of nnl Uten tats iia daoi Jaa. A. U. M at HeppM-rcgon. ljj.05 Aduilnl.trator ! BRS. ELMIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. MlUa Vedieal Co.. Zlkhart, Ind. Diai fliKfl: For 20 yean X was troubled with heart difteae. Would frequently have falling pol la and kmothertng at ulihi. Had lo alt up or get out of bod to breathe. Had pain In my left t He and back most of the time; at laat I became dropsical. I was rery nerroui end nearly worn out. Ibe leaat ezcliement would cauie me to THOUSANDS with fluttering. For the lart fifteen year 1 rould not bleep on my lert.lde or back until began taking your An II f art Cart. 1 bad not taken it very nil fait mnh hMtl .nH f n flOW IIMB on eithar tide or back without the leaat dlacoin-1 fort 1 ban no pain, .mothering drouar, no wind on itomach or other disagreeable symptoma, I am . able to ao all my own ouunewora wiuiout au trouble and conilder myself cured. Zlkhart, Ind.. litSS. Ma. Euftat Batcb. It la now four yean since I have taken any medlcln. Am in better health than 1 hare been "if ' J riCU a,,.,,,,,! mctlnlr ol tha stockholiler. of till' anil -,( ma a wall woman I ID now 2 TelO National Hun k of Meppiier wl II be held at In of an and am ahla to do a mod daT'a work. I Unking houe on the third Saturday In rub Hal. alalU aim PI LES fro'iD Vh.u rrl In nn PlIM'.... lr..tmnt tt . loll ot im lueifl. F ltul.. Ulec -, UI UK., iiio cura. w 7ly Quwtion Blank and Hook frn. Citl or write. IK. H. B. BUTTS, 1 822 Pine etrer.. St. Iajuis, Uo. Stockholders Meeting. Hut Wb, 18M. s. Sold on a Foaltira Guarantee. Dr. MILES' PILLS, 60 For Baleby T. W. Ayeri, r. im'ii IihIwiomi thi' tinifi of III a III., and 4 n. of .Hid iImv, for the purr-MM' of i-liTtiiigiHri'i'torc and atli'iidlng to .ui li ntlier bli.ltieHM u. limy come before the meeting. En. R. Bimiop, Caihior. Honnncr. Or.. Jan. 10,!il, iwi( A qnartpr-jfrnas box will wholesale and retail aKuuts, b sent, poHtne paid, on receipt of 76 oenta by tbe BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. audi SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., POHTIrAND, ORBGON. Local drugKista everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so, Tbey are Easy lo Take, Quick lo Act and Save many a Doctor's BilL Samplas Fr on application, to tli IRlpaLXii. ClirJ.cacl TTorlc City. Co., -tTa-w REMOVAL NOTICE! The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware. Stoves, Etc., carried by Has been moved from Ibe Odd Fellows' building to tbe Wet wareroom of the Mo Farland Mercantile On.'a eetablisbment. lie still bas a complete line wbioh will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around. 1 aw The Lancashire Insurance Co. A. W OK" MANCIIJfatTBRi BNOLAND AGENT pno ol the lot In trieVort(l n r