Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 19, 1894, Image 2

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- WlE mp to sell you -wssi i 8
One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.-
'7TNL) 1 60 ACli.ES Timber Culture claim Bilj"ining, of which deeded IiiikI there are 140 acies go (
jW fence. Situated two miles west ef Eardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timlx'r culture claim, 1800.
Wd farming la.,,1, aud the balance A 1 put.. The deeded laud LeMKl B,ri..B of water on it, all under
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acresTbowheat land." Will sell on easy terniH. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop "raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives ,n the Lai,t ami has no use for it
For further information call at our office.
CM tie your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up IJepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and everv corresoondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence ol
good faith.
Did yon ever
Read abnnt the
Man who
Hid hit
Light under
A bushel?
YT well
Thnt is like
Doing bnsines
Without advertising.
AH the
8ni le schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as mnrh
As a good ad.
to a pond, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
la read
Bv the people,
And that owns
Its own
Snnlj that
Ues is anuria
Like m'nhandi,
Worth dollar
F"r dollar.
A BOAD convention attracted oonsider-
able attention in Stlero last week.
Tub D-ain Herald is the latest journ
alistic) effort in Oregon. Success to the
Tub stae tai lew was fixed at four
and three, tenths mills as against seven
mills for last year, at Salem Wednesday.
How is this under the now form of as
Mb. Hobnblowkb will not get to toot
his instrument on the supreme bench
He has for the eeoond time been rejected
by the senate, and his name should be
ohanged to "Mndhlower." Hill is
credited with the work.
Conqkbhhmam Ellih of this district,
made a strong appeal against the pas
sage of the Wilson bill in the house last
Tuesday. Me held that the bill was ex
tremely sectional in its provisions, and
that this coast bad been particularly
harshly 'rented, bs every artiole produc
ed on the Paciflo oosst had been placed
on the free list. Wool growing being
one of our moBt important industries,
Mr. Ellis showed that the proposed
ohnDgenn this nrticle alone would be
vary disas rons to this country, and
inveighed against its being plnced on
the free list.
Union bas eeo-ired tbe brauoh insane
asylum. This matter was thoroughly
canvassed by the board of oommisBinnst H,
as well as by the pin sioinus sent out
later on, and we presume that they have
donewhat was deemed best. Perhaps the
hot lake and spring may have been the
greatest inoentive for choosing the spot
near Union for the asylum. At any rate,
the selection has been made, and as
Heppner bis plenty of oompiny iu get
ting "left," it is poor taste to make nglv
mouths over the matter. Heppner is
looking pleasant, jnst the same as ever,
and is ready for the next contest, the
location of the sootiring mill. We have
the necessary amount subscribed and
should not fail.
The Keoord says that the GnZ9tte fails
to mention any way to get rid of the
"sooial evil" referred to in a reoent is
sue The remedy is self evident. Peo
ple should stop. It shun Id not be neo
essary to keep grown-up men away from
those things as one would a calf from a
pao of warm milk. If one bas not the
"bakbone" to stay with what they have
resolved is right, without being penned
away from it, tbey will fall and worship
at the shrine of some other and, perhaps,
worse evil. As we said before, and
which the Record's editor seems to have
overlooked, drinking is bad enough
whioh all will acknowledge, but with
wasting valuable time, and the drinking
feature thrown in, seems to be .oubl
worse. We said before that gambling
w.is preferable to wasting one's time
for nothing, and we say so again, agree
ing, in b measure, with the observations
of the editor of the Record. However,
some people deserve no credit for doing
right, others no censure fordoing wrong.
While associations have much to do with
a person's oareer turonch life, we are all
very much as the Almighty made us.
If we have the will, inclinations oan be
everoomej otherwise we will fail.
It la understood that Secretary Car
liele will sell about 840,000.00 U. S
bonds about Feb 1st to restore the re
serve. He bad better ooin up the money
metal iu the treasury and not saddle
any more debts upon the people. There
is plenty of silver bullion on hands and
this shonld be put in circulation, at
least the seignorage which has iiocnmu
lated to the extent of $50,000,000 or
Auk Your Friends
Who have taken Hood's i-'araaparilla
what tbey think of it, and the replies
will be positiye iu its favor. Si oply
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
the story of its merit. One has been
oured ot lndegestion or dyspepsia, an
other finds its indispensable for sick
beadaebe or hilinuB'.ess, while othes
report remarkable rnres for sorofnla.
catarrb, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc.
Editor Gazkttb:
I notice that "Prof " Rork gets a
benefit in the Gaztte. That fellow
brought tbat reputation with bun to
Salem from the East.
career was cut off.
tm 20
39 82
20 95
1 00
6 72
4 00
56 n.r
9 35
:ifl no
83 33
fi 50
20 112
5 no
mo no
4 7o
3 00
ft 85
5 00
2 50
It is time his vile
Salem Or.,Jnn ,5, 1894.
Pilrsl Fllesl itching Piles.
Mymptoms MoiBture; intenso and
stingiugi most at night: worse bv
scratching. If allowed lo continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swaynk's
Ointment stops the itching and bleeding
Heals ulceration, and in m ist cases re
moves the tumors. At druirgiats. or bv
man, ror ou oeuts. lir. Swayoe & Hoi
ruuaoeipuia ew I yr,
Tub Aurora, published at Joseph,
Wallowa Co., makes a fatal mistake by
swallowing K irk and naming the editor
of the Gaiette "a liar." Cud it be p is
ible that a newspapor will stultify it-i
reputation and party by supporting
uoh a vile old hypocrite as Prof. Rork,
asserting that a filaehood has been
published, on the assumption tbat the
Prof, is above anything of the kind be
cause he happens to be a populiHt, am)
without any investigation whatever?
The least researoh ought lo satisfy any
one, and we can give as good men as
can be found in the state who will tell
more than tbo Oszette published, ami
which ooon red long before the Heppner
escapade. 1 be Aurora says of Rork,
"His ohm aeter is above reproach and
his morals are not exoelled by any."
God pity those who make no pretensions
When a person or a newspaper will be
blind as a poor mole, and will blow
snort and curse about something which
tbey call "a lie," and yet which tbey
have not investigated, censure is thrown
away upon them. Rather should tbey
be recommended to the asylum that
deals with those horn weak in the upper
story. It is useless to talk back to snob
people. We have invited investigation,
courted a full and thorough "rounding
up," if iuoli we deserve. It tu nut
The democrats of Spokane are up in
aima. Iba recent appointment of Mr.
Illiickmnu of Oregon us United Slates
internal reveuue colleotor, and the
severe turning down of Mr. Mundav
una iiiiiimed tuem to such an extent
that they are ready to revolt, Mai
Gwydir, acting as spokesman for
number of democrats, said vesterdav:
It is just as well for the gover ment lo
understand that Washington is big
onough and strong enough to care for
herself. We do not oare to have it
advertised to the world tbat we have
to go to Oregon for men to fill our
luces, and it is an insult to democrats
and ttie state at large. We have men
in Washington perfectly oapable of fill
ing the oflioes of Washington, and the
idea of treating this state which is
today the best in tbo northwest, and
will boou rival New York in importance
as it was of no consequence politically,
as if it was inhabited by men of inferior
ability and persons of no impoitanoe is
oarrying the mutter a little too far. W
are big enough and important enough
to have an internal revenue office iu and
for Was.iington alone, and tbat is wlmt
we favored. The demoorats of Wash
ington, from one end of the state to the
other will show their feelings in this
matter, and indicate their desire to have
a separate district for Washington, and
to have residents of Washington fill the
Washington offloes." Spokane Review.
Wbea War It Declared
Against a mun's happiness by his
siomaob, the enemy may be paoified
and brought speedily and easily to
terms. Tbat potent regulator of di
gestiou, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters
di"oipliiies tha rebellious organ thor
oughly. Indigestion arises from weak
ness of the atomacb, and the food in it,
for want of the power to digeet, de
composes and acidifies, giving rise lo
heartburn, flatulence and pain, besides
a multitude of symptoms both change
ful and perplexing. But pesoe soon
reigns when the great stomaohio is re
sorted to and used with persistence.
Dyspepsia gives rise to morbid disoom
pouie of mind, aud even sleeplessuess
and bvpochoiidna in ohronio oases.
To the I'niuiilete dismissal of these the
Bitters 18 fully adeuuate. Liver nom-
plaint, oonstipatiou, drbility, rheuma
tism and malaria are completely sub
dued by this genial medicine. I
County court met in regular session
for the January term, at the conrt house
in Heppner, on Monday, Jan. 3, 1894.
There were present, Judge Julius Keith
ly, Commissioner J. M. Baker, Clerk
J. W. Morrow and .Sheriff Geo. Noble.
After due proclamation of opening
court, the following proceedings were
had, towit :
Miscellaneous hills agmnst the county
allowed as follows:
W L Suling, school stipt. salary
V m renlan.l, pauper acnt
Ren C Irwin & Co, stationery acct
G G Wickson & Co, stationery. .
White A McLaughlin, road and
hridire acct
Clyde Wells, court bouse and
jail acct
Metson Pygnrt Book Munf. Co ,
record sect
Glass & Priidliotnme, stationery.
O C Boon, pauper acct "
V J l.eezer, Co. treas. salary. . .
Kenhen Allen, road & bridge act
A M Slonum, " '
Heppner Light 4 Water Co, court
house and iitl acct
N B MoBpp, stock inspector.
Ilenrv Padherg, pauper acct . . .
j W Burnett, drawing precinct
Gilliam & Bisbee, road & bridge
J W Rasmus, constable fees,
state vs. Chinaman
f W Rasmus, fees, Rtale vs. Lee
and Uzz French ...
J W Rasmus, fees, state vs. E
Cupper 1
Cost bill incasestate vs. Henry Young,
Chinaman, allowed as follows: F J
Hallock, justice fees, $6 95; .1 W Will
iagham, Bert Simons, CIiHb Niebuhr, R
A Kpivev, W J McAtee, jurors. $1 each
Lony Chinaman, Geo Gray and J 1
Scrivner, witnesses, $1 70 each.
Cost bill in case of state vs. Perrv and
Oliver Snyder, allowed as followa
witness fees, Frank Barton, $2 70; Geo
Hall, $2 10; Mrs E J Snvder, $2 40
Mrs s l. Mnyder, Ifl 75; I V Miller,
$1 75; Herman Meisner, 1 75; Joe
Saling, Ifl 85; Fred Kniihten, $1 80
W I) Ingrutn, constable feeR, $16 40; (
E Jones, justice fees, $8 45.
Costs in case state vs. Perry and Olive
Snyder ordered pHid as follows: I I
Eteb, witness, $2 70; WD Ingrum
constable fees, $2 00; C E Jones, justice
fet R, $2 85.
State vs. tlzz and Lee French, costs
paid as follows: F J Hallock, justice
fees, $2 85.
Cost bill in case of state vs. E Cupper
paid as follows: F J Hallock, justice
fees, $3 45.
In the matter of drawing precinct jury,
the report of F J Hallock, justice for the
6th district, was accepted a-rt warrants
ordered drawn as follows: F J Hallock,
drawing precinct jury. $3; C 8 Van
Duyn, assistant, $2; Jeff Haves, assist
ant, $2.
On certificate of F J Hallock, J P
warrants were ordered drawn for Diet
Attorney fees as follows : State vn. I.uke
Chinaman, $5; state vs. Henry Young
$10; state vs. Uzz and Lee French, $10
state vs E Cupper, $5.
Issue of scrip was confirmed in pay
ment of Diet. Attorney fees in the 1st
and 2d cases of state vs. Perry and Oliver
Petition of Andrew Rood and 21 others,
on road app. No. 132, granted. J J
McGee appointed surveyor and J II
Allen, John Royse and David Jenkins,
viewers, to meet and view and locate
said road on Monday, Feb. 20, 1894, and
report to court at regular March teun
Report of M A Olden, supervisor of
road district No. 15, examined and ac
cepted. Ordered paid $20 for services.
James Rhea appointed supervisor for
year 1894.
Report of U M Akers, supervisor of
district No. 20, accepted and he was or
dered paid $28 85 for services. Peter
Brenner appointed tor 1894.
Report of II C Gay, supervisor of dis
trict 21. for the years 1892 and 1893, ac
cepted and bill for services paid as fol
lows: 1892, $8; 1893, $20 05. A Doolit
tle appointed supervisor for the year of
Report of Albert Osmin, supervisor of
isti ict 22, accepted and bill for services,
$28, allowed. J M Hogue appointed
Biipervisior for '94.
Report of J D Biown, supervisor of
listrict No. 30, accepted, and be is re
appointed for 1894. Bill for services,
$40, allowed.
Report of R Allen, supervisor of dis
trict 3(1, accepted and bill of $29 ordered
paid. Reappointed.
Report of V A Stevens, supervisor of
listrict 25, accepted and bill ot $32 50
ordered paid. Ben Toppenga appointed
for 1894.
Report of Wm Gilliam, supervisor of
listrict 20, accepted and bill of $30 or
lered paid. He is reappointed for vear
Report of O II Hams, supervisor of
listrict 28, accepted and bill of $41 al
lowed. James Hams appointed for '94
The following miscellaneous bills were
lowed :
Julius Keithly, Co. judge salary, $150 00
nenry Jiiacaman, representative
There was never a time in the history
of onr ronutry when the demand Tor
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great sb
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the factory nnd workshop, the hoii"eliold
and on the farm, as well as io olhVial
lite, require oontinual accessions to the
appurtenance and implimenta of each
io order to save labor, time and expeuae.
The political change in the adininistra
on government does not affect the
progress ot the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the nff iirs of government to de
tor bim from quickly oouoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare oannot be exer
oised in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for pateut. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable inataooes bv the employ
ment of incompetent oouosel, and es
pecially is t Lis advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
tbtir business to this class of attorneys
do jo at imminent risk, as tbe breadth
and strength of tbe patent is never con
sidered iu view of a quiok endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager,
lilS F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to proteot its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. Tbo said Con
puny is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it tor rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design pateDts,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to entar into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wedderbubn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Uox 38 ). Washington, D. C.
Wheat, bu 35
Flonr.bbl 2 50 3ti0
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, nwt. 1 50
" three ' 1 75 2 00
Sbeep, muttons, head. . . . 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 50 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, owt 4 50
Hogs, dressed 6 50 a 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 i
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz 8 00
Wheat, cu t 81 03 ft 1 08
Flonr.bbl 3 Ou ft 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (ri 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00(3 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.,
Butter, tb
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, lb
10 id 12
25 u 3d
20 'i5
5 00 U 6 00
15 e 18
Wheat, owt $ 85 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 (ffi 2 75
" dressed 3 50 O 6 00
Muttons, live sheared. . . 2 50 (5) 3 00
dressed 6 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed ' 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter 20tfj 3D
EggR, doz 27U (3 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 ( 4 50
Turkeys lb 15 (3 17
Don't Lose
this year, and mukP up for lot tima J
rerrj"eefl Annum ror ibihwujj
give you many valuable Hints J
. bdoui wnai io raise ana now to a
raise it. itcontalns miorrua A
k lion to be bad from no otherj
.source. Free to all.j
. D.M. Ferry Co..
TITiol U the condition ef yours f Zs four hair dry, hanh
brittle? Don it split at the endtt Bas it m lifeless apptarante 't
i)oes it fall out whrn eombed or brushed t Is it full of dandruff
Dots your scalp itch T Is it dry or in m heated condition t If then
are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will beaniu
Is what you nwcl. Iti production li not an aw I d fin t, buttherofliiieof uMpiimp
Bi-airh. Kiiowledceof tne (Uncases of thenalrand scalp led to tijodJscov'rv ft w
to tn-at tliem. "Skookum ' coutulns neither minerals nor oils. It is tmt :1
a ilHiyhtfully cooim and refreshing- Tonlo. By stimulating the f.jllki?9 A ' " J
falling hair, cures dandruff ana grow hair on bald heads. siiy
ttr Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from Irritating eruntlrinp i, (V
of . kon-u)n Skin lioap, ll destroys paratitio imeott whioh f ted on u.nd u-'lw
"it your druftfrlnt cannot supply yon, send direct to us, and we win fllV1
preintiii, on tecuipt of u-ice. Orower, $l.tt per bottle; for gs.uii, ku "'
jar ; tifor fJ.60. w
South Fifth Ave.. New York. N. Y.
What to Eat,
Dow to Eat it,
Thinits to Do,
Thlnirs to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe,
Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, ccwcrabig their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing eto
Influence of Plants, Parasites of the flkln. Care of Twth
Occupation for Invalids, Butliinir-Best WHy, After-Dlnnnr lkm.
Alcohol asa 1'ood and a Lunira and Lunir Diseases, Meets of Tobacco'
iiediclue, How to Avoid Them, Cure for IntoS...
Superfluous Hair, Clothlmr, What to Wear, Headache Ca KX.
Rnmov n Hume. How Much to Wnr n riZ ' u7i . ? Lure.
s;... .7.1... i.; .".v"".v ' wee.
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them! Croun-to PrevS"'
Ventilation, ness, Exercise, r "jicuu
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chillblalns, Cold Feet. Com.
Cooghs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons FeUJ
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Illccoiurh, nives, Hoarseness, Itohlnir, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Polsonhut
Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Itlnirworm, Snoring, Stammering. So K,M a, m 7?'
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stiiurs aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet. Toothm.h in
V.M WnnlnCAih Unmi In PIiII.Ifot, II WWW t. K . -."'"OH, UlCCr
w.U .............. 0.&v uvviuus' HILLsW
t"AII new miivmbpr aoil prompt renewals ilnrniB tlie month of Jan. will ho
presenaerl with a free eopyof thin as a premium.
rOllis, Dawson & Iyyons,
All buainPRS attended to in n prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors.
to State Board of Equaliza
tion 29 80
Tlie following appointments of road
supervisors was made for 1894:
Cyrus Levde Road District No. 17
W E Elliott " " is
Jos A Huahes " " q
jonn a Williams. . . "
W C Metier
AndvTillard "
H 8 Crane "
II Corhin "
W B Kwing
Jos Rector "
S Younz
A J Cook
(ieo Miller
M J Devin
Andrew Stevenson.
O R Shiek
Id tbe matter of eironit oonrt jurors.
200 names were drawn by the court for
the March term, 1894.
Miscellauenns bills allowed: T W
Ayers, ,Tr,$U 20; 8 J DriiuOo.,815 7iV
Chas R Hatch, 824, allowed, $20.
Official list of The Patterson Pub. Co
Report Holoman MaydeUI as super
visor of road Dist, No. 17 aooepted. His
bill as same for 820, allowed.
Affidavit of circulation of Tbe Heppner
Gazette made by A W Patterson oon
"idered and being the largest circulation
shown, was appointed the offioial paper
lor JH5H.
Damage claim of Soott Stone, owioe
to absence of proof was oontinned for
Ri port of J 0 Wallenbnreer. scner.
Aiwrof Diet. No. 8 being rather large
for amount of work done, was ooutinued
for tern.
Report of Wm Douglas, supervisor of
road Dist. No. 13, aooepted .
Petition to change tha boundaries of
Alpine preoiuot examined, and as no re- '
mnnetranoe was filed, same was granted.
v laim of Chris Riningr as witss.
State vs. Mulkey, for $22, considered
and $17 allowed.
Report of N. L. Shaw, supervisor of
road Dist. No. 16, examined and bill for
64 being reduced to $58, was aooeptsd.
Report of J H Edwards, supervisor of
road Dist. No. 12, accepted. Bill of $10
Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows:
Heppner Gaiette printing, $10 15; J J
Wickson, stationery, $7 85.
Petition to change road Dist's 20, 21,
24 and 25 examiued and as ehauae ap
peared to be (or the beat interests of
Ibe people in said distriota, same was
mst v m'jm&
for 84.50. jpT
Peril for
0?ro! the
icnencctady, N.y.
S;;mC-?mpeten,Cy or lnattent'n of the attorneys employed to obtain their
mI y .mU 1 care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli-
t?i , S to. !rocure P?te,n.t,s. for the value of a pateut depenrisgreatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and sL- 11 nf ih. r 6 "
eA 'le v,.rv.of- Protect"g inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
fain.?! nTRi 1 ,"vent,ons are wel1 protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert m pateut practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
Mtwirhflf ?r i,"ven?!o? on ta"d send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
Stiserl i. V . description of the important features, and yoil will be at once
o?he 8 i? est course- tc Pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
! others nh,Ait .1, 8 "uour "S' ts, or it you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to for a reliable OPINION before actfng on the
p. o. box 63 J0HN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W"Cut this out and send It with your Uimuum.jm
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug
Co. aud T.W. Ayers, Jr.
iu. ... . . : :
u"er oi discontinuing the Oastle
Rook voting preoinot was brought up
and after dne consideration Bame was
discontinued and territory added to
wens Spring preoioct.
Report of Jacob Brown, supervisor of
N' onned. Bill of
9J 6U for services allowed and F M
Holmes appoiuted as supervisor for
ensuing year.
This being the time for the seleotiou
... ,cu.,.i jugrB biiu clerks fr the
... biu seiectton wbs made.
The books of J W Morrow, as county
ulerk, were examined and found to he
correct in every reepeci to Jan. 1st, 1894
All scrip returned by tbe treasurer w18
aUo examined aud found to be correot
Miscellaneous bills allowed: S 8 Kirlt
Pauper account, $12 50; UR. hn
WilKins, pauper account, $19 50
lhe ex imination ,,f ..,.. .
v i , 'tnufc owner-
stop books as prepared for Morrow
county by Paul A Ozanne wa, begu"
T!lJ,"y B.d "'""'inoed Wedntsclay.
.u....., n oompieted Friday. Tbev
report to have found f-on, sfme Ibnt
mora than 100,000 acres of d.eded land
n Morrow ennuty was ajinseesed,.
-iirxiirv-im 1 1 1 1 1 H a ,tnn. .
.... ... VUMH
MJli ifl RIO n HDHHfl M I Er
. Are you all run down? Scott's Emul
sion of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
.ypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and g,ve you a good appetite.
CM. r U'S'n CnrC! C&
Cold,, Consumption, Scrofula and
Pr.ntm,C Wt8tin5 Ei3c.
"vents wasting in ch ldreu A I.
the ferine. Vcefarei by
Bowne, Chemist., Kow York. Bold by
Van Winkle, fuel
Noble, sheriff fees, $17 65; J W Mo?
row, clerk fees. $52 82; J. J
Corn's salary, $31. er
A.r,liotion ot Paul A Ozanne for pi,,-,
ment of $1000 ou his contract wi?b lhe
oonnty for preseut ownership boohs
"on,,,d'rB,;1 d . found that
more than three-fourths of the work had
been oompMed, and as be had been to
considerable . pen.e in pnenring
nece,.ary li.rormati, n. etc., bis reo "e"?
tX'' 4 War.rBUt L
the above amount.
mad Diet. No. 31 accepted and bill o
U 'r ervioes allowed. Therenoon
court adjourned without date
Administratrix1 Sale of Real Estate.
.T ilhe lnl"ltrKtrii of t he
kS?,h of or.n.ft.is Cr KPU. n.fense.1, win e
-Mr rtw? WSoith of Sa, town"
fait of Ll llamette tirH.'t!' "i,le w)
desorihed promise, a?P .bllo ' et'.Y'''1,
blctrter lor cash In hand Snrh Vfl J", Mtt
under and pursuant to an nrSS. f .1lelni! m"le
entered l? said County court n. l?Lm"ne "d
".emu nate. county
Orl.cn mln, 8ald U. i ''"Mhe " hite
highest bidder wl"h ca8h , e "!"lle tn 'he
-emi.es. The order for Jl J"!'",' "I"'n the
hm'i "A ''""said, on the lerthsv:n hen
'J.f. by the honorable r ,m. " ' ent
county. SUte of oA?gon P Dai'thl1 '' N,orro
D' 18!'3- dHy 01
Mary Driscou,
Keep your sheep healthy and In-sunTa-flUS?
C"P b u,lu!
Hjwat'Si.ineeP HIJ.
The "Pia n.n" mtees with either
tu .r"fni water. .
th Viq"iL1,'P" ' non-poisonousiT?1!"0
the wool and does not stain it
end0S!.rF?aOn".l.co,:Cban,, Fi"h 9nd T"
sole Paciflo Coast Agents. S91msw
i Mcknn af mat tr
mailt for VNknint
and lott vitality Nut fn ror a on
. WARD INSTufuTE. 12llUlHLIT.lorj3.Iil