NuTlCB TO ADVKBTIfJKttU. .PH.KF.dirli,f arte,, I Hil'V"."1" """'j!' "liter a. . eandi I or change of same, must gi t their copy In ; a,i' '"' mayor. He hag not Signified ' ltr thsn Momlsy avcnllig for Tuesday's 1 M willinirlipsfl tn nuflmTta Mtinh nils A,m edition, ur 'il"'' llou. Till i'ATTKHKUM I i i uvunuiHU uu, NOTICE. 1. Tho sum of five cent per line will be churn! for "carils of thHtiks," "resolutions of resmw't. lists 1,1 w"""IJ prviwiiui aim uuuurs, snd obituary notices, (other thau those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of hews,) and notlcos of special meetings lor whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, ahaU be charged for at the rate of five bents a line. TheHe rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madekuown upon application. Vie hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published union the writers real name Is signed as an evidence of good faith. LP. FWHEK, NEWHHA I'EH ADVKKTIS. lug Agent, 11 Merchant Exchange, Han Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper ia kept ou tile iu his oltice. TIME TABLE. fetugo for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek, John lay and Uauyim City, leaves as follows : Kvery day at b a. m., except hunduy. Arrivesuvcry duvatti p. ui.. except Monday. The chcupeHt, quickest and best Hue to or from the interior country. J. 8. DELEVAN, Prop, W. A. Johnston.Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. "She's my 'Lily,' I'm her 'Uro,' Bhe'a luy sweetheart, I'm her beau Boon we'll marry, Never to part, LiU-uo ka-ia-ui Is my sweetheart." Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at be M uulain House. Papers for sale at the Gazette office at two-bits a hiiulred. Arthur Smith will oleau watches at tbe reduced price of $1. Hon. T. E. Fell is over from Pendleton, having arrived Tuesday. Mrs. Alice Ladd. of La Graude, is visit ing relatives iu Ibis oomitry. H. V. Gules arrived from Hillsboro on Tuesday's tram un busiuess J. G. Loften, of Fox valley, was in Heppner the first of the week, A stitch in time. Take Simmous Liver Regulator and prevent sickuess. Tbe Heppiier-Canyon stage line is the beat, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Subscriptions to tbe Giizntta from now till alter tbe campaigu, new ones mind. 81.00. J. E. Peterson, re -presenting tbe Mas tiff Tobacco Co., was iu tbt city Monday afternoon. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but aot promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c. If yon want a good gnu or sewinu inacl'inn, come tn the Gazette office and we'll tit you out. J. S. Daltou and A. S. Jhekvon, two of tbe D. 1'. iiuilwny Lueu, weie iu the oity Suurlay and Monday. The (lunette Iniirns that Jus. Hurt, formerly of tliin place, "is now looated near Walla Walin, Wasn. To date, 102 carload? of grain have beei. aliipned liom Douglas station. This iavery o-jit fur thiB year. ' L 'gnl blaiik i, plenty of them, at the GaZitie office, uud nt world's prices. Discounts ou lurge orders. Every tnau who takes any iuterest in fast stock should subscribe for Tbe Horseman. Gassette shop, agents. The Gazette will take oouuty scrip at face ou subscription, and pa. balance of same in cash at highest market price. 7 60 The Guzette i ffiee now ruus an iu suruuee uud notarial t-unp. Come iu wheu you want to do your insuriug and swearing. Tuesday last was tbe lust d iy of the limit set tor tbe locutiou of the liruuou iusane asylum, and still the looatiou baa uot beeu made. Those who have brought iu various kinds of supplies iu lieu ul cash, shouid oull arouuu at this ollice and get credit for BnuiB if not already giveu. Tbe Chinook Tue-d.iV night played Iiavoo Willi the oold weather iu these 'ere parts. Nut a vesri.e of suow re niaiiiB iu the vicinity of Heppner. Pou't overlook Hick Mathews, of the City barber shop, tor a sinctlv first class shave, shampoo, or bair cut. Hot baths also dished up to oider. Times Mouutaiuer: The appointment of Huu. Henry Blaukmun as collector of internal revenue was a surprise to many iu this oily, while others kuowiugly said, "I told you so." Oxcar an Anhur Minor, Frank Rogers and Geo. uarriugton departed Wednes day morning for a hunt iu the mouu taius. It is safe to say veuison will be cheap next week. To our customers No difference how large or small your aooonut is, oome iu and settle, either by oasb or note. We must bave one or tbe other to enable ns to stem the flood. Hayes Bros. 90il Green and Hick Mathews will be found at tbe City hotel barber shop where auythiug iu the line of the tou orial art will be furnished on appli cation. These geutlemau are artiste and deserve your patronage Call on them. At the annual meeting of the Aliiauoe Pub.- Co., held in Adams last Friday, officers for the y.'ar were selected. We note that R. H. Wbitauu was retained as basluess manager, and given to under stand that Ins services were appelated. Eagle: B. L. Lelanl arrived from Heoouer last Saturday, having Oome over to accept a position in the meroau tile establishment of W. M. Radio. Mr. LelBtid is an exoellent salesman and Mr. Rudio will find him a valuable acquisi tion. Geo. Miller, of Douglas, was up frrm tbat village Wedueaday. He reports everything very quiet down in that section, though farmers, he says, think the outlook (or next season is very gnoJ. Grain never looked better at this time of year. Condon Globe: Mrs. Meek returned home I he first of the week from Hepp ner, where she had been visiting ber daughter, Mrs. W. P. S.:rivuer, several weeks. Mrs. Scrivner's health is not very good this winter, the result of la grippe. Arthnr Smith is in reoeipt of a letter from Wm. Lord, who had just airivtd at Iqti que. Cbi i, on a pleamire and sight seeing trip. He departed noin xau ou . by sailer, and was ln3 days in making th tiip. He expects to retnru to Hepp ner sometime uext month. Iu our last iBsne, w forgot to say that Senator Blackman was serenaded by the t ranco, among " .," - -"-band on last Moud.y evening, after reported to tho Paris Academy were two which tbe b .ys and acoompaii)ing friends were invited in to a splendid lnnoh. All joined in 0 iiigratuiaiious to Mr. Blackman and family on lb-hiio oess of Mr. B. iu secaiiug the appoiui - Bent as internal revenue colleotor. Tba lieonrd la a Hula nravlnna In I One term . flnnn. ..,!. t , .- . 7 . nuinu una ui iro or less eatitnea tue earning that at one time hung fire in I he editor's bosom to serve the people of Heppuer in hi, i.fliuial capacity. Q. V. MoHaley and L. D. 8ick, son of Tunis Swick, arrived ou tbe stage last evening, and this morning departed for 'Frisco where they will take in the Mid- Winter Fair. These gentlemen say that Northern Grant ia oovered with snow to adt ptu of one foot or more, wl b correspondingly oold weather. Tberon E. Fell is laid np with an at taok of rtieomatisui, contracted while np in Montana reuently. Mr. Fell saya that tbe Montana people are "dead against tbe administration, tbe proposed vVllann bill working great injury to tbem both iu wool and ores. Baker City Epigram! Thos. Nelson, for two or three months past employed in this office took bis departure forUuion last Wednesday. Tom is a first-class mechanic, and above all, a good man. Geo. Thornton returned yesterday from the Dalles where he has been lo omed lor nb nt ii mouth past as an ex tra on tbe Doiatilla division. George reports work very slow down there. Ed Copper is over from Lone Rjck. Hia wife has lieeu seriously ill in the Cortland Hospital, where a delicate op eration win performed, but be reports ber as getting along nicely, 0 lust Friday evening, Whitmore Lodge, A O. U. W.,of Heppner, install ed her nfficers, tbe electiou of wbioh was mentioned in a reoeut issue. Mrs. Mary Randall, of Walla Walla, mother of Mrs. J. B. Keency, of Hepp uer, died S aturday last aged 61 years, 7 months and 2 dn)B. liev. Parrish of Lexington, is assist ing in the protracted meeting in prog ress at the M E. ohuioli of this place. RfV. Bramblet departed yesterday for FosbiI where be will at onoe begin a a sears of meetings at that place. L. D. B yed got iu Fridy from a bunt in the mountains. Me no catchee ze 'possum. Tiger Hose Co., No 1, are thinking of giving a manted dunce tbe 1Mb inst. A. M. Gunn was granted his final oiti zeuship papers lust Sulurdiiy. Mrs. J-ff Jones, of Highland, Oregon, in the guest of friends in tbe oity. Fred Sherman, Frank Hale and others are buotiug in i lie Blues. Deeds, nvirtgiges, etc., exeouted at the Ui.Zilto office. County oourt is still running in blast. full Didn't Bblikvr It. A lumber of our readeis of the nupulist faith were iuoiiued to think we were greatly in error in the recent artiole regarding Poof. R irk, and some thought intention ally so. In this they were wrong. Anyone with reasonable judgment should know we would not give such an article publicity unless it oould be proven. Others were given to believe tbat we published this artiole btoause of tbe fact that Rork was a populist. Disabuse yonr minds of this belief, for bad this man beeu a republican, demo crat, saint or sinner be would have beeu published t tbe world just tbe same, and such Bction should be appreci ated by all true reformers. About two years ago a permauent resident of this city attempted to commit the same crime tor which be was run out of town and writleo up iu due form by tbe only Heppner Gazette. Read the following from the Fossil Join nal and you will fiud it one of Rork's old trioks: "Two weeks ago the lleppuer Gazette o barged Prof. Rork, Farmer's Alliance state lecturer, with attempting to commit a horrible crime against nature in Hepp uer. The charge has not yet been answered. And now today's Salem Statesman contains the following: 'Tbey bave just found out R ii k over iu East ern Uiegon, at Heppner, where be was detected in a repetition of tbe nameless act for which be was dred out of Unity church at S ulem ' Besides being a pro fessional politician, Rrk is something uf a temperence worker. He ran for congress ou the Peoples' Party ticket at tbe last election iu Oregon." Registkkinu Chinese. Rubs T. Cham berlain, Col. Weidler's deputy internal revenue colleotor, arrived yesterdav, aud is endeavoring to get all Chinese at this place duly registered aooording to tbe provisions of the Geary law. Though the reoeut ohange in wbioh Hon. H. Blackman was appointed to succeed 0o. Weidler means the loss of Mr. Chamberlain's pdsition, yet be says be is glad that it was an Oregon man. Of Course it had tobeademoorat, this oould not be avoided. Mr. Cham berlain says tbat Chinese are register ing pretty generally, but very few re fusing tooomply with the law. The Branch Asilum. The report of tbe committee of visitiug pbysioians to Eastern Oregon to investigate the sani tary couditions of the sites offered by tbe contesting oities for tbe establish ment of a branch insane asylum, was submitted at a meeting of the asylnm trustees Monday. Tbe report covers 16 pages of type-written matter upon tbe subjeot, and owing to the leogtb of time r quired for a thorough examina tion by the board, i" will be several days before a decision will be reached as to tbe site. White this delay is trying the patience of all, yet it will bave to be borne. Off a Little The Ueppuer Ga zette this week published tbe recapitu lation wiilten by tbe oommittee ap pointed at tbe meeting of sheepmen held at at Antelope on Deoember 16th. for tbe purpose of answering the ques tions propounded by . ustioe, Bateman & Co., but said paper failed to give tbe credit to its proper source. It was the said committee tbat prepared the re capitulation and not Justice, Bateman k Co., as 0De would inler from reading tbe Gazstte's remarks on tbe same. Ante lope Herald. You're right. We didn't take a tumble till too late. Soman rtolnirs Ten Feet High. Tn a nrehlstoiio cemetery lately un covered near Montpelior, in tho south of skulls, evidently orionginj to vuerj.u race, nndsomc human bones that, judged from thciP proportions, muai nave uw iong0d to a man at loast ten feet lr . Beijtnti tjyw!i'ffiiaiiL.L'aB!. ' Mr. Larkin Whole Family Helped "My husband was oonflnod to the house, al most unable to walk, on account ot an ulcer on hlJ left leg, He took Hood's Sarsaparllla and and at once tbere were slgas of improve ment. He was soon able to go to work a-atn. My oldest son was stricken down with rheu Iiuitlo lever. After taking Uood's Sarsaparilla HoodVCures ashtfttimo he soon recovered liii health. At tending others, I became all run down. Hood's 8ar3a'.)arilli did me much cood." Mrs. 8. 8. Lakkin, Chico, Butto County, C illforuia. Hood's Pills aro prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists. 2DO. HA VI VOU BACKACHE ? CURES Diabetes, Bright 8 Ulsesse, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and ail Dis eases of the Kidneys, PKKI'AKKD IIV O.W.R. Maunfactnring Co,, For sale by Sloonm-Johnston Drug Oo. and T. W. Ayers, Jr. More or Eobk. Iu commenting on tbe Kork article wbioh recently appear ed in the Gazette tbe Oregon City Cour. ier concludes with the following: "It has been said that while Frof. Rork was looated in Salem as minister of tbe Unitarian church, he also attempted to take 'improper liberties' with young men. As he goes about reforming people, it is highly necessary that the people know whether be is an upright manor a beast ly, villaioous hypocrite." Not A Bad Record Newspaper edi tors and printers are not such a bad lot after all. Bead what an exonange says: "Of the 3890 o mviots in the state pen itentiary of Texas, there is not a printer or newspaper man, while there are ban kers, doctors, photographers, ministers, barkeepers, cooks, barbers and members of all other cdlings and professions. Tbe cog-wheel of jastioe must have slipped somewhere." Blaokman Succeeds. Hod. Henry Blaokman, senator from Morrow oouu ty, elected as a democrat from a re publican distriot, is today appointed colleotor of internal revenues tor Ore gon and Washington. He will have bis headquarters at Portland. The Journal and a host of Salem friends without regaid to party extend con gratulations. Journal. Bip'b Wood Yakd. The Hoppnei wood yard, under the management oi Kip Van W'iukle, is prepared to delivei wood at your residenoe, sawed or un Bawed. Wood sawed aud delivered at 87.00 tier oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 eta. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders ai Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Phoemakeb. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has juBt looated in tbe Abrabnm- si c Building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiytbing in his line. M Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a call 14wtt Mabried. At tbs Baptist parsonage in Heppner on Jan. 101b, 1894, Jas. H Willis and Miss Minnie M. Leyde were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. Bramblet officiating. Tbe Gazette wishes the young people long life and mnoh happiness. OBITUARY. Died, in Heppner, Friday, Jan. 5, 1894, at the residenoe of her son, C. i.'. Fell, of thu city, Sarah Harlan Fell, aged 86 years Mrs. Fell was born in Chester Co., Perm., near Brandywine battle ground, in 1808. In 1824, when Gen. La Fay ette visited America, she was one of a oommittee of a number of young ladies who assisted in the imposing oeremonies attending hia reception at one of tbe Pennsylvania towns. In 1831 she was married to Joshua R. Fell, and in 1837 with bim emigrated to Illinois, then a sparely settled wilder ness. Tbey resided in Bloomiogton fifty years. In 1887 they came to Hepp uer to live. Both are buried in the Masonic cemetery. Her father was a Quaker whose re ligions belief prevented him from taking up aims; but was bin self and horss pressed into service, to haul cannon during the American revolution. Land For Sale. 480 acreB over in Wilson prairie. A good stock rsnob un v. ill be sold cheap. Call at Gazette offiee for particulars and t 'rms. M. Stockholders Meeting. TViOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE IN annual meetlrut of the Stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner will be held lit lis banklni? house on the third Saturday In Fet). law, between the time of 10 a. m., and i p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electlnx directors and attending; to such other business us may come before the meeting. Eu. It. Bikhop, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Jan. 10, 1894. mue .. irL.tO e'ml m on. FAlvtcs imlBiwi witti.ut kuitt. N ' Iom of ''St f.nm Filtillk. lf CS . f etci ,1,0 cnrd. : ytsri' e 74,. Question Blsok and aooa tree. csuorwrMs. i) a. H. It. BUTTS HI Fine Street. St. Loots, Mo. DR. GRANT'S AND 1 C U 1 j3p FOS SALE B-3T Gilliam YOUR ATTENTION! We want it for a moment to inform you that ' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's nri i i ees. l ne stocK is clean and trei-h. having been largely inc reased ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. S. S. H ornqr, Salesman. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Will DISCOUNT Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. at Cost for Cash- Call and Secure Of yTTie young how to -iioosp tin; hest one to iittUTy;(lNr TWO COURSE)The married how to bo liu)py ia marringe; ( DAYS YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies ; ( ONE WANT )The mother how t have them without pain ; (AGENT TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be ;( 42 WHAT The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HB EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth IN ONE TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's" Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR, KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates ; 200 recipes ; (500,000 READ )Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars free. (COPIES P. H. T. )Murray Hill Book Co., 12!) E. 28th St., New York.( SOLD. flCH BLANKS Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER Heart Failure. JIOW TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstone is "heart failure." Ko wonder, when we con sider the immense strain which is put on small organ. Marvelous as it ia, beating 100,000 limes and exerting a force equal to 5,194,000 pounds daily, it has its limit its endurance often is too severely tested. So smiimon are diseases of the heart though often for a considerable time without the suspicions of the afflicted person being in the least excited that it is stated that one PT'son in four hat a bad heart Dr. Franklin Miles, of Klkhar', Ind., has for years made a special study of all diseases of the heart, and his remarkable success has made his name n familiar one in all parts of our land. He lias found the most common symptoms of heart disease to he pain, dittrest or tender nest in the chat, back, tUmaeh, bowelt, left thouliter and arm, thortneu of breath, mother iuy speis, fainting, etc. Mr. George K. Smith, of Birnes, Yates Co., N. Y., writes: "Da. Miles' New Hkart Curb hat vxrrkvl wmdrrfully on mind and body it 1 can do a good day'i work. 1 feel ten years younger and take more interest in affairs. I had shortness of breath, palpi tation, pain under left shoulder blade, pain around the heart, 1 eould not tUep on my rigid riile. Since I have taken Dr. M'dtJ New Heart Cure I iltrp well, and have no palpita tion. It has made my heart ttrongrr. J wish vou would print this, because I want all to know what Dr. Miiti Heart Cur boa done for me." "For months my wife suffered with palpi tation, mothering tpetlt, and was unable to sleep on her left side. Hhe tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Curt was recommended. After taking three bottles, she fully recovered her health. Yimr medicines do what you claim." Chas. Christman, Toledo, O." Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It is tafe, agreeable, rffeeiive, and doit cure. Dr. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. For saleby T. W. Ayers Jr. & Bisbee, iiErruEn, on Sale, at way-down pri- i i i i with new goods the ear Geo. Conser, Assignee. sw OH ALL STOCK. a Good Bargain. T.QuTIID, Assignee. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office OAIvIy AT OFPICK Don't Lose Heart. PLANT FFHRV'S NRf:i.q this year, and umke up for lost tlinft J rerrynfieen Annum roritjw wm j give you many valuable tilnu j auoui wnat to raise and now to J raise it. itconuins Inform-J lUod to he bud from no otherj . source. Free to all.. . D.M. Ferry tCo.j Detroit, Mich. , ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebiiker wnirnn heads thera all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon say? Why, yos at P. C. Thompson & Co.'b etnnd, and the place for bargains. a The Keelny Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobaoco habit. Hue ad. The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff (ihciip, go to tbe Enterprise Qrooery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tfap uian to fix up your watoh or clock. Le keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Liohtenthal & Co.'s new stock of pleri(lni, summer notion and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark d attention. a Tlie general merefinntlise establish ment formerly owned by Onflin & McKar land, tins lately chanired bands, now be ina nmler the control and matiagi'ment if Tbe McKarland Mercantile Cnmpnnv, wbioh continues business at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a D n 1. 2. -' 8. THEPEOPLEARE COMING OUR Not only onoe, but again ami again. .un ireigui, huu gooa measure ror tbe least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" briDgs people back, holds custom, makes ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some ot our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. yj iktor Why Buy When you can MEATS OF ALL Eta, at the And at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build- ur JAW tu your interests ana bssib! tnose who assist you. law SHAW & M'CARTY, Props. The Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK The Eiitmi Bale On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of ohoice Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp try them. w RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with Blight symptoms, which when neglected in crease in extent and gradually grow daugerous. ffiaa,CHE'KE RIPANS TABULES. If you are RIMOl'S, CONSTIPATED or have A D1BOUDHKED UVKR, . If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW or TAKK. you surnu uisikkhh alter eating, I III nllU I MUUL.L.O, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL TAl. DIDAMC TADI II CO DISOKDKKd OK THIS STOMACH, - TAKE nlfANo I ADULiIO. Bipans Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, stomach and intes tinesj cleanse tbe system effectually; oure dyspepsia, habitual oonstipation, offens ive breath and headache. Oue Tabulb taken at the first ndication of indigestion, biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Ripans Tubules are prepared from a prescription widely need by the best pbysioians, and are presented in the form moat approved by modern ecieooe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontaia nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A qnarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by tbe wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., PORTLAND, OHBGON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. Sampl.s on application to tin 3Slpaxi Oumlcsi Co, STotr TTorJc City. REMOVAL NOTICE! The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware. Stoves, Etc., carried by Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to the West wareroom of tbe Mo Farland Mercantile Co.'a establishment. He still has a oomplete line wbioh will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around. 1 aw The Lancashire Insurance Co. of iviAivoiiisasvric, if ?voi,aivi A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT pnp olhe I least in the Wqjld A HOT nil Only Firet Clsss Lotel Id Hertber, Eoildlcp Kited for Electric Llfitts throughout. test eccctnrrdaticn for tie travelkg public. Courteous treatment assured the coun try people. WES. M. VCN CADCW. Proprietress. WAY! They know that from us they always get I Heppner, Oregon. of Peddlers? get tbe choioest KINDS, SAUSAGES, Liberty Market. For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particulars. Strictly contldentlal. Treatment private and sura & RTJHL RIPANS TABULES. DIDAMC TADI II CC Grocery Store w