Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 12, 1894, Image 2

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o fflE ffljip TO SELL YOU WV
i i
One of the Best Heees of Land in Morrow County.;
ti i la 1 land has s coed 6prirg of water on it, nil under
C7TND 1 60 AOKE8 Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which 1. euYd lml iU-rv re 140 seres go d farming laud, and the balance A 1 j-ssture. lhe Heetiea is
fl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hsrdman,
Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber cnltnre claim, 8800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap aud on ensj terms.
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner into
For further information call at our offioa
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and ever? correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unlets the
writer i real uame la alguad as an evidence of
gooa laim.
Did you ever
Read abont the
Mao wbo
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Ye? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising
All the
Hui le schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a f;ood ad.
In a pood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
Aud that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses Its Bpuce
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Arrcn arresting forty members and
brinnitig them in, the djmooratio house
has euoceeded in gathering a quoram
Trb New Tear's edition of the
Statesman is at hand. It is
illustrated and in all a very credit till le
edition, indeed.
Tail Hawaiian matter has been aids
tracked for the WilsoB tariff measure.
There seems to be no probability of any
substantial Qiiauoial legislation in the
near future.
QriTK a destructive Qre occurred on
Jan. 8ih among the World's Fair build
ings. The loss to exhibits still re
maining aud to buildings will foot up
to $1,000,000.
They used to josh the writor shroud
by Bkiug "Where's Heppner?" It
don't take much trouble to Hud Heppner
on the map now, and a letter gets here
without having the county added to the
address, In fact, Heppner is the "big
gest lit tie town" In theNorthwe.it.
Editom Flagu bus given up the
management of the Salem Democrat
and at once accepts a position in the
Journal cilice, while it is reported that
the good will, miicbiuerv und press fran
chise of the Jimrnul m to be transferred
to the Democrat. They mimt have
swapped offices down there.
Dill Nye truthfully raid: "A man
who will use a wart on the back of bis
neck for a collar button, or pasture bis
mother's grave to save ooru, tails to
oross his t's or dot his i's to save ink,
stop Lib dock at uiabt to save the wear
aud tear, is a credit to the man who
refuses to patronize or subscribe for his
home uewspaper on the ouildfau excuse
that he does not like the editor."
Tun latest from Hawaii is to the effect
that Minister Willis has made a demaud
on President Dole to surrender the pro
Visional guvernuient to the queen, which
Mr. Dole most emphatically refused to
do. He is to be Congratulated for hav
lag taken such a staud. The patriotio
manses df America are with the provision
al government aud it is hoped that thoy
may never have to surrender to a low
bred queen.
Tub severe oold wave which was
prophesied for this oouutry about two
weeks ago seems to bare lauded iu Eug
land, where the temperature iu many
places is the lowest ever known, and
though the thermometer registers 5 to 10
above zero, the sufferiug is as great as at
20 below iu the United Slates, l'eople
are eutirely uuprepared foi it, aud
Buffering among poor is intense. Muny
deaths have occurred from exposure,
and a heavy snow storm prevails.
Bl.ii'Ksl.vN's appointmeut seems to
have opened up the eyes of the faithful,
ltluckmnn has been the least conspicuous
of any of the candidates, but he has
worked none the less faithfully for the
place. Instead of getting endorsements
tiaphar.iard, be scoured the beat men of
the Northwest and of the nation in his
behalf. These men were fortunate in
being in a position to gel close to the
president, henoe all the side play aud
bombast thrown upon Secretary Car
lisle went for naught. The Orogonian
struck it right whin it Bid that ''the
brass baud method of seeking office is
sot always effloaoious." 1
At fikbt the ex-queen of Hawaii
positively refused to go back on the
throne at the request of Willie unless
supported by the force of American
arms, but now she is ready and willing
to be reinstated. What brought about
this ohange was not at first understood,
but it has Binoe been learned that her
British friends bave been advising ber
to accept Willis' proposal and thus gain
restoration by power of United States
diplomacy and arms, after whioh, the
provisional government being out, she
could promptly apply to Great Britain
tor support and turn the islands and
dependencies over to Great Britain.
This oould not oe regarded in the light
of an i,ffront to the United States by
Great Britain, because President Cleve
land had, for the United States, with
drawn the treaty and rejected all over
tures looking toward annexation. How
ever, it is a pleasure io state that the
provisional government still holds the
fort, and will continue to do so unless
forced out by the Cleveland-Willis
dkhuckatig pkaykr
Tub Chinamen ia Salem have re
fused to register. They assigned several
reasons for not doing so. In the first
place they say bard times have struok
the Chiuese the same as all other
classes and they oould not afford to
speud the money required to bave their
pictures tnaen; that ir tbese were
furnished them by the government he
thought that they would not hesitate
but go at onoe and register. Another
reason is given by a Chinese merchant
who sayB that the Chinamen do not
dare to comply with the law as it meant
sure death to them. He said they had
been threatened by the highbinders
and (lie criminal element, and that they
would undoubtedly oarry out their
threat. This olaes of Chinamen are not
eligible to registration and for that
reason they are trying to overthrow the
law. So it is plain to be seen that the
extension of the Geary law will amount
io noiuing. it aiiouiu nave been en
forced before.
Hknky Blaokman reached the in
ternal revenue plum. He is a good
fellow with many friends, who will re-
joioo with him over the appointment,
A week ago it seemed to be a sure thing
for Mr. Munday, but one can never tell
where Cleveland lightning ia going to
strike. Telegram.
Tub committee on Indian aliairs has
reported favorably Representative Ellis'
bill extending the time of the Umatilla
Ditch Company for three years.
Deafness Cannot be Cnrrd
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diHeaaed portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness is oaused by an iiitiameJ
condition of the mucous lining of the
liiiiHtnohian tube. Wnen this tube RetB
iiifl imed you have a rumbling Bound or
lmnerleot bearing, and when it 18 en
tirely cloBed deafness is the result, and
unless the luUamation can be taken out
and this tubo restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will he destroyed for
ever; nine oases out of ten are caused
by oatarrh, whioh is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any oase of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
mat oannot De oureu By Hall s Uatarr h
Cure. Seud for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O.
lS sola oy druggists, Yoo.
Tho Amerioaa Protective Tariff
League in special and extraordinary
session on Deoember 10th, responding
to the earnest request of wage earners,
unanimously agreed that it wag neces
sary to a .ill upon the press of the United
States to urge every patriotic citizen to
assist in defeating the proposed Wilson
free trade tariff, which is now before
congress. It thia measure becomes a
law, the demaud for labor in all pro
ductive employments in this country
will be decreased. This will reduce the
waes and earniugs of every man, woman
or child among us; permanently lower
the standard of living in this oouutry;
ami, reduce the purchasing power of
our wage earners who constitute the
great consuming force in this land.
Every person, rich or poor, high or
low, old or young, who is not in favor
of lower wages aud less comfort in life,
should at once write a postal card to the
congressman from his or her district,
protesting against the passage of this
hill and demanding that the MoKioley
tariff be left unchanged. Write a postal
card today, and urge every friend of
yours to do the same. Ferbaps your
effort will defeat free trade and save
Catarrh ia the Head
la undoubtedly a disesss of the blood,
ami as such only a reliable blood puri
fier can effect a perfect and permanent
cure. Hood s Sarsaparilla is the beat
blood purifier, and it has cured many
very severe cases of oatarrh. Catarrh
oftentimes leads to consumption. Take
Mood a oamapsnlla before it is too
From the National Reform.
Oj, almighty, all powerful, all-wise,
most glorious, grand and worshipful
Grover. Thou who aitteet iu Washing
ton and emitest thine enemes with the
lightuing ..f Ihy wrath; wbo rewardetb
ttiote ho serve thee and chaatisetu
those who do not thy bidding the lightning
of thy wrath is terrible. We bow before
thee in bumble submission. Stick out
thy big toe that we may kiss it. Oh,
most powerful, most adored and mom
feared Cleveland, how cau we buinhla
ouiRelvea euongh before thee? Help us,
our great political master, to make our
selves little that in our insignificance
thou rnayest be magnified. For the.-,
most powerful master, we will eat dirt.
Like the sow, we will "return to our
wallowing in the mire." We will not
only take up our own vomit, but take
up that of any other dog which thou
tellest us to. We live for nouebut thee.
The more thou kickeet us the better we
will love thee. Though our wives nud
children ory for bread1, we will maroh in
the prooession, oarry a torchlight, wear
a democratic rooster io our bat, and
sing praises to thy name. Oh, mighty
father of mugwump democracy, there
are none so great as thee. Whosoever
kindleth thy wrath is denied the wed
ding garment. He cannot enter into
the guest chamber, nor can he eat of the
official pie. In the areutness of thy
strength thou hast put to flight the
senators of ten slates. Cingressmeu fly
before thy terrible wrath like leaves be
fore the antumo wind. With the jaw
hone of au ass Sampson slew many Phil
istines. But with tliiue wn jaw-bone
which is not as good aa the asB's, thou
has put millions to flight. Thou has
smote the people hip aud thigh. Thou
bast caused a great plague to fall upon
them even the plague of poverty. With
thy stroug right hand thou , hast made
pleasant the paths of thy friends, but
thiue euemies bast thou smitten with
terrible Bmite. They have been left out
ia the oold. No postufflae or consul
ships gladden their hearts. Though they
yenin ror me nesh pots, and gnz$ wist
fully at the official pie counte", they are
not nllowed to partake thereof. Tliei
Bin oi aiBooeuienoe to tny woro: pursues
them at all times. They are made to
feel the inconvenience o" thy uiiplens
fw. .
um moHi graoioua master, our
hearts are full of love for thee. Thou
on, Lileveland, wlio is great in stature,
great in the biguess of thy ueok and
pauuuu, great in name ana great in ue-
tioul 'Thou, in the greatness of thy
greatness, can st be president and ti:
nan my nme. ruou oallest congress
together and tellest them what to do,
and it is done even as thou hast ordered
it, Thou makest a Moses out of John
Sherman and an Aaron out of Dan, the
"tall ayonmore of the Wabash." Tbon
oommandeat the people to follow them
out of the wilderness of "Free Silve
uoiuage. ine eioers nave done so
and thy people will follow. Thou smut
est the rock of silver coinage and io!
there was a dearth of money throughout
the laud. There was weeping and wail
ing and gnashing of teeth. The banks
had closed and the people were "left in
the suds. Rachel weepiug for her
'savings money" aud would not be com
forted. The fiery Berpeuts of "depre
oiated silver dollars" were bitiniz the
people throughout all the land. Aud
the people oried unto thee for eucoor
Aud thou didst oommand Sherman and
Dan to put a golden serpent upon
pole, that whosoever had been bitten
might look upon it and be saved. And
the elders fell down and worshipped the
golden eerpent and did everything a
thou oommandeat them. Oh, most pow
ertui Ule.velauu, Help us sing praises
to thy name. We know we are un
worthy to lick the dust off the soles of
tby feet. We lie down on our bellies
and put our noses in the ground, even
as an Arkansas bog rooteth after the
acorn long since buried. We implore
thee to ootne and sit down on us with all
(he avoirdupois of thy political weight.
Let thy fatness spread out over us even
as a sick buzzard would tall upon a dead
rat. Walk on us to our heart's content.
What are we here for if uot to add to thy
greatuess, to love thee, adore thee, wor
ship thee aud serve? We thank thee,
oh Cleveland, that we are alive and
permitted to even speak thy name
without Binning against thee. We fain
would touoh the hem of his garment,
but we couldn't stand it. It would
thrown us into a fit. We would shake
thy hand and gate into tby broad and
lovely countenance, but it wt nld kill ua
to come in contact with so ruuoh great
ness. Suffer us, most worshipful master,
to blindfold ourselves and kiss the end
ot thy big toe. This would be glory
enough tor us. We eould then lie
down and wriggle with jiy and glad
uess all the rent of ibe days of our lives.
When we die e would bave our lips
cut out and preserved iu s jar, to be
banded down from generation to gener
ation, labeled: "The lips that kissed the
end ot Cleveland's big toe." Oh, might
There was never a time in the history
of our couutry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the factory and workshop, the' household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenance aud impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political change in the admiuiatra
on government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
beiug on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare oannot be exer
cised in oboosing a competent and skill
ful ottorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed io
innumerable instances by the employ
merit of inoompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view ot a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager,
018 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, aud gen
eral periodicals ot the country, was in
stituted to protect its patrons from the
nosafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Cnn
pany is prepared to take charge of oil
patent busiuess entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, iuoludiug me
ohauioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, Validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rf jecti d
cases. It is also prepared to entor into
competition with any firm in seeming
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Weddbrbirn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C.
Wheat, bu 85
Flour.bbl 2 60 300
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 50
tbree 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 50 0 2 25
" stook 1 50 & 1 75
Hogs, on foot, cwt i 50
Hogs, dressed 6 50 (?) 700
Wool 6 & 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 60
Eggs, doz 20
Chickens, doz 3 00
Wheat, cwt SI 03 ti 1 OS
Flour.bbl 3 (10 i 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 l? 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, cwt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon. . 10 is 12
Butter, lb 25 30
Eggs, doz 20 '25
Chiokens, doz 5 00 6 00
Turkeys, lb 15 (s 18
Wheat, cwt 85 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 (Ed 2 75
" dressed 3 50 (3 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00
" dressed 6 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 ds 14
Butter 20 30
Eggs, doz 27' O 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 (4 4 50
TurkeyB lb 15 3 17
Pr-rrl for
de-.-i , i e
. .!'. lil,.i
Dr. WlILIAi'.S'
Schenectady, K.y.
Cleveland, we thank thee for couseut.
mg to he president. Thou art the only
man in the party that baa sense entmgh
to be president. We thank thee for th
good times thou hast brought us. We
thank thee for the low prioe of wheat
we oould boy two bushels and a half
for a dollar, if we had the dollar. We
thank thee for the millions that are ont
of employment, for now we ran hire
nnuu wnen we want to ana mm at our
prioe. We thank thee for the hungry
people iujthe laod, for hunger is good
for dyspepsia. We thank thee for tli
patches on the seat of our pants for the
people will not mistake us for a banker.
We thank thee for the good dollar that
we have not got aud for making the
mortgage on our farm better ; than it
warn We thank thee for the meat we
sold to the banker and for the eggs we
sold to the grocer to get money to pay
last year's interest on our note. Take
ns into thy protecting care, kick us
whenever it suits thy pleasure, griad
our noses into the dust of political
corruption, tell us what you want done
and how you want ua to do it, give us
occasionally a piece of offloial pie, and
thine shall be the politioal glory as long
as our patches oan be mode to hang
together. Amen.
Sheepmen will be interested to know
that there is no longer any question as
to the relative merits ot the different
sheep dips upon the market. Christy &
Wise take pleasure in announcing that
Haj ward's Dips (paste and liquid) for
whioh they are sole P. C. agents, have
secured the firnt award at the World's
Fair, and last year these dips received
the silver medal at California State
rur sine ny Biocnm JohoBtnn Orue
Wherbas, It has been the divine de
oree to remove from our midst, onr
worthy aud beloved companion James
P. Bushee, therefore be it
Resolved, That it be the Benseof Hepp.
ner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., to express
at tbia date a feeling of sorrow nnd
grief for the loss of one who was al
ways a patriotio citizen and ever a
faithful oompanion, And be it
Resolved, That in their hour of deep
grief aud tribulation, we tender to the
bereaved family and relatives our
sympathy. May the Grand High Priest
of the Sacred Sanctuary above look
down upon them in compassion, and
make their great trial fall upon them
not as a burden, but as those looking
forward to the meeting of the loved one
goue forever, io the great day of judg!
ment above.
wsoivea. mat a copy of these reso
Intions be spread upon the minutes of
Heppner Chapter No. 23, R. A. m
copy sent to the 'bereaved family, and
one each given to the Heppner Record
and Heppner Gazette for publication
Otis Patterson,
J. N. Brown,
J. W. Morrow.
Heppner, Or., Jan. 11, 1894,
A Herald of the Infant
Llip the last thirty
years or more
from tho oentury. and ih
Fair and gold medal at Mechanic F.ir. LXu,"i!f9H,"T. f- ",e ab'M
Sn Prnni.., .s i i i popularity of Hosteller's Stoinsnn u
he liiualized
San Franoiseo..Every praoticals heepmen
that ever used Hayward'a Dips, pro-
nounoed them the very best dips for the
cure of sosb, the general health of sheep
snd conditions of wool,18MS8-gw,
Symvtoms Moisture ; intense and
stinging; most at night; worse bv
soratohing. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very enre. finni'.
Ointmknt stops the itohing and bleeding
uomt, uiueratuiQ, ana in m ist cases re
moves the tumors. At drninrists. n, h
for fx) oeuts. Dr. Swayne 4 Son.
sw 1 yr.
If you want to enioy
trengtheo your disestion 1
Liver Regulator,
your meals
ilh Simmons
ine openinir ot th mo. .7
d bv the ant e.
reel, Almanac of the Bitter,, in wu ,h
always astonishingly accurate anH !T
statistics, illustration, h
other reading matter ..-i. nu
and full of profit The n ,t ? ,D,;,reR,
psny, of Pittabu g, Pa , p M hef 'm--elves.
They emp oy now ft "
hands iu the mecnJ, Ltblln. 81I'J
than eleven month, i
simied in its preparation It u"
obtained, without co8t, of a ri8D.
and country dealers, and is Ji,'" 8
English; German. French. We h t
weigan, Swedish; Holland b"k or'
andSpaniab. Bbemian
What it the condition of yount Is your hair dry, harsh
IHttlc? Dons it tpllt at the endtt Has it a lifeless appearanett
iJoes it full out tchen eombed or brushed t Is it full of dandruff f
Dors your scalp itch f Is it dry or in a heated condition T If these
ci e some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become
aBl naaaa h m a . . - A
!s what ymi uwrt. IU production la not un accident, but the result of aeienrtfi .
Bcaivli. KnowU'ilne of the dUeuwe of the hair and scalp letl to ttiu dlseoverv T),lt
to treat them. "Skookum " coutaln neither minerals nor oils. It is uotaDvVi .
a rifliKhtfully cooling and refreshing Tonic, hv stimulating the follicle
jUhn lutir.cures dandruff and growihair onbaUi heads, ' ' '
(47 IVt CU MIO BUtMH vwttu. .... a. ro i 1 1M1I1 ( Cnijlf mnfl, l.y t,f, nH
3m eVJUjii I, wwuujs juiushiu srtxcui, wnioninu and ucfru
r J !
kmiAliil. i'lftr
ir your druirirlst cannot supply yoo, send direct to nj. and wo win i,.,.
imiil, on tmapc ot nriuo. Urower, 1.0O par buttle; 6 for iOj. bouu
i oi'or liso.
57 South Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y.
Is the title of a very valuable book that gtvos a great amount of Information of tha litrooti
Importance to Everybody, own ernlng- tbolr dally habits of Kating, Drinking, Dressing, etc
What to Bat, Inflnen of Plants, Parasites of the fikln, Care of Teeth
How to Eat It, Occupation for Invalids, llathing-Bost Way, After-Dinnor itann
Things In n. AW'rtllfll AM A FOOll and a LuilffHand Limo- niMAnsna VHan n m-L ' 1
TbtaRB to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, ' Cure for Intempera
ferns or Miromer, mipernuouH nair,
now to urctitne, Removing rame,
IIow M uch to Wear, To Got Rid of Lice, '
j.iaiaiuu AiiUGMOnS,
Croup to Prevent
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affection.
nvA,alln 11. Pn.m.ntlnz Noar-SiL'lited- IIow In Avoid Than. r-JX.. .?.n."
Ventilation, ness, Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Conn.
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysontery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons FetS
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts,'lvy Poisoning
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eye's, Sore Moutb
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothaohe Ulcaral
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SA VII DOCTORS BILLS.
tyAll new subscribers and prompt renewals during the month of Jan. will b
preseDsed with a free oopypf this as a premium.
EMlis, Dawson Xs Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
.,ofEfTxMinte!'cst?f th,ose havinS c,aims aKain9t government ii
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
ot the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli.
able solicitors to procure natents. fnr tli. uat,,. f ... 7 f .1., um
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. v 6 i
Yrth l!ie v'ew of. protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney.,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are brenared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In-
wi.creiH.es, mane special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
Ifvou have an Invention r,n ,a . -i.-i-i . ... i
-7 e ; u un.m dcuu a gkcwu or pooto?rapa toereui, w
..V .7 description of the important features, and yoii will be at once
n.,.V?'h' best course. tl- Purse- Models are seldom necessary. If
inf.,ng 00 your r,Sbt3' or if yu are charged with infringement by
others submit the matter tQ up forarliabl opiNfON before actfngonths
THE PRF's'! fI oimc rrMBBnv
P.O.BOX4S3 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
S" Cut this out and send It with your ln-yir.
in the
it is a wonderful rcmedv, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your childen. Such is Scott s Emulsion
rure iorv.v;;-n C'od 1
pnir.es ot Llma rav;j SoJ.,
rnj!llt-sM 1 i
aim nrofiiu-pc !,.,!, 1,.. 0.... t..
them from takino- ccld a-,d it will do the same for vou
-ivcr Oil and
It checks
Scott's Emulsion ,
Colds, Consumption, Sirs'.-.! t',;
all Anaemic and Va-:- - r -..7 '
Pnnnt i: . "": -i; -
uie genuine. irp.,r
Bowne, Cheralst, K,.
all Drug-jisrs.
I I Us
Administratrix1 Sale of Real Estate.
0fllf ntiarto. .. "hii (H inn Nnrth
r::." the E,t h ;
bldilariAr..b Public aale to the hlBh.r
wet quarter of .ertlnn .1,1 , 1 01 the Norh
hlp two (:) So, th -V02 'l2ir.t'-0lle ;)1 town-
ot th. iv i.l.V, "8"7 -m,e (W)
sell said
undeVand par, llXh'f made
court of date SemVmS ," th County
c'lnMld Coant7court Z i made A
on said data ' court ' Morrow countv
ereit In 1k. .. .1' , an "'idlvlded one-half
"WetHte sal,! mill k . I'Vt'frty lelonKlnK ro
BrCn mi 't r,vk'Jf- " the VfiSS
hlhe.t bidder wl h 01. , i'e "!'ule t0 tllc
PreniUe,, The or , 1. I. . 1 .h"'".1 "tn the
'nrmal.1 "le."av:nK been
October, i " D n'au- 1)al"i this lit day if
192-2W '
Keep your iheep healthy and In
sure a good clip by uilng
Hayward'HHheP Pip.
The "Paate Dip" mixes with either
Cold or Warm Water.
The "Mquld Dip'' is non-potsonoui, Improves
the wool and does not stain It
Woo Commlnslon Merchants Fifth and Town
send Sts San Francisco.
Sole Pacific Coast Agents. 89 lm sw
Mckan ot ear tnsU
ta.nl fjr wmk.nH .ad
(Uct. narron. debility
and lot! vltaUtii sanl tsee tes U
Slisslss and lot! rltatlu