IT! M!!! lu ff cur C'litip m-.n It ii'if h- flfyi!.g f.ihf ..UhtiUoo (351 .;..tpari'n '3 31 UNo IIPRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL rr j r 1 Al't ail plilsar.d nedl-lne J.rod jre cr-iallpalion. here 1" !M that cure torpid J PAT liver, LJIt'.uvri' t-t, r!:'.urriat:.Hm Ifi-U'-a tOuM'.S Tit'jfiUt rl;,If! or .'-avtir,' a: ' to I t j . t will cur y.u si'lt headacLe and kiluy aud liver ,y tr.o of CONSTIPATION, which it It getting habitual and cnnulc with you. 3 t o - .8 ti: J . COMPLEXION RFNTI5S RECTIFYING PILL 5 oocause it Is the only safa arid barm r r'rtiiyJy that will surely BEAUTIFY tb i 2 j all blotch from the far cl'ur tLo ,.):!n and rtm jyjjf. V-j O nt j a tx-x. S.-D BY AL! Or tv-nt ty rriaJl up in H-of-lpt 'f jjrl'ro Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIPOfVXIA STKEHT, SAN FKA.NCISCO, Try a hex and se t-v your- DRUGGISTS, CAL. I'r'MitHn I'.'vUlfS ilitf pills euro r:oij fill put im. l'j ibtl 1W lT';rjtlM - t If ylrig pills cjr rouritipfctton Pr-hlir-a II- liryjug f'lila curjcoatifatlofl iifyJiiff pi 1 1 h o u re cob bi 1 f .a Ion 5s tfREAT SPEAR MAD CONTEST. AND THE TAGS. Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, 50.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS, SAVE 3 le Hundred and Seventy-Three $173, .14,650 (Xj 1 .1 55 HTI'.M WI.N'MXG KIiIN HOLD WATCHES 5 775 FINK IMI'OllTKI) I'HUN'I'II OI'KItA OLAHHKH. MOUOC'() HODY, ' III.ACK KNAMtli TKIMMIM;H. ( 1 II AUA NTIOKIj AI.'IIHOM ATIC. . . 28,075 (Id 23.100 IMI'OKTIiO OKKM ' I'Ol Kl.T KNIVhH. 23,100 00 1,750 00 AN !!(; KIIDIIN IIANULK, FOUK HI.AIlKD ilG GOO It'll, I, KI) (i(II.I) WATCH CIIAUM IlOTAItV TlXKKCOi'K TOO'l II 1 IMCKH ! 1 16 500 I-ARUK I'MTtlllKM 111x28 Indies) IN KUiVFN (JOLOHH, for framing, ' uu advertising on thorn 28.K75 00 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 Tim above articles will bo dlntrl billed, ly corinlli', nmoriK mrtli' who chew Hl'EAK HI? A I) I'lug 'lohura.-o, uuil nsturii to us the TAWN taken therefrom. We will dlHtrl bitto 2!i0of thoNe prlzeH In llilm connly n follows: ' o THH I'AltTY writing n the greateBt number of SI'IJAIt 1IKA1J 'I'AtiSfrom UilH county we will give 'i o Hie I'l VK PAItTIHM Hi'ii'llng Hi the next greiiti'Kt nuniher of HPKA R IIKAI TAI1H, we will give to each, I Ol'KltA CiLAKH. To the TWKNTY I'MU'IKS nenillng iih the next grenteBt numher of hl'I'.AR lll'.AU TAi;H, wu will glvo to eaeh 1 I'UCKKT KN til-; To the (INK iniNllKl;!) lltTIHH ncmllng tin the next greatest jitiinl.'T of SI'DAIt IlilAI) TAflH, we will give to each 1 11111,1,1.11 WATCH CIIAUM TOO'I H I'ICK To the ONK IIC.liHl;ll I'AltTIKH nenillng tin the next greateBt liiiinher of KI'KAIt IIIOAIl TAUS, we will give to eaeh 1 LAIN IK I IITIJUU IN LLEVI'.N Co LOUS WOMEN AND CHESS PLAYING A STANCH OLD SHIP. HUtorj Tails or No .rrt rhm I'lajen Amrjn ". -'mep. A (rroat many nt-wspapors are com mentiou on the fact that history doe not reconl a woman who has r xcellet in thf (fame ehevs. There i some this? btrani'c in tin' fai:t that only met have mast, n ! thi' -t ramr. To be come pruikk-nt in this (.'auie one must have the twJ, ealcu!atin(f fatuity o: the matlMinatkian, the nerve of th profeKsional (raiuUer. and the fac of a sphynx. In adiiitinn to this, on must have a trnv.t ileal of time to de Tote to the stuly of the tfamc. It is this last whieh maVes the ab senee of female ehi-s.-. players v curious says the Omaha Wnrl.i-IIerald. In thit busy age men have no time to learn tht game unless they steal it away Iron: their business. A man in business must be at his offiee not later than nine a. m. Then he has to read the morning- papei for an hour, talk politics until eleven, go out to lunch and remain until one p. m., take a country customer out to set the sights of the city until three p. m., return to the of.iee and dictate to the stenographer until four p. m., and then go home so utterly tired out that he feels cross, kicks the family cat across the sitting-room, viciously shakes the furnace so hard thut he breaks the grate, growls at Lis dinner, and finally goes down town and plays "freeze out" for the cigars in order to secure relief from the cares and vexa tions of business life. With a woman it is different. She has a great deal of spare time and it is a wonder that the chess champion of the world is not a fcmiile. All a woman has to do is to get breakfast, get the children ready for school, wash the breakfast dishes, sweep the house, make the beds, dust, peel the potatoes for dinner, go to the grocery anil mar ket, get lunch for the children when they come home from school at noon, see that their hands and faces are clean before returning, wash the dishes again, sew buttons on her husband's shirt, patch Tommy's trousers, let a tuck out of Susie's dress, darn a basket ful of socks, get supper, wash the dish es again, get the children ready for bed, and, last of all, prepare for the break fast in the morning. If she would put In her spare time after these few little tasks are done in learning to play chess Champion Lasker would soon lose his laurels. Hut instead of this she puts in her spare time darning more socks and sewing on more buttons, and it is safe to say that the chess championship will be held by a horrid man for ages to come. . i ON ROLLER SKATES. First s Fight 3r, Then a Messenger of Mercy. .1 OOIJJ WATCIL i OI'F.KA OLAHHEH. ..HI POCKET KNIVFii .100 TOOTH I'ICKH. .100 I'ICTURESs Tolul Number of 1'rlzeH Cor llilfi Comity, 22(1. C.U'TION. - No Tngi will he received before January 1st, 1801, nor after February lt, 1HDI. Kiieli p:u Uiu;e eoiituliilng Iiil'h must be inarUeil plainly with Name of Keniler, 'lown, County, ht;ue, iiikI Number of TugH In eaeh package. All charges on packages must be prepiil'l. HKAIi.- KI'MAR IIKAI) poHHPHHcH more iiuulltleN of Intrinsic value tbnn any other plili; tobacco proiluccil. II Is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. Ml'KAIt 1IEAII Is absolute Iv, po-utlvelv end illMlliiellvely illllerent In llavor from nny oilier plug tolmeeo. A trlul will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It ts the largest seller of any similar shape nml sly le on curt h. which proves that It has caught the popular teste and pleases the opic. 1 ry I L, HUM pan ii i em n in i ne too ikhi ,,,i iii,:n. n"" unit u " i in uucrij ce Ol ni I'wVIV nr.'ll' you liny, rti-uu ill Wie LUgn, uu muLie, now nuiaii hid III , L'llt Pi quantity. Very sincerely. Tllli P. J. HOltU COMPANY, MlIillI.ETOWN, OHIO. A list or the people obliilnlng thene prizes In this county will be published In this paper Immediately after February 1st, isill. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDItlCNH A I KTTER OK I'OSTAIj CAHI TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. Q llonni iiU v fliui'linrtrrd m ilil irrn ntnl n llnra who apt veil iiinrtv tlnvn. or over. In the lute Wfir re entitled, it now iurtlully or wholly (tis.itIrt lor ordinary manual lutior, whether disability win ruiitii'd I'V Ht wire cir nut, mid i cuiii illrNS ul their tiei. uiii.ii y rlr timtiincei. VI DOWHol hiii. h Hold ivt rill nd ni lot h me entitled (if not tnnnrritd) whether aoldier'l death wan due to urni v tf' vii c or not , it now dc pendent upon t lie-i r own lnhnr fur support. Widow nut deitendnit iikoii tin-it own In nor lire nt it led if (lie nohlier'M denth wu due to Rervtce. 4)11 1 1.Dlt KN nieentilled (it Under HixUeu yt-am) In almoHtall citscs where there wan uo widow, or h!i linn (tim e died or renmrried. I'AUIiNTS uie entitled II Holdiei leift iiollher widow nor child, provided aotdter died In r vie', or rrutu rll'ortn of aitrvlr, nud they nrc ",,w dopeiidotit upon their own labor for sup port. II waken uo dlllcience whelhct soldier served or died iu lute war or lu regular army or navy. Soldlrrnoniie Into wrtr, pcnslo tied under one Inw, may npply for higher rate under other laws, nltliooi tiny rlfcl-la ThouHiindM ol noldiei h (lrawintc from $3 to $10 fier month under the old la" are entitled to hl1ir rule-i utidrr nw Inw, not only on aeiouul of tliHubilltiea for which uow pcusiontd, but alio lorolhcrit, wliollinrdu to trvlt, or not, Soldiei h nnd mii ho B disnlded in line ol duty In rguUrnrmy or navy tluoethc war are alto entitled, whether dim hni L'fd lor tliKahilit v or not. Hurvivotn, nnd their widowH, ol tlie Hlm'k llHwk,Crofik,rhrokefl and Seminole or Flor ida Indian War of IHIttf to 1H4'iS, aro out It led tinder a reonnt act. Meilertn IVuraoldluraaiid their widow i alioentltled, it inty-twoyeariof age or diaablea or dependent. old claim completed and settlement ohtnined, whether pension has been granted undtr later lawn or not. Rejected claims reopened nnd settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Oettilicates of net vice nud discltai gc obtained for soldiers and sailors of the lute war who nave lol their cm tiual pHpet a. Heud lor luws and lntui nmtion. Noclmt gc for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C I iiniari'ieo unit l i-e,,, I There w.-is one nuiiilen Imly who re ided iu Llstei- Ciuinl v u lui as not an noyed by Ihe term "old mil it I. She rather gloried iu it. neeording to a writer in llie Kin;;:, Inn I'Vecuian. Often in coiivi'ri.ut ion ivanling the beuellts anil evils in inal rinuuiv. she was heard tosuy: "II is risky al all events. I am free uuil eiiiifort;ib!i utul intend to re main so." A', she was comely, she had admirers w ho had otVercit to her their liunds, hearts unit fortunes, so she remained an old maid from iueliuution and not as snutc malicious women were heard lo say "liei ause she couldn't help herself." Mieuns true lo her princi ples to the last. hen oil her bod, dur ing her last sickness, she sent for u dealer in marble and gave him direc tions regarding the tombstone, to bo placed over her grave. Her orders were implicit, uml after her death they were carried out conscientiously; and the tombstone that now marks the last rest lug plucc of the old maid in a cemetery not many miles from tnln city overlook ing a beautiful c unit ry village, contains, after the name, date of birth and death, tlie following terse but most emphatic luscriutiiin: Whrrt? At AliialianiHirk's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, ho lias added a fine line of uuderwear ol all kitidH, negligee Blurts-, hosiery, etc. Also him ou hand oiue elegant patterns for suits. A. Ahrahamsick, May street, llepptier, Or. CONCERNING THE STARS. President IlHrrlsotrs Son 1'er.uades Htm to Try the Treacherous Wheels. "I once saw President Harrison in a very undignified position," said an In dianapolis traveling limn to a reporter for the Kt. Louis lilobe-IJemocrat. "In dianapolis was one of the iirst cities afllicted by the roller skating craze. A young man named Kenton, living there, was the inventor of the devilish con trivance, and he soon had the city wild. Russell caught the infection and be came an expert, uno nignt ne pre vailed upon his father to visit the rink. The future president looked on the maze of skaters gliding over the smooth floor. It seemed easy enough. He was a famous ice-skater in his boyhood, and, like most others, believed that a man who could keep his head oil the surface of a frozen pond could not be easily downed. He secured a pair of skates, examined them critically, and looked irresolute. In those days the man who hesitated was lost. Half a dozen ladies old, young and middle-aged pirouet ted about him on wheels and urged him to the trial. An attendant had his feet chained down to the star-makers before he hardly realized it. He struck out with his left, followed with his right, nd did amazingly well. It was no trick, after all! Hut he got no farther. One foot shot out to the east, the other made a Columbian voyage of discovery to the west. They circled around eaeh other like an erratic comet chasing its tail, and the future, hope of the nation came down with a crash that made the gas jets Ili 'ker. In less than three sec onds half of Indianapolis was on top of him, and his head was just visible peer ing out from the wilderness of striped hosiery and crushed hats. He sat up when he got an opportunity, removed the skates, went over to the attendant, 1 handed him the offending rollers with j a polite bow and walked out. That was his first visit to the rink and his ' last." i PUNISHMENT FOR BLASPHEMY. Countries Where the Law Itegnrdb It fts a Crime. Among the measures with which the imperial Herman imrliuini'iit will be called upon to deal in the course of the present session is a bill for the abolition of paragraph Hid of tlie penal code, which makes blasphemy punishable by three years' imprisoi un lit with hard labor. Neither in llel;-iimi, Italy, Hol land nor I'Vance is it considered neces sary to make blasphemy a penal of fense, and, indeed, the only three countries of any importance where the offense is still regarded as a crime are Austria, (ireat ltritain and liermany. In England the acts of KKIl nnd of 10W5 have never till this day been repealed, and the New York Tribune says that prosecutions for blasphemy have been pretty numerous during the present century. It is, however, impossible to deny that tho timu has gone when blasphemy could bo regarded as a penal .offense. The p.testiou has be come more one of public order and de cency than of right of judgment. In Germany, where the present political maneuvers on the part of the emperor fhe Old MM-of-Wr to B Sent With Sunplie. to the Relief of Xhm I noiiDe-MrickeD People of Koi The fact that Secretary Tracy, In a etter to .'Senator W. D. Washburn, sig lifies his willingness to assign the sati ng ship Constellation to the duty of car rying to the starving people of Russia he flour and bread-stuffs given for that mrpose by the northwestern millers ecalls the fact, says the New York rimes, that this ship has been on a sim lar mission before. This was in 1S45, vhen immense quantities of provisions vere given by the Americans for the .tarring people of Ireland. The Constellation is a pretty old ship low, and many of her timbers will not itand the hardships of long cruises in lucceeding years, so that her mission to iussia. if accomplished, will probably her last active duty afloat. It will e a fitting end to the career of a famous ld man-of-war. The old Constellation, nearly all of vhose original frames have baen re laired and rebuilt in the present ship, vas completed and launched at Norfolk n May, lS'X), being the second vessel aunched under the then new organiza ion of the navy. Commodore Stephen Jecatur's squadron in the West Indies vas her first assignment to duty. liefore the close of this cruise she en lountered the French frigates LTnsur ;ents and La Vengeance, trouble with Vance being then in progress, and de bated them both, although the enemy vere greatly superior in guns and men. ihe lost her mainmast in this action, a nidshipman and seven topmen going vith it. A gold medal was given to Jomrnodore Truxton, her commander, y congress for his gallantry. When in the Mediterranean on its econd cruise the Constellation, then in lommand of Capt. H. Campbell, joined he American squadron off Tripoli, a iquadron famous in naval annals. The rigate Constitution, with Commodores Decater and Preble and Midshipman tlcUonough, figured in the attack which ollowed the Constellation s arrival. Vfter the victory the frigate proceeded a Syracuse and saw no more active luty of a warlike sort until June, 1813, vhen she was blockaded by a large Snglish force. Several attempts were nade to destroy or capture it by boats Tom the English fleet, all of which re lulted in heavy loss to the enemy. The Constellation is put down in the ld records of tlie navy as a fleet sailor tnd a stanch ship in heavy weather. .a her early days she is credited with a ipeed of ten knots on a wind and twelve md a half knots free, a speed which she s known to have mainfained even after he attained to the age of three score rears and ten. In the summer of 1883, vhen cruising with the naval cadets long the edge of the gulf stream, stud- ling sails on, she made thirteen knots .hroughout a whole morning. In heavy veather she can outride any of the old hips. In her cruise in the Mediter- anean in 1833, for example, she lived hrough a heavy gale in which a French dghty-gun ship was lost, and during he same night, while lying-to, she vcathered the French admiral's ship ;even miles. I he Constellation has been in every art of the navigable globe, and as long is wooden sailing ships were the models f the day she was among the foremost )f her class. Everyone of her lines is lymmetrical, and when she sails under i full spread of stun' sails a prettier light cannot be found. She is reported have beaten the whole British fleet n a wind in the Mediterranean in 1831. Although originally a thirty -six-gun ihip the Constellation's battery has jecn cut down in the course of her nany alterations until to-day she car ies but twelve, these bemg smooth xires of an old type. She carried a )ivot gun amidships until 1883, when it jvas taken out and her pivot ports built .n. For a good many years she has seen the practice ship attached to the Naval Academy for the summer cruise jf the naval cadets. This cruise only lasts about ninety days, and throughout the remainder of the year it has been the custom of the department to put her out of commission. These short tours of active duty have resulted in prolonging her life far beyond the pe riod allotted to the frigates Independ ence, Ohio and United States vessels which were built early in the century and which have long since passed off the navy list. The Constellation re turned from her last cruise with the naval cadets in fairly good trim, and were it not that the new government practice ship will soon be completed to take her place at the Naval academy she would doubtless live to see several more summer cruises, and thus perhaps crown her glorious career with a cen tury of service, for some of her timbers at least were a part of the Constella tion. Senator Tracy's statement in his letter to Senator Washburn, that she "can be sent at short notice," shows that the "old ship is not dead yet." Pit convince the skeptic aud point the wav which if followed leans to i.H,1.,liLni.B.nTm mm ffi strictube ..t. .J ci-- -o on.M, entelelr i DR WARD INSTITUTE. W 120N .MIMhSI..SI .L0UI8.M0. Prof. HARRIS' 801UBU KEDICATEB Pastille Tlm Kaon tint TID In a jf-T-i. sod has ben omh! tn thmt tim j-jr - ------ , - , it ts no untried D'-mrum, KSlV? tel., seip iuo - igcMus health nd strength. ...,prtiii, Ournielh.KlonotnKlucli.K Pf. H.rrts PastHl treatment 1 one which omiuend. ' a T i ....n.-inrihe reaH'D that we .uppiy i. r "n their udnment ot Its value. We uk of onr S the wTot frper.e te,ou I erd and a two cent PW?""7rnT ud card to be aed In i "J ins . .heir fa 1 d in the .uuement ot their caw ol which we SM." W ourselves for n.n in reiur... ..--- . .he ww. nient on Hank we prepare eight days' treatment and for- ward 1L D j man auu v"v- TPIrr p,tane thereon and al"n 2,.r wllhtheewht days' treatment "vxrv . j ..n Hir0r.,iiiii. for we m - ": -i,h turn, the treatment in no way ""- e, person s attention v uu,..,,.-, piln or inconvenience In any way. -,i " we are so p..itlve that It will itlve perfect atlj faction that we leave the matter ot .ending order. entVrely-Uh those using the free trial JKr". hu'ltyto henedt, heir sexual ,r reel tnat mey are ''ai''f;ia vtiUr onrBelves IncontlnumK the use of the , Hit-'ti 1 1 . Een then we do nut attempt to n tbom by Jo mandlnn high prices. On the comrary, we m.ike the prices as low as posioie. fuT Tbey are as follows: W fr one month; ioior iwo rnonins; n mr TtiPsepnceB Btjfiiio the dciivery of the Pastilles by mail. If desired by express we leave the putient to pay we cnarK'"H. over ten years we have operated our GUARANTEED. OLIC UU"B" ' I .. r liorw shutl'-l PtP U. i.fc.iJia"' ,v fc. locis.H0 The Old Reliable A Fox.IluntluK Cow. The first instance on record of a cow killing a fox comes from liucks county, Pa. A few days ago while John Hun sicker, a farmer living near Schnecks yiHe, was driving his cows home from pasture, a large red fox ran out of the woods and gave the animals a lively chase. He finally got so close to one of the cows that she made a vicious kick at his head. So well aimed and powerful was the kick that it caught tho fox fairly in the head and dropped him dead in his tracks. The Word "Filed" Applied to lleuveul llodles (lives a YYroitr Impression. Astronomers tell us that the tent "fixed" applod to the stars is a mistake for It is now know n that there is not a fixed star in the heavens, nnd probablj no such condition as absolute rest in tlu universe. All the stars are In motion, aud some of them are moving at tlu rate of two hundred and fifty thousam: miles all hour, or more that thrice the velocity of mr ourtli on its oi tnt. II i stands, to prevent them irom sending takes and the Uussian government con- ntight be tl. night that this constant to prison for three years with hard lu- sents to have three and a half millions bor any person who should venture to of Jews taken to other countries with pcak ironically of the latter-day niira- in twenty-five years, or 140,000 a year, cles of the Roman Catholic church. , The government has reserved the right in connection with (he military bill Emigration of .lews from Russia. may load to the possible ascendency of A definite agreement is reported to the ultramontane party, the repeal of have at last been concluded between the law is particularly urgent. For Baron Hirsch and the Russian govern when once tho ultrainontancs are in ment concerning the emigration of power there Is nothing, as mo law now jews from Kussia. The baron under- mnt'um would produce continual change! In tho stulhtr relations aud alter the aw of the heavens every few years. Wit tho vast distances at which the stars are set from us destroy the visual effect of their motion, and preserve tlu unchanging aspect of tho heavens. None of the constellations have suf ered a dislocation in throe thousand years. Sirius, Arcturus and tho Plviadoi are still iu their places. Although tin eighty-one stars in Orion have over boeu in motion, each without relation to anj other, the mighty figure is us it ap peiucil to the man of I t forty centuries aio. Tliiiiupson A Hinusov, u the buss which goes to aud from Ike Palace hotel, hut will call for partiea desiring logo to tram in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Weter-Priinr Ureas Faring. The misty, tnoisty went her has made woman's necessity the unuln r m In r in vention. To keep her precious a. isles dry and her skirts unsullied sue has in vented a now facing for In-r dress. It is made of otl c.'lth or mackintosh cioth, md it is made so sinoo.u and flossy that it can ho pu; o:,i ', i sw i as well as Inside. A bro;.a ban I of it is stitohod around the bottom ol iue sk;n, which is of walking length in limu tho ankles. This can, of course, ho worn through tho mud and mire, ami yet bo just as good s now after it lots been -ponged off. With such a skirt the pet tlcoittcan be worn very short, as the oil. uJoth prevents disagreeable cUiiing-. of an absolute control over the opera I tions of the emigration scheme. The t number of emigrants shall increase l from year to year. In the present year I 25,000 shall emigrate, the number to in crease as the preourations by the baron grow more efficacious. Ho will estab lish emigration bureaus all over the Russian empire, to bo eontnllod by a lentral bureau at St. Petersburg. The emigrant .lews cease to be Russian sub- ects and are soldiers in Utu tion from t'.e.t )f 100,000 ro.l-'e lands of tN '. lsed to p.iy ' r caused by u.iy i sack to Kussia. n:.t 1 11.1 ' t i to become f.n cxenii)- i.y. A I'.iai.tee of ! a i i:i tho ' r-'u ' i i bo 1 s that i:i::.:it bo the emigrants going rJTfsds irMtriag LreaaUia.HssMsi.111 si SstablUhedar. .PVxXi married '"."rtles. HK1LL abuses, excessos ' '"-P1" , apartments GUABANTfcM). Board and i furnished when desired, yuo and lloon free. Call or w mo. sCURED. SK Venrs' Einerienee In treating all varl- free. Call or write. VDLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., . . a. LOUW. MO ftt fine Street, - llinton A Jerks, Hamillon.Kr 'MUe.lnb.i. on eillier hip: ornp In right enr and spht ,n j., Ilorsee, J a right Uiigh. lUng in Oomi o,,uai, Uinthei, Hen-iel. W-iirner, Or- y fli p cnlinei'tedlon right shoulder on linr; on rum. on riKht hip and on left side, swnllow f,,i. right oar nd alii in left. Knnge i Miualju'S di-lriet. Mom w eoiinty. Mule. Miltou. Wagnei. Or. II,.re. bn,i,dH -O-(eirele with psrullel Ulls) im left sh,,, , (Vtile sHiiie on led hip also large circle i,u side. Hall Kdwln, John Usy.Or.-Ottle E Hon rl.l, hip; horsee same on right shoulder, tiiuig.,!, (iraateonnty. "" Ilownnl, J U nalloway. Or.-Hore, (., with Iwr almve it) ou right shoulder- ,JniI snmnon led side, linage iu Morrow and lin,, -Ulla counties. Hughes, Mnt, Heppner, Or. Homes, sh,l,j heart on the left shoulder. Knnge Morrow ( 7, Iliinsiiker, H t . Wngnor. Or. -Horses. II on uo shnuliler: caitle. B onTeft hip. ' on Hardisty, Allmrt, Nye, Oregon-n,mn . u eouneeU'd. on left shoulder; Cattle on tlml.. Iilli. onip off left ear, 1,16 ' Ilnniphrevs, J M. Hardman, Or. HorKes Hon Hayes, J. M Heppner. Or. Horses, wlneuUu on left shoulder esttle. same on right hip. Hnston, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Horse H n the left shimlderand heart oo the left atifle r.i tie same on left hip. Range In Morrow nnnni. Ivy, Alfred, Imng Creek, Or Cattle In right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right Horse, same brand on left shoulder ilauge n HrTT. oonntv " "rw" Junkin, H. M., Hnppnor, Or. Horses h shoe J on loft shoulder. Cattle, the .iT Hange on Kight Mile. Mms. Johnson, Felix. Lena, Or. Horses, eircloTnn left Htifie: cattle, same on right hip, under l,l( crop in right and split in left ear rANCERi-q V D1..M" Cf HKU w IhoM til. u.J o IioTmT Uoc.tloe lll.nk null ll"vk "' L'l iswiM oil . navp ujjei.itL-.i ... business upon tnis plan wan mu,,-,.- We ask all persona needing treatment for any of the secret ins wnien come im u,,... a violation of nature s laws to send us their a 1 !S, "ince?'" ntn". "p'ko'f: HAKiys' HOI, VBL M EDICATKO PA811L1.KS have merit and are what they need. All communications confldentlal and should be addreiised to ... , The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists . trnnir MTV W V WSeekman ot., jilb wnnvoii ..... xtid.w..m'fJ.iiii'iiiiii'ijw-w---Mi" WANTED. $15 A WEEK. T.iS ? s.l,,vn!c"mmli.lin. tlO .amp .. Ire. Addio. "' h: BElilAMiN CO., 822 Pin. it.. SI. Loult, Mo. e-AWYt-APYcan PCtavaluableswrctrt.t uanuu8o uu;Sld a rubber shield for SO cemti Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. S"0 PISHT ITRFFT. ST. I.OIHH, MO. U iV ; i $ il m THK P5lK!..i X.4IJ1M t'OJIPAefY. fOHN WEDUHBuHN. - Managing Attorney, P.O. Box WASHINGTON. D. (J. I'Ws.ON'S i-IiOCL'llKiJ rn SOLDSftS, WIDOWS. CHILDREN, PARENTS. AIbo, r.r Su;'lii'rs ;unl lilorH dlsatilifil in tin- line of duty in the reicular Army or Nuvv uliirc tli-- war. SarvlvriTH of iln' Indian wars of to 1H4'A nnd their wMown, now fntltli-d. Ohtund rei'M'te tl i-Iiiinia a Bp.!rlfilty. TliuusiindH ciitltli-d to Metier ratPM. &end for m'w lawi. No charge for aJvicc. Nafee until successful. FREE 3 I flOO worth of lovely Music (or Forty J I II . CenUi consisting of 100 papes i r. fu size Sheet Music of the a- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular - selections, both vocal and Instrumental, gotten up En the most elegant manner, In- eluding four large size Portraits. 5 GARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, FADE RE WSKt, the Great Pianist, Z JP- ADEUNA PATTIand a fc MINNIE SEUQMAN CUTTING. Dp. Hush's Belts & Appliances An eiri-"-K.""""- buamtl intu uicilicuted. Belts, Suspensories, fljil mil Appliances, Abdom. Iinil Supporters, Vests, Drawers, Ottice Caps, liiMOiei, .-,.. n, , !.... awirl ITlHllAV unres iinenmaiisini "r Complniiits, Dyspepsia, Jirrors of -1 outh. Lost Ullliiliond, Nervousness, Sexual ess. ness, and allTrouhles In Mnle or J;emle. Question aud Mook free. Call or Volla-Medlca Appliance Co., I21S Pine Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO. Foot-Prliits on tlie Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's ndvioe should read one of Dr. Foote's dime psmlilets on "Old Eyes," "Croup," ,'Knpture," ''Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disense of Women, and learn tlin best mentis of sell'-cnte. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 2Hth Ht., New York. ItODNE) ALL OH-DEMS TO THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. - Vriiiwa3i:n9 wvnn i tu PAT FOLKS Reduced 15 to 25 poundi per month. No rirTiDg, no iiicJiiveinence, ro bud leaulls, no naimntii drum. Tn.atniL-nt perfectly harmle aad ilriclly confl dD(il. Qiicition til uk and Huok Irse. Call or write. THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and porfectly SAFE. TYt ame aa used by thouianda of woman all over tti united StateB, fn the .LD DOCTORS private mail practice, for 38 years, and not a BinglJ bad reBnlt. JUoney mturtiPd if not aa represented. Send 4 Cents (Htaropa) for sealed particulars, OS. WiES IltETIiaiS, 120 H. Hlith 6t St. Lsuli, lit SVDU II I C The n form, polk I inlLI Olivcly csrid. 38 ye.,, ucoallfulpr.clice. conSuentl.l. Curei hy ro.ll o, .1 office. Term! low. BookltM. c.lloi writ.. DR. WARD INSTITUTE, 120N.90I St..SUoul,M0 Oaveals, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights. And nil Patent tiusineim conduct!:!! r MODERATE FEES. Information nnd advice idven to luvjnlort wl:uoat Bharse. Aililrms PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WE DOER BURN, Mauuglnn Attoruuy, 0. Box 43. WASiimmos, D. a SbTThi. Company li managed tiy a com' i.-.ation ot die Inrifi.t uml incut lnlluentliil new.ini-. r in tho t'tiiti'tl States, for tlie f press puiiorto o.' protcet Ins (heir subM-i'iliera aKiust uusi'mpiiloul ml liiraiuputeiit I'olent Afiintu, and caili paicr printing this advrrtis. mi-tit vourhrsrortlis renponal. tllllty and liiiih standios o( ilis Press Claims Company $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whos Answers are Correct A mn ones entire,! a prison where wu eonflnn" eonilenineil criminaL Od n,k,, , reo"e.t to S m!u. uil to th. pmeno. of the ilooS ".n th. T,t,;tm,hfrtei,"r:t p-52s; He n at once laken to ths prlmne,. Now what r. ation . the prleoner to the visile,! ' The i Agriculturist Publishing Conipsny will give W . ear lo, M. to thepennm sendin, th. 'tm c","i -t .n lr; S0O to the Kond; 3l S2.W- 4?h ililo. ft...Io,,,10.ClJ0 other rew.l.Vn',im',,' JSCS, f " ',,.'n, uU "! .diaraatchei S "irvlce,, diamond nnpt, etc " M" 6'M " ..luaUe'S Kl I,KS -(1) Al! aniwm mint he nt h--,,:, .,: war postmark not late, than U. 31, lss3. ?.',"' " e whatever U, enter thi. competh on but . tho compete are eipected to send onirt,, i.' , wnth .uh,,intio, either T ,1 I ap 'ii'v! MAO.ZIM, , fK CAXAI.IA. AuRlCriT lO.T if the cho,ce.t illu.tratcd ,y.riod of " '"A All prize winner, will be etiiecied 10 aasnl ,,. I. J 13 r. our cln ulation (41 TheVmt Co " '. , '", ' L"1" d po,S.c. ample ,.., "Z' l 'rr, re laid, ...,.W: l',-um,.M..r, ,T ,, '"' 1 ni" l',i,t.. L 'I'l'irieloi bonnml, H,.sicr all .K ''"rr tinai.t Pt,. co. ii..uKUti.,uh ;;ijAuju' STOCK BRANDS. While you keep yuitr subscription paid up yen can keep your brand iu free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lnnc, Or. Hersos GO on left shoulder; cuttle hhiuo nil left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor rnw county. Armstronir. J. C. AlDine. Or. T with hHp nn der il on left shoulder of horBes; cattle shuic on left hip. Allinnn O. 11.. Kidht Milo fie rolll.. Knrl 0 I) on left hip Hud homes Hume brand un rigiit ehoulder. Hanite, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Heroes, JA coii nscted on lelt Hnnk; cuttle, same on left hip.,nunr A il ai;.. ri - u branded 7 E on either shoulder, ltange iu Mr row couutv Hleskman, Heo., HardinHn, Or. Herpes, a fiai nleft Hhoiilder; calf le same on right shoulder. naiiincier, u . riarilluau, or. t attle bratiu ed 11 on left hip and thigh; split in each oar. llrU.,,.e puiu, u..l,-.. ,1 ,, branded P H on left sheuldor. (kittle same on right side. numo. ji tit tj, ijnng Creole, Ur On cattle, i!ii cnuiiecieu en leu nip, clop olt loft ear, uu der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on tiitfl lti..,a In IJ,... ....-l ., ............... ..,.un iu uiuii anu JIIIITOW eonnty. Ilrimmnn, Jerry. Ijcna, Or. Horses branded 7 ou ngiir Biiciiiutir; emtio u on the left side Left enr half crop Mid right ear 0,per sinue Harti.n, Win., Itrppner, Or. -ilnrses. J Hon right thigj, cattle, sunie on right hip; split in Bach ear. liruwii, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses III ou the riifllt stifle: eatlln Hunieiix rlui.l l.i... row county. nrewn, J. t,., Hoppner, Or. Horses, circle L withdot in noi tor on lefthip; entile, same. nrnwii, vs j i,eiia, OrcBun. Horses W. bar uieru.on me leiisnouuier. uatlle sunoon lelt hip. Hnyer, W. 0., Heppner, Or.-Hnrues, box uioiiu ui r nip came, eanie, with sp it in eaeh ear. 1 liorg, P. O., Hoppner, Or.-HorBes, V H on loft shmildur; ealtle. same on left bin. tt..,.u w 1 t'.,,, ... i i. T ' ' ,'"Ae,r i suio. j n connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and nndd e piece cut out on right ear; on horses Banie brand on the left thil,. n. u ;.. l-..- I'mrlrminl ""'K0 " Vllljey ('arBiiec W'arrem Wagner, (fr.-HorBes brand- - ..... ", w iib ttnree nare) on r gbt riliB crop and split in each eur. ituuge in brant and ilerniw counties rain.K., Caleb.Or -V I) ,, horses on left stifle H ,e.S'rcle "r it. on left Bhimlder i ,7 i Vr V u ",J eons unitor t years; on left shoulder only on all horseB over 5 years. All range in tlrant county. I 'lurlr U'm II I ' .. . ii, or. norses WHO con. neeted. on left shoulder: cattle same on right fw T"V" umaiiiis counties. nr' f;,lir;i ".yi,n""n "F Le". )r. Horses ,, .B..,.i,mticr ciittie Banie on right lie ltaiige Morrow and Umatilla counties. ' Leei , Wm.,l)nuglas, Or.; horse J 0 n lef shoulder; cat lie same on left hip, wad, lies each jaw and two bits in the right ear Jl'l'.h "" i'!Uu b'.'. (r.-Uuble cross oi h, riel , e i ;' ?"')"!' r'"-k and under bit couiMv. i ; .. . :."1,''. n mnt oUBhoulder. teTuAl ('(ink A J I .on.. . . u orop off left and sulit in eiT,' Mr mark B"),u"'0 leti'S.1'- C"ta'lta.'0r. -Horses, co yox r.u. ., llardman, (r.-(Vntln P .its i in center: horsea lit ..,'i.i ,Uft' I'Wita HnrlCJ;rw' ',1' ,li'.'M,""nrneut, (Irani Oo , Or BhoulderrcatUesam'c brZl on hXhil " '"I1 under slope both ears anddewlap mark DiclicnJ fciii 1 u '""""oil we aame. l)l. ii ii ,'."',,'. ' ""'e.Ba'ne on left Uougliis.O. T Doucloa, Or-llorres Til tlie right Btitle: entile aame or, right Id,, .")."' l'oiigla,0r.-Hiir l bin ; ,"1"""'""' S?on , km. .lacks.,!: ix no 'r' side. 11 nn brnnd left ShouR;derH""rV' He"l",Cr' 0r-U u left oouiitles unuii, i.ronlt antl Morrow lla.ige.a Morrow and liniatillacoo. " ifle' w"n"qu.tcicndJ Morrow and UircountieL811' h'P- Jenkins, D W.,fdt. Vernon.Or. J on l,r... left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and t smiHith eroiB on both ears, llangein FoianH HemvalleyH "u Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brsud,vt KNV on lefthip. cattle same and orop tf i2 ear: under sloiie on the right 1 Kirk. J. T.. Heppner, (Jr. Horsea 99 on l.n shonlder: cattle. IWon loft hip. " Kirk. J O, Heppner. Or -Uorses. 17 on eltlisr flunk: cattle 17 on right side. "m" Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse. 11 on ie.. Bhonlder: cattle same on light Bnle, cil right ear. . KuniherlBnd.W.O.- Mount Vernon. Or.-i r onr mid undur oi(n m rjKht er. UorHim khiiia hratif. on loft tif.uhi'r- "Hnjfo in (frnnt I'tmuw Jxftpn, Htephon, "r. h j od l,ft tiii, m cnt.1. crop nnd "pm- n riRht mr. llomwl anirip hrHiui on mrr Bii-'im.tir. iiHne (irunt county. hmndnd hnir-rirrlp JL connocw n lft Hhoul ilor. ("jittlo. sititH' on toft hiu. ItHiiKe, neur lej. incton l-t'itht'y. ,1. W. MntiimBr (Jr. ""rsos brandwt IjhikI n't lf-ft HhouldHr; RPtt1( wne cm left Mp, wnttlo over riRht cyu, three wlita iu rigKt cm r. l,onl. (tPorpp, Hepnnor. Or. Hoi-bob bran(trf don hie H coi.ntwtc (1 Sometimes iiallttii a mvini? H. on left dhouldor. MarkhHtn. A. MM Hoppner, Or. ('nHlo nr M on left wide both onrn Rrdpptad, Rnd KpHt in h)th. Horr M on hft liii. Haniw Clark's CJirtvnn. Minor, OnrHr, iioppnAr, nr. rattle, M D oa rinhthip; honm. Mod lef t Hhoulder. Morirun. H. N.. Hoooner. Or. Hnrao m on left nhonld"? out! In wimn on loft hip. ' iyum nmner, .m.h a, imhio, ur. iiorBoa, M with hitrovoror. rinht shouhler. Morertn. Thou.. Homner. Or. rlnmA. T im ltft Hhouldorand left thiirh; cattle. Z on rir-'ht thiirh. Mitchell. (tRoar, lotin, ir. HornoH, 77 on riiM hio: cHttle, 77onriKht nide. Vot'laron, I), (f., Rrowimville, Or, Horse Ficrnro on each shoulder; cattle. M2 on hin ' Mel arty. liiiTid H. Eoho Or. HoraiMnrrtnrlwl DM connerted, on the lef t shoulder; cattle name on hin and Hide. MoUirr. Prank. Fox Valley. Or. Mnl with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad mula . each ear; horse same brand on left atifle, MeHaIe, w. ., nauniton. Or. t)n tiorRM. m with half circle under on left ehonlder;on uattic four bare connected on top ou the riKht aide' Itanne in tlrant County. Neal.Andrew. Lone Hoek.Or. Horeos A N oun. nected on left Bhonlder: oattle aame on both hipa Nonlyke, E., HiWerton. Or. Hontea, oircle 7 on left thtKh; cattle, same on lefthip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A on cattle on loft hip; on horsee, same on left thigh, Kaam in 4rant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or. P O on left ffhonidei. Olp. Herman. Prairie Citv. Or. On m.Hix, n LP connected on left hin; hnnuw nn latt and wart le on noBe. Hanire in Grant county Peareon, Olave, Eijrht Mile. Or. Horries.quar tor circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on loft hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, rlnht cropped. on loft hip. Itannreon Kiorbt Mile. Parker & Uleason, Hard man,Or, Horses IP od loft shoulder. Piper, Ernest, Lexington. Or,- Hordes brnnd e WE (L E conneoted) on left shoulder ; oattle s moon ngni nip. nange, Morrow eonnty. Pioer. J. H.. Iexinirton. Or. HnrHM AW. nn nected on left shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. nder bit in each ear. l&ttye, A. U., lone. Or.; horsea diamond Pon Bhonlder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the ritfht. Powell. John T.. Pawille. Or Horses. JP cntt. nected on left shoulder, (battle OK connected on left hip, two under half oropB, one on each ear, wattle under throat. Km ge in Grant county. Kood. Andrew, Hard man, Or. Horses, sqnare crosi wit h quarter-circle over it on left stifle. lacnintior, Lnris, lloppner, ur.-lioraen, u l( on loft shoulder. Hico. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horaes, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; caitle, DAN on right shoulder- Hange near Hardman. Hoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V od left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed uo right hip and crop oft right our. ltange in Mor row county. Hush HroB., Heppner, Or. Htirson brandtnl X on the riulit shoulder; cattle, IX on the left flip. nrp oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Hautje it Morrow and adjoining couutiee, KiiBt, William, Kidge, Or. Horses K m loft slnnilder; cattle, U on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underiiit on left ear. Hheep, R on woiiiherH, round crop off righ ear. Itanne Uma tilhtand Morrow c mnties. Heaney, Andrew, Lpxinpton, Or. Horn, branded A H on right shoulder, vent (limrtw circle over brand; cattle saino on right hip. Hange Morrow county. lioyse, Wm. II, Dairyville, Or HK couTiool"d with quarter circle over top on cattle on ritrhthip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horn same brand on left shoulder, liango in Morrow U rant and Gilliam counties. Hector. J. W., Hoppner, Or. Horeos, JO ot loft shoulder. Cattle, O n right hip. Spicki-all. J. W., Gooneberry, Or.- Hornt branded Ml on loft aluiulder ; range in Morrow county. Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on left ehoulder; cattle same on left hip. 8waggarr,, H. E Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right bind leg. Range in Morrow, Gilliam aud Umatilla counties. Hwaggart. A. L.,Athena. Or. Hornen in-amle'1 on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Out on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. EM Hoppnor, Or. HorseB shaded J ti on left stifle; cattle .1 H on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, umlerbit in left. bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horsea, 8 A Pon left hip; cattle eameon left hip. tihrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected oa horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Haiidfl m (irant county. Bmith Uroa., Hoannville, Or. Horses, branded II. Z. on shoulder; oattla, ame on left shoulder, Hquiros, James, Arlington, Or,; horees branded JB on left Hhouhler; cattle Uie same, also nose waddle. Hange in Morrow and Gilliam coaiities. btephenB, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HHou right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side titeveriBon, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Oattle, a on right hi, ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on loft shouidei ; oattle, 44 on left hip. Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horBes W 0 on left Bhonlder. Thompeon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on left b1iouMt; oattle, 2 on left shoulder. TippetB,B.T.,Enierpri8e,Or. Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner K. W.. Heppner, Or. SmaH capital T left shoulder, horBes; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. , . , Thornton, 11. M.. lone, Or.-HorseB branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses H V con nected on right shoulder ;cattle( same on right hiu- Walbridire. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U L Lu on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q Bidem or Heppner, Or. Horsob branded Jy on the left shoulder. Haug Morrow eonnty. Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu rigtit ear. Horsea same brand ou loft shoulder. HaKiffi11 Grant, couuty. . Wriubt. Ki Ihn A Hmmimr Or (".Httle branded 8 W on the right hip. square crop oil riyld ear ami split iu left. . . Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or Horses bianded ace of spadeb on left ehoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on loft Bide and loft hips Wells, A. ti., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0ua on 1H shoulder' oatt o aame Wolfinger, John, John Day City.Or-Ou hon- three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheup, bit in both ears. Uauge in Grant aud lliiihuor counties. , Woodward, John. Hoppnor,, I'l oonnectod on lef t shoulder. . . Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded UE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, holt in left ear; horBes, W on right shouloer, somt same on left shoulder. Whitlier uros., numingtou, Baker Co.. Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, HainUton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and horses. Hange Grant county. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horsea, qur ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Hange in Grant county Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horsea runningA A on shoulder: Cattle, aame on right hiu. Walker Elizabeth & tions, Hardman Or. Cattle branded lE W connected) EW on left side, horsee same ou right shoulder. J. Walker's cattle, same on left hip, horsei same on left shoulder. All range U Morrow coonty. Xouhk, J. rJ., Gooseberry, Or.-Horses brmndeO TSontae Hht shonlder.