NUTIttK TO ADVKttTIHKKS. When m a visit to Iowa. Mr. K. l)al- . -- -'-i ... i . ax, XJ ix 1 - i-lliSKilt!Hlrl!K the lusprlliH of dUplHy aa., iji'ra, Russell Comity Karaaa or ehaiiKeof name, uiuxt nut their copy In 'alletl at the hiboruti.rv ,. riLhi not later tlmn Monday evc-nln lor Tuesday's A r lL- m , Chamberlain mtitluu.or Thursday evening for Fridays edi-! "1,,UM Moines, to show him his six .1.. 1'iiu H . w. i. ... ... li... .. ( VUBI nlrl K.o. ... I . . . I xoosBine uaa open saved bv ; Uiunibf rlam's Cough Remedy, it having NOTICE. tton. TH I'ATTKUHON PUDMHHlNUCu. 1..""""" uouiro ncmeay, it having cured him of a verv bmvmto j.i.unb ,.r 1. The nam of five rents per line will bt crmV- . Mr. Dajton is certain that it charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of i 8"ved hie boy's life and is enthusiastic in uis praise ol this remedy. For sale by respect." list o! wedding presents and donors and inry notices, (other than those the edit or fill. til himsell irive an a matter of new,) and notices of spociitl meetings lor whatever purttose 2. Notices of church and society and entertainments from w hich revenue is to be de rived, sl.s'.l be churned for at the rate of live cents a lino. These rules will he strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertisinu rates reasonable and madekuown npou application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for bis or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer real name is Blgned as an evidence of good faith. K FI.SHBK, NEWSPAPER ADVEIITIS- I..KC, This ban r'raiicisco, is our authorized agent. pane, is Kept un ...e in uisoince. TIME TABLE, Htitge for llarclman, Monument, Lone Creek, John Day and canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 0 a. n.., except Monday. Arrives every day at 6 p. in., exeeptMonday. 'i ho cheapest, quickest and bent line to or from the interior country. J. . DELE VAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up ilepp ner. I at i onize those who patronize yon. Hero and There. liiriid'd Pilw air pun ly Vi-K.-f able. Council did not meet lust Monday. A'rf . Hum Kinsman is on tin- hick liet. Th'1 small buy and ihn sled urn "iu it" qui!o i-eveieiy. (Jid Halt returned from Portland Biituiduy nwt. Mend your wiinbiim to Mrs. Nelson, at ne jmi uutaiti House. Deeds, mnrtguges, etc , executed at the UiiZ-ttu effioe. Papers for sulo at the Gazette office at two-hits a huuired The obituary of Grandma Fell will appear iu our next issue. O. h. Farnsworth is mentioned for re-election as counoilman. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduced prioe of $1. Mrs. VVm. Scrivaer is cotvalescing rrom at. illness or several weeks. T e weather so fa. has not been cold er than 10 or 12 decrees above zero. If it, keeps on we'll have winter yet, though it has not been severely cold. The Heppner Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. John Spray and Bob Shaw shipped below two oar-loads each of cattle this morning. J. C, Eusley, of Hardmao, sends down biB measurement for the Gazette. Still they oome. F. J. Hallock makes a good recorder. We hear that he will be put up for re election. Subscriptions (o tho Qazetto from now till after the campaign, new ones mind, $1.00. Hon. J. N. Brown is reported on the Sick list, hut we hupo will ba around iu a few days. Wood is in demand at 'bo Gazstle office. Can't yi u bt in in a jug on Biiliwriplioii? If you want a f:ood gnu or sewina machine, come to the Gazette tflioe and we'll fit-yon out. - dill around nt the Gazette office for job woik of all kinds. We do decent work at fair prices. Let our subscribers not lorget that ink and paper, as well as hired help, must be paid in oust). We hear the names of J. It. Simons and P.O. Borg mentioned in connection with the mayorshi '. Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the Gazette office, and at world's prices. Discounts on large orders. Let us have a little city polities and pick out good, safe men for the offices. Klection is not far off. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subsoribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Joe Keeney J r., is now 'tending "station" at Parker's mill, while J. E. Steele has moved to Hardman with his family. The Guzette will take county scrip at (ace on subscription, and pay balanoe of same in cash at highest market price. 7-60 J. M. Bentley, formerly sheriff of Dmatilla county, has been appointed deputy D. S. marshal by Marshal II. O Grrdy. The Gazette office now runs an in surance and notarial shop, dome in when you want to do your insuring and swearing. Hon. H. Blaokman left this for The Dalles to attend the meeting of the dem ooratio clubs, From there he will go to Portland. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should oall around at this office and get credit for same if not already given. Don't overlook Hick Mathews, of the City barber shop, for a strictlv first class shave, shampoo, or hair cut. Hot baths also dished up to order. Jerry Brosuan, of the Butter creek country, was in Heppner yesterday. He reports the fall of snow to be some three or four inohes, badly drifted. Bob Shaw returned from below last Saturday. He reports his wife as im proving rapidly, and thinks that she will be able to return borne this week. Who want to be oouncilmen? One half of the Gazette offioe don't care for any more of that kiu-J of honors, but there are plenty of willing ones for the place who will do well. Chinese residents should read or hnve read "Notice to Chiueee" 'n this issue. Ruse T. Cbambetluin will be here on Jan. 11th to register same. All should have unmounted photographs rendy. To onr customers No difference how large or small your aooount is, oome in and settle, either by cash or note Wo must have one or Ihp other to enube tjs to stem theflond. Hayes Buns. 90tf W. J. Brown was over from Butter creek yesterday. He reports about eight inches of snow over there where not drifted. He spent the summer '.ending camp for Tom Mathews over in Gieen horn. A peddler, giving his name as John Doe, was arrested and brought, before the recorder last Friday for selling a mixture insured to prevent the explosion of lamps, on onr street without license. He was assessed $7. If anyone thinks that the town coun cil of Heppner have not had fl toiigbt lime of it the past venr, thej are not "ou" as to the true situation. It lias bf-en bard tugging to get through, hot this year it will be easier. Green and Hick Mathews will be found at the City hotel barber Bhop where anything in the line of the ton ioriBl art will be fnrniphed on appli cation. These gentleman are artists and deserve your patronage. Call on them. Slocum-Johtison Drug Co. I endleton has organized a home i.tiens troupe and are now rehearsing "i'eu Nights in a Bar Riom" to be pre sented in the near future. They sav ttlMU ,ill ..1 .1. . . ' . 1 owu vino, me neiguooring "" l" ouow wuat meal talent can do rieppner talent pat this same play on about two weeks ago. What's the matter with the neighboring towns ec-iog wuat neppner talent oan do for a sore throat there is nothing o.i.-i n.a.1 a u.:iiei nauuage dampened with Chamberlain's pain Balm. It will nearly always iflvot a cure in one night's time. This remedy is also a favorite tor ru uu.atisni and I as cured many very severe cases. 60 cent bottles for sale by SlocuuvJohnson Drug Co. The Heppner school is the only school in the state, outside uf Portlctd, that is doing regular high sobool wotk. Prof. A W. Wier also informs us that the "markings" of pupils as regards proficlercy are aocepted bv the Port land High School and Paoifl'i; University, Dr. Eugene A. VaughBn now reoeives the Gi.zette at 444 and 443 Wabash Ave., Chioago, Ills. Dick Chirk arrived from Long Creek Saturday, leaving yesterday for Cali fornia. L. C. Edwards, druggist at Arlington, has betu elected mayor of that city. Thinks Its Doubtful. I he Heppi-er Gi.z tie of Dec. 26, contains an article ; r. Uectmg qnile stvetely ou Prof. M. V. Kotk, ihe gieut ex ouuder of people's party dootrine. The act referred to if true, is a dastardly one and its perpre trator; should hi shunned by all re spect able people, bnt as we go on the principle that a man is innocent uutil he is proven guilty, we have nothing to suy in regard to the case until the ac cused party bus had his say in the matter. Should it develop that the accusation is true there is little doubt but what the people's party will speediiy bounce the gentleman from its organi zation. Elgin Keoord. There is no doubt about the truth of the accusation. If the Guzetle otinnot prove all it has said, it is willing to take the oonae queucts. Tub HErpNEB Branch Inspected. General Superintendent Baxter, of the Union Pacific, and John Dougherty and Ueneral Cook, the oommittee selected to uvestigate the uffairs' of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, oame up to Heppner Saturday afternoon on their tour of investigation. After a short s'ay at the depot they departed on their way to Portlaud. This thorough investigation is being made at the re quest of the stockholders, though they deny the report that the O. E. & N. would sever relatione with the U. P. Ou the contrary thev sav that the business of the O, R. & N. will be done as heretofore through the Omaha office, though separate receivers have been selected for each company. ' Death or Grandma Fell. Oo last Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Grandma Fell departed this life at the residence ot her son, O. E. Fell, aged 86 years. Mrs, Fell came to Oregon with her husband, to make ber home with her eon, but a few years ago. The old gentleman being quite aged and infirm, did not live long. The funeral ooourred at the residence of 0. E. Fell, Sunday after ooon. But few, if any, of the younger generation will live to Ihe ripe old age attained by Grandma Fell. She was a member of the Society of Friends, known generally as "Quakers," and died in the firm faith of life everlasting in tbe beyond. Soaht Times. Joe Keeney had a lively time up on Rook creek, near Parker's mill, a few days ago. As he was dossing the stresm in a buggy the ice bicke in, oveiturnitg tbe buggy, landing Joe underneath it, but J. E Steele, who was with him and who was landed out of the wreck in good order, grabbed tbe vehicle and landed it right side up in no time. Joe held on to the strings and prevented a runaway . "All's well that endB well," and this is another ouse of that sort. Do You Ever Have Boils? "For several years prior to 1002, there was hardly a day tint I was freo from boiU and other eruptions ot the skin .irisiua from iinptir- Hood'sCures itios of tho blood. I )),a to ta!:o Hood's Sar saparilla, and Iwforo 1 had I'm; h '.t the third bottle I found myself entirely cured." 8. N. Hyd.o, ot Vau Valor St Hyde, Id al Estate, De Long Ealldlng, Fresno, California, ,H?OCl3 PilSjrwt eajily.yet promptly and fflcwutly, on tiio liver and bowels. 25c, . ffl DISCOUNT m CASH !: McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner, Oregon. Now is the time to make your money oount. Our whole stock of Prv Gc ods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at wholesale prices for oash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at such reduoed figures that the per son needing snppliea for cash cau be made happy. If you wish to save yonr money send in orders by mail or oall in person. We are giving discounts on per cent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 33 Men's and Boys' Hats 30 Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestics 20 per cent. off. Hosiery 30 Men's Overehirts and Furnish ing Goods 30 Hardware 20 to 25 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 1 Hair Death ivMantly removal and forever denlrvys ob is jeetionabte hair, whether upon hands, face, ? arms or neck, without dincotoratioit or iv- & M jury to the moat delicate skin. It was for S n"y 'ear the secret formula of Erasmus W ffi Wilson, acknowledd hv T.hvRl(iiu,ia if jSj the highest authority a., d the mostemi-!ft ja, nent dermatologist and hair specialist S, JS that ever lived. During his practice of R m a life-time among the nobility and arls- ! Sj tocracy of Europe he precribed this rec- B ffl ipe. Price 1 by malt, securely packed, m m Correspondence confidential. Bole Agents for America. Address. 3t fop J he mum Root Hair Grower Co. on. P V7 C...U virtu . - Si , uuitLii rum rtveuue, lCW All groceries at loweit wholesale raten. Onnntrv nrrlara ni:;f. ...1, -iu orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as oash. ' Very Bespeotfnlly, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. m Deot. "How to Cure All Bltin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayue's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tettoe'eczema, itoh, ull eruptions on the faoe, hands, nose, &c, leaving the skin clear, white aud healtbly. Its great healing and ouratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr. YOUR ATTENTION! We want it for a moment to inform you that " the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being- dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having been largely itv reaped with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. Geo S. S. Hornor, -Salesman. P. WPMgo, Uaving put their business upon a tem porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing rowER than ever before known Heppner. in We must get our stook into money, and profits are no obieot when the money comes m eight. Shake your oash at us and see us tumble. Haw THE PEOPLE ARE COMING OUR WAY! Not only onoe, but again and again. They know that from ns they alwavi full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex. plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds oustom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of onr friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in Bnd see ns, everybody. Conser, Assignee. sw Bip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Eip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00. lara near the depot. JLeave orders at Sloan fe Howard's. 4-tf. Shokmakbb. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in the Abraham siol' building, on May street, where he is prepared to do evetything in his line. Mr Birrjecir is strictly a nrst-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall Mwtf Land For Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh an wiil be sold cheap. Call at Gaze te office for particulars and terms. ;. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. QREAT DISCOUNT OK ALL STOCK. Closing out the entire stock of Feosi Iowa. Al Roberts and wife arrived from Iowa on Saturday's train. Their return trip was uneventful. When they left Iowa the weather was fine ns odb could wish. Al reports the sale of a part of their band of horses at good prices, E. L. Matlock remaining to dispose of the rest of tbe stook. Al was glad to get baok to Morrow oounty again, aud says it is hard to beat any where. NOTICK TO CHINESE. IN MF.HOItlAJI. Whereas, Our brother, James P. Bnsbee, has been summoned by divine decree, suddenly and without warning from onr midst; therefore be it ' Resolved, That in Bro. Busbee the coun try bas lost a yalu able oitizen and the or der at large one of its most faithful follow ers highly honored and beloved by all who knew him; a brother wbo never made an enemy and wbonumbered bis friends by his acquaintances; one whose example before his brethren was such as to inculcate Done other than the nobhst principles. Resolved, That in their hour of deep distress, we tender the family of the deoeased our beartfeltsympathy. Many of us have felt tbe heavy hand of death which has removed our loved ones, and fully realize what it is to have the husband and father torn away without a moment's warniig. May tbe Grand Master of all assist them in bearing up under this great burden of sorrow and grief thrust upon them. Resolved, That a c py of these reso lutions be ppread upon the minutes nf Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F & A. M., a copy sent 10 the bereavid family, ar.d one each furnished the Heppner Record and Heppnet Gnzitte for publication. Otis Patterson, Ed. R. Bishop, J. N. Bbown, Committee. Under the act of congress approved May 5th, 1892, all Chinese laborers lawfully within the limits of the United States, on said date, were required with in one year therefrom to app'y for and procure a certificate of residence, from tbe proper officer, as an evidenoe of their right to remain in the United States By act of congress approved November 3d, 1893, the original act was amended so bb to permit an uninese who "were entitled to remain in the United States before tbe passage of the act to whioh this is an amendment, to apply to tbe Oolleotor of Internal Revenue of their respective districts, within six months after the passage of this act for a oertifl oate of residenoe." This makes it neoessary that all Chinese laborers wbo made application and reoeived certificates under tho not of May 6th, 1892, as well as those who failed to comply with the provisions of said act, to again make application Bnd receive certificates of residence, under tbe present law: otherwise, in oase of refusr.l to do so, all such Chinese persons will be subject to arrest and deportation from the country. Jiaon appnoani must produce one oredible witness to tbe fact of residence, (wbo may be of any nationality), and must accompany his or ber application by two unmounted photographs of him self or herself, which must be of suffi cient size Bnd distinctness to accurately represent the entire face of the applicant, the head to be no less that l inohes from base of hair to base of ohin. This omoe is now ready to receive applications, and to furnish tbe certifi cates for which no charges will be made. Those intending to apply will save time by at onoe procuring the necessary photographs so that they may promptly obtain tbe certificates. Chinese mer chants, who so desire, may also procure certificates under tbe same restrictions as laborers, but this is not obligatory. Applications for oer'ificates will he received at Heppner, Jan. 11th, by Rues T. Chamberlain, Dept. Col. of Internal Revenue. Milton Weidleb, Collector Internal Revenue. Sealing Wax as an Indicator. "By their sealing-wax you shall know them" this is the latest edict of Par isian society. For the future It .the en velope be scaled with white wax thf recipient may know that within will b a proposal for her hand in marriage, while the more prosaic dinner invita tion will be heralded by a chocolate seal. Black will still mean death and violet condolence, but ruby will show that the letter is from an accepted lovei and green from a hopeful one. Brown will be the livesy of melancholy, yel iow of jealousy, while pale green will administer mute reproof, and gray wit indicate that a friend has rememberexf 11s. Vermilion will still be the "bus! ness" color, so that a red seal may act as a danger signal and warn Lady Froufrou from opening a milliner's bit at the breakfast table upon any morn ing when my lord's liver is out of order or stor k s are going wrong. Boots and Shoes of the old Arm of M. JLiohtenthal & Co., at Cost for Cash Call and Secure a Good Bargain. T. QU7IID, Assignee. LEGAL BLANKS ji Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon heads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did voo sav? Whv. va at P. 0. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the piaoe ior Dargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove onres liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad, Tbe Palaoe is the leading hotel in the city. Well furnished rooms with pleuty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy crocerien. and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise vjiuuery. jvirs: uc ituni, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clock, tie keeDs a full stock of everything pertaining to his nusiness- a M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook nt splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Tho general merchandise establish ment formerly owned bv flnffin MrVar. land, bas lately changed hands, now be ing under the oontrol and management of The McFarland Meroantile Companv, which continues business at the old stand with a larger stook than ever. a IONE ITEMS. the TO COME TO AMERICA. Th. Flnaat Private Library In the Worl4 About to lie 8ohl. For some time past it has been ru mored that the famous Althorp library, which Dibdin called the finest private collection in the world, was about to be sold, and now the announcement is made upon authority, says the St, James' Gazette. It is hoped to sell it en bloc, but should that not be possible ttwill be put up at auction. Selling the most famous of the world's private libraries in a lump can mean only one tning selling it to America. We trust that may not happen, since Lord Spencer's collection contains many vol umes which it is national pride to nos- sess such, for instance as the famous Valdarfar "Boccaccio," which Lord tfianutord wrested from the second Earl Spencer for :3,'J()0, to ho ultimate ly bought for Althorp for the bagatelle of 750. It will be nn cnoch-mukinir ale, for this great library contains some 50,000 volumes, mostly priceless. Scarce editions on vellum and large paper, magnificent printing, and daz zling bindings by Pasdeloup and Roger Payne these are its glories. Many of the books, too, have famous histories. They have felt the touch of the Pompa dour or of Diane do Poitiers, or the ele gant grasp of Francis I. There are eighty-two out of this ninety-nine known productions of Caxton, to say nothing of the famous Mcnlz Psalter, a copy of which has fetched ."1,000. To sell the Althorp library, indeed, is al most as though we were to sell the rarest rarities of tho printed book de partment of the liritiiih museum. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to keep the bowels regular. One dose, is worth 100 dollars, r A happy New Year to one and all. The lone sohool has elosed for the holidays. mL. n i.ue 01a year closes with warm and beautiful weather. Remember prenohing at Ioue on second Sunday of January. CI 1. oeverai larmera have started in plow ing agiin since the chinook urrived. A daLoe was be given at the houso of Mr. Paul Troedson on New Year's even ing. Mrs, Emil P. Voruz was down from Heppner visiting a number of ber friends. The Rietman Bros, tarried awhile at the city of Heppner during the past week. Miss Anna Balsiger, of Heppner, is bere visiting relatives and friends during the holidays. Many children observed that Santa Claus failed to make as many rounds this year as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Freeland passed here by rail the other day on their wedding trip to the valley. Our congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Freeland is un i.i . 1 u.u uuiu resilient oi tue lone vioiuity. What's the matter with starting a Di bating olub at lone? All that is uoces- aury is mr some one to make the start. With ibo talmt that we have here it ought to be as interesting and profitable as any. A trap was set to a post in a oanyon ueor iouo ior wild cats. During the day MussrB. John aud Sam Ritchie and A. T. MoNay happened to pass there HUd saw a wikl cat was fust in the trap but had pulled it loose until caiiKht aain iu a soge brush. Mr. McNsy'a horse was scared, Blmoet causing un accident. Sam Ritchie tried to kill the animal with an ax, but found it a too dangerous undertaking. The ttapper wbo labors for E. O. Sperry, soon ar rived and killed it. This is his third one oaught bere. Jake. INOR &. OO.I Heppner, Ore eon. BORG, : Out for THE Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, LVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eto. Trust Busts HEPPNER, OR. Ik hi Institute -OF- For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office tor parttculari. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and iur KIRK & RTJHL, The Enterprise Bakery aid Grocery Store. OnMay Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbeywill keep on band a full line of STA.PLJH FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of ohoioe Pies, Cakes and Bread j in fact everything that la usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheep foi cash. Call anp try them. ' H If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, - TAKE If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED or have A DISORDERED LIVER, TAKE If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW or you SUFFER DISTRESS after eating, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH, TAKE Auk Your Friends Who have taken Hood's r'arsnparilla whattbey think of it, and the replies will be positiye iu its favor. Si uply what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. One has been onred ot indexation or dyspepsia, an other fiuds its indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while others report remarkable cures for scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, whioh when negleoted in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. Ripans Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomach and intes tines; cleanse the system erlectually; cure dyspepsia, habitual oonsfipationToffens. ive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first ndioation of ndigS. biliousness, distress after eating or depression ol spirits will surely and quickly remove tbe whole dilBoulty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best pbysioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern ecienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothini injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by tbe wholesale and retail agents, 7 BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., PORTLAND, OHBOON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act aud Save many a Doctor'. BilL SaiaaploB X-raa on application, to tlia Rlpana Cliralcal STorte City. Co., W.-w "A DRUG IN THE MARKET. Yes, there are many of them. Some.very good, some bad. Bad druifs are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. , .. , P,nre d.'llga are reat he'p. And these alone should be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drugs made. To compound them skillfully, To prepare prescriptions quiokly. lo charge for them reasonably. Wbo can do better than this? SLOCUHl-JOHNSTON DRUG C0Nf. POIL. COHN, Proprietor. ft Kidney nflVotions of yeiirs 's anding u,djr Hln,nns Liver Regulator. J. W. Poynts, 1 1 if. Lancashire Insurance Co. OH1 MA.NCII 1CM.TICM, w nmw AGENT PnooyBoBtlntheWqjia