Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 05, 1894, Image 3

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1H HKrtMiriin the Insertion of illrplay Kin.,
or rliftiiKC of tun, mimtROt their ropy In
not later than Mmiilay evening for Tui'iOuy'.
million or ThorwlHV evening lor Krliluya nil-
1 The iiim of Ave rents pur Hub will be
cliardtHl for "cards of thankii," "resolutions of
reKfiK-t," l'8tA ' weddlw present and donors,
od obituary notices, (other than thofe the edit
or phull himself Klve ii a matter of newi,) and
uotiie8orpet'ial meetiiiKS for whatever purpose.
'I. Notices of church and society and ah other
.iit'ertitliiineiif from whloh revenue lit to lie de
rived, sha'.l be charged for at the rate of five
tenia a line. These roles will he strictly adher
ed lo 1" every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and inadeknowu
upon application.
We holu eacu "u ccij em leBiiunoeiii re
sponsible for his or her eoniinnnieatiou. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
io Agent, Ut Mereliauts r-xchaiiKe,
ban I' niiiclsco, is our autlioiUeu asent. 'llils
par Is kept on file In hisolliee.
Btage for llardman, Monument, Long; Creek,
John iay andtjauyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., exeept Huuday.
A rrives every day at ft p. in., exeept Monday.
'the cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
J. 6. UELEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Utve your bUMnem to Heppner people,
and therefore umnnt to build up Hepp
iter. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
County court is in Beesion Ibis week.
Arch Hunt was in tbe city Icoiu Wag
ner yestetdiiv.
Miss Eflie Fields returned from Pur1,
lai.d VVeUUesday.
Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
be M'Utituiu House.
Arthur Sini'li will clean watches at
the reduced pnoe ol $1.
The Portland football game was won
by Hie ijtniif n d's, 16 to 1.
The Heppner Chimin stne line is the
besi, cheapest and quickest to the iu
IilBtiillatiou of the newly. eleoted ofH
cert of Dorian Tdinpla No. 6 ocoura tins
Mrs. C. A. Rhea and sons, Carl and
Curtis, buve returned from tbeir visit to
To feel blight and cheerful attend to
yonr stomach, and IhUh Simmons Liiv
er Regulator,
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but Hot promptly, easily and
efficiently. 25c.
Handy for travelers is Simmons Liv
er Regulator iu powder. It Can be cur
ried in tbe pocket.
Qiei u snd Hiok Mat hewn have com
bined their Durber shops, and are now
located in the Oil v hotel.
The sleigh has taken tbe place of tbe
stage on the Heppner Canyou line be
tween Bardtnau aud Monument,
W. E. Kabler and Sm Meadows oame
down fioin tJardmnn to attend the I. U.
O F. installation Wednesday night.
Katie Q'laid and Eva Rhea returned
to sououi at The Dalles Tuesday after
having spent the bolltdays at home.
Mr. Jaooh Rasmus, brother of Dr. J.
W. Rasmus, arrived from Walla Walla
Weduesday on a visit to tbe folks here.
Every man who takes any iuterest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horsemau. Guzette shop, agents.
The Gi Zette w ill take county scrip at
face on subscription, and pa balance of
Same in cash ut highest market pnoe.
7 60
The GbZ'tte acknowledges receipt of a
very complete and bandy calendar is
sued by tbe Pope ' Mfg. Co., of Boston,
At the olnh dance last evening, a sub
staniiHl linicheoti was spread In "he in
cited guests and members, ft was a
jileiiHiiul i ff .ir.
Tboe who have brought in various
kinds of supplies la lieu ol osh, hIi oi d
Call arounil at Hilt, olhce and get credit
for 8me ii not alieiuiy tivtu.
l)oii't overlook Hick Mathews, of the
City barber ab"P, for a sinctiv first class
Bl ave, sharcpoo, Jnr hair cut. Hoi
baths also disht d up to oid r.
T.-M. Mr. mid Mis. H. MoFarland
were pnsseegerB on the train last night
from Hood Kiver. They were enroule
to Heppner, their present residence.
The Heppner miller, R. H. Krihs, re
turned finui Da tou yesterday where he
had spent a pleasant Cbrisim is vacation
with friend aud relatives at that place.
Several parlies Iihvp come don from
tbe monuiains iu sleighs au I sleds this
week. Ibey report very good sleighing
ip thrre, ihoutib they find it very slow
on ourBtreete.
A few Bleds are seen now but the
amount of snow remaining is not ei. in
dent to make good sleighing. In foot, iu
most places in the roads about Heppner
there is no snow at all.
To our enstom.-ts No diff.-rence how
large or small onr account, is. Come in
Bud settle, either by cash or note We
must have one or Hip other to enab e
ns to sem the flood. Hayes linos. 90 f
We learn from Frank Fain that be is
now locati d at The D dies where he re
ports business lairly txii-k and onnsidei
ibls wnik to do. He intends making
that place his future borne as lung as
oik is to be found.
Green Mathews lost, at the Palaoj
liotel danoe lust Thursday evening, a
dOatf pin, set with nu opal aud pearls,
and inailp in the form of a flv. Hlease
return to Green and get his eternal bleer
iug besides the customary reward.
The error in the National Bal k report,
published in our iHst issue, should be
oharged to onr proof reader and aot to
the bank. Anyone with reasonable
judgment should know that, a tiai k
t ffioial would not knowingly send out
such a ststemen. Such talk is rid cu
lous, to say the least.
Antelope Herald: The three parties
who were examined at. FoBil last w eek
on a charge of catile. stealing, were
bonnd over lo appear before the next
grand jury in the following sumf : Ehle
Clarno, $1.5110, Ivindnmeo Ohio. and.).
W. Clar Cant Z icharv, $7u(. bonds
men. Dell Z charv and P. 0. Hnfungton;
Jim Harr.ard, f700. bondemen Ed Nelson
aud Sankey.
Some bos wi'h no manners nod less
braibs stood in Siewa't's stable on the
eveuitig of the New Year's dance and
assaulted masquers wih srnwhalls.
Ladies were tint even spared. This was
as cowardly as it was unmanly, and is
condemned hy all who witnessed i'.
Bovs, you will keep on iu this way un
til some of yon will get seriously hurt.
You should know tbut there are some
people whn will protect their rights and
in dead earnest, too.
Condon Globe: Attorney T. R. Lyons
went over In Fossil Thursday t attend
another session (or si-gel of justice's
onnrt, We are informed that soiup m re
of the boys over in that section are bus
fieoted of pnrloiid'tr cattle, am) Mr.
Lvons has been engaged to prosecute
them. .Innging from the result of Mi s
work last week securing three "con
viciions" (hound over) out i f four he is
no slouch himself at expounding law.
Be in working tip a good praotioe.
J WitL Vtu bablt Locate. Tbe report
I f the bianco asylum committee, con
sisting t,t Superintendent L. L. Row.
i bind of the state insane asylum, Dr. W.
j T. Willwnisciu first ussislant physician,
j anil Dr. J. A. 11 chmdson of tbe con
sulting board, was no reached at tbe
j meeting yesterday. This will probably
be read and considered at tbe meeting
of tbe trustees today. It will, very
likely, settle tbe mutter of a, location of
Hie Driibeh insane ajlum for Eatern
Oregon ub tbe iiiiumittee was sent to
that section rrceutly to lo"k into tbe
sanitary condition of tbe many sites
offered. Tbe report will oover all the
points taken into consideration by tbe
trio i.r physicians, and it is amiously
nwiii ed l ihe oitiee contesting for tbe
location oi the new institution. Wednet
day's Statemiau.
Loi kino Oveb thk Fikld. Harry 0.
Wise, a sou of a member of the com'
mission firm of Christie ft Wise, of Sao
Franoisoo, accompanied by c!. H. Clarke,
arrived from Pendleton Thursday. Mr.
Wise is iu Eastern Oregon iu the inter
eat of tbe firm looking over the field for
the coming year. He txpressed him
self as confident that tbe passage ot the
Wilson bill would bring relief to tbe
wonlgrowers in tbe way of a firm, brisk
market and good prioea, We sincerely
hope that the gentleman Is oorrect
iu this belief, though very few in this
section care to bauk on it, Mr. Wise
and Mr. Olaike departed this morning
for The Dalies from whence Mr. Wise
goes to Portland and thence home.
BeTond Contradiction The Baker
Cily Democrat is responsible for the
following, says the E O. : The Heppner
OnKette of inesday, December 26tb,
charges Prof. M. V R irk, state lecturer
of the Fanners' Alliance, with having
an u mi hi u r hi omnia for indulging in
crimes against nature and challenges
him to ntk for proofs ot tbe charges
made. If persons in Baker City speak
tbe truth, aud they are reliable men,
the statements of tbe Gazette are be
yond contrad:ction.
A Sbbious Joke. the ringing of a
tire bell in Athena by some practical
joker, (me night last week, made a
raving maniao of a lady of that town,
whose nerves bad already been shat
tered by a long period of ill health.
She was taken to Salem for treatment,
while the idiot who rung the false alarm
is en j (jing perfect freedom. However,
should the villain be captured it is
likely that be would be dealt with in an
appropriate manner.
Another Stock Shipment. E. Mays
came up on Tuesday's train to reoeive
another shipment of cattle and sheep
from this seotion for the Union Dressed
Meat Co, Sam Kinsman furnished
four car loads of cattle and one of sheep
from this point, and three car-loads ot
cuttle furnished by Geo. McKay from
his feeding place at tbe mouth of
Willow creek, were loaded at lone. The
shipmaut was made Wednesday,
Birthday Party Little Nellie For
woodwassix years old yesterday, and
on that ucoasion invited iu a number of
her young fiieuds to oelebrate it. There
were present besides the older peoplei
Edna Van JJuyu, Blanche McNay, Willa
Miuor Bessie Glisan, Liiella Nelson, Ger
timle. Waloridge, Lnlle Rasmus, Ralph
Mm inhume. Ralph Bishop, Glen For
vi' (1 and Z e 1'atteisou. it is needless
to tt te thai all had a fine time.
To 15kq:sti!U Chinksb. (Jo Jan. 11th,
Riiss T. Oiiainberlaiu, of tbe internal
revenue department, will he in Heppner
to register all Chinese. They should
rememuer that they must nooompany
the application to register with two
uuinimuted photographs, repiesenting
the entile face, the head to be not less
than IJ2 inches fiom base of hair to
base ol o iu. Further mention will be
made in our next i, sue.
The Election and laouiilttiion ot the Officers
of The Different Orders.
Tue O. A. R. and W. It. 0., held their
annual elections at Lelintftou last Satur
day with a nood altendauoe. fhe fol
lowing (Hirers were selected by tbe Q.
A. K : J. F. Willis, Post. Com ; E. B.
riinnt.il), S. V. C .m ; J. H. Ioskeep,
V. (Ji m j J. T. Leinue, Offioar of tbe
Dn) ; 0. 0 Boone, Ail j ; J. G. Youna,
Chaplain; J 8 Boothby. Quarter Mas
t'i ; A. J. fcStevi-nnoii, Color Sargeut;
DalhiH D ouipman, 3nrj;rut Mi j r; Jack
ill II, Quarter Master Sarueut. E. B.
dianton and A. J tileVriison wereeleoted
J,leK tes uud John aamly and Jaok
Hill alternates to represent ibis Post at
the Slate Euoau pment at Rustbur to
be held about the lUtb of May.
At the W. R C. ineetiug; the following
eltollou (f officers occurred: Mrs. J.
t'. V1 i . 1 1 s Pies; .Mrs. JNnrniao Kelly(
Senior Vioe Prea ; Mrs. A. J. rjteveuson,
Junior Vice Pus.; Mrs. G. W. Smithi
Tieiirt, ; Miss Lulu Boothby, See; Miss
A una Hill, Conductor; Mrs. Tibbetts,
Officer ot the Guaid. There being no
election of delegates, arrangements will
tie ui.ule fur this later on. The instal
lation of both orders will take place iu
Ueppueruu the last Saturday in January.
It has not been decided yet what tbe
program will be, as tbe oonnuittee bave
not ditcnesed the matter. The W. R
C. is ri quested lo arrange a Committee
to co operate iu this woik.
At the regular meeting of Doric Lodge
Inst uesilay evening the ins'allailon of
ihe following i tfi.eis occurred: J. N.
Biowu, CO; A. W. Patteison, V. C;
E. G. (Siucuoi, Prelate; Walt Thompson,
M. uf W.; Vawter Crawford, K. of R. 4
8.; W. L. Saliug, M. of F. ; J. R. 8imocf,
M. of Ejwhria Borohers. I. G.; Tom
Qnaid, 0 U. H. McKarland being de
tained aay by sickness was not In
stalled as M. at A. B. F. Vangban
was selected for trustee for two years to
till Ihe vacancy o-iused by the resig
nation of A. W. Patlers in. After chwe
o( lodge the crowd repain d to tbe
Palace hotel here au elegant supper
was served, followed by appropriate
Mr. Edward Prather
Complication of Diseases
" I was troubled with sick headaches and
ptlas In my back and si Jet. I became p uttally
deaf, and my nervous system was all run down.
Finally, I was seized with henrt disease and
thoujht my days were numbered. I U3cd
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and I am better In every way. I have gained la
flesh and my former good appetite has re
turned." Edward I'bather, Grafton. CaL
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.
1 ; stx tor (B- Prepared only by C. I. HOOD
CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mais.
Heod'o Pjlla are purely vegetable. 2JO.
Bright s Uisease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.W.R. Mannfactnring Co,,
For sale by Sloonm-Johnston Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
remaiks by the brothers.
I. O. 0. F.
At the regular meeting of tbe 1. O. 0.
F. Lodge of this city Wednesday even
ing tbe following officers were installed
for tbe ooming term: P.G., J. D. Ham
ilton; N. G., Joe Hayes; V. G., E. H.
Slooum; Bee, ). W.R ismua; Con., Geo.
Noble; I. G.; J. 0. Borchere; R. S. N.
G., A. M. Gnnn ; L. S. N. G., N. S. Whet
stone; R S. 8., E G. Sparry; L. S. S
C.Ruhl;R. 8. V. G., J. L. Yeager;
L. S. V. G., Thomas Morgan. Their
evening's work also conoluded with an
appropriate supper at tbe Palace hotel,
followed by toasts and remarks by those
Catarrh iu the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of tbe blood,
ana as such only a reliable blood nuri
fier oan effeot a perfeot and permanent
cure. Hood a Uaraaparilla is tbe best
blood purifier, and it has cured man)
very severe cases of catarrh. Catarrh
oftentimes leads to consumption. Take
tiood's SarBaparilla before it is too
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppnei
wood yard, under the mananenieut o
Rip Van Wiukle, is prepared to delivei
wood at your residence, sawed or un-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered a'
$7.00 tier oord. Wood sawed twice it
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders h
Sloan S urn's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. JSu. biriieuK, a shoeru It
er and repairer of many years' expn
enoe, has just located in tbe A brn In tn
siot" t:iiilding, on May street, where hi
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line
M' Birbeck is gtnctly a first-class wr rk
man and warrants all work. Give him s
call I4wtf
Some of the Amerlean Peculiarities Which
Struck an Kntrllsh Writer Forcibly.
There is a very amusing paper in the
Arena, in which, under the title of "The
Land of Contrasts," Mr. Muirhead en
deavors to give his impressions of Amer
ica. His most abiding impression is, he
declares, that there is no abiding im
pression at all, as the facts on which
to-day he builds a theory in Massachu
setts are shattered to-morrow by the
facts he encounters in Michigan. The
United States seem to him preeminent
ly the "Land of Contrasts" "the land
of stark, staring and stimulating in
consistencies." "I have hailed with delight the dem
ocratic, spirit displayed in the greeting
of my friend and myself by tho porter
of a hotel as 'you fellows,' and then had
the cup of plcasute dashed from my
lips by Dcing told by the same porter
that 'the other gentleman would at
tend to my baggage!' I have been par
boiled with salamanders who seemed
to find no inconvenience in a room
temperature of 80 degrees, and have
been nigh frozen to death in open-air
drives in which the same individuals
seemed perfectly comfortable. Amer
ican travelers grumble (or at least are
dissatisfied; no American grumbles)
American travelers are dissatisfied If
tho velvet pile carpets at their hotels
arc not at least two inches thick, and
yet endure without a murmur the
hideous noises of a steam-heating ap
paratus which ceases its 'bubble and
squeak' onl.y to emulate the exertions
of Alexander the Coppersmith. Amer
icans invent the most delicate forms of
machinery for their manufacturing
processes and hack their meat with
silver-plated hoop iron knives hardly
calculated to tackle anything harder
than butter. Men appear at the theater
in orthodox evening dress, while the
tall and exasperating hats of the ladies
who accompany them would seem to in
dicate a theory of street toilet. From
New Yor'.c to I'uff.iio I am whisked
through the air at the rate of fifty to
sixty miles un hour; in California I
traveled on a train on which the en
gineer shot rabbits from the locomotive
and the fireman picked them up in time
to jump on the baggage car at the rear
end of the train. At Santa Barbara I
visited an old mission church and con
vent which vied in quaint picturesque
ncss with anything in Europe; but,
alasl the old monk who showed us
around, though wearing the regulation
gown and knotted cord, had replaced
his sandals by elastic-sided boots and
covered his tonsure with what we call
a chummy, but which in correct Bo
tonese is, I belie ve, a Derby."
IX Te. want it for a moment to inform you that
' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri-
ces. i he stock is
been largely in reased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. H ornor,
Tes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad dru.s arc poisonuus,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions quiokly.
To charge for them reasonably,
Who oan do better than this?
GlT" )Th3 VOUllo' IlitvV I.J ( !l
COURSB)The nmtried how to bo
YOU )The fond pareut how to
WANT )The mother how t" have them without pain;
TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ;
KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be
WHAT IThe healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ;
EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily;
BODY )The imprudent how to retrain wasted energy.
P. H. T.
)A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth
)Find it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Home Talk,"
)1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates ; 200 recipes ;
)Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50: circulars free.
)Murray Hill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St., New York
AO. Gazette Office
1 1
sower has no
second chance. If
vou would at firRt buc-
' ceed, be sure and start with
Fern's Seed Annual for 1894 ,
contains the sum and subKtancei
. of tne latest farming knowl- j
edge. Kvery planter suouia j
nave it. Bent rree.
P.M. Ferry Jc Co.,
Tbe Stndehsker wneon bends them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Cn.'s stand, and the
plsoe for bargains. a
Tbe Palaoe is the lending hotel in tbe
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
oes to and from tne Pslnce hotel, but
willonll for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
If yon want to buy groceries, and
bread staff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Qroeory. Kirk & Euhl, proprietors, a
Bore, the jeweler, is tb rnan to fix np
yonr watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
ttock of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
M. Lichtenthal k Co.'s new stook of
'plendid, snmmer notion and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Kieley Institute, at Forest Grove
lores liqnor, opium, morphine, cocaine
ind tobacco habit. See ad.
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by CnfBn & McFar
nnd, has lately changed hands, now be
ne nnder the control and management
f The MoFarland Meronntile Compsnv.
? hich contiones business at tbe old stand
with a larger stook than ever. a
I j j '
Gilliam & Bisbee,
clean and lre:-h. having
Geo. Conser,
l.m Ix-sic oiio to marry
jipy in niari'iitge;
( 42
( $1,100
.( SOLD.
Lave prize babies ;
Plenty of them at the
Heart Failure.
The epitaph on many a tombstone is
''heart failure." No wonder, when we con
eider the immense strain which is put on
tlmt small organ. Marvelous us it is, beating
l'XI.UUO times and exerting a force equal to
5, 1 81,000 pounds daily.it bus its limit ite
endurance often is too severely tested. 8o
common are diseases of the heart though
often for a considerable lime without the
suspicions of the ailltcted person being in
tlie least excited that it is stated that mt
piyton in four hat a bad heart Dr. Franklin
Miles, of Klkhar', Ind., bus for years made
a special study of all diseases of the heart,
and his remarkable success lias made his
Hamo a familiar one in all parts of our land.
He has found the most common symptoms
of heart disease to be jiain,dittrea or tender
nru in the chest, back, ttomach, boweh, left
thoulilcr and arm, thortneti of breath, mother
inn nptlln, fainting, etc,
Mr. George K. Smith, of Birnes, Yates
Co., N. Y., writes i "Dn, Miles' New
Hkart Curb lun worked wonderfully on
mind and budy it I can do a good day's work.
I feel ten years younifr and take more interest
in ailiiirs. 1 had shortness of breath, palpi
tation, pain under left shoulder blade, puin
around the heart, J could not tleep on my rigid
ride. Since I have taken Dr. Milei Nw
Heart Cure I tleep well, and have no palpita
tion. It has made my heart Urmrj'r. J wish
vou would print this, because I want all to
know what Dr. MUei Heart Curt lias done
for me."
" For months my wife suffered with palpi
tation, imotherivq tpelh, and was unable to
sleep on her left fide. She tried several
doctors without relief. Your Heart Curt
was recommended. After taking three
bottles, she fully recovered her health.
Your medicinps do what you claim." Chas.
Ciiristman, Toledo, O.
Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold
by all druggists on a positive guarantee. Jt
is tafe, arpreealile, rpeiive, and doct curt,
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
F " Rlehv T. V Ayrrr Jr.
Tmnd Fob Pale. 480 sores over fn
Wilson nrnirip. A good stock ranch un.
will be sold oheap. Call at Gfczc (e
office for particulars and terms. f.
No only once but again and again. They know that from as they always gel
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex
plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends,
and bo establishes our trade. We want you to bave some of oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Oome in and see ns, everybody.
Heppner, Oregon.
Why Buy
When yon can
Etc., at tbe
And at a lower price than sold on the streets. By so doing yon will assist in build-
us up yuur city. i,oon 10 vonr interests and assist those who assist you.
1 aw SHAW & M'CARTY, Props.
Ik Keeley Institute
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keepon band a full line of
Groceries aid Provisions.
A full line of choice Pits, Cnkis end Bleed ; in fuct cvenlliing that is
'isnally kept in a flrst-cluss bakery store. They will sell cheHp foi cisb. Call anp
try them. gw
Disease commonly comes on wilh slight symptoms, which when negleotcd in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
Ripans Tabules not gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, stomach and intes.
tines; cleanse the stem effectually; onre dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One Tabuib taken at tbe first ndioatioo of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly
remove the whole difHoulty.
Ripnns Tubules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
physicians, and Bre presented in the form mint appr. ved by modern scienoe.
If given fair trial Kipsns Tabnlea are an infallible cure; they ooutain nothing
injurious aud are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will b sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the
whoh s ile and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
They are Easy (o Take, Quick to Acl and Save many a Doctor's Bill
QoonplM Frmm o application,
x or
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., curried by
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows'
ranana meroaunie uo.'s establishment. He still has a oomplete line whioh
will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 aw
Thk Lancashire Insurance Co.
1. Only Fiitt-Claaa Lotel in Heptntr.
2. Bnildirg Wiied for Hrctric LigLts
8. 1'est srccniLcdaticLS for tie trtvellrg
4. Courteons treatment ssf-urtd the ooun
tiy people.
MBS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietre.
of Peddlers?
get tbe choioest
Liberty Market.
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura
to tb.s Rlpan. Cliaialeal Co., T-vr
jc citjr.
building to tbe West wareroom of the Mo
of the Best Jn the World