OIE WiJ W SELL YOU J EPH ! 8 II One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. me ucoi, i-icues 01 bana in morrow uuuii. TTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of bich deeded land tl.ere are 140 acres gxd farming land, and tlie balance A 1 paatnre. A fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, i 'ill! The deeded Inud Lns a good spring ot water on it, an uuuer IVOTIIIRl bargain. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. ANJy STlJLTv ANOTIIBK. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on ensy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. For further information call at our office. Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hls-or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is signed as an evidence of goon laun. Did yon ever Read Hbout the Man bo Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. All the Hui ie schemes In the country Will not ncoompliBb Half bs much As n good iid. In a good, live. Legitimate newspaper, One tbiit Is rend Bv the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Oses its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. j1 JLE8TKRDAT s Kecord has something to say about the closing of the Taooma Woolen Mill, giving as a reason that the praprietora oould not pay the hirfb duties on needed foreign wools. T. E Fell was manager of that mill at the time it dosed, Bnd gives a very different reason for shuttiug down. He says that in the face of impending tariff reductions, it was impossible to proceed safely. Several large orders were oanceled also just pievious to closing down, because dealers could not buy quantities of woolen goods when it was apparent that they oould be imported for much less money long before the same were disposed of. With the great reductions proposed on manufactured goods, even with free raw material whioh will do other than break up the woolgrowiDg industry in this country, manufacturers can hardly compete with the imported article. But, perhaps, Mr. Fell can throw additional light on the mnoh- heralded closing of the Taooma Wooleu Mill. Col. Griggs, a democrat and candidate for U. S. senator before the late session of the Wash, legislature, was the heaviest stockholder in the enterprise. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the National Bank of Heppner at Heppner, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Dec. 19, 1893. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 82,957.72 Overdrafts secured and unse cured 3 33 06 U. S. bonds to secure oironla tion 12.500 00 Preminm' on TJ. S. Bonds 1.200 00 Tt mkiJh T S I ,he fH0tor and "O'ksbop, Ihe household lsiiukiLL'liouse. furniture. A fir 1 .finft an .... " PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The Conveniences of mankind In 2,509.30 3,044.98 TiiBAsLlund Tidings comes to us this week as a semi-weekly, published on Mondays and Fridays. We oon?ratulate tne i KlinKs on this improvement. Due from Natiooiil Bauks (not Reserved Agents) Due from state banks and bankers 1,38101 Due from approved reserve "gents 2 500 44 Checks and other cash i terns. . Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickles, and oents Specie Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 9.20 150.00 7 81 2,472 00 700 00 562.50 .mil It is said that the revolutionists are in a hard row down in Brazil, On a fitir and impartial decision we UONOK HIS S1E110RY. Masons and Citizens Generally folio P. Bnnliee's Body to the Grave, From the E. O. Pendleton people today followed the body of J. P. Bushee to the grave. otrionen down without the warning of a moment, suddenly taken away from the asylum. Total $116,914.04 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 50,000 00 Surplus fund 8,000 00 Undivided profits 6,582.93 Nat. Bank notes outstanding.. 10,350 00 Due to other Nat. banks 163 78 Dividends unpaid 300.00 Individual deposits subjeot to check 9.5 run as Demand certificates of deposit 1,607.00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable, 14,000.00 Total $116,944.04 OTA I B UJf VJKEGON, County of Morrow, f ss- I, Ed. R. Bishon. Cashier nf film nlinvn named bank, do solemnly swear Hint. fli abive statement is true to the best of my Knowledge and belief. hio. R. Bishop, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before i .,., sceneol his We so full of noble deeds this 28th I day of Dec Ot.in,! f.tl, ll .1 '"" Galusha A. Grow has hn mt.-l .luo ulorB P"nent, and nlH nflo ia . , u , u 1 1 mh morn iMn u as congrfssmnn al-large by the repub lioiius of Pennsylvania. The stnle board of equalization has reduced the assessment on horses and cattle for Morrow oouuty twenty per cent. Gold mining has received quite an impetus in Colorado. Tbeoutput of the Leadville and Cripple creek diBtriots is muoh greater tbnn ever before. . uons ui uia lernoie Death wax ashed over the city there has been universal mourning. Thefirstimpulsive expression of grief proved to be nnl a temporary tffervescence, but the manifestation of permanent orienW The terrible death was not terrible r,,r mm. Uealh has no terrors for tht 11)8 Spotless. But thnan loft 1893. T 117 Ti Notary Public tor Uregrm. wm. remand, P. C. Thompson. Dirret- urs. pure, behind, Deafness Cannot he Cared by local aonliaationa . uicicnnuu uoruon or tun pur There is only one way to cure deHfecm anuiuaiis oy constitutional remedies, ueamess is caused hv an ii,H.m.j louumon Of the mncniiR luiinv nf th 17..i,.,.i.:.. . uiinmuiiiHU IUI. V lieil tills tn IB iritta Tub plan for Oregon's building at the Midwinter fair Iiiib been selected. 'J he bnildii'g will be an attructive one 100x140 feet, wilh a floor space-of 11,000 qiinre feet. relative and friend, went from the family '"fliuned vou have a rnmhlinv im,l residence to the oemetery this aftflrnrmn !n,Per,l!t bearing, and wheu it is eo and felt that one nf !..... - . 7:'. .! . !,'nr"'.as 19 'esnll. and . .u """ r- unless ine mnnmation can he tnkn mil GBouaE Cilqatb, the mini deserted by I lie Cnilin psily in the Clearwater counliv, is said lo be jet alive, a mes- snt;e In m liim having been sent down the liver iu a bottle. A relief party has been futmed. mureiana oi Portland, grand master, nud Ex Governor F. C. Chad- Bal, gr;,ud secretary. wer i., alteodnnce, aud the grand master l.n.l cnare or the ceremonies. in. ueagie, master of Kuuzie Lor ..... . , ... uuieu lur local Masons. Baker City's delegation was: nr. M Hlomb, J. McKay, Senator Dodson. iur. mciv-ay is Baker oonntv's clerk. ?.,, T .. ft j ... . ' -" urauiio Cilia mom u nn lha treiuiit oamc: Joseph Church. R V. Bryant, S. li. Reeves, Dr. N. Moletor! J. M. Berry. J. II Kl,l,;,, . b - . UUUJIUI iur. Taylor. Congressman Oaths, of Alaoama, Heppner Bent the following gentlemen- wants the silver bullion in the U. S. J- N- Brown, Otis Patterson. n,i, treasury ooined to meet urgent demands. Nule, II. Blackman, E.G. Sloan nn,l His bill provides that nil debts shall be p- O. Borg. Philip Metsohan bIbo is paid in "lawful money." uinoug the visitors, and Harrv William. "u '"us consigned, hia hnrlv to ils last resting place and the spirit to us mug n,me. While the M AHnnin order Uad the fuuprnl fn nh.r,.A vuuiKu. r v every one who knew the deoased olaimoH surfaces a part in the oeremonies. We wil1 One Hundred Dollars for From outside towns oame a nnml,, ?uy. ,e ! "eH'u f"ed by catarrh) ...... - i tuiiL uitiiofir. nn niira.i nu '..i , oi Mason n rrini. f !, j , -,... ,. ,. ! v,marrn ana uns tune restored tn its i-.r,r,,,l . union, nearing will destroyed for j-.ci , uiiiB uHses nut or ten are caused ur oatarrn, winch is nothing but an iniiumeu OODUltlon or tin and on the farm, as well as in offleial lite, require oontinual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each io order to save labor, time and expense. The political ohange in the administra on government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who beiug on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiving the remedy to overcome existing discrepan oies. Too great oare oannot be exer- oieed in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent oounsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay sjstem. Inventors who entrust their business to this olaea of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowanoe and obtain the fee THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Muuager, 018 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, represeming a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in- sniutea to protect its patrons from the unsaie uio,m,uo uui, , in this line of business. The said' Com pany is propared to take charge of all pnteut business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and Droso:it. as they cannot applications generally, inoiuding me- otiamoal inventions, design patents, trade marks, labels, copyrights, iulcrfer- mmngements, validity reports, anu gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is nlao nrptinro.l tn .,. r , . ... 1 M IU competition with any firm in Beourim, foreign Detents. Write for instructions aud advice. John Wedderburn. 018 F Street. P. O. Box 383. Wash, r,ni n n ....,, w. LOCAL MARKET RKI'OHT. Wheat, bu 85 Flour.bbl 2 60 800 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 50 " " three " 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 50 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool 6 10 Horses, glow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz 20 Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MAHKKT. Wheat, cwt SI 03 Si 1 08 Flour.bbl 3 00 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 800 Hogs, owt 4 50 (g 5 25 Wool Eastern Orecfon. . 10 (a) 12 Butter, lb 25 Eggs, doz 20a Chiokens, doz 5 00 Turkeys, lb 15 30 25 300 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ ar 95 Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 2 75 " dressed 8 50 (3 6 00 Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 (? 3 00 " dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 60 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 20 30 Eggs, doz 27 S 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 60 TurkejB lb 15 a 17 Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. VfOTICE IS HEREBY MVEN THAT THE . . un,'''!rBi8ed, the administratrix of the CBMim Ul Cornell IS OriNrn . rlnAuanH ur .... batnrday the loth day of February at 1 o'clock p. m. of laid day at the West half of the North east quarter, and the Kast half of the North west quarter of section thirty-one 31) town ship two (Z) South of Kange twenty -nine 12m bast Of thn U'lllumnltn M.I,I(.m ll ..,. described premises at public sale to the highest ...... .... ao.. , iiallu. ouen saie oeing mane under and pursuant to an ordpr nt tho rn....t Court Of date Heutemher 'XI HiQ'l ,ola entered In said County court of Morrow county on Rain cito ' I will also on said day at the hour of 3 o'clock, Interest inhe'saw''mIlPpn;Perty l1oV&M said estate, said mill being known as the White hiSrhi'S"1' ?'l"lewlllbe made to the made. a. fnr..;.M . .k" '" "V lonJ Lle.5','?.ble Count C0llrt of Morrow BJ M mm TRADE MARH lit-ffk-tcred D MEADS What it tht ten&Uion of your$t Xi jour hair dry, hurts brittle? Dttt it tplit at tht tndtt Bat it a lifetttl oppeoranosf Vott it fall out whm etmbtd or bruthtit It it full of dandruff t Jott your tealp itch ? It it dry tr in a htattd condition t If that e art tome of your tymptomt bt warned in timt or you will dooms bald. SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER) ynu neet!. lt nrodnotton Is not an tccldont, hut the Msiilt of tmA . Kiiowlotiiieof the dlseoMa of the hair and icalplod to thed.BrawF?! V? T um"coutain8 neither minerals nor oils. It is iii.tji iiv . . and refreiliiuz Tonic. Bv atimuiAtiito. th. ,,11,.... "tV':,llt mnril. Kiinwledtrflof to I rent, thf-m. " Skaokum a li ci lull t fill It coolinff and refrealiiue Tonic. Bv tiniiiintiixp th. ailing h air, cures dandruff and grow hair on bald heads. S9T Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from Irrltntlng eruptlniis, t, Uitshatr. It your dniRfrlst cannot supply yoa, send direct to u, nd we w prepaid, on i-egulpt of p'ice. Grower, $too per bo 1 tie; fifor , Jos ; 6 for ii.5a IMS SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER ;? South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. CO. nn. FOOTE-S HAND-BOOK op nEALrn HINTS and beady KECIPK. " Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Vtmal Importance to Everybody, CLmreralng their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing eto IT TELLS ABOUT ' ' What to Eat, How to Eat It. Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe. Dangers of Kissing, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the 8kln, Care of Toah, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing-Best Way, After -Dinner iJon. Alcohol as a 1'ooU and a Luns and Lung Diseases. Effentinf t!a.- ' Medicine, llow to Avoid Them, ' Cure fo?InTm c0' Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear. Headache CaK"' liemoving Same, How Much to Wear. ' To o t mAV?l ' Kestonng tlie Drowned. Contaeious D sna v.i.j.; ...r"-'' Overheating Houses, Preventing Nearsighted- now to Avoid TUem! Croiito piS?,' Ventilation, ness, Exercise, " ' rravenu IT TELLS HOW TO ClinE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet Cor,. Conghs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache Felon. Si Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Brelst. Iv, P' ? Moles, Pimples. Plies, Rheumatism. Hlngworm. Snoring st.. of! ' lTJ Pol90nln. Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet Toothaoh? ri Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SA VK DOOTOHs, mJ , i P0 tS"AII new antucribers anil nromnt renewali iliinno tlio mnnih f liu. m;n i,. presenscd with a free oopyof this as a premium. Kills, Iawson & lyyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attemleil to in n prompt Bnfl satisfactory mnnner. Notaries Public aud Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON. county, State of Oregon, 192-201 Dated this 2lst day of Mary Driscoix, Administratrix. mucous l'. J. (JHENKY fin Tl,i n ur 001a rjy arntrifists, 75o. John L. bllivan bhjb le will dial- leuse tlie winner of t he Qnrbett-Mitoh ell Djibt. "Sully" ia iietliuir too old to multu 11 fiKht after the fiwbiou he net up come years ngo. Conoiiess ngain onuvened Wednesday wilh barely n quorum in either honse lhe tiinff issue mid Hawaiian uffiiir promises to iillrnot the early attention of both bodies. ners, A L'AKD OK THANK8. a aouatioa party occured last Friday pvening at the Baptist parsonage. About 30 brethren sod sisters and friends oame and made our hearts glad by spending an tiour or two pleasantly with 119 an.l caving ns many valuable presents, for wuion tbey will please aooept nf our sin- ucm uianas. iauoh licks do not strike the preaoher s family Btniss. Brethren ud friends, please hit ui this wav 11s of ten as it is oonvenient. We do feel under lasting obligations to you for what you have doue fur ns already. M. BlUMBLET AND FAMILY. Stockholders Meeting. XlOTICE IS IIRRKRV r.TVir .. v .1 an!'"111 meeting of the stockholders of the haa, kVn'i1.! J. w' he' t i WS4. between , . LaV ? of said dm-, for th ; ' 'J'. 5I U P- SHEEPMEN! Keep your sheep healthy and in -...v, (suuu cup oy uSIUg Hay ward's Sheen Din The "Paste Din" miY,.a wim, ntu TrL "rm water. CHRISTY & WISE, send Sts., San FrTncIsco ' "m ttM Town rcinc i.oast Agents. 89 im v coine before the meeting. Heppner, Or., Dec. 2, 18M. Ed, R. Birhoi', asliier. .vtf. notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THK annua mwtlnir nf u,,.i,i., A r. 1 . 1 Hennnor Bulhllni "1 "L" 0 .. lne held at its ottice In Heppner on t hi second Tuesday of January. 18m. fietw... ill i,s.?I.0"'i iectlrd rfcSlltei0! P-Pose business as may come before the mceti' ALLIGATOR SHOOTING. Exciting: Sport Which Is Panned U Diu-kiieia. Mr. Kirk Munroe cosmopolitan describes in th Kd. r. Bishop. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 1893. Secretary. Hfl-tf. From a eaoitiiry stnndpolut we be lieve Heppner ainnds among the leading candidates for the asylum. S 1 do not oonoedu Ihe Bume to any other point until l lie location is mnde. itovKiiNon i'fnnoykb la getting it riuht nud left on his Ulevehmd letter We areo with Ihe governor that the oountry needs favoriihle silver legislation but wheu be pictures Oregon as a starv ing slate, he went entirely too far. Oregon is today one of the moBt prosper- uuo mutes in tue union, prooably in better couditiou than any Western state. Citizens from several of the cities whioh are candidates for the asylum are now quartered iu S.ilem in the interest of their respective localities. Pendleton ij especially active iu this respcot. Heppner is about the only poiut that has not sent a delegation to 8 ilem, aud more than that we do not iuleud to do o. It said that the position Heppner bas taken iu this respect is greatly ap preciated by the board as they do not desire to be annoyed, barrassed and troubled by such delegations. And ince the board has said that tin doctors' report in this matter ihould bs flual, it would seem that those who go to Salem doubt their word, or believe their in fluence to be greater than tlie sauitary report. And since nearly all who have gone there from the different cities pos.i as politioal pullers we are inclined to be lieve that the latter versiou is about orreol. dime down from Slarbuok to attend the luuerui. Messrs. Mann and A. D. Leedy ie represeuung Helix. At 10 o'clock the Masons gathered the Mnsoiiio hall and made flual prepar- ..nous ior iue funeral. The visitin, members were present and the gran - cpit-awuieu oy urancl Master Woreland and Grand Keoretary Chad wick, Seuior Warden Phil Metsnlmn mere are about seventy-five who at tenilpil Hia , . u,uuIp anu mere was uouceauie a profound feeling ot solemn i nw luougui ot the object for whinh iney were gathered. Prou.otlv ,,'l.,..l. 11 !.... .. ' iuo ouon service at the house Im, gan, uuuplam W. E. Potwine in oharire "u '"ruisnea oy a trio consietiuir "" Jvaus, Messrs. Fotw ne . .1 IS r ...1 nr. .. u-iimup. nnen the service hA enueu, uraud Master More'aud again iook cuarge and the procession to 11. cemetery began, memberB of the fraterni- y maroinng, others being in oarrla. The linn., I d,...;... -l . v.o.u.ooo ai ma cravn oonuuotfd by the Grand M all slowly wended back to town, im. p.r.Be., wun the sadness of theocoasion Those who aoled as pall bearers were & P. 8turgia.il. O. Thompson, W. D Hansford, J. M. LpeE9r T- j mUoo and J. A. W..8d. Over one hundred and twenty Masons were present wearing the insignia of their order, and a long processiou of oarriages followed tl.. body to the oemetery. Hundreds nf citizens lined lhe streets. It is needless to say that at that hour other things were forgotten, aud all paid honor to I James P, Bosh. A Herald of the lufant Year. Clin the last thirty iu . from the oentury, and the segment ii, represeut the term of the unbounded .uiB.ny o, Hosteller's Htomaon Bit- .a.". xu opening of the year 1894 will u ibaiiceu dv me appearance of ' " niuiauao in me Bitters, in which the uses, derivation mid noliou of th. wuriu-iamouR meuicine will be Iticidh set for b. Everybody shou'd read it Ihe OHlendar mid astronomical palcnln Hons to be found in this brochure nrf always astonishingly accurate, and the statistics, illustrations, humor n.i other reading mailer rtoh in interest aud full of profit. The finatett.r. n... pany, of Pittsbnrir. Pa.. ni,hl,0i, selves. They employ more ll, ai,,.' hands in the meob.ininnl work ..i than elevtn mouths in the v'r ,... '"T "8 preparation. It can b ootaiueti, without onst, of all drngoistf ,ui ry dealers, anil is printed in i-iiKuouj vierman, JJrench, Welsh, Nor wetgan, Swedish: Hlli.,l and Spanish. Stockholders Meeting, TkTA'Plr-U. TQ rnnn wlill,;. .f 1 V .u rHAT THERE the First Nat .1 i V ' ' . u"no" ?' oltlce on the second Tuesday of'jan.' 1891 w tween the hours of 10 o'clock a m and 4 other hTisIni .. :."T """"w-"0" OI "' 'ij ajijjciir. UKO. CoNsrr Cashier. a oanop tvn in . with two youaB Komin 0 -rir: 4 "iuus. xne carina was a Tt, madohy Miccochce hhn! self out ot a hujjc cyprus l0fr. The trio OBdecamp iato in the aUcrnoon, fnd -ter awlnlc Mr. Munroe discovert -hat he had not before suspected-! n , " " u ue "one at niffht. hoMS'ladf T1 fa- before -lie W oi, niff ,;f alligators was heard- ' . 1-,1.1-lH-ll IV I I L iipatta plenty. Me I """"" ' ' ' Mliiillti Mtm.zzJ??ZzL.zm' v FOR INVENTIONS. Kmiol witt. 4.1. j .... of the inpetZ n tn10 because patents. Too much care cannot hi attorneys employed to obtain their "tetimtovSXZf "employing competent and reli-enti- P the care ffiu'of'the an' 8 Pate"depenfs greatly, ii not Obtain Patent fn ifiA i t ix mereiore are prepared to t &T Foren Countr.es. Conduct In- ..... . ' e special Examinations. Prnwt B-t-A -.-.. , . - "".wvj vaiticaa aLlUIUCVS. tained counsel expert in Z J,1 Pr,tef,ted b7 valid Pnts, we have 're- Register Trade-M, r; ? Rejected Cases. Scone ;7; """Pyngnts, Render Opinions as to Defend n a'ty of Patents- Prosecute and uefend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. grthewithTb6 or photograph thereof, to. ....... a, t unnuginsr on vour rlcrli alc ocioora necessary, n others, submit the matter "to u. fo, . charSed with infringement by Matter. t0 Uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the eiSFSTREETyNoTHWT3 CL'S COMPANY. '.0.B0X4M ; ' R WASHINGTON, D. C. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. uut lns out and send It ,if h ...... - FIKST AWARD A I' CHICAGO. 8hee( men will be interested to k.m that there is no longer any question ns to the relative merits of the diftVrent sheep dips upon the market. Christv V ise take pleasure in snnouuciug thai Hayward'i Dips (paste aud liquid! f.,r whioh they are sole P. O. asente. have secured the first award at the Vnrl,r. Pair, ana last year these dips received the silver medal at California .. ,,M " n r air and gold medal at Merhamo Fair an Franoisco-.Kvery praolicals heenman that ever used Hay ward's Dips, pro nonnoed them the very best dips for the lire ot scab, the (jeneral health of sheen and oouditionsof woo,1811(i8-sw. k k n y. pel"e yoa meet "u; '. iney take mom Livsr Kegulator. CBhler. , I so.. tf "it-r Nrt.1. Hiv'f.... ,u- for rj.SO. -wn.i.iiiuy ".i Brockvu( -at,i i-m, i K hi::,, 'vlicn h-u tun,,, -Mtevhii- Hie -'.Urn, K,,v.-i the can-, io, "i.v head i:r Ail "f the monsters ;"!r Pro"- up stream. ' bis push pole from & sat iu the ivni,n Wlt1' jack light on riilo in hand. n,,i..i p..H.tl..,.f honor in the bow. had ceased their mt. :7U!1 to think that then inihl i ui-tion 1 1 torin;rs an-1 I la,i " '"M mi !i :..!.,.. . .. Jst then I w-no pil.., i , h len .i V,o ui.. ... . " ''I mo that the moment for U'lllt . I ni.-lhr. . 1 . at one f tl.n in.i.t "V ll.c rcpurt of the rifl- . tho heaens Z " l0 .-11 4"'l spot. MUa screamed in hi.... ."' ' " ri at y bad" shot bvm" no-ic-uu.f,: iiinniio Him- O.W.R.Mr'C CS PORTLAMn nor CoF2ndTbfAy.Or;U3,rJoll0,t0n shot bv mnrt. "cap bad PilM! Piles! Itching P, Symptoms Hn.ln.1 '. .""eDae d - - io cont nue mom ffirm ,k:.i. .. ... uo -- -llluu oiten hud ul. 1 Iu- nicer- Oim-MEST Stotis tlm ,bWiTNB.'$ heals nlceratio11tani,?b,Dg 8"d bllinS At drmtgmts, or bv Sot,. SW 1 yr TV i . . ... nlator, . mJd ult.tiv " L,Ver inat drearipH ,1 jr.i . m'n i n u uicauiut aiseasei JWhat shall stay its rava.? say bcotts Emu s on cod Wvnr :i . w. UIC oegian soda has mrpT c nyPPhosPhites of lime stages. Hav. ?f consi'mpt'on in its first to coniimf i it , LU,U acute rwake no delay but take Scott's EnTuwTTr r- L"- lake Colds, ConaumX. ouShs, or leading ChlldrenAiuOTf 'n In milk. Ci-t ,. ., "aaabte o oummws, State of Oreim, f 011 sECO'D DISTrtpt Sl'MMO.NS. "t'lenrtant, Emi coft's siois TO H b " ii,. T r"?nt. Ill tha nerehv "smeof tho ffQiiired to r Mate of Oreiron. uie nn.nn.. cummons. TKtiSli;15 C()lTRT 'OR SECOND HKnVer:?iefenns,58UMMONa In th Defendant. i...",ne."ameofthe State nf nr..nn slBiiwl iSiiAAl "PI'' b'ore the under- You are th. nm. M11 on tfi k 3.,J"' ,ur uisinci aiore- . , UllV OI t.l a "111 HUP l,.ll,,o .. . Plsim rr " .",?" . he oomm. , i "e ill take oomplaint l and sli; .,' tll?'herwlthn, 5. '"A"" .-'51 under niv h,r : . '"-. this acti, -.,Oi,0, - .0 i UHy 182-91 t-nv uoiiarB .(.ti. n. of Mov. C. E. Jnvro Justice of tua i !. REE TRIAL of on, h..,. mentfj. .l . nd Im titollt. !f".J,'"e""",,llWiiy o Clock h lh. .1. Janury, ottVreofsairi f,,; jer,;oon f m,1 y the abov n J..iH 'f '," ,mh district to De'fMdi'? Pla'','tm in tt 'lv ""'"on an.,,!.",' take "oti.-e that if 1S94, at two at me answer he tiff ill t.l i, Se complaint herein, the Plain seven ..,Hk.f), ,.d.m.e,'t swlnst him for Eighty- epente. of t'h i. ."Zn" ,gethe'' W "h C0"' A. tim!'A my ha'nd thi 21 iy o Nov. 1S2-91 C. E. Jones, Justice of the Peace. piles nain one PALC8fl trtitinent 1 in. ia, 1. - from bmineit. FittuU. Ulct . WWII. I i M Pin. a. DK H- B- BDTTg,