NOTICE TO ADVERT1HEKS. 1H-SK dtMlrliin the Insertion ol display kIb., or I'liiiiitfe of Hiune, mint got their copy in ..fti lutflr UiKti Moiuitiy evening for Ttieidtiy'i mHtiuu. or ThiirwUy evening fur Fri.layi dl tion. 'i'HK I'ATTSKHOM I'U HUBH1NU ilO. NOTICE. 1. The mm of ttve cents per Hue will be charged tttr "card of Uiatika," "reolutloiii of reHpoct," lleta of wedding pitmen to and douori, Hnd obituary notluea, (other than those the edit or ahull himself give ai a matter of news,) and notice of special meetings for whatever purpose. '2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, snail be charged for at the rate of live cents a Hue. These rules will be strictly adher fed to In every instance. Advertltdng rates reasonable aud made known upon application. We hold each aud every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No currcHtKjudence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed asau evidence of good faith. X P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIrt Jj ing Agent, 21 Merchant Exchange, gftuYrancfwo, is onr authorized ageut. Tail paper U kupt on til In hiioihc. TIME TABLE. fmge (or Hantaan, Monument, Loni Creek, )ota )' and Canyon City, leavea u follow! ; Kvery day at 6 a. m., except Sunday, A rrirea ererjr day at 1 p.m., except Monday, 'the cheapest, quickest aud beat line to or from the interior country. J. a. DELEVAN, Prop. V. A. Juhnaton, Agent, Give your buainens to Heppner people, and therefore attaint to build up Hepp ner. Futronize thoae who patronize you. I lere and There. W'u.Ur id hare at limt. A hapy ke year to you. Jja. (Jalluway wua iu Salurduy. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. Commissioner buker, of lone, was iu tuivu Saturday. Prof. A. W. Wier returned from Port land last Friday. School re-opeued this morning after a week's vacatioo. Bill Johnson, of tbe lirm of Minor & Co., is iu Portland. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at he Mountain House. Tlie Gazette will take oordwood on subscription during '94. Oscar Sounder, of tbe mouutuiu re gion, whs in tbia morning. Lowe Tillard baa returned from Pen dleton to Morrow county. A watoh-nueetiug wax held at the M. K church last Sunday lUKlit. Mies Lillian Ktiea departed for ber Fossil liuuie Monday morning. Telegram: Cuas. Bbeldon, of Hepp uer, is visiting friends on tbe East aide. Chun. Brown, a sheepman of Butter creek, was in this oity early tbis week. Jobu K Ely, a teacher of tbe Douglas neighborhood wasiu towu over Sunday. Who should we niu against over at Pendleton last Friday but Mike Kenny. Mr. E. L. Freelaiid and wife returned bome from their visit iu tbe valley yester day. Arthur Smith will olean watches at tbe reduced prioe of $1 for the next 90 duys. The Ueppuer Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to tbe in terior. Tbe G. A. R. and tbe W. R. 0. elect ions atLexiuntou Saturday last will ap pear in tbe next issue. Tbe branob iuBane asylum is supposed to be located today, if we are not wrong ly informed as to the date. A fuH oooi-i tbe donatio party given lus. week iu honor of Kev. Br am ulet will appear iu next issue. Every man who takes any interest iu fast stock should subsonbe for The liorsemau. Gazette shop, agents. Up at Dayton, Wash., a fellow uamed E. 8. Norns raped a little girl live years old. tie narrowly escape! lyuohiug. At a raffle yesterday at the City hotel, A. VV. Patterson was luoky enough to se cure as a prize a maguidceut scarf pin. Thad Armstrong, one of the iufluen tial oitizens u( our country, aesideut of the Alpine section, called lust Saturday. The rain of yesterday morning ended in snow, aud though It came furious and lust, is goinn nearly as rapidly as it came. Write it 1894 don't forget it now when you date your obeoks intended to pay up arrearages at the Gazette ollioe. The Gazette will take oounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balance of game in cash ut highest market price. 7-60 Mrs. J. W. MoAtee and family leave today for Portland to join Mr. MoAtee who is now permanently looatedat tnat place. A protracted meeliug began last even inir down at the M. E. ohuroh, conduct ed by pastor and the other co-workers in Heppner. T. E. Fell returned to Pendleton the latter part of last week to look after the eoouring project which is being pushed in tbat city. John Spray and his brother, Abe, are dow located in the butchering busiuess on 4tb Ave., Portland, East Side.. W.J. McAtee is runuing tbe shop. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of oash, should call uround at this ofliee aud get credit for sbuio if not already given. Don't overlook Ilick Mathews, of the Citv hBrber shoo, for a strictlv first class ghBve, shampoo, Jor bair cut baths ulso dished up to order. Hot To our customers No difference how large or small your aooount is, corns in Bud settle, either by cash or note. We muBtbave one or the other to enabe us to stem tbe flood. HaybsBkos. 90tf. The editor the Gazette has been official ly notified that Kev. J. M.Denison hae been appointed Chaplain of the First Regt., U. B., K. of P., with rank of oap tain This is an honor that is deserv ing at the hands of Bro. Deuison. Green MathcWJ lost, at the Palaoe hotel danoo last Thursday evening, a soarf pin, Bet with an opal and pearls, and made iu the form of a fly. Please return to Greeu and get his eternal bless- lug oesiaes me uuou,j . The A. F. & A. M. representatives, who were sent from Heppner to attend the funeral of J. P. Basbee, returned last Saturday. Seldom they seen o sad an impressive - curred last Friday at Pendleton. A full account of the funeral will be given in the next issue. 0. N. Wagner, Grant county's as sessor, returned from Salem last Satur day where be had been attending tbe . Assessor's Convention. Mr. Wagner was detained several days in lne Dalles by n severe attack of la grippe. He departed for his borne over at Hay stack yesterday morning. iru nn viait to Iowa. Mr. K. Dal- ton, of Lura, Rupsell County, Kansas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show bim his six year old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured bim of a very severe Bttsck of croup. Mr. Daltoo is certain that H saved bie boy's life and is enthusiastic- id of this remedy. For tale by Bloenm-Johnaon Drug Co, B. R. Nmws. Down at Willows Junotiou, laborers and teams are busily i ngaged in removing earth and stone preparatory for tbe ereotion of a depot buildiug. Other railroad appurtenances will be put iu, aud we have it straight that the run of the Heppner branob will shortly bo arranged to end at Willows Junotion instead of at Arlington. At one time this place was considered for tbe end of a division and tor the location of railroad shops and it is not unlikely that in the futnre this will be realized. A ferry ia being looated on the Columbia opposite tbe Junction, and it is not at all improbable that when the railroad company prooeeds to favor the town, that is to be, tbat tbia will be just tbe plaoe for tbe looation of a hotel and store. Considerable trade would be eeoured from tbe Washington aide, ea well as on this, In tbe language of tbe Patoo oribe, "Keep your eye on" Willows Junotion. 0 Iktbbkst to Ladiks. The good taste of American woman in matter of dress is well kuown. Tbey are keenly alive to tbe niceties of fashion, andjuftVot what is graceful and becoming, he fashion bonk whose models moBt of all embody these qualities' is "Toilettes", wbiob, for this reason, has become a universal favorite. Its elegant and varied details attraot tbe dressmaker as much as the society dame; and once used it seems to beoome i dispensable. Its January issue illustrates its season able character iu evening dresses of many kinds and in a supplement of stylish collars suitable for tbe period. The uiuguziue oan be obtained from all newsdealers, or direct from Toilettes Publishing Co., 126 West 23rd St., New York. Single copies 15 cents; Yearly subscriptions $1.60. Tub Mascicekadb. Tbe masquerade at the opera house last evening was very well atteuded, considering the inolem ency of the weather and tbe prevailing hard times. Only a small portion of tbe masquers gave iu tbeir names and characters represented, consequently we will not attempt to give a list. Suffice to say, that after a brief seaBon of mazy w hilling and suffocation on the part of the masquers, the judges, Dr. McSwords, Mr. Joe Hayes and Hon. J. N. Brown, awarded the prizes as follows: Most oomioal character, Green Mathews; best dressed character, Miss Nettie Glisan, representing "crazy patch work;" best sustained character, Otis Patterson, representing "old man." The dano'ng was kept np at a late hour, and we believe thoroughly enjoyed. Donation Parti. On last Saturday evening at the M. E. churoh, numerous residents of Heppner and vicinity gathered to make donation offerings to the pastor, Rev. J. M. Deuison. The presents were numerous and appropriate consisting of groceries, dry goods, cash, etc The eveoiug was pleasantly spent, and tbe bounteous offering proves that our M. E i astor is the right man in tbe right plaoe. PlfTHIAN Sistrrs FUleotion.- At the regular meeting of Dorian Temple last Friday evening the following officers were eleoted for the ooming term: Mrs. T. W. Ayers, M E 0. ; Mrs. C. S. Van Duyu, M. E. S. ; Mrs. P. O. Borg, M, E. J.; Mrs. Anna Gilliam, M. of T.; Mrs, Cora Crawford, M. of F.j Mrs, Wallace Srnead, M. of R. & C ; Mrs. Henry Blackman, P. of T ; Mrs Andrew Rood, G of O T. For n enre throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will nearly always effect a cure in one nigbt'p time. This remedy is also a favorite for rh umatisui and I as cured many very severe cases. 60 cent bottles for sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. A Col ircd Higher Critic There is refreshing artlessness about the negro proahei' who is told of in the New York Observer. lie became touched with the "higher criticism" idea, and elaborated a new theory of the exodus, t: wit: That the Red sea was frozen over, and so afforded the Israelites a safe passage, but when Pharaoh with his heavy iron chariots attempted to cross he broke through and was drowned. A brother arose and asked an explanation on that "p'int." Said he: "I'se been studyin' g'ography, and de (f'ojmiphy say dat am de place whar de tropics urn, and de tropics am too hot fo' freczin'; de p'int to be 'splained is 'bout breakin' though de ice." The preacher straightened him self up, and said: "Brudder, I'se glad you axed dat question, for it gives me 'casion to 'splaiu it. You see, dat war a great while ago, befo' dey had any g'ographics, and befo' dere war any tropics." Heferrod to Satan, The small daughter of a charitably mirjdod family has been told frequently that Hatan finds work for idle hands. The other morning one of the tribe of tramps called with the usual story of winter woes. The mistress of the house made the customary suggestion about obtaining employment, and was assured that every avenue of self-support was closed. Then the small girl came for ward from her refuge behind her moth er's skirts and said in tones of kindly suggestion: "Couldn't Satan find any thing for you to do?" A Terrible Rifle. The very latest invention in the way of magazine small arms, and one not vet submitted to the United States army board, is the gun that has just been put in test hv the Italian authorities. The rifle is four feet long and of the smallest ooliher vet attempted, .256-inch. The onoed of the bullet is 2,360 feetrsecond, and as regards its penetrative force it is said that the ball will pierce two mat tresses and two planks five inches thick at a distance of nearly a mue. ixaa-ina- is effected by means of chargers containing five cartridges arranged so that a repeating fire may be obtained i;i ihi mnirazine is exhausted. Many r thooviwts who attended the trials are of the opinion that the weapon is the most destructive at present existing nmong European armies. Land Foe Salb.-0 aores over m Wilson prairie. A good stoclt ranou un . will be sold cheap. Call at Gbze te ofBce for particulars snd terms. ti Jtfrs. if P. Bone I Was a Wreck With catarrh, lung trouble and (tnerally troka 4owb. Before I had taken half a bottle ot Eood'i BariaparllU I felt bsttsr. Now I amis Hood'snCures food health, for all of which my thank! are due to Hood's Barsaparllla." Mas. M. F. Bokx, Clover, Iron Co., Ho. Get Hood's Hood' Pills) cure Constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary oansi. Hair Death ' 4ntmifhi wmnvea and. fnrpvftr tlftttrautt ah- jectionable hair, whether vpon hands, ace, j arms or neck, without discoloration or iv-1 jury to the most delicate skin. It wai for nnv years uie secret iormuia or Erasmus f f nil son, acKiiowieageu oy pnysiciana as ? the highest authority atid the most emi- jjj s: ne ni aeruiaioiogiBi ana iimr specialist that ever lived. During his practice of Sg M a life-time among the nobility and aria- M , tocracy of Europe he precribed this rec- Wt M lpe. Price $1 by mail, securely packed. Sg Ws Correspondence confidential. Sole Agents g jg! for America. Address. W 1 The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co. i If Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New ft fjVork. I FACTS ABOUT SNAKES. H Bat Few of Them Are Poisonous and Those Can Be Distinguished, r All snakes are naturally vicious, but they are not all poisonous, says the De troit Free Press. None of the larger varieties are poisonous, and you can al ways "tell a poisonous snake by the formation of his head, which is shaped round. Hack of the eves there is a high lump rising from inside the head. The harmless snake has a long head, and it kills by crushing, while a poisonous snake darts at you. The anacondas hardly ever bite, and in Brazil it is quite common for a householder to keep a few of them around his residence for the purpose of killing the rats, which are a great pest in that part of the world. Among the poisonous snakes there is the variety known as the coral, which ia found in Venezuela. Anyone bitten by a coral snake dies in the most horri ble agony, his blood bursting or oozing out through the pores of the skin. Any snake that measures over seven or eight feet is not poisonous; in fact, I do not know any that grow over six feet long. The rattlesnake is the largest poison ous snake we have in this country. Then there are the deaf adder, the black water snake, the moccasin. These are about the only poisonous snakes we have in the United States. The men who call themselves "snake charmers" do not handle poisonous snakes. If they have a rattlesnake they extract his fangs, and in that way ren der him perfectly harmless. This oper ation is easily performed by means of a silk handkerchief, which is waved in front of the snake, who snaps at it viciously, when the handkerchief is suddenly pulled away, bringing the fangs with it. Or you can cut the artery that feeds the poison bag and thus de stroy the source of supply. This is a rather difficult operation, however, al though I have often had occasion to perform it on rattlesnakes. Something, generally a piece of cork, is put in the snake's mouth to keep it open; the teeth of the reptile become imbedded in the cork, and you have a chance to cut the artery. Taking the teeth out of a rattlesnake is like pulling feathers out of a bird; they will form again. ROUGH ON THE TENANTS.. This Exacting landlord Had. Queer Ideas or hu own. The owner some dozen years ago of a rather dilapidated dwelling in the Rue Neuve des Mathurins a fussy little man being informed that an applicant for his vacant third floor had presented himself, says Temple Bar, desired him to be shown up, in order that he might treat with him in person. "Monsieur," said he, when the terms had been discussed and agreed to, there are two conditions on which I Insist as a sine qua non." "Indeed! Pray, what are they?" "You shall hear. First, it is expressly stipulated in my house that the grand staircase shall be exclusively reserved for distinguished visitors. Common people, such as artists and literary men, can only be admitted by the back stairs." "By all means," assented the appli cant "I am a literary man myself, but that doesn't in the least signify. What is the second condition?" That my lodgers, either on going out or coming in, make a point of oc casionally stopping for a little chat with my concierge, who is a sort of con nection of mine, and not absolutely illiterate, I assure you. It natters the poor fellow." "So I should imagine," dryly replied the other, making an effort to preserve his gravity; "we all have our little weaknesses and no one more than my self. Tenez, whenever I come across an idiot who wastes my time with in tolerable absurdities I feel- an irresis tible impulse exactly as I have at this moment to open the window and pitch him out!" Before the astonished proprietor.had recovered from his stupor his visitor had disappeared, and, for all I know to the contrary, the third floor in the Kue Neuve des Mathurins may have re mained unlet to the present day. a Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under tbe msnatrement of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wnnd at vonr residence, sawed or nn- iioad Wood sawed and delivered at 7 fill nnr enrd. Wood sawed twice in tm. 75 cts. ner cord; three times, $1.00 Yard near I he rtenot. Leave orders at Sloan Howard's. Don't almost kill yourself by violent purgatives.. Take bimmons wver rvegu. lator( a mild laxative. il DISCOUNT McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner, Oregon. Now is the time to make your money oount. Our whole stock of Dry Qmds, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy Goods, Oloves, etc, etc., will he sold at wholesale prices for cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at suoh reduoed figures tbat the per son seeding supplies for cash can be made bappy. It you wish to save your money tend in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving discounts on per oent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 88 Men's and Boys' Hats 80 Women's and Children's 8hoes,25 to 80 Men's Shoes 20 to 80 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestioi 20 All groceries at lowest wholesale rateB. Country orders solicited, oash with orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash. Very Kespeotfnlly, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. YOUR ATTENTION! We want it for a moment to inform you that the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having been largely inc reased with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. Geo. Conser, S. S. Hornor, Assignee. Salesman. sw ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT- ON ill STOCL Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co., at Cost for Call and Secure r L HOW TO CATCH COONS. CoL Tingling Hunts for Them with Ro man Candles. If there are two men in Adams coun ty who are expert coon hunters they are Col. Yingling and "Bill" Benchoff, says a Gettysburg (Pa.) correspondent of the New York Times. For years this pair have traveled over the hills and mountains adiacent to this town. They are always trying a new method to capture the coon. Their latest scheme was to use Roman candles. The other night they started out. The dogs soon raised a coon, chasing it through a deep and rough ravine and up a rocky spur on the west of the town. The colonel and "Bill" had a tiresome walk before they came up to the dogs, which were barking under a large tree. A torch was lighted and Benchoff fired at what he supposed was a coon, but nothing came down. Then the colonel tried his new plan. Benchoff had no faith in the idea, and as he was ridiculing the genial ex-army officer a great ball of fire from a Roman candle illuminated space. Ball after ball was shot up in the tree. The third hit a coon square in the flank. The an imal's fur caught fire and the coon fell down through the branches of the tree. A second later the flames were smoth ered and the coon was killed by the dogs. During the fire of the candle Benchoff caught sight of another coon and put a bullet through his head and the animal fell dead at his feet. Another candle was lighted and the third coon was sighted. Yingling had by this time be come quite expert, and with a steady aim he hit the limb to which the ani mal clung. It lost its hold and fell among the waiting dogs, by which it was quickly killed. The same night six more coons were bagged by the same process. HIIST AWAHI) AT CHICAGO. Sbeoiimen will be interested to know that there ia no longer any question as to the relative merits of tbe different sheep dips npon the market. Christy & Wise take pleasure in announcing tbat Hayword' Dips (paste and liquid) for whioh they are sole P. 0. agents, have secured the first award ut the World's Fair, and last year these dips received the silver medal at California Htate Fair and gold medal at Mechanic Fair, San Franoisco..Every praoticals beepmen that ever used Hsyward's Dips, pro nounoed them tbe very best dips for the cure of scab, the general health of sheep and conditions of wool,181-188-gw. Bhokhakbb. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak er Bnd repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in the Abraham sioK building, on May street, where be is prepHred to do everything in bit line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a flrst-olass work man and warrants all work. Give bim oall. Uwtf LEGA BLANKS m per cent. off. Hosiery 80 Men's Overshirts and Furnish ing Goods 80 Hardware 20 to 23 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 Cash- a Good Bargain, QU71ID, Assignee. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . HER SWEETEST SONNET. Pathetic Sketch of a Chance Interview with Bobert Browning. The love between Robert Browning and his wife was ideal, in the true sense of that much-abused word. And her death, after a few short years of married life, left the poet inconsolable. To him she remained always the dearest and most lovely of created beings, and her gift seemed to him far greater than his own. A writer in the Christian Union gives the following pathetic sketch of a chance interview with him: I was traveling in Italy. There were few tourists in my compartment, and all were absorbed in books or revery, until the close of the long, tiresome day. Then it was that the elderly gentleman who had sat by my side, without moving his eyes from the land scape, made a comment that invited conversation. "You are fond of poetry?" he asked, when something in the shifting splen dor of the Italian skies evoked from me a Byron couplet. "Oh, yes," I responded. ,"I love poets and poetry." The old gentleman grew young, and never shall I forget the wonderful thought and imagery that flowed in a continuous stream from his lips. "Who are your favorite poets?" he asked, abruptly. I named them, and, without further comment, quoted my favorite poem, one of Mrs. Browning's. When I hod fin ished, my companion resumed his post by the window, and did not deign to no tice me again. 1 was much discomfited. Had I given offense? Before reaching our destination I ventured to say: "I suspect, sir, that you do not like Mrs. Browning's poetry." The dark eyes of the stranger turned pitifully upon me, and he said: "Madam, that sonnet is the sweetest, and Its singer the most precious gift life has given me. oho was my wife. Mr. 1. P. Bluize, an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly eRcuped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in tbe northern part of tbat state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. 15'aize had occasion to drive several miles during tbe storm and was so thoroughly chilled tbat he wub unable to gel warm, and inside of an hour after hia return be was threatened with a severe ease of pueumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamber lain's Oougb Remedy, of whioh be bad often beard, and took a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonder ful and in a short time he was breathing easily. He kept on taking tbe medioine and the next day was able to oome to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards bia enre as simply wonderful. For sale by Slnoum-Johnson Drug Co. The bealtby people healthy livers. They Liver Regulator. you meet have take Simmons P. g. jpgonro go, LJaving put their business upon a tem porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known in Heppner. We must get our stock into money, and profits are no objeot when the money oomes in sight. Shake your oash at us snd see us tumble. 1 1 aw THE PEOPLE OUR Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that from us they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the beat is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ub friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. (VI INOR BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains : IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STKEET, HEPPNER, OR. The Keeley Inis -OF- KIRK & The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keepon band a full Hue of STAPLE A-ISD FANCY Grtm anil Mm. A full line of oboioe Pips, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that ia usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp try tbem. sw RIPANS TABULES! Disease oommouly comes on with slight symptoms, which wben nt'gleoted in crease iu extent aud gradually grow dangerous. "Miffifflor"' take RIPANS TABULES. rSSZi!or"KE RIPANS TABULES. 'a;ffiBs,:-KE ripans tabules. For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL XAKF RIDAMQ TAPIII CC DISOKDE1W OF TUB STOMACH, nlTAIllj I ADULHO, Ripaus Tabules act gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, etomnoh and intea tiues; cleanse the system effectually ; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens ive breatb ami headache. One Tabulb taken at the first 'ndioation ot indigestion, biliousuPHfi, difltroxs after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly remove the whole diflioulty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern acienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; tbey oontain nothing injurious and are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will bo sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by the wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., POHTIAND, OH1COOK. Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Ad and Save many a Doctor's BilL Sm;lia XYa on application to TTorlc B. A. Thompson THOMPSON ruuritiHiiu tea The Heppner Lroj, Below Coffin & McFarland'i, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 cts. at C. C. Bargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. The Lancashire Insurance Co. C1' MANCHBCtTBHi BNQI.ANO a. W. AEE COMING WAY! 5fc OO.I Heppner, Oregon( JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Trust Busts For the Cure oA Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It 1b located at Foreit Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particular!. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. BUHL, tlio XJlp.ja Gliamlc&l Co., lTw City. A. E. Blum & BINNS, Feed and Sale Stalk 0noj,,!!e.BeynJhoWorld