8 o One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.- 160 , a- i,,in- of whicb iloled ImhI tlure are CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim aOmme, xiTzm bargain. iiv -- ' 140 acres gcd farming ine laud, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land ban a good (spring iu of water ou it, aliunde Good, deeded ranch, 820 sxrei, belt Tah in Morrow county, cheap and on oa.y terms. TTtv ANornw " ZZ 'A Sod rustler can pay for it with first crop rawed on it. ea.o For further information call at our office. " t f - i " aive BOur business to Beppner people MOn. -ZTZTr, re- Whatever may b. Said to the contrary ..". in the West will be forced out of the business, and if it becomes . -. mi t r noun 11 .. knnain 111 HL 111 luis'i- genera.., nmfitable tries Btookmen ou r--- if .ill have the effcot of Bend- OUl." - . . ;,:,, uiany good, enterpriBiug ...---- REPORT OF THE CONDITION or the National Bank eppntr ut the good faun. Did you ever Read about the Man who Hid hiB Light under A. bushel? YeB? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. AU the Snide schemes In the country Will not Bcoomplish Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; tht Cses its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. ing an d much capital out of the country. of Heppner at Ifennner. in le omm stockholders Meeting. . m Til IT It) HEREBY GIVE "J .' - Wheat, bu Flour.bbl LOCAL MARKET RKPOKT. .'.'.'.2 56 85 300 1 50 cose of uumitr., Dec. 1!, JW. -k . rTTf'K i n n&irjf .,.1.1, i rf t ie a iuum - , ..... m il nvL IN annual meeting .of the oc-"'a .t it. Beeves, COWS X 2 W National BaiiK oi nu"" d-TueBnay ol Jan banking house on the ec""" . j m ?52 h,tween the time ol 10 a. ;"" ... ,..tor8 otiaWday,!orthepurMie..iej maJ RESOURCES ortnunts Overdrafts secured and unse- -g 3 TJ. S. bonds to secure oirouia- PremiumV on U."S. Bonds Stook securities, etc. n.i.:..,.iinnan. furniture, & nx. the Gazette I Due from National Bank, how to get tnrough is to turn clam- from Btate bttnk9 and ailver may be Hid up . .... thr for the Wilson . n:.i roii.nn mther. Give us free l UI " . . i;il J. nn ton Ol "Unuuuu. and the only way a a AH digger and go to the ooasi. Ohkis Evans, the desperado, is still at -,i liaa harm large, and as no offered for his return, no one is taking chances in looking him up. Patbiok Euuenb "Pbmdwioaot, the HlBver of Mayor Harrison, has been found guilty of murder in the first de- aree and sentenced to ueam. .nnt a Daper idbi 82.957.72 12.500 00 ! 3,590 39 2,509.3'J ..tu,,,ili.s tn such come before the meeting Heppner, Or., Dec. 2, IMS. Sheep, muttons, beau.... - 75 " stook 1 w 4 50 Hogs, ouiooi, Q C2 70 Hogs, dressed R & W Wool HorseB, slow sale. Butter, roll EggB,aoB.... 3 oo HEREBY GIVEN THAI . ; - Turkeys ED. R. BisHOl', Cushier. 5-tf. ..40 Notice. ss';,' u! iH-st oho to marry oTfnio y"ll,1h'Tl"r" ito be happy ''l uiarriage j nnniiSK The ma.nea-l"W to i. i , YOU )TUef!K A"X The childless-how K rnwed and came to be ;( Vrntr Whn nnrioUS HOW . 6 .. . , i.pfiT) weU . EVERY The invalid-how to get w b ener BODY The .t is of nt worth OUUHl - Pote's "Plain Home ( DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD 42 (AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN UN a ( YEAR. 3.044.93 1 384.64 Kiinlraffl Due from approved reserve 9.20 150.00 Checks ami other ensh items Vntns of other National Bauks Prnntiniiul Bitper cnrreucy, nickles, uud cents 472 00 Specie 700 00 Redemption fund with U. a. Treasurer (0 per ueuk. - dilation) n..llJin. A. IjUin ABBUUini" , held at its office In ,S!pEvvecn the hours oi Tuesday et January. lSW. bawet pur,,08e 10 a. m. and 4 p. m of aid (layo oUier of electing directors, a lid ena , business as may come btlore tne BlsKuli Secretary. ,. 85-tf. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 1 1 08 stockholders Meeting. It YOU 502.50 $116,944.04 n..VTtlV'hI XTOTICK 18 HEREBY (11 VIN . , k . J) -TOiK of Heppner, at their ,me on th. second Tuesday o. J.u.. -. t .. ,m.n MAKKKT. , n Wheat, cwt mtoiW Flour, bbl a bo m 6 00 Beeves, stall reu m ffl 8 00 Muttons, owt 4 50 5 25 nog"! A"" in (ffl Wool Jasieru 5 j, i Butter, tb .6 Se.l.w 5 00 600 ..: Knn nfin inA lIH inil 1U 1" r. 1 ..,.1 ,l,roS! uUU 1 , wuw,wuv KNOW 1,000 pages, 200 on s ' ? fvee. ( COPIES READ ' lW'ed fvmn. ..0, s NflW jorkj. SOLD. P II T Murray IIUIJUm.U ( :i sggs- 18 tween the hours ol i"0 for the purpose of o'clock p.m. of said day of ,ch ffl sinews may aPPr. , SOLID FACTS. & Co. both . . . . j Til. UDBCriOO 1J1 original auu iu.3o..-, "Brick" Pomeroy's AQjaucB is- T K KDMiBTOKTtbTiresident of the defunct Walla Walla Saving. Ban, reported to have Ued alter gmu , t th.t nr. Ozias. of Rose- 1HK ruuoii. burg, is insane proves untrue. Capt. J. 0. Aumwobth, the Portland pioneer is, dead. THE HIGHEST AWARD . .. i .ti tiIA llniiors Ryui Bakinn rowuer u. - - In StreiiRtn ana --- Above its Nearest Competitor. has The 50,000 00 8.00000 0.582.93 10,350.00 1U3V8 ..I Ol.iln. t . m. uoraman ol vu.t " . h. Bttt IB MM lWMKW.f..- should it beoome a law. It consists of numerous pertinent questions answers relative to the sheep and business, closing with a recapitulation as follows: "In reulity, the Rooky Mountain region is better adapted for the sheep and wool growing industy than any other, there- fnrn it In BYtfmflivnlv nnanffnd in The duty of lie. per pound on foreign wool division of the Agricultural Depart was the cause of us being able to com pete with foreign and natural stook raising couutrios. The expense of raising wool in this country is so muoh greater, transportation by land being so much more costly than that by water. Labor is so muoh higher and so muoh more of it is required here, while in Australia sheep ate turned loose in large bands ot 10,000 head on land rented by the owner at a small cost and which nerds little or no attendance whatever except at shearing time. We iu the Rocky Mountain region uud in this district, where we can run only 1500 to 2000 hcud iu a flock and require on an average of one man to each 400 or 500 heud of sheep to attend to their wants all the year 'round, cannot oompete with such natural Btock-raisingconntries Such close atttution to our Hooks in this rpoinn in nec.PNRA.rv tn ward nfV Hip constant attack of the numerous wild "PP'ated by the woman of the oouu- animals which infest this tmrt of the try for 80 msn' year8' tbat bave oouutrvamloontinuallv nrsv unon onr caused the suleg of the Royal Baking Uocks, and while we have to prepare feed for throe months winter at a great expense the sheop in Australia oau roam at free will and fatteu on the nob. natural gruss which clothe the pasture lauds of that country iu the winter time. "Iu conclusion, we wish to impress upon the minds of our houoruble repre sentatives the fact that this is a vast territory of rough and mountainous country that is utterly unfit for any business except sheep raising. There are favored spots where bay can be raised, also the agricultural products which are sold to the abeepmeu, where as it the sheep industry is destroyed. there would be no markot tor such produots and large sections would be T!vul Bnk na rowuer d . ui M A nf kavina recaivBu iu exhibitions of former years, at the 3 Centennial, at Pans, Vienna and at th I : Ll..t. J TJ I m l wool I vurluuH otaia auu xuuusiriai lairs, wnere it has been exhibited, judges have in variably awarded the Royal Baking Powder the highest hjnors. AC tne recent world's f air tne ex arainations for the baking powder awards were made by the experts ot the obemi- ment at Washington. The offloial report of the tests ot the baking powders whiob were made by this department for the speoifio purpose of ascertaining which was the best, and which has beeu made public, shows the leavdniug strength of the Royal to be 160 oubio inches ot onr bonio gas per ounce of powder. Of the cream of tartar baking powder exhibited at the Fair, the next highest iu strength thus tested contained but 133 cubic inches ut leavening gas. The other powders gave an average of 111. The Royal, therefore, was found 20 per cent. greater leaveuing strength than its nearest competitor, and 44 per cent. above the average of the other tests. Its superiority in other respects, how ever, in the quality of the food it makes as to fineness, delicacy and w hulesoine- ness, could not be measured by figures. It is these high qualities, known and Powder, as shown by statistics, to ex ceed the sales of all other bakiug pow ders combined. Total LIABILITIES, took paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits. . . . . . K7..1 H.mtanntes OUWtitiuuiuft. . i v. 103 Due to otnernai. 300.00 Individual ueposuo 33 D'cerHncaofdeposU V607.00 Notes and WllB re-uicuu , Bills payable, Totax, , 8116,944-04 1 Statu of Oregon, lga TY OF MOBBO" , I, Ed. B. Bishop, uasmor - UUJ'O on . . my knowledge ana - 0 Wer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day ot Deo. 1893. 80-tf. GKO. COBKM. Casliior. PATENTS! POBTLAu - $ -g 95 Wheat, cwt 'g 90 8 8 15 Flour, bbl 1 75 ( 2 75 Beeves, cwt.... q B0 ca 6 00 dressed dressea & nogs, uu iw " dressed ' EaBtern Utegon... NOTICE TO INVENTORS. liiBtory Wool Butter.... F.17I7S. doz ChickenB, doz 15 a 00 20 30 271 ra 30 2 00 i 50 17 . nPI.TII HINTS AND ttBADV KBCIPE, FOOTK'S MAN-nr,rtLrKrvesagreat amount t U to the title of a very " tUelr dally habits ol isaung. u. Importance to KTeryuuu,, xBa-W ABH Parasites of the Skin, What to Eat, How to hhi. ThinRS to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils 01 BuuuiiM Care of Teeth, Aftor-Ulnncr isaps, To (Jet Rid of Lice. Malarial Affootions, Croup to Prevent. f Plants, T'5' rW. nnu".".V,. fr Invalids, BauiiuK-""" ",V' . KffoM of Tobacco. il. nhol as a 1'ood and a i-unm Th ,:ure for Intemperance, A1i,'Slne, ,"ThlnB What to Wear, Headache. Cause Cur., Superfluous umr, Mu(,h to wear, F'ih,. ResVorSSK Uaneers of vvntlu Near-SI!ht-u S" ,. OTerteatlng . ' . ri,im,il. Cold Vtet Conn. Vemuauou, ,.E Kycs, uo . r h1. "! rh"a,Drphthc SSf n3 Headache, Z Btammerin,. Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, nrsofe1 8wrn, Wor monthof Veo. wil, U MTAM new subscribers and promp . Lnfl with a free oopyoL ..... - . THAT Sheriff's Sale. onCK IB. HBREBY GIVEN under and oy vue . 0reg0 uul y. """:-, and 10 nie u'i'." 1 for the uouuiy ""r. V-nient rendered ana ,l rfHvered. upon a JuUBmeii. , m, .un time in the f onr country when the demand for Mentions and improvements in the ar i inoeB generally was so k -- now. The conveniences of mauKinu - and deUvered, .n a day of Sept. I. a workshop, the housenom ?--v- - o( Theprejton MoaK - ". 7.:.... Kll as in offieial Plaintiff, and .gains : " ' H"-lt'!'1 ,1"d and on iuo , fen.iant. .or -- venty.nve cents. hie. squire cont.nua. ac aTa Jl.S appurtenance and impnu.0u.D -vv . iKr limn and expense. in order 10 oavo -Pi.. iitinl nhanee in the administra- ll "" - .. HlB ve iue existing aerTcienoies, does not attorneys s Lyons, Ittohneysatlavv. ATIUJi rt Slld Batiefaotory Notarial Public and Collectors. BANK BTJILDINU. manner. OFFICE IN NATIONAL OREGON. lees ana ii.r' ..m Fourteen cents cosh, ... " , d that the tu!l?? 'Jffid real property, to-wlt: ioiiow.i.ft , DaM (in 1 wemy-Bi. The North East quaner "-Tv.n.v.three o. DecembeT.Wdilf'Hfre 1 b'CTocTf p. in., of said day. at the front door of the court house, in Heppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, sell theright, title and interest of the said Francis M. Hhurteinand to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. Gko. Noblb, Sheriffof Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Nov. 22, 1S93. 1B2-90 A COMMUNICATION AtlKlCllhl'UKAL COLLKUK NOTK8. The first term of eohool ended Deo. 22. A large number of the students went home and some to visit friends. The question to be debated at the oontest is "Resolved that the battle of Antietam was more important in sup pressing the rebellion than the battle of Gettysburg." This is a very broad question and oue that will be of interest to all. Prof. G. W. Shaw visited the bund boys a tew days ago for the purpose ot hearing them practice. It will be re membered that Prof. Stiaw previously instructed the band aud that the boys received tneir nnt lessons. The 1 1 tCVV.IOVJ UC "'- AUD U.U- praci.oa.iy nuauuoueu. urvuermore, fe88or w88 well phased with the work even at former prices tor wool, wool done. Later in the week the bovs were growing alone would be unprofitable, but combined with our ruuttun sales the business had heretofore been satisfactory. "wetinve spent yeius in improving onr breeds, aud under the fostering care of protection we have so improved our wool increasing the weight and im proving the quality of the fleeoeB that Inst year we were selling our wool for much less than we could have doue ton years ago, and at the were paying our herders 5 per month more tbnn we have paid in 18V3, Now we have the satistuotion of seeing our well-bred ewes driven off 10 the slaugb ter pens and our business ruined. "After disposing of their sheep, two prominent sbeepmeu left Ibis section the first of this month, their destination being South Africa. If they find con ditious in that country favorable for wool growing quite a number of sheep. men in this immediate vioinity will sell out iu the spring and emigrate. favored by a visit from u. G. Lemasters, editor ot the Amity Popgnn. A farmers' institute was held at Bills boro a short time ago under the auspices of the Llilleboro grange, the State Agricultural college assisting. Those delivering lectures were Pres. J. M. lllosa, and Prof. (Joote, Craig, Sue! I, I-etoher, Washburn and French. Pres. RI0B8 delivered two lectures, one being upon drainuge and the other upon the State Agricultural College, illustrated wit), lantu.n via. . th l...il,l same tima OONTRIBI TOR. Oorvallie, Or. Dac. 25, 1893. Ask Your Friends Who have taken Hood's r-'arsnparilla what they thiuk otit, and the replies will be positive iu its favor. Simply what Hood's Sarsnparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. One has been cured ot indegestion or dyspepsia,, an other Uuds its indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while othe'i report remarkable cures for scrofula. catarrh, rheumatism, suit rheum, etc. Editor Gahhtte : In the last issue of the Arlington Reoord, I noticed that the editor, J. M. Johns, used his advantages as the onor of a newspaper to cast a slur at me, aud which when fully understood, the pubiio will decido was wholly undoserved. Mr, Johns oritioises me iu usin t'je name ot B. F. Snell in a note to him authorizing that the paper he stopped, enclosing 31 for balance due. Mr, Snell gave me the amount mentioned and requested me to pay up his arrearage as a subscriber to the Record Bud have the paper stopped. I did this as directed as a duty devolving upon me having no personal interest in the matter whatever. Mr. Johns in taking umbrage ut this is going entirely too tar, aud show that lie is not familiar with iho simplest business forms. Besides his publication of a polite request to stop the papr duly authorized, under the caption o'"Cranky" followed by significant comments' shows him to be entirely unfit to publish a newspaper where the editor must have ordinary sense of discrimination between business forms and unathorized and anonymous oommnnioations, pur porting to refer to matters between him self and patrons. Piiill Hbppnbb. Arlington, Or., Ceo. 28, 1893. Fossil Journal please oopy. A COMMON COURT SCENE. The Court Is the report ot the ad ministrator 00 the Smith estate ready ? Lawyer It is, your honor. Inven toryofthe estate, $60,000. Legal fees, $50,000. The Court Allowed. Lawyer Physician's fees, $9,000. The Court-Allowed. Lawyer Advertising, $49. The Court Tbat seems to be quite a large bill for advertising. I think it could certainly have been done much oheaper. Lawyer Most assuredly. The Court Lay the bill over cuu be properly investigated, deal of the money of deceased is fritted away iu paying useless printers' bills. Investigate the matter at once, Carson Appeal, nulil it A good pertons Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il undersigned, the administratrix ot the estate of Cornelius Drlseoll, deceased, will on Saturday the 3rd day of February at I o'clock p. iu. of said clay at the West half of the North east quarter, and the East half of the North west quarter of section thirty-one .11) town ship two Booth of Range twenty -nine CJ9) East of the Willamette Meridian, sell said described premises at public sals to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Such sale being made under and pursuant to an order of the County court of date September '.-0, 1S93 made Slid entered In said County court 01 Morrow county on said date. I will also on said day at the hour of S o'clock, Ft. m. of said, day. sell au undivided one-half ntcrest In the saw mill property belonging to said estate, said mill being known as the White A Drue, ill mill. Said sale w ill be made to the highest bidder with cash in hand upon the premises." The order for said sale havaig been made, as aforesaid, on the 'Alth day of Sept. ISiW, by the honorable Countv court of Morrow county. State of Orogou. Dated this J 1st day of October, A. D. 1S9S. isrJ -IX Miav Dmscoll, Administratrix, permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonceiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too grsat oare oannot be exer cised in choosing a competent aud skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have beeu lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent oounsel, and eS' pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth aud strength of the patent is never con sidered iu view of a quiok endeavor to get au allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, 618 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C, represeniing a large number of impjr tnut daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to proteot itB patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Com pany is prepared to take charge ot nil patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, aud prepare and prosecite applications generally, inoluding me chanical inventions, design HEPPNER, liiiiiiissssisiBrM SHEEPMEN! Keep your eheep healthy and in ' sure a good clip by uning Hay ward's Shofp Dip. iThe "Paste Dip" mixeB with either Cold or Warm Water. The "Liquid Dip" 1b non-poisouoUB, improves w.u nwi nun uutjn uut Blttlll it. CHRISTY & WISE. Wool Commission Merchants Fifth and Town- senu is., ban Francisco. Sole Pacific Coast Agents. 8!) Ira sw LOFTY ATLANTIC WAVE& Hry Ocean Waters That Swept Over Steamer's Crow's Nest. The New York daily papers all re corded the facta that the steamship Majestic, on her eastern trip, caught a sea that demolished her crow's-nest lookout, and that the Teutonic, which caught the same gale coming west, had one sea wnich combed over the crow' patents, nest anii carripd oUav W . trade-marks, labels, copyrights, iuterfer- lifeboat as it went over the rail Hut ences. infringements, validity reports, none of the daily papers took the and gives espeoial attenion to rejected trouble to mention just how the crow cases. It is also prepared to enter into ne8t on these shi-)s is situated, aud con- competition with any firm in scouring foreigu patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wedderbubn. 618 F Street, P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C. "How to Cure AU Skin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Cares tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the level of the sea, which would make the face, hands, nose, &o., leaving the skin neif?ht of the wave that carried away dear, white sod healtnly. Its great Bequently how high that sea was. Inquiry by a Marine Journal repre- emuuve uiscovered that while in men-ol-war and many other ships the cus tom is to have the crow's nest in the loretop or a triile above, the White Star ships have it at an altitude of twenty. five feet above the main deck on the foremast, reached by an iron ladder from the forward hurricane deck. In such a ship as the Majestic or Teutonic the height of the main deck at the fore rigging is about forty feet above the healing and onratiye powers are possess ed by no otber remedy. Ask your drug gist tor Swayne's Ointment. ew 1 yr. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam A Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you say! Why, yea at P. O. Thompson A Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a Tbe Palaoe is the leading hotel in the city. Well tarnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Thompson A Binns own the buss which goes to and from tbe Palace hotel, but will call tor parties desiring to go to train in any part ot the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a It yon want to boy groceries, and bread stuff aheap, go to the Enterprise Grooery. Kirk A Buhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix op your watoh or clock, fie keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Liohtenthal A Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Tbe Eeeley Institute, at Forest Grove ouree liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobaoco habit. See ad. the crow's nest in this instance rIww seventy feet. This is a pretty big roller for the north Atlantic, but in other parts of the ocean such waves are often encountered in a storm. Supposing the ship to have been in the trough of the sea at the time this wave swept her the mean height of the wave might be calculated as not greater than forty feet, but it was certainly a body of iicany seventy leet high from where the ship floated. Klertrle Cars tor I'.heumatlcs. Accounts come from St. Louis of thr latest craze in that city, which is to ride on the electric car to cure rheumatism A greater number than v, vM be im agiued tf the uvnvds that Jill the dec toe earn nrc r:,l, who have the ider that eVUi-K'i'y wiil.urc every ailraenl under t ic sun, and m St. Louis these adherents of the electric faith propa ganda muster special ly strong. A con ductor on one of the Ktreet-car lines li reported as snyir.- -It is amusing tc ace passengers on our line cviii" eacl other and ,vl-.isp.,ri,r to companion, about the new cure f ar rheumatism I: a man, woman or child boards a cai with a crutch or C!.ue you can heal w-hispers to the elfe, t that ther is , rheumatic patient cut to test the nev FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government to that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that iuveutions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct ln terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on tht matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. F. O. BOX 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3- Cut this out and send It with your irtfluiW" Otis Pa terson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER AT mm nsuniDt That dreaded and dreadful disease I I What shall stay its ravages? Tlwusands say bcotts Emulsion of pure Norwep-ian cod liver oil and hvnnnWniSiroci nf lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumotion. fii..i ' arid all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Almost as palatable as milk. e only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, New lork. Bold by all Druggists. Scott's Emulsion Summons. 1. 1. Ashbaugh.t'laintiir,) MraTow. E.nokeI)c(en(lantj8UMMON3. the further .nm Vf'lr""?.?':100 u? and for together with costs .n rt .".'.4.',1"0 Dollars uiven under mv hind B ,1 ln"i r.". Summons. A. D.lsn ' ""u "' " day of 182-94 Nov. . C. E. Jones, Justice of the Peace. TN THB JUSTICE COURT KOR SECOND 1 district State of Oregon, County of Morrow. Bruce Haines, Plaintiff,) vs. J SUMMONS. H. E. Hooker Defendant) 10 H. E. HOOKER, Defendant. I ... me name oi tne state ol uregon, nu hereby reonired tn .nn... hpfnre the under signed a Justice of the peace for district afore said on the 6th day of January, 1894, at two o clock In the afternoon of said day at the omce of said Justice in Buch dfstrlct to answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. The Defendant will take notice that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, the Plain tin will take Judgment against him for Eighty seven and 48-100 Dollars together with costs and expenses of this action. Olven under my hand this 21 day of Nov. A. D. 1893. PAst of our treat. ntnlror 'nkntuind CRCC TRIAL, 1 la aoj lo-lta7' ". atuiir, ,. port.. u ou .ARDINirUT,UTE,l20I.,lhSUU0ri8Ia 182-94 C. E. Jonbs, Justice of the Peace. ?ILES i mredloontrAiKLmtmhBSBt without knife. Hi low o from builMH. rUtiilft, Ulor, QoMtloi Blftok and Bock fro. Call or write. ' nn. u n nrTTTfl. I ... 8tt Pine 8trec. Bt. Louu, HQ,