Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 29, 1893, Image 3

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mI.i-k ksirtiiB the insertion of fltFplny aln.
I or t littler m t-ttine, in tint Kt their copy in
' idtiT itimi MiHi'lay eveiiinir for TiWMlny'i
i Thw sum of IHu cent pvr line will be
phiriffi fr "curds of thanks," "revolutions of
, '.,5i " lint of wetMlinr present anrt doNnm,
obituary noticed, (other than thoae the dllt
.irntiall himw'lf Kivi'Httaniftttcr of ucwh.) and
noiirt-sofHpcM-iai iiiwtiiiK for whatovtrpiirNe.
I Nutlet of fluircli and aociity and all other
iilVrtainint'iita from which revenue In to bo do
rivi'd Bha'l be clmrned for at the rate of five
tents a line. 1 bene rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every limtanee.
AdvertiHiiiK rates reasonable and made known
uiou uppUratio..
e nOHl fHIH " c.cij v.iirn mjiririii IP
nniiHihle for liia or her eommuuieatiini. No
I uill ) tbllliHuliml liiili.ua II...
writer real name in siKiieu
i us an evidence of
good irtiui.
itiK AkoiU, 21 Merchants Kxchanne.
Hhii 1' laueiwro, ia onr uutlMirUeu aKent. Tuit
jmper ift kept on tile in hbtoluee.
Miiu'p for llunlnmit, Monument, LotiK Creek,
Joliu Day and Canyon City, leavca a follows :
Kvcry day at 0 a. in., except Sunday.
A invent' very tiny at 6 p. ui., except Monday.
t he cheapest, quickest and beat Hue to or
from the Interior country.
J. s. DELEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Jolitnton.Ageut.
Ct'ti'e your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up liepp
iter, tatrouize those who patronize
Her e and There.
"Oh I'll be true as the stars, my love,"
He sang, but she didn't mind;
He didn't refer to the heavenly ones,
But to the theatrical kind.
.). Curie w.ih uj from lone yester-
II. F. Ward, i f Lone Rook, was in the
oily yesterday.
K. 0. : Senator Mutlook is back from a
trip to lleppuer.
Hend your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
tbe Mountain House.
Joe Woolery came u, fiotn tbe city ol
lone ou today's train.
F. M. Oouiter, of Eight Mile, was in
town yesterday.
Moees Asbbaugb, of Eight Mile, was
in town Wednesday.
i. Ben Akerc, of Oooseberry, was uotioed
on mir (streets Wedueisday.
Woodhuru, Oregon was visited by a
$50,000 liiu Us t Saturday night.
Joe Keeney and wife returned borne
yesterday froui Hie Long Creek country.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
tbe reduced price of 81 for the next 90
Tho Hupptier Canyon stage liue is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the iu
Gene Mattesnn was tbe luoky holder
of the number which drew the Kolmun
Hood's Fills do not purge, paiD or
gripe, but Hot promptly, easily and
efficiently. 2oc.
W. M. Kudio, of Long Creek, is in
the city this week en route to his
home from Walla Walla.
Charley Koyse oume over from b'B
stock ranch near Idea to attend Masonic
installation last Wednesday eve.
Every man who takes any iuterest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Gazette will take county scrip at
face ou subscription, and pay balanoe ot
game in cash at highest market price.
Hurry Jones iuformed us yesterday
that as yet be bad not found the stray
cattle which he bad recently advertised
in the Gazette.
Jim Jones departed fur Tin Dalles
Tuesday to look i,f ter bis running horse
O ira J. which was left in that city. He
returned ou Wednesday's train.
Those who have brought in various
kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should
oall aronud at this office and get credit
for Bame if not already given.
t Tbe pnrtonnge of the M. E. church is
being moved from tbe present looatiou
to tbe lot occupied by the church. This
will be much more convenient.
Pon't overlook Hick Mathews, of the
City barber shop, for a etrictlv first clasi
shave, ebampoo, Jor bair cut. Hot
baths ulso dished up to order.
Hood River Glacier: Mr. Will Pottei
and family arrived here from Heppner.
Thursday, and will remain here for some
time Mr. Potter having sold bis busi
ness in Heppner.
Prof. A. W. Wier discussed the pubjec1
of "Mistakes in Heboid Management
Causes of Failure in TeBOhers" befcre
the Annual State Teacher's Association
Wednesday afternoon.
To our customers No difference how
large or small yonr account is, come ii
and settle, either by cash or note. W
must bave one or the other to ensbe
us to stem tbeflood. Haves Bros. 90lf.
Wm. W. Molutosb, a Portland fund
tore dealer who had been looking after
bis business interests in this city for
some time ' ast. returned below the first
ot the week-
Newt Whetstone, who went East with
the shionieut of sheep from this place
Borne time since, returned borne the
latter part of laHt week, after au exten
sive visit with friends and relatives at
his old home.
Rennner Lndce No 69. A. F. & A. M
installed ber oflioers last Wednesda)
eveuing, n full representation bung
Dreseut. Tbe work was diB"atohl
promptly and the brethren were througli
work by 8:10 p. m.
B. L. Leland has secured a position
with W. M. Eudio. of hong Creek, and
left yesterday morning for his new bnme
Ben is a fine salesman and we are ver)
sure that be will suit Mr. Kudio.
J. Groome, who has spent the past
anmmer nrt in the Athena onuntry was
mm nr. rmr streets this morning, bavin
rotnrnerl tn this lection "ie firRt '
week. He expects to Bpend the winte
m this oountry.
naon Mathews shaves SB before, 25
Acnlo nm olint hailTlltP. foiK-bitS. 1
K mmniimA Ida niimeions "s'aniii'us
are ernwina bigger, while he, himself, is
nrnmnerl fur the necessaries of life
k;n n u,.ma nannln is nlentvl other
have to be bit with a four-year-old
E. O: Mr. Horace HIohd, who
brought to Iiaker City an $S000 oleauup
fro n the Elk oreek gravel tuipics plaoed
ou exhibition at the first NutionHl Bank
u uumber of gold nnggets, the largest
webbing over 81lH) and others from
to 1jM each. Many of the peop'e feasted
their eyes on tbe golden treasure.
Geo. McKay, of Waterman Flat, ac
companied by Hee Calby, ot the same
place, aud M. U. Stone, of beaver creek,
was in town Wedutwdav. Mr. MoKay
Iiiih 4 lO head of beef cattle at the mouth
of Hbeu creek, feeding tbem for Hip
Portland maikets, to be turned iff
about March 1st.
F. E. Bell, of Black Horse, informs lis
that he bus about 3o0 acrea of excellent
hiinchgrasa pasture land for rent over
in the Sand Hollow oountry. He also
lias bay for stock left with him, aud a
111 n to look atler the same.
Louis K. Cook, formerly of the hotel
WaHliaiier of Baker Oily, is now land
lord of the hotel Pendleton. Manv
ill lememhei Mr. Cook as oue of the
prominent delegates to tbe recent sess
ion of the Grand Lodge in this cily.
Chookkdnehs Ai.lkued. The failure
of the Walla Walla Havings Bank has
developed soma very bud banking. A
gentleman from Walla - alia says G.
F. Eduiibton, president of the failed
iiiHtitut.-iii, is tiii. lei arrest in that town
on a charge of embezzling tbe funds of
the bauk aud taking money on deposit
when it whb known tbo bank was in
solvent. Am itig tbe notes held by tbe
bHUk is one signed by Edmiston for
830,000, 11 ci.redj 11111. tber signed by
f'lizhugh, a friau 1 of Edmiston, aud
his conhd iiiti il clerk, fi r $13,000, uu
seo ired, and another signed by a book
keeper in Eduiistou's employ, forsevjral
thousand, also unsecured. The Walla
Walla Savings Bai k appears to have
been the implement by which a wily and
not over scrupulous no ney lender rop d
in a number of the leading oilmeus of
Btaid and conservative Walla Walla Bud
ow it elands them in b.tnd to clear
their skirts of tbe charge of negligence,
by which a and not over-Ecrupulous
money lender was enabled rob the stock
holders Bud depositors. Banks oon
uoted on the "trust" and "take-fur
ranted" principles solely are dangerous
ustitutious to all oouoerned to de
positors as well as stockholders and
negligent aud "sleepy" direotors. E. 0.
We have kuowr Geo. L. Filzbugb from
boyhood, aud will warrant if he owes
the bank any money he will pay it. He
amply able to meet all his obligations
Dr. Pill Once Moke. From tbe
lipping below trom tbe Athena Press
t would seem that Dr Bill, formerly of
this city, is not sailing as smoothly
p th .t country as he might hope.
'Last week the Press published Mr.
Milieu's statements in regard to locking
up Mrs. J. J, bill's goods for board
mounting, to $106. Mrs. Bill, who ii
he wife of the veteranary surgeon, who
is 111 trouble financially, and who is now
n Walla Walla, came in yesterday and
presented her sideof tbe case, which, is
as follows: "She says that Mr. Milieu has
never attached the goods, but is simply
olding them j that he turned herself
nd child out without a change of cloth'
ng, while her husband was away ; that
be was at breakfast when the door to
her room was locked and she was with
out her hat and wraps. Also that 1
nend told Mr. Milieu that she should
live her cloak and hat 111 order that she
night go out on the street, which re
quest was complied with. She says her
island will nay his lust obligations as
soon as he possibly can.'
Iillakd-Barb. At the residenoe of
the bride's parents on Court street
Wednesday eveuing at 7 o'clock, I. T,
Burr aud Miss Alice Ti lard were united
u marriage. Tbe officiating olergman
was He v. W. W. Bruunin. Oulv a few
utimate friends were present, beside
ue immediate family. As Boon as tbe
oeremony was ooucluded, tbe supper
served aud tbe congratulations over tbe
young couple prooeeded to their new
residenoe, the Kobbius house in tbe
eastern portion of the city, prepared by
he groom ready fur occupancy. Mr.
and Mrs. Barr will be tbe recipient of
beurty congratulations by all their
friends. Mr. Barr is known to all as a
rising young busiuess man, and Miss
111 lard has lived in Pendleton many
tears, beiug happy in the possession of
he esteem of all. h. O.
Some Good Wohk. Henry Heppner
is ruBtling for the scouring mill, and
has subsoribed almost enough to oome
up to the Judd & Fell proposition. This
ill be materially augmented by other
sums, aud even if we oannot seoure tbe
help of the gentleman who made the
first proposition, others can be induced
to assist us without doubt. But should
we fail there, then we will rest secure
on our own resources and put up tbe
ill. It has been demonstrated that
Ueppuer mast have the semiring mill to
do further oiiBiness 111 the line of wool,
ind coming to a full realization ot this.
Heppner has once more put ber shoul
der lo tie wheel to briug about tbe
consummation of the enterprise. "We
told you bo."
Prominent Morrow County Man.
The East Oreg'niau pays tbe following
tribute to a resident ot this county:
"J. M. Hnger, a leading citizen and
rancher of Morrow oonpty. is here for
the purpose nf looking after some land
m the reservation wbioli be is oultivat
ji. Mr. Hagervsat a resident of our
part of tbe country in years past, having
hei ped to carr? ilia county records from
Umatilla to Pendleton. He is an ex
-beep grower of Morrow connty. having
been fortunate enough tn retire from the
business before tbe depression iu this
branch of industry.
y .
Hood's5' Cures
IF. II. HanlrV
Suffered Goveral Years
With rheumatism. 1 took Hood's Sarsaiiarilla
and feel better than I have for years. My wit
had a bad case of catarrh and was con
sidered incurable She took confidence from
tbe benefit I had received from the use of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and liter taking four bottles of the medicine
she la entirely well." W. II. Hahley, Pull
man, Wash. Be sure to jet Hood's.
Hood's Pills cure lirer ills, tick headache.
Jaundice, Indigestion. Try a box. 2Sc.
SJ Diabetes,
Bright 8 Disease,
Inflammation nf the E lad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
0,,H. Manufacturing Co..
For snle by glocum-Johnston Drag Co.,
and T. W. Ayars, Jr.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tbe diseased portion of tbe ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is bv constitutional remedies,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed
condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian tube. Wheu this tube gets
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it is en
tirely olneed deafness is the result, and
unless tbe lnnamation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing hut an
inflamed oondition ot tbe mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that oannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J, CHENKY CO., Toledo, O.
ICWSold by druggists, 75c.
To Pendleton. Yesterday ' morning
Hon. Henry Blaokman, Geo. Noble and
Otis Patterson, representing Heppner
Lodge No. 6i), and Hon J. N. Brown,
P. O. Borg and E. G. Sloan, represent
iug Heppuer Chapter No. 25, departed
for Pendleton to attend tbe fnneral of
the late J. P. Bushee. They will return,
if no accident prevents, oa tomorrow's
The Cause ot Khf umatism.
Au aoid which exists in sour milk and
cider, oalled laolio acid, is believed by
the physicians to be the cause of rheum
tism. Accumulating in the blond, it
attacks tbe fibrous tissues iu the joints,
and causes agonizing pains. What is
needed is a remedy to neutralize the
acid, And so invigorate the kidneys and
liver that all waste will be carried off.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is heartily recom
mended by mBny whom it hBs onred of
rheumatism. It possesses just the
desired qualities, and so thoroughly
purifies the blood as to prevent occur
rence of rheumatio attacks. We suggest
a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by all who
suffer from rheumatism.
NOKMAIj notes
The Athletic association gave an en
tertaiument iu the Normal chapel Deo.
School will adjourn for tbe holidays
Dec. 21, and will reopen Jan. 2. 1894.
Pres. Campbell lectured in tbe Con
gregational cburoh at Forest Grove last
Sunday evenitig.
Solon Sbedd, Prof. of;Geology and As
tronomy, will leave immediately after
the holidays to attend tbe Stauford
W. C. Hawiey.Pres. of tbe Willamette
University, delivered the fourth of the
series of lectnreres yesterday in tha
Normal chapel.
Kev. Authnr J. Brown, pastor of the
First Presbyterian ohurch in Portland,
will deliver bis fBOi' us lecture, "Top.o
of the Times." this eveniug in the Nor
mal chapel. Junior.
Monmouth, Oregon, Deo. 18, 1898.
Catarrh in the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood,
ana as such only a reliable blood puri
fier oan effect a perfect and permanent
cure. Hood'B Sarsaparilla is the best
hlnnd nnrifier. and it has oured many
very severe oases of oatarrh. Catarrh
oftentimes leads to consumption. Take
Hood's SarsBparilla before it ia too
Rip'b Wood Yard. Tbe Heppner
wood yard, under the raBnauemeDt of
Rip Van Winkle, i prepared to deliver
wood at yonr residenoe, Bawerl op nn
sawed. Wood sawi-d and delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per onrd; three times, $1 00.
lard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan 6 Howard's.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbr ok, a shoemsk
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence has just Incated in the Ahrnbara.
sic Wiildinir; on May street, where be
...n.,rl tnrln eveivthine in his line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-plans wnrk
L on,t warrants all work. Give him a
The Stndehsker wann heads them all.
For Bale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Hardcre" did vnn ssy T Why, yes1
at P. C. Thompson & O.'s stand, and tbe
plaoe for bargains.
The Palace is th leading hotel in the
oity. Well fnrnisbed rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
imp i7, rv
We want it for a moment to inform you that
the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is Using dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri-
Tl , 1 ' 1 1 1 1 !
ces. 1 ne siock is cieananu iresn, living
been largely increased with new goods the ear
ly pnrt of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. Hornor,
Yes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad drujB are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions quickly.
To charge for tbem reasonably.
OF" fi'iiTvouiitf lnr-I tii I'll-1 .c t:i.t bt'sl one to iimiTy :( 1 N T'A O
OOl'KNWTiio iiim -Ik-w to bo li::;;.y i nmn-iitfre; 1 ''AYS
VOl' I'i'ho fund iar?nt-hov to ltuve prize bubios; ( ONE
WANT )The mother how have them without pain; (AGENT
TO )Thechildless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD
KNOW )The curious how they " growed" and came to be ;( 42
WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily ; f SAVED
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE
TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's ,Y Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 w.l. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000
READ IRadimed from $3.25 1.50s circulars five. ( COl'lES
P. II. T. )Mtirmv Hill Ti.,k V -2!) I. 2S!h St., New Ycrk.f , 'f 'U).
Otis Patterson
I Are Just what every .
Kower needs. The mer-1
Its of Ferry's Keeils I
form tlu found tit itm up
on which has beet) built the
largest seed business In the world.
Ferrv'aSeed Annnal for 1894
contain!! the huio ami uuhHrnnue of
the luteal furming knowledge. Free
lor the nsKing.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
Sheepmen will be ii.terested to know
tbat there is no longer any question as
to the relative merits of -the different
sheep dips npon the market. Cbisty &
Wise take plesenre in announcing nfiif
Bayward's Dips (paste aud liquid) for
whioh they Bre sole P. O. agents, bave
secured the firet ewa'd at the World's
Fair, and last year these dips received
tbe silver medal at California State
Fair and sold medal at Mei-banio Fair,
8an Franoisco..Every praoticals heepmen
that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro
noiinoed them the very best dips for tbe
cure of soab, the general health of sheep
and conditions of wool,181-188-sw.
Pilfxl Pllesl Itching Piles.
8TirT0MS Moisture; intense aud
etinniiig, most at night) worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer
ate, heoomiog very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the itohing and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in m ist cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mBil, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayne & Hor,
Philadelphia. w 1 yr
Don't almost kill yourself by vinleot
fmrgatives. Take fiimmous Liver Itegti
ator, a mild laxative.
& Bisbee,
Geo. Conser,
can do better than tbisr
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Stricken Down with Heart Disease.
Jr. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind,
Oentlemes: I feel it my d'lty, as well aa a
plenFiirc.iopuhlish, unsolicited, to tbe world th
benclit received from on. Matt- Hctoaativ
pEMtDits I was stricken down with near
jHnrnae and itanornfilirut ions. artpld pulse vary
lxiKfrfraiK) to 140 beaiB )t minute, a choklri((or
burultijf Kenbatioii lu tho wiud pipe, oppression
glon of the heart and below lower rib, pain In the
arras. tlinrtnCM of breath. .leeplcsstie'i!, weaknea
and (tericml ilchlllty. '1 ho arteries In my neck
wonlil throb violently, tho throbblnd of rny heart
could be heard ueror-e a lurgo room and would
hake my whole body. I mi no nervom that I
could not hold my band hteady. J tutvn botn
vndrrthe trrntntent of ewilnnl phyiiriantt
and have tntfn nations of patent JllmlitHnt
Vtoemt th trout bfttcftt. A friend reoom.
S ended your remedies She waa cured by Dr.
Ilei'rcmedlo Ihavotaken A, mr
three bottlel of your New B I Uh 11
Heart Cure and lwo bottles w w l a
Nervine. My pulae la normal, I have no mors
violent throbhbiKof the heart, i km a weli nian.
I sincerely recommend evenr one with fcyujpioma
of Heart Piaeaae to tok Oi AtLUa' ltcslora
ir HmwdirB and ba curod.
OypeumClty, Kan. L. L. Ciitvu.
old on m Poaitlve Kloiraatae.
For Baleby T. W. Ayers jr.
The healthy people
healthy liverB. They
Liver Regulator.
you meet bave
take SimmoDS
Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us they always get
fall weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex
plaii ed. Tbe "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ns friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want yon to bave some ot oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
Why Buy of Peddlers?
When you can get tbe choicest
Etc. at tbe Liberty Market.
And at a lower price than sold on tbe streets. By so doing you will assist in build-
mg up juur city, jajuk iu your lDtereBis ana assist inose wdo assist yon.
1 aw SHAW & M'CARTY, Props.
h Keelcy Ink
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keepon band a full line of
A full line of choice Piep, Cakes
nsnally kept in a first-class bakery store.
try tbem.
Disease oommooly comes on with slight symptoms, whioh when neglected in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
Ripans Tabnles aot gently, bin promptly, npon the liver, Btomnch and intes
tines; cleanse tbe svstem effectually ; oure dyepepsin, habitual oonatipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at tbe first ndioatinu of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty.
Ripans Tubules are prepared from a prescription widely need by the best
pbysioiana, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science.
If given a fair trial Ripans Tubules are an infallible cure: they ooutain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by tbe
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabnles if requested to do so.
They are Easy to He, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's BilL
Somplta Frii
on application, to
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
rise been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to tbe West trareroom of tbe Mo
Farland Mercantile Oo.'s establishment. He still has a complete line whioh
will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 aw
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
W. rAri'ERSON, AGENT Ono.?HheJie.tin meJVortd
Only First-Class Lotel I n1"-
Euildirg Wind for Electric LlgLts
J est sect n d 1 daiicLs fci tie litvtlltg
Courteous treatment secured tbe coun
tiy people.
.).. . M. VCN CADOW. Proprietress.
Heppner, Oregon
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Qazrttk office for particular!.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and ure
Groceries and Provisions.
and Bread; in fact everjtbing tbat is
They will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp
tixm Blpans Cliralcal
Co., iT-w