o m Bmyp to " sell you y bpi?Jj ! lGOsACRBS DBBDBD160 C7JND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of Iiich hM Ikii.1 tl .re re 140 acres g d farming land, and the balance A 1 paainre. The deeded land liMBgwi hpui.go yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hurdman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber ciulture claim, &S00. Good, deeded Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those uho patronizt ton. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for hlsor her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name Is signed as all evidence ol good faith. Did son ever Read iibont the Man who Mid his Light under A bushel? Yen? well That is like Doing bnsiness Without advertising. All the Snide schemes In the country Will not acoomplisb Half as much As a K')"d ad. In a good, live. Legitimate newspaper, One that la read Bv the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Uses its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar Fur dollar. JtsX JS3 JS1 -&1 A IiEMONETIZA TION SCHEME. Senator Chandler, republican, of New Hampshire, is about to oouie forward with a scheme looking to the rewonetiz ation of silver. The senator proposes Very rudionl methods of bringing this about, lie onuteinplateg the introd no tion iu the seuate after the recouveuiug of congress of a resolution which he will advooale, atking the Uuil.d States to invite all the countries of the world. Eastern Western and Southern, to attend a monetary conference. A new feature of the propostd oonfeienoe is that it sbull not be restricted to European gold stauiliird countries, but shall include the Boulh .inierioan and Oriental ailver tandard countries. Moreover, the in vitations to the conference are to con tain a declaration of the United States that the purpose of the Conference shall be the esUblibhuient and mainteuanoe of an international ratio, with a epeoifio dtolaratiou added that if suoh ratio oauuot be ngreid upon it will be the purpose of the United Slates to adopt a siugle Btaudard, and that standard not gold but si ver. By taking this eitreuie position, not us yet advocated iu Con gress, Chandler thinks the hands of the Kold-staudard countries not now trading extensively with the Western world oan be foroed. J. V. HUSH EE. Probably no resident of Eastern Oregon was better known than i. 1. linn bee. lie was for many years a resi dent of Heppner, nud his friends here are number! d by his acqtiatutauces, for to know him was to like him. Mi, Bnshee wan well and favorably know n in Masonic circles, being (Irand Lecturer fur the IS hie Lodge as well as the Royal Arch. No Miibou in Oregon was be ter acquainted in Masonic work 1 1 urn Mr, Bnshee. His death was untimely, his work tin finished, for who can take the place of the brother? Yet he goes to the beyond with not one singlestain on bis oharacter and when the Grand Master of the Universe calls the roll of the departed, we are sure that the nameof J. 1). Bnsh ee will not be forgotten. l'eaoe to his ashes. Gov. Fknnovku ontne out the first of the week with an open letter to Cleve land, telling him tbat to thirds of the people iu Oregon were out of employ ment and one-third without sufficient means of support, attributing it to the downfall of silver. Iu the Eastern papers it is printed under such headings as, 'Toverty-StrickenOregon," "Arau per State," and similar untruthful and distasteful headings. Now while all a In it Unit the condition of the people here is not what it has been in the past, yet we assert tbat Oregon's financial condition will compare favorably w ith any section of our country. Henry Hkitmch is working on the scouring mill proposition in dead earn est, aud he has the solid support of our most active citizens. His list of stock holders has already reached quite a number, and the sum subscribed is con siderable. All who oould possibly do to should take one share at least. Go iu bos, we must have tbat eoouring mill. Wb iiavr a good chance of getting the iusane asylum, and the scouring mill is almost au asbured fact. Say Heppner ui'l get up and dutt, will you? AIVOOHISR BARGAIN. rauch, 320 acres, beat stock raDcb in Morrow county, ('heap mul on Dr. Williamson is said to favor Hepp ner for the branch asylum, on account of its looation. It should not be overlook ed, however, that the Salem Statesman has oome out for Pendleton. Oregon ian. Yes, but fortunately for Heppner the Salem Statesman has not the honor of being one of the commissioners to lo cate the same, so we have nothing to fear from that source. Ik thekk is additional information concerning Heppner, sanitary con ditions they should be forwarded at once to the board of phvBioians. We ave the healthiest climate in Eastern Oregon, the sanitary conditions being the best. We are "in it," but if there is additional information wantel, let us be alert in furnishing same. Col. Robert A. Miller, as Register of the Land Office has no pets in the newspaper business. He places bis land notices where the publto will be best served. Salem Journal. This is cor rect. Land notices should be placed 'n the paper tbat reaches the people. TnK jury in the case of the outlaw Chris Evans, charged with the murder of United States Deputy Marshals Wil son and McOinuis, at Sampson's flat, California, relumed sverdiot of '"Guilty of murder in the first degre," fixing the penalty at imprisonment for life. Ghrhham is figuring for the senator ship from Illinois. Cleveland is going lo assist him in this even if he hag to down suoh old timers as W. R. Morrison. Gun. John W. Spbaoue died at Taooma lust Sunday, Bged 96 years. He was a noble old soldier, and won dis tinction in the late rebellion. Qov. Waitk, of Colorado, has called a special session of the legislature. DEATH OK J. P. IIL'SHKK, Killed by Being; Thrown From a Train Id Sight or His Home. The East Oregonian of Deo. 20th brought the sad intelligence of the death of J. P. Bushee, in Pendleton, on the morning of Deo. 25! h. He was expected homo on the morning train, but relatives who went to the dep I to meet bim were disappointed. The E. 0. tells the story of his death as follows: Lving beside the railroad track at the foot of Alia street, was the body of a man giving unmistakable evidences of violent death. It was soaroely recogniz able. About the bjur of 7:15 o'clock, Ira. (IrnliBiii, who lived near, first discovered and called Robert Dick's attention to it. Coming immediately to the city, be notified the proper author ities, and T. G. Hailey, deputy district attorney, hastened to the scene. Coro nor George Kimery and Marshal Philip McBrain were soon there, together with some twenty five others. It was only alter i'. ol. uuver uaa arrived ana in sisted thut it was J. P. Bnshee's body, am! Borne paper found in the pookels were examined, that certainty took the place of doubt it was the body of J. P, Bushee. A jury was immediately impaueled, consisting of MessrB. F. M. Oliver, foreman, Beard, Pointer. C. M. Pierce, Browu aud T, F. Howard, and a verdict returned iu accordance with the facts. The following facts were elioited: Mr. Bushee rode from The Dulles in i he chair oar. That morning as the train passed the bridge below town, be went forward to the smoker after paBBing a few pleasant words with the condnotor and brakemac, and was seen no more by any one who knew him. A theory was easily constructed, bow ever. Evidently, Mr. Bushee had gone out on the car steps, which were frosty and slippery. As the train rounded a slight ourve at the foot of Alta street, he was thrown from the steps to the ground. Sinking against one of the lies, he was thrown a distance of twenty four feet from that spot. His head was literally crushed to a pulp, the brain being scattered about for quite a dis tance. The bead lay on au outstretched arm, and, of course, there was not a struggle or increment of consciousness after contact with the traok, Jesse Failing removed the body to his undertaking roooma aud later to the residence of the family. BIOOHAPIIICUL. Culling at the cflioe of Lot Liverinore, a reporter learned from bim the main facts onnoerning Mr. Bnshee's career in Oregon. Mr. Livermore said: "Mr. Bushee was the first man with whom I shook bands when in 1864 I ar rived in Umatilla. That city was then the most important point in this whole country, For all the Interior mining onuutry and even as far east as Boise City. Idaho, Umatilla was the depot of supplies. During those days it was a rushing booming town, doing an im mense distributing business. At that time Mr. Bushee was iu the employ of I. W. Case & Co., general mercbauts. Is the fall of 1866, we utooiated our One of the Best selves as Bushee 4 Lnermore, engsit g in a general merchandis" hnsinos". We continued in tliii partnership nntil the fall of 1869. when Mr. Busheo engaged p the sheep business. For one ear be continued io this relation, and then f t Hfvetal years he was in the eervjoe t-f Wells, Fargo & C i F ir a t iip? he :is in Heppner ,nd ran a hotel. During his residence in Heppner, the presei.1 Morrow conuty being n porti u ol Umatilla county, Mr. Bushee vs elected county olerk, succeeding J. B. Keeney in July 1882. In 1886, he ib liuqnished the oflloe to G. A. Ilurtrcni), who whs successful in the election. During Ibe two years following his energies were devoted to conducting a general merchandise store in Pendleton " In oompnny with E. J. Summervitle and J. B. Eddy, Mr. Bushee was un pointed on the commission to nppaise the Umalilla resen ation lands, and also with Mr. Eddy served as an allot ment commissioner of the same lands. in Masonic circles, the name of J. P. Bushee was held in high esteem. N-yer seeking honors, they sought him Modest to a fault as lo assumiiig po sitions of responsibility, he hell im portant oflioes in the Blue Lodge and chapter. Last June the grand lodge of Oregon entrusted him with tlio duties of grand lecturer, to which subsequently he has bent all the energy born of ardent love of the order and a marvelous knowledge of its prinoipel and practices. Last winter, a chapter of the Eaitern Star was instituted in Pendleton, and will ever bear witness in tho high ro gam in wtnon dm whs new, tiy ueiug oulled "Bushee Chapter, O. I'!. S, No 19." Mr. Bushee could wafit the strpnlH of Pendleton or any other city, and feel tho proul oonoiouaaess that no stain was on his robe of virtue. Cherishing lofty principles, holdingto a rigid system of ethics, kind and unselfish to a fault, rich in the possession- of the love and respect of all his fellowmen, he thus suddenly closed his life, and gloom rtrd l(ine nave settled down on this com mnnity. ANOTHER THEORY. Iu his letters homo Mr. Buslt'e spoke of two falls be had received during a few weeks past as the result of recent heart trouble, brought about ures'iraablj by rbeiitnntism. This has given rise to a lute theory as to his fall from the train. It .is supposed that an attack might have come upon bim in the car and that he went out to find relief from the fresh air, falling suddenly when be reaobed the platform. He left his overcoat, timberella and valise in tho car, and would naturally have taken these with bim if he bnd supposed the train was nearing the depot. THB FDNERAL FRIDAY. Mr. Bushee's brother, Moses Bushee, a prominent farmer and orchardist near Winnemncca, Nev., was telegraphed the news of the sad occurrence. A message iu reply stales tbat he will he able to reach Peudleton on Thursday night's train. The funeral will therefore occur Friday. J. C. Morelnnd, Masonic Grand Master of Oregon, will be here to conduct the ceremonies. Mrs. Bushee's sister and mother, Mis. J. P. Fanll and Mrs. Rogers, arrived last night fro n Baker City. not rutin. A report that Mr. Bushee bad 8500 on his person when he left Portland, and that this motley was missiug when his urdy was picked up, was in circulation on the streets this afternoon. It lucks any authentication. Mr. Bushee watch and chain were on bis person, and when he was removed to his home purse containing $40 was found in his pocket. There is nothing to indicate foul play. To feel bright and oheerful attend to your stomach, and take Simmons Liver Kegnlator. EIGHT MILK ITEMS. Chrit-tnias is over. The ground is only covered with snow in places. Several pleasant sooials made Christ mas day lively on Eight Mile. Kev. Parish will preach Bt Eight Mile Center ecbool house on the third Sunday in January on the subjeot of man rrom the wi nls "W hat is mau that thou art mindful of him, or the sou of man thai thon visitesh him?'' Come and hear him, he is a pleasant speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knigbteu will live in itob Kuigbten s bouse. Bob has moved to the mouutaius. We hope the jonug people may have a prosperous and bapp) life. Fred and Threes w wish you a great deal of happiness. The wedding dinner at Mr. Furlong's, the Dride parents, was i grand a Hair end enjoyed by the young friends of the bride and groom, quite a number being present, Dallas Dam prolan has been visiting on Eignt Mile. E. M. 0. Eight Mile, Or., Dec. 27, 1893. Handy for travellers it Simmons Liver Kegnlator in powder. It caa be carried in the pocket. Pieces of Land in Morrow County.-- a8y terms. For further information cidl at our office. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history or our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The conveniences of mankind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well ae in official lite, require oontinnal accessions to the appurtenance aud impliments of each n order to save labor, time aud expense. The political change in the adiuinistra- on government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare cannot oe cxt- oieed in choosiug a competent aud skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for puteut. Valuablo in terests have been lost aud destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es. pecially is this advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrnst their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered iu view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W,, Washington, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in stituted to proteot its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, iuoluding me- obanioal inventions, design ' patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives espeoiBl atteuion to r jected cases. It is also prepared to ent)r mto competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions aud advice. John Wedderburn. 618 F Street, " p. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS F1EREBY GIVEN TIHT THE annual meeting of the Htockholders of the National Bunk of HenDuer will be held at its banking house on the second Tuesday of Jan between the time of 10 a. m., and 4 p. ni. of said day, for the purpose ofelectingdlrectors and attending to such other business as may come before the meeting. r-D. K. WIHHOF, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 2, i 85 tf. Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THK l annual meeting of Htockholders of the Heppner Building & Loan Association will be held at Its ottice in Heppner ou the second Tuesday of January, ISO I. between the hours of 10 a. m. and A p..m. of said day for the nurpnse of electing directors, and attend to sucn other business as may come before the meeting. Eo. K. Bisiior, Secretary. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 189S. si. tf. Stockholders Meeting. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will he a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank, of Heppner, at their ottice on the second Tuesday of Jan. 1891. be tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p m. of said day for the purpose of electing directors and the transaction of such other business as may appear. Geo. Consk, 86-tf. Cashier. Nerve Blood Tonic .AZjm Builder FttH for Je. j; ne ( Ji ; rl. I Dr. VILLIAJ MED1CIKE CO.. Scbencctac'..y, r. ,-. t-..;iT . t'pi HATTEES O.YV.R. MF'G CB POPtTLANO.ORE. Fnr sal Vi ninA,.m T..1 . Oo, and T. W. Ayert, Jr. per d. Qxil- .f for ri.SO. Spf and sTiiviv Aorm vi. Deeded ranch, 160 fudasno'u fol'it. for it with firet crop raised on it. Reason for Belling, owner lives in the lbm aim LOCAL MARKET RKPOKT. Wheat, bu Flonr.bbl 2 50 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. " " three " 1 75 Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 SO 35 300 1 50 2 00 2 25 1 75 4 50 7110 10 50 20 stock 1 uw Hogs, ou foot, cwt Hogs, dressed Wool Horses, slow sale. 6 50 (i 6 t$ Butter, roll 40 EggB, doz Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 1 03 & 1 08 Flour, bbl 3 00 4? 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 60 d 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (p) 12 Butter, fb 25 (3 30 Eggs, doz 20 25 Cbiokens, doz... 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, lb 15 ji 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 85 95 Flonr.bbl 2 90 0315 Beeves, owt 1 75 (Si 2 75 " dressed 3 00 & 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 20 30 Eggs, doz 214 (a 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (d 4 50 Tnrkeys Ib 15 17 Sheriff's Sale. NOnt'K W HKKEBY GIVKN THAT under and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th day of Sept. lHil:l, in favor of TheOreon Mortgaee Company I'laintill, and against Francis M. Shurte, De fendant, for the sum of Five Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and 8eventy-five cents, and for the further sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys fees and Twenty-two Dollars and Fourteen cents costs, and, whereas, by said Judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wlt: The North East quarter of Section Twenty-six, in Township two North of Range Twenty-three r.aHi 01 n . fli. in .Morrow county uregon, De Bold to satisfy Bald judgment, coBts and ac cruing costs I will, on Saturday the 28 day of December, lsKS at one o'clock p. m.. ol Said day, at the front door of the court house, in Heppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, sell theright. title and interest ol the said Francis M. shurte In aud to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash In band. the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of saiu execution ana an costs, and costs that may accrue. Gko. Noblb, Sheriff n( Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Nov. 2t. MM. 182-90 SHEEPMEN! Keep your sheep healthy and in sure a good clip by using Hay ward's SherD Din. The "Paste DID" mixes with either Hie 'Liquid Dip Is non-poisonous, improves OHKISTY& WISE, Wool Commission Merchants Fifthand Town send Sts., Han Francisco. Hole Pacific Coast Agents. 89 lin sw A Herald of the Infant Year. Clip tbe last thirty years or more trom me oentory, and tbe segment will represent ibe term of tbe unbounded popularity of Hosteller's Stomaon Bit ters. lhe onenitiB of the vear 1S94 will be sinialized bv the appearance of a fresh Almanao of tbe Bitters, in which ine nsea, derivation aud action of this world-famous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Ever body should read it. The calendar Bod aatronomical calcula tions to be found in this nronhnt-. nr. always astonishingly aocurate, aud the statistics, illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich in interest ami inn or prom. The Uostettera Com pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish it them selves. They einulov more than it Imnds in the mechanical work, and more than elevtn month, in the year are con sumed in its Drenaration. It nr, i, obtained, without Cost, of all droeBistB auu country dealers, and is printed in English; German. Frenob, Welsh, Nor-weig-an, Swedish; Holland, Bohemian ami npanisn. t.OOSKBKKRy CLEANINGS. Sunshine and Chinook todav. Butchering ia tbe order of tbe day in mese parts. Oliver and Lewis Snvder wero nn t it. mountains Wednesday after lumber for w. l'. bnyder and ,Q. M. Holmes. Early sown wheat is up and srowin nioely. Everything seems to point to a good crop tbe coming season. Garret Akers, road supervisor hns maae a new grade on the Young bill wiuou win make a good road. Miss Grace Akers has received the , ni'puiuimeni as post-mistress at Goose berry, we also hear that Benjamin Akers contemplates runDing b kind of a confectionery stand in connection with the post office immediately after I he etinnge. W. P. Snyder received a severe w. nnd in the h.nd the other splinter about quarter of , ir,..t. sqnare between hi, second and third finger and running back to the oarpu, bone, disabling him from work. If there are any idle preachers in Heppner, they wmld fare well iu the Gooseberry vicinity, as tbe people have Plenty of ,Pre-rib, back-bones and sausage. . Spdd, Gooseberry, Or.. Dee. 15 1893. m 11 4W) ij ") 1 "' I Tne'.T V3tK mat tht eonrflflon ef yourst Is yovr hair try, har,H, bri'.tU T lioct it split at the endst Bas it a Ufeltts appearance? Does it fall out trien combed or brushedt U it full of dandruff? Does your ecalp itch f Isitdryorinaheatedeonditlont Jfthes, are some of your symptoms lie warned in Urn or you will become bald. tsmmirn In what you uteri. Itg production Is not an accident, but the result of rlontJflo " ,ti.,.,.BI.f tim hair and acalulud to the discovirv uf )...: totrwiUiiem. "Skooltum " coutainn neither minerals nor otU. It is not u Dvo, li , a fVIUhlfully coolinp and rerrearniiK iuoiu. fitllino Imir. cures tUmaruirana grows nair vn im ruua. ja.lLvU 7hm .r.ninfiiln. hpaithv and free from irritatlnr ertiptinm;, by t - Of . t'WM' UiC Cir"vour druKirlrit cannot ".Jon tSSSl ot p'-lce. preo'iM, on lecuiyt i&i ; t lor s.'.. SHOOKUM ROOT r? South Fifth Ave., DR. FOOTE'S HAND-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, Is the title of a very vali ble buok that gives a groat amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, coureniiug their daily liahlts of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc, IT TELLS ABOUT What to Ent, How to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinncr Naps, Alcohol as a Food and a I.ungs and I.ung Diseases, Kffects of Tobacco, Jiedlcine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Superfluous Ilalr, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cauce & Cure. How to Breathe, Dangers c of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, ting Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, fl.tiiin.jtii Ventilation. Uess. Eiercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CUIIE Black Eyes, Bolls, Barns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Ileadacho, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Foot, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, W orms iu Children. IT WILL SA VIS IOOi Oils' KILLS. t"All new autiicribera and prompt renewals during tlie month of Dec will be preeensed with a free oopyof this as a premium. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business atteuded to in ft prompt and antufactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, ...I.aJi FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government it that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infriuging on your rigMs, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 61B F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.C. p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. S" Cut this out and send One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and 1 1 ypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as p datable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the COUrrli cnniilinj tk .,. r .. i ' ---r .... .v. . un. nesn ana builds up the entire system. Scott's Emulsion euros Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Almo-t us palutaule as milk. Get only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, New Xork. Sold by all Druggists. Summons. T JUSTICE COURT FOK SECOND DISTRICT 1 State of Ore Connt ol Mor?. ICT B.C. Ashbangh.l'lalntlir, n ir w,i.v,'r. , . i SUMMONS. T ,tHi fc' H0"KER, defendant. Inthensmeof the state of Oreiron Yon r . J""t,re of the peace for the DlntriM of ,1Sm N.,h 1"..!' rt.v ' the ottice .bovesnediaVruff,nlon-,7L-!?o,:n8W" ,he :''i.a!C,!,,l;e toother w.,h co.;.1 and eipe 8C" ' W. .et . m' a.di'"" " my hand thl r oi So?: 1KS-W . , C. E. Jones, Jnstire of the Peace. CDCC TRIM DfteVsM n. ... , . -. ... ,rBaia m.nt(3r wc.kn.M and III! ll.niKl --"'..wwtMHMd WARD INSTITUTE, t30JLWtgt.ST.wns.Ja root hair growe By atlmulatlug tho follicles, it k-utn Skin Soap. It destroy partuitia insects, ivltUsU ft c U o a:tt r'.- , supply yon, lend direct to us, and wo will tnvw. Grower, m per bottle; 6 for . HAIR GROWER CO. New York. N. Y. Malarial Affections, Croup to Prevent. HANK BUILDING. OUEGON. ...ir.:ai. - .. ft with your imuir.J vvtioic ui Lissne. nron ires Summons. TN,THB JUSTICE COURT r'OR SECOND dlstilct state of Oreeon, County of Morrow. Bruce Haines, Plaintiff.) . vs. SUMMONS. H. E Hooker Defendant) TO H. K. Hoi iKE K. Defendant. in the name of the fitatenf Oreeon. You are Hereby required to appear before the under slitned a jimtleeof the peace for district afore " 'lle h day of January, lam, at two ""' V11 t,ne """noon of said day at the omce of.ald Justice In such dfstrict to answer tne above named plaintiff In a civil action. Ihe Defendant will take notice that if he tiiV . the complaint herein, the Plaln tiil ill take judgment against him for KiRhty vJ and f J' Dollar, together with costs and expenees of this action. A. 1J lSMm(ier my ba"d thl' 21 flay ' NT" 182-94 C. E Jones, Justice of the Peace. 'PILES! . ered In one p&inlebs lrtmeol . wim.ut knife. t ion or ami ' from butioetf, Flttul. UIm , f O Quwtion BUok and Book fret.' Call or write. t Dr. . n phtto "nr IHffJL""1"1 T i ililWTBWllMiTlffMMWsMTir- Scott's Emulsion waPin8tr. St Locni) UOt