wn wnw W SELL YOU EW :.'j.:.-One of the Best Meces of Land in Morrow County. leOACRBS DBEDBDS160 OJND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adj.ii,ii1(?, of Li. l, .l.J.-.l lami tl., re ar 140 sei eg go. d farming Ihh.1, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded laud Las gocd spring of witter ou l , a uu er ience. ouuatea two miles west et liardr Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, S80U. AND JSXIJvIv AXOTHIvR. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, beet stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap ami on i-asy terms. Deed,d ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on eaey terms A good J'er ca" P for it with fire crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. I L Oive your business, to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer a real uatne is signed aa au evidence of Rood faith. Dili ion ever Read ahotit Hie Man who Hid bis Light amler A bushel? Yen? well That Is like Doing bnsinoHH Without advertising. All the 8ni le schemes In the conntry Will not ncoomplinh Ilulf as mnch Ab a irond ad. Id a coixl, live. Legitimise newupaper, One that la rear By the people, And that owns ltd own Bo ti I ; that V'f its apace Like merohanditte, Worth dollar Fur dollar. Jt2 -2.3 JL1 JkZ 3 VALUED POLICY LAW, According to the Oregnninn, Port lands fire insurance agents went to Han Franciaoo recently to get the "union" to aboliah the 10 per oent. ad ditional added to Oregon fire insurance premiums, lu Oonseqnenoa ot the valued pu ioy law in this state, so far aa Port land la eoncerned The Portland mm olio red, according tothe Oregiitiian, that "it the uuiou would aboliah the tax they would work tor the repeal of the valued policy law at the next session of the legislature, in which iffort they would have the support of Portland's meichantH and business men. Home of the Caliturnia members argued that not only the auppnrt of Portland for the repeal of the law should be assured bo fore the added tax wiih removed, but that the other towns and tho conntry districts should bo pledged to repeal. This whs met by the argument that if snob a course were pursued the subj'ct would be made a political one in tin, next oainpaign, and that the rural distriolB would return numbers to the legislature plidged to maintuin the 'valued polioy law' in full foroe and tffi ot. Tho discuenion waxed waim. A minority thought the bargain should be clinched, and that (he added premium tax should be done away with. The majority look auoiber view of the Bit out ion, aud the arguments grew so bunted that the meeting ceased to be a dignified one. When a vote was finally takeu it resulted in 23 to 12 againBt abolishing the tax." However, the Portland crowd secured a new hearing and finally bail the previous vote reconsidered, and on a new vote the union decided in favor of Portlaud 23 to 12. The 10 per cent, added to fire insur Hnce premiums In this Btate is notbiug more nor less Ihau a retaliatory measure, to force the next legislature to repeal a just law which causes insurance companies to pay their loaeee. Under the new law, agents must be careful instead of doing business in a haphnz ird manner as nuder the old regime. Every person knows that it is easier to tell the value of a building before it is destroyed than afterwards, and through the workings of the new law over insur ance is noi imeiy 10 oocur. Uompimies realize that they must pay what they take premium (or, hence results cauuot be other Hum the best. The piopoailion is to "salt" the me trnpnlis for which favor a pledge is made to repeal the valued polioy law. lint to make it as obnoxious as puss tile, the 10 per oeut. worth of punishment is kept up on the farming and stockraising distriolB. Ostensibly this is to make up for "the increased bi'i ird," but iu reality It is nothing but the meatiest kind of revenge in order to cause the repeal of the valued policy law, when, if ao oomplialied the public will agaiu be come the unwilling victims of irrespon sible and careless agents, bull-dming adjusters and greedy insurance com panies. We would rather pay the additional tax than to have the valued polioy law repealed, and the majority, we believe, look at the matter likewise. Besides the insurance companies bave taken a positiou which they cannot maintain long, for the opportuni y of doing a good busiuess uuder the old rates is so inviting that It will either break the eotuuaot or force it to comply with Ibe schedules as set down in the old rate book. Under present conditions, any company capable of doing business at all, and that requires the deposit of 850,000 with our state authorities, is made as responsible as the oldest East ern or English company. Even the muob-abused State Ins, Co.. and de servedly so in many cases, mast settle in every instance, and settle right, too. There is no alternative unless fraud is practiced or the loss results from incen diarism. A law that accomplished so muoh for the insured to no detriment whatever to the insurer should stand, aud the outside counties ehonld see that their representatives vote that wsy. The "quiet" campaign begun io Port land and consummated iuto an organized clan in 'Frisco should be forever squelched. We would advise our neighboring oouutieg to ba on tbe alert to see that representatives are elected who will stand with the people in this valued polioy matter, A LEAF WITH TWO PAGES. It is ra'ber singular, but even an obtuse newspaper man will notice some things. Everybody talks out prices and rates to the newspaperman, but when be buys the necessities of life whioh must be as great a quantity now as during the more prosperous summer months, we hear of no discounts. Old prices prevail, but the newspaper is expected to "ohop." This is a leaf with two full pages to it. Without newspapers, poorly patronized as they have beeu even when our business men were mak ing money very fast, there wonld be little now to do business on. It's a poor sheet that doesn't do some good to a town, and lieppner's papers bave been an exception. But a newspaper gets "double shot" more than any other business, beoause it always gives patrons their money's worth, and then in spite of itself it it is not a corpse, iodireotly advertises those who care nothing for its welfare. When a town can't deoently support newspapers it bad better be buried, and that is just what Heppner is not now doing. "Hard times" is an exonse, but what was the ma ter when gold fl iwed more freely into the ooffers of our active business menf The Ga zette did not get enough then to decently live like other white people. 1 I Tiik State and tbe Farmer's & Men-hauls' Ins. Co.'s, of this state, re fused to accede to compact require ments In regiird to the valued policy law, aud withdrew from tbe compact. They are doiug business uuder the old rates. Hotter agents are being plaoed in the field and oonseqieutly these ootnpaiiins are losing nothing by doiug businoHs on the square, the valued policy law requires. Risks are more closely inspected than before, hence, from a business standp int, these oompnnies are not injured by the Illuck ruiui valued polioy law. On tbe oot.trary, they are enjoying an inoreaso of busi ness, and e predict that their example will be followed by others of the com pact. Australian mutton, dressed, is sold in Victoria at from 60 to 75 ceuts per oar- ease. Some have argued that even though wool fuiled to bring anv price, they could make mouev raisinu mutton The Wilson bill proposes to admit foreign mutton free of duty. There is no hope for us under tbat measure. Hinck tbe MeKiuley law weut into effeot, barley has been the great agri- cultural product of New York stati. Under tbe Wilson bill, Canada will raise the barley for us, as well as the eggB and many other agricultural products that people must bave. Tim Jacksonville Times is to become a semi-weekly paper. The Times has long been the leading psper of Southern Oregon, aud Charles Niokell, its pro prietor, has made of it always a fluaucial success. Salem Ststesmau. uahmhli bas determined to appoint Mundny oolleotor, but possibly this may bo upset. The change is determined upon because patn nage is wanted for the Oregon June elections. Oregonian Washington Cor. Skciiktaky Cahi.isi thinks that tbe nheniian law has not been loug enough to provide other financial measures. Just so. That is the gold bug idea of it. rgNDLiTOH Is still wotklnn on IhA scouring mill proposition. Are we going to let this matter go by tbe board, or will we oommence to rustle before it is too late? Hon. W. K. Ellis thinks tbat his bill in regard to tbe Umatilla Irrigation ditch will soon become a law. "Bpfkalo Bill," or William F. Cody, has deoided to beooine a candidate for governor of Nebraska. A WAR MAP. As our predeocssor would put it, the above is a tolerably fair WHr uvip of tbe ohief inkatigator of the Ssmi- Weekly Qa zette. By looking up ia the Northwest corner of the Northwest oorner of this efl'o't the publio will notice that the party sketobed is scheduled as the "editor." There ia some glory in this, but this honorable duty Is so much interspersed with washing rollers, cut ting oordwood and putting up exonses why the shop's dabts are not promptly paid, tbat all the oaste attached to said title ia as faded as a last mninVn bonnet. But whit's in a name, anyway. Rkpbkskntativb Ei.mh went to the White House today and got the presi dent's signature to the forfeit land extension bill.-Oregnnian 19lh hist. Elba always gets what is right for his constitnants. Watnb McVeauh, President Oar field's attorney general, has been ap pointed ambassador to Italy. Wayne stumped the East to Cleveland. Tub returns bIiow that HonkiriB, democrat, defeated Swift, republican, for mayor of Chicago, bv a lew hundred votes. A contest is talked of. Tub egg crop ranks high up in the list of products. With our gates epn, Canada will furnish us our egs. A Herald of the Infant Year. Clin the lust thirty years or more from the oeutury, and the segment will represent the term of the unbounded popularity of Hosteller's Stomnon Bit ters. The opening of the year 1894 will be sitisjalized bv the appearance of a fresh Almauao of the Bitters, in which the uses, derivation and action of this world-fnmotia medicine will be lucidly set forth. Everhody should rend it. The calendar and astronomical calcula lions to be found in tide brochure nr alwiiys astonishingly accurate, and the statistics, illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich in interest and full of profit Tho flostetters Com pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish i tlv m selves. They employ more than sixty bands in the meuhanical work, mid mure than elevtn months in the year are con sumed iu ila preparation. It ciu he obtained, without oust, of all druggists and country dealers, and ia printed in English; Oerman, French, Welsh, Nor weigsn, Swedish; Holland, Bohemian and Spanish. IN MKSlllHI.UI. Died At Milton, OrejroL, on Dec. I t 1803, of quick consumption, John H. Gentry, aged 89 years and 9 mouths. He was a good neighbor, a kind hus band. His loss ia greatly felt by all. Pear brother thou art none to rent, We will nut ween for thee; For thou art now where oft on earth Thy spirit longed to be. Brother, thou art (font to rest. Thine Is au earthy tomb. Hut .lemiK siimtnoneil tln-e nway. Thy Saviour culled thee hume. Let faith and hope to hlrth In every heart arise; That we who mourn his loss on earth May meet him lu the skies. In memory of little Grace Baiton, who died at Blaok Horse, on Deo. 9th, 1893, of soarlet fever, aged 4 vcars, 3 mouths and 10 days. She wus the sunbeam of our homes. Precious darling thou ha.t left us, Letl ua, yes. for evermore. Hut we hope to meet our loved one On that brlKhl am) happy shore. Lonely Is the house and sad the hours Since our dear one but eone. Hill oh, a brighter home tbiiu ours, In heaven Is now tbv own. Died At her homo on Black Horse. Deo. 9th, 1893, of scarlet fever, Lulu Brown, aged 10 ears, G months and 8 days. Lulu was a bright an1 inlelliien' young lady and had many friends. Lain, peaceful be thy silent slumher. Peaceful In lllv grave so low; Thon no more will Join our number, Thou no more our sorrows know. Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life Is tied: Aud In heaven with ley to areet thee Where no farewell tears are shed! M. E Barton. Black Hokhk, Dec. 19. 1893. The Advertising Of Hood's Saraaparillais always within tbe bounds of reason beoause it is true it always appeals to the sober, common sense ot thinking people beoause it is true; and it ie a'wava ftillv anh.ton,, sted by endreemnta; which in th financial world wniil.) he acoeotsd with- out a moment's hesitation. Why surtVr withdvspensia. bilinnaneaa or any d 'Hesse of the li,er when yoo oan be cured by Simmons Liver Regu- ISWI. For further information call at our office. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There waa never a time in the history of our couutry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was so great as now. The Conveniences of mankind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in official life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political ohange in tbe administra on government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not permit the nff iira of government to de ter bim from quickly oouceiving tlu remedy to overcome existing discrepan cies. Ton great care cannot be exer cised in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terest have been lout aud destroyed in innumerable instances bv the employ merit of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advioe Hpplioable to those who adopt the "No pBtent, no pay" S)stem. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wcdderburn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C, represeniing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals .of the eountry, was in stituted to 'proteot its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in thiB line of business. The said Cou pnoy is prepared to take charge of all patent busiuess entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, including me obauioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to njected oases. It is also prepared to ent.ir into competition with Buy firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and adrirn. John Wkpiibkbuun. (118 F Street, P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C. Stockholders Meeting. ' XiOTICE IS I1KREHY GIVEN TtUT THE i'l annual meeting of the .stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner will he held at lis banking house on the second Tuesday of Jan 1K1M, between the time of 10 a. ni., and t p. in. of said day, for the purpose of electiuirdlrectors and attending to such other busiuess as mav come before the meeting. En. K. Btsitor, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 2. iti3. s.tt Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1' annual meeting of Stockholders of the neppner uuieinig ,v. Loan Association will he held at Its otlice In llepuner on the seennri Tuesday of January, 1B9I. between the hours of iu a. ni. ami s p. m. o sunt (lav tor the tinnwme or electing directors, and attend to such other uusiuess aa may come neiore trie meeting. K. HISHof, Secretary. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 189;!. s. tf. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stock holders .f the Kirst National Bank, of Ileonner f their oltice on the seeond Tuesday of Jan. lS'.H be tween the hours of in o'clock a. ni. and i o'clock p m of said day tor the purpose of leeiinK iiiiii uiis uiio me transaction ol such ther business as niuy appear. Quo. Cokskr, '"'(. Outlier. Nerve A Blood lder hi.'L ILLIAW MEDICINE CO.. Schenectady, N.Y. We. Oni. HATTEES O.YY.a Mf'G C? POtVriANO.ORE. per su, ir Jf for B-J.30. Sl s IIS CaF0.nd T.ewb'A8y,r?rJ0hD't00' 'n' LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 35 Flour.bbl 2 50 SM0 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. nwt. 1 50 " " three ' 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead 1 50 & 2 25 " stock 1 50 1 75 Hogs, on foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 ($ 700 Wool 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs.doz 20 Chickens, duz 3 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 03 1 08 Flour, bbl 3 00 (a, 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (d 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, cwt i 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 lib 12 Butter, Hi 25 is 3u Eggs, doz 20 25 Chickens, doz 5 03 & 6 00 Turkeys, tt 15 (a 18 POHTLAKD MARKET. Wheat, owt $ 85 95 Flour, bbl 2 90 fg 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 (B 2 75 " dressed 3 60 t 6 00 Muttons, live sheared. .. 2 50 (HS 3 00 " dressed 6 75 tg) 6 00 Hoga. on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 & 14 Butter 21 30 Eggs, doz 27 (2 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (S 4 50 Tnrknys lb 15 (8 17 Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that under aud by virtue of an execution isBued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th dny of Sept. lS!l;i, iu favor of TheOregou Mortgage Company 1'lalutlll, and against Francis SI. Shurte, De fendant, for the sum of five Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Seventy-five cents, aud for the further sum of Eiftv Dollars attorneys fees and Twenty-two Hollars and Fourteen rents costs, and. whereas, bv snld judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wlt: The North East quarter of 8ectlon Twenty-six, In Township two North of Range Twenty-three East of W. M. in Morrow County Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac cruing cosib I will, on Saturday tho 2i day of December, 1H'.W at one o'clock p. in., of said day. at the front door of the court house, in Heppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, sell therlght. title and interest ol the said Francis M. Mhnrte inand to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest bidder lor cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all coats, aud costs that may accrue. Geo, Nobi.k, Sherilt'of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Nov. -ii. 18!. u- SHEEPMEN! Keep your sheep healthy and in sure a good clip by using ". "iii .-Mieeii nip, ISiiThc "Paste Dip" mixes with either Cold or Warm Water. The "Liquid Dip" Is non-poisonous, Improves the wool and does not stain it. CHHISTY&W1SE. Wool Commission Merchants Fifth and Town send Sts., Sun Francisco. Sole Pacific Coast Agents. K'.l 1 m sw I'ilest Pilcal Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture ; intense and stinging, most ht night; worse bv scratching. If allowed to continue in mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer ate. becoming verv Bore. Swavne's Ointment stops the itohing and bleeding heals ulceration, and iu m ist cases re moves me iiimors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oeuts. Dr. Swayne & Son Philadelphia. Bw yT Simmons Liver Renlator ia the foe of malaria -it throws off the bile and prevents its accumulating. TEN NlOrHTb IN A BARROOM. The following is tbe caat of characters in the drama, given for the benefit of Blue Mountain Division, U. R., No. 12. on the eve of Deo 23, 1893 : CAST OF CHAR.VCTKKS. Jok MoRti an, the Drunkard, S. 8. Hornor Sam'LR SwnciiEU, a live Yankee J N h roun. Mt:,i!A""i' "'6 Phlla''t"''Vl.'A : VvTat. II ikvky CiRREN. the Gambler, Harrv Warren ttiixis H am mono, the Pride of the i lage awterCrawlord mage, Frank Sladk, the Example. E. P. Vornz Brown"0'"'' Dr,"""lr1' 'ife, Mr.!-J. N. MSn D'!?nAN' I"""kad,8 -"'l. Edna Mich itabi.k CARTWBruHT, a Yankee girl Hiss . Laura Mulr. fe ' 1188 MMinoSr':A"K' ThC UmlloriV -lfe. Ml,, Ktta SYNOPSIS OF INCIDS.NTS. ACT I. feme .Exterior of the "Slcklo t Shear "-sampl. Switchell a d the Phllan throplst.-Mmon's eulogy of content , en Svar f- ntertorof the sickle aiu S ear ' Ihe laimlord andhls wlfe.-ller regre -TliT gambler and his victlm.-Jne Morgan Vi e drunkard -Little Mary in quest of he? fa her "simon slade. this little treasure still remains'" -The two friend. (?) quarrel.-wrmK'Vr rlva .-"Lay there till theeaow. i eoine home! tk i IV i.-The "Slrkle and Phcaf Ilainmonn -Sanrpie' o the trail S!' "8 t'?';Z" '"vice , to her ?a,her Hh inebriate's promise.-'TM never dr nk "T.l1 itrop ol liquorl' -Death of ll,,fj ?' ,no'n tniJ tableau. 1 ). Anect- eal.' -siraon and Kr.nk Sla le A tep.ii'i ity wile and r,.f,,r,.;.i .4..".,"''ne' -The examr Iatli0i- haotiv win. n,t ...f ."eei lunne. The l Mehltable In their . -nipie Tickets for sale at T U' i , , ACT U.-Srent .-Mehitahle getsalove-b.n,.r -Sample's Indlgnstiou.-Tln. pi lamir .'I'i again. s,re l.-vhc landlords Kogre " 1 ' lkl'lfV,!,,-"'lcmltabler.. ' h"Ve I -ThelrdiitS ISA!- Uhat i$ the condition of yourt? U your hair try, harsh, brittle? lion it tplit at tht ends? lias it a lifeless appearance f Does it fall out iricre combed or brushed t Is it full of dandruff f Does your scalp iuh? Is it dry or in a heated condition t 1 these are some of your symptoms bo warned tn timm or you will become bald. l imm ROOT HAIR GROWER! m !.'; :$M :: Is what you need. It production Is not an accident, but the result of gdimufi, neaivfi. KnowJedite of tne diicaries of the balr and acalp led to tiio disco vury t , t'j trt'it them. "Skookum " contains neither minerals nor oils. It ta not a I)vr n l i-! 1 H fully coo I in ft and refreililug Tonic. By stimulating tho foUlci'je, 1, Ai'lhig fi air, cure dandruff and Qrowi hair on bald hrads. Keep the scalpclean.hoalthyand free from Irritating fntjttlr.ns. lv of .' ;ol-uji Skin Soap. It destroyi paraMitio inteots, triiMi f t d on ti,-.d 'w if" yW drupsrlst cannot inpply you, send direct to us, and v ;'! r v. pnirui.l, on ifccipt of jrlee, Orowor, per buttle; ftor 5.u. ctov, jtu-; b for ,.'.50, SKOOKUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., ;? South Fifth Ave.. New York. N. V. DR. FOOTK'S HAND-IIOOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND HEADY REPIPES, Is the title of a very valeahlo book that gives a great amount of Information of the I tmosl Importance to Everybody, ci.u erning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eto., IT TELLS AHOUT What to Eat. How to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Influence of Plants, Parasites of tho Skin, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Kffeots of Tobacco', iiedlclne, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause Cure Removing Same. How Much to Wear. Tn art Kid nf 1 1, ' UCCIiputlon lor invauiiH, naming uesi, way, How to Breathe, DanirerH of Klssinr. Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases. Malnrlnl aiwh,.' Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Crouo to Prevent ' Ventilation, ness, Kxerelse, IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, Bolls, Barns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Conn, Coughs, Cholera, Dlarrhiea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, neadache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, juuies, riuipius, rneo, nunuui.iwm, "i",""!"', a ti i o mi o..a.nrA uiin. ...rf Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Warta, I, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. 1 1 fjf All new snnscribera ami prompt renewals during the month of Deo' mil bo presenaed with a free onpynf this as a premium. IvlHw, Dnwson Ss Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All buBiueas attended to in a prompt and satisfactory niHUuer. Notaries Public and Collectors. Or'FIOK IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, -' -- ir rr- -nr' - -I'rir - nninsiami imiisi imu FOR INVENTIONS. of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their ImII v J!mQh care cannot be exercised iu employing competent and reli. ab e solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upou the care aud skill of the attorney. 8 " ,nrl Yr11? t'le v,w - Protectitlg inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, Sned r,!!?i V'"11.0118 are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. retwywhhhrt'f !1nVen-i 00 h"3 send 8 8ketch or Photograph thereof, to advised Z b"ees'Pta f the important features, and yotl will be at once itZtrll 1". Purse' Model, are seldom necessary. If other T.hmir fi ; i 8 P or matter' w for a 618 F STREETNOR'TuuceT CL'MS COMPANY, 618 FSTREET. NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.O. i". o box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3- Cut this out and send iiiiwi(rl,xB-Bi "BT iiiiiiii nil imn;ls-: mCuu an rundown. Scotfs Emul sion nf Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil - - lypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you and give you a good appetite. Jcott s Emulsion cures Corahs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Prevents was W jn ch Urei At. the tenulne. rrepai.ed by Mt TCT' Kew York- mi INaJ,fmC;f.COl'RJ KUK ?ECnVD DISTRICT K. tMZK of Morrow. aforeaWn th6tn5vnPre?rS for ',he Plaintiff will take l,,m Pl,aint ,h'ein. the One hunrhe . d .I,1 ,,K',,n,!,f?l,l,,,t hira the further snin of FoM,V?100 b"H ""n for WS-94 P. E. Jones, JjWeofthe Heac e. FREE TR!AL.A. K WARD INSTUTUTE, IM I. tl Jf, ST. IOrr, Care of Teeth, After.ninna. Van. oiaiiimeriug, oore Jljyes. Bore Moutb ln.nn mi o . .. . . ' Insect Hltcs, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcers. WILL SAVE DOCTORS' HILLS. HANK BUILDING. OREGON. 11 vou are charged with infringement by reliable OPINION before actrngonthe it with your Inquiry. JW Summons. INdlrJ!?..i,l'!TI;E C0URT '0R second Brucde8Hai1be.?Vela0,;,Tl7)0n CU"ty ' MrrW- U.oker;nerendn,i8UMMON8 I,0;'KliK. Defendant. herebv ren ;.j . ' K,ati Oreiron, You are El S. 'PPear before the under- o'cloek ii, ,h".th.Sy January, 19I, at two othce ot,irfh?,,a ;ernoon ol dy the abnvj ? ?',,,?1n'h district to answer 1 he DefinJ1 Pl',?t,ffln -Ml "' 'Ion fall toan.fvi.' ,ake no,lie " " he Itr nib.ei,'5e comPllt herein, th. Plain seven Lnd .H)i f,me'lt"Rttln"thlm ,nr Given lit,,,. . , . . 1S2-1U C. E. Jones, Justice of the Peace. SPILES: end In en FUWLK8S trfstsr with .at kuif. N low of from bailnSH. Flatul. r Phill Cohn',, oa , . ... alio eurra. J jr WUMloo BUak lit aok M. Ollr ... B. H. B. BCTt "iPtDsBr'cet. St. Lorik,