V Hi i-ivi.. i - . ...T-' t.', uaiii-K.' u J Pj-crij );.'QT:ijln'iil9Cumc--ustip'-'"t. PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL CURET'3 nnMQTiD Alo'oat Ml puis and medltlna jnwluc ccisttr.atlon, here Is a IU t:wt ouroa torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, inilljesllou, triublea without griping or leaving any is the prlmo cause i.f nil sick noss. bewaro of see to it ia !;me; t!u'fft pills will cure jcu. L t ff; OB 3 5 v 1 clear tho jMa and romcr.j all blotches from M self. 25 Cents a box. CDLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j Or sent by mall upon receipt of price by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., '406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. trenttsa Rectifying pills euro couHttpmiou Prentiss Iiudifying pills euro constipation t Prentiss Rectifying pills c irw constipation Prentiss Rectifying pi Un cure constipation ftREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. AND SAVE THE TAGS. Die Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,: In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 1 65 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES IW,6S0 00 5.775 FINE IMPORTED KKENCU OPERA (JLAHSES, MOROCCO BODY ' 11LACK ENAMEL TlUMMl.NUrf, tJUABANTKEL ACHROMATIC . . 8,875 (IC 23 1 00 IMPORTED GERMAN BUCKIIOKN HANDLE, FOUR BLADE!) ' HJCKET KNIVES 23,100 00 110,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE IWmi 1 1 5 COO LARGE PICTURES (14x28 Inohcs) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, ' no advertising on tbcm 28,875 00 231,030 Prizes, amounting to $173,250 oo The nbnve articles will bo distributed, liy eoiinffms, among parties who chew 8PEAR HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the US TAUN taken therefrom. We will distribute 830 of these prizes In (Ills county ns follows: To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of Sl'EAIt HEAD TAGS from (Ills county we will givo 1 GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of .., 8PKAK HEAD TAGS, we will glvo to each, 1 Ol'ERA ULAKS....5 OPERA GLASSES, To tho TWENTY PMITIES sending us the ncU greatest number of MI'l'.AH UlLAU 1AU3, wo wi.i givo KNIFE To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of Sl'EAU HEAD TAGS, we will give to eucll 1 HULLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of HPEAlt HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LA HUE llCTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS ...100 PICTURES Total Number or Prizes for (his Connty, 220. C UTION. No Tags will bo received before Jnnimry 1st, IBM, nor after February 1st, IROt. Unci! package containing tags must bo marked plainly with Name of Mender, Town, County. Bute, and Number of Tags lueach package. All charges oa packages must be .......... 1,1 F 1 READ.-SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than any other plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, tho toughest, the richest. NPKAB lll;AI is absolutely ely. positively and dUlincli vcly dlllerent In flavor from nuy oilier plug tobacco. a trini tiili fftiivlncn Mm most Hkenticnl of this shape and stylo on earth, which proves that It people. Try it, ami I participate In. the contest quantlty. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will be published in this paper Immediately after February 1st, 1WH. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. ., THE LAKE OF DEATH. y . A Mysterious Sheet of Water Whteli Nt i Living Thing Can Survive. f "Devil's Lake," in Calhoun County. 1 Ala., seventy miles east of Itirmingham lsonoof thn most rrmarltublo nutura ouriosiii'-s to bo found in America Tho lake in oval in shapo and cover; about, four acres of ground. No voge tation of any kind grows cn its banki and nothing lives In its waters. Kvei snakes and terrapins shun tho waters O' Devil's Luke, and fish placed in it ili' in a few hours. The water is clear limo stuno, Willi a peculiar taste, wind makes it unpalatable to man or beast Horses and cows will nut drink it, n .natter how thirsty Ihey may bo. .Deep down below tho surface of thr lake i:i:iy be seen what appears to bo th' charred and blackened trunks of larg' trees. They stand upright in tho wator but have neither rout nor branch anr never riso to tlu surface nor sink to tin bottom. The lako has no outlet ani? tho volume, of water ill it Is tho aaraf all tho time. A strange fatality attaches to thli lako. Onco it was Iho favorito resort o' the boys of tho neighborhood for bath ing and swimming, but now they nevoi go neur it. Fifteen hoys bavo boor drowned in 1 Is waters in twice U3 nmnj years. A few of the bodies wero recov ered, but thosu who wero drowned anj distance from tho bank:) sunk to the bottom and wore never brought to the surface. . The depth of tho lako bus never heer ascertained, bounding to a depth ol seven hundred feet found no bottom, and the people in tho vicinity say tilt lake lias none. The Indian legend oi tho origin of the lako is that before the vvhilo man cimo to thu country twe tribi i became invoked in a war, and after a number i f bloody battles tilt smaller tribe was ubnost exterminated Then tho old men and chiefs oT th( weak tribn sued for peace and arranged for a council. While tho pipe was beinp passed around a regit;1 1 was given and tho chiefs of tho strong tribe suddenlj sprang up with ilrawu tomahawks anO murdered t very one of the chiefs of th( mailer tribe. Then tho war was renewed and car ried on until tho weak tribe was exter minuted. A few moons after tho mug sacro of tho chiefs a lire broke out ir tho pino forest where tho massacre oc curred. The flro burned in this spotfoi eight moor ' : 1 t' o 1 -vend funk dmvr out of sifl ' : :. vi.' ppeuivil. and it its .-lead ii ' ' a 1 -I.e. Tho Indian; gave the l..i.e u uumn which means "lak' of deajh. " y. Aa Illuminated Cafc An Illuminated cat U nn; th ourloslties of the patent office at Wash ington, D. C. It is made of pasteboard or tin painted over with phosphorus, and Is intended to frighten away "rats and mice and such small deer" la the darknesn of dollar and garret i i-rent.HS Kecniying pi..muncnnuri,"n 2 I ' sick headache and kidney and liver trace ot CONSTIPATION, which It getting habitual and chronic with you, ORFNTIGS RECTIFYING PILL. .'Wirt Ltx.Utyt.ig pilla'cui constipation AT because it Is the only safe and harmless, remedy that will surely CEAUTIFY the tao face. Try a box and we lor youn- 1 wa v to eucu i I'UIVIM. .20 POCKET KNIVES. .100 TOOTH PICKS. fact. It, la the largest Be er ot any similar I has caught the popular taste and pleases the for prizes. See that a TIM T A is on every matter how small the Very sincerely, THE P. J. BOKO COMPANY, Middlktown, Ohio. COUNT ZICHY'S JOKE. Uow a lluurarl in Nobleman Outwitted a Vicuna Customs Ofllcor. The famous Hungarian, Count Zichy, who lived on a princely inoome in Vienna, was, in his younger days, well known all over Europo on account of the bets he niado and generally won. Once, when there was a heavy duty imposed on every hood of cattlo entering the Austrian capital, ho made a bet that he would carry a lamb duty-free through tho gate ot lonna, and that the gate- Bfter denouncing the measure general koeper, who acts as imperial offloor, ad- tyi ci08c,i witn a f,;w remarks concern justing and roceivlng tho duty, would be iu(f the country at large. "What do we glad to lot him pass. , want, he exclaimed, "with this vast Next morning, tho Count, disguised in worthless area? This region of savages the clothes of a butcher, his butcher- am, wil(1 beasts, of deserts, of shifting knllo m his hand, his shirt sleeves rolled sands and whirlwin.ls of dust, of cactus up, and carrying a heavy sack on his and prairip aos? Ta whnt lls0 cou)d shoulder, muiln his way to one of tho fashionable gates of Vienna, says tho New York Ledger, hut the watchful ollleer soon espied him. "What have you in that sock, fellow?" "Ado--, sir." i "A dog? Dog yourself! Down with that s.M-kl I know follows like you sometimes carry dogs in sacks through the (fates, and sell thorn for mutton In town. Down willi your sack!" "ilut It's nothing hut a dog, and a bad dog, too. I will " "Never mind what you will. Down with your sack!" Tho ollloor pulled tho sack from the supposed butcher's shoulder, cut tho string, and sure enough, out jumped one of the biggest dogs in Vienna. Tho dog rushed against tho faithful Government servant, landed him several stops away in the gutter, and thou loft for parts un known. After him wont the young but'-hor, shaking hia big knife before tho eyes of tho frightened officer, and cwianai ug: "I'll settle you after I catch that dog!" About ;,vo hours afterward, thefacoof tho buiehor again appeared before the raised window of the gato-ollloe. "i have just caught that dog again. Would you like to look at him?" "Got cway! (let out, you and your in fernal d :;:" And with a crash tho win dow went down, and tho smiling butcher entered Vienna. Ilut no dog was that time in his sack, but tho fattest lamb that oould be found In tho suburbs of tho capitaL The ,, People ore la i little village in filling out a e.-r vertentlv wrot-1 ; 'p or !,-atn, I'1"? at a doctor in oisylvania who, In .u ' of death, load- s own name in the blank pace nuncd for "causa of death. The Superstitious fr.e,tmnuu All Equimnnx are superstition about dentil, and, although they hold festivities in memory f departed friends, they will usually carry a dying person to some abandoned hut, there to drag out his remaining days without toon, medicine, witter or uttendanc. After tho death of a husband or a wife the surriTor cuts the front balr short nd faaU for vrntT-flT da?. SIBERIA NOT A DESERT. IM Tatlej ka tVrtlle as Those or Watm America Siberia, coupled as it name in with slories of Russian barbarity, is not the barren, terrible land of limitless des erts which fietion and the drama have pictured it. The building of the trana Siberian railway and the extension of line along the northern frontier of China will greatly changa the entire drama of civilization. The railroad from Vladlvostock to the Ural moun tains will bring that great Russian naval station within fourteen days' journey of SL Petersburg, and along this route stations will rapidly grow into towns and offer opportunities for new and striking development. Russia's enterprise, says the Hartford Globe, stimulates that of China, not only as a matter of competitive ambi tion, but for strategic reasons. The railways now being surveyed and com pleted within the celestial empire are numerous, and to this end many foreign engineers are employed. Soldiers and convicts are largely employed as work men, thus cheapening the cost of labor as far as possible. The transsiberian railway extends to a length of nearly five thousand miles, and it is expected to cost two hundred million dollars. It is divided into six sections, each section comprising three or more divisions, and the contract for building is given to these, thus employing a large number I of contractors for limited distances. I It is a mistake to suppose that Siberia is a desert, or a glacier, or a mountain fastness, or Incapable of being made habitable. The valleys are level plains, and said to be as fertile as the western portion of the United States, and it is not unlike the west in tho variety of its resources in minerals, timbers and in agricultural facilities. It is a marvel ous treasure-trove of stored-up oppor tunities. Its wealth is practically un limited. With the advantages of rail road communication and telegraph lines, a vast country is added to the world of civilization. The cultivation of the land and the introduction of all I the elaborate machinery of enlightened life will, as scientists depict, modify the rigors of the climate, although in south ern Siberia even this obstacle does not exist WARLIKE FISHES. The Diminutive stkkl.baik Is a Great lighter. The sticklebacks are insignificant in size and mighty in valor. They are al ways ready and anxious to light; one provoking glance from the eye of a rival and straightway the battle rages. In contradistinction of the human race, says the Detroit Free Press, the male stickleback monopolizes all the gay colors, Mrs. Stickleback being con demned to a sober, Quakerish dress. But she has one compensation for this selfishness on his part, iin-1 that is that j when her liege lord h thrashed by a I stronger or more skilled foe his coat is thrashed likewise, losing all his bravery and becoming a dull gray; nor does it recover its splendor tiutil its wearer, the worst pangs of defeat over, emerges from the corner where he has hidden himself, as pugnacious as ever. The stickleback is one of the very few fish that build nests for their young. In ad dition to its instinctive skill and intelli gence the stickleback may be trained and instructed by man. At an aqua rium which I have often visited, by the the aid of an ingenious but simple de vice, the sticklebacks hud been taught ring a, ueu wne.i u.e., umu iueu. The bell was suspended ubovc the tank . ,..!! .1 J 1 ,!,, , ,,. ninl the connect- j - i . ing rope, a fine thread having been i)aite(ji waa lowered into the water be- low. The nibbling of the bait rang the bell. Care having been taken to acid fresh bait when the cord was pulled the sticklebacks soon learned to summon their attendants by this means. DANIEL WAS VERY IGNORANT. Mr, Webster Didn't lii-llcve the West Ever Would lie Valuable. In his day Jlr. Webster had a very vague idea of the great west, according to Hen Pcrlcy l'ooro. On one occasion when he was in the senate a proposi tion was before it to establish a mail route from Independence to the mouth of the Columbia river, some three thou sand miles across plains and mountains, uuout the extent of which the public then knew no more than they did of the interior of 'J'hiViet. Mr. Webster, and prairie dogs? we ever hope to put these great deserts, or these endless mountain ranges, im penetrable and covered to their very base with eternal snow? What can we ever hope to do with tho v estern coast, a coast of three thousand miles, rock bound, cheerless, uninviting and not a harbor on it? What use have we for this country?" A FEATHERED FUNMAKER, The Recognized Practical Joker of the P.lrd Family. "The blucjay." says a bird sharp u the Toronto Mail of recent date, "is th most persistent practiced joker In the feathery kingdom, llo will conceal him aelf In a clump ef h aves near the spot where small birds are accustomed to (rather, and, when they are enjoying themselves in their own fashion, will suddenly frighten them almost to death by screaming like a hawk. Of course they scatter In every direction, and when they do so tho mischievous rascal gives vent to a cackle that sounds very much like a laugh. If be confined his pranks to such jokes as this, however, he would not be such a bad neighbor to birds smaller than himself, but when he amuses himself by breaking the eggs in the nests nnd tearing the young to pieces with his bill he becomes a pestilent nuisance and they often com bine their forces to drive him out of the neighborhood. They do not always suc ceed, for he is as full of tight as of mis chief, but a severe conflict teaches him that they too have their rights, anc this Induces hun to mend his manners. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong ami hesitby, try Eleotri Bitters. If "lis Grippe" lisi left you weak and weary nse Eleotric Bitters, r Tbia remedy aets direotly on the liver, stomaob and kid neya, gently aiding (hose organU to per form their function. If ynrj lire afflioted ith nick ursdaohe, you will find speedy nd permanent relief hv tskino Elwtrin Hitters. One trial will convince yon that this Is he remedy yon need. Large bot. j le only 50c at Slooam-Jobntton Drug Compaty, Now it the time to ubeoibe for the Bemi- Wee-kly Qatetta. PATENT OFFICE CRANKS. fh Queer Inventions That Are Seat aa Be Investigated. To fully realize bow many cranks ltoe among us one has only to visit the Pat ent Office in Washington, saya the New York Herald, and examine the modeli which fill the shelves of that depart ment and read the specifications, la which are set forth in glowing term the many benefits which they pro pose to donate to mankind. Every Im aginable 8cheme is suggested and laid before the patent examiners, ine ques tion of utility, of practicability, does not enter into the taking out of a pat ent; it suffices that the invention has the feature of novelty and that the ap plicant pay the legal fees. So numerous ate the "perpetual mo tion" cranks, who think they have discovered the long and vainly sought enigma, that the offlco has prepared a circular which is mailed to any one who takes steps to enter an alleged per petual motion invention. The circular informs him "that it is thought proper to advise him, in order to save him fur ther expense and labor, that the views of the Patent Office coincide with those of scientists in general in regard to me chanical pfpetual motions that they are impossibilities. Should your entry be taken, a working model will he re quired, the office being aware that it will be impossible for you to comply with this requirement." The specifica tion and fee are then returned. Does this dampen their ardor? Doubtless thousands of thorn are now trying to compass the working model. Many of the old models were burned np in the fire of 1877, and tradition only tells of some of the queer contrivance that had been gathered in. One of the most curious of these wi a hen's nest constructed with a spring trap at the bottom of the nest. The weight of an egg was sufficient to press down the spring and allow the egg to sup out The theory of this thoughtful inventor was that as soon as the hen laid an egg it would press down the trap-door and disappear. The hen, as is her cus tom after laying an egg, would rise and cackle, but finding no egg, would con clude that she had made a mistake and would proceed immediately to lay anoth er, and so on ad infinitum. On thisprln ciple the owner of a hen would have a great monopoly. A trip through the model rooms re vealed man? unique and ourious inven tions, some of the more unusual of whioh I venture to describe and lllua trate. -s One of the most original is an ordnance plow, patented by C. M. French and VV. H. Fanchcr.of Waterloo, N. Y., in June, 1882. 'i he object of the invention was to produce a plow equal in point of strength and lightness to theoneordi1 narily in use and yet which would oom bine the elements of a small sized can non, so that it could be utilized by the frontier settler both for defensive pur poses as well as agricultural. Tho beam or tonguo of the plow to which the horses or oxen are yoked Is in fact a gun barrel or piece of light ordnance capable, of throwing a projec tile of one to three pounds weight with out rendering it cumbersome as a plow. The plowshare takes the place of a gun carriage and serves to anchor the improvised cannon firmly in the ground ' and enable it to resist tho recoil, while the handles furnish moans of giving the plow or gun, as the case may he, direc tion or aim. To use tho language of the inventors: "as a means of defense in re pelling surprises and attacks on those engaged in a peaceful avocation it is unrivaled, as it can be instantly brought into action by disengaging the team, and in time of danger may be used charged with deadly grape. This com bination enables those in agricultural pursuits to have at hand an efficient weapon of defense at slight expense, in addition to a common and indispensible implement, and one hardly inferior to expensive light ordnance on wheels." With due deference to the originality of the conception of tho inventors, it does not appear that the "plough gun" or "gun plough" has come into very gen eral use. ORIGIN OF BEN HUB. How General Wallace Carat to Write His Now Famous Novel. Talking with an intimate friend General Lew Wallace the other d says a writer in the New York St learned the true inspiration of bis f ous novel, "Ben Hur." "Wallace on an Eastern-bound train," said my formant, "and while (foil? through drawing-room car he passed the o door of a compartment in which Colonel Robert O. Ingcrsoll. 'Come i said the latter. 'I'm lonely in here, a want some one to chat with.' Wallace tered, and Boated himself. 'All rig Colonel,' he said, 'what shall we o' about?' 'Lots of things,' replied Ing soil. 'Is there a future life?' Looki out of the window dreamingly, as t express sped on, he answered hia oh query. 'I don't know do you? Is there a God? I don't know do you? Was Christ the son of God? I don't know do you?' He paused and looked keenly at Wallace. The General was a little embarrassed by the abruptness of the great infidel's interrogatories. He re plied: 'Really, Ingersoll, I have never given much thought or study to the questions you propound. I bad a Christian training, and I have always tacitly accepted them.' 'Indeed?' said Colonel Ingersoll. 'Why, man, you sur prise met They are vital Issues. I have studied the subject thoroughly. Every man ought to. Now, take my advice and look into the matter. You'll find you'll agree with me.' 'I went away from this interview both embarrassed and mortified,' said the General, 'that ) did not feel competent to discuss so im portant a matter with so learned a thinker. I made up my mind that 1 would nover place myself again in ac embarrassing a situation. I took down my books, and road every authority ) oould lay my hands on. After a year'f study, so far from agreeing with th great agnostic in his expressed opinions I wrote 'Ilea Hur.' That is my reply U him!'" 11,228,67. These figures repreeent tbn number of bottles of Dr. King's New DiccoTery for Consumption, Oonghs sod Colds, which were sold in the United States from March, '91 to March, '92. Two million, two hundred snd twenty-eight thousand, six hundred and seranty two buttles sold in one year, and each and everv bottb was sold on a pom rive tinnrantee that money would be refuuded if satisfactory results did nat follow its use. The teore of its success is plain. It never disap points and can always be depended on as the very beet remedy for coughs, oolds. eto. Price 50o and 81.00 at Slooum Johnson Drug Oo. Yv ii h all t d coiMquenett , strsorssry , ! o rnrriiy. r-rvom ei- IKtni t, I iTour m""J, -.nui;.raldi--fci,rt!c lort manhood, dttpeadtnor, Bfl -tim ity, wilting awsv of the org WTtt.nlv end ci l y i-ciej bj m sd -j mh ! . Curw BiiUlMly .aran'eed. UuMt.on Uisnk snd Book tm. Call of writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth 3t...T.UUI, MO. Ti e genera! merebnrdipe estidlish tent formerly owned by C( ffin A Mi Fsr nd. has lately cbni'ged 1 suds, new be i nmi.r the continl and mat HKinient The Mi-Farliir.d Mercantile ('i n psnv, . i.ich coi, tildes bnf-inesB Bt the eld stand ith a larger stock than ever. a Where? At Abrahsmsick's. In addition to bis ilnring business, he has sdded a fine ne of underwear of nil kinds, i egligee irts, hosierv. etc. Also has nt band me elegsut pftturs (or anils. A. .irabanisick, Msy street. Heppi er. Or. .riff , 4 GUABANTEID. isfy liiv.7 Iv'-cry owner 01 a none bi,u hou'd keen itcu't.aud. It m .ovu the it; ol a valuable aniiiiaJ. One package nil cure ugh; tu icu cav.i. Price 1.0iK Si' 1'V mal: o extras. Our Ac count "a. 'A, w ich emtin lUoU 19 V i'-"-).'1, uv'ii t Iriie 6t. Loom, Mo The Old Reliable Sstablltbed 38 years. Treats ma le or fem lie. named or single, in cases 01 e.tpuauio, buses, excesses or Improprieties, skill iUARANTEED. Board and apartments umishod when desired. Question Blank ind Boos; free. Call or write. BUPTUlSi S Tears' Experience In treating all rari ties of Rupture e.iablea ns to Ru.irantee a positive cure. Question Blank and Boot tree. Call or write. VOLTA-ME)ICO APPLIANCE CO., Oi Pine Street, 8 LOUIS, MO TH3 OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tt am 8 as used by thot: lands of woman all over tbo Tnlted States, In the ?LD DOCTOUS private mall rctlco, for 39 years, and not a Blnnrla bad result .Money returned If not as represented Bead 4 ents (stamps) lor aled partioulara. 3. WASH INSTITUTE, 120 N. ITiath St., Et. Letts. Vo CANCER AND OTHI1 MALIGN AN! hotit tli uie of fkntfe Question Blank and Book free. Call or write MX, aa, is. Asu i Aa. SSSPIneSb 6V. LOWS, MO, WANTED. )C I MSttV ANY LADY', employed or traemplorac! , I3 n ITI-Lfti can make thisfT a few houri work each 1st . Salary or commlaiion. 910 sample frf AddrcM H. BtNJAMIN A CO., 822 Plnebt.SI.LouU.Mo. Bfiduced 15 to 25 pnunda per walh. No -- atarrlog, 110 inconvenience, I o b.d reiulti, no nanceeug driiK.. Tnatment Mrtectly harmle.i aud strictly coiul dcntial. question Bl nk and Hook tree. Call or write. 1)K. 11. B. HUITI,, $22 l'.ne btreet, bl.Louii, Mo. ANY LAPY can net valuable secret that J cost ma S5.0O, and a rubber shield lor KUceBM-1 Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I 8a pnt stbbft, nr. Long, mo. Syn. Ill II1 Tlu wont tonal poll, I r 11 I LI Otively cared 38 years uccallfulpraolice. Treatment contdentlal. Cure by mall or at one,. Terna low. Queitlon Blank am look lie. Call oi writ.. DR. WARD INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo Oaveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And nil Patent bus to ess conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to Inventors without oijarge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WE DOER BURN, Managing Attorney, O. Box 463. Washimgton, D. 0, stThis Company Is managed by a combination of the larirft aud mont lnilnential newspapers In tho rulf.Kt .ST.ttR, for the e.nrena puipose of protect tntr their nubwriif r against unscrupulous in-1 tm unipi'ti:iit Paiea-t Atjents, and each pape print! ng tliH iiflveillsemcnt vouches for the reeponsU Slllty ami hvh standta o f tlwr Press Claims Company. $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A man our. tntemt a priatm whtn wm eonSn) b Cnnrlemiif-a criminal On matrln. a imiimK to h. sotiductl Inui the presence of the dnomed man, th. I itttttr w. . if nnnul ,ti. nnnA h,l, ralatlvu. K.M lumlL ad to tee the prisoner. The visitor said : " Brother! ind sisters hits I none, but that man b (the prisoner's) auier in my tuner s ton. He wm at one taken to the prisoner. Now, what re atioo waa the prisoner to the visitor! The Agriculturist Publish ing Company will give a rear for life to the person sending the first correct an iwer; S500 to the second; 3rd $250; 4ih, $100: Mb, jt50, and over 10,000 other reward, oonnisting of pianos, Kgani, Isdlea and gents gold ana stiver watches, ailtei ten ices, diamond rinsa, eto To the person smiling tlt last correct annwer will b rJven a high-toned piano, to th next to the last a beauti Hil or git d, and (he oait 6,000 wilt recelTe valuable prizef if silverware, fto. RULES, (1) All answers mutt be nrnt by mall, ant! Mar poHtmark not later than Dec. SI, 1893. 2) Th re wit m no charge whatever to enter this competition, bat al. mho i-ompete are expected to send one dollar for til months, tubtcriiitioa to either Thk Ladies, Hoki Uaoazinb or Thk Canadian AaRicuLTuaisT twt rf the choioMt illustrated period k-ala of the day. (3 All prizf winners will be expeced to aMist us in extend ng our circulation. (4) The first correct answer receivix aender't postmark taken in all oaeH as date of rec ipt to as to give every one an equal chance, no matter whf n M or the may renide), will secure the first prize; thi vcond, the next prise, and so on. Tbb AuRict'LTimisT ia an old esUblinhrd concern and pOM tset ample means to enable It to tarry out at it promisee. Bend for printed list of former prizt winners. ) JuDoia The following well-lmowi. gentlriven havi onsfnted to act as judges, and will see thai .),erizi ire fairly awarded: Commodore ( alt-utt (propnrtoi Oalcutt's Line of 8team wj, Peterlioroiitth, and Mr W, Kohertaon, PVnident Timrt Printing Company, Peter borough Register all momy letten. AtMreita, Aoki-DOLTt-RlMT Pis. Co. (L td), Peterborough, Canada. A Sensitive Saint. A painter had been commissioned to paint the imae of a saiut on the re fectory wall of a convent. The price stipulated was very low, but it was agreed the the painter should have his meals provided at the expense of the convent until the work was finished. But the only food supplied to the poor artist was bread, onions and water. The day for unveiling1 the fresco at length arrived. The frairs stood round the artist, the curtain was removed. It was no doubt a very fine picture, but the saint had his back turned toward the spectators, "What does this mean?" shouted the indignant prior. "Padre, I was compelled t paint the picture as you see it, for the saint could not bear the Smell of onions." The Keeley institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. On Sale OMAHA. 'SpjcTO' . r -s l) K AMCAll I TV Si. AIJ1.. . I n oo, w s,, , CtalOOKO, AN II ALL 101 NTH EAST. tITH B SOUTH Train I' BVvb lli-pi i er. 6 n in. Wuc 12.35 p. m , daily except Sunday. Pullmun e4 1 ior. Colonist eie, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Httameis Portland to Hhii every five days, Franciso" Tickets TO AND FROM E urope. H. H H. Clurk. OIivit W. Mink, John V. Doaue, E. E'.prv AnuerHun, i?red- enok R. Cuudert, Rt Cavern. For rales and general Information call on Depot Ticket A Kent, J. C. MART Heppner, r'ieou. . Ht'ULBt1 RT, AfiNt. (Jvn,. ?M WaBhinifron d , Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances An tloctro-gulvanio baiter y am bo.ieu into rutjdi.iited. RltH. ftnRDenflorien. finU ml Appliances. Abdom inal Supporters Vests. Drawers, OAloo Caps, IiifioiHfi. etc. Cares Rhenmat.sm, Liver and Kidney Coniplalntts lyppnia, Krrors of Youth, t-ost Manhood, Nervousness, Sexual Weak ness, aud aH Troubles in Mule or i em uie. guesUon Blank and. Book free. Gall or rite. Vo.la-Modica Appliance Co.. iZiS Fine Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO. Foot -Frints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a (IdcIoi'b ndvioo should rend one of Dr. Foote's dime pi.mIet8 on "Old Eyen," "Cmup," Rupture,' "PIiirnofl.H," "Varicocele, " Dfeenpe of men, DipeHfe of Wi-men, nnd learn th- best metins of Hel -cnte. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eh. 28tb Bt., New YOik. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of chaw. Alljn. T. J., lone. Or. Bones G( on left, shoulder; cuttle mme on left hip, under bit on right ear, ai.d upper bit on tluilut't; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der n on lelt shoulder of horses; tiattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hordes, JA con nected on letttiaiik; cattle, same on left hip. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E n either shoulder, liange in Mo -o w couutv Bleak man, Geo., Ilardman, Or. Hornes, a flag nitieii Hjiuujuer; cariio same on ngnt slumlder. hannieter, J. W Hnrdman. Or. Cattle bi-ajid. ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, dot seberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder, Cattie same on right Biae. Burke. M 8t 0, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, ciop off left ear, nn der half crop off right. Horses, eamo brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow county. BroKtnan, Jerry. Lena, Or.-HorseB branded 7 on righi shoulder; ealtle B on the left side. Left ear half crop rid right ear upper slope. 13arton, Wm., H ppner, Or. -Burses, J Bon right thign. cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; ranse. Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. HorBeB, circle C with dot in ce tr on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on te left shoulder. Cattle same on left bip. Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bus brand or righ hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. liorg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-HorBes, I B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Bruv-nlee, W.J., Fox, Or Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right oar; on horses same brand on the left thigh; liange in Fox valley. Grant county, Carsner VS'arrer. Wagner. Or.-Horses brand ed p on right stifle; cattle (three bare) ou right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E.. Calelj.Or.-Y I) im hiMaiinnUh 1 u yjiinqnaner circlo over it, on left nliould i and OD Itift BUUfi on kll nolta n-Hor K...... U With quarter circlo over it, on left shoulder ! left ahouider oal- on all horBOH over B yeare. 'All i in Hpon, n...,n... vima, Mui. n. ueia, ur. Morse WHO con netted, on left bhouloer: cattle same on right hip. liai ge Morrow and Umatilla countiea. Cato, (has. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H (I on right shoulder; cattle same on eight hip. Bange Morrow and Umatilla oountios. Cecil, Wm.. Douglas. Or.; horses J C on lef shoulder; ca'tle Bame on left hip, waddles on eacli jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl. T. H,. John Lnv. Or. Onnhi xr..aa each hip on cattle, bwhIIow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Bange in Grant eoumy. On sheep, inverted A and spear point bihiiuuci. uni uitMAU" BWBS, LTOp OU Iftt ear Duuched uoijer hit, in Hirht. Wu.Kt.ra, :n right and under half crop in left ear. All ratiga Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 00 on HrM bIiou! der i. attie, same on right hip: ear mark square Curriii.H. Y., Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, on left stihe. Cox Kd. S., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C will t iii center: horses. CK on left Mp. Cotihran, K. K Moiiumeiit, tirant Co Or -Horses bianded circle with bai beneath, on iuft shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under tlope both ears and dewlap. Chapiu, H.. Hardumn, Or. Hordes branded C on right Inu. Cattle brauded the same. Uickens, jLbb horses braided with three tlneu forh on left stifle. Cattle sa ne on left side Uouglass. W, M .Gidlowa. Ur.-fntue, it L'uu nght side, bwh low-fork in each ear; hor-ee Hi) on left hip. Douglas, O. T pouRlas, Or-Hurses TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hio Fly. J. B. A Hons. lmi7iM 1 1 n. i j f? on left HhouUier, cattle- same ou loft iiuib ii- i ift it i tnu . ,Kllioti. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. Fmeiy, t . 8., Ilardman, Or.-HorseB branded 0 tieversed t)with taiJl on left shouider : cat UeMtinu ul ruhi hip. hbngu in Morrow county. rieek, JaoKbou, Heppner, Or. aorseo ir couuected oi. risht shnnliiwr. nattu "iff hip- mark hole iu right hud crP Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattl I F right hip; horses F with bar under on right . Florence. B. P. Heppner, Or.-Horsee, F on right shoddei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh trench, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded W , with bar over it. ou left side; crop off left ear. horses, Bame brand on left hip Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left shoulder. Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor b on left shoulder; vent, was on left stifle. Cattle, same ou both hips .'-i V, iT MUU "uueroii in lert liange m GiUitun, Grant. Crcmk Hi d Morrow counties Gentry, Flmer, Echo, Or.-Bortes hrsnded H. H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Bange in Morrow and Umatillaconnties. Hayes, Geo., Lena, Or1 Brand JH connected with quarter airel over it. on left shoulder Hiatt A. B., ltidge, Or.-Cattle. round-top K withquarter circle under it on the right bjp. fiujee in Morrow and Umatilla (xmntiee! i Ilinton A Jenks. Hamilton, Or Cattle. two hut ' on either hip; crop in rufht oer surt split in left. I Horses, J on riitht thixh. Kunge in (frmit emintr I Hu'im, Sen tel. Wsjner, Or- P (T F L comiectedlon riirltt -ihoiildtTi.uhiin-eHlolionttle, i oti riirhl hip And on left side, swhMow fork in ; riitht enrand slit in left. Itanne in Mayslark ' di'riot, Jlorr. w county. Hale. Milton, Wmrnei. Or. Rursea ntat-ned -O- (-ircle with immllel tails) on left shoulder, i fettle same on left hip also large circle on left j Hall. Edwin. John Day.Or. t'attle K H on laiht Dip; Dorses same OD ritfut ououiuer. vmihbui tiraut eoonty. Howard. J L, ' alloway. Or. Horses, (cross with bur above il) on rilit shoulder; cattle snme on lelt side. Hangs in Slorruw slid liaia- tills counties. Hnuhes. Mat. Hon tn er. Or. HnrstM. shaded heart on the left shoulder. Hango Morrow Iki. Huusaker, H , Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left Bit. mlder: on tie. fl on left hii-. Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, A H connected, ou left shoulder; Cuttle on the left hip, crop off left ear, Humphreys, j iVl Hard man, Or. Horses, n on l.f Hank Hhhb, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horse, wineglass on left stiotdtttM cattle, same on right hip. Huston. Ln'lu'r, Kiwht lile, I r. Horse H on the Ifft slmnlderaud heart on Hie left st tie Oat t,l sum'1 "r Iff) hiit. Itanire in Morrow eonnty, Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or -Cattle I Don richl hip.cropoff left ear and bit in right, Horses same brand on left shoulder Kange n Grant conntv J mi kin, S. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, tho sama. ltanue on Kihi Mile. Johnson. Felix, Lena. Or. Horses. cireleT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in riiiht and unlit in left ear J' iikins, D W.,.lt. Vermtn.or, J on horses on left shoulder; o cattle, J on left hip aud two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and Bear vail. i a henuj.Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left tar; nndfr slope on th rltrht Kirk J T., Heppner. Or. Heiress 69 en left shoulder; cattle, tlfton left hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either tiank: cattle 17 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horse U on left shoulder; cattle same on tight side, underbit on rig tit ear. kumboriatid.w.u.. Mount vemoa. ur. i 1j ou cattle ott right and left sides, swallow fork in lfft ear and under ciop iu right ear. Horses same oraml on left shoulder, liange in tiraut couutv. Loften, Stephen, Fox. Or. H L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Uange Grant couutv. Lieuallen, John W., L -r Or. Hoi-hob txiiiioVd haii-ciicle J I. connected on left shoul der. Cattle, sain ou lef-hiu. Kange, near Lex intiioTi. Letihey. J. W Heppner Or. Horaos branded L aim A h'ft shouider; cettlH same on lwft hip, wuttle ovtr r.ht ye, three slita in r.ght ear. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded noiii'le ti I'oi.uecu metimee called s awifg II, ou left shoulder. Imrkliani, A. M Heppner, Or. CattJe large M on left Hide both ears cropped, and t-plit m bo h HoruBs M on left hiu. Bauue, (.'lark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, neppner, nr. Cattle, iii D on rifcht hip; horse. Si on lefLuhouider. Morgiui, IS. N Heppner, Or. Horses. M ) on Iff l shonJdei cattle same on left hip. fticCuuiber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses, 51 with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on left shouider ai.d leit thigh; cuttle, Z ou right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on rt,:t hip; cattle, 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Finure ft on each shoulder, cuttle, Miion hip Met -arts,. David H. Echo Ur. Horses branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McUiit, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear: horses same brand on left stifle. AlcIIaltf, w. ., nauniEon. Or On Horses. with half circle under on loft shoulder; on tJattie, four bars connected on top on the right side Bange in Grant County. Neal. Andrew, Loue Bock, Or. Horaes A N con nected on left shonlder: cattle same on bothhipb, Nordj ke, K., Hilverion. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; wo lie. name on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon lity, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same on loft thigh, Uane in Grant county Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. B O on left trhou.dei. Olp, Herman, Piairio City, Or. On cattle, O LI' connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and warile on none. Range in Grant county, Pearson, Oltive, Flight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cuttle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 'M on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker 4 Gloasou, Hardmaii, Or, Horses IP on I' ft shoulder. Piper, Eriie t, Lexington. Or, HoreB brand e .E (L E connected) oi. left shouider ; cattle s me on light hip. Range, Morrow oounti'. Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. -Horses, con neciod o. left Bhoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bii in each ear. Bettys, A. C, ione, Or,; horses diamond P ou shoulder; cattle, j HJ isonnected, ou the left hip, tipper slope in left oar aud sliu in the right. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, JP eou. tiec ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected ou left hip, two under half crops, out ou each wtr, wattle under throat, liai geiu Grant county. Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square cn.'Mr with (juarter-circle over it on left stifle. Bellinger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 B on left uhouldoj. Bice. lan, Hardman, Or.; hoises, throe panel worm fence on left shoulder; eaUlo, DAM on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. Roy sb, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop otf right ear. Range in Mor row county. Bush BroB., Heppner, Or. HorBes branded 2 un the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup crop oil lett car and dewlap on neck. Bange it Morrow and adjoining counties. Bust, William, Ridge, Or. Horses B on left shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil rilit ear, underbit on left ear. Hheep, R on weathert-, round crop oft rit;h ear. Range Urns tiliaand Morrow o mnties. Reaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horfvs branded A Ii on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle sumo on right h:p. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HB oonnected with quarter circle over top on cuttle on right hip and crop ofl right ear and Bpht iu left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Harrow Grant and Gilliam countiea. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or, IfortiOb, JG oi. left shoulder. Caitlu, nun right hip, Spicknall, J. W, Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded al on left shoulder; lange in Morrow con i ity. Baiting, C 0 Heppnor, Or Horses branded B A on left shotdder; cattle same on left hip. Kwaggart, B. F Lexington, Or.-Hurans with dash under it, on left etitie. cattle H with uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. liange in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties, Bwnggart, A. L.,Atheua. Or. Horses brande' 2 on left shoulder; cot tie same on left hip. Croc on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Htraight W. E., Heppner, Or, Horses shaded J U on lei stifle; cattle J Son left hip, shallow fork in ngh ear, underbit in left. bapp. Tints., Uepimer, Or. Uorsos, B A P uu left hip; cattl. same on left hip. bhnor.John, Fox, Or. ISO connected on horses on right hip; cattle, Bame on right hip, crop oft right ear aud under bit in left ear. Range in uraut county. Smith Bros., tJuBunville. Or. Horses, branded H. it. ou shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder feiquireB, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JU on left Bhoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam co uities. btephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses 8Soo right stitlb; cattle horizontal L un the light side Kteveneon, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle H on right hi, ; swallow-fork iu ioft ear. bwaggart.G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 14 on lett aiioulde. ; cattle. 4 on left hip. Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or.-Cattle W 0 on left up, crop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. lhompsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, e on ' ,vuo, t ion, snouiuer. 1 ipnets.S. I fc.ni erpnse,Or. Horses. C- -on left Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T leit shouldei horses; cattle name on left Iud Willi Alillt in h.tK auvu r with split in bolli ear. lhi.mtuu, H. M., lone, Or.-HorBes branded H I uouueutal un leftHtitiei Bhoeu same brand. Vnuderuoul, H. T Lena, Or; HorBes HV oon uecled on right ehoQlder;oattl, saiae on right Walbridue. Wm.. Heppner. Or. HorsoB, 0 L. ou ihe lull shoulder; cuttle same uu right hip. crop on left ear aud right ear lopped. Wileun, John Qit juiem or lleppuer, Or. JlorsoB branded Jij on the left Bhoulder. itauee Morrow countj1. W aneu.VV B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left Bide, split iu riarlil ear. Hore same bra.id ou left Bhoulder. Kaugein Brant couutv. Wright, hilaB A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded VV on the right hip. square crop ott right ear and split in left. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-HorseB branded ace of spade on leit shoulder and left hip I al tie branded same on left side and left hip. W ells. A. tt., Heppner, Or.-Horsee, on left shoulder- can same . vu WolQnger, John, John Day City, Or On horaaa three parallel bare on left Bhoolder; 7 ou sneep, ontiea Unmt and Malha Woodward, John, Heppner, Or.-Hen.es, DP connected on left shoulder. r Watkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horees branded Uh connected on left stifle. Wallace Charles. Portland, Or.-Cattle, W on riKhuhigh.holnnleft ear; horses, W on right ahoulaer. sorn. same on lefr shoulder. Whiltier BriiF., nnnimgion, baker Co.. Or. -Horses branded W B oouueoteu on left shoulder Williams, V'asco, namllton. Or. Quarter oir cle over tliree bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Kauire Grant county. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or-fiorses, qui,r ter circle over three bare on left hip; outUe same an.) sin m each ear Kange in Hranl oonnly . Wirn' m BPP"er. Or.-UorsoB runningi A on shoulder: Came, same ..t, right hi,,. ..Walker Elizabeth 4 8ons, Hardman Or -t attle branded (K W connected) EW on left side, hunae same on right shoulder. J. W Wi. kers catil", same on lelt hip, hon-el sama on lett shoulder. All range lu Morrow count. T8;J;i,v,?hr.ry0r-H,,hd,