NUTIGE TO ADVERTIHKKH. 'PHOSK (.wiring the limertloti of display .Via. I orrlmiiKi wtnio. imiHt Kot their -o untie. their or in i ..niutr thHii Monday eveninir for Tm.lRv'i I p Jltion.or Thu rainy evening for Friday wli- I tioa. The I'atteiwom PurlihhinuCo. NOiiCK. I i 1. Th Hum of nve centi per Hue will beiWIWU'' "r- un in cerium iuai n ahAteA fur "cards of thauka," resolution! ot . rHiMX't," Huts of wedding pivwuts and donoin, uu orniuary nuiiem, turner umu iiiuae laeeuu or MtiH.ll himself give an a matter of news,) and uottceHof aieclal meetings fur whatever purpoae. I, Notices of church and society and all other entertain menu from which revenue Is to be de rived, nhiill be charged for at the rate of five bents a line. Theae rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. AdvertiHlug rates reasonable and made known ufou application. We hold each and every correspondent re spomdble for his or her communication. No corrcHiHMideuce will be published unless the writer real name Is sigued as an evidence of good faith. P. F1HHEK, NEWKl'Al'fill ADVEKTJ8- ltiK Aueut. i Alcrchauts fcxclmntttj. ban Francisco, is our authorized aKeut. 'Ibis paper Is kept on tile iu hisouice. TIME TABLE. huge for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Uanyou City, leaves aa follow. : Every day at 6 a. in., except buuday. A rrl ves every day at 6 p. m.t except Monday. Hie cheapebt, quickest and beat Hue to or from the interior counlry. J. 8. DELKVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. (Jive your business to heppner people, and therefore iuimI to build up Hepp ner. i'atronize those who patronize you. Here and There Hood 'a Pills cure biliousness. Loe Tillurd came over Friday last on business. Cull a meeting to scouring mill mutter. look after the Mrs. Jas. MoHaley is improving rapid ly (ram her reoeut illness. VV. 11. Dunn returned to Lis old rau on the brunch lust Tuesday. The O. is giying U. S. Mursbul Grudy some pretty liurd raps. Heppner must bve (be scouring mill. So Buy our most active citizens. V. O. Buokuura departed Saturday morning (or u few days in Purtlurid. Alex Lindsay, a Hand Hollow sheep man, was Been on our streets Saturday, Tbe Heppner-Catiyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Arthur Smith will clean watches at tbe reduoed price ot $1 (or the next 90 days. Dr. Shinley says that there is no diphtheria ou Black Horse all scarlet (ever. "Ten nights in a Bar Room" is a play that every one i houldsee. Opera bouse Dtc. 23rd. Don't forget "Ten nights in a Bar Boom" by looal talent one week from tomorrow night. E. H. Glaike arrived on Wednesday's train from Peud eton to look biter interests in this (section. Every man who tukes any interest iu fust stock should subscribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents, Hayes Bros, have opened their shop again,tbe trouble with H. Heppner having been settled to i he satisfaction of all. The Uuzette Kill take county scrip at face on subscription, and pay balauoe of same in cash at highest market price. 7-60 Geo. L. Fitzhugh has been appointed receiver ot the sutipeuded Walla Wullu Havings Bunk. It will not again re open. Jas. McUaley has been on tbe sick list fur some time past, though he was able to be on our streets awhile Satur day afternoon. Tho-ie who have brought in various kinds of supplies iu lieu ol oash, should oall arouud at this olliee and get credit for some if not already given. Jus. Cochran, Henry Welch Newt. Robison aud John Allen pulled out Hunduy with a big loud of supplies. They will have a rough trip buok. Huluiun, the chief of Portland's fire department, has bteu supplanted by limine!. Uolinau was churged witu unfair and disretpeotful treatment ol subordinates. Condon Globe: Mr. John Madden, of Lone Kock was iu lowu Tuesday ou busi ness. He reports his town booming and a tirst class revival iu progress there, conduo ed by KeV. Brumulet.of Heppner. Tom Pa. e, Jr., has at last hud the pspeis Served upon him iu the ouae wbioh has beeu pending tor some time It will resale in acquittal, while the expenses will pile up many hundreds of dollars. Hubert L. Hyud arrived at Eobo from bootland ou TueBduy ot lust week, reaching home Wetlnei-duy. He was in town Saturday accominuied by his partner. Win. Barrutt. Bob says even Scotland is dull. 0. N. Wagner, of Haystack, assessor of Gruut county, arrived from the inner Country yesterday, departing Ibis muru ing for Salem where he goes to attend the ass- ssor's auuual oouveution which convenes iu that oity tomorrow. Siokane Review: William Rasmus delivered u lecture ou "Frnteruites" at the Methodist taberuaoie I at eveuing, aud hIbo reoited with dramatic fervor that brought forth a round ( hearty ap plause the siory of "Shumus O'Biieu." C. S. Van Duyn received a telegram from relatives in the valley yesterday statiugtuat ids father bad beeu struck by paralysis affecting Ibe left siJe. Mr. Van Duyn's father is a resident of Coburg aud is now about 82 years of age. Some person or persons, last Satur day eveuiug, got uway with Borne obiokeus tor Mrs. Josephine Forwood. Also on the same eyeuiug, Humiltou & Freelaud's ntlioe whs pillaged, but nothing of value was taken. It was doubtless the work of mali boys. BiHy Potter and fa i ily are making arrangements to depait Tbuisduy for Hood River where they expot to make HiMir liunrH home. Billv is a good loll. iuj Boniullv. and an energetic busi nessman. His departure (rom our city ia i,. l.o mirnM.d. However, we hope thai he miv meet with suooess iu his future undertaking. A pleasant little party of frUuds and neiuhhnm Gathered in at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. Willis last Thursday evening, in honor of the recent arrival of their son, Mr. B. F Willis. Refrenb men s wereBsi ved and a pleasant limp eij ised by the participants, the Ga stetie'e editor and wife acknowledge an invitation to be present .which, unfortu nately, they were unable to accept. We hope to have a chance to get there next tini". Chas. Mallory recently received b letter from a friend back in York state in which he tells him that there is very htiu .u I- live stock of any kind. Pnriv nf milk cow". suitHble for dairy pnrpnupn. were disposed nf by noi..i,krp u 93 ner head. A rece shipment of sheep to Ne Yrk City tii.nn.iltt 1 RS i,ar head, ornsfl. He BlSO states tb-t there is absolutely no sale for t anv nrice Fn m this it will be seen that tbe East is 1bo perienoing very bard times. ex- I When on a ?init to Iowa, Mr. K " Pal ! ton, of Lura, Ru-ml. County, ai hh, .ollul -t ti,Q i ,1 ' vuui.Triii. Ja L'4i MUmi, to show tiim blfl SIX hi old boy, bad tH-en Bavw. by liHDibrrlaiii'g Ouuffb Remedy, it hating cured him of a Tery aevere attack of saved bis boy's life and is enthusiastic in ins praiBe of this remedy. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. For a tore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain's l'aiu Balm. It will nearly always effect a care ia one night's time. This remedy is bibo a (avorite for rh umatism and I as cured many very aevere cases. 60 cent bottleg for sale by Hlocum-Johnsuo Drug Co. Green Mathews shaves as before. 'J5 Joiits per shot; bailouts, four-bits. In I lie meantime his nuiueions "standoffs" are growing bigger, w hile he. himself, is (tramped for the ueceesuiies of life. A hint to some people is plenty; others have to be hit with a four year-old club. Leon W, Briggs received word Sun day announcing tbe death of his father, 0. N. Briggs, al Vancouver. Mr. Briggs was quite aged and bis death was not wholly unl inked for. Mr. Briggs left for Vuncouvet Monday to be at his funer al, and will return Thursday of this week A. W. Suling hauled in 70 saoks of grain yeateiday at one six-horse load. Luis is the laigest load of grain that has come into tieupner this full. Dr. Newell J. Ozius, of Roteburg, wnile tnking a post-graduate course iu the Eust became iuhuub. Exoesaive use of cocaine is unsigned as the cause. Mrs. 0. A Rueu left on Monday's train to opend the holidays with hereon in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Brock, of Hillsboro. Tlie infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kirk was quite siok last week, hut at piesent is much improved, Dug Gnrdaue left lust Monday morn ing (or California with a oar-load of horses. Mrs. Dr. McSwordsand child returned home from the East today. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at the Mountain House. Asylum Phtsioianh Visit HeppnilR. Yeet'rday on the noon train, Drs. Rowland, Williamson aud Richardson, of the branch asylum commission, ar rived and were met at tbe depot by a delegation of our oitizena including Mayor Simons, Hone. J. N. Brown, Henry Bluckman and others. After partaking of lunch at the Palace hotel, tbey were at once driven to the princi pal points of interest in and about Hepp ner, and (articularly to the various sites offered. The gentlemen were ao companied bere by Hon. W. F. Matlook, of Pendleton. Geographically speaking, Heppner is the nearest to the oenter of East em Oregon. Her sanitary condi tions are eqnal to the beet in tbe state. The weather report for Heppner for tbe paBt year shows tbe least variation be tween 'be highest add lowest tempera ture of any point in Eastern Or. If ohmatio conditions and healthful loca tion oouut for anytbiug, we are entitled to- the asylum. The physicians were well pleased with what they Baw, leav ing for below this morning. Tub Dallss Tal? Soocbino Mu.b'. Mr. E. Y. Jud I, of Sum Francisco, a prom iueut wool man of tbe EaBt, is In tbe oity today. It is understood be ia here for tbe purpose ot putting in a scouring mill. It would be a very judicious move indeed. The Dalles ships about 6,000, 000 pounds of wool every year, 60 per oeut. of which is dirt. There is really little sense in paying (riegbt on 3.000,000 pounds of dirt annually. Chronicle. A Beautiful Pkesent. Rev. W. E Potwine received (rom Fort Bowie, Ariz., a box containing a handsome Navajo blanket, a present from Capt. Fowler, formerly stuiiooed at Fort Walla Walla. The material oousists ot very floe, long wool, aud the blanket is txceptionully heuvv. The design is a beautiful one, aud iff it da evidence of the skill attained iu weaviug by tbe Nuvi jo Indiana. The reoipieut values the gift highly. (SOCIETY UATIER8. Our Various Orders and What Tliey Doing Keceut Elections. At the regular communication of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., lust Saturday evening, the following officers were elected: J. W. Morrow, W. M. ; Heury Bluckman, S W.; J. W. Rasmus, J. W. ; E. G. Sloan, Trees.; Geo. Oouser, Sec; R. C. Hart, Tyler. The Worshipful Master, elect, also tbe present iuoumbt-nt, appointed T. W. Ayers, Jr., S. D., while tbe Senior Warden elect, appointed Geo. W. Wells as J. D. The lodge closed with an elegunt repast of o) store, pickhd pigs feet, etc, fol lowed by ciguis at the expeuse of the sucoesstul candidates. The installation will occur on tbe 27th inst. THB CUAFI'EB. At a regular oonvooution of Heppner Chapter No. 26, R A. M., last Tuesday evening, the following were elected: P. O. Borg, M. E. H. P. ; Frank Gilliam, E. K j P. C. Thompson, E. 8.; J. A. Patterson, C. C. H.; Frank Sloan, P. 8.; Olis Patterson, R. A. C; Geo. Noble, G. M. 1st V. ; J. W. Morrow, G. M. 2nd V. ; J W. Vuughau, G. M. 3rd V.; E G. Sloan, Trea-i ; Geo. Oouser, 8ec ; 0. A. Rbea, Sentinel The Dewly elected officers will be installed on Saturday evening, Jeo. 23rd, at 6:30 p. m., sharp. All cum unions of Ibis Chapter are txptcud to be present. A. 0. U. W. At a receut meeting of tbe A. O. U. W , uf this oity, the following officers w,-rH chosen: J. L. Yeager. M. W.; J. C. Bull, Foreman; Will Walbridge, Overseer; E. R. Bishop, Recorder; J. W. Matlock, Finanoier; Geo. Conser, Re ceiver; J. D. Hamilton, Guide; W. P. Scnvner, Pust Muster; D. W. Hornor, Inner Watchman; T. W. Ayera Jr., Outer Watchman. I. O. O. F. At a recent meeting of the I. O. O. F. Lodge of this city, the following officers were tleoted for the coming teim: Joe Hayes, N. G ; Albert Blocum, V. G.; Mat Liohtentbal, Treas.; J. D. Hamilton, beo. Mr. S. L. Salter A well known photographer ot Merced, Cat, testifies: "My Uoe and body were covered with red blotches which disfigured me and caut d much suffering. Other medicines (ailed to kelp my cue, but after taktnz four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I am entirely free (rom any blotches and am perfectly well." KGOO'S CURES. Hood's Pills ro purely v:getabl and Carefully prepared. 25c Try a box. 1 TT TA A 1 1 l xiair ueain ivftantly removti and forever dentroyt ob jectionable hair, whether vpon hands, face, arm or neck, tvuTiaur discoloration or v jury to the most delicate skin. It was for tllty yeara the secret formula of Eraflmui Wilson, acknowledged by pbyslclana as the hlKnest authority aud the most emi nent dermatologist and balr specialist that ever lived. During his practice of a life-time among the nobility and aris tocracy of Europe be precrlbed this rec ipe. Price tl by mail, securely packed. Correspondence con fidential. Bole AgeutB lor America. Aaaress. r The kookum Root Hair Grower Co. I I Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New S ! York. Rip'b Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, tinder the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00, Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. "How to Cure All Bklu Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne'a Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cares tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe face, hands, nose, ic, leaving the skin clear, white and healthly. Its great healing and ouratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drag gist tor Swayne'a Ointment. sw 1 yr. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'B. a "Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a ThomDSon & Binns own the buss whiob goes to and from the Palace hotel, but will oall for oarties desiring to so to train in any part of the -oity. ; Leave orders at Oity hotel. - V. If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff obeap, go to Ibe Enterprise Grooery. Kirk s Ruhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the Uian to fix up your watuh or cloox. ue Keeps a iuii stock of everything pertaining to biB business' a M. Liohtentbal & Co.'s new stock of spleudid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attraoting mar ed attention. a Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and renairer of many years' expert enoe. has just located in tbe Abraham- siol' Oiiilding, on May street, where be is oreuured to do eveiy thing in his line. Vli Birbeck is strictly a nrst-ciass worn- man and warrants all work. Give bim a call Wwtf HE SOLD HIS TEETH. Having Nothing to Kat They Were of Xo Use to Their Owuer. South street pawnbroker was on Saturday when a poorly man walked in and, putting his hand to his mouth, drew forth a looking set of falso tooth, which he laid on tho coun tor, says tno Philadel phia North American. "Well, what is it?" gasped the pawn broker, when ho rccovored his breath, "What can I got on 'cm?" said the man, carelessly nodding toward the teeth. "What! on your tooth?" "Yes, on my toeth." "Why, man, you won't bo able to sat." "t know that." "You do, eh?" "Yos, perfectly. I can't got any thing to eat. Consequently my toeth are of no use to mo. lis true I might keep thorn for ornamental purposes, but be ing a poor man I can't afford that. Then, again, whon I got angry I might Indicato that such was tho fact by 'showing my toeth,' hut alasl that doesn't pay, either." As the shades of night began to fall the two, the pawnbroker and the man, were still negotiating, the man trying to argue the superior quality of the molars and the pawnbroker persuasively proving that toeth were really a drug Is the market. - Wlnti-r l:i 1 inland. Finns have to battle with the hard ness of Arctic winter from November until May, and the ice dui inff this dark period blocks all trade with foreirrn countries. To remedy this the Finnish government has had an ico-brcaker specially constructed strong enough to force the i-evcrest ot ice, anu, uuuouu it cost upwards of 1,000,000 marks, the Finns do not regret the money. Hood's and Only flood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla is csrefnlly pre pared from SarBapsrilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsusewa, Juniyier berries and other well known lemedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion and orocess, giving to Hood's rjarHu parilla enrative powers not possessed hy other medicines. It eflects remarkable onrcB when other preparations fail. Why suffer w-itb dyspepsia, biliousness or any disease of the lier when you nan be cured bv Simmons Liver Regu lator. -mi' A.T i i i - McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner, Oregon. Now is tbe time to make your money oount. Our whole stock of Prv Oc ods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will he sold at wholesale prices (or cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on a few lines. Our WHOLE KTOCK goes at snob reduoed figures that the per son needing supplies for ousb oau be made happy. If yon wish to save your money send in orders by mail or oall in person. We are giving discounts on per oent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 33 Men's sod Boys' Hats 80 Women's and Children's 8hoes,25 to 30 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestics...'. , . 20 All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solioited, oasb with orders. Shipments of wool received as oash. very YOUR ATTENTION! Jz want it for a moment to inform you that ' " the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's is. The stock is clean and fresh, having been largely increased with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. S. S. Hornor, Salesman. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm, of M. , Cost for Call and Secure .. iii HOW SOLDIERS DRESS. Indian Fighters Pay Very Little Attention to Their Clothes. Whu. fighting the Indians the sol diers pay but little attention to the clothes they wear, says the New York Morning Journal, and to the inexperi enced man of the East d private would hardly be recognized as one of Uncle Sam's gallant army should he run across him accidentally. When the soldiers start out on an In dian campaign the bright blue uniform is usually discarded for a suit of brown goods, very much like the cloth of which overalls are made. The regulation army cap is discarded, and in its place a jraylsh slouch hat is substituted, which is much easier on the head, and pro tects the eyes from the glare of the sun. The soldiers take a great pride. In their uniforms, and not only when fight ing, but when .on long marches do they don the brown suit which docs not show the dirt, and they wouldn't care if it did. It is impossible to keep a blue uni form looking half-wny decent, half a day's march being r,iutu sufficient to make it look as thouj'li it had been worn for years. The ofhVers an well as the privates wear the sh-.u h hut, and a regi ment out in the Indian country, under any circumstances, presents a very unique appearance. At a distance nn oilier looks about the same ns a private, except that he has no gim, and espcblly in winter time it i difficult to distinguish them. Everybody wears t'le warmest clothes he can find regardless of uniform. If u soldier has a bulTul i tout he is very lia ble to wear it if the mercury is saun tering down about twenty or thirty de grees below 7.ero. Another rather unique affair worn by the soldiers is what is called the Cali fornia over-biiocs. They ani nothing more nor less than a lartre piece of jute tied up over the font and leg and as high up as the knee. This Is a great guard aguiiiht the r:uv and cold, and the soldiers prefer it to any thing else they can find. About the neck is worn a handkerchief tied in a simple knot, which, among the cavalrymen, invaria bly Jolts around to the back of the col lar, though originally tied in front. In cold weather another handkerchief is tied over the head and ears and tied In a knot under the chin, A slouch hai i held on by a strin;.', visually tied to the band aud then brought down tlirough holes on either side of tho brim and passed under the back of the head. In a company of one hundred men til most every style of rou(.'h costume Im aginable can be seen, most of wiilch is covered with grease and dirt. Tbe more frreur.0 the better, rs it is saiduot until the old brown oven i:-, are well smeared with all Fort 4 . f ti ii.'k do they become really wh rni, and they never wear mjt. Coughs and ooldi kept off by taking , gjmmung LjTer Regulator to regulate the system. BUNKS per cent. off. Hosiery 30 Men's Oversbirts and Furnish ing Goods 30 Hardware 20 to 2t5 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 espeotrniiy, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. Sale, at way-down pri- Geo. Conser, Assignee. sw OH ALL STOCK. Liohtenthal Cash- & Co.. at a Good Bargain. 'I1. Q'UTIID, ; Assignee. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . A PREVAILING VICE. or the Dangers or Self-Doe tor Ing In Epidemics. Self-doctoring is always dangerous except for the simplost ailments. Fe' persons understand the significance c their symptoms; the difficulty of doing so is greatly incroased by tho complex nature of most diseases, and the modifi cation of treatment demanded by in dividual temperament and hereditary tendencies. Even if the patient knowr what ails him, he is not likely to know tho remedy, tbe sine and frequency of the dose, and the propor regulation of the diet In connection with it. How profound Is tbe general Ignor ance upon this subject is shown by the enormous consumption of quack medi cines. Multitudes of people try one nostrum after another in utter blind ness. If all suoh compounds were thrown Into the sea, it would save every year millions of dollars and thousands of lives. During tbe prevalence of a widespread epidomio, self-doctoring becomes pecul iarly perilous. Fear is In the air, and is more contagious than small-pox itself. Under its influence men fly to drugs, either to ward off the dreaded attack, or to oure a disease which very likely ex ists only in the patient's excited imag ination. The Impaired condition of the system under this ill-advised dosing in vites the very attack whioh the dosing was intended to avert. The newspapers announce that a par ticular drug Is boing employed byd's tlnguished physicians; it is extensively advertised, and a oreduloug public makes haste to procure it In many suoh cases the drug in question is merely being experimented with cautiously by the physicians, and likely enough, whon they come to compare notes with each other afterward, It Is discarded altogether. It may moot one symptom of the disease, but on the , whole prove to be attended with great danger. Again, In most epidemics, there are various types of the prevailing disease. This was emlnontly true of the late in fluenza. In many cases the special seat of It was the lungs and air passage; in others, the brain; in a third class, the digestive tract. Of course the remedy needed to be adapted to the particular type. Further, it needed to be adapted to the stage of the disease. A prescrip tion appropriate to the fever stage might be very harmful in the later stage of marked depression. . - . But the people took bo cognizance of these fundamental facts. One of the Irugs most in use was quinine an effective remedy in its place, but a peril ous one out of its place. Though its Vst effeot is to stimulate, its la tar effect Is greatly to depress. Nothing could be more hazardous than to administer it in tbe later s'ago of so depressing a disease as iniuenza. A writer in the Medical Advance believes that nearly all the more dangerous symptoms in this epidemic were due to tbeladlorlminate 'is of quinine. p. g. jpOHQPSOI (go, Uaving put their business upon a tern porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known in Heppner. We mast get our stock into money, and profits are no objeot when the money comes in sight. Sbake year oash at us and Bee us tumble. 1 1 w THE PEOPLE OUR Not only once, but again and again. The; know that from ni they always get fall weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we Bell the best is ex plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends, and bo establishes our trade. We want yon to have some of oar friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Coma in and see us, everybody. y IKTOR Hi BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN- J ewelry, Cash Talks SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. The kh Institute -OF- KIRK & RTJHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keepon band a full line of STA.PLJE A.2STD FANCY -f Erraceries and Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread j In fact everything that la usually kept in a first-class bakery Btore. They will Bell obeap foi cash. Call ann try them. aw RIPANS TABULES! Disease oommonly comes on with slight symptoms, whioh when negleoted in orease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you 81'FFER PROM HEADACHE, hk,take If you are Bl I.IOL'S, CONBTI PATED or have A IHaOKDKKKUUYEIt, . ta kh If your COMPLEXION 18 SALLOW or T1fff you HUFPKR DISTKESS sfter raitiiii ig. For OFFENSIVE BREATH snd ALL TAl. DIDAMO TADIII rf DIHOKDKKS OF THK STOMACH, Ulr ANb I ABULLo. Ripans Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomaoh and intes tines; cleanse the svsiera effectually ; oure dyspepniu, habitual onnstipation, offens ive breath and heBdache. One Tabulb tuken at the first ndioation of indigestion biliousness, distress sfter eating or depression of spirits will surely and anioklv remove the whole difficulty. i Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely nsed by the best pbysioiBna, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; tbey contain nothing injurious ana are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A qnarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents by the wholesale and retuil agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., I'OHTLAMJ, OHBOON. Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill Samplis r"r on. application to TTorlc H. A. Thompson A E B THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPUIETOUS Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below CoBln 4 MeFurland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 26 cts. at O. C. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled bay always on band. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol' MANCIIKHT ICM, ENQbAND A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT Pot t IDBt JL tJ Worlrt ARE COMING- WAY! Heppner, Oregon, : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Trust Busts For the Cure oA Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., JTie Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast, Call st the Gazbttk office for particulars. Strictly conBdentls.1. Treatment private and sure cure. ripans TABULES. RIPANS TABULES. DIDAMC TADIII r0 I til HIHJ I HDULCO, tlia XSlpsuM Chemiesil Co, XTo-w City.