IKE HVMW Jr0 SELL YOU WM 8 Q : One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.s 160-ACRBS .DBBDBDsieO 8, CTJND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoiuing, of which deeded land tL.re are 140 nctee go. d farming laud, and the balance A 1 pasture. e Ji. fence. Situated two mileaweatef Hardman. Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and mi easy terras. T t Will spU on easy terms. A good rustler can pay Deeded ranch, 160 acres bow wbnfftlinc owner liveBiu the Kant and has no uae for it. for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, om i For further information call at our office. TTBRSON JXJB. Give your business to Heppner people and therefore waist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize ion. We hold each and vary correspondent re iponslble lor his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name Is signed as an evidence of good faith. Did son ever Read about the Mun wlio Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. All the HoiJe schemes In the country Will not accomplish Half as mnch As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Unes its a puce Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. .3 JS3 UP TOO LATE. It is bard to nnderstaud what Sen ator Voorbees means by introducing bis silvor-coinaue bill, unless it is done in the way of penance or atonement for bia unsavory record on tbe repeal bill. Bin Havs tbnt.he did it without oonsnlta Bserliun that 11 is not an aumiuistralion measure. It is well known that the silver men have not asked for Buoh a milk-and-oider coinage bill, and will not aooept it bs an interpretation of their desires. The silver light has progressed to a stage beyond oomproinise or con cession. If Senator Voorbees intends his bill to be sop for the mining camps, he may as well understand that the silver advocates outside of the mining oamps will not be tricked into any more oom promises. The silver question is one of national importance and baa grown too large to be oonflned within tbe mining localities. It is a question that affects every industrial pursuit from one end of the country to the other, and there wilj be no let up In the agitation of this question until we have free and unlimit- ed ooinage of both gold and silver. Seeing that there is hardly a bare possibility of getting bis bill through oongres, we fail to see Mr. VoorlieeB object m presenting it at this time. ma explanation is that he desires to help the treasury out of its deficiency whioh is equivalent to acknowledge that the government oaunot depend upon its gold supply. That truth was paten when Vourhees reported the repeal bill from the flounce oommittee as it is now ana oelore allowing the repeal bill to pass bo should have submittej a substi tute providing for what he now admits is an absolute necessity. It was bis duty as chairman of the Queues com mittce to have protected the treasury from the deplorable oonditiou of affairs which bus been oreated by tbe passage of the repeal bill. It is evident tuat Mr. Voorbees is a hind sighted statesman If bis foresight had been worth a nickle, be must have seeu that the passage of the repeal bill without a substitute providing for silver ooinage would sooner or later buukurpt the treasury. The danger was pointed out to bim by bis democratic assooiutes on the finance committee, but ho was ao druuken with the wine of administration favor that he failed to realise the danger in time to avert it. Telegram. to take advantage of tbe opportunity to have a scouring mill located here we will be tbe losers, and to an extent not fully appreciated at present by the most active boeinoss man of our place. If this atook can be raised at Heppner, why not go to work at onoe and get tbe amount, $6,000, subsoribed and prooe d at once to notify Messrs. Judd & Fell that we have acoepted their propoaition? They pledge a return of 10 per cent per annum on preferred atook taken in the enterprise, and considering the many advantages it will bring indirectly to our own town, it seems that there should be no difficulty in bringing about the speedy consummation of the scour ing mill proposition. Our best men say that is true and we believe tbem. Start this ball rolling, and never stop. Tbe eoouring mill is worth two branoh insane Bsylums. If we don't keep our eyes open and act quickly, Pendleton may aeoure the prize. We cannot afford it, and should not permit this to oome about. ELLIS WWOOL. The Oregon Pacifio has been sold fur $200,000. An unfluiahed bridge fell at Louisville, Ky., last week, killing and mntming A number. The loss is $150,000. THAT SCUURIXO MILL. A oauvass of our leading business and ntooknieu shows that tbe idea of loontiug a soounng mill at Deppner is not dead, by any means. Many leading citizens do not hesitate in saying that the propo sition of II. Y. Judd and T. E. Fell will be accepted and the stock raised if they have au opportunity to act on tbe proposition made tbem recently by the nboye-nanied gent.eman. Heppner is one of the largest shipping poiuts for wool iu the Northwest, and the new couditious under which wool must sonu be raised, judging from the tem r of congress, everything possible to reduce the expense of growing it and tupping to market, must be dons. It Heppner keeps abreast of the times ami puts iu a securing mill to aooomuiodute the woolgrowers, it will not only hold its large business but gain immensely over tbe shipments of any seasou since rail r jad couuectioua were made with Hepp ner. On tha other hand, should we fail Kepresentative Ellis is reported by tbe Washington correspondent ot the Oregonian to have expressed himself on the wool question as follows: Kepresentative Ellis says that tbe re sults of the Wilson tariff bill will be seri us blow to the interests of Oregon He speaks more particularly ot tbe east ern portion of tbe state, that seotio where tbe soil is rather thin and will not grow crops very well, nor furnish pasturage for horses and cattle but is ex oellent for sheep. He saya the peopl who havn been living in these regions have made the sheep industry a great thing for their section, but the introduc tiou of wool of all kinds free of duty will practically make it impossible to raise wool, as tbe farmers of that section vioiously attaoked in the Wilson bill but none wbiob will suffer so severely as the wool industry. Mr. Ellis spoke especially of lumber wbioh goes on the tree list, and of tbe difference it will make to the great lumber producing sections of the state. He was far more couoerned about the sheep industry winoli tie said bad received suoh a blow from this bill that it will take many years ror the people to reoover. It ii observed that while the Wilson bill puts wool on the free list that protection retained on manufactured woolens, Ibis is one of the most inexplicable things about the democratic dootrine mini tue introduction ot rree raw ma teriHl, which injured the home produo ers, and the retention of the tariff upon the manufactured produot, whioh in- creases the price to the home oonsumer Fiuiu telegraphic reports itseems that Dolph attempted to steal tbe credit the extension bill introduced aim paused lutlin house by theeffins of Congress man Ellis. This is no surprise tojmany however, as it is one of his old tricks Uolph even tried to steiil the Chinese einh'sion bill from O ingresHmiin ("iirv ni r'ui;r ..i... . .. ' 1,'imn,. i iuii nine or hip niR sage of this bill its constitutionality was questioned. In behalf of the uunie Dolph came out iu a lengthy iuterview saying ne hail spent a loug time and ooisiderable researoh in formulating this bill and was therefore very oonfiden mat it was constitutional. Now the tact is that Dolph never thought o! such a measure until introduced by the California congressman, though he did afterward introduoe a similar mess lire in the seuate about tbe timo Geary oui passed the house, and attempted to nave the lattor set aside and his nro- ouctiou or "uinob time and rernli'( passed m its stead. He not only failed in tins attempt, but gained tbe universal hatred of tbe entire press and people of our sister Btate, who since have never a good word for bim. Oreat is D.ilnli ihk .telegram iu a recent issue labors to show that free wool means prosperity to the woolirrowers. In th fun tubborn facts, this talk is sheer nou -mac nunuuiiHu wools, equal to our best, is selling to Euglisb and Sootcb mills at 30 oenta a aooured pound. Ou a free Wade basia we must take world's prices, an i this means from 5,W to 0' oents a pound for woil at Heppner, or, u Met, at the metropolis of any wool growing section of the. West. Iu the hast the increase over this will be off. set by the increase in the ooat of produo ion there over this section. We hsv ad plenty of experience this year eell- iu ou a tree trade basis, and our oouutry is almost mined. Tim Western 'territories will be ad mitted as states and tha U'mi. rn fa. nblieans will assist in makiog them ucli. If matters not abont th ,,iiu. the more Western states the better. The Eastern republicans are making a great mistake in this matter as they did in helping the Cleveland crowd contraot the ourreuoy of our country $30,000,000 yearly. Oi'NaiiKtisMnN Byncm says he r-ari't run for ofBoe in Indiana nguiu in the face of Cleveland's pension policy. It is thought that Minister Willis, .f Hawaiian fame, may resigi., thoniih this seems to be merely oonjjc'are. Al.m.lNDEll WilITK, of Dallas, Ti las, who was at one time chief justice i f Utah, died last Tuesday morning. Utah, Arizona and New Mexioo will probably be given the coat of statehood during the present session of congress. Tub Salem Statesman Is bitterly op posed to .be spirit being manifested by a few men of Salem towards the locution of state institutions in parts of the sWte other than tbe capitol city. The States man has always protested against 'his selfish move and in justice to it the papers of the state should give ;t due credit. Voorhkks silver measure provides for the coinage of the seignorage, then alter this is completed to resume silver pur chases to tbe amount of $2,000,000 per month. It also provides for tbe with- drnwal of all gold pieces and notes un der $10. The proposition is to free the use of silver in all transactions. Like the Sherman law. it is sop to tbe hiinetiil lists. Daniel oan never regain his lust position by such propositions. His bill will never be beard from again PATENTS! .NOTICE TO INVENTORS. LOCAL MARKET KEPOHT. 85 300 ULisvBLAND g Hawaiian message was given to congress yesterday. His main defense for hie recent attempt to restore the queeu was the fact tb.tt Minister stpvena nrton en abrK-XHtinniat flul WS tiling about closer relations between nawiui and Uncle Sim. Granted that this was the cose, it was uo great crime, and at any rate, it doesn't justify Cleve land's attempt to destroy the American viriiumiuii uuu mummies tuat now exists ou those islands nor his ntteinpt to re-instnte the "nigger qneeu". uttM for admitting into the Union both DtBh Bed Arizona have passed tne bouse and now go to the senate, where the latter will pass iu duo rorm. I tie Utah bill, however, will be strongly opposed in the upper house. for notwithstanding the faot that po. ijgsmy is reported to be dead in that territory, many believe it only tempora rily so, aud should the Mormon's home be admitted to statehood, they would soon gain control of the state orgumza- tion, when polygamy would again be openly taught and praotioed as one of the tenets of Mormoiidom, though the bill will probibly pass that b idv. Accnfkiibnob of lesdiog silver men of he country, to devise ways of continu ing the fight for free silver, npu?l oa the 15tu iust. at Washington. Anring those present were: Generals Weaver and Field, of Iowa; Stewart, of Nevada; Kolb, of Alabama, Moretou Frewen. the British authority on biontallisni. General Muster Workman Sovereign i.i expeateJ later. About 50 iu all -Atrs present, representing the bone and sinew of a silver movement. (at.ral Weaver says the conference will proba bly last several days, aud will be a very thorough canvass of the silnstion. The conference is being held with e!.,.,l doors. Mr. .1. P. BlHize. an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, lows, narrowly escaped one of the severest attacks of puenminia while in the uoriuern pari ot mat state dniiug a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. B'aize had nvmlm, i drive several miles duriug the storm and was so lliorouglily chi ed Hint h o.u unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he was thre.itene.-i with a severe oasr of pneumonia nr lm, ever. Mr. Ulaize sent In tho nc.,.. t drug store and got a bottle of Cuarolier- aiu s Uougb Hemedv. of whieh l,u h,i often heard, and to k a number of Inrge doses. He says the effect was wonder ful and in a short time he easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. lilaize tesar.U cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Slooum Johuson Drug Co. There was never a time in the history of our country when tbe demand f"r inventions and improvements in the s'ts and soienoee generally was bo great as now. The conveniences ot mankind in the faotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in offieial life, require continual accessions to the appurtenance and implimeuts of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political obange in the Bduiinistra on government does not affect the progress of tbe American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive tbe exiating deficiencies, does not permit tbe affaire of government to de ter him from quickly conceiving tbe remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare oaunot be exer- oised in oboosiug a oompetent and skill ful attorney to prepare and proseonte an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in Innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust tbeir business to this clasa of attorneys do so at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never ecu sidered in view of a quiok endeavor to get on allowance and obtain the fee. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderbnrn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C, representing s large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to protect its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of busines8.ThesidCun patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, inoluding me obanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any firm in securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. Joun Wedderbukn. 618 F Street, P. O. Box 885. Washington, D. 0. Wheat, bu . 1,1,1 s 6o a Beeves, oow's' A two-year-olds, owtl 50 " " three 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead .... I 60 2 25 M stocx w t ' : : Hogs, ou foot, cwt " Hogs, dressed ' Wool. 6 & 10 Hnrsen. slow sale. Butter, roll 50 Eggs,doz M Chickens, doz o w Turkeys CALIFORNIA MABKKT. Wheat, cwt $1 03 61 08 Flour, bbl 8 00(8 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (tf 6 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt i 50 5 2j Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 12 Butter, lb 25 80 Eggs, doz 200 25 Chiokens, doz 5 00 600 Turkeys, lb IB W I'OKTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt 8,") 95 Flour, bbl 2 90 0315 Beeves, cwt 1 75 2 75 " dreased 8 50(3 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 (ii, 3 00 dressed 5 75 & 6 00 Hogs, on foot 50 o 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 0 H Butter 200 30 Eggs, doz 27 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (S 4 50 Turkeys lb 15 17 Sheriff's Sale. .TirnrK IS HKREBY GIVKN THAT UNDER IN and by virtue of au execution lSHijed out ol tne utrcim uoun or ine ouue 01 uregou lur the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered upon judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 20th day of May 1W6, in favor of W. B. Cunninghams, Plaintiff, and airalnit J. I). Ball. Defendant, for the sum ol Seven Hundred and Ten Doltam, and for the further sum of Two Dollars daniHtten and cents, which judgment wa8 enrolled and docketed In the clerk's orhce of Haid Court iu said County on the 20tti day of May 1886. And thereafter on November 27th, 1886, said judgment whs duly assigned ana transieren irom tne saui vt. u. Stockholders Meeting. TVjOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 annual meeting of the Stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner will be held at its banking house ou the second Tuesday of Jan 18!M, between the time ol 10 a. m., and 4 p. m of said day, for the purpose of electing directors and attending to such other hiiaii,.i y come before the meeting. ED. K. Bishop, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 2, 1893. sa-tf. Notice. TvTOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a annual meetine nr Mtnoir hnin... f HenDner Buildinir .it linn i..,uiinn ...m held at Its ptnee in Heppner on the second Tuesday of January, 18SI, between the hours of 10 a. lu. and 4 d. m. of hum rtv fr th -.,...,., ouvi nttcuu 10 sucn omer business as may come before the meeting. au. n. BISHOP, secretary. 85-tf. Cunninghame to wm. Hughes for a valuable consideration, ana mere ueing non uue on said Judgment the sum of Two Hundred and in b t'eiu. per annum on'thJ'itni-i,.A J?.,rB Hundred and Ten Dollars from the Wth day of ...... in i we uttjr oi iieceuiDer, ikw, to- Kewier vvmi uncrcBi ai tue rate ol 8 cent, per ...cnumui w,., nuuurwi ami j en Dollarsfrom 28th dav of nenainhpr lxxl tll paid, and for the further sura of Two Dollars costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, on Saturday the at the Court house door in Heppner, Morrow County and atate of Oregon, all the right title and Interest which the said J. D. Ball, Defend ant had on or after the 20th day of May 1886 in or to the following described premises, to-wif Hie south East quarter of Hec. Eleven (11) in Township Three South of Range Twenty-three (23) East of W. M., in Morrow County, state of Oregon, and contains 1 60 acres. Dated at llcuu ner this 8th day of November, 18M. PP 178-187 Sheriff of Morrow cuu'nty'oregon Sheriff's Sale. NorrcE under Heppner, Or., Dec., 2, 1893. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THER will he a mpat no, nf tha nnuk..i the First National Bank, of Heppner, at their pittce on the second Tuesday of Jan. 1891 be tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o clock p ni of said day for the purpose of electing directors and the transactloa of such other business as may appear. Geo. Con.hkh, Cashier. 86-tf. IS HERKHY f!IVPM fa.t, ier and bv virtin- of h,i Y,.!nn ! , out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Sm?,:iil'ere!',up"n " JdR'ent renderedand ?2Jf .ed.'" "Wc""" " the 7th day of Sept fndu,,t '7- .hi""?' "V. ne- Thi; , n"S ".""'S' r.'"e u?ared am ....... ....vv gnu oeventy-nve cents ami inr me lurther sum of Klfty Dollars attorneys fees and Twenty-two Dollars and Fourteen cents costs, and. whereas by said judgment it was ordered and anjudged that the following described real nrnn.rt The North East quarter of Section Twenty-six n Township two North of Ran T., Sv."'' .oldt0,o ;Z ?. e SJI&SS?. J,. '.". Haiur'day te23d"C, j . . ,',low,tolle o clock p. m of naif) day. at the front door or th I: L8" u lleppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, sell therlgh ; title ?r.oceed. 10 l applied to the satisfaction nf vaccr ,10'' ""1 a" C08"' "1 costs thii fiu-ft KT ,?hM fl,?Morrow Co"W. Oregon. 182- Dated Nov. 22, im'. SHEEPMEN! EAULKT8. From our Lon Creek Taper. The political bee is btmina in mm,- an eur at present. Several freight teams left ihia n.i, for Heppner after freight. J. B. Keeney. father of Ed K this eity. has about reoovered from bis recent illness. Petty thieving in the naiahWhn.1 baa not been indulged In muob of late as a tew weeks einoe. Grand Lecturer Bushes is exrxx-teil n visit Long Creek Lodge, No. 90, A. F A. M in tbe near future. O. W. Dart, merohant of John T recently departed for rjonthsrn Keep your sheep healthy and in. sure a good clip by using Hay ward's Sheep Dip. iiie--x asie inn mixes wlfh ni,u Cold or Warm Water. wJh?wd?if';j!: ,"onou. ""pro, CHRISTY & WISE. seK.?s,alTF'r'a?,aelhSn''- F'"h and Town Sole Paclflc Coast Agents. 59 lm sw ho Oregon (or bi health, located at Ashlaod is oonifortabljr HKST AWARD AT CHICAGO. Sheepmen will be interested tn ki,n that there is no longer any question as to tue relative merits of the HiffUrnl sheep dips upon the market. Christy A W ise take pleasure iu annonnnino n,. Hayward't Dips (paste and liquid) for wh.ch they are sole P. O. agents, have securea me first award at the World's Fair, and last year these dips received the silver medal at California State Fair and gold medal at Mechanio Fair San Franoisco..Every praatioals heepmen that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro nounoed them the very beet dips for th cure of aoab, the general health of sheep and oouditiousof wool,181-ls8-sw. Simmons Liver Raui... .-. . Ir'fr" ,hr"" and prevent iti accomolating. OH WAS PREPARED. m "lnc with a S.nslbi .u .uKra wa( so Trouble. A Woman nrnnA IV. M . . -rllou ,uv In)n UOOr. Sftvo the Chlean-n IT 1J , . .""-V soiled m7nB nrr.-,r"..aQa9inif nm,-r. , , , . " Iour8- Wl" was ..u-v. J ,OUK:"BI0f somethineSald! What are you doini? l.hirav .2i?T'"h0 8ald- lightening up, uo so generous aa to narnn . apparent intrusion. My little girl and I were coming alonff h .,-. -1" . the nhiin t i" . 7 .. uuw na v. . ucr iroacsomeness ran across your green sward, but in her g aS forgotfulnes. dropped a silv.. S!,,.. that had boon given her by the hand somen. . J uo "ana- . IT or.wfflen. We wouid:t,e:;,r.Li?p,"e9s .of ma. avl out she lost the money, and now, almost broken-hearted he has zone borne to tell bormotherof the great calamity "meroi woma'n.' 100 bad." ld the ''Yes, madam, and if I could only hone -have you anv HttlonM u "J-nope '.Y. " -""""n, miasm?' "Then ment . , n . 1,,,"" .al8appoint- o. not this morninir n thisaftrnoon?" toer 6alf ;;No,Ic.a'tdothteither. ttelL madam, may I U)r .,r v you are prepared to dor 7 Whlt "I am prepared to tell von awayorI'nrd,or.1Xnt.nT0n "I am." 7;re."nMyoneth"'rvugh. Olf:":Trim wtiu'-li'v In flio..-- ! i iH-st titin to ltmiTv ;(IN rvo ('orKSEVriio inat rn-u--liow to be i.i.pjy 111 ninmiige ; ( DAYS Yor )To fond imnmt-how to linve iinzo bubies: ( ONE VAT The mother how t have them without pain ; (AGENT TO The childless-how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD KNOW The curious-how they " growed" and came to be ;( 43 WHAT )The health -how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE EVERY )The invalid how to got well again speedily; t SAVED BODY )The imprudent-how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 OUGHT 1A11 who want knowledge tnat w 01 most- worm im ONE TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's ,YPlaiu Homo Talk," ( YEAR, KNOW. 11.000 pages, L'UO ems, '(H. imiies: .uu 1 wipvs ; (OUU.UUO READ )IWuitHUVoinm,rto!fl.r.(); oirculnr free ( COPIES P H T )MniTav Hill n.-k r,... fJ' K 2si Ii t Now ork.( SOLD nR, pooTE'S H AN-nOtt OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, U Is the title of n very vuli slilo bonk Hint Rives a Rroat amount of information of the Utmost Importance to Everybuily, ci u. eniing- their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS AUOUT What to Kat, Mow to Bat it, Thiups to Do, ThiUKS to Avoid, Perils of Summer, liow to ureatue. Innucrif-p of I'lnnts, Parasltvs of thn Bkln, Care of Tenth, Omupatiou for lnvallils, DHlhlng-Ilent Way, After-Dlnner KaM Alcohol as a Food awl a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobscoo UMlfcliio, , Uow to Avoid Them, Cure tor Iiitempera'nM, Puiwrtluous nalr, Clothlnir, What to Wear, Headache, Cause 4 Cuts. i,.,...,.,-lt,.F Hnn.H liow Much to Wear. Tn fjf WM 1 1- fc . ... J .. ......... tk... 1,nn..,,u1 rnlualima llla,,au.,u -UA1..lnl . em Overiieatiiiir Douses, Preventing Near-Mlchtcd- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent. Ventilation, nesB, hxercise, IT TKLLS HOW TO CI KB Dlack Kycs, Bolls, Burns, ChlUblalns, Cold Feet, Corns Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earaohe, Felons, Petii Feet, Freckles, Headache, IIIccouKh, Hives, Hoarseness, itohlng, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Hingworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Bore Moutb,' Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroko, Stings and Insect Bltos, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Uloersi Warts, Tiooping Cough, Worms lu Children. IT WILL 8AVK UOGTOHV IIILLS. t"All new sahscribers and prompt reuewnls during the month of Deo" will be presensed with a free copy of this us a premium. lllis., Dawson & Iyoiis, ATTOIiNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and sntiafnotory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OKEG0N, s iiiiwyiiniwsiiiwi SI' I SliWSW t .it. .. . tr,iterest., t.os Having claims against the government X . a iu ' wu?0Iten ose the benefit of valuable inventions ot the mcompetencv or inattention nf tt, .tinr... i j . u.. FOR INVENTIONS. because patents. Too much care cannot he pv.r-ie,! ... :' j ablesoHcitors toprocure patents, foTrvalueoS entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney iuujimuji uuui and Yf'iiilnVrtTt0' Pr0tf li"g i,lvent,ors fm worthless or careless attorneys, ana ot seeing that inventions are we protected bv valid natents we have re. tamed counsel expert in patent practice, Ld ereKre Sred to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries. Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-AIarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions u to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invenlinn on i.4 . 3 ... . . trether with o hr;.rl. , . uu a BKetca or pnotograpn tnereot, to. fdv uXtlTJt tim,n 0f the imPrt"nt features, and yotl will be at once others submit fi, . "fcl L?' " ya are cnargea wnn jntnngement Dy matter. t0 u? for 8 reliable OPINION before acting on the 618 P STREETTNOERTHWf ? CLAIMS COMPANY, . -1. ' N0RTHWEST. WASHINGTON, D.C. P.O. BOX 463 InUM mrnnrnnim.. .. j-.... nt.uuLr.ouKn, managing Attorney. f Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT OfPICK swn will and 1W all run down? Scotfs Emid- "re Wonvecnan Cod Liver Oil ypophosphites of Lime and Soda vou i:u 1 - HV.OU VI 1 give you a good appetite. Are vou r 1 buil you Beott's Congas T' ,., luuiu Sinn r .. Colds. Consume" nwsTDaTn,nK?Srm c!ii"reo. AI. Summons. U. 0. AahtanK'ffiJSJ",!! O' Morrow. "jg-ilWenrJant. SUMM0NSi' nh"-"',l'lK.d,fendant. Jwby required to wl,i(ir"wn' Vou are Igneda justioe 0f the Zetore i.he mi"" aforesaid n ,u.,:,' '.ne Peace for Iho r.,.i. o'cloek in the fn "y ' Ja'ry 18iil at ten ' id Justice d ?? t the "office On.h, L'l' 1H.h ) '"."'' 1111 poat.1 o..H -!-iw yo iar ''"'en under my ha ,,1 ... e,". ', thi "ctimi Summons. THE D.mi 1S2-94 FREE trijl tfl.lAii t.i . mi v uuiinn niifl fur and 14-100 Dollars -l day or Nov. r v i.n. Justice of 'the i'e'a.'e. A rAaja ol ou, (j,,,. antUt ..ka,,n4 J lost ritm,;'.',n,,,i'm,r Bo. " "UtI " Ins lor 19 ... .IrflTTrw rniTNT vnn HFTflND district Ulata n.nn r..n... nr Mnrr-nw. xiuuieR, naintiii.) u v tt Vl- I SUMMONS. H. E. Hooker Defendant) TO H. E. HOOKER, Defendant. in the name nl the Stateof Oreon, You are hereby required to appear before the under signed a Justice of the peace for district afore said on the 6th day of January, 1891, at two 0 clock In the afternoon of said day at the I06 of said Justice In such dfBtrict to answer ,?uliYe named plaintiff In a civil action. ihe Defendant will take notice that if he fall to answer the complaint herein, the Plain tin w 111 takejudgment against him for Eluhly seven and 4-ioii Dollars together with costs and expenses of this action. Ulven under my hand this 21 day of Nov. A. D. 1KB3. C. K. Jonks, Justice of the Peace. SfPILES Sfntd In one PA.lKf.Iss lrnB.Bl wilhl knit.. N lo ol ilow from buiia.M. FUtula. Ulcon, KWAKDINrTufuTB.WI. Oo, QoxtloaBlsak sad Book Itm. Cillor.rlU. SIM sored, ao WMT.uns,ia T ' . OB. H. B. BUTTS, x tn Ptns Street. St. Louis, ifo.