Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 15, 1893, Image 4

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    Sure Cure for Sprain, Bruise or Hurt !
You'll Use it Always for a Like Mishap.
JUDICIAL predicaments;
v C jVltsUUr-a litt lilv i in iiili euro piiitliiliiii Pr-,iiisH"lUM'tifvliii nnu.irrt.-iiiitlrijif .r.r.
Premiss lu-ctlfylng pills cure cuiiwtlpnlU.n jVrHnUs Kert.fy.LK ptUwcuro cons! ..'t Inn 1
Aln-ost all pills and medicine produce constipation, here Is a pill tunc cures torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, s.-k headache aud kidney aud liver
tnilbles without griping or tearing any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
Is tho prltno cause of nil sick won, bewaro of It getting habitual and chronic with you.
it lu tlnv; tl
""i pills witi euro j-.u.
a. a
a u 1 it
55 ri-
because ,t Is the only safe aud harmless
remedy that will surely DEAUTIFY l&
clear the akin and removo all blotches from the face,
25 Cents a box.
J jj Or "out by mall upon rocolpt of price by
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturinp; Co.,
g : rrentlus ltoctirylug illlscurecoustliutiuu Pn-ull
Try a box and see for yourv
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Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss Itcetlfylng pill euro constipation
-1 Operation Fraught with , ExPrlenoes Of Noted
Grett Danger.
English Judges.
Man Hcckli-ssly
Squandering Ills Futorfl
IIow long- can the earth sustain life?
Is always an interesting; question, and
Sir Ilt.lscrt Hall discussed it in his
usual ftp, !n:ttin
nightie Ik v'ew.
Katlves of India lti-sort til a Strange De
vice Hindoo Fatalism.
Not even Kipling can do more than
hint at the awful problems of India. It
is one thine to read of its conditions.
way in the Fort- says a writer in the Huston Transcript;
,Y very large part of it is another to face them. I wish I
A9 Perils ot a storm o.l the Ocean- Lay.
tag Aloft In a Howling llrt-ieHow
at Ship W.atlie.-a a Cue Cut
ting Away the Masts.
The operations of "heaving to," per
formed by nearlv ovcrv sail ing vessel
caught on the coat during the reoen
storm, is never resorted lo by merchant
vessels until it lei'innes absolutely nec
essary. The moment a voesel is "hove
to," says the New York Times, she be
comes practically stationary, the object
being merely to keep her "head to the
seas. Among the many vosse.s caugh
outside during the gale was every type
of craft known to "deep-water voy
ages. There were hast India clip-
pers, West India brigs, barks, barken
tines and schooners, and a few steamers.
Many of the East India packets had
been out over one hundred and twenty
days. For many days prior to the
storm the sky had been overcast. Only
occasionally would the sun appear, and
then for so short a tnno as to remit'
even a catch "sight" well nigh out of
the question. In consequence many
ships bad been running by "dead reck
oning," making the supposed position of
tho vessel a most uncertain one.
Under such conditions were vessel
overtaken by the terrible northeaster.
Wind and sea aided each other in niak
ing navigation perilous, the seas threat
ening at every moment to roll over on
the decks of the tiering vessels. Some
craft, perhaps better able to stand the
seas, held on, steering on a supposed
true course for port. In laying off this
course the base has been taken from
supposed true position of the ship. In
stead of sighting the entrance the look
out is heard calling: 'Ilroakers ahead!'
To one unacquainted with a seafaring
life the horror which accompanies such
a sound beggars description. Let it be
night time and the horror is increased
There is but one thing to do, and
that quickly to call: "All hands save
! The vessel is on a lee shore, the gale
is blowing her right on, and unless she
can be made to beat up in the wind
head oft and clear the coast, she will
beach. I p comes every body with
the boasted advance of civilization is could tell you what tiie journey to Tel-
mercy u r.n increased power of squan- egu from the coast was like my first
denng. For what are wo doing every introduction to India. Fifty miles
day but inventing appliances to exhaust and a two days' journey! If we take
with ever greater rapidity the hoard of two miles an hour it is counted good
coal? There arc just a certain number j speed. Sand and sun, a glare above
of tons of cral lying in the earth and and a glare beneath. Practically no
when t!nse are irone there can be no voo-otntir,,,. tbn ,,c, ib- a:tii,wM.
moref.T'.hcummg. There is no manu- I stricken. There never comes a time half-dressed, half-dazed, but fully
facture f ei ;il in progress at the ores- when thnv .tn ,, thai- !,,, allv0 to th" danger. The moment the
enttime. The useful mineral was the though sometimes we used to think spam'n reach the deck the cutting wind
uiuuui'L.,1 11 Vt ly . I IlfrillJl 1 periotl OI tne thn mnn l - th M l.nra rottl. nlf ujcuo niun onaao an nanus.
earth s st. :y, the like of which has and still there are leaves, but they
not op ki ...... it l-retl in any noteworthy never look new. Of course, I am speak-
degree in the geological ages which ing of my own part of India; near the
have t ir.c-. run then- course. Our steam rank vegetation of the jungle it is
engines are methods of spending this doubtless different.. And one dnv i
like another; a year like another; a
thousand years like another thousand
years. The impassive native, stuffing
the calf skin that his cow may be de
ceived and let down milk, might be his
own immemorially great-grandfather,
for all the advance he has made on his
hoard; and w hat we often hear lauded
as some triumph in human progress is
merely the development of some fresh
departure in
We would j.tsl
of expoiidirvf
if he coul-I it-
out a co.'K'h-:-outrid.Ts,
great steamer
Atlanti shaH
which rc !'.'::(
twelve t . -.
number f ; .::,
be set ('.sra
for cat li passe:
through .ut
wasteful i
they relic t
with a sp"-'
at present
frightful extravagance.
y regard it man as guilty
substance wastefully
jKTl'onn a journey with-!-si:;
and half a dozen
yet we insist that tho
t hat take us across the
li.' driven at a speeil
cn'rines, let us say, of
1 ! .--re-powcr. If tho
:i..;or.; (si such a vessel
J live hundred, we have
;ort,e;ci- the united force of
burses, night and day,
the v.iyaw. 1 expect our
will think that our coal
It s: i implied in a very
p;.vii-iilnrly when
.'.-at if v.v ha I been content
s miewh: t less than that
t:ianle 1 th:' necessary con
sumption oi ki v.- in.: Pave neon re
duced in a far .p-.-ai r ; r -p, ,rtion than
tho mere alii :-'.! i- -i of - ;i --I would Im
ply. The eoal of Knglaud may last a
century or two; the cop I in other parts
of tin' globe may wmpl.t our cellars for
a few months in., re: I. at the exhaustion
of this truly marvelou - product is pro
ceeding at an accelerated pace. Doubt
less the end of thecal, at least as an
article of mighty commerce, will arrive
within a period brief in comparison
wit h the ages of human existence. In
the history of humanity from lirst to
last the few centuries through which
wo are now passing will stand out
prominently as the coal-burning period."
Monster Ocean Hollers Which Aro Caused
by Slroiiir downward Currents.
The sea lias in store one danger that
the landsman never sees. I, ike the
voyager, hi-may receive a visit from a cy
clone, but he knows nothing of the power
and terror of groat waves. 1'niting in
themselves the force of a llood and that
of a tornado, they are appalling and
restless. The recent experience of the
Normanuia, which sulrcrcd severe dam
age, is from the visit of one of those
monsters of tin- deep, and recalls that
of other vessels. Hut the Rochester
Courier unil Advertiser says this wave
was slight, compared with the waves
that they have encountered. While it
injured only several of the Normannia's
crew, the wave that struck the Italian
bark ltosina in October, 1HSS, swept
every man aboard but one into the sea;
he escaped only because he wus an in
valid below. A hundred persons lost
their lives from the wave encountered
by the steamer Sun Francisco in De
cember, IS.V1. The height of these
waves can hardly be realized. The one
encountered by the I'mbria five years
ago arose to the top of her masthead,
llfty feet above the sea. Several waves
Measured by fpt. Kiihlle, of the Celtic,
i:i .limitary, is:,",, rose to tho height of
cvonty feet anil moved at tho rate of
iwenty-live miles an hour. Equally
high waves were observed by Admiral
I nfoy, of the English navy, off the
'ape of Hood Hope. The appalling
icight of one hundred feet was reached
iy the waves that Dumontd'l'rvillesuw
ill the Southern sea.
Of course nothing could withstand the
weight and force of these masses of
water. I udcr them the most powerful
vessel ever built would scarcely be
more, than an egg shell. There is no
doubt that tnuny of the ships that have
ronedovui to sea never to return have
lallen victims of their pitiless and re
.Ltlcss force. As to the origin of tho
Treat waves there has of lute beensomo
interesting speculation. It has been
discovered thai they are run lined to the
temperate latitudes. In these latitudes
it has been discovered further that- the
surface of I be ocean is often struck dur
ing storms by powerful downward cur
rents. The conclusion is drawn from
these two facts that tho waves in ques
tion were the products of these verti
cal current. Students of the subject
claim in support of this conclusion that
the most iK.werful wind blowing over
the surface of the soa could not raise
crest above twentv-tive feet.
grandfather's habits of mind or body or
soul. You don't know what I mean by
stuffing the calf? They believe the cow
will give no milk unless the calf takes
first its share; so when a calf dies they
stuff it with weird results, I assure
you and solemnly lead the cow to
where this appalling caricature is
propped up on sticks every night before
they milk her.
As she flushes and laughs, looks up
and then down, and turns her head con
sciously aside, one feels that there can
be but little admiration about her ex
cept her beauty, if that Ls so important
"Hand down the helm! Let fly the
head-sheets, lee hoad and main, and
weather cross-jack braces! Spanker
sheet!" As fast as the .orders fly from
the bridge the men jump to their stations.
Kound comes the great ship and up into
tho wind. The hoad sails flap with
tremendous force, threatening to fly out
of the leach ropes with every roll. Now
the spanker is being hauled a-weather.
She feels it, and, as the stern flies off,
her head comes right up into the mass
Of seething waters.
"Round in the lee head and main and
weather cross-jack braces!" Already the
men are at their places, and up come
the weather yard arms into the wind.
The vessel is now broadside to the seas.
It is a question of lifo and death
whether she will stop. If she but con
tinues to come up all well. A drag has
been got over from forward. To it is
bent a hawser leading through a quarter
chock. Tho drag is well away from the
ship. On to the hawser jump the crew.
Away they go with a crash. The drag
hawser is run right to the bows, and at
to her that a me're reference to it. in her I the8am6 tim0 tne bowcoines up rapidly
not a moment too soon. A great sea
the next instant lifts the ship high into
the air. Had it caught her "broadside
to" it would have plunged tons of green
eas upon the decks. Hut the great
orait s tiow nas met it. She rose as the
presence moves her so easily.
The Hindoo fatalism extends even to
the intellectual side of life. In gram
mar with them, as in destiny, a thing is
so because it is so; fatalism kills out
reason as it kills out spiritual effort and
aspiration. I shall never forget trying WaI? adyanct,d and plunged heavily for-
to get an explanation from a Hindoo
teacher of finding, in some of their
writings, a plural substantive mated to
a singular verb.
"Why docs not this plural noun take
plural verb?"
"Ueeause it takes a singular verb."
- "Because it in right that it should do
"Why wouldn't it be right that it
should take a plural verb?"
"Heeause it would be wrong."
"Hut 1 thought plural substantives
always took plural verbs'.'"
"They do."
"Yet this one does not."
"No, this one does not."
"What rub' governs it, then?"
"There is no rule. It does so becausa
It is right that it should do so."
Now is Hie time to Btilwoibe for the
8emi-Weekly Gazette.
On of Those Touches of Nature Thai
Make the Whole World Kin.
Ton o'clock in the building of the big
city paper. The electric lights are burn
ing and the whirl of presses and click ol
types mako a busy scene. Editors,
reporters, proof-readers aro busy pre
paring tho day's doings for the morrow.
The door of the chief's office, says the
Detroit Free Press, is pushed carefully
open, and a blue-eyed, flaxen-curled
maiden of six summers and as many
winters enters. Nobody knows how she
got thero. Nobody saw her climb the
stairs or walk through tho hall. She is
ragged, dirty and has been crying.
"Is you tho editor-man?"
"Yes, little one; what can I do for
"Rube Is dead, an' I thought may be
you'd liko to tell about it?"
"Who is Uube?"
"Why, didn't you ever hear of Rube?"
"You see, thero aro so many people
mai. i can i Know tnem all."
Tho big-bearded man was actually
ashamed of his Ignorance.
"Hut Habe wasn't people he was my
brother. lie sold papers an' blacked
boots and all that. Ho wasn't very rich
an' ma said the city man would bury
him but he was good to mo."
"Did you sell papers, too?"
"No, I stayed home, but Rube brought
me candy dogs an' candy roosters and
licked bad boys that made me cry. An'
if you'd tell folks how good he was,
maybe they'd Jhink better of htm."
"What do you want me to say, little
"Why, that he was twelve years old
n' was helptn' mother and oh, I don't
know but 'member ho was always good
tor me."
Ileforo the little mourner left the
illlce she wa the recipient of handful
)f coins donated by "the boys" of the
illlce and the big editor ordered the
janitor to accompany her home.
Thus It happened that the reader of
-he great paper wero mildly astonished
e read on the morning's local page:
Hll:i)-Ye.stci.l.iy. Ituhc, the newsboy, aged
ovlve years. He ., the support ot his wld
"1 mollinr and loved his little sister better
nan lite almost, lie was burled lu the Butler's
etd last uurht. i
ward as it rushed under h
Iow is tho time to catch her. Sharp
up go tne yams from the head and main.
The head sheets are hauled well aft.
the helm carefully tended, the spanker
eased up slightly; the ship feels the
oanvas, small as the amount on her ls;
she reaches forward, staggers for a mo
ment, then slowly works her way off
through sea after sea. As soon as she
is far enough out to sea the vessel ia
brought up into the wind, off comes the
foretopmast staysail, forosail, foretop
sail and spanker. A close-reefed main
topsail and main sponcor alone hold het
up, and all attempt to fall off is coun
teracted by tho position of the rudder.
Should the wind still continue to in
crease in violonce tho topsail will be
goose-winged. This latter sail is kept
on as long as possible because of its be
ing above tho waves. Under a main
spencer alono the ship has hut little op
portunity to feel tho wind, the waves
servingas a bulwark. Should, however,
a goose-winged topsail and main spon
oer prove too much, tarpaulins placed
in the loo mizzen rigging may hold hot
If she still continues to heel over the
orew will cut. away the foremast by cut
ting the weather laniards. If this will
not right her anny will go the mizzen
and main, and then trust to riding out
wiasea alienor, tins alnnn can save the
vessel. Let her once fail off, get into
the trough of the K,.a, and tho conse
quences will be expressed in the one
word of the seaman, Foundered."
A Barber Who Oot Bven with the Mag- t
tatrate Who Sent Him to Prison
Sharks Getting anto Cosafe
On one occasion Justice Manisty ws
nn circuit at Exeter for the assizes, says h
the London Tld-Bits. One morniDg he speed
left his lodtrincs earlv for a stroll and
" I iV
TiTrMTlrtumn til
of ,V ... ta fJJJJJ m ' txrrk
E a m till Rl - ItZnZSZM t.
m not.- & ei uBfiis- ri'W"S" i,. . sje
ve hecome s r"?m0",;I.o7, "
peedilv ! t '' ' ''jf, ',1
tirr io
fis;Sfc' OMAHA.
Hinton A Jenks,llsmilfon,Or--rnttt
i on either hip; crop in rigid ear ami . i ."" '"i
! Horses. J on nal.l tJiiU. llango I) ", '.' ,n
j Hu'i.s Hi n 11. Wagner. Or- T
connected) ou riaht shoiilderou hi.I. u ' L
on right hip anil ou left side. "",,
right ear and slit in left. Ka " " in
district. Moreew county. w '" ""yitsck
Hale. Milton, Wagner. Or.-iu.
-- (circle With psrallel tail,, " TT',r":'
Vjtb as,,,, no left hip kulft";
I Hall. Kilwln. John Dni-.Or l'...i. ..
hip: homes mute on right should..!. Y'B flht
Grant county.
Howard. J
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 110 to 141 Wasainrteu ht, N. Ye
finding that he had plenty of time on
his hands before the court assembled he
turned into a hair-dresser's shop for the
purpose of getting shaved and generally
trimmed up. Customers being scarce
at that early hour there was only one
assistant present in the place. When
the ludire entered tne man lumueu up n-e-uui ,nm ..
with alacrity and bowed him into the "-SZ-operating
chair with all a barber's suave nry r1d bv , ,d .y m.th -sK
ia.J. U; lntWod bis dis- 1 BisrsmceJ. Uunt.onB.iLk.niI Book fns. Csllsf writs.
kyUllvV'Uron. IIUIIU - .sail
tinguished customer's face and stropped j DR. WARD INSTITUT E.
his razor with more than ordinary.
.V1BIC06EIE ffl I1KI0E
120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS. MO.
Clover Honey.
.'An entht't-inst on the subject states
that each bead of cimer is composed of
about sixty ill liivt dower tubes, and
each of these contains sugar not to ex
ceed the five hundredth part of a grain.
The proboscis of the honey bee must
therefore be inserted into live hundred
clover tubes before one irrain of sucar
can be obtained. There are seven
thousand grains iu a pound, and as
honey contains three-fourths of its
weight of dry sugar, each pound of
clover honey would represent the in
sertion of the proboscis into two mil
lion five hundred thousand clover
Klet'trie Killers.
This remedy is becoming so wdl
kuow aud so popular as to need no spe
cial mention. All who bave used Elec
tric Hitters siuu the same emitf of pruise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it is
guarsuteed to do all that ia claimed
Eleetrio Bitters will oure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove pirn,
pies, boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood Will
drive malaria from the system and pre.
eut as well as oure ill malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, constipation and
indigestion try Eleetrio Bit turn emir.
tatia-fnctioD guaranteed, or money refund
ed. Price 60c sod 91.00 per bottle at
Slocum-Jobnsou Drug Co.
vitror. he commenced to attack the judi
cial stubble. But he hadn't got far in
his work before he suddenly paused,
with one hand on the judge's nose and
the other waving the razor pain
fully near Sir Henry's throat. "Blessed
if i don't think," said the barber,
"that you're the old cove what gave
me five years at Winchester." The
judge's feelings may be better imag
ined than described, but he merely re
plied, with what coolness he could sum
mon to his aid: "I don't know, my
good fellow; I have a bad memory for
faces." However, the man went on
shaving, and Justice .Manisty congrat
ulated himself that the ex-convict didn't
bear malice. This easiness of mind
came a little too soon. After the shave
the judge, with characteristic determin
ation, decided to carry out his original
programme and have his hair cut as
well. To his horror the barber had no
sooner exchanged the razor for his scis
sors than his locks began to fall in a
perfect shower on the floor. "Bold on,
man, hold on!" exclaimed the judge; "I
only want a trim up, I tell you; don't
cut it so short." "Cut it short be
Mowed," replied the barber, slicing
away triumphantly; "you didn't cut it
short when you give me five years in
the stone jug. This is the prison crop
you've git to have, old man, as sure as
a gun, so you'd best take it kindly."
A nidge was journeying up to the
north of England in a fast train, which,
after leaving London, did not stop till
it came to Uugby. The only other oc
cupant of the carriage was a well
dressed and apparently gentlemanly
man. who took no notice of the judge till
the train had letl tit' terminus. Then
the man came ov.'i- aud seating him
self opposite t.i'e judge poured out a
torrent of foul-mouthed abuse and
threats against the hitter for having
sent him to penai servitude for coining
some years before. The judge waited
till the man pamed for breath and
then said very iic.iotly: "My dear sir,
don't you think it's rather bad form
to talk shop in private life? Ah, you
don't think t o! Very well, then, let us
relate some of our mutual experiences.
I have no doubt that 1 .'.hull iind yours a
good deal i::i.r.- i-ntei-taiiiing than you
will ruin,-. ' 'i ho t.. :!-n was so non
plussed by the ji('.,".-'s fearless good
humor that, i::-ijia , ;e,.l down aud actu
ally did e spat in u-1 n -me of the inci
dents in his isire, r. l i-oliably he never
saw the nice point ..f - atiro in a judge
appealing to a convi t he hud sentenced
on a question of "bad form."
The oK.-iwine is told of Sir Henry
Hawkins, who. rightly or wrongly, has
the reputation i f being a severe judge,
and is consequently more dreaded than
beloved by the criminal classes. Sir
Henry, its is well known, is in private
life an ardent follower of the turf, and
when more serious business permits
seldom fails to attend the Newmarket
races. On one occasion he was return
ing from a meeting on the classic heath,
and had entered a railway carriage at
the station for the purpose of returning
to town. Three undesirable-lookinir
fellow-passengers followed him in, and
Sir Henry Has thinking of changing
his carriage, when a fourth man, who
was also on the point of entering, stared
hard at the judge, got back on to the
platform, and, addressing his compan
ions, said: "Come, get out of that,
boys a nice warm shop that is you've
got into. Do you know who that 'mug'
is you were going to take on?" "Who
is it, Bill?" asked one of the men, as
they cleared out of the compartment.
Why, 'Orkins, to be sure a proper
sort of 'mug' that to try our game on,
eh?" Sir Henry in the meanwhile.
laughing in his sleeve, had recognized
the man who had moved the others off
as a man he had sentenced at the Old
Bailey for card-sharping in railway
trains. 1 he others, not knowing him,
had marked him down as a "mug" or
Hat" on whom to practice. The judge's
reputation probably saved him from
annoyan cc.
Big Diamond, AVhale and Rone.
The largest cut diamond in the world.
that named the "Imperial" by the prince
ol vt ales, was discovered in the south
African mints in 1885. In its present
snape it wcigns is., carats and is valued
at 17,000,000 francs.
Tho largest whale ever captured
was run down by the New London
(Conn. ) whaler Lizzie Simmons, in 1884.
It was captured in the Cumberland in
let, and yielded 108 barrels of oil and
50 pounds of whalebone.
A wire rope has been manufactured
at Cardiff, Wales, which is believed to
oe the longest and largest iu the world,
(t is 2,400 fathoms in length, which
would make it 3 miles and 10S yards
.ong, taking our measurement as the
The general merchandise estid lielr
ment formerly owned by Collin & Sb Kir
land, has lately charged hamis, iio he
me under the control and nisusg' menl
of The McFarland Meronnlile Con pimv,
which coutiuueB business si I lie old Bland
witb a larger stock tbnr. ever.
At Abrsbanisick's. Iu sdditi m to bis
tailoring business, he hss ad ted a fii e
line of underwear of all kind , negligi
shirts, hosierv. etc. Also ha mi luud
some elegsnt patterns for suits. A.
brsliBuiBick. May street. He r''" Or.
Ilvpiv owner oi t hi'Tie si.-n'il kf-T,
it on limd. It m "VL tlie lit- 01 s
vsluibi? cr.mml t'-.f PjrsiB will
Clivl-eigm 'oien ai. trie! JUU
Soil l.v ! . l'",r .Ar"
t-oi.'il l,ii-k, w k-:i c.'iitHin. lilutltli
stiu-ln to.-i'i vi- r.-.il o Irei
J li.Ji.Ul.N US Pine St.
ST. Louis, UO
wit M
The Old Reliable
Established 38 years. Treats malo or fnm lie,
marrlod or single, In casos ft exposure,
abuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL
GUARANTIED. Board and apartments
furnished when desired. Question Blank
aud Book true. Call or write.
. - r II . . same o
7 ..I i TV Vi I AUL. Ulla counties.
Howard, J I,, slloway. Or. H,,r T ,
with bar abo it) on r.l.i ... "!??? '"on
............ ...I., u r . -"iiiuer: pi.
Train leaves Heppner. ni. Arrivef
12 an p. ni , daily except Sunday.
t-al ci??teraB.
Colonial wu epersii
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Hun
evety five days.
K ii rope.
S. H. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, John
V limine. E. Ellery Anderson, Fred
erick R. Condert, Receivers.
For rates and general information call on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppuer, Oregon
w 11. nt'Kl.BI'HT. Awl. lien.. I 'ass
JM Washlngum SI ,
t'ullTl.iMi. Ohl.li
26 Tears' Experience In treating all varl
ties of Kupture enables us to guarantee a
positive cure. Question Blank and Boot
tree. Call or write.
J Pine Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO
LWAY9 RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tra
fame aa uaed by thou janda of woman all over the
United States, in the .''LD DOCTORS private mall
practice, for .18 veara, and not a si nub bad rneiilt
Money returned If not aa represented. Bend 4
cents (stamps) for sealed partioulara,
35. WA3Dll!S:i:5TE, ISO U. Kltth St.. St. Lotili, lit
thout th uie of
'knife Oueitlon Blank and Book free. Cill
or write JJK. H. B. BUTTS.
saspioeSL St. Louis, Mo.
$K i WFFf ANY LADr' employed or unemployed ,
WlJ A If t.ri can maketliiafnrs fpw hourt work etch
day. Balsry or commission. 110 (ample, free Add r en
H. BENJAMIN ft CO., 822 PlneM.,St.Loul$, Mo.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
An elpctro-ffnlvanie noner sm-
boditu into iiiedicattid.
Belts, StiwpeiisoripH, fpU
iml AppliiuHM't, AImIoiiIi
imtl Supporters, Vustd,
nwtji : "".";-i,.r
Cnres Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney
Complnilits, llyspepsia. Ki-rnrs of Youth,
Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Nexual Weak
ness, and allTrouliles in Mule fir J emale.
Question Dliiiik aud llook free. Call or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
123 Fine (street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Kanite IU More... '7'. 5"l
- nun u rna.
ee. Mat. Hentmar. flru....
heart on the loft shoulder. HaBire M.' "'""led
lliinsaaor, H t . Waimer. Or. -horai u 1 "
houlder: na tie. ou left hip. " left
Hsrdisly, Alliert, Nye. Oreon-ll.. .
coiiiu-cled. on left shoulder; (Vtl. .T k H
hip. crop oil loft ear. ' "n the
Jln-jJM msn.Or.-,,
linves. J. M.. Iluonnnr (1. 11
on left shoulilei cattle, same on riht 'huJ""'"
VT' ''-Ilors, II...
fthii.. lUn in Mr.rrn.(
tho inft hImmi!
tlf wtin on I
i ran
1.... A It I I i. i
riulit hn. nrt)uofl left
Htiie brrind tin loft ai..i,.. i Kni-
oonntv """
Jiuikin, 8. M., Hoppner, Or -Horse, k
shoo J ou left shoulder. Cattle S """a
Itsnae on Kil.t Mile. " "" th mi.
Johnson. 'flii,Lena,Or.-Hi.riie..circl.T
left stifle; oatlle, same nn riaht hin i 1
unit, in riht and ...lit in left , P' Undet Wt
Jenkins. I) W.,Mt. Vnnmn.Or. J on k..
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left fc1
smooth crops on both ears, lianae ll,wS
Heiirvall.ijs "anBe.n rolanii
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. JI.M , .
KNV on left hip cattle same and Tr,?D 'S
ear: under alois. on the rlahf p ott 'it
Kirk. J. T., Ileppner, Or. HorsM an
shoulder; cattle. IIU left hip. Bn '"ft
mis. o y, neppner. or. Horses,
uiu,i,.,,i,iiir. ii nn riant nine,
17 n either
.Lm,lder; cattle -am. on ,lght d8, na'd"bjWt
huiiilierlaiiiLW. 0.. Mount Vomon Or l i
cattle on r,Ki,t and left sides, swallow fork l.
r and un.lor oi.in it, right ear.
orniiii ou ion en. .inner. Kaime in Un,,, .."""
.. Ileppner, Or.-Cstlle l,rM
"th croppd, ,, , J'fJ
I on left h.e. it,lu, t- irk'.u
Koot-l'rlnts on the Path In Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advice
should rend one of Dr. Foote's dime
pamphlets on "Old Evcb," "Croup, "
, 'Kupture," ''Phimosis," "Varicocele."
Diseape of men, Disesse of Women, mid
learn the best mentis of bp) -pine, ft
Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th hit, Ne
Reduced lfitoM pound, per month. No
tsrving, no Inconvenience, to li.d Telulu, nonu.enn,
drutti. In-atinent pertectly harmlee, tnd ttrictly cona
(Matisl. Unction III nk and Book I rse. Cellorwrile.
DU. U. B. liUTTb,tol',nelilrte!,lsi.Loui.,Mo.
J cos
can retavaluable secret that
cuntiuu 90.UU, ana aruDPersnieia lor iocs. ts.
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
. 919 Piyy. STRFET. ST. I.OII1S, MO.
SV D 11 I I I O Tb """I'ormipoil,
rnl L.I Otl'ely esred S9 ff.re
lueceiMulprsclice. Treatment consdenti.l. Cure
iZJ2'ilj'S'n'i':'-,.T"a,'"- Qneition Blank an,
Uooklr... eslUiwrlt,. 0FI. WARB INSTITUTE.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oooaine
and tobaoco babtt. See ad.
Substantial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A sm once entered a prison hre ni eonnni
ejndfmiml cnmln.1. On making a reoiuat to h,
enduMcd nto the prewnoe of the'rrnV3l ian thl
'l.i uir was informed that none but relstl.e. were perniit
ti f ." ih The vlaltor ssid : "Bm i
Zi 'T" h."! D,,n..b" thai man a (thsprUoner "
allter i. my father a son. eouire.
He was at one taken to the prisoner. Now what n
ati.n sa tne prUon,, to th. vCaltort '
Ihe i AsTkulturist Publishing Company will ti,e 13) ,
To the person sendint ths tan eorrtet snnrer will h,
rtwj ia high-iooed pimo, to tke aest b, ,he l. ,
yrnm' M" W1U """" '
nor-ns'ss whatever lo enter ihm eompet t on but a
he eonipeui sr. npected to send on. do a, lo, ,7,
uoeth .nbtcrlptkm to fltoer Thi Lad, rs Hoi
Jl onr circulalion. 14) Th. am , r
eomt, the neit priie, and so on '
Ins AuRiei'iTl'aisT Is sn old ntsl.lu.hed ernr.ni
ud ptwa-ues aiiiple aieans to enable it to, -art?, ?l
1UT- ,S"d ,or prta"J lw & "rhl
Jl'lain-The followin, well-known senlten-en I...
"Mjnted to sejaa juilps. and .,11 .e. I . .1"
sr. fslrl, awsnlnl : (.onim.ali.re .1, u It , '
lah-ntt Liijj ot Steamer. v Petl ,, ,,",'' ' 1 '
Klrl.ou, IV.UIem Tine. u.n,,J,,- p
bermigh He, .l.r all nion. r I.,,, . j
Oa.eats, Trado-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted fcr
Information and advice given to Inventors wttoom)
charge. Address
Managing Attorney,
- Box 463. Wasiuxotos, D. ft
7"Ttil Company ls managed by a com'itnatlon of
ihe larui.t mid must influential aewsnoiers in the
1 P'....-d St itos, for tl. express puspoM of protect.
lnB Ihclc suuserloers srtalust uuscrupnkiiis
nu ta-on-petent Awnw. aud eael, pa
prlntinK this advertl.. merit voni-hes for the respooiU
MUty n,l nigh stuti.llif of ibt Press CtalmsCotoDM,
A Collection of Clovers.
Jamos L. Pennypackcr, of ITiUadel
Phia, has a curious collection of clovers
from different States. Tho clovers are
mounted upon a card so as to represent
a four-leaved clover. One leaf is made
upof eioven four-leavod c.lnvnrc. .!....
of nine five-leaved clovers, another ot
nine six-leaved clovers and the fourth
of slx nino-loaved clovers. The stem is
represented by a series of clovers con
taming cup or funnel leaves and at
,- one clover having nine
leaves and a cup and another clover
having thirteen leaves.
While you keep your subscription paid up yci
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses OU on lefl
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
AruiBtrong, J. C, Alpine, Or.-T with bar ou.
dor n on left shoolder of horses: cattle suini
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand
O I) on left hip and horeeB same brand on rich!
shoulder, ltange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Ileppner, Or. Dimes, ,J Con
nected on lelt Hank; cattle, sumoon loft hip.
Hartliolnnifw, A. 0., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 h uti either shoulder, ltange in Mo -row
nieakman, Oeo., Hardman, Or.-Horses, a Hug
orleft shoulder; cattle tame on right shoulder
nannister, J. W., HHrilman. Or. Cattle brand,
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear
Krenner, Fetor, linrseberry Oregon Horses
branded P li on left shoulder', fault, sum. on
right aitie,
linrko, M 8t C, Long creek, Ot On cattle
MAi connected on left hip, ciop oil left ear, ut,
let -half crop off right. Horses, same brand ,,
letft shoulder, ltange in Grant and Horn,,
Hrosuian, Jerry. Lenn, Or.-HorHs branded i
i'n.frilfl"k "'''uri "i"1"" " " li ft Bi.i
li.-. - tl- "Km r UPIW a ope.
t arton, ni., H ppner, Or. -Horses, J H oi
2;iBI' c""'-'8'"i" tup;' .pal
ri.l!?!i..l""t'0'..,?'k IB n tin-
row county. """"""" "B'ooip; range, Mor
cii,roKH,.J' " H'VPrr. Or-Horses, circl,
wnh do! inc.. teron left hii.. o..,,i.. 1
Brown. W 3 i.... ... "" lie.
..-..1. .' , V- V'Kl'll- II
-..c. it, uu uie leiiBlioulde
hi.vop w rj ii .
. iie,piier, or. Horses h...
'" cattle, same, withTp'liUn
i ' - 'J ""I'l'iier, Or.-Horses, V H on loft
h nkler; can e same on lefl hi,,. " OD le"
brand on tl, l.n ,ki ..i .'Kl ;.""rj V." ,!'.,r'", "ami-
Urant county; ".ig in vox ,Bije,,
0du?i?e!eli: lii"""- left stifle
range in Grant cone ' u"rM" 'er 5 J1- All
Clark. Wm. H. n-
nected. on left sluinldU. ;7o i n"h WHl; 0,n
hip. Ka,ge , Morw aid't. ?,.B"nie .
Cecil. Wm. Il o ..' "
rees Hum,
Loften, Stopneu. Foi. Or -H .... .I"!V.
nn cuttle, crop and split on right . ii p
ante brand on left shoulder. .' 1 ,"
countv. ""line uiant
i.ietiiillen, John W., lr-1 f.
bran,l,,l I,ulf,.cle JL coonectod on lift ,k,?T
iler. faille, sum lef hio. Hnuje nL I
ingion. ".one. near be,.
Lenhey. J. W Heppuer Or.-Horses hj j
LaiiiiA" let! shoulder; octll, ImL 2 W
h,p, wuulooverr.nht ye', .ffin",r1,
l.cnl, lionrKO. Hnppiitir, (Jr. HiirsfiB
mum II. an ls.fi u i...,M... m'
iiliirkiiHin. A. M., Hcppnor,
.11 tui jfi i Hint i in
ho ii ilurwH M
Miuur, OHcur, neppnor, r,v. mttiH :i
rilitl,;horH. Muii leftulioultier. tm
Mmimii. ti. N.. Htmnriflr (lru ...
OU left Mhuullr emtio HUllm ot, !,fl . 1
McC'iimber. Jits A, Kc,, Or.-Hom,' M Wlth
Mtirpmn. 'I'lum., Unppuor, Or. Jtonnfl
.:;,n iofj.,...,, and lefi IW.,! ft
ftliU'liell. Hscar. lone. Or. II..h...u n
hip; citltie, 77 on right side.
Jli( inren, D. (,., lirowusville, Or.-Horu.
riKiiie Son each shoulder, cattle. Maon hii
Mcfartv. Oavid H. Kcho Or. Horses branded
D 51 conneoto,;, on the loft shoulder; cuttle .Hm
nn hitj and side. ".wBsms
Alclnir, rrai-k, Eoi Valley, Or.-Mnle slm.
wilhtoe-corkoti callle on ribs aad under h!
inch ear: hoisus same brand ou left stifle.
'"aL'. .. -lauintoa. Or. ttn llorsea
with half jii cle under on left Bhoulilar;,,,, i;a,.',,
our bars connected on top ou the right si, a'
ltange m (irnnt I'ounty.
Neal.Alidrew. Ijine Itook.Or.-Horses A N on.
uecle.1 on left shoulder; cattle aimie on both hi,
Noi-dyke, L. Hilverton, Or.-Horses. oirel.7
lefl llugh: cai tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joeoph, ( anyon City, Or. A Son oattls
on left hip;ou horses, same ou left thigh. lUtZ
in lirant county wukb
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or.-P O on left
llit!l.de,. "
(Hp, Herman, I'ltiirie City, Or. On cattle 0
LI connected ou left hip; horses on left stile)
and wurlleou uoeo. ltange in Uraut oounty.
Pearson, Oiuve. Km it Mile, lie n..
ter circle shield ou eft shoulder end 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in lot; ear, right cropped.
on. ieii nip. iiiinge ou night Mile.
Parser V liloaeiui. Hardtnau.Or,-
i. n Hnouuter.
on risii
orses It I,...
tattle Bainc on let'
on shoulder. Ear mirkn -i. B""' P"'"'
pnnched unoer h,?1?., "'i.e.w,,"o"P left ear
tiers, cron iu
ear. All ratii,,.
Never Gets Over It.
The Indian Is born susniehm. j v.
never pets over it. ,10 ,av chu,
a w hite hunter for ten yearandyet he
will never fully trust him it .1 ?
mar be sturvin, for food, nd
U1 sibspec t tho white child who offers
him bread of havintr ooisn.,.i ;. .Berg
ooinpUsh his death. "
It Bhould be in Every Hons,,
shoulder; ca-tie sanoT'oY l' r " '!T J M
,.Shi'"" J"1,n Usy. Or.-l), i, ...
. 1 V'P on cattle, swallow fort uT.7i , ,""
in right ear, split in left Mr t,u Tf bil
county. On sheen, in vm!5 '. i'S,!e in Hnt
in Grant ennniv
"furrin'f "rS'lltfe" ""
left stitte. Curlle. Or. -Horses.
feSifeS, fet Co , o,
"boulder: cattle same j beneath, on lefl
iM1 -KXbl,th
-A Vtftr' bT'""
. LickenB, Ebb ilorL. ,'''? Hume'
tineu fori, on left bi fli ('.of ' A"1 wi,)l l'ree
. Oonglaes, VV. M . Gahowal or!! " Mt "kl
nghts,d,,.wu. thengllrstPflett?;". TO on
U i. li . """"uu riiflll Inn
n::v. ..v "Bui ear. "
illIULl. IV DDh 11.
rigl.t shoulder. "'PP"". Or. Diamond
tmery, c. N.. 1 ,
CIV. .1. H U l. !
fx on left HhiluSeTcstuI'"" bran'1
hip. hole . M.i. K cattle same on lf,
0-.ev,ed c:witrhTa?r,' 7H branded
lie same on ri.lu ip " , flumider ,cau
Heek, Jscksou. HU,., ?.0.m.Worro" count 4
Horses IP on
Piper, true t, Loxingtoii.Or.-Hor.es brand,
e -11 (L E coiinooiwl) in, left shoulder ; cuius
- me ou right lop. ltange, Morrow county.
Piper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. -Horses. JIS oiai.
uecled oi left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip
under bn iu each ear. "
Pettia, A. V., lone. Or,; horses diamond Poo
- - shoulder; cuttle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper elope iu left ear and slip in the
Powell, jonn T riayvhie, Or-HorBes, JPcotk
nee ed on loft shouliler. tittle OK oouuected on
lefl hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear
wst tie under throat, ltai ge in Grant county.
Itootl. Andrew, Hsnlmau, Or. Horses, Btinart
on j. with quarter-circle over it ou left BtiUe.
Iteninger, Chris, Ileppner, Or.-Horses, 0 B in
len Bhoultlet.
Ilice. Pun, Hnrdtnnn, Or.; horsi8, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; caale, DAN on
right shoulder, ltange uear llardlluul.
Itoj-se, Aaron, Heppuer, Or-liorses, plain Voo
left ehoulder; cattle, stime brand reversed ni
right hip nud crop oft right ear, Uauge in Mor
row county.
ItiiHh liros., Heppnor, Or.-Horses branded S
uu the right shoulder; oattlo, IX on the left nip.
crop oil lefl ear and dewhip on nock. Kange a
Hoi row and adjoining counties.
bust, William, Kidge, Or.-Horses It ol
ef shoulder; cuttle. It on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underliit on left ear. hlieop, It on
(leiiihei-f .round crop oil rigli car. ltunge Uins
Hill! und Morrow o iiiuties.
Ili-iiiiej, Andiow. Lexington, Or.-llorsel
liramlcd A It ou rmht slioiilih.r. .r,t ,,Hi
,-lriie over brand; cuttle same ou right hip.
Ilri.ge Morrow county.
lioyse, Wm. i, Dairyville, Or Hit connected
with quarter circle over lop ou onttle ou rich! hip
iind crop oil right onr and split in lurt. Honwi
-lime brand on left Bholililer. lliuigo iu Morrow
'irantand liilliani counties.
Itecn.r J . VV.. Ileppner, Or.-Horsoe. JO et
oft shoulder. CalUe, o on right hip.
spickunll. J. W., 'liooBeberry, Or.- Horsel
branded 31 ou lefl sli.,ulder; iiuige :n Jlorrow
Hiuiing, C 0 Heppuer, Or-llorBes branded 8 A
oil lefl shoulder; cuttle same ou left hip.
Swnggurt, H. '.. Lexington, Or.-Horsoe
with dash under it ou lefl stille. cuttle H with
" '.fi'der it on riulit hip, crop off right ear and
waddled ou right bind leg. ltange iu Morrow,
Ouliauiaud Lmutiila counties.
bwuggurl, A. L.,Alhoua. Or.-Horses brands'1 3
on lelt shoulder; oel tie same on left hip. Croc
on ear, wattle on left hind log.
Straight W. K Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
J b ou lei. stifle; cuttle J Son left hip, swallow
lork in rign ear, nnderbit in loft.
bapp, Phos., Heppuer, Or.-Horsee, 8 A P uu
left hip; culll. same ou left hip.
Bhner.John, Fox, Or. NO oonneoted on
iiorsoB ou right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. ltange
in lirant county.
Smith Bros., Husanville, Or. Horses, branded
H.4. on Bhouldor; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
buuires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jo on left shoulder; oatlle the same, also nose
wuddle. ltange in Morrow and Uilliam oo inties,
blephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-: horses SSon
right Biihe; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Hleveusou, Mrs A. J.. HHooner. dr. Cattle. U
oil right hii ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwuggart, fi. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on
left eboulde. : cattle, 44 on left hip.
Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left up, crop oh right and nnderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W 0 on left shoulder.
IIIOUIOHII,, .1 A 11. lf..aa son
left should, r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
llppeUi.B.T Enlerpriae,Or.-HrBes. 0-on left .
Turner K. W., Heppner, 0r.-8mall capital T
lelt shonldet, horses; cattle same ou left hip
with split in both ears.
rhornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected on loftstitie; sheep same brand.
Vanileruool. H 'IV I.on iir-ll.,ro HVcon
uecled on right eboulder;oattle, same on right
Walbridve. Wm . Pfr.,.a. f Ttneaes. T7. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
"!'!' left ear uud right ear loppeii.
ooBon, jonn y,, Huiem or Ileppner, ur.
HorSOR hrun,lu,l 1 I-,. .1 I.l..n llunOM
Morrow oonnt.v.
. Warren, W B. ( Web, Or-Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right oar.
Horses same braud ou left shoulder, ltutigem
uiiwi couuty.
W ris it. Ki na A TTann,.,a. fl. Inutile hr""'"
couuected on right' sho'u'lS Vf'.o""""" -A-
r sau
ii ana croo
"ght hip
oil left.
" uiori. no8 , ri
houlder. iKiV'i,
same on
,r- ......
bar under on righ
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clsv St Rh0. Utf1'!
Pa u. , B" "'! "hBrpsbw ru.VrMt'n, Oeorgo llei,nn; V. JVP or thigh.
ri; says be will not be wither WK. "h bar over i ' "''"hranded
King's New Discovery fo. Jt Dr. .r.- Horses. mi hi "1.e't," 'P ofl iSi
rlorenee d - . '
right ski...- P.
Coughs and Cold,, that i --Ottulitui,
"ho was threatened wi,, Dred hl8 wi'e
ter an attack of "Ls.S. " ',on "is af.
ous other remedk. "y nen Tsri
oinns bad done h" ll"d eeTf l pbyei
Barber pf Cy" "Va!- Rob"t
more good th y done hi
for lung (n)llh7 "i" D he ever used
homier ' uePPDM, Or.-uAj
on left
fH. Or.-HVrZ'-anTo? sl.r- Fos.
oo lett stifle. Csttlo uf,orl ent,
r marks, crop fi righ, rtSri n.5 bb- hiP'
Uanae in M... .J5!.18 "'Or it, on left -Hoi
oi iuu( trtiuh i V,,n,; nsed u " uu umauilaoonntiM
it Peoo iA.."0"""!! like it 'o... Hayes. Geo.. ln n. n-. .
llrn.VC Slocnm.,1 .Vb J!E0irelL-,'...W"W
-j. uarirsbnttlAo k.-, -""ucm uiuli, a. ii KiHtfw " ' "iiouiaer.
"ooities, BOo end moo with '.:",,te' Or.-Cattle. ron,.,i...
o w on Hie riirbt hut. ioiih. crou. im -O.uiia,
and sphtin left. S.Jio!l right ear
Wade, Henry, Hepr-J
ace of .jner, Or. Horeee branded
, - ......wo uu ion nuouiuer HUU im.
Jr, ,, oranded seme on left side and left hip. ,
.! We A u u. .1 u n loft
ebouldef eatt e same
olfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsas
three parallel bare on left shoulder; 7 on sneep,
Ditin bolh ears. Hange in Grant and Malhusr
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horeeu, VV
connected on lef t elioulder.
VVntkins, Lishe. Heppnor, Or. -Homes branded
coitnecteo on left stifle,
n Jh? " t' V"1". Portland, Or.-(attle, V P".
IhS,iJ "sh'ho" nl"ft ear: horses, W on ri
Si "n" Mm on '"ft shoulder.
Hnl.J. iler nuniuigion. baker Co.. Or.
Horses branded W B connected on left slioulr1
tl,,".'i. Vm,001 namuton.Or.-Quarte;
UanZ u thrBe. bm on le hip. Ixith oattll
uorses. Kauae Grant connti.
with quarter 'cirri, n.j .ut". ronnd-t'on
Willi.. T f m ..
tereireUT. " .Cf- lJPng creek. Or Horses,
aWd slf, i'er,.three O" n 'eft hip; cattle i
"" ,n ear. llanse in Oram ,,nnt.
on ahoulde wTLr'r'HrS nDin
uiuer, i attle. aame on naht hin.
fail lo hrJ f" 1?lSJh Bom' Hsrdman Or
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Walker"Bt,um.e on ? 'houlder. J. IT