Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 15, 1893, Image 3

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pHOSK denirttiK the initertlon of display ai1n.,
1 r')HiiKn wime, must net their copy In
not later tlmn Monday evening for Tucwltiy'i
'litlon, or ihuriMiriy evtiiitiiK for Frfdiiys edl-
L The sura of five centi per line will be
charged tor "carda of thank," "reaolutioni of
fVHltOi'T, llfliB UI ntjuuiiiK I'rCTf-iim bum uuuun,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall hlmsoll lve an a matter of newi.) and
uoticwt eeial meeting!) lor whatever purpose.
2. Notices of ohurcli and society and all other
mtertHiimienU from which revenue is to be de
rived, sha-l he charged for at the rate of five
tent a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every liiniance.
AdverUsiiiK rates reasonable and made k now u
upon application.
w hold em;h and everv cnrresnondent rn-
spoitslhle for his or her communication. No
cor res ik) nde nee wilt be published unless the
writer b real name la signed as an evidence of
good faith.
s, J. ing akhi, i Dierriiniiui cxeoaiiKe,
bun Francisco, is onr authorized ageut. This
paper is kept on tile iu his o wee.
stage fur Hardnian, Monument, Loup Creek,
Joliu UHy aim canyon iny, ieuvt h. iouowb
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrtvet every day at 6 t. m except Mondav.
The cheapen, quickest and belt Una to or
from me interior country.
J. i. DELZVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johinton.Agsnt.
Oive your business to Heppner people,
ana tnererore assui 10 ouua no jaevn
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Hood's Fills are easy and gentle io
L. 0. Connor oame over from Condou
J. II. Jones, of Eight Mile, was in
towu Tuesday.
F. II. Wilson was np from tbe lone
oountry yesterday.
Send your wuBbing to Mrs. Nelson, at
tbe Mountain House.
W. P. Fell returned from Portland on
tbe noon train yesterday.
J. f. Holmes, of tbe Alba country,
whs on our streets yesterday.
Alvah Leach, of Lexington, was in
town tbe first of tbe week.
0. A. Repass, of the Eight Mile
Beoliou, was in tbe oily yesterday.
Tbe Heppner-Canyon stage Hue is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
E. O.: E. H, Clarke has gone to Uepp
ner on a baeinesB visit of a few dtijs'
Arthur Smith will olean watches at
the reduced price of SI for the next 90
"Ten nigbts in a Bar Boom" is a play
that very one houldsee. Opera bouse
Deo. 23rd.
C. O. McGonagill, of Grant county,
was in the city yesterday. He departed
this morning.
Don't forget "Ten nights in a Bar
Room" by looal latent one week
from tomorrow night.
Art and Frank Minor and Newt and
Frank Jones are out in the Bines on a
hunting excursion this week.
Another train load of oattle has been
shipped East from La Grande. This
shipment goes to Kansas City.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Gazette will takeoounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
same in cash at highest market price.
Mrs. E. Meek, of Condon, accompan
ied by ber sol, is visiting with ber
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Horivner of this
Henry Patberg, of Lexington, who
wan drawn as one of the federal jurors
has been excused owing to a slight ill
ness. J. B. Marning got over from th
Long Creek oountry Tnecday evening.
He expects to spend the winter in this
Miss Ethel Boyer entertained a num
ber of ber young friends on Wednesdav
evening last, tbe ocoasion of her 15lb
J. J. Stewart, a veteran traveling man
on this coast, was interviewing tbe
business men of this city yesterday
Homer McFi.rland is still very ill.
His trouble is not rheumatism as re-
orted, but a sort of iuflammaiion in the
lead and face.
E. G. Sperry has been selected as a
member of the federal jury for the
famou ooospiraoy trial now in pro
gress in Portland.
F. 0. Hale, who looks after Minor 4
MarlaH's oattle during the summer, left
for his borne at Bitter this morning
where be will spend the winter.
The New York Thpater Co. departed
this morning for The Dalles, where they
again appear this eveuing anil tomorrow
evening under the auspioes of the
Knight of Pythias.
Dan Stalter informs us that the Ga
zette did him an injustice recently in
stating that his new b rn baby was a
bry instesd of a bnunoing girl. We
cheerfully make tbe correction.
ThA uniform of tbe Heppner fnrnpt
band was disposed of to The Stuttz
nnmnnnv veeterday afternoon. It win
now perhaps he a long time before
Heppner will have another uniformed
Condon Globe: Hon. Wm. Hughes,
of Heppner, was in town the first of the
week on business tte says uonnnn in
the best and liveliest little town in the
state, and the only one making lm
nrovements this winter.
Green Mathews shaves ns before, 25
cents per shot; bailouts, ronr-ims. in
the meantime his tinraetons "standoffs"
are growing bigger, while he, himelf, s
cramped Tor the necessaries m me. n.
hint to some people is plenty; others
have to be hit with a four year-old
A slight disturbance was orented at
1V,A ilnnne Inst evening that followed
... '','; ipmo who were inclined to
:"V . :' t7TT M be remembered
be boisterous. It snond,. thuttrip.i
hv some of onr boys that or . , .
m, hat runted the oners ball ni
were expects! to preserve order, which
we learn they did.
tlaa. Iwlli-.
riotion of - any
J. F. Willis, of Clark's oanyon, ac
companied by his son, H. F. Willis, was
in town yesterday. Mr. B. F. Willis is
recently from Henderson. Mills Co.,
Iowa, having arrived last Tuesday. He
will remain for u year or mote, and it be
likes tbe country may locate perma
nently. Johnnv Criemnn aa map f-nm
Grant oounty tbe first of tbe week fur
ireigui. jounny says the roails are in
a bad a oondition as it la possible fir
them to be. Ha I. -ft Wnrl ia,1nv mnrn.
iug with a six horse load for tbe interior
During a recent revival meeting iu
Tdlllin A tntldai-frknt miniata, ml.n l.o.l
just come West asked a cowboy if he
wua nrennreit tn Hip. Tha mvluiv
thinking his life was at stake shot the
uiiiimier Killing mm instautiy.
The Stcttz Company. "East Lynne"
ss presented by the Stuttz company last
Tuesday evening was very good, though
not received by as large bo audience as
was expected. Tbe historical drama,
"La Bastile", was the card tor Wednes
day night. It's sot too much to say
that "La Bastile", as presented by the
fjtuttx people, is si flue a play at was
ever presented In Heppner, and thor.
onghly enjoyed by all wbo saw it. Last
evening the company presented "Rip
Van Winkle" for the benefit of the
Pythian Sisters. J. G. Stuttz was in
deed a typical Rip Van Winkle. Nearly
every one has read Rip and bow be
slept twenty years, but thoBe wbo saw
this play last evening reoeived an idea
of tbls famous obaraoter that tbe novel
does not portray, and Rip's famous toast,
''Here's to your good health and y.ur
family's good health, and may you live
long and prosper," Will long be re
membered by bis audience last evening.
The Stuttz company left on this morn
ing's train for The Dalles, where they
again appear this evening.
The Sooukino Mill. E. Y. Judd, of
tbe firm of . ndd & Root, arrived in the
city on Tuesday night's train. Mr.
Judd came np recently from San Fran
cisco and has since visited Baker City,
Arlington, Heppner and other points.
Mr Judd's visiti s in connection with tbe
proposed scouring mill enterprise here.
Judd Se Boot are extensive wool mer
chants, whose prinoipal borne is at
Hartford, Conn., and are tbe largest
dealers in scoured wools in the United
States and have a branch house at San
Francisoo, where their BOouring mill is
located. Pacific coast wools purchased
by the fitm are shipped toSau Francisco,
scoured there, and then sold to manu
facturers. Mi. Judd, wbo has charge of
his firm's San Francisoo bouse, will
remain in Pendleton for a day or two in
company with J E. Fell, manager of
the Tacoma woolen mills, who has been
here several days looking up matters in
connection with theprojeot. The gentle
men have not ta yet perfeoted their
plans. East Oregonian.
Befoke the Bkcobdeb. This week
baa been a busy one with our city re
corder and marshal. Monday morning
Ernest Cupper was brought before bis
majesty and fined 810 and costs for drunk
and disorderly oonduot and tbe use of
profane language in the presenoe of
ladies. Yesterday A. Matteson was pre
sented and fined 85 for fast riding on
tbe streets and occasionally on the side
walk. Vzz and Lee Freuoh, obarged
with assault and battery on tbe person
of.L. O'Connor, were assessed 85 each.
Ed Oleason was also arrested Wednes
day for creating a disturbance, but was
disobarged yesterday for want of evi
The Asylum Commission. The doo-
tors commissioned as a board of sani
tation by tbe governor to investigate
the healtbfulness of tbe different rivals
for the location of the branch asylum,
are now on the road as mentioned in
Puesday's issue. Tbe board arrived at
Baker City Monday where tbey were
oreditably received. Next they will
visit North Powder, Union and La
Grande, arriving at the latter place
about noon Wednesday. Tbey are ex
pected in Pendleton today or tomorrow
and will doubtless reach this place next
Monday or Tuesday. Let the visitors
be given a oredituble reoeption when
they arrive.
Mohbow County Affaibs. Andrew
Tilla.d is over on one of bis occasional
visits from Morrow coanty. and re
ports times "pioking up" a trifle there.
Tbe wools oonsigaed to Boston by Mor
row oounty sheepmen have nearly all
been sold at a price netting 8 cents per
pound to tbe grower, considerable stock
has lately been marketed, and a little
lucre is again finding its way into cir-i
oulation. There are hopes that tbe
worst period of "hard times" are over.
East Oregoninn,
Oca School. It has been reported
that our sobool will stop before tbe end
of tbe nine months term. This state
ment is without foundation, and once
for all ttu publio can understand that
tbe Heppner district will have a full
nine months' term. To be sure money
is somewhat scarce now, but arrange
ments have been made for the continu
ance of the school tbe same as in tbe
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in tbe Abrabam-
sio'' cmlding, on May street, where ne
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
1i Rirbeck is strictly a first-olsBS work-
i JUW.and warrants all work. Give him
I m1V . Mwtf
Mr. Xarklit
Whole Family Helped
' My husband was confined to the house, al
most unable to walk, on account (it an ulcer on
his left leg. He took Hood's SarsaparUla and
and at once there were aicne of impror
meal, lie was soon able to g to work a-atn.
My Oldest son was ntrinkim down with rhon.
Butlo fever. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
a short time he soon recovered his health. At
tending others, I became all run down. Hood's
BanaparllH did me much good." Mm. B. S.
Labxiv, Chtco, Butte County, California.
Hood's Pills art prompt and efficient, rit
asy In action. Bold by all drngsiit. 35c
Dlahetea. '
Brignt 8 uisease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.W.R. Manufacturing Co,,
For sale bvSlooam-JohnBton Drns Co..
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Ttrp'a Wnnn Vtnn Tha FTannnar
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
VI. W ner oord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81.00.
Yard near the riennfc. T.mava nrHora at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Notice of G. A. R. Mebtino. Com
mander G. W. Smith, of Rawlins Post
No. 31, G. A. B., of Lexington, desires
tbe Gazette to announce that on Deo.
30th, at 1 o'olock p. m., sharp, a meet
ing of that post will be held in Lexing.
ton to transaot general business, and to
elect officers for tbe ensuing year. All
members are requested to be in attend
ance. 87-8.
PIIchI Piles! itching Files.
Symptoms Moisture ; intense and
stinging) moBt at night; worse by
soratobing. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Bwayne's
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves tbe tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
The Studebaker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
The Palaoe is the leading hotel in tbe
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Thompson & Binnsown the buss wbioh
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to tbe Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Bore, the jeweler, is the man to fix up
your watoh or clock, lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
A recent New York dispatch reads:
i Tamoa IT a tine lnnlcinff and
apparently healthy man, was observed to
lUgger WI11IV WBlKlUJg UU A-. n,t.uu
.Aamivm anH nftPF tnlrinff on or two un
certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When
picked np ne was aeaa. a pnysician ex
amined the body , and pronounced htarldistaM
the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature
of the case is that Mr. H was on his
way to Maine, to settle in the home ot ms
KnirknAit Ha hnil nflHdpH the nrfivioos ten
vears in the western mining country, and had
. IfVi.TI 1 f . I
amassed a lortune. Jl lwu navecmy ui me
symptoms given in the followingtestirnonials
you should lose no time in seeking relief.
From John L. Roberts, Blatington, Pa.:
"I have suffered with palpitation, irregular
tninltmn nnrl. temnthfltvan jfWf. nai in
thouldtn, tide, and armtfor over forty years.
t or twelve years nave weu ireniw nuuuui
avail by prominent physicians in mv neigh
borhood and in New York. Growing con
stantly worse, smothering spells followed one
another, so my life was often in danger and
I needed constant care. As my son had been
cured by Dr. Milei Nck Heart Cure, he sent
me three bottles. The first dose gave me
instant relief. Before using the last bottle
I iu completely cured. A lthough seventy
five years old I feel twenty years younger.
I claim my cure to be almost a miracle."
Here is a letter from Mrs. John Kolges,
of Cleveland, O.: " I had been troubled with
my heart and stomach for years, but for sir
Manilla K-rl hn donfined to mv bed.
i'.Had four of the best doctors in the city, but
... ..i i. .
none 6 J11" 1snxua oeneiii. mc wctmicm u, i.,
heart I nad dr0P"T 'hjm'uun
t ...i. Hiina that relieved me at
1 never vwk - ; j t
once as Dr. Mile M. Heart Curt does. I
am much stronger. MyW" i"-
- - .l dnu. I have
I gain svreuFiu - -
gained more in six weeks 'om yoor treat
! mnnh.i'rom all the
HJCIIh tiiau "
doctors." , , ,
Dr. Kiei Sev Cure or the Heri
on a positive' guarantee by all irugB";
It is tafe, effective, aarteabU, ondto" eurt
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhartd.
For gale by T. W.iyers jr.
YUe want it for a moment to inform you that
' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's
Tl 1 1
ces. l he stocK is
been largely inc reased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
S. S. Hornor,
Yes, there are many of tbem.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad druus are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever. .
Pure drugs are great belps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in slock
The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions qniokly,
To charge for tbem reasonably.
Wbo can do better than this?
Otis Patterson
OF ) rii) youiur iio, I" Hin ' ::is Ut nun lo mtii rv ;( 1PTW6
CXH'h'SE) The inifiit'Ci- Imw to in- kijijiy in innmnire; ( DAYS
YOU )Tho fond pnniutliotv to have prize babies; ( ONE
WANT )The mother how t have them without pain ; " (AGENT
TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD
KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to bej( 42
WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily ; ( SAVED
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most worth IN ONE
TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000
READ )Redtioed from $3.25 to $1 oO; circulars free. ( COPIES
P. II. T. )Mtirray Hill Rook Co., i2!l P.. 2Sth St.. New York.( SOLD.
preservation ot jLara.
James L. Domovillo, Ph.G., finds
the alum process for purifying lard
all that can be desired. Tha lard is
melted, a little powdered alum being
stirred In; then strainod, cooled, and
upon an inclined slab rubbed briskly
with a muller, while a stream of water
is allowed to tricldo ovor it.
For preserving the lard, experiments
were made besides with benzoin, with
balm of Oilead buds, storax, salicylic
acid, turpentine and tolu. The best re
sults were obtained by using one per
oent. of balsam of tolu; the lard was
white, kept well, and had its peculiar
odor well masked by the slight but
pleasant odor of the balsam.
Coffee and Mlcrobei.
According to the Lancet Dr. Ludcritz
has recently made a number of obBorva'
tions on the destructive power of coffee
upon various microbes. He found that
the organisms all died in a longor or
shorter period. In one series of experi
ments anthrax bacilli wero.dostroyed in
three hours, anthrax spores in four
weeks, cholera bacilli in four hours and
the streptococcus of erypsipelas in one
day. Good and bad coffee produce pre
cisely similar effects.
Till i.i. :,, .- .... ., .,
A Parisian .ir,.- i :".. 'loped a
new bunco ij:iirn. lie nt a hotel
and registers h is iiauu which strangely
happens to lie the same as that of the
proprietor of the house. This is so re
markable that the guest and the host
have a friendly chat about it. The
guest requests him to pay special atten
tion to his mail, which is daily handed
to the guest's "valet." Two or three
packages come, and the "valet" takes
them also. Then a small package, neat
looking and evidently valuable, is
pawed over the counter. When the
gets this, he and his master are
een no more. The next meeting is be
tween the hotel proprietor and a jewel
er, who presents his bill for jewelry
furnished to the value nfv say twenty
thousand from s.
Conghs and oolds kept off by taking
Simmons Liver Regulator to regulate
tbe system.
fc 23isbee,
Sale, at way-down pri-
1 l 1 1
clean ana. iresn, navine
Geo. Conser,
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
JuaKsuailiijr Men Who, In Kuiergenoleii,
Develop tho Qualities of Martyrs.
It is not infrequently charged that
Americans are so sordid iu sentiment,
io eager and absorbed in the pursuit of
material gain, that they are incapable
jf heroism or self-sacrifice.
The noblest daring, says the Chicago
Herald, recorded in verse or drama, in
battle or mythology, does not supasa
that shown in incidents recorded In the
llspatches of the Herald from the flood
district in Iowa. Men did not hesitate
to take the chances of losing thelr'own
lives for the saving of others, and a
aumber have gone down with the dead
ly flood from whose peril they vainly
wught to rescue women and children.
It is not so hard for the human spirit,
full of emotion and stirred to extraor
dinary effort by sudden impulse on bat
cli'field or in other scene of brilliant
ipectacle or maddening excitement, to
risk the loss of that which to every
man is dearer than all else. It requires
a sterner courage, a heart more deliber
ate in self-sacrifice, to risk life for oth
ers in a dismal river overflow, in rickety
boat, with no skill against rushinp
waters, little endurance in the chill o
furious blizzards.
Compared with the glowing pcanu
that have handed down useless feats of
fantastic chivalry, such tales may be
called only dilapidated epics. 1 he con-
ditions of their lives, the circumstances
of their death, do not appeal to grand
iose diction. Often their very names
are unknown. Monuments do not com
memorate their voluntary martyrdom.
It is such men, oW-tuv, uncelebrated,
that prove when the unexpected mo
ment comes that there is in them the
mettle of heroes. It is such sacrifices
that vindicate the political and social
experiment of democracy. It is homely,
natural, simple deeds like these that
prove manhood hiifher than caste.
American greater than any other name
left in the world. The merit in these
men's daring is that it was rational and
not expectant of rewurd, ideal or ma
terial. It is the noblest tribute that
man can pay to humanity.
f. 1 j 1 1 i-J iJ I 'MJ II.'
Not only oooe, but again and again.
full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we tell the best it tx
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ue friendt,
and to establishet onr trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
Why Buy
When you can
Etc, at the
And at a lower prioe than sold on the streets. By go doing you will assist in build-
up your cuy. look to vonr interests and assist those wbo assist you.
1 RW SHAW & M'CARTY, Props.
The My Institute
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of
tariesani Provisions.
A full line of choioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that ia
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Thsv will sell nhAAtl fni Osh flail nnn
try them.
Disease oommonly comes on with
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
"fflJVMW&S&M?' tkk Rl panic; tariii trc
" -v,,
nave A Ul.MUKDfcKl.D LIVKlt,
you SUFFER D1BTUKHS after eating,
tllH K 1KK.H K ' HK KT 1M1CU .
Eipans Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomaoh and intet
tines; oleanse the system eflecttially ; oure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens
ive breBtb Bnd headache. One Tabulb taken at the first ndioation of indigestion
biliousness, distress after eatiog or denresalon of anirita nili .,,r-i .j J
remove tbe whole difficulty.
Ripens Tabules Bre prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern scienoe.
It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will bo sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oents bv tbe
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
They are Easy lo Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill
Samples Free oa. application, to the Rlpejie Clumlcal Co, STe-w
TTorlc City.
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to the West wareroom of tbe Mo
Farland Mercantile Co.'s establishment. He still has a oomplete line which
will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 aw
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT the.Bet In tlie World
1. Only Firtt Claif Iclil in BejiLtr.
2. Eoilditg iicd for lb chic Lights
8. Kest acccmrct datioLs lor lie itiaeliig
4. Courteous treatment cssured tbe coun
try people.
MR8. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
They know that from ni they always set
Heppner, Oregon.
of Peddlers?
get tbe ohoioest
Liberty Market.
For the Cure cu
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Ib located at Forest Grove, Or.,
Tlie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particular!.
Strietlyconndentlal. Treatment prlvsteanrt aura
& 11TJHL,
" ' ' ""
slight symptoms, wbioh when negleoted in
i i w i nuvj I, u W t
r h-"-