Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 15, 1893, Image 2

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    mE mjip m sell you fjibii?, !
; One of the Best pieces of Land in Morrow County.
farming land, ami the balance A 1 pasture. The de.
ededlnnd Lns a good Fi..BI Hteron it, all undo.
CTTND 1 60 ACKEA Timber Culture claim adjoining, of ubicb dtrdid laud tl.ire are 140 aciea gord farming I
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, SHOO ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
AND JS X Aivv -
wil p1 on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
Deeded ranch, 100 acres, boss wheat lani W ill Uie K(l8t nml ,H o use for it
it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, o
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
for :
For further information call at 0111 office.
Oivt your business to Beppner people
and therefore assist to build up Bepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold ach and every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or her communication. o
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real name Is signed as aa evidence ol
good faith.
Did yon ever
Bead about the
Mud who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel f
Yesf well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Haitle schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a Rood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Tub conspiracy-to-smugule-Chinese
case is now in progress in Portland and
some interesting disclosures are being
has at last oeeuTSCuTiTu"
now in progress.
Hawaii stands pat and will not allow
Queen Lil to be put baok. Qood for
Hawaii and President Dale. The Port
land Telegram suggests that we ought
to trade presidents.
A itKPiiKHHNfATivB that represents is
the sort of a man wo need in congress.
Ellis fills the bill. His measure tor the
extension of time of payments on for
feited ruilroad binds, whioh was recently
passed, shows what lie can do.
Tub Tomahawk, a radical weekly
Democratic paper, made its first appear-
a nee last Tuesday. It proposes to stand
on the Chicago platform with the heel
corks bo deeply imbedded in the planks
that there will be no opportunity of
moving. SuoceBs to the Tomahawk.
A m en looking carefully over the
president's message the Knoxville(Tenn.)
Tribune is gratified to find that "the
president has taken such a firm staud
on the momentous question of garden
seeus. Ilia easily on that subjeot is
bound to beoume a classic " Telegram,
Tim luBt legal drawing of the Louis
ana lottery oompany iu the United
States oocurred last Tuesday. This
company was chartered during the re
construction period for !25 years. It
controlled the politics of Louisaua
until two years ago, when its candidates
were defeated. It now goes to Mexico,
New revisions of the proposed tariff
bill are reported. This Is forced by
combinations in the interest of several
classes that democracy cannot afford to
ignore. The troth of the matter is, the
larger part of the South are opposed to
the Wilson tariff measure and will fight
it to the bitter end. Wool, however,
still remains scheduled on the free list.
There is no doubt bat that it will pass
with that provision. It means disaster
to a great industry. Why should our
primary produoers not reoeive the same
protection granted manufacturers and
others. If we must have reform in
tariff matters, give us a purely reveuue
tariff, then no one will have cause to
complain it will fall upon all parties
CoNuhEHHMAN Ellis for a novice is
doing grand work. He is the father of
the house bill granting further time to
settlers, and has stuek to it with bull
dog tenacity until the end was accom
plished. Incidentally, it is noteworthy to
say that it was one of the first bills to
paes both houses, and went through
without alteration or modification. If
the president has not yet signed the bill
we will warrant the assertion that EIHb
can't help it. The Dalles Chronicle.
Bevkkal of the ooast papers published
a statement last Saturday to the effect
that the federal grand jury bad returned
an indiotment against Whitney L. .Boise,
the well known Portland attorney,
charging him with complicity in the
alleged landing of Chinese laborers.
However, it seems to have been only a
A Herald (if the Infant Year.
Ciln the lust thirty years or more
from the century, and I be segment will
represent the term of the unbounded,
popularity nf Hosteller's Ntoinacn Bit
ters. The opening of the year IS'JJ will
be shualized bv the appearance of n
fresh Almanso of the Bitters, in whL-h
the uses, derivation and ac'ini of this
world-famous medicine will be lucidly
set forth. Everybody should read it.
The calendar and astronomical calcula
tions to be found in this brochure nr.;
always astonishingly accurate, and Hie
statistic, illustrations, humor aud
other reading mutter riou in iutereht
and full of profit. The Hoatetters Com
pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish it them
selves. They employ more than sixty
bunds in the mechanical work, and more
than elevtn months in the year are con
sumed in its preparation. It can be
obtained, without ooat, of all druggists
and country dealers, and is printed in
English; German, Frenob, Welsh, Nor
weigan, Swedish; Holland, Bubeminn
anil Spanish.
EHIHT MIl'.K lltlld.
Mr. I. Ingraham's daughter, Tammy,
has returned home.
Have you read the president's mes
sage? What are the signs of the timf6?
Surely Mr. Isaao Kuigbten is a proud
man to tie presented with two giand
sons in one week.
Charles Ashbaugh and wife have been
visiting with Ed Ashbaugh and wife for
the past two days.
lliere will be quarterly cnnferetioe at
Liberty school house 1111 Sahbath, Dec.
lfth. Ihe presiding lder will be
Ki-v. Powell did not preaoh at Eight
Mile Center on Sabbath last as th
weuther was inolement and bin health
Kev, Parish will preach at Eigb Mile
Center school house on the 23nl of Dec.
Ihe people of Eicht Mile are in neb
pleased with his preaching.
George Ashbaugh, Josh Ford and
Charley ' Stanton have returned from
Dayton. Wash. Charley looks quite
mamy wun nis new whiskers.
seen, and be farmers on Eight "Mile
- ,...r.,TO ,, ,1, navuie sown
a large aoreBge.
..u ,,,,0. vuney Jollnson Kve
". iues. vve extejd our 0 m
s""",a""" ami wish them a lone
useful and happy life. Mr. Johnson
ims uevii loruinaie in securing one of
"""S'""8 oear vi.iing ladies fur
Eight Mile, Or. n. 1893.
Sheepmen will be
E M. C.
I us Gazette would like to see silver
full legil tender money, without limit
as to the coiuage. Part of the distress
now prevalent iu onr land is the result
of demonetization of Bilver, further en
Lancing the purchasing power of gold
This, with impending tariff changes, is
more than even ao prosperous a nation
as the United States oan stand.
Bkn Kbbly, the trnpper, who assisted
the Carlin party to esoape from tbe
Clearwater ooimtry, olaims the aband
onment of Colgate was a cowardly de
sertion, young Carlin having even re
fused to Ul Colgate have any food.
aiiuoiigu tie was at the time able to
walk slowly. Keely's whole Btory is
very derogatory to young Carlin, Him-
tnelwrighi and Pierce.
mi proBeouium of tbe county
ofllcials of Multnomah oouuty, the
sheriff, treasurer and county clerk, has
been dismissed. A motion of the ooun-
oll for the defense for a nou-suit in tin
met of ttie cases which was against
Clerk Powell, was sustained by Judge
Munly, who instruoted the jury to
bring a verdiot of acquittal. It was
dune immediately, and then the dis
trict attorney, iu yiew of the rulings of
tbe oourt in Powell's case, moved Ihe
dismissal of Malarkey and Kelly for
the reason that they bad made their
fiuunuial reports wiihin a reasonable
time, as required, to the clerk of the I
county court, and desiring to avoid
several huuired dollarsexpeine to the
county for their trials, wbioli would
doubtless restiit in acquittal, their
.eawa were dismissed.
Prevention is Better
Than cure, and those who are subject
to rheumatism can prevent an attaok by
keeping tbe blood pure and free from
toft,B!i4 winch causes the disease, You
; ??i'fJ w
rheum, boils and other diseases caused
by impure blood. It tones and vitalizes
Ihe who e system.
AQKICIJLTUb.au collkob notes.
The monthly examinations are over
and the grades are made out.
11 ..
. ires. i5ioss was on the sick list but
is able to 'tend to bis oollege work again.
The foot ball game between Mon-
luuiiiu sua ine w. A. i u
o.nur.iay ueo. lotn. The game will be
yiujeu at mis place,
'ihe class in chemiatr,, i.,i... i,..
a. l . . ' ........
ouuw uas taken m iho 0t.l
momia uuu aiioys. This la mm of tl.o
"moresiing part8 ot cuemietry,
mi. .. t... . . '
iub ouBKespenan Club is developing
into a first olasa hn.lv n,i ,;
i . , ...... uuva to UU UK
7 """,,u iue omo ia preparing a
drama winch will b preseo'ed next
l ror. (Jollier, oft he Rtt rTni....,
TlHllfU Hie U. A. U. n fan ilava o H
uinunoated gretti interest iu the labora
torieH and was highly Dleaaed with fh
'I1 h llOlltnal n i 11
vnvirii tiiiiiH mr r.iin nun ,,.n.
tet will come off the first of tlm n.. uounoed them the very best dins for (
Vtmr lis. ft. ; : 1 , . , 1 ...
best a. J """ "ve elected tbeir cure or souD, tbe general bealih nf abee
AW Alii) A I
uterested to kno
that there is no longer any question
to tue reiutive merits of the different
sneep dips upon the market. Christy
w uikb pleasure in anuounc nv tb
Hnyward's Dips (paste and liquid) for
wuiou mey are sole P. (J. agents, have
secured the first a wa'd at tbe Wml.l
p.;. .,
. .nu w ,or iuea aips reeeivei
me snver medal at California State
f air and gold medal at Mechanic F
n.in rrnnoisco..Every praotioals Leei.mei
mar, ever used Huvwnrrl'a li...
vorvuius, ur., IJen. II, 8!t3.
licarncMs Cannot be cniiii
1.1- 1 1 i:....-
V .? "."l"'u""(m!, .aa they cannot
. miu niti uiseiiseu portion of the ear
mere is ouiy one way to cure deafness
m..uiiii m constitutional remedies,
.., uu uy au lutiamed
luuuiuuu ui me 111 neons lining of the
mimnuuiiui 1 uuu. wueu this tube gets
.,, a louiuiiDg snnud or
iiicuroi uBanug, ana wlien it is en
.ij. t.i .ecu ueumess is Hie result, and
unit iuo muamauon can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal oon-
uiiiuu, ucuriug win be destroyed for
o.ci, in ud cases out or ten are can
11V imtllri-h n-l.inl. I. . I. .
...UU m uuiuing out an
iiiutiiieu coiHuiion or tbe
aud conditions of wool. 181-188
IU Ke.tv&lt.li.
Strayed from my pasture about Out
lr IWo-4 a
..no iio-jr Din on and one
three-year old buffer, both are dark red.
marked with uuderbif iu left ear. brand
ed j on right hip. I will pHy 5 A ,iead
ir delivered at my place.
Hahiiy ,Toni;i
T n
ur. . lSJ-tf
T- ..
uiiiiuious ijiver K-iin iu .1,.
of malaria it throws off the l.-u
ijii n-oio us iiooiimuluting.
We will give One Hundred l1,,il0rD .
ny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
iat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
mr-. nmiu uir rirniiiHrn Traa
v- -i,JiC1.IEN,Y OU-s'ToUhIo, o.
iff Sold by druggists, 7oo.
MOMHouTh Notum.
A class
in automatic shading
been organized bv 8. P. Hm.i
Ihe athletes
put in a
are repairing the aym
uBsiuiu anu nave reoont
reesing room and lockers.
Tl.a fl..o 111 -
..... ... ii,t.irjr sooieiies aave an
eutertttitiinent at the close of the first
erm, with an excellent programme and
large aud interesting audience.
A singing class was organized nn.W
u nupervision ot Miss Ayers for Ihe
junior and senior classes. Tb ,l.i..,.i
to qualify them for tenoning the
ruiuuieiiis or music.
KUSIO FUmlKht'll ly RoohI.t. tnl.1
iH'ltuittr ( ompclltlon.
Recently there wfis a very interestlntf
crowing contest between roosters In
Belgium. Tbe poultry raisers nf fh
viciuuy 01 i.ie?e are such admirers of
uiumc which tlieir roosters furnish
that they decided to hold a competition
t Liege in order to urove ripKniu.
luxu-r miM uie enanipion crow
er. All the birds entered in the compe.
llu mere was a great number
were placed in cages, one in piich n..
with a trustworthy man in frcnf 4
eac-h to record the crowing. The con
tost lasted one hour, ami the cock
which crowed the irreatest nnmU
times in that period received a valuable
prize. The winner of the dHm ,-r..-i
one hundred and thirty-four times, or
more than twice a minute. Th Vr..K.
Companion thinks that anyone who has
seen a young rooster mount a barnyard
fence and crow until the houaewlf.
cuuirs ma una tnrows
a milb nan
him will not h.. In,.i;.,.i i f . ..
Tl.o un 1 1 ...... , .. . ..upcacn me
- "ui 01 lue SCUOOI vnsr -unscy Ol mis count, linloe , hli.
pened last Mondsy with a lame n,.,..- lt 14 an understatement. It ia nouiw.
uer ui new siudeuis. The total enroll- . . " "e COCKS we embarraased
ment for the year, exolusive of the J nDg.e 8u.Toundlnga and did
training department, is now M5. " iuf m8elvfa Justlce- i
ine uorary association is nreimrlno Whv .,(T..p iih a.. .-.
,i,.a, .,.,,, . , . ' ' uinuusnese
......... ....... uermiure, ibeprooeedi or nJr ,ner aisesse or the liver when
There was never a time in the history
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the aits
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual accessions to the
appurtenanoe and impliments of each
order to save labor, time and expense..
The politioal ohange in the administra
on government does not affect the
progress of tbe American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs ot government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare oannot be exer
cised in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment ot incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" sjstem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do 90 at imminent risk, bs the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowanoe and obtain tbe fee.
John Wedderburu, General Manager,
618 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals ot the eountry, was in
stituted to protect its patrons from the
nnsafe methods , heretofore employed
pany is prepareu tu tate x-u. - 0.1
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, iuoludiog me
obanioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Weddekbubn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 885. Washington, D. C.
Stockholders Meeting.
XlOTICB IS HERKKY rilVltV Tn. r n-
kJ H"Pial ?"";'!? of the ""ockholilers of the
ELnli B"k 0f Heppner will be held at it.
HSU ?.n .hL . :f ?.na """lay oi J.
Wheat, bu v:""'
Flour.bhl 2 50 W
Beeves, oows A two-year-olds, owt 1 ou
" three "1 "5 i 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head . . . . 1 50 & 2 25
" stock 150 1 75
Hogs, on foot, cwt iV;m
Hogs, dressed 50 700
Wwf. 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Chickens, doz o"
Wheat. cwt 1 03 1 OK
Flour, bbl 3 00 ? 4 00
Beeves, Btall fe.1 4 50 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 800
Hogs, owt 4 fiO 5 25
Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 (s? 1
Butter, tt. 25 (si 30
Eggs, doz 20 25
Chiokens, doz 5 00 0600
Turheys, lb IB tt M
Wheat, owt 85 J
Klour, bbl 2 90 0315
Beeves, owt 1 75 (? 2 75
" dressed 3 50 C 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 (a; 3 00
" dressed 5 75 U 6 00
Hogs, on foot 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 0 U
Butter 200 30
Eggs, don 27 2 0? 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 50
Turkeys lb 15 17
Sheriff's Sale.
1 and by virtueof an execution iHHiied out
of the Circuit Court ol the Ktatc ot Oregon for
the County of .Morrow, and to me directed mid
delivered upon judgment rendered mid entered
in said Court on the until day of May lHKii, In
favor of Vi. B. Cuuntliffhanie, Plaintiff, and
against J. D. Ball, Defendant, 'or the sum ol
Seven Hundred and Ten Dollars, and for the
further sum of Two Dollars damages and costs,
which judKinent was enrolled and docketed in
the clerk's office of said Court in said Countv on
the )th day of May 1886. And therealter on
November 27th, 1886, said judgment was duly
assigned and transfered from the said W. H.
Cunninghame to VVm. HugheB for a valuable
W!laU'.ftrAUiilftJind there being noW due on
OS 8 cent, per annum on the Iffl? WoOa!?..
nmrarec, anu Ten Uollars from th th day of
May 1886 to the 28th day o! December, Was, to
gether with interest at the rate ol cent Dei
annum ?n the sum ot Two Hundred and' 'fen
uuimrBirom 28th day ot December, ism mull
at the Court house door 'in Hupnner MArJl
sffi.r,!?.te.A tine
hast of .M., m Morrow Countv. HtutP T
in. Rlli nnntQ ui ' "
nerthls8ih dv o?N" ;7i 'i,,.i'a,';'1, HPI'
til ,a. ., "ou. .'VllbS,
onenu oi .Morrow county, Oregon
of said dav. for the nnrnnu. r.i.i..
and attend to "'"'
come before the meeting.
rjnsineas us may
Hci.pner, Or., Dec. 2, 1893.
K. Bishop,
HenDiier Bullillnr l, n ... " '. i ' 0 ,.Ine
held yt Its office Iu Hepper on' he swond
. j wu.c ucu.u mo meeting.
u. xv. uisaop,
Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 1893.
Stockholders Meeting.
11 Will be A meaMnir nt h ru
"i""", """'; nana, ol Heupner, at their
oltlce on the second Tuesday ofVan. 1811 hi
tween the hours of 10 o'cln.1- m .'..je.
lectinVdi ecto s d o 7 , i"lr .
other l,,,.l ...... . .. "cn
......DIID .uaj n,jieiir.
Oko. Cosskb,
i live
fy . i.u.i.ui(.y
cfcerectnily, N.y,
of which will be stent iu adding
ooki and periodicals to the library.
Tbe Normal foot ball team ia trai'.,i
uder the mauagemeut of l'rof. Poii
They will play a return gams with the
Taeitlo Uuiyersily team at Forest drove
next Saturday.
Moutuouth, Or , Uec. 4, 1893,
you can be
cured by Simmons Liver
usr or LETTERS.
SfAiw Curry WHJ
l.lnnls H M Ganlner B 8
Johnson Grant Mclntire Krauk 2
I wlersou C Tliouia. Je
Welds fc A Youuer C W
Whsin ralllnw tAr (1.. ....
i ., - .-iw niwn Dlaaa SAV
A. MAUOST f. Jsf
Sheriff's Sale,
under aiidl.v .1.,, 'MAT
altornel.'Tee "'.'.T T ","m... ?.' "oilar.
.following described .i Z i . "
day. at the tmitXZ,VJ??L. "! ' aiS
Heppner Morrow. Co nr . ," . Iu. J0.".8C' '
na interest of the said Fra oi; Vi k"?"F:.u"
rlUB,..o i '.u.ie mano
to th .W. .. . V
said" execution a i,Tp.' n, L ?..t.he.,a"""0on ol
way accrue, ' "u ""i tl
Dated .Nov
' ' ' 182-90
coFrDdTI.ewb3'A8ytu?;,ohn,,0'; D
H th Ku... ...
p. ' asttu it
The structure from which the rattl
'ake takes his -A. ? mt
sists mainiv .r "'e-co
ereiv denup
foundation of bone iL T 1
bones of Z e: ,or e three last
gether In TV"""3. unt to-
- WUC Mllllll K . I
where the bonTom" S
This bonv n ;:T"e. l.nus 1ed.
marked b, by 8kin
with those JJtT. Ti ZUch pond
lneS, and this skin Tl 01 the three
thickened, and M folWTS.much
imnerfeet J?. orms Bn incipient
the bonv corT""!.en arfed "d of
The same r " .
- sW WMI 9UHl .
What U IA mnditlon of yourif J your hair dry, har,H,
brittle? VofifpUt attUttndtt Uf llfttf tppetttanee 1
loet it fall out combed or brutktdt It U full of dandruffi
Does your tcalp itch 9 U it dry or in a htattd condition? Iftheit
- hm MiaMici ifft timm of wait min .
. 'it:, iujfti are mvinv w v-- -
JJbmMA ",d- ..
ou need. Its prodnetlon Is not an Moldent, but the result or srlrutlne rc-
Knowletlireor tue uiseuiwnui . '"ry"? "'"w,.o or iw
Is what
Km'StthenT "skookam" contains nelttisr mlriermls nor oils. It Is not Dye, l.
di llghtfullr cooling ncl reiresnum iimio. t .ue ivmuoict, ii j,
fMiinjj niiir, t ..,,; . hii-iihyand tree from Irritating eruptions. I.v tl
r ....r.-, l....... it HABtntvii tiaraiitia inscols. whioli 1'tt d vn ml .y.
ir'vAiir dnigglst csnnot supplr Tu. send direct to us, and 4 -lll fo .
rr,-,.,l.l n rXt ot P'l. "rower, 1.0U pr boltlei torli.uu. Ho,.., ....
Jur ; u lor 9-1.50.
y South Fifth Ave.. New York. N. V.
U Is the title of a very vah ble book that gives a great amount ot Information or the I'tmotf
Importance to Everybody, cm ernlng their dully habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
VhttoFnt Influence nf Hunts, Parasites of the i Rkln,
PfiM nf Tiwtli
.n..t.il,n fur liiva ns. nailling- neat n uv. After-11 nm.r Vnn.
Tldnes to Do Alcohol na a l-'ood and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, KrTeots of Toliaeno,
Th gs to Avoid, Medicine. low to Avoid Thern. Cure for Intempcranoe,
Perils of Summer, Superfluous n.ilr, Clothhig, hat to Woar, Headache, Cause i cure,
How to Bmitlie, Hcmoving Same, How M uch to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice, '
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, ( ontagl.ius Diseases, Malarial Affections,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Neiir-Slghtcd- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent.
Ventilation, ness, fcxercise,
IT TKLLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chtllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, DyspopHla, Earache, Felons, Potld
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Broasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Kheumatlsm, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutb,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect llltes, Sweating Feot, Toothache, Ulcer
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTOHS BILLS.
t-All new subscribers and prompt renewals during tbe month of Deo' will be
preeensed with a free oopyof this as a premium.
Kills, J3twson te IVyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. .Notaries Public and Collectors.
YT 1 .. ....
that of INVENTORS who on pn inM? i C'2lm? aSanst the government is
of the incompetency or aucnt ion o Mh-H becauW
n.i,. t-- .. , ' ' luaention ot the attornevs emnlnverl tn nhmin th. ir
loo mncil care rnnnr.fr ... . r j
" ..v.Liaca IU
i employing competent aud reli-
IU. I- !. . -'lUIUUl
uie solicitors to procure natente fnr i,o ..i ' ' 9 -'"Ji"""- "
entirely upon thS
and of ll nthat0,on,gniUVentnrS fro "worthless or careless attorney.,
Se?eS ,teS a" FreI Count. CM in.
ftStoSSi' ExamInatlons. P"ecute Rejected Cases,
lint av? """CoPyfch. Render Opinions as to
uefend Infringement SuiU, Etc., Etc.
WhWth. brief 0r Ptograph thereof, to,
advised as to the beseem rt i the lmPortant features, and you will be atone,
others are infri ZV1 PHrs.u Models are seldom necessary. If
others, submit theVtk ,SK
0.B0X4., J0HU WEDDERBURNt Managngflttorney.
ir-r,,t u. .... . j
- uul ano ""a It with your Inoulrv.rf
JKi iniitTTTJAJc.-tri'P
f v
you all rundown? Scott's Emul
Jure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
'pophosphites of T im A qa
you up and put flesh on you
give you a good appetite.
fcotft Emulsion curc8 c
all An Ct,mMoa, SerofB'a and
Anaemic and Waatiniriir d
Prevents waninVi- pleases.
the Kenulii. D " ",,IK- 'etouly
Bownlchl. Scott
all n,,,' .1 "uw orlt.
U Druggists.
Sold by
u . LI
. Ircsa loose nnsr or .aa-
formed every time the "us
Thu, the perfect ratUe w"1 'S 8h
lytoconaUtof . .!. &ni.e8 Utimate-
more or leas loose, hornv 'iry' hard
thhi way a rau1., 1?J rinPi. and In
many aa twenty-one cWxi- ' of "
by a violent an,l C?ot thriDn
end of the snake's tail wh?5f,n of the
the celebrated rattling 1, ', produ
. 'un a sound
of a number of peas in . Dg? ."iW
Paper bag. """.v-shaken
Asliha.igh.Piaintnr u'1(-drKieT
H. E. Hooker' n.-'
,f isrTlook-uu -' .
ine name of th 2,
A.D.18WC nan1 'hi, 21dy ol So?'
1S2-94 . C, E .
SB of out I,,,.
I r iiiui m.n .
I L "0M1 ted
k "4ttVIt,,,,"',0",'''l'llT
J nistrict State of Oregon, County of Morrow,
""ice Haines, Plaliitllt")
- vs. SUMMONS.
h-?; looker DefenrtantS
10 h. K. HOOKER, Defendant.
h'",nerameofthe Stateof Orcaon, You are
iirned T 1 . anPcar before tne unoe.-
...tj " "j"-".. oi ine peace lor aisinc. n.u.w
rVcloSE ie.K6th P ot January, 1MI, at two
m,in.t.h? afternoon of said day at the
th .K, laJU,,1,,ein such district to answer
me above named Dlnlntlfl-ln . ol.-ll ctlnn.
fnii t cfe"lant will take notice tnat if he
tlil'wiiT t,.L- i J. complaint herein, tne rian-
even im J,,v,Y?,"l,e"1 auainst mm tor cwj
c.lJl?nd I8".1"" dollars toaether with costs and
ment auainst him for Eighty-
expenses of .hi. ..-..I
A.uiy!st8,Dder my ha,ld thl' 21 day o( NoT-
C. E. JoNlts,
Justice ot the Peace.
t wred in one painlms lrtmnt
i without knifr, JJ. low of iloM
' from buiineH. FivtuU, Uleart,
JsrH Qa tlnn bi ?tc' eund. 90 jr'
( f$ w l"k nd Book fr. Oil or wrtto.