33 Prentiss K-KMIfyliig pills ciirTcons'.ip-ill"n I PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL CUR CONST! liver. biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, tnublcs without grilling or leaving any Is tho prlraocnuso ..f all sickness. Iiewaro of seo to it In time; these pills will euro yea. LADiES rw COMPLEXION clear tho i.-klu and remove all blotches from the face. Try a box and seo for your self. S3 Cents a box. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sout by mail upon receipt of prlco by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. in Prentiss Rectify! uk pills cure constipation Prentiss K'-ctlfylng pills cure const tpfitlrm GREAT SPEAR MAD COIMTEST. SAVE THE TAGS. 3 le Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $17: 3,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES i05" 5 775 KINK IMPORTED 1'ltKNCII OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO HODY. ' 1ILACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC... 2,8,5 00 23 100 IMPORTED GERMAN 11UCKHORN HANDLE, EOUlv 11LADEU ' 1 POCKET KNIVES 23,100 00 115,500 IIOLLKD GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH 1 1 5 500 LARGE PICTURES (11x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, ' no advertising oil them 2'"0 " 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 The uhnvn nrllclcs will be distributed, by connlles. among parties who chew SPEAR HEAD Plug Tnuuc.cn, and return to us the Tl. TAUK taken therefrom. We will distribute 2:20 of these prizes In I Ills connly ns follows: -.u THE PARTY sending in the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from (liis connly wo will give 1 GOLD AlCrl. lo the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of , SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS.... 5 OPERA ULASSfcb. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us tho next greatest numher 5.: . !!.A?. .Be. V..20 POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 WILLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HCNDHED PARTIES sending us the next greatest mi r of Sl'EAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to eucu 1 LARGE WCTL1RE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTURES. Tolul Number of Prizes Tor Ibis Connly, 220. CM'TION. Nci Tugs will be received before Janunry 1st, 1RI1I, nor after February. 1st, 1XI. Each package eontiilnlng lugs must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags in each jmckuge. All charges on packages must be "''' RKAD. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value tbnn nny other plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. HI'KAB 1IEAII is absolutely, positively and (llsllnclin ly different in llavor from any ullier plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It is the largest seller of any similar shape anil style on earth, which proves that II has caught the popular taste and pleases the people. Try It, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIM TAW is on every id cent piece of Sl'EAR HEAD you buy. Scud In the tags, no matter how small the iiuuntity. Very sincerely, 1 ' THE P. J. SORU COMPANY, MmnLETOWN, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will bo published In this paper luiiucdlutoly after February 1st, lKlil. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. a l:::3perate REMEDY. :; : t t.-e CI- Imiitiusls by Moans . .i .1 Uc.CIc ..' Ilhr'a Hill'. Mkiij- jvart. tig.. 1 !h count of Cunna trnnsf ruled an old Jesuit convent into a hospital for Ihc especial treatment of elephantiasis, says a letter from Eio de Janeiro. II was placed under the super vision of the 1 nnundiide do Santissimo Sacraincitto, and to this day remains in their care. It is said that the average number of patients is one hundred a year, and that at least nine-tenths of them die. Some time ago a Rio doctor claimed lo have discovered that the elephantiasis of Itrazil was the identi cal disease which the ancient GreelAs cure. 1 Ly Hie bite of a rattlesnake, lie awakened public at tention to his theory by publishing several learned disqui sitions, anil at length was given an op portunity of putting it to a practical test. An educuleil gentleman in the Sacrainenlo hospital who at tic age of llfty had been alllieted with the disease six years became anxious to submit himself lo tin' hazardous experiment. A day wns fixed for it anil the physi cians and friends assembled to witness the experiment. The serpent was brought in a cage, and into this tho patient, conlident of a speedy cure, thrust his hand. At first the reptile seemed to shrink from the contact, as if afraid of contracting the disease, and when "stirred up" a little, though rattling loudly, merely licked the hand without biting it. At length the impn tienl invalid pinched the serpent hard and received a thrust from his fangs near the base of the little linger. A few drops of Mood oozed from the wound and a slight swelling appeared when the hand was withdrawn from the cage, but no pain was felt. Moments of intense anxiety followed while it remained to be seen what effect this disagreeable medicine would produce. It soon became evident that the disease which had preoccupied the system re tarded the natural result, but in twenty hours the mail was dead. A Deluge of Dot-tors. Store than linuv.io medical students have graduated during the past two years in the Lulled Slates, and are now Is i di iii;r for l u-.iness in that line. The number soeni-s out of all propor tion, but a modi journal declares that 7.000 graduates per year can be turned out to make a fair living, as the population udvanccs in the feuino ratio. II Hheiild be in Every House. J. 1!. Wilson, !171 Clay St., HharpBlmrg, IV, wiya lie will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs ami Colds, that it cured his wife who wns threatened with Pnetimouia af ter an attack of "La Grippe," when vari ous other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good, liobert Ilarbor, of t'ooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New lhsuovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for limit trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Slootnn-Johnson Drug Co. Large bottles, 60c and 81.00. Premies Swiltylug j.tlHcur6coiitlill-D, AT sick headache anil kidney and liver truce of CONSTIPATION, which It getting habitual and chronic with you. orfNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. because it Is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY U Prentiss ltm-if tying pills euro count) put Ion I'lf-mlss Rectifying pt Us euro constipation CHOOSING A BUSINESS. A Soriou Question for All ttounff Men to Consider. "Tho question of choosing a businoss Is a serious one. As a rulo, a young man should adopt tho calling for which ho has a preference If ho has no partic ular choice, it would be well for him to try dilloront occupations, until he finds 3110 that suits him. I do not counsel :hanging about to gratify a spirit of uneasiness, for once a young man is in Hulled in tho business that he is suited to, ho ought to stick to it," writes Kus sell Sago to tho New York Herald. "I tiavo known young men who entered Mnployments reluctantly and, after a ".rial, became fond of them. A young man must bo determined to succeed. After all, thero is ono great lever, and that is will-power. Without It very tew men succeed. ' "It depends on the circumstances ivhothor failures betray Incapacity in a nan. If a failure, is dun to a cause not jeneral, then it may bo attributed to a .ack of foresight and understanding. A ihrowd merchant will not stock up with Jnsnlahlu things; a shrewd farmer will lot plant his ground to raiso unsalable ;rops. lloth tho merchant and the 'armor must find out what Is most sal ibln and act accordingly. There aro .iigencics, to bo sure, liko contagions, lisasters, combinations, strikes and boy .'otts, that can not bo foreseen. The ;iriulont man of business has prepared himself to stand losses from such 'auses, and when the troubles have passed the fact of his having weathered them makes his financial position in the lonimunity stronger than ever. The present condition of the coal trade well illustrates tho uncertainty of things. 1'ho mild, open winter couid not bo foio icon, and has caused great dalness and loss in tho trade. Then there is tho narch of improvement. This is an ago -)f competition, and it requires energy iul perception to meet it. It used to take IHI days to find out tho condition of ;he tea crop In Japan or tho cotfeo crop In lirazil. Now an inquiry can bo sent nd an answer secured In a single day. "The young man should start out in the world by the time ho is 'J I. It lie is jualilled to begin life for himself at an earlier age he should do it. 1 began as i clerk when I was 14 At IS 1 was in business for myself, and I havo kept my dgn up ever since. 1 should say that the average boy could take a clerkship it the age of HI or IS. A wrong start need not mean a permanent failure. Many of the most successful men havo itarted wrong and afterward righted themselves. There are many instances where men educated for the pulpit have ?one to tho bar and been conspicuous successes. Then, again, men educated for tho bur havo gone to the pulpit and achieved success." The Keeley Institute, at Forest tirove cares liquor, opium and tobacco habit. AND MSS' TWO EASTERN SNAKES. rue Col.ra Is Oood-Natured Ilut the Po longa la a Had Neighbor. Frnm u";es patt, says a writer In Pop ular Science, the susceptibility of snakei. to ti e intluence of music has been fully reo'niiizrd, and it would 1 interesting to know how many varieties acknow ledge its power. In Ceylon the natives say tliat only two and they the two lam-t v.-nomous, the cobra and the tic imlonjja can be charmed. The former, I he horded or spectacled snake, every inel i-.s heard of; tho latter is not so a-i-11 known out of the island and is a .'ar more deadly nnd dangerous foe. The native:; hold the cobra in the high est estimation and look upon it as the kins? of snakes the Tamil name for it being in fact "nulla parmbu," or "(rood snake," and I think it is an admitted fact that it will kcldoin if ever attack any one unprovoked. I have myself seen cobrae under many circumstances, and although I have conscientiously destroyed every one that I have been able to, 1 have no hesitation in saying that they are not dangerous unless dis turbed. In proof of this I would quote the case of a pair that occupied a hole in a clump of oleanders in a certain garden for several years. No one ever disturbed them and they sunned them selves where they pleased, and the gar dener rather looked upon them as an additional attraction to the place. They used to cat squirrels, young birds and any thing else that came in their way, but never attempted to do any harm, and remained unmolested as long ns I knew the place, and probably raised an inter esting family meanwhile. I nlike the cobra, the tic polonga is always ready to attack on the slightest provocation, and as it inhabits many localities some being found in shrubs and trees, some in grassy waterways and others in variably in the vicinity of footpaths it is more often met with, and is I think, responsible for most of the fatal eases of snakebite that happen from time to time. This difference in the habits of the twe snakes is well known to the natives and is the subject of one of the .Singhalese fables, which is as follows: One very dry year, when little rain fell, when rivers had dwindled into a silver thread, when tanks were baked hard and brown and wells and watei courses were dried up.a prolonga, suffer ing agonies from thirst and faint from the overpowering heat, met a cobra looking very lively and refreshed. "Have you found water anywhere?'' gasped the polonga. The other said: "Yes." "Where oh, where is it? Tell me, I implore you, for I am dying of thirst!" said the prolonga. The cobra replied: "I can not tell you unless you promise to do no harm to any living thing that may be beside the water. "As for that," replied the polonga, "I would promise any thing so that I might quench this intolerable thirst." And he gave a solemn promise. "Well, then,' said the cobra, "beyond those bushes is a large earthen pan of water, in which a child is playing. Go and drink from it, but at your peril do not harm the child." Ho saying they parted. The cobra, after going a little way, begaD to distrust the prolonga, knowing the lattcr's treacherous disposition and rugged temper, and turned to follow him. lie arrived too late, i lie pro longa had not only drank of the water. but crept into the pan where the chile began to play with him. On this he grew violently angry, bit the child with all his force, so violently, indeed, thai the infant died in a few minutes. The cobra, in hot and fiery indignation, at tacked the prolonga and punished hirr severely, biting off a piece of 1ns tail. Hence to this day all prolongas have blunt tails. Ever since cobras anc prolongas have been at deadly feud They are the most deadly serpents ii Ceylon. W hen people hate one anothei mortally they are said proverbially t be like cobra and oi-olonga. EGGS IN ALL STYLES. Six Hundred Ways In France to Cook This Modest Viand. The French cuisine is said to boast no fewer than six hundred distinct modes of dressing eggs, says the London Telegraph, and a very considerable proportion of these recipes has lately been communicated to tho British public in an opuscule written by the accomplished "chef" of the Duke of Bedford. As a rule, however, it may be said that ordiuary middle-class English people know little, if any thing, about such iubtilo prep arations as "coufB a la luehosse," "a la Bourguolgoane," "a la Philipsbourg," "a l'eau de rose," "a la Joigny," or "au Perc Doublet." We are content to take our eggs as we take our pleasures, gravely and somewhat sadly. et eggs and bacon have not ceased to be a National dish. "Buttered eggs," "curried ggs" and "scrambled eggs" rind a place in jur "cuisine bourgeoise." Minced mutton .s not considered complete without a oached egg, which is also, as the poetic cook pub it, "as a buttercup in the meadows of spin ich," and we use legions of hard-boiled 3ggs in salads and mayonnaises of veal and .nun pies, while curried eggs sometimes nako their appearance on the breakfast jible, and eggs filled with a forcemeat of .nchovlos and other ingredients are becom n g a favorite "savory" at the end of din ler. The plain boiled egg, however, is an .hment which is consumed to a much arger extent in England than in France, or the simple reason that at their tirst jrcakfast the French rarely take any thing jeyond "cafo au lait" and bread and butter, while at their second repast, or "dejeuner a ,a fourchette," plain boiled eggs or "eeufs a a coque" are only occasionally served, whereas at their early breakfast English men scarcely think that they have dis charged their duty to society unless they have demolished at least ono boiled egg. To tho prodigious number of shells which are cracked every morning between eight and nine o'clock must be added the equally astonishing number of eggs used in the making of puddings and cakes, tho con sumption -of which is comparatively re strictcd across tho channel. "7 4 A Vested Manned by Monks. A vessel arrived tho other day at Odessa which belongs to the monastery of Mount Athos, and is manned entirely by monks, all of wtom perform their duties on board arrayed in the habit of their order. Sho is named the Prophet Ellas. - Kleitrle Rltters. This remedy is becoming so veil knows and so popular as to need no spe cial mention. All who have used Elec tric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist aud it is fnaranteed to do all that is claimed, llectrio Bitters will on re all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and pre vent aa well aa cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, oonstipatiorj and indigestion try Electric Bitters entire morphine, oocnine astisfnetion guaranteed, or money refund Bee ad. I ed. Price 50c and 91.00 pet bottle at Blocum-Johnson Drug Co. NOT GOOD rillESDS. The Relations Existing Betwecr Bismarck and William L New Storle. of the Jealous rilrTerence Between Them-The Old K.l.er Didn't Like HU chancellor'. Preponder ance In the Affaire of State. "Prince Bismarck and tho ITohenzol lern," is the title under which the llres-, lauer Zeitung has given to the world a new and astonishing version of sonn events in recent German history. At firs' the articles under this head were regard ed as a trifie too sensational to be worth of credence. Corroborative proof of th' truth of them has, however, come from various sources in the last two or three weeks, and all the German dailies havi been forced to discuss the relations of tho ex-Chancellor and William I. in the new light. "At no time," says the lires- lauer Zeitung. "did the legendary rela tions of unruffled serenity exist between Emperor and Chancellor. With every new success tho Chancellor's desire to rule increased beyond measure. Success and ambition raised his position to such an unusual height that it began to over shadow tho throne. King William saw this in 1867, and looked about for a rem edy At that time he said to the crown Prince: 'This man has grown too great for us. We must got a substitute, and I ask your help in my efforts to find one.' The Crown rrince turneu ai, unci- to Herr Von Gruner, Assistant Secretary of the Intorior in the old Liberal Min istry. For an unknown reason the plan to elevate Von Gruner to His marck's position fell through. We know, however, that ever since this affair Prince liismarck has cherished tho deepest resontment against Von Gruner, and whon the honored old man on his seventieth birthday was elevated to tho rank of Real Privy Councillor, Princo liismarck did tho unprecedented act of preventing the publication of the event in tho Reiehsanzeiger, thus con fining the Excellency of Ilorr von Grun er to the limits of the court. We also know that after this episode the cnan oellor felt uncertain in his office and ro garded with jealousy every gifted and favored Minister who might in any way be considered a rival. And with some justification, for tho fooling that pos sessed tho King in 1SH7 grew stronger with tho next fifteen years. Tho posi tion of tho Chancellor became ever more despotic, his irritability ever greater, his presence m lierlin ever moro infre quent, his requests for release from his official duties over moro persistent Why did not the King grant these re quests? Simply on account of the ex treme dililculiy of finding a man equal to a-suining liismarck's heritage. 'The ago of the King was also of mo ment. In 1S07 King William might have felt able to carry on tho Govern ment with the aid of a new Minister. Ten years later, after his eightieth birthday Mid with a constitution shaken by the Xoli 'ling attempt at assassina tion, such an effort was out of the ques tion. Tljoi'cto- were to be added the marvelous successes of tho Chancellor and his ingenuity in finding a way out of the most desperate straits. So the Emperor eventually resigned himself to his painful position as tho less of two evils, l-'rom such considerations came tho famous 'never,' if it was ever spoken, when liismarck handed in next to his last request from him for relief from duty. Tho last request was re 'used so coolly by tho Emperor that Bis marck never made a move toward mak ing another one." Among the many journals that have published circumstantial evidenco of the correctness of this new view of an old subject is the l-'rankfurtasr Zeitung, which savs: "As the relations between liismarck and Emperor William I. have become the subject of general discussion, it may be interesting to know how fully con scions tho Chancellor was of the sensi tiveness of his imperial lord as to the common report of the Minister 3 pre ponderance in tho Government. liis marck frequently related to his most in timate friends this story: During the French war liismarck and tho King sat one afternoon in the same compartment of a train that halted at a way station for water. German, peasants were dis- cuss'ng tho war on tho station platform and ono of them shouted: 'Yes, yes, the liismarckians are coming.' The King as'.ied at once: 'What did that man say?' liismarck answered that he had not un derstood. Thero was a long silence, Then tho King said: 'The people should understand that the troops aro mine, not yours.' 'Since then,' added the Chancellor, 'my wife has often reminded ran of this little conversation, and whenever 1 havo been in danger of hurt ing the pride of my old Lord, has warned tie: Remember tho liismarckians. The memories of Privy Court Council lor Schneider, recently published, con tain numerous incidents illustrative ol tho ill-feeling with which William I regarded tho tendoncy of his people tc ascribe- all good nnd great German things to his Chancellor. The Land of Ducks. There are more ducks in the Chines L,mpire, says an authority, than all tht world outside of it. They are kent bi the Celestials on every farm, on the private roads, on the public roads, oe streets of cities and on all the lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and brooks ii the country. Every Chinese boat alsc contains a batch of them. There art innumerable hatching establishment! all through the Empire, many of which are said to turn out about 50,000 young uucks every year, salted and smoked ducks and duck's eggs constitute two of the miost common and important a"l cles of diet in China. The Mountain Sphinx. In Surrey County, N. C, there Is a re markable natural curiosity in the shape of a mountain resembling the famous sphinx of Egypt In all its details. It lays east of the Blue Kidge Mountains, on the Piedmont plains, like a gigantic lion; its body at right angle to the ridge and with head reared aloft as if in the act of rising. The head is of solid rock, several hundred feet in height. The . . p Bhoulders and breast are finely propor- tioned, and at the distance of a few miles it looks like a thing of life and intelligence. It. plana ah.-.i,r 1 r.nn above the plain and can be seen. for distance of 50 mil?;. x wo narrow Escapes At a recent duel between two young man 11 - , . . a . . . . . .t .rsiiw, ooin urea na nit. but the bullet of ono . (V, . , "-""u kiiii. the cigar case of the other and the bul. let of tho nth. -,o ,i .... .. i-aa turned aside bv th v.uv. uf, buiuvu samo uv ins rf E WOCHE ffl A'lth alt bad MWftluBc wtTnrurT. wrmy. wrTO "VI d-Do.d.r.cr. -n- btou deoimy. org.-., (ntitl' 4 . ...undvii of the rapid y cured by ..re .na cU or writs, guartntt.. Wufit.OB Bunk o ""S.VKISK&.w. Tbe general merclisndise pnt formerly owned by 0. flin & Bl. Hir- laud, bus lately changed hands, now oe M i imier the control and mangment o" The McFsrlsnd Mercantile Companv which continues business ai iur.... . with a larger stock tbnn ever. Where? At Ahrabamsick's. In addition to ins tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, regligee shirts, hoBierv. etc. Also mm - some elegant pnttenis lor suiis. . Abrahmsiok. Way street, diWuti,v.. OLIC IN HOR5S.. GUARANTEED. E.cr, owner ol hone houM kMJ cur .ghl 'o leu Sout liv mail o exprrM. Our Ac SniC.lw io1, P;,,t.ln.liil.t .table kci pen. mU d . The Old Reliable Established : years. Treats maloormiil". married or single, In cases o "PO'M"; abuses, excesses or Improprieties LL GUARANTEED. Hoard an d apart menis furnished when desired. Question juau, and Book frse. Call or write. RUPTURES CURED! 8S Years' Experience In treating all vart ties of Rupture enables ns to guaran tee positive cure. Question Blank and Boon free. Call or write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., m Pine Street, - - ST. LOUIS. MO THO OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and Darfectly SAFE. Tl-s lama aa used by thou lands of woman all oyerlue Halted Statea, In tho XD DOCTOllS erlyote mall practice, for 38 years, and not a stnR-lJ bad result. Money returned It not aa represented. Boua centa i.tampa) tor sealed particulars. 31. WASH IHSII1UTI, 120 11. Hitth St., St. Lois, ttt CANCER; AND OTHI1 II ALIGN AMI nut the use ol 'knife UueBtion Wank mid linyk frre. Of 1) or write 822 Tine St Ut. Louis, Mo. WANTED. IC I WCTtr ANY LADY, employed or uoamployet! , )iUAttCLri cm mike thiifor afew houri Wurk etch t. rilary or commiieion. iu ampiet iren. Aiiurtrii H. BENJAMIN CO., 822 PlneSU.StUult.Mo. Tlpduced IMoSS irmnda hct month. No tUrvirjg, no inconvenience, no bad remits, no nauneoui drwi. Treatment perfectly hnrroleM and trictly cona lenhal. Uuention Bl nfc anl nnK me. tan or write. Va, ii, U. jju Xi&,6rineDireel,o.,iuiii'Uv. AWYLAPY can tret a valuable secret that Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. 9g STRFFT. ST. LOUIS, MO. SYPHILIS,, ncc.Mful practice. Trt-atrat Tb vortl forms poll, lively c.red. 38 rear. atraent conldential. Cure by mall oral orhce. Termlluw. Queition lilank ant DOOiir... UIIOI Willi. UK. WAKU IHSII I U 1 1, 120 N. 9th St.,SUoult,Mo Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent business conducted tcr MODERATE FEES. Information and ndvice given to Inventors without Charge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEOOERBURN, Managing Attorney, O. Box 463. WAsniOTON, D. C, sXThis Company is mannged by a combination of the larpi-st and tuoKt influential newsprtners in the United States, for the exiircss pmposc of protect ing; tlieir subscribers ngulnst uuscrusHiloaa and ini-ompeteiit Patent Ai,'ent9, and earn paper printing this advertlst tiH'Ut vourht'B for tire res pons!, billty anil high standing of tli. Press Culms Company, $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A man once entered s prison where was connnpc I condemned criminal. On making a request to bi XMducU-'d into the presence of the doomed man, th( nsitor was informed that none but relatives were permit d to see the prisoner. The visitor said : " Brother! iuu sisters nave inoneDut thatmans (the pnauners; He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what re atinn was the prisoner to the visitor? "The Agriculturist Publishing Company will give $50 a fear for life to the person sending the first correct an mer: $500 to the second; 3rd, 250 ; 4th. 9100: 5th 150, and over 10,000 other rewards, consisting of pianos. Hgatis, ladies and gents gold and ailver wauhes, ailvei tervices, diamond ringa, eta To the person sending tbe lost correct answer will bt pven a high-toned piano, to uie next to the last a beauti ul organ, and the neit 6,000 wiU receive valuable prize. n silverware 4c, RVLES.-tl) All answers must be sent by mail, ant Dear postmark not later tnan Dec. 31, 1893. (2) Th re wil oe no charge whatever to enterlhis competition, tint al s-ho compete are expected to send one dollar for si months, subscription to either THE Ladiks, Hdmi Maiiazine or The Canadian Aoricvltchist Iwi M the choicest illustrated periodicals of the day (3 All prize winners wiU be exected to assist us in exleiul .ng our circulation. (41 The first correct answer receive, senders postmark taken in all cases as date of reo-im w a. to give every one an equal chance, no matter whi n or she may residel, will secure the first prize: thi wcond, the next ptize, and so on. The Aoxici-LTi-HisT is an old established concern ind possesses ample means In enable it to cany out al its promises. (Send for printed list of former prizi winners.) JcmiER. The following well-known gentlemen havl sonsented to act as judges, and will see that .iiepriz.i sr. fairly awarded : Commodore Calcutt (pro.net.i talcutt a Line of Steamers!, Peterborough, and Mr Vi" Koliertaon, President Times Printing Companv pet,.r'. borough Register all mono- letters. Address AoKl BULIl siifT Ti b, Co. (1, id), Peterborough, Canada A Man Who Ate Fire. From the following account, taken from Evyln's diary, where it appears under date of "10 mo. 8th. HiT-J " it nn. Pears,that fire-eating freaks are not al- tOtrtlia. mn.l.,. I . , , . , K,r mtHlern innovations: "I to( . e of "?y Lail' Sunderland, who w P',n? s to m lon1' nuw amba e-"-i' miiuci u iiiuuvaiions: -i took as bas- sador there. She made me stay to din- a ' . lj"'s";r nouse and afterward sent for Richio-dson, the famous -tire- eater. Hefore us he devoured brim stone on glowing coals, ehewino-and swallowing them, lie then melted a i beer-gl; gi ass and ate it onite nn- !, oi,; . ...i ms long: ho on a raw oyster; the con m.,. ...li. . t , , ,. """"" "ilucl ocuows , ' ' l .T.,1 . 1 . s untlt it uoiuoi aim sparaii'd Hn,.,.,.j n .1 . , so remained until the Oeveats. lira On s.ir r -SrpVv OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, St . Joiil. AND ALL POINTS EAST, I Trsin leaves Heppner. 0 a m. Arrives 12:35 p. m, daily exf"!' a""""' twll tsieene". Colonlut jie, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Sttamers Portland to Han every five days. Francisco Tickets V Europe. 8 II. 11. Clark, Oliver W. Mink vv nne. K. Ellerv Anderson, John Fred- en'ek R. Cotidert, Receivers. For rateB and general inforinntlmi call on Depot Ticket Agent, j. c. i-iAirr Heppner, Oregon. W. H HURLBURT, Asst. lien.. !'. Aul. 2M Washlwtinii ft . Pou'n.vsa. Oia.uoN. Dp. Rash's Belts & Appliances An eiccmi-Kiiivaii.u "', - bullied Into uiuuicuicu. -nulla. SiiHtiensorlos. ftpt mil Appliances, Abdoiui iunl Hopporters, Vests, Drawers, Ottlce Uapi Cnres Rheumatism, Liver and 'nney Complaints, Dyspepsia. Krrors of Viutll, Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Hexiinl Weak ness, ami allTronnies in innin ... Question lilank and Book free. Call or rit- - Voita-iweaica appliance m., )S3 Pine Street, SX. LOUIS, MO. Font-Prints on Hie rath to Heiillll. Everyone needing a doctor's ndvice should rend one of Dr. Foote'B dime pamphlets on "Old Eyts," "Crimp," ,'Rnptiire," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disease of men, Disense of Women, nnd learn the best menus of sell-cure. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 2Hth Ht New York. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up ycu can keep your brand in free of charge, Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses G(I on left Bhoulder; cuttle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong. J. C, Aloine. Or. T with bar nn. der n on left shoulder of horses; entile Bsme on lefl hip. Allison, 0. D., Eight Mile. Or. -rattle brand, O D on left hip and homos ssme brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horaos, JA con nseteti on lelt tiank: cattle, same on left hip. Bnrtliolampw, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses bninilwl 7 E on either shoulder. Itimge in Mor row countv Blenkman, fleo., Hanlmnn, Or. Horses, a Hug onleft flhnultler: cattle same on right slioiilder. liannister, J. W., Hantaan, Or. Cattle brand, ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Hrenner, Peter. Itocseberry Oregon Horsos branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. llurke, M 8t C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, clop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, Bame brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow Bounty. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorsOB branded 7 on right shoulder; caltle B on the left side. Left ear half crop tnd right ear upper Biope Burton, Wm., Hippner, Or, -Horses, J Bon right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown. Ibh, Lexington, Or. HorsoB HI on the right ulille; cuttle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle b with (lot in net teron left hip; cattle, same. Brown, iv j. , ina. Oregon. Horses W. bar oi ei u, on me icii Biioniuer. cattle suine on left hip. Buyer, W. ft Heppner, Or.-IIorsos, hoi brand ol run hip cattle, Bame, with split in each ear. Borg. P. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, V B on left Bhotlhlt-r: cuttle, flume on loft bi Brownlpe, W. J loi,Or-CuUJo, JB connected on loft side; crop on left ear and two splits and miild c piece cut out on right ear; on homos same . lv uiigui nange in fox va ley, brant county, " ( srsiier , Warren. Wagner, Or.-Horees brand. ...ul-; cutue (three burn on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. iiunge in n,?inJS' :"lBb'! 'T D " h,,r on left stifle U w ith quarter circle over it, on left shimbler anu on left stifle on all colts under f, years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yeara. All ( lurk, Win. H. Lena, Or. -Horses WHO con. hip. if. ii V, ""ouiuer: cattle same on right - uuiHUlia COUIltlCH, H i" V 1. 1" ,,11"8"" "P "'I". Or. Ilnrsea 11 Vi " """"'.""i cnuio Bame on right lui, liangc Morrow nnd Uniutlllu eoiintie .h ,nutrW;'B'."rv..,!'"r "i I'. M aerh ta. an.l trr. K!-.V . P' """UeB oil . 1 i, 1 V. - ulu "gnt. ear, lur , 1. H.. John Uay, Or.-I),,uble cross , each tup on cattle, swallow fork and under he . "Kinwi, opni in iert ear. Ranee in (inint countv. On t,..u ; .i . in onint onshoulder. Ear markde;eropS!InXft'a,r SnV i i ,l .Vinu. . i. W"t"er, crop in in eiraut countv. n ri..r,,. """"' ion oar. All ruliirn Cook, A.J. .Lena.Or.- uer crop t urnn. H, i' left "title. urnnavilte, Or. -HoreoB.oc un V 111 CeiltMP! h.iPOQU I'l.' 1. a V- w,i ' r-o. d., Jlnnlman HorCn!Lfc.irnt Co. Or, uijiiw Hlojje . boih eurs unit dewlap, ' '. "V"" "nn On Until l ui inurl Houglas, O. T yong.as, ur-Horses Tl) on me rigiu simo; cattle same on right hit Elv. J. B. .v si....- 11 ",..r ed El.i ..n ij. Tt. 7i?. '".ra,'r brand V.J. S .V Sim. I.... ... " .. ELi on left shoulder. hin. I,u i7 ,"u.'u'"' ue "ne on left . hole ir rig lliott. Wash. right shoulder. ' "r- ummond on Eleek. .Iiu.i. , 11 .. . Morrow county. connected on right' shoulder- piiTii 1V nhip Ear mark. rinrS!,Xrop Horence L.A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle IP Horence. H. P. rx. right Bh. l,u .V.MVlVr.-HorBeB, F t-atfU if '1: , ,'.",n,M,i ' OH t rench. lieorne. lUiuZr .Tl.'il fh'h.- . WE. with bar over il. on left side cr ,n .TWl cm. iiurties. Bame hrun.l .... 1... , :. Uay, Henry, ahouhier. , --- ..u teiLiiiit. Heppner, Or.-UA on left Hilman-French, Land and Li stock Co Fob. PttrnmrlfH or....' "u.". "Hin.e h hllw counties vroosa.io Morro (ventry, timer. Echo, Or.-Hore brsnrt 8. with a quarter circle five" itTn left Hange in Morrow and Um.iiiui?.:!!1' riih .......'',"', orann JU conncll naves, i.en. i.ana n- n . ,.. H i H u ,..",l,I.,.t' ". ?' Moulder. irk v' ouie. ronnri.t.,n i VTvi ii '- Mmf.m A Jenk,IUmilti.Or buttle. two !n on either lii; rnp in Ttgiii mr tend Mlit )n i(lt HirtH, J n rmht thitrh. liaiiKin U mi it wumy' H.itfhBS Hin-rd Wiwnfr, Or- J" t K L iMiiiHtM Usl)n nirht nhouhli-r n horH.w; mi rntttn on ru'lil hip nnd on If1 sidn, ftuttlluw f..rk tti rii-'ht fHrtind itlit hi MU Uann in Hh-n.kiK diriri(t,Mtrn'W octinty. Hh!. Milton. Wkunof, Or.--H,rHoH hnu tl.i i- (! in-if wiiii rniuiii'i iiiimi tu imii k. 'Il.iler. l i'ttlt iihin' on ii'ii nii tt.Hii ihiH. i irclt a.l.lu. oil left Mull . tdwin.Jtihn IH,()r. Cuttl K Hou riK,t hip; horw-H wiiii n ril,t ttiumlduf. inuinjju (.mntnuty. Ilnwrtnl, J ti, italNiwny, Or. Ilornw, (crtmm with Iwir Blve it) m riht houhler; ml tie fjHintton loftHidt). lUuiKoui Morrow aud 0m. tillii count ic.. HuKhwt. Mat, Mopimw, Or. llorBm, BhMded hourt ou I tin h'ft HltuiihlHr, Khiikh Morrow Co, HuiiHiikttr, H . Wit(ir. Or. Untnm. U on Ltt Hhu-.UIor; chi Ho. U iiTfl hip. 1 llmdintv, Alburi, Nyt., OrKn Jlorena, A H (nmiwU'd, on lfl Bhoulder; Cattle on the left hip. orup oil Uf I wir, Ilumidireyti, J U. UurdniHii. Or. lioraei, H on lefi tltink Hayiw, J. M., Htippnnr, Or. Horn wt, winnxlaiw on ltft wlionldnr viillle. hhiiih tin rihl hip. HuHton, Lnthnr. Kiiit. Mile, Or. --Home tho left shou hlor and lnwrt ou the left otitis ( at tloHHinonn luff htp. Kanire in Morrow nonnty Ivy. Alfrod. I.'-iik Vrvmk, Or-tattle 1 Dun riht htp, cropoll Inft wr and but in riht, Hormw Hume brand ou left ehoulder llanKe n (irunt ooinitv Jmikin. 8. M., Hoppner, Or. Horaes, horse, flhoe J on loft tdioulder. t'attie. the aaina KaiiKo on Kmht Mile. JolniHon. Felix, Lena, Or. Horaee. oirnlaT on left mule; cattle, name on right hip, under half crop in right and Hplit in left ear JonkiiiH, I) W.,Mt. Vernou,Or, J on horaeoon Inft Hhonlder: on oatile. J on lff iiinut.j Bit km tti orops on both ears, llangeiu Fox and Hoar vailoiH Kenny, alike, lleuuner. Vr. Honww hnit.,i KNV u left hip, oattie name and crop off left hup: nmler filope on the right Kirk. J. 1.. Heiiuner. Or. Horann RO . i.. bhonlder; cattle, m on 1b It hip. Kirk. J t;, Jluppner. Or. Horses. 17 on Aiti, Hank; oattlo 17 on right aide. Kirk. Jettee. iioinmer. Or.: horaeo 11 i.n t.,F. shoulder; cattle eauie on light aide, uudnrbit on ngm tint. Knniberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I I. on ealtio on right and left ttidoH, swallow fork in U ft eitr and under utop in right ear, Honshu Huitm bnu id on left Hhoulder. Hange in Grant oouutv ljtiften. Mteuneu. roi. Or. H 1. .m i..rt i.... nn cattle, croji and nplit on right ear, llorhuo biune Inuud ou iuft bhoulder. i'lange tinint ctnintv. l.itQKllen, Jithu W., -f- Or. HornnB bniutltni half-ciicle J L conueetwl nn left, slioul. der. i nitlo. wiim on luft .hiu. Uauge, near imx tnifti'ii. bt'iihi'i', J. W, Heppner Or. Ilorhea braudori li and on left Hhouldor; nettle Maine on left hip, wattle over right eye, throe aliu in right ear. Lord, (ieorgo, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double H uomiocU ' So met lines called a swing II, ou left shoulder. Maikham, A. M., Ilejipiier, Or. Cattle larga M on left side both ears on,,pji, and split in both, i iiu huh M on loft lui'. Uauiitt. (.'lark's ennyou. Minor, Oscar, iieppnor. ir. Cattle, M I) ou right hip; horse. M on loft shoulder, Morgan, W. N., Jloppnor, Or. Horses y ) on ieli shonldm cut, la same on left. hip. Mi-Cumber, Jfis A, Koho, Or. Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. Thou., Heppnor, Or. Horses, circle T on left shuuJder and loft thigh; cattle. L on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou rich I hip; cattle, 77 on right side. Met linen, b. (., Hrownsvillo, Or, Horses Figure 'inn each shoulder; cattle. Ml. on bin McCariy. David II. Kcho Or. ilorsus braudoil DM cnnnoctoil, on the loft shoulder; cattle same uit hip and side, Mcliirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork mi cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; horses Hame brand on loft stitle. Mcllaloy, u. ., nauiuton. Or, un UorsoN. m with half circle under on loft shouldor;on t.;attle four bars coiinoclod on top on the right side' llatige in tyrant County. Neal, Andrew. Lone nook, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips, Noniyke, ft., Hilvorton. Or. Horses, o.role 7 ou left thigh; uai tie, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, ( any on City, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, name on left thigh, ltuuge in (iiant county. Oiler, Terry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.doi. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. Ou cattlo, O LP connected ou loft hip; horscB on left Btillo aud wartle on nose, ltunge in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Fight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on loft shoulder and 24 on left hip. ('little, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 24 on loft hip. Iiunge on Fight Mile. l'arkor iV. Uleasou. Hardman.Or. Fliiran. 1 ,.., h-ft shoulder. Piper, Frne-t, Loxington. Or.- Horces braud (L K connected) ol left shoulder : i.ti1u s moon right hip. Hango, Morrow county. 1 tour, J . il.. Lexington. Or. -Horses, .lb'. rnn. nected onleft shoulder; catUo, biiuio on loft hip. under bit in each ear. I'uttys, A. (-., lone, Or,; horseB diamond P ou shoulder: cattle. J H J connected, on ttm loft hip, upper slope in loft ear and slip in the rignt. Powell. John 1.. Uavville. Or Hi.rHAH. .1 P noti. neeiodon hdt shoulder. Cattle OK couiiected on lcfthlU. tWO Utlder lllllf croos. nUn ntl nitili mir wattle under throat. Uai ge in (irant county. Hood, Andrew, Jiarduian, Or. Horses, square osi. witli quarter-circle over it on left Btifle. Koniliger. Chris, lienitner. Or. HorMtui I It on left shoulder. luce. Dun, Hard man. Or.: horses, three tmnel worm fence ou left Bhoulder; oaUlo, DAN on right shoulder. Iiunge near Hard man. Koine. Aaron. Hennner. Or HorHHM. nlnin V mi left shoulderi cattlo, same brand reversed on right hip and crop otl right ear. Hange in Mor row county. Itush liros.. lleuuner. Or. HiirnnH hpiindtid on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip. crop oft loft car and dewlap on neck. Hange a morrow uno unjoining counties. l.UHt. WlllillMl. Midim lie- TL-.ruiu If .... left shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop ofl riK.a ear, unueruit on lett ear. oheep, H on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Uange (Jma tilla and Morrow cum ties. Keaney, Andrew. Islington, . Or.-Horsc branded A H on right shoulflnr. vent, nimrtei circle over brand; cattld same on right hip. nange .uorrow county. Hoyse, Wm. 11, Dairjville, Or Hit connectod With U lUirt IT cil'ch- Iivnr Int. on miff In,.. ! rilif and crop oft rigid ear and split iu loft. Horse sumo brand on loft shoulder, iinugo iu Morrow (j rant and (iilliam counties. Hector. J. W., Iieppnor, Or.-IIorsos. JO or loft shoulder. Cattlo, O on right hip. Spicknall. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded ai on left shoulder: lange in Morrow county. Hailing, C C Hoppner, Or-Horseu branded B A on left shoulder; cuttle same on loft hip. bwaggan. H. F Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it ou left stitie; cattle II with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear uud waddled ou right hind leg. Iiunge ui Morrow, buliuinand Umatilla counties. Bwaggart. A. L.,Athena. Or. Horses branded 2 Dn left shoulder; cottle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. F., Heppner, Or. Horaes shaded J B on left BtiHe; cattle J on left hip. swallow fork in right ear. undorbit in left. Hupp, Thus.. Heppner, Or. HorBOB, B A V on left hip; oattie same ou left hip. Miner, John, Fox, Or. NC connected on horses on right hip; cattio, same on right hip, crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Uauge m Li-rant county. Smith Bros., Busnville, Or. Horsea, branded H.Z. onshoulder; cattle, ame on lof t shoulder. Hquires, James, ArliuKtou, Or,; horses branded Jo on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Iiunge in Morrow and (iilliam oouutieB. btephons, V. A., Hnrdman, Or-; horses tiH on right stitle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Btevonson. Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B on right hti; swullow-fork in left ear. Bwuggart.Q. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses. 44 on left shouldt-i ; cattlo, 44 ou left hip. Bperry.K.G., Heppner, Or.-Cattle W C ou left nip, crop olf right and undorbit in left year, dewlap; horseB VV C on left shoulder. Ihompson, J, A., Heppner, Or. Horses, on left shoulder; cattle. 2 ou left shoulder. BliJ)Jiug.B.T.,FnterpriBe,Or. Horses. C-on left Turner H. W. Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital T lett shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. ihornton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded ii i connected on loft Btitie; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Orj-Horaea H V con nected uu right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right Walbridue, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. U on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. W ,olf ief 1 eHr ,lDti riu"t ear lopped. Wilson, John Balem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jq ou the leEt shoulder. Hauii Morrow county. .Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, 0u left eide, split in riKhtoar. Horses same brand ou left bhoulder. KaUgein Grant county. SriBhV tilim A- Heppner, Or. Cattle branded a vy on the right hip. square crop off right ear and split in left. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of Bpades on left shoulder and left hio u- ii bT w',fiHme on left side and left hip. W ells, A. B., Heppner, Or.-Horse-t. mi lefl shoulder- chi e Bume Wolfinuw .I..l. l..l... . i . . . l ii """, wiiu v.iL.v, rr viii iKiriwH ?:;D f"uoi unrs on iert suouldor; 1 nn sheep, bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malhuol uer WiKKlward, John. Heppner, Or. connected on left Bhoulder. Horses,- UP vy amine, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-H oreee branded connected on left stiHe. Wallace Charles, Portland, Or.-Cattle, W on nghtthigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right shoulaer. sonif Bame on left shoulder. Whittier hroB., nunuugion, liaker Co.. Or. -HorseB bianded W B connected on left shoulder cleWoI!amB;i Vliau0' Hamilt"n.Or.-Quarter cir- horKoa "twnoo ion aip, ootn catue anil over (1,. k.,.- L l .r .., i . ikallKt, urttm ooonty, tar"!!1.!.'?11"' J ?' ljVD? Creek- Or-Horsee, qni.r anrl irr, 0Ter 'hroe bars on left hipj cuttle same and slit in each ear. liKnKe in Grant connty on nnnbi""?P.pner' Or'-Horses mnningi A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hiu. rM?ike; E,li:"'bth 4 Sons, Hardman Or. side hb"lll,i,i ,E W "onnocted) EW on left WaTk" ..i"""18 on ri"'" shoulder. J. W on left .b 'J'"' T,on left 'IU', horse, same on left shoulder. AU range in Morrow count.